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hmmm, this looks maybe relevant to my interests careers.ibm.com/ShowJob/Id/568787/…
but entry level...in SF...
Morning room.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
the recent documentary about michael jackson was really painful to watch
what makes it painful?
if you are a michael jackson fan, it's painful
i see, just let it be.
I'm 35 today ...
\o/ happy birthday \o/
Happy Birthday @JoeWatkins!
parabolic expressed by or being a parable : allegorical
mornin and Happy Birthday @JoeWatkins
malformed datetime field in atom feed – #77759
PHP failed to build with error invalid directive: `%precedence' – #77760
All the best, @JoeWatkins
I'm trying to use exif_imagetype() but getting "Call to undefined function exif_imagetype()" error.
I've uncommented the following lines


and rebooted the system, but I still get the error.
Any idea why?
@JoeWatkins my condolences
Can I ask php related questions specific to Woocommerce in here?
@akinuri start with phpinfo(), check the path of the loaded ini file(s) in particular
@Paudun unlikely to get a useful answer tbh, afaik we don't have any regulars who know woo, but you can always throw a question out there
Ok :) Can I access cart meta within the woocommerce_cart_product_subtotal filter hook?
@Paudun knowing literally nothing about it, the $instance arg (i.e. last arg) looks like the place to start.
git mernings!
@akinuri those paths are clearly linux paths, that ini file is clearly for windows
you probably need to do yum install php-exif or apt install php-exif
@salathe ah seems you fixed the bug I just responded to lol
@Kalle sorry, didn't mean to step on your toes there :)
Ah no, I didn't spot it was a typo in the actual date, so I believed the reporter was being vague
good moaning, roomies :)
@salathe did you see the php-web commit last night?
@Kalle for the events? yeah that's a good change and should hopefully help with the spam
Yeah exactly, I had no other idea what I could do to prevent it, rather than having a long list of pharmaceutical terms and products I thought it was the easier approach
hi guys
@DaveRandom Hmm. Switched to getimagesize() for the time being.
i have a question about upload images
@Kalle marketing viagra must be one of the hardest jobs in the world
no pun intended
In edit profile image module should i upload file with new file name or use an old file name?
Hey guys, i'm facing an issues regarding filter_var where the output is false for a null input when it should have been null if you pass the FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE. Indeed there was a bug in older versions, but they said they fixed it in php 7.0+ (bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=67167&thanks=3)
do you know anything about this?
filter functions are quite possibly the worst thing ever landed on php
bold claim
they come in handy when u wanna do some quick checks
tell me something that's worse :P
Hie verybody
@Wes late static binding, the concept of static inheritance in general
the >1000 line HTTP client implementation in ext/soap
I mean this is a pissing contest in which everyone will get very wet :-P
oh no wait, DateTimeInterface
meh, not as bad as filter
> Value of the requested variable on success, FALSE if the filter fails, or NULL if the variable_name variable is not set. If the flag FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE is used, it returns FALSE if the variable is not set and NULL if the filter fails.
@Wes "returns FALSE if the variable is not set" @PetruLebada
and yes that is fucking terrible
don't use filters, they make for unreadable counter-intuitive code
ditto basically any "validation framework"
input validation and sanitisation is always verbose and boring, at least make it readable
filter is impossible to remember and read
whats the alternative? reinvent the wheel? create arrays with true/false like values? filter_var was quicker ....
i heard it's taught in schools a lot... not the impression php should make to novices
@PetruLebada Depends on what you want to do
@PetruLebada it may have been quicker, but it didn't work, now you are spending time doing this...
also you will have to spend this time again when you come back to it in 6mths and have forgotten how it works
@PetruLebada The concept itself seems objectionable, why would you be interested in interpreting "" as a boolean false?
unless this is somehow related to ini files?
short story, an ajax request with what should have been a bool value like true is received on the back end as a string, it messes my db processing so i used filter_Var to cast it to true
just use 1/0 instead
simple, obvious, portable
that's what i'm gonna do
in which case, just do $bool = (bool)(int)$_GET['whatever'];
not pretty, but clear (imo)
or even $bool = $_GET['whatever'] !== '0';
(bool)(int)null return false too
$whatever = (string)($_GET['whatever'] ?? 1);
$bool = $whatever !== '0';
you can probably skip the (string) cast actually
Hello there!
It will be useful to refactor zend_builtin_functions from zend_parse_parameters usage to ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START...?
@rjhdby generally no. they have performance tradeoffs
zend_parse_parameters has small code size, ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START is fast
Mornings people
openssl_text_parse does not create entries for public key type and size – #77761
@JoeWatkins Gratz! I am 7 days behind you :P
@JoeWatkins 🎉
hi! i have 4 arrays, array1[0] = "AA", array1[1] = 1232
array2[0] = "CC", array2[1] = 0123, array3[0] = "BB", etc
How i order this by array[0] 1st and then array[1]
CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST should mention subjectaltname – #77762
I have a crazy idea how to keep curly braces access syntax for strings and array and same time implements inline lambdas with receiver.
Actually it will be extacly lambda those returns value to it's receiver and in case of array/string will be interpreted as key if applied to string/array and if is an int or string.

$a{10} => $a{return 10;} => if $a is string or array then point to $a[10]

Just as concept for thinking about
@rjhdby that's just plain obscure
depends of documentstion.
Main concept there is "type with receiver". Idea is that any type can apply to yourself received result. So declare behavior for arrays if them "receive" int/string then use it as key.
Good morning, room.
parse_url doesn't retrieve the right scheme when url has another ":" after "@" – #77763
Binding of SQLT_NUM variable resolves as NULL in SQL – #77764
FTP stream wrapper should set the directory as executable – #77765
mb_detect_encoding() returns false for strings with any chr(128..193|245..255) – #77766
Has anyone made a serious proposal to allow ! before the parenthesis on if and while statements?
Seems like a trivial UX enhancement.
Hello. Can someone explain why i got both messages? $_SESSION['success'] = 'passwordupdate';

if (isset($_SESSION['success']) == 'emailupdate') {
echo '<p class="text-success">E-mail edited successfully!</p>';

if (isset($_SESSION['success']) == 'passwordupdate') {
echo '<p class="text-success">Password edited successfully!</p>';
@BlackB0ne what does isset return you?
@PeeHaa got it thank you, i compare true to string...
when I started programming I did stuff like if (isset($bar) == 'true') :D
yo @PeeHaa , check twatter plz.
Oh right I saw it last night just before bed. Forgot about it sorry. sec
@JoeWatkins Happy bday Joe
phpdbg break cmd aliases listed in help do not match actual aliases – #77767
Good morning
Mornings orange
1 hour later…
@JoeWatkins Do you like birthdays? Anyway, enjoy it if so :-)
Why we should not abuse of static methods?
@JoséMiranda Same reason as global state.
So, because of waste of memory?
No, because it pokes holes in encapsulation and separation of concerns.
Ahhh, thank you :)
Happy birthday @JoeWatkins!!!
Also, you're 18 months younger than me to the day (A friend of mine is 6 months older to the day, so I know March 18 is 6 months from Sept 18)
I'm 37... though I feel 24ish.
I like snake case. doctrine does not seem to think about it when creating schema however, is there a way to configure it to use a snake case strategy when building entities?
getting undefined method setPropertyName when flushing entities since the setter is actually set_property_name
... dem brainfarts. it's the code I typed that's bukered.
"bukered" Never heard that one before.
yeah, I think I was trying to type "bunkered"
not sure that's a thing either
Never heard that either. Haha.
buggered maybe?
ah yeah, that would make some sense :P
@FélixGagnon-Grenier your attempt in pretending to be Australian has utterly failed
awwww :P doomed to be sorry for it as well
I've just tried php 8. But I have a little problem - https://ghostbin.com/paste/hacsy
Both isset return false as isset returns false for null values. But how can I determine if a value has been initialized?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier at least you are embracing your national traditions wholeheartedly
did anybody ever install phpdocumentor through composer? (or even, at all?) it's like, super long
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It's in some of our PHP projects. I never had a problem with the download being long.
through composer, I mean
Yeah. It's installed through Composer.
locally it hanged on "something's changed, looking at all rules again" for like, half an hour
Speaking of COmposer libs...I'm quite screwed now that DBUnit is being deprecated.
posted on March 18, 2019 by CommitStrip

Today we’re welcoming back Oracle, who’re organising their Code Explore conference in Paris! It’s a small (free!) tech conference, open to all, for an afternoon. There’s Kubernetes, bots, serverless and all that, mostly (but not only) focusing on Oracle technologies. It’s the perfect opportunity to get yourself up to date on the latest new technologies, and the venue is really neat (the Livepoi

Slow chat for Monday.
By the way, I just bought a house in Eagle Mountain if you want to get lunch or something one day Levi.
Nice. I assume that means you upgraded your job at some point recently?
@NikiC when deleting a bucket in a HashTable, why not move next-1 into the empty slot, removing the need for tombstones? Unless that breaks the collision chain.
I haven't checked, just wondering if you ever considered that.
@LeviMorrison I did. Super happy here.
@chordbug also Math.floor is the new parseInt (with actual proper validation):
Did they get the idea from PHP? :p

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