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almost everyone here despises laravel
how to create an object like javascript in php/laravel
like this var tt = {'name': 'test', 'id': 1}
STMT execute memory leak – #77495
@Feeds Gratz @kelunik @Trowski
@FedericoFiaSare json_encode
if i declare this object $projects = array(
'id' => 1,
'name' => 'test',
'url' => 'project'
'id' => 2,
'name' => 'test2',
'url' => 'project'
how to access in blade
Or whatever index you want
Also that's not an object, but an array
@CharlesSprayberry hey I see you forked respect/validation. May I ask what you are using it for?
@PeeHaa Would it be too sarcastic if I said validating data? :P
in foreach
foreach($projects as $p){
In all seriousness I'm working on a personal project/business idea and I ran across a place in the documentation I'd like to improve for custom rules that wasn't clear to me until I dug through some GH issues
@CharlesSprayberry kk. Did you find anything lacking in their library
I am asking because I have been working on another validation library and was wondering whether there are thing I can do better
TBH I'm not a huge fan of the way it handles error messages. I don't especially like that exceptions control the flow of execution for situations I don't consider exceptional
It seems like a big hang-up with the validation libraries I've encountered have a hard time deciding how to deal with messages
@CharlesSprayberry Yeah. I am returning a result object instead
I have done stuff like that in the past with my own validation libraries I've putzed around with
I was thinking of even something simple like list($isValid, $errors) = $validator->validate($input)
But /shrug I think the ResultObject is probably better
I'd rather have a ResultObject than exceptions thrown. What is the link to your library?
Sorry I have to cut it short right now :(
Have some family matters to attend
Oh man I was just about to say I've been doing a lot with amphp
If you have some more things you don't like about respect I would love to hear more about it in some days if that's ok with you
And one of the things that I'm having issues with is respect's synchronous nature
@CharlesSprayberry :)
Will definitely look into what you're doing though
Again sorry to cut it short :(
No problem
See ya around
Will ping you in a few days again <3
@Dugi Good move on choosing docker
but prepare for lots of initial headaches
Take your time with it
oh, good to know @Tiffany lol thx for the heads up
how to use cache in blade template
@FedericoFiaSare did you intend to type that into google search?
2 hours later…
Good day...
Need your advice regarding this question
Q: PHP HTML table set to beside column after x column

HiDayurie DaveI have html table with PHP function to show it. $todayDate = date("m/d/Y"); $tomorrowDate = date("m/d/Y", strtotime('tomorrow')); $start = $todayDate.' 08:00:00'; $end = $tomorrowDate.' 07:59:59'; $time = strtotime($start); $timeStop = strtotime($end); $no = 1; while($time<$timeStop) { <td><

my mouse is slowly breaking, sometimes I'll go to click on something and it starts zooming in and out on the page ... feels like a scene from a cartoon or something ...
are we in a cartoon ?
@JoeWatkins However, don't try what you'd try in cartoon.
/etc/init.d/monday stop
chkconfig monday off
I think I've fixed mondays ...
Does anyone know what does the "via" mean in server-status? For example: "Apache Server Status for mirror-vm.apache.org (via" in mirror-vm.apache.org/server-status
@JoeWatkins I like Mondays - unlike Tuesdays where you're already exhausted from the previous days.
@akinuri locally bound address
@bwoebi find it hard to get started on mondays, I'd gladly deprecate them ...
we should just remove them from a future version of human, and have longer sundays, or longer sundays and tuesdays ....
@JoeWatkins hm. For me it's more like the day you have fresh energy from the weekend
ah well, you don't really recharge when you're up half the night looking at code ...
so ... I found some inconcistences in the way phpdbg reports coverage ... should I fix it so that phpdbg/pcov are the same ?
creed any system or codification of belief or of opinion.
happy monday folk
I'm trying to set a cron job and I'm curious about something. Doesn't this "*/5 * * * *" mean the task should run at every fifth minute? If so, does the time of setting this cron matter? I mean will the task run at *:05, *:10, *:15, etc or will it run at every fifth minute starting from the moment I set it up?
I've got incorrect (time) results and suspected the cron timing syntax. Now I'm guessing it was related to the server load. It started producing correct results now.
@JoeWatkins feel free
My boyfriend sent me a video using Iron Man and explaining what that guy did
I use Robinhood, but never tried trade options. After watching that video, I turned trade options off.
I have spent last 2 hours going through thread on /r/wsb about this topic, its so fascinating. The way it seemed so risk-free and then how it went all tits up.
@Tiffany Yeah, I saw that too, actually that's the first thing I saw, and from there I started digging deeper.
@Tiffany Well, they disabled short boxes after this happened anyway.
There's a chat for whatever reason in the bitcoin area of Robinhood. Supposedly someone lost 500k from it, the dude kept talking about it.
@mega6382 you can enable/disable trade options in your account. I enabled it thinking it'd be something I'd want to learn how to do. I've read stuff and kind of understand it but seemed too risky for me. After watching that video I realized I could seriously fuck myself up if I don't know what I'm doing and disabled it.
I'm sticking with limit orders :D
I may try trade options at a later time, but only when I have a better grip of what I'm doing.
Yeah, after reading all that, I figure its better to educate yourself first on the subject. :D
I have today off, but consequently, stock market is closed too, lol
Hello, I have a date with this format: 2019-01-17T12:15 (Im not sure if is this ATOM, please correct me if I'm wrong) the question is that I want to sum 30 minutes to this
@MGE it is ISO 8601, the date format
Why can't you create a DateTime object based on that and add 30 minutes to it? It should work, I think. DateTime objects react to less-than/greater-than signs
Really wish mobile chat would change the enter button on the phone to new line instead of send to chat.
@Tiffany thank you, I will take a look.
@MGE 3v4l.org/a1BPf use a custom format if you want to get rid of the timezone
thank you, could I remove the "+01:00" at the end of the output?
I mean without the timezone
Just choose a format
!!docs datetime
[ DateTime ] Representation of date and time.
Im checking it, but for ISO 8601 format is correct, "c" but it returns also the tz
@Danack yes, I tried but there's nothing
Hello. Any PayPal experts here? I've just set up PayPal with my website, but when I receive the IPN response, it's always invalid. However, PayPal sets up the payments and charges correctly. Any one experience this before?
sounds like something you would want to ask PayPal
Yes I have... the problem is, although they have forum/community, I trust SO more
Plus, no one replies on their community forums :(
Thanks though @Gordon
I need get property from cache inside blade template, how can i do it?
@MadaraUchiha you around?
@MyDaftQuestions possibly a bit late for you....but this is why more people are using Stripe now.
Looking now, thanks.
I will email them and ask some questions. I like the idea of PayPal because I don't have to store any details. The user simply leaves my website, pays, and then returns.
> I will email them and ask some questions.
They have actual documentation on their site.
@mega6382 Sup
Well, I tried what you suggested, but I got
"export type MyType = typeof Classes.class1 | typeof Classes.class2 | typeof Classes.class3 | ...;"

rather than

"export type MyType = Classes.class1 | Classes.class2 | Classes.class3 | ...;"
@MyDaftQuestions the details I believe you have to store with Stripe is minimal
I'm looking at implementing it on my dad's website, I'm just taking forever to implement it. Not the fault of Stripe, mind you, I'm just slow.
You can use InstanceType to extract the instance type (i.e. from typeof Class to Class)
That is
export type MyType = InstanceType<(typeof Classes)[keyof typeof Classes]>;
Does that work for you?
Yeah, that worked, thank you very much <3
hahaha, I literally just spent 2-3 hours on this, and couldn't figure out the solution, fml
Thank you @Tiffany
So I'm currently starting with a project, where naturally the data(base)-layer and the front-end layer is separated
However, since I separated them, all I'm getting is Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function query() on null
I'm fairly certain there's something more or less obvious i'm missing when trying to create the mysqli object, but I'm not seeing it. The data layer itself can be seen here
$conn is not the same thing as $this->conn. You are setting that value in a variable in your constructor, but not assigning it to $this->conn
no wait, you're completely right
and i'm completely fucking stupid
Well ,thank you. That took longer than it should have xD
Morning good peoples of room 11!
@JoeWatkins I asked the wife if she would get me a full body pajama outfit... she said uhhh- not like that. LOL!
tell her I said whatever, I FEEL PRECIOUS ....
can someone check out the tip of 7.3 branch and try to build ?
I think someone merged 7.2 into 7.3
something odd is happening
I have failed builds on my Jenkins but that's just due to pear being dead
I tried locally and it also went fine
good morning
@JoeWatkins uh, 7.2 into 7.3 is normal
mysqli->real_connect() overwrites MYSQLI_OPT_LOCAL_INFILE setting – #77496
I thought php_version.h was merged, I dunno what was going on...
new office chair day is always good ... just the right amount of pink too ...
@JoeWatkins so? what's going on?
oh well, I haven't slept much the last week ... and ...
/* automatically generated by configure */
/* edit configure.ac to change version number */
#define PHP_EXTRA_VERSION "-dev"
#define PHP_VERSION "7.3.2-dev"
#define PHP_VERSION_ID 70302
that confused the fuck out of me ...
I done a diff of something and there was a 3, and a 2, and I panicked ...
3 and 2 ...
@bwoebi The changes you made to NativeDriver won't make any difference as far as I can see.
Bah, no, that call to getTimeout() was a bit hidden.
Does anyone know how to generate urls from a tree array?
hi, in e-commerce websites, when you cancel an order, how is the refund initiated back to the customer's account?
I have categories
and I need to generate all possible URLs on them
posted on January 21, 2019 by CommitStrip

do representatives credit the refund amount manually?
I'm trying <input type="checkbox" class="form-check-input" value="{{$rol->system}}" disabled> but eloquent return system like int
in database is boolean
how to cast
* Get data from memcached ==== OLD METHOD TO BE REMOVED =======
love it
legacy all the way
this is from 2010 ... seems old means something else in this codebase
@bwoebi Found another one on packagist that needs @kelunik and I: amphp/mysql.
how do it?
@FedericoFiaSare how do what?
@Andy I have a couple TODOS in my codebase that'll never get completed...
I have a boolean field in database, when i recupere the field, value is int and the checkbox not recognize value default
@FedericoFiaSare what have you tried googling so far?
@FedericoFiaSare What int? You mean 1?
And what is the exact field you are using?
@Jeeves And a terrible movie.
!!should I buy Starcraft Remastered or not
You should not buy Starcraft Remastered.
good enough for me
Isn't today a holiday for you @Tiffany?
@Allenph indeed it is
@Allenph we get most national holidays off, except two or three in the year, to compensate the week and a half we got off around christmas/new years
@Tiffany always I search in google before
<input type = "checkbox" class = "form-check-input" value = "{{$ rol-> system}}" disabled>
this is, but eloquent return 1 and the checkbox does not recognize the value, don't cast to boolean
Segfault with H2 server push and timeout – #77497
@Trowski done
@bwoebi Thanks. I think the three of us are now listed on all packages.
@bwoebi You added rdlowrey, not me :-P
@FedericoFiaSare Seems you are missing checked attribute.
what attribute?
@FedericoFiaSare At least in this form field.
mmmm i thought that attribute "value" is the real value
you were right, add an if you have that property @Tpojka thank you
@FedericoFiaSare Yes. Go through all checkbox option fields with ternary operator and show checked where you have that kind of boolean from database.
Have you seen this account? twitter.com/everyboolean :D
3 years in the making
what was it that sometimes caused -1 in binary calculations... like an overflow error?
@Trowski awww, I typed Trowksi
@iamdevloper Graduate/Junior position. Requires 5 years exp in Swift, React, HTML, CSS, SCSS, SASS, Jquery, JS, PHP, Rails, Ruby, Haskell, Prolog, Go, Java, Tea-making, Skydiving, Video production, crane operation and paediatrics Please note, this is a low/no pay position/internship
Q: What is the best prefix for global variables? A: //
anyone here working with laravel?
trying to upload my project to my domain(but not directly in the root folder, so www.mydomain/laravelprject) and i´m getting 403 erro
e já agora olá
@Japa Maybe you need to check your .htaccess
i read everywhere that i shouldn´t mess up with that file
Where's laravelprject exactly? Is it inside your public_html or htdocs directory?
when i enter my domain...i have a wwwroot folder...my own website folder are there...what i did was, created a folder inside this one e puttedthe laravel project there...can i do this? or do i have to have the laravel prject directly in my wwwroot?
i keep receiving the 403 error...and i have gave permissions for the storage folder and vendor
i'm tempted
What's the difference between Thread Safe (TS) and Non-Thread Safe, for PECL installation?

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