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@rtheunissen This seems unusual to me, honestly. But it's okay, if it works, it works.
Yeah same.. feels like it should be easier. A nice bonus is that we get to make the refcounted object an implementation as well. In this case Allocation (assuming we even want that). My vision for allocation is that with generics you can create a Allocation<int> or whatever and have internals allocate a zend_long* as void*
Unusual to me also.. need to check in to see if this is optimal
ext-ds/src/vector.c: In function ‘ds_vector_separate’:
ext-ds/src/vector.c:45:40: error: lvalue required as decrement operand
     GC_REFCOUNT((zend_object *) buffer)--;
Yeah that macro has changed
I used PHP 7.3.2 -- is that an issue?
#if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300
    GC_DELREF((zend_object *) buffer);
    GC_REFCOUNT((zend_object *) buffer)--;
Maybe even..
#if PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70300
#define DS_DELREF(zend_object_ptr) GC_DELREF(zend_object_ptr)
#define DS_DELREF(zend_object_ptr) GC_REFCOUNT(zend_object_ptr)--
@LeviMorrison The confusion of "why is intval not acceptable?!" or "why is this code creating a closure" is the best guard we have (that I could think of)
At least right now, I would prefer that we simply don't pass "extra" parameters.
Would you have variants then, like filter and filter_key?
I'd like to avoid things like ARRAY_FILTER_USE_BOTH
No, I would not use any flags, nor would I have variants.
How would you filter an associative structure by key then?
That's one option, yes.
To be honest the idea of treating every possible structure as a possibly associated array is crazy.
Having a uniform iteratee signature is incredibly valuable imo, but wouldn't be a dealbreaker for me if we had to go without. Could be something to poll about?
It seems much more sane to treat things as ordered sequences, value-centric only.
It needs more thought, in my opinion.
I have often wanted to do a map on something where I use an adjacent value, and having the index handy was very convenient. No manual index++.
I struggle to see a third paradigm beyond positional indexing (vector) and key indexing (dict)
PHP Arrays are either indexed by value (assoc) or indexed by position (not assoc).
Sequential structured are still indexed but the index is the position, rather than a key.
Creating a common interface for that is perfectly okay to me. It's pragmatic and consistent. The only cost is that you can't use third-party functions without wrapping them.
But I actually like that - I think the caller should own the callback.
dict.only(dict.keys.filter(x)) wouldn't have any overhead if filter is an iterator, which it would be.
So that I could be okay with. That's quite cool.
dict {
    only(this, iter) {
        result = dict(capacity = this.capacity)

        foreach (iter as key) {
            result.put(key, this.get(key))

        return result
^ Immutable version, is O(n) where n is the count of the iterator.
Wait wait.. I spoke too soon.
This is tricky. :<
"filter by key" is a very specific thing. Maybe map is a better example.. if you want to use the key as part of the result, looking up the key in reverse might be O(n). Unless we do what ds 1.x does and provide a Pair, but that is an object allocation for every invocation.. please can we not do that.

@LeviMorrison problem to solve.. `map`, value and key. `map2`?
Here's the thing, though. Are we returning a new value, value/key, or..?
That is maybe why it is nice on the container.
Or it should always return a new value.
from_pairs etc can do the other thing but I have rarely seen a good use case for that.
Constructing the pair will be wasteful.
@LeviMorrison I'm convinced. No extra values. \o/
lol, my previous employer delivered all of my stuff from my office, approximately ten boxes of stuff
At least I have plenty of time to sort through it all
hm seing this in an extension, is there a special reason why php-src/zend doesn't provide an optional sigsev handler to log the backtrace of a segfault?
@LeviMorrison iterator functions shouldn't even be considered in ds anyway, and no structures should implement anything further than traversable. github.com/nikic/iter and other iterator collections can handle all of that. Creating an adapter would be easy.
With that out of the way I'm feeling pretty good on the API draft, as something to start out with.
-    GC_REFCOUNT((zend_object *) buffer)--;
+    GC_DELREF((zend_object *) buffer);
Does that change in src/vector.c work on your machine/php version?
so much invalid arguments made in the reddit thread on jit
@rtheunissen I haven't looked at the handlers yet, but if adding arbitrary properties is not prohibited then there will be memory corruption (zend_object std; needs to be last).
Re: does it work on my build, yes it does.
Can't add arbitrary properties, offset is 0
I've done that in both ext-ds and ext-decimal, everything is final.
Good, good.
@rtheunissen Pushed.
I'm sure you're thrilled about that contribution ^_^
Really the type of commit you were going after.
I see now why you were asking about build config.
I prototyped that on 7.2 sorry
Have you ever used clang-format?
Was wondering if you wouldn't mind if we use it. I really like just auto-formatting everything.
Can we configure it much?
I have never used.
Somewhat. You can track a .clang-format file so everyone uses the same config too.
I like its defaults, so I honestly don't know how much it can be configured.
I'd be curious to see the diff.
I'll check it out. :)
@LeviMorrison how do you usually call it, what flags etc?
clang-format -i file1.cc file2.cc
If you don't want it to write to the file, then just remove -i and it will just print to stdout.
@beberlei my fav.. "It will open the door for lots of pure PHP extensions that rival or even beat the performance of their C-alternatives"
eh lol
lets reimplement everything thats already working
they're standing on an assumption made of thin air and still manage to make a massive leap of faith from there.. the physics are impressive
you gotta figure there are more people listening than talking ...
I think the jit just got windows support
but by support, I mean it will probably compile ...
baby steps... weird to take after 10 years, but hey progress
@JoeWatkins Looking at the patch, where is the definition which registers it has to use for execute_data and opline?
Oh, got it.
hm, no
no idea
i wonder if putting jit in 8 would've been questioned more if 7.4 wasn't put out there to fight about
@JoeWatkins FYI: the parser in libffi is a custom one Dmitry wrote
I had spotted that
@bwoebi yeah it looks like it just compiles, not nearly a complete thing
@LeviMorrison I have added a .clang-format file fwiw.
@rtheunissen Bikeshedding time!
@Paul I genuinely think it will be ready for 8
@LeviMorrison I'm not ready to start on the important stuff yet
I want to get that api draft peer-reviewed a bit more.
How many of those settings are the default? Isn't "PointerAlignment: Right" default?
ColumnLimit: 0 ? Was that a typo?
@rtheunissen ^
A few might be the default actually. That 0 is no column limit, we should just be sensible.
I try to stick to 80 but overflow sometimes.
When opcache is enabled, the object handles are different. This is because of the "refcount hack" we're using internally surely.. but is this okay? Not sure who to ping..
@JoeWatkins the Windows support was authored by Anatol in 2016 according to the commit even? lol
and yeah it probably just compiles
"weltling committed on Sep 2, 2016"
keyword suggestions to google how to reattach the head of a stuffed animal that was held together by a plastic rod?
I guess I need to find super glue and figure out a way I can hold it together in a vice
@rtheunissen Pretty sure we should be using zend_long instead of uint32_t in lots of these places, maybe all of them.
zend_ulong maybe unless it comes from userland then yes zend_long.
I don't know if (uint32_t) zend_long_value is safe, if you know that the value is positive.
Using signed values here is fine.
I have a diff ready to go, just needs consensus.
Dealing with conversions is worse than any gain we get, in my opinion.
What do you think, @rtheunissen?
@Tiffany there's accelerant for super glue that sets it more or less instantly if needed
(though you typically don't need a vice with super glue in any case.. i've used super glue itself as kind of a vice before to hold stuff while other glue sets)
Pushed; you can revert if you care.
@JoeWatkins I hope it will, but am holding off expectations until it's further along
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