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Any way of doing a count of a column but limiting it to a specified timeframe?

I want to see if I can do a sql query to see if UID is found more than x times within
x days then run X php code
@JBower you use WHERE to select the time constraint and use HAVING to restrict the count from GROUP BY
@tereško could you give me an example by any chance? I have this currently
SELECT * FROM resets WHERE DATE(resets.datetime) < NOW() ORDER BY uid, datetime

at the moment it's just showing all and ordering but I'd like to limit the results to only showing when UID has more than say 3 entries in the DB within 3 days
look up "mysql count group by" and "mysql group by having"
@bwoebi `ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START_EX(ZEND_PARSE_PARAMS_THROW` does not seem to throw in 7.1 (warning instead) when the arg count is wrong. This means that I have to use `ZEND_ARG_USES_STRICT_TYPES` if I want to be consistent. What is the best way to set that up for a given method (ideally only once?)

See: https://lxr.room11.org/search?project=php-src%407.1&project=php-src%407.2&q=&defs=zend_wrong_parameters_count_error&refs=&path=&hist=&type=
1 hour later…
well its morning here
can anyone track for me where it the syntax error unexpected T_STRING for this.
$mes .=' <td>Dear ".$rows['first_name']." ".$rows['last_name']."<br><b>Booking ID = #".$rows['booking_id']." / ".$rows['booking_date']."</b><br> Stay(s) from<b>".$rows['checkin_date']."</b> to <b>".$rows['checkout_date']."</b><br>No. of Guest :<b> ".$rows['total_adult']."</b> Adult(s) & <b>".$rows['total_children']."</b> Child(s)<br><br><b>Contact Detail</b><br>".$rows['add_line1'].", ".$rows['add_line2']."<br>".$rows['postcode']." ".$rows['city'].", <br>".$rows['state'].", ".$rows['country']."<br>Ph
Please use an IDE like PHPstorm, and please break your stuff up into smaller lines. The
first error is within 13 characters of the equals.
@Danack any suggestion for IDE that open source or not pricey .
@Fzstyle students get free phpstorm - jetbrains.com/student
or you can use the early access version and just get a new one each 3 months.
@Danack thanks for the info.
How is your beard coming along?
@Trowski That is hell... except the opposite.
@StatikStasis The wind right now is what's making it unbearable.
@Danack I usually trim it to about 1cm, but I haven't trimmed in about a month, so it's about double that, maybe a little longer. I don't plan on trimming it while it's this cold. I'm surprised how much it helps.
been a while I haven't seen a page like this... she's a very cool person regardless
@Trowski Same here- although ours is basically autumn compared to that. Yeah the wind makes it bitterly cold.
@Ekin Reminds me a Bjarne Stroustrup's page
btw happy to hear your kid is doing well @StatikStasis
He's like "I created C++... who cares."
Thank you! =)
heh yeah :)
nn all
1 hour later…
@NikiC can this even happen?
foreach(["self", "parent", "static"] as $scn){
yield [new Identifier($scn)];
yield [new Name([$scn])];
@Wes yes
how so?
the identifier/name thing is a major fuckup i still can't handle in a decent way
what I mean by "yes" is, that code will execute as you expect, first yield, then second yield, then first yield and so on until the generation is complete ...
imho there should be just Name, and where it's required one should do if($name->isUnqualified() ...
it's quite strange though, I'm not sure why you wouldn't collapse into a single yield ?
I have no idea where that code is from
no i was asking why in php-parser there is that identifier/name ambiguity
oh oh ... I've no clue, I'll shut up ...
basically new Identifier("float") can appear also as new Name(["float"]) :B
you'll have to wait for nikita, guess there's a reasonable explanation ... or some tortured one, that php makes necessary ...
not that i could verify it myself, but given this:
i'm gonna say it's possible
reasonable explanation for me is that originally there was only Name, then niki added Identifier, and things turned quite messy
4 mins ago, by Wes
imho there should be just Name, and where it's required one should do if($name->isUnqualified() ...
i am making the logo @JoeWatkins it's taking me ages
tried for a couple of hours the other day i ended up with this
fanxyou :)
I see where that's going, it's really cool ...
which is meh still
the idea is cool but i hate the bird lol
nah, it's got the bird, and it's actually speaking, it's cool ...
This ^ is my code, that line throws this error:
"Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '='"
any idea what's wrong?
you are missing $
self::$staticProperty is correct ...
oh ...
you saved my life (or my time, not sure either "life" is correct or "time" in this term)
get a proper ide
@Shafizadeh time, at most :)
@Wes yeah I really should start working with phpstorm
@JoeWatkins ah :P
@Wes my ide is gedit ...
is that like vim
no, it's just the gnome text editor, it has syntax highlighting and a file pane ... that's it ...
@Wes Pretty much the equivalent of Notepad for Linux
i used to use notepad++ for quick edits
Just minus the odd quirks that Notepad has, like adding random invisible characters to stuff
but now notepad++ takes longer to load than phpstorm... because everything has to suck in the world
@JoeWatkins For what languages?
like, checks for plugins updates or something like that
@MadaraUchiha everything
all languages and meta languages that I've ever heard of ...
and some I haven't
an ide is pretty pointless for me, I spend more time debugging than writing code by a very very very wide margin ...
oh you can have multiple files open at once, tabbed, that's really all I need, some color, file pane, and >1 edit pane
there's been times when I've had to use an IDE, I can't really do java or C# without one, I quite like eclipse platform ... but don't really do that anymore ...
in the past, when I've been actively working with many languages at the same time, all IDE's suffer the same problem ... by the time they actually are helpful in all those langs, it take 40 minutes to load an IDE, highlighting is weird and slow, and I type 10x faster than it can make letters appear on my screen, which is too annoying ... so I gave up, years ago ...
gedit is like sublime for me, I also really like Kate
yeah, or kwrite for kde is not bad ...
i.sstatic.net/88asq.png this is very useful at times
that's my kate
but I gave up on kde too, I actually don't like gnome, or this crappy unity thing, but since I spend most of my time in a shell, text editor, or here, I don't really look at the os interface much
I very much hated unity, gnome was meh, but I made my peace with kde... although I still hate plasma desktop
does anyone know is there a way to query values from another table where table name is in the current query?
i have this query:
select main_value, subtable from table1
and i want to know can i query values from subtable at the same time that this query is running
@JanakaRRajapaksha have you heard of joins?
@Patrick yes but the table name is in the query
it is to be retrieved from the query, the subtable in my example
@Ekin it spends too long trying to look fancy, too flashy ...
@JanakaRRajapaksha in that case I'm pretty sure that you messed up your database design
@Patrick hmm, it is already a designed one
the answers are so strange ... I dunno why I'm looking at ob_start
and this is also odd
at least the author went on saying don't do this
people don't do that, do they ?
@rtheunissen yeah, that's been an oversight in 7.0 and 7.1 ... just accept it and move on to 7.2 for proper behavior; alternative is creating a #define zend_wrong_parameters_count_error my_error_impl, and having my_error_impl call zend_internal_argument_count_error with the first arg being 1...
yeah, but why even show that, it's super strange
indeed it is
@JoeWatkins typos do happen :-D
the question itself is weird
oh yeah, newbie question, but all the answers have done is surely confused the poor guy who was so clueless he had to ask it in the first place ...
the answer is nothing but printf, he's looking for printf, for absolutely sure ... and he got ob start, and string concatenation ...
imagine what he'll create now ...
@JoeWatkins dunno, I'd use string concat as well ... in any language but C here
or maybe in this specific case, echo with comma separated args
I like to be able to read strings, "."." makes it too hard, and prone to mistakes ... format all the things imo ...
@JoeWatkins is it... but you typically get parse errors for these mistakes then
which is also caught by primitive highlighting
take that 3 seconds you just wasted, and times it by a gagillion ... you've just wasted like twenty years of your career fucking about with strings ...
@JoeWatkins Looking up the %d when reading and finding the nth arg after the string and then resuming is also losing me 3 seconds :-)
may not be 20 years, or 3 seconds, but you get the point ... it's a waste of time ...
@JoeWatkins because I just have it open: lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%407.1/Zend/zend_API.c#205 ... this is a mess to read, if you're searching for bugs
printf("%d %d %d",
yeah, "$arg1 $arg2 $arg3" please
I can read that in no time at all
@JoeWatkins for me that's definitely harder to read than string concenation
well when the args become more complex, result of function calls with params and array indexes and whatever, it's easier if they are on separate lines, I think ...
The way to do it is meaningful identifiers with string concat:
habit forces me to do that
$number = rand(1,6);
print "<url>url{$number}.png</url>";
That's the most readable
oh yeah, I don't hate that ...
but now make it a function call ...
yuk ...
@JoeWatkins Just put it in a variable beforehand
you can use formatting for everything, everywhere, so you can be consistent ... you can't with any other method ...
that's even worse, 10 lines of boilerplate to get to a print doesn't make sense
@JoeWatkins That's not boilerplate though ... you are effectively assigning a specific meaning to each argument in the string
if it happens to be a symbol at the time you're calling print, then "{$}" is not so bad, quite readable ... but if you have to make 10 lines of boilerplate in order to get to "{$}" that seems like a waste of time ... and in total, not easier to read than formatting
which makes it trivial to read even without a close look at the defs
proliferate to grow or cause to grow by rapid production of new parts, cells, buds, or offspring
@JoeWatkins I agree. and the truth is somewhere in between
who knew there was anything to debate about printing strings ...
@Wes Name is a namespaced name, Identifier is a non-namespaced name...
Good morning.
So with PHP 8 it's finally impossible to write object oriented PHP 4 compatible code... :-D
at least if you want ctors
tony will loose his shit
@bwoebi Still possible
Just define both
Ah true
wrong output of array_diff – #77545
It's fun to work on codebases written back then in PHP 3 and ... having had only minimal changes to its core
still possible because you didn't break it yet, or will still be possible because we're not breaking it (for some reason) ?
I thought constructors with class name were deprecated
@JoeWatkins They just lost their special function
they are not considered constructors anymore
I'm not sure why
why would it?
It's a normal function
other things we deprecated and then removed raise an error
@JoeWatkins because they otherwise would raise a parse error
they're not ignored ... ignoring it doesn't seem right ...
Ignoring it is the whole point
You should be able to call your methods whatever you like
yeah I see that, but reasonable to assume that since we used to raise deprecated and now nothing, that it will behave as if nothing was deprecated/changed ?
Not all deprecations (can) work that way
Some deprecations are for removals, some for behavior changes
hmm ... yeah ...
I think I've only seen the deprecation when I wanted the method with the same name as the class to behave as if a normal method, and only ever in tests, and only ever with Foo/Bar/Qux, not in real code ... if you're writing real code and purposefully give a method the same name as the class, I'm not sure if you expect it to be a constructor or not ...
if you've been under a rock for the last few years, you almost certainly expect that it will be a constructor ...
@JoeWatkins well. I think 5 years will be enough ...
still, you'll probably retreat to under your rock, after having looked at the state of the world ...
> You should be able to call your methods whatever you like
bottom line, I guess
well actually, you could know nothing about the history of this change, you could just be coming fresh to php from Java, .NET lang, insert lang here, where methods with name of class are constructors ...
and you actually can't call methods whatever you like, you can't call a method __destruct and have it be anything but a destructor, same for all other magic ...
I'm not sure about this ...
@JoeWatkins That's why those magic methods have those __ ya know
@JoeWatkins And more importantly, the class name already does not serve as ctor in namespaced code
I didn't even think of any of that ... then it's reasonable ...
traits hurt my head
@pmmaga It would be nice if next free element would always be the next free element, even with deletions...
Q: query from tables where table name is in the current query

Janaka R RajapakshaI have this query: select main_value, subtable, subtable_column from table1 I want to know can I query values from subtable at the same time that this query is running? EDIT ---- table1 structure main_value varchar subtable varchar subtable_column varchar branches structure(subtable in the...

It's one of two (the other being IAP) annoying pieces of hidden state inside arrays
Cannot sleep to save my life tonight- argh!!
I don't think anyone can sleep to save their life, if I hold a gun to your head and tell you I'm going to shoot you if you don't go to sleep immediately, you'd have a hard time going to sleep, right ?
Damn, it actually happened
@JoeWatkins I'm too tired to process this- so yes I guess.
@NikiC ah, one less thing ...
now we just need it to change to "Distributed by The PHP Group" :)
I dare you ...
@NikiC what about "self", "static" those are not names...
@Wes Those are weird
or "Developed by The PHP Group and Contributors", would genuinely be the nicest and most honest thing to put there ...
@Wes They are treated as namespaced names because they always occur in places that expect a namespaced name
It would make more sense if they were keywords really (okay, static is)
@JoeWatkins "Developed by mostly Dmitry and also Nikita and many others"
yeah or that ... anything is more honest than copyright the php group, it isn't that at all ...
@NikiC isn't self also a keyword?
@Wes nope
I don't even pay attention to what I put in headers mostly, just copy paste from whatever I was working on last and leave krakjoe in there so people can hassle me when it breaks ...
@JoeWatkins what do you want posted? or did you post it already?
any reason you don't just post it yourself btw?
@Patrick I was brave and done it myself ...
my fear of confrontation stops me, if someone else posts it, I don't feel I necessarily have to get involved in the arguments that follow, in a moment of self confidence I posted it, and sometimes do ...
I see. Reddit comments can really suck sometimes... Especially with all the fanboyism and lack of knowledge (with lots of confidence) going around
I can confront anyone in here about anything, because you all know me, and I you ... but the outside world is a scary place, even internals ... which is why mostly silent there, except behind the scenes ...
they can, but also, big audience, and sometimes the conversations are actually useful/interesting ... but it's feels like a risk to post something yourself anyway because you can't be sure ...
the mystery of this comment deepens ... it was voted down, and then other people voted it back up, which means someone somewhere knows what it means ...
still got no clue
reddit votes always fluctuate, probably due to caching
and then there are bots, multiple accounts etc... makes sense to ignore it (at least over the short term)
thanks, you logic'd a way for me to ignore it ...
@Patrick It fluctuates to hide the actual value
Regardless of caching
its me again, anyone know something about laravel i have a question :)
@NikiC hmmm.. not sure what you mean. because of array_pop?
is that for real ?
> Subsequent calls to new Foo will create a test double
apparently this isn't clear enough language ...
I must misunderstand something here
iptcembed broken function – #77546
@JoeWatkins people are looking at the examples which say $object = $builder->getInstance(); - while the actual point of the impl is that actual new calls are substituted ... The examples should definitely read $object = new Foo; instead of referencing the builder...
well here's how I want to reply to that
Okay ... I'm a little confused because

> Subsequent calls to new Foo will create a test double

would seem about as explicit and clear as possible, I don't know how to say those words more clearly ? I'm very open to suggestions, or even pulls to make the readme better ...

I chose, purposefully, to write the examples how most people would/should use it, which would be to inject the dependency.

I'm reluctant to encourage using it as I showed you here, but I can't really pin down exactly why ... I suppose, I want you to do it right and inject the dependency, and show that mimus supports tha
@JoeWatkins If I want to merely inject dependencies, then Mockery and anon classes are good enough typically
yeah that's true
The examples just don't show the true power and main point of the ext
They say what you should do, but then you don't really need the ext either :-D
I see what's going on, yeah, thanks
in my defence, this is a work thing, and I gotta push them to do the right thing, all the while supporting the bad thing and not breaking suites ... that's the reason for it's existence more or less ...
this new software supports this bad thing is exactly the mistake I made with uopz, it had no good mode ... showing the good mode encourages them to use it, and everyone, I guess
someone knows is there a way to NOT save a record when there is an empty string inside the value like in Laravel like so Person::firstOrCreate(['name' => '']);
@Dimitar yeah, use an if condition
is there a way to do it without the if condition :) @mega6382
@Dimitar Use a validator before you do that? Or indeed just a IF condition.
@JoeWatkins It's great to also show the good mode ... but when the whole point of existence of the ext is having the bad mode available, you pretty much definitely need to show the bad mode off at all
yeah you're right, I didn't think it through properly ...
how does first paragraph in readme look now ?
maybe mention that aspect mock can almost do it, but only if Foo wasn't declared and by using php parser ?
@bwoebi so by defining it, it won't call the function? Seems hacky but I don't mind it.
Or just 7.2..
Looking at php.net/supported-versions.php I think I'll just require 7.2
Thanks :)
I have a problem with spl_autoload_register at the time of models load
I have this:
spl_autoload_register(function ($classname) {
	$classname_filter = explode('\\',$classname);
	if ($classname_filter[0] == 'Models') {
		require MOD_PATH.strtolower($classname_filter[1]).'/'.strtolower($classname_filter[1]).'Model.php';
	else {
		require APP_PATH.strtolower($classname).'.php';
I don't know if its the best way to do this
i need help as i want to retrieve data based on specific date that is passed by user
@MGE the best way is to let composer do the autoloading
@rtheunissen :-P
@Patrick Thanks Patrick which is the reason?
@MGE because there is no reason to reinvent the wheel
But it looks like you are writing bad framework #32423, so might as well disregard what I said and go full steam ahead
Just wondering the reason, thanks for your tips
will prepare the load via composer
This line screams CodeIgniter clone to me: require MOD_PATH.strtolower($classname_filter[1]).'/'.strtolower($classname_filter[1]).'‌​Model.php'
I've never used codeIgniter
Then what made you think that suffixing classes with 'Model' is a good idea?
because I learned in this way in a tutorial
probably is not the correct way
@MGE there are a lot of horrible and outdated PHP tutorials out there
Btw, I compiled a list of learning resources a while ago: patricklouys.com/resources
haha, yes I see.
thank you
The best programming books are not using PHP btw, but you can still apply what you learn in PHP
pcov 1.0.0 is on pecl, install it, ready for friday :)
posted on January 30, 2019 by CommitStrip

@Feeds xkcd did that years ago
@Patrick is this yours? patricklouys.com/professional-php
@MadaraUchiha that's totally Taylor
@MGE yes, thanks :)
Hello everone!
@NikiC yeah, that sounds reasonable :)
anthony, look here please
am I confused or is remi ?
/cc @ircmaxell in case you disappeared
which part?
the bottom part
		/* must disable block pass 1 constant substitution */
		char level[11];
		size_t len;
		zend_string *optimizer = zend_string_init(
			ZEND_STRL("opcache.optimization_level"), 1);

		len = php_sprintf(level, "0x%08X",
			(unsigned int) INI_INT("opcache.optimization_level"));
		level[len-1] = '0';

		zend_alter_ini_entry_chars(optimizer, level, len,

I'm quite tired, but I'm sure that's right and has the desired effect ?
@JoeWatkins yeah it's wrong
no idea
you are disabling passes 1 through 4
show me please ?
You can do something like INI_INT("opcache.optimization_level") & ~1
@JoeWatkins btw, I believe strpprintf is always usable
instead of zend_strpprintf
in older versions that is
@tereško It seems like the time to buy Nvidia GPU is right now. Did you check the news
not really
Of course, being lazy me, I only skimmed over the title. I will let you do the heavy work :p
In other words, I'm buying when you are buying
that's a really dumb mistake
not sure why I thought it was clever/easier to make it a string before changing it even ...
extension_loaded is case sensitive @NikiC ?
wtf, you can't extension_loaded for opcache ?
oh it's called Zend OPcache
@JoeWatkins Recently had a lot of fun due to that.
yeah that's not expected
which versions use Zend Optmizer+ ?
that's even more annoying
Probably pre-5.5
When it was a separate extension
Having 100°F differential between the inside of your car and outside is… an experience.
how much is -30°F in °C ?
diff --git a/tests/bugs/0006-uopz-opcache-const-subst.phpt b/tests/bugs/0006-uopz-opcache-const-subst.phpt
index 45ef2d2..93fde71 100644
--- a/tests/bugs/0006-uopz-opcache-const-subst.phpt
+++ b/tests/bugs/0006-uopz-opcache-const-subst.phpt
@@ -4,7 +4,8 @@ opcache constant substitution disable
-       if (!ini_get("opcache.enable_cli")) die("skip opcache required");
+       $opcache = ini_get("opcache.enable_cli");
+       if ($opcache === false || $opcache === "0") die("skip opcache required");
this doesn't even make sense, and I know it doesn't make sense ...
I think I'll stop ...
@tereško -34°C
@SebastianBergmann pcov v1.0.0 is on pecl, if you want to update your build scripts or versions or anything
@tereško Music is awesome. Video is… odd.
@Trowski I went by the audio quality and did not care about video
btw, from the same album "Suicide By Star" is also quite good (it's one of the bands I put in the background, while coding or reading)
@NikiC peter added rfc label to your deprecations pr, that's not needing an RFC, right ?
Hi there, not a first-timer in php, though (2.49 - 0.5) == 1.99 just gave my team some pita to debug - in debugger the (2.49 - 0.5) showed as 1.99, same when converting to string. Despite using gmp or bcmath or whatever else, what would you suggest to catch such cases?
@pinepain you mean other than not using floats?
I store all prices in cents, then display them appropriately. So avoid using floating point in the first place most of the time.
@Danack not using floats is barely and option at the current project stage. Prices stored as decimal though on PHP level they are floats, changing this at the current state is less likely applicable, unfortunately.
I can't believe I've never thought of that. So much work...useless.
@pinepain Then you are doomed to have these edge cases.
i'm curious whether there are techniques that would catch places like this one during tests, mutation testing looks like a an approach to catch this, but i'm not sure that it's also applicable
@pinepain approaching it another way - why did someone write a test for (2.49 - 0.5) == 1.99 in the first place?
@LeviMorrison yeah, i think we'll schedule a refactoring of this within a month or so
@Danack nah, we don't write, i was jumping into a debugging session with one of developers who was slowly going out of his mind because of this bug, for me it was a bit strange that it displays as 1.99 despite not been 1.99 exactly
never hit it before (never stored prices as float before, actually =) )
I completely agree with just using cents but I still don't see the bug you mention. What exact result would you expect from 2.49 - 0.5?
@pmmaga 1.99
@pinepain set precision=-1
That will possibly fix the debugger
@NikiC pardon?
Depending on your use of money, you may want to store tenth or hundredths of cents, not cents. This is pretty common for foreign currency exchange software, for instance.
@JoeWatkins @NikiC that's it, thank you!
does somebody use precision=-1 in production?
@pinepain maybe.....but any floats should be run through NumberFormatter or equivalent anyway, so I don't think I have any echo $someFloat;
so for me precision would only affect logging or debug.
precision only effects output, not math
so likely nobody is using -1 in prod, that would be strange ...
okay, than it's safe to do, i guess
i need it for logging and debugging, 1.99 != 1.99 was just a bit strange to see
thank you for you help, room!
why do I recognize your name ?
ah weakrefs
@JoeWatkins yeah, sorry for traumatizing you with that
nothing is as self-traumatising as the shit I write, don't worry about it :)
so you didn't totally abandon php then ?
nah, spent 1.5 year in SRE and now getting back
cool, probably bump into each other again sometime :)
posted on January 30, 2019 by amphp

- Fixed response header parsing (#16) - Fixed close code byte order and close reason (#15)

if it doesn't last I might kill myself ... and before I do, I'm going to bequeath uopz to nikita in my will, just to fuck with him ...
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 22:00

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