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@Alesana thanks
3 hours later…
Internet survival #1 skill: being able to differentiate honest attempt at debate from “nothing you are going to say will change my mind”. #PHPDrama
@Wes using that hash tag led me to find that there also exists a few tweets with #figdrama lol
there is always php related drama somewhere in the world :D
Not that I'm particular fond of the feud I've kinda spearheaded on internals towards the fig, sometimes you just got to set down your foot but that is my opinion ofc xD
Evening gents
And nn
I kinda feel bad for fig, they didn't ask to get dragged into internals shit
^ yep.
@Paul Could you please take a look at this sometime? I don't have anyone to talk to about it but it's all I can think about.
In a way yes, but it could have been avoided with something as simple as a reply that they do not wish to be dragged into any of this but that did not happen, though I get where you are coming from @Paul
can someone help me with a problem?
im new to codeigniter and need some help
there seems to be a whole rfc on how and why ietf doesn't vote but 'hum'
has some example scenarios for reaching consensus
Q: Group concat rows of a table and join that column with another table using join in codeigniter

HHHHHHI have two tables. Image and product_multi...where image tabe contain pictures corresponding to products.. I want to group_concat the images row and join it with product_multi and display it in a datatable in CODEIGNITER... I used a code but its not working. Here is the code i tried. But it not ...

can someone help me with thiss
if u cann......
can someone help me with this ..
google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function() {

dataAvailable = true;

type: "POST",
global: false,
dataType: "html",
url: "<?= $this->Url->build(['controller' => 'stocks', 'action' => 'getMapProductStoreImagesClusteringQueryTwo']) ?>",
data: {
orderId: this.order_id,
productId: this.product_id,
activationid: this.si_a_id,
suburb_id: this.suburb_id,
str: '<?= $str ?>',
offsetValue: offsetValue,

success: function (data)
above code working fine for me .. but as soon as i do this
success: function (data)
$('.gm-style-iw div').css('overflow-y','auto');
complete: function() {

infowindow.open(map, this);
i m getting an error saying
TypeError: b.get is not a function[Learn More] js:166:512
i have tried to do this
@rtheunissen what am I looking at?
@beberlei that's expected
@Ekin I wonder how different internals would be if there were face-to-face meetings on occasion
I think rust people do that, remember reading something like that on their rfc process
but they have small groups I believe
I suppose it would be more like a fist fight
it makes me sad to see you say that
I imagined people doing podcast-like discussions over an rfc, that sort of thing has even the potential to be educative
but maybe I am being naive
interesting that all rfcs for rust go through github.com/rust-lang/rfcs
@Paul I said it with tongue firmly in cheek
there was one such meeting, many moons ago ... but only one ... it's just not really a practical thing to try to arrange
it's kind of exclusive too, the only people who can go are those that can afford to travel, take time off work, and so on ...
this is rather a good definition
> that is not a bugfix
that's not as clear a line as we all like to pretend
yeah, it's rather good but not perfect, but at least they've tried to clarify it further there ...
in theory anyone can suggest a self contained enhancement to php, but in order for someone to have the confidence to merge it, a vote is still necessary ... it's not necessary to make the contributor wait half a month before they can even start a vote, but it would be so much nicer if they could say "I'm going to open a vote in a few days", and even if they only get 10 votes because no one is interested, even if they only get 5, that's better than one person with super powers deciding to merge
I'm starting to feel like maybe, we need quorum, this is the only valid argument to starting fast votes, something shouldn't really be able to get in because 5 people voted in favour, but nobody had the time to vote against ... but I don't think these rules need to be complicated ...
10 seems like a reasonable starting place for that, for uninteresting stuff, it might still be hard to get 10 people to even care about your enhancement, but at least reasonably possible for the contributor to nudge 10 voters to have a look ...
until/unless that problem actually comes up, leave it
well I think it's probably the reason a lot of people would vote new on our new suggested reforms, fear is a powerful motivator
I'm not sure how often if would happen, but I think we'd be in a stronger position if we covered that base from the offset, because it's a good argument against it ...
the basis of the reforms is to address problems you actually have, rather than hypotheticals.. deviate from that and there's not much point
sure, but we have to get people on side somehow too
I think a simple quorum would be enough to change enough minds about the basic ideas of the proposal
a safeguard, to ease fear ...
it's just rule shuffling
you can no longer talk about people being on holiday, or having no time, or not caring ...
for one, people not caring don't matter
is there a minimum votes threshold? ie. by the end of the rfc just 2 people have voted... does it get merged?
@Paul yeah it is, but if it's the difference between our rules being accepted, z's rules, or no rules changing, then I'm happy to do that shifting ...
@Ekin no, there's no minimum
I feel like that could be a safeguard
that's what I'm saying
if it hasn't been a problem then what's the problem
you're addressing shadows
if an rfc gets less than x amount of votes you could extend the period
not at all, we're trying to get people on side, this is a valid criticism of being able to bring votes up quickly even if it's only in theory
since it isn't a problem, we're not giving anything away by changing our rules a little either, except what is necessary to get more people on side and get the changes through in the first place
and people might be busy in august too
not sure what you mean ?
I thought when you say quorum it involved having a specific select group
Hi Guys, Can I ask react question here?
Q: React js date is not binding in edit mode

Ram SinghI am new to react js, I have date textboxes on the page, for insertion they work fine as they don't need to be prefilled. When I am editing the page, it is filling all the information except the date fields. I am using below code: class EditStaff extends Component { constructor() { super()...

nevermind. have fun.
@Ekin no, just a minimum, maybe we avoid the word quorum even in that case ... I'm talking about requiring a minimum number of votes, a relatively low number
@Paul we've come up with this proposal and it's being criticised from all sides, it's better to give a little to get people on side, than just ignore what they are saying and push on regardless, isn't it ?
if we took it to vote now, it would fail, and I think this is one of the main reasons, even though we all know it's never happened, and isn't really necessary ...
you can address their issues without capitulating to their fears.. not adding bullshit to the proposal isn't ignoring them
that should be true, but the people bringing this up know very well it has never happened that we've merged something with 4 votes or whatever ... but they still bring it up ....
the fact it's never happened doesn't seem to be enough for them, so what else can we do ?
so point out that it's not a real problem, if an issue comes up it can be addressed, and the scope of the proposal is limited to problems you actually have
if that's not enough then so be it
I totally see the sense in that
in my eagerness to actually make change, I guess I'm panicking ... you're right ...
I think I somewhat sympathise with the view that it may make it more likely, but, more likely than absolutely never is still not very likely at all ...
one of the nice things about relaxing the rules is it allows people to make judgement calls on the fly.. if an issue comes up you can talk about it, like people, and deal with it. if it's a persistent issue maybe then make a rule about it, but nobody wants to be the reason a rule is made
start codifying unnecessary things and people defer responsibility to the rules
agree actually
I just don't know how to get people to look at it rationally, I tried the obvious, and asked everyone not to respond with knee jerks in the beginning, but beyond that I got nothing ...
it should be the case that you can just reason with them, but it actually doesn't work here for some reason
all I see is knee jerks now "we can't do this because a thing that has never happened might happen" is exactly where I didn't want the discussion to go, and now it has, I got nothing ...
convincing people that internals is made up of capable adults is a hard sell.. I don't know how to help you
when you use composer config on an undefined block, say composer config scripts.* when there are no scripts currently in the composer.json, it throws an error, am I doing it wrong again ?
I think same for repositories, so you gotta edit the file by hand ... unless I'm doing it wrong
I always edit the file by hand anyway
well quite, but that's hard to do in a CI job or whatever
@MadaraUchiha I wanted to ask, what is the difference between <string>getSomething(); and getSomething() as string;?
actually I can't get it to work at all
whether there's a scripts block or not
posted on February 05, 2019

@mega6382 The former is the older way of casting, and the latter is the newer.
The former conflicts with JSX
In general, always use the latter over the former.
@MadaraUchiha Makes sense, but I was trying to use "tslint-microsoft-contrib" as tslint configuration and it recommenced to use the former, but "tslint:latest" recommends latter.
@mega6382 I haven't heard of tslint-microsoft-contrib, I generally extend from tslint:latest.
Yeah, I have removed it now and am using these now:
@MadaraUchiha Do you use any configs in addition to tslint:latest?
mettlesome full of vigor and stamina : spirited
@mega6382 Usually I don't bother, just my modifications over tslint:latest
But I'm currently looking into moving to eslint, it's recently gotten a TypeScript parser, and its ecosystem is much more mature.
Yeah, I am seeing that tslint configs helps a lot.
@MadaraUchiha hmm, what are the custom rules that you use? here's mine pastebin.com/Tz9k7RSQ
my dog got out yesterday, and the guy next door shouted at me and said she tried to attack him, his wife comes over this morning and asked me if the dog was okay, because the husband hit the dog with his walking stick :(
:( is it?
yeah, she's okay, but why would you hit a dog with a walking stick
yeah... I had worse with Ace
bat-o-nails, I was so pissed off when I saw two bleeding holes on his back
it's my fault, she got out, but I didn't know she could open doors
that's crazy
literally went door to door... tl;dr there was an argument
who even has a bat-o-nails ?
only crazy people, I would suspect
exactly... and this isn't some wild dog out there wandering
he had a collar and all... and a good looking husky
sad, why would anybody hit a dog with a walking stick? :(
indeed :(
I was really nice to the guy anyway, gave him a bottle of wine and such last night, I don't want to fall out with anyone whatever ... and if you got a walking stick, a pit bull coming at you is probably a bit frightening ... he still didn't need to hit her ...
she's the softest dog ever, in the body of a big dog, but she reacts to absolutely nothing ... I've got a little mongrel puppy, it sleeps on her face, all the time, bites and chews at her, climbs all over her, she does nothing, ever ...
lucky for him she reacts to nothing, I'm very glad she doesn't ...
yeah, also glad she's okay
I have this program and I have some php in it. It's like a cash register i guess. I'm trying to pass the name of the item through php to javascript because i want it show as an alert
"Are you sure you want to delete " . ___
and im getting the value from the table
I get it to delete, but it always shows the wrong item name even tho it correctly deletes the specific row i selected
very useful
@Wes hoodies came ...
@moocow are you talking to me ?
:laughing emoji:
oh, I see, you're broken ...
@JoeWatkins is that the metal version ?
me no sure
it is the one from the interwebz, my wife ordered them ...
looks nice
@moocow have you tried echo-ing the variable into the javascript?
I have
it only prints one variable
I tried using a for loop
As in, it only prints the top most element in the table
which makes sense
but i dont know how i can print each individual one so when I click on a specific row it says the correct items name
anyway its time to sleep for me
goodbye ppl
github.com/php/php-src/pull/3794 1500 test failures :(
@nikic wow, that sounds like a lot of "fun"
I already deleted 500 tests in preparation for this
Looking at the diffs I will probably be able to delete a few hundred more
But this is still going to be a bitch
why do so many test test zpp args count?
−108,112 :-D
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/doctrine-common$ vendor/bin/pcov clobber
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/doctrine-common$ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
PHPUnit 6.5.14 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

...............................................................  63 / 133 ( 47%)
............................................................... 126 / 133 ( 94%)
.......                                                         133 / 133 (100%)

Time: 222 ms, Memory: 8.00MB

OK (133 tests, 309 assertions)

that's nicer, I rewrote the clobber thing to use php-parser instead of uopz ...
@beberlei the execute_ex problem is going to be in my way also ... dmitry is going to keep saying just disable opcache ...
I haven't had time to think about it properly or look at possible solutions, but I'm going to have to find one whatever ... and know there will be one ... you can just use that ... plenty-o-time ...
i don't get the @jit @nojit doc argument, i can't change third party code.
dmitry has a kind of tunnel vision ...
in one respect that's great, because he can build a jit single handed ... but he doesn't really consider problems like this very thoroughly ... he advised derick to disable opcache when he had problems with that too ...
this is not thoroughly thought out, but I see no reason we can't change the jit'd code, and so there's always the possibility of using 0xCC, if we must ... but probably there is something nicer than that still ... but we don't necessarily need opcache/zend to do anything if we're working with machine code
we'll figure it out, then just push the api in php-src ... it's necessary no matter what dmitry thinks ...
possibly some compiler flag could force the jit to output a call to a hookable function, after prologue and before return (or on it) ...
that would be much nicer than changing the code in place ...
i suppose by adding this hook, the JIT benefit goes away entirely from +5% for normal code, to 0% ;)
depends what you do in the hook
i posted another reply with a suggestion to prevent jitting based on class + function name, the default implementation could be return ALLOW;
nevertheless, a profiler needs to profile the code actually being executed, same for a debugger ... it doesn't make much sense just to disable opcache ..
i don't knwo to be honest, if jit only improves extremely intensive cpu bound php code, mostly react-php style applications, or parsing stuff running in workers or as a cronjob. Then I am not sure the benefit is worth the hazzle
php 5 => php 7 was 2x-3x latency/memory wise, so it was definately worth it
it's my understanding that people use tideways/xhprof in production environments ... isn't a profile of normal code a bit useless if when deployed it's jit'd ?
same for a debugger imo, there's not much point in turning opcache off, if what you want to look at is a bug when the code is jit'd ...
tideways runs in random sampling mode right now for a whitelist of instrumented userland + internal functions, to generate a timeline of events, lets say for SQL queries, much like the network performance timeline in ChromeE/Firefox. but developers have means of triggering requests that get upgraded to full on xhprof based profiling for each function if they wish
for the random sampling mode, the overhead is 5-15%, for the randomly selected requests, and 1% for the others. so at 20% sampling, i have an "average" overhead of less than 5%, which is totally acceptable for users, given that they see a lot of information in return
not sure that is something dmitry understands, people installing such software on production given the perf loss, but must large apps have one of newrelic, tideways, instana, appdynamics etc installed
@JoeWatkins what zend_Execute_ex hook use-c.ase do you have that needs handling with JIT?
inspector, pcov and pthreads all set it, thought I'm not sure pthreads has too ... the other two do ...
oh and phpdbg
pcov can reasonably disable the jit ...
phpdbg would have no choice currently ... but I think we need a way to debug the code as it is when the user spots a bug, if that's jit'd code then we need to be able to debug it, I think...
just had to restart the tomcat service on lxr to stop it 504ing, afaik that's the first time that has happened on this box, if it happens again and I am not around it just needs a sudo service tomcat restart
!!lxr zval
@DaveRandom Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
stupid bot
@DaveRandom ack, I hadn't noticed actually ...
No I looked at the access logs, only happened about 2hrs ago, I just happened upon it at the right time I think
it will be memory probably, it's tomcat... I will set up a cron job to restart the service nightly if it becomes a problem
I finally managed to run acceptance (codecept) tests with coverage/pcov ... I'm quite annoyed that we get to use it a week after everyone else, but apparently we can't actually use phpu8 for a bunch of stuff yet either ...
@JoeWatkins I did plant some idea into your head, I see ... :-P
yeah, extremely neat trick, will not be forgetting that one ...
inspector uses the same idea for breakpoints, but at the zend level ... works very well ...
I think, idbg might be a reasonable way to debug jit'd code ... but I haven't tried yet ...
@JoeWatkins we just need to preserve compilation information
how does the jit handle user opcodes ?
with jit_handler I presume ?
@JoeWatkins I guess so
nah, just doesn't jit that at all currently
ah, that's just as good for this purpose ...
I think idbg could debug jit'd code then ... if inspector worked with 7.4, maybe I'll have a go ...
obviously it can't give you a disassembly, but, I mean for users ...
@JoeWatkins I mean, it doesn't jit the whole containing function at all
@JoeWatkins just hook lldb behind it...
say it jit'd a function, and I set the handler to a user opcode handler after it was compiled, what happens there ?
then go through jit_handler ?
@JoeWatkins it will ignore it I think...
and executed the jit code nevertheless
needs to be before jit
hmm ...
I'll look sometime soon ... we need a debugger that works properly on jit'd code, from a user perspective ...
*sighs* I think Zeev should just come out with it and propose to restrict RFC voting to The PHP Group. :P
he'll be proposing it to /dev/null, I blocked him ... fuck spending time listening to him, he doesn't listen to anyone else ...
On the plus side, it has reminded me that my last "contribution" to php-src was in 2015. Maybe 2019 is the year for another commit or two there. :)
@JoeWatkins Why? In which case is it not enough to just not invoke the jit when debugging?
except for debugging the jit itself
@salathe you wanted to document the bucket brigades!
@salathe his criteria are weird with regard to commits to php-src, because by that definition zeev can't vote himself.
@beberlei that must be the only good part about his RFC then
@bwoebi that ain't going to get me voting rights though! :P
@beberlei lol, but true :D
@bwoebi user deploys code, code behaves strangely, user debugs code, code behaves differently ...
@JoeWatkins well, that's for debugging the jit itself then
you don't think that's heading for a future where every bug report comes with a dockerfile ?
I don't really want to run other peoples applications to look at bugs in php-src, we don't do that now, how is anyone going to give you a reproducing case if zend is a black box ?
they won't, they'll give you a dockerfile ...
"somewhere in this 60k lines of code, things go wrong" ... this is not useful ...
users need to be able to debug what is executed, imo ...
realistically, should someone find a bug that is only down to jit, they still have to run their application and business for at least a month before a fix is available ... to say just disable jit, isn't reasonable when you have designed your application around there being a jit, and that is what people will do ...
if they have a working debugger, they can change the code to something that works, and report the very precise bug, everyone wins ... everyone has to win for it to work at all ...
I somewhat agree ... though I'm not sure how you want to debug the most agressive of optimizations (i.e. inlining for example) you can somewhat map it to source code, but not really. It's like debugging an -O2 build... you just don't, except very rarely and then you compare the assembly directly with your C code...
I'm not sure how to do any of this today, I just very strongly feel it's necessary to have the ability, and so will spend some time trying to make it so ... probably fail ... but whatever, I don't think it can be overlooked that you can't debug jit'd code ...
@beberlei No he can still vote. The rules are specifically designed in favor of former contributors
I.e. if you significantly contributed to php-src in the past you get a vote. If you are a recent contributor (joined last year) you don't
it's worrying to hear people talk about these rules as if they are already or are definitely going to be used ...
@NikiC ah right, i misread it to be something "contributed in the last $x years", my mistake
Urgent : PHP 7.3.1 failed on startup because of intl library – #77568
lol urgent...
And Good Morning!
Morngins o/
@JoeWatkins Nice! I love mine.
I only wish the resolution was high enough to read the words on the hammer.
@JoeWatkins We need an ip map to lineno & originating op_array at the lowest level...
not sure whether you can really do that with dynasm...
I see nothing in documentation about dwarf metadata @JoeWatkins ...
we may have to invent something
I'd love to read the docs, but bit busy today, so can't really say much useful ... what we don't have will have to be invented if we need it though, right ?
I'll just wait for you and nikita to do that ...
maybe i should start answering disrespectfully to disrespectful answers
you ... sound like me ... just forget about it for today, go back to it tomorrow ... it's not going anywhere ;)
@Wes I want a pink thorephant jumper, make it so ... please ?
it's a lot of work :B
awww ...
Will you be online on discord tonight? if yes, what time? @tereško
@Wes tbh I just thought it would be changing an option on teespring ...
no it won't look good
@Wes Don't lower yourself to their level.
Some people just can't help themselves. =P
@StatikStasis but it's so tempting
@Wes ok ok ... if you do another one, something bright would be nice ... I love these though, I got two ...
does anybody know ----? :B
i. can't. resist.
@Wes Don't do it! Run towards the light!!
ok i could.
@Wes rolls for initiative
@Wes ... you know, this void stuff can't go into released versions ... are you still so keen on it if it's only a 7.4 thing ? won't the problem be solved in the ecosystem before 7.4 is even released ?
you can just stay on phpunit 7
or use rector to auto fix it en masse in your code base
My card would bog down. youtube.com/watch?v=k8C0LL8riCE
@beberlei i wasn't the one complaining, i don't even normally use setUp so no problem for me at all
I'm not sure it will be still be a problem this time next year, people will piss and moan about it, but they'll fix their code before any released version of PHP could fix it for them ... regardless of the correctness of the change, and what it means for future type changes, it may be a waste of your time ... but I won't say that in public or anything, go for it if you have the energy, it just may be a waste of that energy imo ...
normal disclaimers apply, I'm always wrong :)
@JoeWatkins I think this is something Dmitry should be asked for. Maybe he has some idea, but I doubt me or Nikita does.
If we want to line or to opcode mapping as good as possible
at least some pointers...
when i wrote the other rfc, the one that passed on types, i got a similar amount of noise from people that imho just don't read. like, they read just the title and they are already on twitter writing what they think about it... kinda like me reading the titles of the news about politics :B or of course it could also mean i'm really bad at using words, who knows
he'll just say disable opcache
@bwoebi, maybe you have some tip. Is there anything I can pass to clang on osx to make it less verbose with the warnings? Maybe even suppress them completely?
@StatikStasis that's quite difficult to look at
I can't believe you agree.
Without contrast it becomes a wash.
@JoeWatkins ask him for the very concrete thing, how you would map jit to file+lineno
@Wes Opposition is inherent when doing anything worthwhile.
@StatikStasis why is the kitchen paper white?
reminds me of a mr. bean episode... you know which one, right? :B youtube.com/watch?v=0X1SuLjnRcI
She spent a million... maybe she ran out of money.
@Wes people have a habit of reading things by title alone, there will always be noise ... I haven't really read the thread on news yes, but did read the rfc ... and before I can decide whether I think it's a good idea or not, I don't think it's an idea that most people will benefit from for the reasons given - they will have fixed it already ...
I think it's pragmatic even if it's wrong, but I think that doesn't really matter ...
@bwoebi it's really jit ip to opline that we need, from that we can get the file/line, but we need the opline map, I think ... I don't want to ask him anything until I'm totally sure of what I need ... and I'm pretty certain he'll just say disable opcache whatever I say, because he keeps repeating that ...
@JoeWatkins yeah opline map is fine as well ... or at very least a map to some IR (possibly we'll have some intermediate representation in future for more powerful jits)
there's no ir now, right ?
just for future
out of interest, what other options are there ? didn't we try them all by now ?
except the ms one, I forget it's name
(the thing .net uses)
/me waves
/me waves back

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