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it's -8C now... it was -22C or so yesterday, but with wind chill it was closer to -29C
we still have snow and ice from last week... that's solid and slippery
@Fabor put some games on your wishlist dammit
or I'm just going to gift a horror game fuck it, you're getting a dating sim
> "Computers were a mistake. They are nothing but trash." - Donald Knuth channelling Hayao Miyazaki
1 hour later…
@LeviMorrison I finished a draft of the 2.0 API this week. The goal is to have ext-ds become the core data structure module, not for my own benefit but because I believe that PHP deserves well-designed data structures. I'm simply giving it my best shot.
Some scribbles...
1. I want performance to not be the main goal, but still a feature. It has to offer solutions that are at least as fast as the equivalent array function or algorithm, but the intention is to outperform arrays in many cases.
2. I don't care about backward compatibility here at all, it's already a rewrite.
3. Must be forward-compatible with generics, ie. no type restrictions or assumptions. (no intset, stringmap etc)
4. Naming must be familiar and consistent.
5. Classes should be final and composed of many minimal interfaces that each define a specific functionality. Implementations may be broad, but the interfaces must be very selective.
6. I'd like both the project and the code to be more approachable.
7. I am set on having the structures be a lot smarter, doing less work overall. Instead of things like array_key_first you should be able to use $map->keys()->first() without creating an intermediary set of all the keys. I'm not 100% sure how we can achieve that but I know it can be done.
It's tough working on this alone though, so I'm curious to know why you're asking.
I was planning to share the draft of the API and ask for feedback at the end of the week.
Sigh, I'm tired of having to rely on a php guy for everything I need. even small things. anyone can direct me to some site for learning php free ?
I'm a C++/C# programmer for bunch of years now but always asked someone else when i needed some php knowledge.
@Pedram Do you have a specific problem at hand, or only wonder about php?
not very specific, for example every once in a while I need to do something like some small work in prestashop. or modify a plugin or such. and i absolutely got no idea about php.
I can't even do some simply changes to it. i can expand and work so much on c# but can't even understand all php's syntax lol
maybe see if you can learn from this github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial. it is not generally recommended for total beginners, but if you have prior progamming knowledge, it might be ok.
feel free to come back here with questions about this material, we are a few with some familiarity with it
Thanks, yeh I got programming knowledge overall, even tho mainly work on desktop app, i did create a few professional website, but all with C#/MVC etc, I will check this out. Thanks again.
My wife wants to learn some PHP. Any recommendations for an interactive way to learn it? Maybe something explaining concepts where she has to write a little code to make it work.
hmmm. I wish I'd know. There is some code writing involved with Patrick's tutorial, but it's mostly copy and paste..
I started coding PHP in 1999, so I'm not exactly aware of how one goes about learning it now. :-D
She's written some SQL before, but a C-style language is new for her.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Which tutorial? Not the no-framework tutorial, that's way too advanced.
ugh right I was still in the previous mindset of prior programming knowledge
I never thought I'd actually say this, but er... I've read that w3schools tutorials are interactive, in some way, and might be appropriate
I've never tried them, but it occasionally pops up in the "w3schools is bs" debate that comes up every few weeks
learn-php.org looks promising.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Maybe. I fear having to then "unlearn" things.
@Trowski nice indeed
@Paul Thanks! I'll give it a read
@ircmaxell I don't know why I thought it would be any different ...
morning all
phpunit 8 release with pcov support is happening ... so fuck internals today ...
@NikiC what if I just reply to the thread and say we're going to vote next Friday ? I don't have to get into the details with anyone, like you said yesterday we just need to vote on the thing asap ...
if we wait that week, then zeev has no justification for ignoring the result, and will have to behave himself ...
@JoeWatkins I asked this earlier but it got lost, was hoping you could answer? chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/45225160#45225160
I answered it right there, underneath where you asked it ?
Also.. so many puns lately, must have covered them all.
it was the last thing I done before sleeping ...
... no way.
Sorry my bad, not sure how I missed that. Maybe expected @
oh, then my bad :)
No one's fault. Chat is hard. :)
we're just fancy monkeys ...
the code answers the question about what happens, but I think the bit about the assign instr being discrete is the source of your confusion probably ...
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/xdebug$ phpdbg -n -p* bug.php
function name: (null)
L1-4 {main}() /opt/src/xdebug/bug.php - 0x7f181e682100 + 6 ops
 L2    #0     INIT_FCALL_BY_NAME<2>                        "thing"
 L2    #1     SEND_VAR_EX             $a                   1
 L2    #2     SEND_VAR_EX             $b                   2
 L2    #3     DO_FCALL                                                          @0
 L2    #4     ASSIGN                  $a                   @0
 L4    #5     RETURN<-1>              1
phpdbg is your friend ... so is vld, but I don't like the output so much ...
see the result of do_fcall is assigned to temp @0, and after the call, assign $a from @0
@rtheunissen I'm going to ping you every time now ...
I would probably not see things otherwise. How do you manage it?
magical pixi dust, want some ?
/me sprinkles rudi
Will I now get a strange feeling or an elephant in my dream letting me know that I have a new message?
I think I knew the answer before I asked, but wondered if there may be a hack or intrinsic metadata that I could use to determine that case. Kind of like why this is a thing:

$a = 1;
$a = $a++;

echo $a; // 1
that's just the details of post/pre op math
it's not because you're assigning to the same value, but because post op math ...
if saving the copy is the thing you want to do, then write array_merge_u() : void, in userland, accepting $a by ref and making the changes in place ... @rtheunissen
Why is 8 significant? I wish someone would fix == for circular references in objects (but maybe I should try to?)
because now you can run coverage fast & accurately with pcov ... have you been living under a rock the last couple of weeks ?
No no I've been keeping up with pcov but not what the phpunit bump meant for it.
ah, well because of composer magic that nobody understands you can't reasonably use pcov before 8, we tried setting up forks and whatever but totally failed ...
I'm not able to get my head around that this early in the morning ...
show me the C where it goes wrong ?
It's just dumb, it'll keep looping forever because the recursion isn't guarded (I think?)
Wait wait let's be fancy.
!!lxr zend_std_compare_objects
@rtheunissen Nothing went wrong but I couldn't find a suitable definition
/cc @DaveRandom
the solution would seem to be implementing the compare object handlers yourself ...
@JoeWatkins \o/
\o/ \o/
the std impl is only good for std objects, you gotta do it yourself I think ...
@JoeWatkins I'm talking userland
oh well if userland is casting all objects to arrays for comparison, then it doesn't know, and can't know when it has a duplicate/recursion, and it actually doesn't have a duplicate ...
the userland needs to cache those conversions, so that the engine will deal with recursion
But the casting to array is the problem. I implement compare_objects, sure, but PHPUnit fails because assertEquals converts it to an array, completely bypassing my impl.
yeah for reason above, if before it makes the conversion it checks if that cast has already been performed for that object, and returns the cached array rather than a new one, then the engine will detect recursion properly
everything is a new array, there is no possible way to detect recursion ...
Correct, but it is cast to an array only because the engine does not handle the == nicely. The array conversion shouldn't be a thing.
probably true, but we deal with the world the way it is, not the way we would like it to be ... I doubt if you could remove casting and retain current behaviour ...
I'm not totally sure why it casts, it may just be ==, or there may be some other reason ...
but the fact is it does cast ...
morning brain can't think of another reason ...
It does but it shouldn't so to me is a bug. :p
My money is on circular refs and assumption that all objects are userland.
TypeError: Argument 1 passed to SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter::isFile() must be of the type string, integer given, called in /home/travis/build/krakjoe/mimus/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/CodeCovera‌​ge.php on line 960 and defined in /home/travis/build/krakjoe/mimus/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Filter.php‌​:92
The cast was introduced in 2013 (file creation commit) and does manual recursion handling with in_array. It shouldn't be a thing, object comparison with == should never fail.
@JoeWatkins thanks for your answer on the interface question on r/
diff --git a/phpunit.xml b/phpunit.xml
index 959c4e6..31e84ff 100644
--- a/phpunit.xml
+++ b/phpunit.xml
@@ -15,13 +15,10 @@
   <whitelist processUncoveredFilesFromWhitelist="true">
-    <file>src/mimus/Double.php</file>
-    <file>src/mimus/Exception.php</file>
-    <file>src/mimus/Path.php</file>
-    <file>src/mimus/Rule.php</file>
-    <file>src/mimus/Type.php</file>
+    <directory suffix=".php">src</directory>
this fixed the build, but run without exceptions locally (php 7.3.3-dev), I think there's something wrong there possibly ...
I think I spot it, it's because one of the files in the whitelist doesn't exist
it doesn't exist remotely but does locally, so failed on travis but not here ...
exception should not be typeerror then ...
i need help as i want to retrieve data based on specific date that is passed by user
@JoeWatkins Context? Just got in here and see a diff and error messages. Which version(s) are you refering to?
it was my first attempt to run phpunit 8 on ci
when a file in the whitelist doesn't exist, the whitelist contains int
@JoeWatkins Can you open a ticket for that, please? I'll have a look ASAP then.
Thanks. Should not be a new issue, though. Nothing really changed apart from new code (for pcov).
Strike that. Everything changed because I enabled strict interpretation of scalar type declarations.
yeah that's it ...
Thanks for the ticket.
It's always reasonable. Just headache-inducing when you migrate old code to it.
yeah you're right, and only found this by chance because of broken config, it is a broken config really ..
After ~ 10 years (IIRC), the migration for Drupal from SimpleTest to PHPUnit is almost complete.
something is wrong with travis, no builds or repos available for some reason
intermittently ... strange ...
@JoeWatkins That's fine. I think you did the right thing, and please stop arguing with Zeev. He will only shout louder than you, when you give him a chance to reply to your replies. In a vacuum nobody can hear him shouting...
@JoeWatkins Can you confirm that my change solved the issue?
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/mimus$ vendor/bin/phpunit --coverage-text
PHPUnit 8.0.0 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter::isFile() must be of the type string, int given, called in /opt/src/mimus/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/CodeCoverage.php on line 960 and defined in /opt/src/mimus/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/Filter.php:92
Stack trace:
#0 /opt/src/mimus/vendor/phpunit/php-code-coverage/src/CodeCoverage.php(960): SebastianBergmann\CodeCoverage\Filter->isFile(0)
I take that as a yes :) Thanks!
yes, sorry ... did I do it strangely ?
@bwoebi ack, I'm just going to not do zeev anymore ... I was disappoint with the way dmitry conducted himself, but in private he was cordial, as always
what I don't understand about internals is we can all be nice privately and work together on stuff, but in public we have to tear chunks off each other to get shit done ...
@JoeWatkins guess he doesn't like to disagree with Zeev in public
I actually don't really care much what zeev has to say, but do care what dmitry has to say because he's the one that actually does all the work ... I dislike being involved in internals, and will resume silence when this is sorted ...
you can get much more useful stuff done if you ignore that internals exists, as I have been doing ... you don't need it to close bugs or merge stuff, or comment on issues ... it's just a place for arguments now
@JoeWatkins sometimes it's a place of constructive discussion ... but these moments are rare
and I'm quiet as well
people are nicer on github, there seems to be a feeling that while internals is public, anything goes, but you can't conduct yourself in the same way on github, or people don't tend to ...
I'm guilty of the same things, and I see it happening ... but you have to use an offensive strategy to be heard ... it's not productive at all, and we should drop it ...
funny story, a few days ago there was a power outage in our dc, total blackout for a few hours, the next day, we had CEO's asking us what we're going to do about that sort of error ...
@JoeWatkins I don't think so that you need to be offensive - you just need to be offensive if you want to get replies
well we're going to travel to the DC, build a turbine to generate electricity and turn it ourselves, of course ...
@JoeWatkins you just need a bit of food, hamsters and a ton of hamster wheels
it was totally a serious question, just unbelievable ... they knew it was a power outage ... but still expected us to be able to do something ...
@JoeWatkins are you seriously using just a single dc though?
@JoeWatkins Isn't failover to another dc an option?
I don't know the lost revenue of a few hours of no porn :P
> This required quite a few test changes, because there were many
buggy tests that unintentionally used bareword fallback in combination
with error suppression.
@bwoebi geo located, total blackout across large parts of the usa, there is failover, but seems untested, and didn't behave as we expected
@JoeWatkins via dns?
no fancy bgp routing?
I'm actually not sure, have nothing to do with it, nor does anyone in my office/teams ... that's outsourced to another company or companies, who we do interact with, but don't really get a say in how anything is setup beyond software ....
it's not a small loss, even in a few hours, but obviously most revenue is from the bit of the network that failed ...
other parts of the network were also effected where there was still power, it seems not setup very well ...
@JoeWatkins you even have any people responsible for infra or is that really completely outsourced? Sucks to have no control over that
Apparently people still use the deathstar version constraint in their composer.json. Sigh.
@bwoebi we have a sysadmin team (not very big) who work closely with the companies providing the infrastructure ... sysadmins more or less function as translators for us, they can't really do anything on their own, all the executive power is with the third party ... I imagine this might change now ...
I confess I have to ask people to check my composer setup, I don't really use it that much because don't do much php really ...
I don't even run any code locally anymore, it takes more than an hour to do composer update, I've no idea why but we are using private packagist, easier to just interact via phabricator, or bring up a shell on a machine where the code exists ...
largesse liberal giving (as of money) to or as if to an inferior; also : something so given
GitHub finally got their shit together
You can actually expand code in both directions now
It's a miracle
moin nikita
> X-Shenanigans: none
Hey guys
I'm working with symfony. I'm looking for a way to override in a template le
{% block form_errors %} which is created in a theme.
How could I do that ?
Wow it's fast! The Sonata Admin test suite now runs in 10 seconds vs 4 minutes before! The generated clover.xml file is smaller though (533K vs 800K) cc @sonataproject https://twitter.com/krakjoe/status/1091227580601171968
24 times faster ... that's not bad ...
@NikiC oh god - yeah
@NikiC it shows both the history and the future of code?
memory leak while fetching – #77554
@JoeWatkins AFAIK Dmitry added some gdb support for the jit... But I have no idea what exactly that is...
ah excellent, I was really hoping to be wrong there ...
@JoeWatkins anyway, I think should be fine to debug the generated jit disassembly with gdb
At least debugging asm is much easier than writing it
I really hate the gdb asm debugger
The UI is really not great
Well, at least it no longer regularly crashes
I don't remember the exact nature of the strangeness, all I have in my head is "that doesn't work so well" ... but I don't know if it was something I was doing wrong, even using gdb wrong, no idea ... don't really deal with assembly, and when I do, I don't do it well ...
@NikiC well ... I think it's sort of fine now ... for C code at least... so annoying with c++ generated asm
I guess that will have to improve ... I know more than I did 10 years ago, but still not very much ... only what playing with libjit has taught me really ...
Is there a way in twig to stop template rendering ?
Something liek {{ exit() }} ?
@bwoebi I wonder how many years it will take them to implement the same thing for discussions
Happy Friday roomies. :-)
@NikiC not sure whether that'll still happen in our lifetimes :-P
we need to make more noise about the php builds being outdated on travis
link me that issue you opened nikita please ?
ah, that's what I remember seeing ... but this confused me, because I build PHP forty times a day and that didn't stop me ?
Does not stop me either, but it stop Travis. Because reasons.
I remember people saying on internals something about go-pear too, but I couldn't find where the build depends on that either
@JoeWatkins That's because we never run make install
also, it was only the go-pear on our servers that was compromised, can someone update their cookbook just to use their version of it maybe ?
@NikiC I do. But I configure --without-pear.
well I grepped for it, and found matches in install-pear-no-zlib
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ grep -R pear-install .
./pear/Makefile.frag:install-pear-installer: $(SAPI_CLI_PATH)
./pear/Makefile.frag:		$(MAKE) -s install-pear-installer; \
can we not just update that makefile to take github as the source for the thing ?
maybe smarter to use the github release anyway, given what happened ?
I have no idea what they actually want with that go-pear.phar though
It may not actually be for make install, because that doesn't use go-pear.phar in particular
yeah, I'm a bit confused about the whole thing ...
which is what the hackers wanted, to annoy and confuse me, personally ... I assume ...
Is it okay to download big files directly from github?
I'll bet there's a way to go through their cdn, but no idea what it is ... so I'm going to allow it :D
doesn't composer fetch json from github using the api, individual ? or does it use packagist ?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function each() in phar:///home/travis/.phpenv/versions/master/go-pear.phar/Console/Getopt.php:135
That means it's working :D
Getting pear to work will only restore builds for release versions
of course it does, how silly of me ... I should have known when I saw "Fatal error" ...
To get PHP master nightly builds to work we'd need at least github.com/travis-ci/php-src-builder/pull/26 and now also fix that fatal error...
such php4
Let's try to fix that
Oh god, easier said than done
It passes $args around by reference and calls each in more than one function
and there was I thinking it would take a minute .... of course it has to be difficult ...
@NikiC the proper fix would've been to use a generator instead of this by ref argindex hack :-D
@bwoebi The proper fix would be to nuke pear from orbit...
Hello guys.
haha true
@NikiC simplify not build 3rd-party extensions -> simply
@PeeHaa thx
I suspect that after fixing this, something else is going to fail
Why does mb_strtoupper change 'ß' to 'ss' in words like 'groß'? – #77555
again ^ :(
I have a strange behavior when compiling php-src from source. php-fpm by default creating socket under root account, so socket is not accessable by other processes.

Maybe i need something to set while configuring?
ugh bugs search seems broken
@Jeeves I really didn't anticipate that this would be the outcome
I don't want to insult anyone, but could it be that those people are politically active or something?
some C devs shouldn't write php, that file there is so nasty ...
@legale sounds like a config issue, read the templates in php-src, afair when running as root you need to set user/group somewhere ...
@NikiC isn't this the opportunity to do that?
'./configure' \
'prefix=/usr' \
'--disable-all' \
'--with-config-file-path=/etc/php/7.4/php.ini' \
'--with-config-file-scan-dir=/etc/php/7.4/conf.d/' \
'--enable-mbstring' \
'--with-readline' \
'--with-sqlite3' \
'--with-mysqli' \
'--enable-fpm' \
'--with-json' \
'--with-fpm-user=www-data' \
'--with-fpm-group=www-data' \
check this template was installed properly
(and that your fpm config references the correct pool configs)
@JoeWatkins thank you. difference is these params:
user =
group =

Question is this a bug or a feature?
I mean why in the default www.conf these parameters are missing?
I'm not sure
@NikiC that properties overwrite is a change in behaviour even if safe (on the first entry) ...
I'm not certain it actually matters in the real world though ... I could build one of my strange extensions against it and see what fails ...
@Danack Can you point me to the recursive call in Auryn that I'm looking for?
Trying to understand the logic... when I encounter an X that needs injecting, look at X and see if that has any deps etc etc
@Jeeves proposed -> proposes @NikiC
@Jimbo Search for make inside the Injector.
@kelunik Have done, but can't see where it calls make again on itself
It doesn't use recursion?
Unless it's $this->buildExecutable($prepare);
All the buildArg* call make eventually again
Ahhh, goes via prepare / build args back to make
can some once please help me to solve this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/54477295/…
@PeeHaa thx
Rearrange words in array to matching position calculating Levenshtein distance Php
Hello friends. I'm at a loss, I'm getting data from my mysql db, and using a while loop pushing it into an array, but it creates a new array with every iteration
@NikiC why does that require an RFC ?
@JoeWatkins what requires an rfc?
ref reflector
obviously +1, but I mean so obviously ... you could have reasoned that with the new typed properties support and prevalence of static analysis that this has now become necessary and just committed it ...
I've tried using array_merge, but
I found a problem:

Lines: 47-49 are commented, so default www.conf is generated without these params, so php-fpm service creating socket file owned by root:root with 660 access rights, so other processes unable to get access to it.
Is RFC needed to change www.conf.in?
well it's likely that is on purpose, it's really down to package maintainers to decide how fpm is installed on their distro because of such a variety of possible options, I'm not sure we can get it right ...
but I'm not sure about any of it ...
@legale You can try submitting a PR and cc bukka. Either he'll accept it, or maybe he knows why it needs to stay that way
email to bukka?
@legale Just ping him with @bukka on github
@NikiC ok, i'll try, thanks.
So, quick in-and-out question:
    public function AddComment(FormResult $result) {
                  $this->conn->query("INSERT INTO comments(TopicId, Author, Text) VALUES(1, $result->author, $result->text)");
Format dammit
Anyone that want to fill me in why this is not doing what I think it should be doing?
$this->conn is a mysqli-connection variable, and I obviously want it to insert the given data into comments. The data from $result is tested and is as expected
nvm i'm in fact stupid, didn't have single quotes around the $result-> variables.
Disregard the question!
@Xariez You're risking SQL injection
Use parametrized query (or prepared statements)
First attempt at using JIT: Segfault and hanging gdb
/me says nothing
no but it's ready, and you don't need to be able to debug it, and windows doesn't matter, and let's release it tomorrow ...
let's enable it by default in 7.4 :P
I think 2 years (until PHP 8) are enough time to have the JIT mature ... but too early for 7.4 I think.
And also, I think having JIT in PHP 8 only will ease migration
instead of incentivizing people to first migrate to 7.4 where backward compat is still fully given, ignoring deprecations
@bwoebi It would be good to have it stable enough for some perf tests though
@bwoebi Maybe you can test it against amphp?
That would be interesting
yeah, see how long it takes to crash running amp ... these are important numbers ...
Actually, let me quickly try amp test suite
@NikiC I don't expect a lot of gain in performance with the JIT because some intensive functions are optimized around the VM, trying to do as much as possible in icalls
@NikiC :-D
@NikiC I plan to test the parsing, other than that I don't expect too much.
@bwoebi done
There are test failures (all same cause though) and a segfault on shutdown
why can't I even build it ?
/opt/src/php-src/ext/opcache/zend_file_cache.c:894:27: error: ‘zend_accel_directives {aka struct _zend_accel_directives}’ has no member named ‘jit’
  if (ZCG(accel_directives).jit) {
@JoeWatkins try --enable-opcache-jit
I think right now it's disabled by --disable-all, because it's not specified as a non-ext option
and probably there is some code that assumes jit is enabled :D
got a build going now
not sure if --disable-opcache-file or --enable-opcache-jit done it, but I used both, to be sure
@bwoebi Agreed.
find ext/opcache/jit -name "*.h" -o -name "*.c" | xargs gedit
these may be my last words ...
/Users/Bob/php-src-jit/ext/opcache/jit/zend_jit_vm_helpers.c:34:59: error: register '%r14' unsuitable for global register variables on this target
register zend_execute_data* volatile execute_data __asm__("%r14");
meh does not build on mac right now
@NikiC it was October when I last bumped the docs-git topic, time flies! I'd do the git-svn mirroring myself if I could.
Speaking of time flying, I'll have been officially involved with PHP for a decade in the summer. :)
rdi/rsi bob ?
@JoeWatkins rdi/rsi? seriously - these are the two first args in the x86_64 ABI
I was reading why you'd use esi/edi ...
so what can you use ? and is that the only thing stopping the build ?
r8-r15 are supposed to be general purpose, what's special about mac and r14 ?
it's been at least two years since I even read any assembly ...
@JoeWatkins I have no idea
Compiling on linux ...
/home/dev/private/php-src-jit/Zend/zend_operators.h:483:10: error: 'asm goto' constructs are not supported yet
        __asm__ goto(
oh yay
need another compiler version apparently
@bwoebi you need a different compiler entirely
clang doesn't have asm goto
There are patches pending right now, so likely only in clang 9
guten abend
why can't I find an answer to that question ? it's the first question I have and I can't find an answer ...
@bwoebi but wait, that's normal Zend code. And checked in configure. Maybe rerun buildconf/configure?
@JoeWatkins What question?
what's special about r14 on mac ?
@salathe I hope we can move forward if we start with something really small...
you don't know either ?
@JoeWatkins it's not macos specific as such, it's clang specific
I think it has a very limited set of allowed regs
Let me find you a code reference...
thankyou, I thought it might be calling convention, but that's 8/9 used, and more than 6 args stacked, so not that
So can only use rsp and rbp
Which seems really odd to me...
You'd think those would be harder to support than some other random register
you say that because you would need to back them up before you use them, right ?
I mean llvm would have to do that, right ?
@JoeWatkins yes
I guess those are supported as global regs exactly because they cannot be used as general purpose regs by the rest of code generation
So it's easier to control them
So yeah, looks like in the current form jit can't support macos
dmitry just mentioned on ML that global register support seems to be important and this is also more or less the reason why it doesn't work on windows right now
yeah I saw
Why is it that whenever there's drama, Zeev is always at the center of it?
(I recognize that I can't really say much there, as I'm a source of drama as well, but being out of it for a while, the only times I've heard drama here/on twitter about it were when he got involved)
I might have started it by being taking an offensive position in the first place ... but pretty sure we'd have ended up there anyway ...
I just hope the drama/noise doesn't drown out actually making decisions and progress.
it won't for the 2/3 rfc, I'm going to be silent or reasonable until voting next friday ...
and then loud and unreasonable? :)
no, then I'll just resume silence, because I'm a happier individual when internals is not part of my day ...
@JoeWatkins from what I read, it started on the JIT thread, so while you may have contributed to it, it was already going on
@JoeWatkins made a massive difference for me
yep, it's just not a good place to be

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