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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

I already had a new i7 5960x, warranty replacement, was sitting in box for a year ...
Oh nice
I wish prices would come back down. I've not had a build cost this much in... well a very long time.
it's an extremely stable, fast platform ... 8/16 cores is nice ...
For a long time a new gaming rig would only cost me between $800-1200 without excluding OS and tower.
Yeah I bet it is.
To be honest I have not fully committed to whether I am going to build my rig now or finish my racing drone build.
that's board ... I can't remember what ram it has in it, corsair ddr4, only 16gb though ... I didn't go mad, because I used to have a machine with even more cores and 64gb of ram ...
but I broke it ... somehow ...
That the board you have- oh ok.
Under warranty?
oh the broken one, no ...
it was a dual cpu xeon .. a monster of a thing ...
I still got the cpu's and memory, but the board is fucked ... and possibly one or both of the cpus ...
wow- no idea how you did it?
I think a surge fried it, but I'm not sure to what degree, because I've not got any hardware I can test with like another board or anything ...
oh yeah- that always sucks not having a "known good part" for troubleshooting.
it's a server machine, and the built in management software comes up but it won't boot ... I've spent hours, days even trying to get it to switch on ...
Any chance someone could push me in the right direction from what I'm doing wrong with my code?
I have a login system that works great right now
but I want to detect if the user is an admin
now everything valuable is behind protectors or ups's, but when we first moved to spain we were naive, and I just plugged it in :(
theres a column called admin in my db and the idea is if its 1 then user is admin if its 0 then they are not
But I can't figure out the code to get that to work
32 cores in the cupboard was really cool ...
I've tried if (!isset($_SESSION['id']) || !in_array($_SESSION['id'], array('1'))) but this isn't working
is there something wrong with that code?
@BradAndrews Post your question, or link to your question. If someone can answer it they will... sometimes it may take a while to get a response depending on room activity.
@JoeWatkins Ah- so the power is not as stable there?
not even a little bit stable ...
Okay @StatikStasis I didn't make a question cause I thought it was unnecessary but i'l do that now thanks :)
Just make sure you follow the guidelines and it is not a repeat question @BradAndrews so you don't incur a mark.
cuts out when it's raining, cuts out when it's hot, cuts out when it's humid, cuts out when the wind changes direction (probably), cuts out when you use appliances concurrently ... worst. ever. electric. grid.
@BradAndrews Do you use RBAC? Does your authentication system have roles?
Oh wow-
you don't really think they are sensible questions, do you ?
That sounds awful, Joe
@StatikStasis No I've just coded a basic login form with User/Password fields and in the database there is an extra column for admin to be either 1 or 0 or true or false basically
The only two roles are admin or non admin essentially
verb awfuck: to make or to be awful and fucked ... "we super awfucked PHP6"
Well... it could be limiting later on down the road when you need a user to have multiple roles- but if you don't want to worry about that right now- you could just make that column a "role" column. During login you can load their username in a session if you wish but you can also load their role into another session and just check what role is loaded into that session on other pages.
lol- yeah was a mistype.
I liked it
@Brad what I'm hearing is "I'm trying to defuse this bomb, and I've tried stabbing at it with a screwdriver, can someone help?" ...
I don't want you to explode, but don't want to help you stab at the bomb either ...
can I suggest you go back to the start a little ... before you can do something like design a login system, you need to be confident in your ability to do the simple things like write if statements ...
And hopefully you're not storing passwords in plain text.
But given that "if(!isset... || !in_array..." mess above I am worried it is.
that was meant to be funny, not nasty, I hope that's clear ... it's all in good humour, but in all seriousness, start at the beginning ...
I think the smiley face totally helped convey that. =D
@BradAndrews I think you'd be better off changing the column to "role" because you may want to extend it in the future with additional roles. Just my opinion. You can insert the role as a string into the column, and then pull the value from the column and check against it.
But keep in mind a well thought out RBAC system would be much better.
@BradAndrews also, "this isn't working" isn't a good description of the issue you're encountering. You need to explain what isn't working, if you receive error messages, what the expected behavior is.
@StatikStasis new CMS platform has "roles" and "groups" which are different things. A little confusing at first, but I got the hang of it.
Actually an already ready RBAC library would be better.
roles are permissions that can be applied to groups, sites, pages, whatever
@Tiffany I think @Allenph uses ABAC... or at least prefers them.
^ aka policy-based access control.
@StatikStasis it depends on if it's a learning exercise or for a project
Hopefully he is learning...
me too :P
@JoeWatkins @StatikStasis the if statement above I'm trying to use was from a previous stack overflow answer so I thought it might be sufficient... As for password no I'm storing with the super duper secure md5
I'm joking im ussing password_hash btw
@BradAndrews I have legacy code that used to use md5...
Same I used to mess around with code when I was 14 and md5 was the standard most commonly used password hash xD
@Tiffany *
if we weren't scrapping it in like six months, I'd try to find a password_hash polyfill
Seems I can no longer post questions here unfortunately :(
I used to ask a lot of questions on this when I was a kid but that was many years ago now as it should show... Any way I can appeal?
A: Why can't I ask questions on StackOverflow?

wafflesWe have a heuristic in place that stops users from asking questions if we notice a lot of downvotes for a users. It looks like you tripped the heuristic, but just by a tiny bit. If you provide one or two more quality answers that get upvoted you will be able to ask questions again.

oh nvm it was a warning... In which case can anyone check if my question fits the guidelines?
If not I'll remove it as don't want to be breaking rules!
Thanks @StatikStasis I don't really get how the site works properly just yet :)
this is my question
if its against any rules or guidelines apologies I can either fix it up as needed or remove all together!
Just tried explaining my problem as best as I could
and what I was aiming for
@BradAndrews if this is for a project, you can probably find a library that does authentication better
It's a personal project and going to be used internally by a few members of a discord server I run
But mostly was using it as an excuse to tinker with code and learn more
I think it's a question begging to be marked as duplicate or one where not enough "googling" has been done on the part of the user.
Interesting, I have done a lot of googling so far but should I close it then @StatikStasis don't want to cause issues or be stopped from posting
Looks like you got an an answer in the comments.
Or some advice at least.
He is basically telling you what we said- make column a role column. All users would have "basic" or "regular" but the admin account would have a role of "admin"
there might be another one that is better, two libraries I found, one was still a WIP and the other ... I dunno, didn't seem used that much
You would then load that role into a session on login and check for it as rpm said "if($_SESSION['admin'] == 1)" but if you had a role column you would be checking by: if($_SESSION['role'] == 'admin')
wait where do you see this? @StatikStasis I see RPM's comment but his suggestion seems to just be another way of doing my code?
I guess there's this but I'm not sure how good it is
However- what @JoeWatkins was saying is extremely important. Just getting a small fix here and a small fix there will lead to learning bad practices that you reinforced in your mind because "the code worked."
You need to understand the concepts better behind what you're wanting to do.
Yey .. we arrived to 1k unique users per day ..!
@BradAndrews Your code is convoluted.
@Shafizadeh congrats
It should be simple.
wait I didn't know there as code ... there should be no code ...
I'm not really sure of another way of learning tbh as I get the best understanding when I do the things (I learn best by doing)
@BradAndrews most programmers do :P
but also reading and understanding clean, SOLID code will help
In object-oriented computer programming, SOLID is a mnemonic acronym for five design principles intended to make software designs more understandable, flexible and maintainable. It is not related to the GRASP software design principles. The principles are a subset of many principles promoted by Robert C. Martin. Though they apply to any object-oriented design, the SOLID principles can also form a core philosophy for methodologies such as agile development or adaptive software development. The theory of SOLID principles was introduced by Martin in his 2000 paper Design Principles and Design Patterns...
doing things is great, but before someone builds a house they might have a go at a little wall, or a barbecue or something that's not responsible for keeping people safe ...
related, but unimportant ... I tried to build a brick barbecue once, it fell over, we never got to cook on it ...
@Tiffany some programmers like coding rather than philosophies of software engineering
@PHPFan then you'll be a junior programmer your entire career
^ and you become a Laravel fan.
even juniors gotta follow the rules ...
@StatikStasis Laravel is great!
you can't actually begin to write code without embracing certain philosophies, and you can embrace the wrong ones ... someone uninterested in learning the right philosophies is uninterested in being a programmer I think ...
@BradAndrews You've been on the site over 6 years. I would also suggest continue to learn and study. Given the amount of time you have been on the site- if you stuck with coding since that time you would be waaaaaaay ahead right now. Don't quit or be distracted doing other things if you really want to become a developer; a competent one.
also code review sites are a blessing
Yes I wish I had stuck with it @StatikStasis
Start now. =)
I can't lie and say am uninterested in learning right philosophies, but not much
@JoeWatkins I agree, mostly, only because there's a learning curve. There's only so much theory you can read and learn before you have to start applying it. And that requires writing code, learning more, scrapping the code, writing more code... so on and so on
you are suffering from fear of the unknown ...
I just don't really know where to start... If I'm not learning something then things don't stick in and I tend to drift off/loose concentration
@Tiffany yeah
@BradAndrews I have a suspicion you get distracted by other opportunities. A lot of people with ADHD do this... like me. =)
how old are you ?
I have ADD amongst other things so it's hard to focus without knowing exactly what I'm aiming to achieve and at least general steps
Nailed it!
yep ^^ @StatikStasis haha :)
@JoeWatkins me?
@BradAndrews github.com/PatrickLouys/no-framework-tutorial try this for fun. You have to use the PHP built-in server though. I tried doing it with Apache and broke it.
Me and @Tiffany are naturals at sniffing that out. =P
@StatikStasis I haven't been in the channel in a while :<
I was asking brad
@Tiffany me either. I've been distracted. =P
Thanks, @Tiffany! I'll give that a look :)
@JoeWatkins I am 22 now
@StatikStasis our room description fits
do you have another job ?
@JoeWatkins no
so how long would you say you spend programming on an average day ?
or reading, whatever ...
He saw something shiny...
@BradAndrews ^^
I like shiny things ...
Not much it's on and off really... When I was younger I'd say all the time like whenever I could get on the computer I'd spend messing with code one way or another but now I only really do anything programming related if like a friend of mine asks me to do something for them
oh I thought you were trying to make a career out of it ...
Yeah something had to drive you to create an SO account at the age of 16. You must have some general interest in becoming a coder.
@JoeWatkins I am but due to mostly personal issues like depression I've lacked the drive and motivation that I had as a kid... :(
the big white patches are depression ... I get it ...
@JoeWatkins yeah it can really take away the drive to do literally anything from you!
@JoeWatkins Hmm... I would be curious how this relates to previous years? January was one of those times. I get depressed during the winter... usually because it gets dark earlier.
I had a better year last year, 2015/2016 not good, about the same as this year ...
there's no pattern, no rhyme or reason to it ...
I get depressed during the winter and between projects. Which is why I usually try to line up some other feature to work on or something to go into before I finish the last so I don't have downtime.
@StatikStasis Yeah I've had an interest in becoming a coder since I was in Primary School! It started out as just a general love for computers but once I discovered and started messing around with code I knew that's what I wanted my job to involve!
but there's another way of looking at it ... for all of the green stuff I was having great fun ... I'm either at my computer thinking about or writing code, or I'm lost inside myself somewhere not really able to do much of anything ... so I'm grateful that I have programming as a hobby and not just a job, it could be worse ...
But I've not been able to hold down a career so far unfortunately
@BradAndrews Then you need to work on it. Read. Study. Come in here and engage in chat often. Constantly immerse yourself in learning something new every day.
Consider courses in college... although not 100% necessary- but would be a great way to fully engage in that becoming your career.
@StatikStasis I'll take a look at some of the resources that's been given to me in the chat and hopefully come back to talk as much as I can do :)
Great time too given we're about to hit a new year. Set up some actual goals for each month. I will read 'x' number of pages or chapters each week of 'y' book.
@StatikStasis I've considered college but my mental health problems really don't allow for a fixed schedule like that right now and a lot of them require qualifications I just didn't achieve at school unfortunately! :(
I have some books it takes me a while to get through but I just keep plugging away at them while coding.
don't put things in your way
As I do feel a college environment would have been better for me having a teacher or someone to assist me in some way
@BradAndrews You probably just weren't engaged in school.
@BradAndrews community college is an option, but if you're not full-time, it's harder to get grants for single courses, so you'd have to pay out of pocket for the credit hours of one or two courses
Primary schools kind of suck at engaging people's potential. Even college in a lot of classes. They taught me to memorize facts enough to pass a test and to conform. But there were some good classes in there too.
@StatikStasis yep nailed it again! And because of this I had a pretty bad education and non existent grades
assuming you live in the US... but I dunno
there was one semester that I made it my absolute goal to stay focused and do well that semester and I made dean's list ... only semester that happened
I would find some good youTube videos, books, this chat, watch Stack Overflow questions and just really engage in learning the craft.
@Tiffany I'm in the UK so it's a bit different here I believe
ahh, nevermind then
ok- I have GOT to step away for a few. Working on something else at the moment.
soy de Inglaterra ...
Thanks everyone!
I've tried youtube but not really sure what are good videos
and what would you all suggest when working with books?
check the answer I linked, there are some videos on there
@BradAndrews Clean Code
I've never really learnt from a book so I don't know what the best practices are
@BradAndrews room-11.github.io/tutorials.html I also have this, but it's styled poorly
Do I read the whole book or do I read and follow along with coding or should I read the whole book first then second time doing the codes etc?
yo nunca acabó de escuela ... or I'm from england, I never finished school ...
@BradAndrews Clean Code will teach you how to write better code. It isn't specific to a language, but gives some methodologies to follow
@Tiffany thank you for all the resources !! :)
I've got a lot of tabs open now haha! :P
@Tiffany Okay thank you! Where would you recommend I begin?
either the No Framework tutorial or going through the videos in stackoverflow.com/a/16356866/2524730
get a copy of Clean Code when you can. I bought a used copy off Amazon for cheap, but I waited until it was at like 20 USD
I'm confused about what experience you already have ...
because you asked about a simple if statement, and now we're discussing getting a copy of clean code and reading a thing about constructing apps without a framework ...
I mean, get a copy ... but I dunno what will really be useful ... can I do asking questions to determine what might be useful ?
@BradAndrews but yeah, balance reading/learning with practicing. Don't turn into a dude who used to come in here with... ........ oh lord
About to leave house for a bit- just wanted to add @BradAndrews one of your biggest struggles is going to be distraction. If you don't have someone to keep you accountable in developing your potential as a future developer then this will just fade away with the next "shiny" thing. Or you'll get down on yourself because you haven't done anything yet 6 months from now and you'll get away from practicing.
@BradAndrews If you don't have someone to hold you accountable (because I am not sure how strong your own will power is given previous comments) I would at least suggest to be involved in this chat regularly and be surrounded by other developers.
^ that's what's anchored me to staying motivated, this chat
Having it constantly around you at least keeps you engaged enough for it to stay on your mind. And then we'll ask you from time to time... "What are you working on?" =)
@Wes speaking of which, did you publish an article?
@StatikStasis Yes this is my biggest problem! And I don't have anyone to really hold me accountable or check up on me
@Wes is busy setting up a sweatshop I think
oh that's right
@BradAndrews And no one can if they don't have the aptitude to code or the same interests.
@BradAndrews I liked this book when I first started on PHP amazon.com/PHP-MySQL-Development-Developers-Library/dp/…
You'll need to go to the UK site though
I learned a lot from this... but this was when I was working in C++ amazon.com/Programming-Principles-Practice-Using-C-ebook/dp/…
@StatikStasis yeah I need to try and get myself in this chat regularly! Seems like that will be the best way to stop my mind wandering off completely
I still have a week off from work, I'd like to try implementing online payment on my dad's website using Stripe this week, but motivation is an issue because I need to redo my dev environment. Plus I want to make the application with a front controller and stuff, which means I'll be mixing a dynamic site with a static site and that can get messy.
@Tiffany Nothing much I (or any moderator) can do to uplift an automatic question ban
The user's questions need to become better received, which means less closed, more upvoted, generally.
Talking of distractions I haven't even remembered to eat today fgs loool
I'm going to go order some food before I starve! afk so wont reply to any tags for a while! I'm going to leave the chat open in a tab though so I hopefully remember to return at some point!!
There are a lot of books. But as @JoeWatkins was saying- we need some more info on your goals and what you want to do. You have to ask yourself "Where do I want to be in 5 years" and then figure out what you need to do in small steps to get there. Knowing where you want to be helps us to at least provide some good books, videos, curriculum. I am about to leave but I will try to send some stuff your way based on your answers to this later.
Thanks a lot for all your help if you aren't online when I next am! :)
@BradAndrews another thing, as a sufferer with ADHD, you will have "off" days. Don't beat yourself up if you have one. They happen. If you have an "off" day, just go back to working/learning/practicing/writing code the next day.
@BradAndrews np =)
later all
@Tiffany It seems like adhd is a common occurrence with people interested in code haha! Thanks for all the tips and suggestions :D
the ADHD subreddit has helped me understand ADHD better - reddit.com/r/adhd
I embrace mine as a super power.
ok bye
@BradAndrews @StatikStasis and I are the only ones I know of that are diagnosed with it, from chat
there may be others, I dunno, but I think we're a minority
I suppose I should get lunch too, then finish up some cleaning ...
also, sorry @JoeWatkins, I know "off" days can happen with depression too, I don't want to diminish your struggle.
/me sleeps
I'm on mobile and can't find the travis build info.
Can someone tell me if it passed?
@LeviMorrison yes
> For the first time ever, we would like to include all conference participants in this process - the Call for Papers is public, meaning that all registered users will have access to the list of proposals and will be able to vote for their favorite talks and comment them.
cfp.phpsrbija.rs - that's kind of open to abuse....
No documentation for mbstring regex pattern syntax – #77383
^ lol who wanted to deprecate (mb) ereg/i? :P maybe niki
@Wes Certainly wouldn't object to killing that with fire
... but also not worth the fight to carry that through myself
One legit advantage of mb ereg is that it doesn't have the repeated utf-8 validation issue
Though of course that's something that needs fixing in PCRE, not use of mb ereg :P
the manual should just be clear about this ancient stuff
should just say "please use pcre"
Unable to change Session Save Handler to "user" – #77384
anybody here knows mysql ? i am having issues with date type in mysql and php :(
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