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@PHPFan compaing a language a older js library is not really comparable
Night all.
@Danack foreach working with non-traversable objects was the mistake.
@duncan3dc There's nothing special about stdClass vs any other class with public/undeclared properties. I don't see a reason to special case it.
I'd like to discourage use of objects non implementing Traversable from being used with foreach. If you wanted to suggest stdClass implementing Traversable that's more palatable, but I'm not sure I'd vote yes on that either.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
@NikiC can i maybe load tokens of token_get_all into php parser?
@Wes Not conveniently
You can do it by extending the lexer and manually assigning the tokens there...
ok no :P just curious if i could avoid stringifying back the tokens
i am writing horrible code
man this time i swear i was sure i was going to finish something in a few hours... clearly it's a million times more complex a problem than it was originally in my head :B
hmm @NikiC You actually forgot the NEWS entry for typed props :-D
@NikiC maybe there is an alternative tokenizer than token get all in php-parser? that would do too
even better if i can convert those tokens into the ast later
We're implementing realtime data streaming for our website. I mean, we will publish new answers, and new comments under posts, and changing post's votes all realtime (without refreshing). The current system is "sending a request per each 5sec to get the new data if exists". Is there any better architecture? @tereško
@Shafizadeh Not with PHP.
You have WebSockets, but those and PHP are on a pretty rocky relationship
@MadaraUchiha I see .. you mean I have to start installing Node.js and making the whole server side written with that? (instead of PHP)?
@Shafizadeh Not necessarily.
There's nothing preventing you from running an HTTP server in PHP, and another WebSocket server in Node or whatever
ah I see .. thank you. I will read about it
1 hour later…
Hello ladies.
@MadaraUchiha @Shafizadeh github.com/amphp/websocket-server
PHP can easily do these things you know…
@Trowski I wouldn't call amphp "easy" when compared to the rest of PHP
"powerful"? Sure. "amazing"? Hell yeah. "easy"? Not so much.
@MadaraUchiha I wouldn't either. But writing a websocket server in an language will be about as difficult.
@Trowski Point.
imo the biggest drawback in php is the lack of async support for common libraries
> Amp is a non-blocking concurrency framework for PHP.
any alt word for "non-blocking" ?
@PeeHaa that's the biggest drawback?
Not the millions upon millions of "& now we uz mysql_query to input the password into the database" tutorials out there?
@Shafizadeh In context of non-blocking concurrency you can read it "started before previous action finished" Check this image.
@Tpojka That image should really not be a jpg.
@Shafizadeh Don't think so. It's called non-blocking because waiting for the operation to complete doesn't block the rest of the thread.
@MadaraUchiha Not a jpg?
@Tpojka jpg for pictures, png for graphics
Noted. Thanks.
@Tpojka Take one of each (picture, graphic) and convert between the two
Note the files sizes and visible quality.
Ok. I will test it.
Regarding image above, it was just one found on the net.
hello guys
@JoeWatkins if i fopen(..., "c") a file that is in a directory that doesn't exist, what will that directory's permissions will be set to when it is created?
it won't create directory
@Tpojka Ah I see. cc @MadaraUchiha thx, got it
@Shafizadeh are you trying to understand the word or trying to translate it?
it won't? is it even possible to do something atomically with the local file system?
very possible
so basically i have to create the directories, then hope that nobody deletes them before i fopen, and hope that nobody deletes the file before i flock
remember me saying the other day that the lock file and target file are normally different files ?
you see how that helps or should I do more words ?
it doesn't help
more words pls :B
@Tiffany I was trying to understand the concept. I can find the meaning of the words using google.translate. But sometimes the provided meaning by google makes no sense.
you have an empty, existing lock file, all processes open that in any mode that will succeed on an existing file, all processes lock that file exclusively, you perform modifications to the file system, including directories and target files while holding that lock, then release it having modified the target file and or file system ... the lock file is never read or written, just locked and unlocked, used as a kind of mutex ...
most unix daemons since the start of time use strategies like this, it works, for damn sure ... they typically use it to lock their /var (runtime) directory where they may write many log files, sockets and so on, and must do so exclusively ...
@Shafizadeh what helped me understand the concept is thinking about databases. When my application is selecting data from the database, the application essentially pauses, waiting for the data to be pulled. In the application I use at work, it can take about 30 seconds to pull it... becomes slow as hell. With non-blocking I/O, this 30-second delay would be significantly reduced.
There are other ways to reduce the slowness but at this point I don't care anymore because we're switching off it soon.
@Tiffany Yeah .. I see about the concept of non-blocking in asynchronous requests. Also about your database being too slow, you can use proper indexes to make it fast enough. Or use nosqls if the dataset is very large
sorry i still don't get it @JoeWatkins what do you mean with "any mode that will succeed on an existing file"
what existing file?
the empty lock file
it doesn't matter where it puts the pointer, you will never write or read it ...
what pointer :B
@Shafizadeh we're switching to a new platform in the summer. My boss doesn't want me putting any effort into the old one at this point. It's considered a waste of time.
i have no idea how this stuff works
i understand the lock file, but i am not sure about the purpose
@Tiffany I see .. yeah sometimes redesigning (from the scratch) is much more better than refactoring (refining) the existing code.
not sure if "refactoring" means what I meant.
> 'r' Open for reading only; place the file pointer at the beginning of the file.
that pointer ... some modes will put at end, others at beginning, we don't care where it puts it because we will never read or write the lock file ...
so you open in 'r', 'w' or any mode that will succeed on an existing file without trying to create it (because you committed it as an empty lock file) ...
i see
the problem with filesystem modifications is that you can't get a lock on a directory handle, so you must use a lock file, or some other form of mutual exclusion if you want to do more than write a single file ... while you hold the lock on that file, your processes can make complex modifications to the filesystem exclusively ...
did I do enough words yet ?
@Shafizadeh we won't be rewriting it. The application is a CMS. We're just switching to a newer CMS (and the source is maintained by someone other than me)
But still plenty of stuff for me to do
so for example fopen with "a"ppend mode is risky given that the file might change in size in the span of time between fopen and flock
@Tiffany oh .. do you know wordpress?
@Shafizadeh I know how to install it to a server and set it up, but that's all. And that's all I want to know because I hate WordPress.
@Tiffany ah so you hate wordpress either .. apparently everybody in here are hate it.
Err, nevermind, I misunderstood the statement
i think i am starting to wrap my mind around it
@Shafizadeh it does a lot of stuff wrong or weird. It seems like a lot of plugin "developers" are the stereotypical "bad PHP developers" that other language developers sneer at
wordpress is a pile of crap, that's why we hate it ...
@Tiffany ah
I have 99 problems and WordPress is all of them...
if you can open any file in wordpress and not be annoyed, you are not reading it correctly ...
a deep misunderstanding of how to write software ...
in my case i need to create 2 directories like dir1/dir2/ and put the php file in the 2 @JoeWatkins
it doesn't matter where you scroll, or what you open, it's everywhere ...
@Wes remember to keep lock file outside of that structure to avoid headaches, and outside of webroot (or hidden) ...
@JoeWatkins @Jeeves tweet this pls.
ah the lock file is something i have to do. i thought php magically did it :B lol
now all this makes more sense
why don't you create a filesystem wrapper that is cool like that @JoeWatkins i always try to drag you into creating mad stuff :B
the external lock file though only protects against my very code
not third parties that are not aware of the external lock
which could be my case... like an IDE might write/delete the php file while i am requiring it
so maybe the external lock is not a good idea in this case... am i making sense?
locks are only advisory anyway.. you have to opt-in to checking for them
I was just writing about advisory ...
you're making sense, in that I understand the words you are saying ... but no, you're not making sense ... we don't worry about IDE's editing deployed code :)
it's not deployed code... it's development tools
so it's very possible that the ide accesses the php file concurrently to php itself or my tool
ever heard of staging ?
ah you mean..... staging
people modify code at the same time it's run on apache or tests are executed... i could do that but i don't want to force anyone to do that... i'd hate doing that
so question @JoeWatkins why does fopen bother to check if the file exists at all
if it can be deleted afterwards by another process
I have no idea what you are doing
it has to either exist or be created in order to return a valid file handle
but that file can be deleted afterwards by another process... what's that valid handle for then?
it remains valid, it's called unlink() and not delete_and_purge_file_from_underlying_datastructures()
the process that opened it and got a valid handle may read the contents of the file after another process unlinks it, no problem ...
so flock() locks the "file name" while fopen() locks the data associated to that file name
kinda... well, i got it i guess
well it doesn't lock anything, it searches for a node by that filename, and if it hasn't been unlinked at the time will return a handle too it ... even if it's unlinked after that handle is returned, unlink doesn't erase the node or it's contents, just ensures the next call to fopen can't find the node ...
so why can't i flock a path without having to keep an handle to the node?
it's an implementation detail, you want to pass a precise location to flock, not perform the same kind of search that fopen has to perform to find the node, and you must have already performed that search (you can't lock a non-existent file) ...
gotta eat, lata ...
lata. thanks
so flock locks a file that might be unlinked meanwhile?
@JoeWatkins ...that's a lot of global... my God...
youtube.com/watch?v=lrzil48VjO8 this is how i imagine @MadaraUchiha
if you try upload a file that is not a image, using ImageMagick, it will fail. but if someone get a a valid image and modify the headers (inserting code inside the image) and try to upload this file using ImageMagick, it will fail too?
what do you mean upload using image magick?
my version is funnier :B
@Wes this:
$imgk = new Imagick($_FILES["uploadedIMG"]["tmp_name"]);
$imgk->thumbnailImage(180, 180, true);
ah that doesn't upload the file, the file is already uploaded, you load it into imagick
with using ImageMagick i reffer to this writeImage
imagick probably throws an error if the file is not an image or if it's corrupted
you can try what it does yourself... just do new Imagick("not-an-image.txt")
> ImagickException
i did it, and it will throw a error, but i don't know about a "valid" image with modified headers
what is a valid image with modified headers?
there are no headers
if someone get a valid image, and modify the code inside the image
then it would become an invalid image?
search for Checking an image’s header
i wanted to know if ImageMagick will process this modified image, did know something about it?
mime are just guesses
imagick actually loads the image entirely
so it's either a valid image or it's not
you meant ImageMagick will "valid" the image and move the file to the designed folder using the writeImage()?
i don't know the details but i am sure that in order to resize the image, imagick must be sure that the image is actually a valid image
it's not like getimagesize that might be tricked into thinking that it's a valid image
anyways, would you recommend use GD to read the file and create a new one? Or you think it's fine?
imagick is more advanced than gd
if you load the image into imagick and it loads fine you can be sure it's actually an image and not an attack
if you try to read stuff like exif data, mime, then don't trust the result
ok, there's some functions to use on Imagick, like readfile() identify()...etc, Should i use these or i'm fine with this short code?
$imgk = new Imagick($_FILES["uploadedIMG"]["tmp_name"]);
$imgk->thumbnailImage(180, 180, true);
Hello guys.
Any php-src developers?
I need to find a problem but don't know what to do
Travis says about repeating memory leak.
But how to find it?
@Natalie code is good. What do you need to get?
@NikiC could you help me?
what's the pr ?
@legale USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 valgrind --leak-check=full
yeah I scanned it, it's a bit of a mess, and I don't spot anything obvious ... so valgrind is your friend ;)
@JoeWatkins i've tried to make it beautiful.
says leak is from the realloc handler ... github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
eye of the beholder ... and polishing a turd ... mbstring is not a nice place to be ...
@JoeWatkins never used it. At least directly.
no well they are set so that mbstring uses request memory, setting USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 in env will stop zend mm from working and allow valgrind to track locations/leaks properly ...
@JoeWatkins thanks.
Last leak repeated 11759 times
=== Total 500004 memory leaks detected ===
well .. that's quite some leak ...
I think you're missing calls to efree after your add_next_index_stringl's
for what pointers?
i was hoping on mbfl library
there may be a function you need to call, I'm not familiar with it at all ...
i'll find something similar. thanks
krakjoe@fiji:/opt/src/php-src$ sapi/cli/php -n ext/mbstring/tests/mb_str_split_jp.phpt
mb_str_split() tests for the japanese language
BIG-5: a4e9 a5bb
EUC-JP: c6fc cbdc
ISO-2022-JP: 1b2442467c1b2842 1b24424b5c1b2842
SJIS: 93fa 967b
UTF-16BE: 65e5 672c
UTF-16LE: e565 2c67
UTF-32BE: 000065e5 0000672c
UTF-32LE: e5650000 2c670000
UTF-8: e697a5 e69cac
BIG-5: a4e9 a5bb
EUC-JP: c6fc cbdc
ISO-2022-JP: 1b2442467c1b2842 1b24424b5c1b2842
hope that gets you somewhere ;)
(it's probably wrong, but it's somewhere to start ...)
that was the one with half a million leaks
I forget pings ...
looking around at other code I think you might also be missing a device_clear ... mbstring is such a mess, I'm going to stop looking at it now ... good luck ...
@JoeWatkins thanks.
I'm hoping to get lxr back up again tomorrow
I do like that, because adams hasn't got any of my stuff on it ...
hows u chris
The box it runs on was damaged in a flood but I have rescued the drives and I have managed to get the VM to boot on another host, just need to get the SSD mounted now
I am OK, ish. It's complicated :-P
but I am alive :-D
that's all you need to be :)
eh... :-P
sunday is dragging on a bit ...
@JoeWatkins it can continue to drag :D
prevent the oncoming Monday
@MadaraUchiha In context of async? yes
I'm going to pretend it's over and go to sleep ...
nn all
@JoeWatkins o/
@DaveRandom oh hoi
Ohey milos is still alive
omg @DejanMarjanovic is here
@PeeHaa ohai
@DejanMarjanovic do you have the ability to re-register phpdbg.com for a sane price?
iirc you did it in the first place
I pusheth the domain to joe
oh well we're all fucked then
joe messed up
doesn't really matter :-P
phpd.bg ba-dum-tssss :D
I hear that's a country
it's running on phpdbg.room11.org atm I think
the domain doesn't really matter, really we should just docbookify the content and bin the whole site off
I had to get a static copy from wayback machine :-P
I think my ssd that has that website is... somewhere in a flood :D
Maybe not, I will check
doesn't really matter tbh, I saved all the useful content and I had to rejig it a lot
@DejanMarjanovic no point in spending the money :-P
I didn't even doubt good sir
what needs to happen is someone needs to put not loads of time (like 2hrs) into just turning it into docbook and adding it to the manual
I know some of those words
it's just documentation, it belongs in the php docs, possibly some of it belongs on wiki.php.net
it certainly doesn't need it's own site any more, not now it's part of core
I have the site in a github repo
it's hosted on platform.sh
a few people have push access to it iirc
@DaveRandom It's already there isn't it?
not unless someone has done it in the last ~6mths
it's only part of the core because oh my out of the world jquery skills
oh no that's just api docs, the site has usage/tutorial for the command line api/repl
(ssl cert is broken aparently)
jeeves needs some fixing too...
dave random wants to harm your computer
I'd like to look at it but it will have to be a near-future project, if he isn't fixed before then
@Tiffany What in specific?
!!? php
it needs porting to ampv2
@Gordon traitor!
@DaveRandom Only to be done when it is deprecated and removed again in favor of v3
couldn't google stuff
@Tiffany ah
!!blame @DaveRandom
@PeeHaa that doesn't work either :P
it's still on v1 which means it is still running on the old DNS bridge which is buggy af and freezes the loop periodically
@Tiffany I know :) The socket is stuck
if I knew about @NikiC quest if would gladly refer him and then drink the money with @PeeHaa
!!blame @PeeHaa and @DaveRandom
at least I can reboot him from another room
@DejanMarjanovic \o/
carom to strike and rebound.
@PeeHaa a shitty bandaid would be to set up a cron job to service jeeves restart every, say, 6hrs
!!? php
@Tiffany Did you know? That php... doesn't exist in the world! Cuz' GOOGLE can't find it :P
@PeeHaa ^
@Tiffany fix it <3
Might be just google changing their non js page
Or it's all fucked :P
@DaveRandom Yeah also a "solution" I guess :D
@PeeHaa I may not be able to get to it in a couple months :/
It's DNS, I will bet you all the money my country is worth. Like $10 at least.
@DaveRandom Gimme £10 and a blue passport and we can talk
£10 won't even get you a pack of rolling papers
@PeeHaa a thing that might be super useful actually would be to make it easier to grep the logs for errors including stack traces
dunno why that was a reply
I haven't used a computer for a while, I've forgotten how they work
what year is it?
who are you people?
@DaveRandom the voices in your head
come to haunt you in a chatroom
No I killed them
they're zombies now
unless this is some sort of "ghost of chatrooms past" scenario
@JoeWatkins you was right. memory leak was in string.val
I didn't find a single one of those funny
you're not drunk enough
at last i've finished with it
@FlorianMargaine that's not appropriate.
1 message moved to Trash can
@FlorianMargaine tbh, I think they are pretty funny :D
and the comments are a gold mine
@mega6382 it's easier to laugh at them when it's not your history
no doubt, still hilarious
FFS. I shouldn't have to say that rape jokes are not appropriate in this room.
To be clear @mega6382 you were kicked for continuing on commenting on something that was already moved out of the room for being offensive. I suggest not doing that in future.
@Danack true, but no specific joke was told or discussed in this room, and there were other types of jokes.
@Danack Sorry, thank you and no problem, cause rules are rules.
!!should I buy chocolate or not
You should not buy chocolate.
hello world
I think that's one of the very few times I've disagreed with you, Jeeves
!!should I take over the world
God, yes!
@Jeeves @PeeHaa what's wrong with this broken-ass bot
@PaulCrovella in fairness, we had a ton of snow, and I don't want to drive in it
...but I can get delivery....with brownies...
So were overlooking my desire to rule the world. lol
Bad or Good idea -> HTML/PHP templates (for a template engine) held in a database?
@JustinKaz the position is mostly ceremonial anyway
@PaulCrovella oh - so its figure head like lol
hey guys
I have this simple method call in my index.php
$table = new Table();
	"tableName" => "wpki_users",
	"tableId" => "myTable",
	"tablePagination" => [
		"rowsPerPage" => 5
	"displayRows" => [
		"ID" => "ID",
		"display_name" => "Nome",
		"user_email" => "Email",
		"user_pass" => "Senha"
The method generateTable does exactly what it's name says, it generate a html table with the given parameters ("tableName", "tableId" (to differ multiple tables), "tablePagination") and etc...
Here's the code for table.php class:
class Table {
	public $connect;
	public $dbHost;
	public $dbUsername;
	public $dbPassword;
	public $dbName;

	public function __construct() {
		$this->dbHost = "localhost";
		$this->dbUsername = "root";
		$this->dbPassword = "";
		$this->dbName = "44tem";
		$this->connect = mysqli_connect(
		) or die("Não foi possível estabelecer uma conexão ao banco de dados!");

	public function generateTable(array $parameters) {
How do i pass all the arguments on the method call (first code block) on this ajax call?
Well the first question you have to ask yourself - is should you pass the same arguments from PHP to HTML or - should you use a form of a Session to keep track of the request.
is it a bad practice to use session variables on this simple "table generator" library?
not if your sending database collumns
it also depends on the type of information your sending
but, what if i send the entire array parameter?
i won't be sending any sensitive information (like passwords)
you can encode the array to a json variable and have php decode that on the receiving end.
so <script> var tableParms = <?= jsonEncode($this->array); ?>; </script>
so, iirc $_SESSION["parametersArray"] = json_encode($parameters)
is this correct?
A session variable can store an array - I believe.
I supposed I'm confused and since I'm still confused... I'm going to direct the rest of this conversation to someone smarter than me... anyone smarter than me... looks at room list, yep 90% of you. lolz
anyways, thank you!
i'm going to try this solution
back in a few minutes...

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