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but my if is checking is is > -1
I feel like either I am missing something or the rest of the world is
I blame the rest of the world
@PeeHaa Oh no, I agree his code is terrible.
You have a list
You want to check an item in the list
Right @Jpv?
well .. is not a list.. is a long string
ok it's a string
@Jpv So maybe you should break it up into a list first.
And you want to find a delimited item in the string right?
well i want to know if the item is present
Or are you actually just interested in finding anything that just starts with it\
@Jpv Exactly
pretty much
You are interested in the item "WILLCALL"
I mean I guess you might want just that ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tbf I don't know your use case
so, to put it into perspective.. this is a completed plugin by somebody else. I just need to expand its functionality.
so, i know the possible responses, thus there can only be WILLCALL . nothing else
@Jpv The conclusion that @PeeHaa is trying to lead you to is that searching for WILLCALL is fragile, and would match NOWILLCALL as well. You should explode the string into an array, then search specifically for an exact match on WILLCALL.
possible responses right now that is
It just take one change to break your entire script
And an unrelated change at that
oh, im there with you. i get the best was to string -> array , and then array search for the specific value.
ok if we agree I will give you a hint
Split the ternaries in multiple lines
And add a comment of the result of each line
Ternaries are working left to right fwiw
You will find out that you are nesting wrong when you look again at your actual if ststament
And that is why (amongst other reasons) ternaries can die in a fire and nesting them should not even be a thing that exists
imo ymmv (millage will be poor) bbq ianal
i see... no more ternaries for me
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
You can "fix" it by adding parens around the last part
But please prevent god from killing innocent kittens and fix it properly
Basically this
i want to do a subtraction operation on a date, how do i make it work?
echo (2018-10-04 13:05:00 - 600);
!!docs datetime::sub
[ DateTime::sub ] Subtracts an amount of days, months, years, hours, minutes and seconds from a DateTime object
How do i specify the 600 on the code?
$date = new DateTime('2018-10-04 13:05:00');
$date->sub(new DateInterval('P10D'));
echo $date->format('Y-m-d') . "\n";
I did not understand this DateInterval at all
I don't understand what 600 is in this context either so let's call it a tie :P
i use a query to print out on the screen the number of users online
SELECT count(user_id) FROM users WHERE last_activity >= NOW()-600
@Jpv I only use or see ternaries used when it is very clear what the intent is. Most of the time, I see them inside a return statement, but the ternaries are never, ever nested.
I want to realize how many seconds 600 is
@Jpv As in, the code is simple and easy to read. It doesn't do anything clever.
@515948453225 What should the result be?
Second since unix epoch?
A formatted date?
A cow?
just a row count
$countUserOLN = $conn->query("SELECT count(user_id) FROM users WHERE last_activity >= NOW()-600")->fetchColumn();
echo $countUserOLN;
so I think I'm going to try working on a programming project tomorrow. I've gotten some cleaning done this week, I can probably work on something without feeling guilty. Maybe I should set up my environment tonight...now I'm just talking out loud...
How is that related to:
10 mins ago, by 515948453225
echo (2018-10-04 13:05:00 - 600);
As i said, I want to find out how many seconds 600 is
I keep reading that sentence aaaand nope
No idea
I know time is calculated based on the frequency of atoms :P
@someone Hmm. I'd suggest opening a bug for it. Just looking at the code, the zip stuff seems to be going through the code that wrappers should work.
@PeeHaa Alright, if you want to print out the number of users online on the last 25min, how you would o this in the query?
$countUserOLN = $conn->query("SELECT count(user_id) FROM users WHERE last_activity >= NOW()-600")->fetchColumn();
@515948453225 Now that you formulated your actual question copy and paste it into stack overflow's search :)
The keywords that is
It's a common thing to do
My nieces and nephews got me a stomach bug for christmas....
@PeeHaa lol you really think that i can find it on stackoverflow?
@515948453225 yes
@Danack what a nice and thoughtful gift
I'm sure that you did not understood my query
otherwise you would not say that
You underestimate me
@515948453225 he understood, and was pushing you to be able to find the answer on your own, by framing your question clearly, which leads to being able to google for it.
@PeeHaa You misunderestimate me.
Why someone will not seach on google first?
Also a good question
i just wanted to know how many seconds 600 is, it does not seem to be a hard question
@515948453225 You would be surprised
There is actually a lot of science behind how time works
That asshole einstein only made it worse
@PeeHaa and you probably dont know it
I have no idea
Allow me.
I never studied science
how much is 2+2?
/me allows @Danack
I see that you guys have many reputation on stack overflow, how could you guys dont be able to answear a simple question? are you dumb?
!!should I game or entertain myself in chat?
You should entertain yourself in chat.
@515948453225 @Danack certainly is not. I most likely am
I got my stack overflow point on the black market
@PeeHaa see, but if you're dumb, then you're probably wrong when you think I'm smart?
@Danack damn...
@PeeHaa why are you still talking wth me? lol
@515948453225 Because the bot told me so
1 min ago, by Jeeves
You should entertain yourself in chat.
So @515948453225. What about the number of seconds in a bloit?
btw PHP Poland CFP is closing in about 2 days - 2019.expophp.pl/en/#cfp
@PeeHaa You should entertain yourself in chat.
@Danack You sent it in?
not yet, doing tomorrow.
@515948453225 I am. Thanks for the suggestion!
!!remindme in 18 hours send CFP
/i can never remember that syntax. Will just use phone...
Fashionably late :)
@Danack I also always have to look it up and still fail the first time :P
Nice prices for the tickets btw
@PeeHaa I check the source code .. :X
@Tiffany lol :D
!!reminder @Danack send CFP in 18 hours
Usage: !!reminder [ examples | list | <text> [ at <time> | in <delay> ] | unset <id> ] Try !!reminder examples
Reminder 44936308 is set.
I have a poll question. I just want to get an idea of what people use for development environment because I might have to switch what I'm currently using, and I really don't want to have to resort to XAMPP.
So my question is: what is your development environment setup? Is it a Docker container? Is it a VM that was set up manually in Virtualbox/HyperV/whichever? Is it a Vagrantbox? Is it something else entirely?
maybe I should make it a strawpoll
I know a lot of people do docker
I mostly just use my apache/php set up on my local machine
@PeeHaa so installed on the baremetal?
It's safe to assume I am doing it wrong in a different way as almost everybody in here as I do that and on windows
@PeeHaa I know @Wes does the same
@Tiffany Which proves my point
dammit, I wanted it to have the ability to allow people to add their own answer, I guess I did it wrong
JUst delete it and try again?
thanks @PeeHaa
though I just noticed this poll shows geolocation data... I'm not sure if that is a problem ... :|
I'm not sure how specific it is
I am on vpn so all fine by me :P
@PeeHaa please don't hate me. can you do me a favor? throw these into the bin: chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/44936329#44936329 chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/44936320#44936320 I set up another one and tested it to make sure it would only have questions/answers and an other option, and doesn't track geolocation data. Sorry.
No worries :)
2 messages moved to Trash
@PeeHaa thanks <3
@PeeHaa I know I can be indecisive at times and I know it's annoying for some people. I try to limit it as much as possible, and feel really bad when I do become indecisive and another person is on the receiving end.
Don't worry about it
It's not an issue :)
i mostly don't understand what docker does
probably if i needed complex setups i'd like it
but that's the linux guy's job
I would like to be able to use Docker without signing up ... but I'm not seeing another way around it. I suppose I can create a separate gmail for it...
all i do is configuring apache and php. i don't even know about nginx
installing and updating apache and php on windows is matter of minutes
@Wes I have a(n) (possibly) irrational fear of fucking up my computer by mixing development stuff with my gaming stuff and would rather keep them separated
mysql is more annoying as you need to backup all the things, update, and then reload all the things into it
of the two, gaming stuff is the disease for your computer, obviously
@Tiffany just make a throwaway hotmail account....
which reminds me, I need to get rid of the second, passwordless admin account in Windows that I used to unlock my main account
assuming hotmail is still a thing that exists.
guerrillamail ?
@Danack I'll make something that's close to throwaway. I did the same for Walmart Grocery cause I didn't want to give them my real email, but it exists in case I need to check it for whatever.
Only problem is, it kind of looks like a spam email account
well that actually solves all your doubts about it
in order to use their damn product, I have to purchase a 200 dollar copy of Windows. From what I understand, it "requires" Pro or Enterprise because it uses HyperV or something, which isn't available in the Home edition. But that's fucking annoying. So much for a "free" product.
I guess it's 100 dollars to upgrade from Home to Pro, but still, not a price I can spend right now, maybe in a couple months.
buy a second hand license on ebay?
they are like at 10-20$
WHERE!!! ??? and how certain are you that the previous owner is not using it????
you will find out when you activate it
also, they might send you the sticker
this is the law that allows it in europe
I bought a refurb i7 for $240 ( 4770, 12 gb ram, Win10 Pro 64 and 1tb hdd) .. threw away the HDD and added an SSD. I set up xamp, and broadcast it on my network. So i use that as my enviroment. Cheap and don't matter if im on my laptop or main desktop.
@Jpv XAMPP isn't reliable though
what works on your development environment in XAMPP may not work on your production server, because your development environment is different than your production environment
and it will be difficult to drilldown the problem
yeah, that is truth. On my end tho, I usually work with wordpress and turn around projects in a month basis. So, usually I don't have to worry too much. All i do is export sql, search and replace db domain, and upload files to production. I used to work with WAMP, but sql would always crash.
I'm pretty sure you can setup any other environment. I just think is ideal to have a separate machine for development. where you can just wipe it all out and start fresh without worrying about your personals
@Jpv that list is the most succinct one I've found that explains why using a separate VM/container is better than using XAMPP, and does credit XAMPP's "just get it done" usefulness
@Jpv "separate machine" can be achieved with a VM
get apache from apachelounge, then download ts php from windows.php.net
@Wes I'll see if I can find anything before bed. I'm going to unravel with Netflix or VRV.
then it's literally just matter of adding a single line in httpd.conf to load php in apache
@Tiffany yeah, i got to try to setup VM. I tried once but couldn't broadcast outside of the VM enviroment. I couldn't get the IP to come out of the VM enviroment.
Say, NYC, wtf was this? https://t.co/14Udgs0SFt
hi all, i have a problem using require_once in library PHP
i use: require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/Conekta/Conekta.php';
and call method: Conekta::setApiKey('conekta_api_key_private');
get error: Class 'Conekta' not found
!!google php white screen of death
@Wes Did you know? That php white screen of death... doesn't exist in the world! Cuz' GOOGLE can't find it :P
Q: PHP's white screen of death

Matthew ScharleyNow that I'm starting to get back into PHP, I'm starting to remember why I gave it up in the first place. The most annoying thing on my plate at the moment is what I've come to term "PHP's white screen of death". When PHP gets a fatal error due to syntax or whatever, it seems like it will always ...

you suck jeeves
@Wes I'm betting Google changed its API on searching stuff through it and @Jeeves needs to be updated
@EduardoJavierMaldonado apparently your code is either not doing what you think it's meant to be doing, or you have a typo in the class name.
I haven't been able to google stuff in a couple weeks
These are classes predefined by the library. The strangest thing is that in another project like Codeigniter is working without problems.

The file I want to import has just an abstract class named Conekta.
@EduardoJavierMaldonado are they using namespaces?
or yourself?
could it need an autoloader?
The file has a namespace called Conekta and an abstract class with the same name.

This is the file I try to import.

@EduardoJavierMaldonado so in your code you either need to have use Conekta\Conekta; to bring the class into your file, or do Conekta\Conekta::setApiKey('conekta_api_key_private');
Thank you very much

I'll have more attention for the next one regarding namespace.
@Wes I found one for 12 dollars on ebay, but I'm concerned about where the keys come from. Like is it some kind of gray market like G2A where the keys are either bought from another region and resold for profit, or the keys purchased with stolen credit cards?
check if they send you the sticker
"instant delivery"
as soon you buy it you need to activate it with microsoft
if it doesn't work then protest on ebay
ask for refund, etc
if you wait until tomorrow i will ask my friend that owns a computer shop
I probably won't buy it until after the new year
I need to get through the rest of next week. I'm paranoid about overspending and getting overdrawn. Too many times I've miscalculated when I get paid in the new year and spent money I shouldn't have leaving me completely broke :P
2 hours later…
@NikiC give me an idea what causes this ?
php: /opt/src/php-src/Zend/zend_execute.h:279: zend_vm_stack_free_call_frame_ex: Assertion `(((zend_executor_globals *) (*((void ***) _tsrm_ls_cache))[((executor_globals_id)-1)])->vm_stack_top) > (zval *) (((zend_executor_globals *) (*((void ***) _tsrm_ls_cache))[((executor_globals_id)-1)])->vm_stack) && (((zend_executor_globals *) (*((void ***) _tsrm_ls_cache))[((executor_globals_id)-1)])->vm_stack_end) > (zval *) (((zend_executor_globals *) (*((void ***) _tsrm_ls_cache))[((executor_globals_id)-1)])->vm_stack) && (((zend_executor_globals *) (*((void ***) _tsrm_ls_cache))[((executor_globals
look at the amount of parentheses
how. why.
that's because tsrm/zts, it would be simpler normally ...
I can read it, but I mean what am I not doing that I should be doing ... I'm missing something I think ...
smackeroo a noisy kiss.
1 hour later…
you people are not fridaying properly ...
Is it Friday? I lost track...
I think it is and my computer agrees
Any mongo db enthusiast here ?
I am using wamp, with mongo db extension loaded... but i am unable to get the following line working: $m = new MongoClient();
I am not sure whether i need MongoDB server installed in my local system.
... since you mentioned G2A
Hi All,
E_USER_DEPRECATED error reporting is one - but still it's not triggring error php 5.6

if (!(error_reporting() & E_USER_DEPRECATED)) {
trigger_error('This is Deprecated', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
@tereško could please help on this?
are you aware, that pinging random people is quite exceptionally rude
Sorry for that -
@KuldeepChoudhary try && instead of just &
if (!(error_reporting() & E_USER_DEPRECATED)) {

My code passing that block - that means error reporting E_USER_DEPRECATED is on -
@KuldeepChoudhary What are you trying to do? And "&" is a bitwise operator, what you should be using is "&&" the logical operator, also, I am not able to understand your question.
there bitwise operatore is required .
i want to manually trigger error -

if ($i > 10) {
trigger_error('This is Deprecated', E_USER_DEPRECATED);
And what happens when you do that?
nothing -
code execution should stop and show this warning - but doing nothing
We have add_next_index_double using which we can add a value into a zval. Is there a way to retrieve a value from index.. as I would like to fetch the value and increment and save it back.
@KuldeepChoudhary php.net/manual/en/errorfunc.constants.php - from this I don’t expect E_USER_DEPRECATED will stop execution.. it will just show a notice that it will not work in future versions just like E_DEPRECATED.. You can try E_USER_ERROR, which will stop the execution - if that is desired
my intent is to show that warning only -
@KuldeepChoudhary this won't work cause error_reporting() may return -1 and bitwise operator won't work as you expect see documentation
set_error_handler gives you a way to compare error reporting level using $errno
@NikiC the answer is not freeing an unused call frame ...
I missed make -j16
also I dunno how I didn't see that call frame mistake ... for like 3 years ...
Hey, what is fastest way to clean some jibberish from my filenames? I have filenames like {12002-sdd}correctname.jpg How to delete all that useless strings before that correctname?
@mega6382 ...they are bit flags. & is correct. probably
bundled libraries are always outdated – #77363
@Danack sure, but && is better, because it is logical and returns either true or false, whereas & will return either 0 or some other integer. And therefore 0 would be converted to false and any other number will be converted to true. And wherever & will return 0, && will return false.
So, && is a better choice, I think, and more readable.
@mega6382 but for the positive case it won't work. error_reporting() && E_USER_DEPRECATED returning true doesn't mean that E_USER_DEPRECATED is being reported. as a bitwise op, it does.
@mega6382 but....you're meant to do the math on bitwise fields with bitwise operators. Using other stuff is not how bitwise fields work... 3v4l.org/a6ZIZ
@StatikStasis well .. no ...
@mega6382 3v4l.org/Hsq2F
masks are really useful, but bitwise operators (or math) are not widely well known ...
lots of times where your app uses a "configuration" array, it should probably be using masks ... it's an extremely efficient way of packing lots of information into a single int ...
it's plenty readable when you consider the alternatives ... lots of isset $acl/config/whatever[thing] possibly ...
tl;dr bitwise and logical and (or operators) are not interchangable, they do different things ...
I just told someone that I'm too old to learn a new set of emojis ...
@JoeWatkins TIL, I really thought that using those as conditions interchangeably would be OK, i know they do different things but I thought that as conditions they would react the same way. Thanks. //cc @Danack @pmmaga
I haven't even learned the current set of emojis.
it's worse than it seems, I don't even know if I'm using the word emojis properly ...
what I mean is the things you use in skype to make pictures happen ... like (wave) and (+1)
telegram doesn't understand them ...
and how is telegram a leap forward ...
@JoeWatkins expressions, you mean
emoticons, stickers and Mojis
> Code is dictated to a group of exquisite scribes, dressed in silk. The job of the silken scribes (or programmers) is to compose (cursively) the code onto papyrus whereupon it is delivered to a choir for deployment. The choir, upon receiving the "deployment" gather on top of the highest hill, also dressed in silk, look to the sky (or clouds) and echo the new code into the heavens.
@JoeWatkins was that you?
Not entirely sure how I feel about FFI. The API seems to match other languages, so I'm largely comfortable with it, but including it in core straightaway without testing the API seems foolish.
is it an extension?
@Trowski foreign function interface?
probably shouldn't be in core, should be on pecl
is this thing even safe though?
as it is disabled for non-preloaded scripts by default.. I'd say it's as safe as a rocket launcher with a trigger lock :D
preg_quote incorrectly escapes # character – #77364
good analogy lol
@Trowski yeah, just my thoughts
Pretty sure the only person who has ever used that extension is dmitry himself
Which is quite below the bar we usually have for bundled extensions...
while that's true, in this case we need it bundled if we want to start writing the bundled extensions in php itself. Which I think should be a goal of php as a project. At least that's what sold me the rfc
@pmmaga That is a very good analogy. I'm tempted to say it's fine because I doubt we'd need to change the API if issues are found.
@Trowski yeah, in terms of the API I feel safe because: it mimics existing apis and in case we really need to change something, a major is coming next (probably)
@pmmaga Not really
We don't need this extension for bundled PHP exts
even those that would use an existing c lib?
@pmmaga To port them completely to PHP yes, but that's not really where we're getting the benefit
Having FFI is a nice to have, but it's not a requirement and certainly not the main problem
At least I would expect that exts written in PHP would look similar to what HHVM had -- I'm not even sure if they used FFI anywhere for that
@NikiC so what's the main problem? I may be looking at it from a more naive pov. I would think the main benefit would be bringing more people to contribute by lowering the entry barrier
@pmmaga The main problem is just having the functionality :D
I.e. have exts that are a mix of PHP and C code and where the PHP part is compiled, loaded and cached in a sensible manner
yeah, for that, preload brings us closer to it than ffi itself
The actual interaction between PHP and C does not (for the first step and the main functionality) need to go through FFI, it can use the normal internal function call interface.
Where by "FFI" here I mean arbitrary FFI as provided by this extension, rather than the specific interface used by PHP, which is also kinda a form of FFI of course
@NikiC But this requires knowledge of the engine API, not just PHP and C.
@Tiffany no, but I shall immediately adopt this genius methodology ...
I'm scared of ffi, I'm scared that the api looks awful, I'm scared that it leaks when you use callbacks (a pretty core part of ffi), I'm scared that it's almost totally untested, and most of all I'm scared that none of that seems to matter because it has dmitry's name on it, and he'll get his 50+1
psi is also an interesting approach.
and it's nicer to read ...
hni splits the files though which has pros and cons
@JoeWatkins Right, there's no way I'll be able to get ext-async into core without it being completely dissected.
@JoeWatkins Explain more about this leaking when using callbacks?
Huh, must have missed that in the RFC before.
lowering the barrier to entry is also a pipe dream ... the skills required to write the extension in the first place are that of a C programmer, and maintenance requires no less ...
@JoeWatkins It's not removing the need to know C, it's removing the need to know about PHP internals.
"it's a cool toy" is a good description of the thing currently being voted on ...
but necessitating knowledge about another closed system, one with a strange api that is untested ...
Did you look at Dmitry's TensorFlow extension using FFI? Quite honestly the API looks pretty nice to use.
tmpfile() is not being cleaned up – #77365
anyone knows anyone I could ping to review this PR?
@pmmaga apache...
I don't know nothing about apache, sorry
maybe weltling?
@Tiffany @Danack send CFP
Not sure if @Danack got that ^ ping or we strip it
oh \o/
I was just reading about this dude who can tell you if a large number is prime just by feel. Turns out he's a savant. Any CS savants anyone knows of?
@NikiC What is the proper way to copy a string that may or may not be interned, and if it's not interned it only does a reference count bump?
I'm having trouble connecting to various lxrs.
@LeviMorrison zend_string_copy?
My issue may be elsewhere then.
Assuming you only want a refcount bump
I.e. you do not want to modify the string
This look okay to you?
static void _compile_verify_variance(HashTable *unverified_types)
    zend_string *lcname;
    ZEND_HASH_FOREACH_STR_KEY(unverified_types, lcname) {
        zend_op *opline = get_next_op();
        opline->op1_type = IS_CONST;
        opline->opcode = ZEND_VERIFY_VARIANCE;
        LITERAL_STR(opline->op1, zend_string_copy(lcname));
string ownership wise, I mean
Can someone help me with this?
@LeviMorrison probably
not totally sure because there's some oddities around string interning in the compiler
@mega6382 is something ambiguous in the lyrics for you?
but I think that one should be fine
Anybody who knows about webhooks, what do you have to code into PHP in order create a valid "response" on a webhook?
@TylerLazenby Webhooks I've used only look for a 2xx response code.
The body generally should be empty, but it depends on the application.
I am completely new to web hooks
But the description of what they are fits what I need perfectly
Can I ask what service you're using?
woocommerce has its own set of hooks u can use. Depends what you are trying to achieve
I have set up the hook fine. on initial test it runs, I just am unsure how to send the 2xx response
because i am getting the error that the response is empty
@TylerLazenby Sounds like it is expecting a body in the response.
Right, but the documentation that I am reading really doesn't talk about that
what hook are u using??
00:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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