Imagine that setX is a 4 year old girl which shouts "YOU GOTTA FUCKIN DO THIS" after set delay. The difference is, that setTimeout murders the girl after the first time. In your implementation, the girl manifests another version of herself like an incredibly annoying Hydra.
Whenever someone puts @Mike in chat it triggers a notification for me (@MikeB).
Any message including @Mike seems to notify him (correct) and me as well (incorrect). From reading this answer wouldn't 'Mike' be considered a perfect match and NOT notify me?
The only time "@marc" will genera...
(4:21:33 PM) Anil Kumar Panigrahi: Hello
(4:22:06 PM) [email protected]/5422191C: Hello
(4:22:37 PM) Anil Kumar Panigrahi: Did you work twitter bootstrap ?
(4:22:45 PM) Anil Kumar Panigrahi: I have small issue in it.
(4:22:59 PM) Anil Kumar Panigrahi: can you give me any solution please
(4:26:22 PM) [email protected]/5422191C: sorry, I don't have any experience with that software :)
(4:27:14 PM) Anil Kumar Panigrahi: Ok No problem. twitter bootstrap is not a software , it is an opensource for designing.
I was going to take the opposite approach. Whenever travelling, try too look as bat crap crazy as possible and foam from the mouth. Yell obscenities and soil myself in the streets. If people approach me bark at them and rant about the oppression from the government and my previous abductions and probing. This is the only way to 1) ensure I am left alone. and 2) fit in in Chicago :P
its really not that bad, my gf was scared of NYC. After a few days in NYC she settled down.. As long as you mind your business and know of the real shit holes, nobody will bother you.
Every day I come across code that is insecure. Sometimes the code is so hilariously insecure that any 10 year old could break it. I've also gotten into discussions with people who should know better about their practices. It's very, how to put this, disheartening. It's sad that the average developer knows (and cares) so little about proper security practices. So, I've put together a simple pled…
nope ill play the role of the illegal immigrant that walks into a repair shop speaking english and they get frustrated at me for not being able to understand me.
@MikeB The Japanese were supposedly "discovered" by the Portuguese (?), which stopped over in China and were told about "those guys over there", which were called something similar to "Japon" in China, which the Portuguese made "Japonese", which became "Japanese". Nihon/Nippon -> Japon -> Japanese, all because of slightly different pronunciations. Or so the story goes IIRC.
@MikeB The Germans (die Germanen) were a group of barbarians coming from the north. There were many different groups, all called something else all around Europe. The French called them Allemagne (spelling?) and still do so today.
Probably didn't have enough of their own identity yet to offer an "official" name from the beginning.
i am trying to delete all files from root except the directories and its inside files but i am not PHP expert but i try this to remove all files from so what do you suggest below code is work <?php
@deceze actually, they were not even 'barbarians' in the negative sense that was coined by the romans (tacitus), they were a large group of different tribes inhabiting an area more or less overlapping with today's germany and they were more advanced than the romans in many things
@ircmaxell You get it all the time on SO, people think they're being helpful, answering a question, and they're suggesting solutions that leave peoples sites wide open to all manner of vulnerabilities.
How would you write a prepared MySQL statement in PHP that takes a differing number of arguments each time. An example such query is:
SELECT age, name FROM people WHERE id IN (12, 45, 65, 33)
The IN CLAUSE will have a different number of id's each time it is run.
I have two possible solutions ...
@deceze yeah... I think the written part is more important because from recent archeological findings it becomes increasingly evident that they in fact had an established culture and as I said in many ways vastly superior to the romans
Imagine that we're trying to create a function to generate a random string conforming to a user-supplied alphabet. That way, users can generate random strings with given characters. Something like:
string random_string(int length, string alphabet)
Now, the alphabet could be any combination of ...
@markus-tharkun All right... all right... but apart from better sanitation and medicine and education and irrigation and public health and roads and a freshwater system and baths and public order... what have the Romans done for us?
I'm trying to build a custom calendar in HTML and Javscript where you can drag and drop tasks from one day to another. I would like to have the first coloum and last two columns as fixed width and have the remaining columns (Monday through to Friday) fluid so that the table always fills up 100% o...
@Truth that seems like one of those things that will either be found to be impossible, or have some obscure solution that someone will get by trying random styles
define('ABSPATH', dirname(__FILE__)); //Absolute path to index
$config = parse_ini_file(ABSPATH . '/' . 'config.ini'); //config file
#Config is passed as paramether
function getLost($where, $why, $config){
//do smth using config
#Config is accessed via global
function getLost($where, $why){
global $config;
//do smth using config
Now the question: Which is Best Practice?
@Neal IMHO almost all things will get extended at some point and when it is not possible people will come up with ugly hacks. I may be doing it wrong, but I only set private when I may change the class and break the "API" in the future
Disclaimer: the following is description of how I understand MVC-like patterns in context of PHP based web applications. All the external links, that are used in the content, are there to explain terms and concepts and not to imply my own credibility on subject.
Updated version
The first th...
hey guys. what's the cleanest way to build an application with client-specific subdomain? should I make a subdomain for each client and a db for each client?
@Neal i think you should be able to fund answer yourself by sending 5 minutes with google , and i think that the answers on SO won't be too high quality
In PHP there does not seem to be a big disparity between private and protected methods.
I asked why I should use protected on PHP Chatroom and got this answer:
unless you have good reason not to : yes
and good reason is , if you code is closed-source library
and even then , it can be ove...
@hanleyhansen when working with apache vhosts you don't want to edit any global configuration file everytime you add a subdomain, so you work with a one configuration file per vhost approach
i get the vhost part. it's the dynamic part that i need to configure. for example, a new user registers and the script adds a new subdomain that the user uses to access the web application.
Why these this lines, $('#insert_button').attr('disabled','disabled'); is breaking my jquery script ? I am using exactly same code from Just entering the above line after line 12