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5:00 PM
@StatikStasis send it to the people who you know will laugh it off
@Tiffany yeah, I always have to spent a couple of secs when writing then/than to see which one actually fits here :P
I haven't mastered when to use who/whom
@Shafizadeh and I and saying that you are fucking clueless: nginx.com/blog/creating-nginx-rewrite-rules
@Gordon Yes- and to atone for your SO privilege you should donate your SO internet points to the less fortunate.
New blog: We, The Unoffended. http://blog.cleancoder.com/uncle-bob/2018/12/16/unoffended.html
5:01 PM
Yeah- I read it. =P
@unclebobmartin @googleninja You got offended when athletes protest, you got offended by people rightfully pointing out that jailing children at the border was nazi-like. You get offended every time someone says that you are privileged. You are the snowflake.
his blog post has a grammatical error
read the discussion, not the blog post ;)
@Tiffany Wherever you'll use "him/her/them" you'll use whom and wherever you'll use "he/she/they" you'll use who :P
he used "it's" instead of "its"
5:02 PM
@Tiffany I don't think alot/a lot matters that much people always understand what you mean
@Tiffany When the answer to the question is "he" you use "who" and when it's "him" you use "whom"
@Gordon "discussion"
@mega6382 WRONG
"He spoke to him" -> "Who spoke to whom?"
5:03 PM
@mega6382 You'd*
@MadaraUchiha lol
@tereško ah .. well it seems to be hard. if you take a look at our current .htaccess file, you will see more that 50 lines of code that all should be converted to nginx syntax. I have no time to learn it and our users are getting more every day. Probably I should ignore replacing nginx with apache and do the rest of changes. thanks for the tip anyway.
@tereško well, yeah. he's not discussing. but there are some good points in the responses
@Gordon I don't think people who are outside of the offendamonium are offended by any of those things.
I think people are offended by other people trying to silence them with yelling about how offended they are and how we shouldn't speak or voice opinions that offend them.
5:07 PM
the healthy balance of free speech and not being an asshole
@Gordon Wow! twitter.com/bitfield/status/1020632237493112833 Found this on that page you linked that I found was interesting.
On the contrary, we might not agree with whatever the athletes protest, or people maybe-rightfully pointing out that jailing children at the border was nazi-like, or when other people claims that we are privileged, but we are not "offended" by any of those things.
Well, maybe a bit on that last one, depending on how obnoxious the "check your privilege sheeple!" comment is.
mornin all
@Gordon I don't care about Uncle Bob personally, I just like the mentality of being "The Unoffended", life will be much easier
Is it possible to implement from parser perspective new syntax for scalar type checking like: if ($arr is array && $num is int) {} ? IMO looks better than if (\is_array($arr) && \is_int($num)) {}
5:11 PM
@Shafizadeh I think a lot of users here actually do the routing server side. That is, redirect every requests to index.php and from there do the routing, in php. There's a quite popular library, fast-route, that does that very efficiently. I was using .htaccess when I didn't know better, and it's much, much nicer doing routing in php.
@StatikStasis Goddammit, stop messing with my brain, now I am gonna keep thinking about Alots, whenever I read the word "alot" :P
@mega6382 Success!
@Gordon TBH, I do not agree with the premise of that article. It is ok to feel offended. But you are not supposed to be offended behalf of others and (just by being offended) it should not grant you power over your opponent.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier new website will be switching to webserver-side routing because it isn't possible to do it within the CMS and I can't modify the source code. However, they have a handy-dandy extension that can export the htaccess file for me.
5:14 PM
@Tiffany My... condolences?
@tereško agreed
@FélixGagnon-Grenier 😛 after your message I was briefly considering... "could I put Fast-Route in front of it?" but I don't think it would be possible.
it would become a headache and a half
@mega6382 You know what? I misspoke.
@tereško it is okay to be offended. very much so.
Replace all instances of "we" and "our" with "I", "me" and "mine" whenever appropariate.
> all ideas must be heard and evaluated on their merits.
5:17 PM
I can't speak of other people being offended over whatever, and I myself do get offended when I perceive and insult or an attack.
But I don't strive to silence them or ruin their good name on social media platforms like a modern-yet-common bully.
@Gordon the problem is that UncleBob has gotten sucked into the ongoing Culture War
> “Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you.” ― Friedrich W. Nietzsche
he is being pushed to the extremes ... and the format of twitter does not help the matters
I think the issue is that the Culture War is very real. It is hard to participate without "getting sucked into" it.
If I find your ideas ludicrous, I would either try to change your mind with my opinions, hopefully supported by facts, or I'd decide to not get involved at all. This ridiculous "aw look, master/slave is offensive to people, and everyone who thinks differently is a slaver or a nazi" that generates mobs on Twitter is seriously toxic at best, actively harmful at worst.
oh, and btw, when someone tells another person, that he/she is privileged, it actually means "shut up and sit down" ... it's a fucking red cloth infront of a bull
@MadaraUchiha As long as it is just words, I don't care what anybody says to me, I will not get offended, because I too would like to have the ability to say/write whatever I want. But if things escalate to actions, then I will take offense and will react accordingly.
5:21 PM
@MadaraUchiha Agreed.
words can hurt and mentally scar though... being bullied sucks
and twitter makes the "you are privilaged" a lot easier to write, than a nuanced response
@mega6382 Everyone has their buttons that others can push. Don't discredit words.
"Stick and stones may break my bones but words will cause years of therapy."
@Tiffany so, you agree with "words are violence" mindset?
5:22 PM
@tereško I'm speaking from personal experience, so yes
because, what you seem to actually talking about is "persistent mental abuse"
A couple years in a new grade school, and being called "retarded" because I don't understand something, and completely ostracized by my peers.
@tereško not sure about that. he might just be an ass as a person.
anyways, the son woke up. movie time.
@Gordon to me he just seems angry
@MadaraUchiha Sure, and I believe that this is the most important kind of tolerance we need to have, we need to be able to tolerate other people's ideas but if those ideas(harmful ones) turn into actions then you must with all your power take a stand against that.
By any means necessary.
5:25 PM
and people, when getting have different reactions (in his case - lose of sense for nuance)
We should all be able to disagree with ideas or opinions of others. That's what bothers me a lot with the current climate. There isn't any contrition being exercised when opposing ideas or differences in opinions are conveyed.
By the way, @tereško I disagree with you that you can't be offended for other people, if your opinion is substantiated and isn't something you farted on that day and it suddenly made you angry.
Which doesn't feel like the case usually, as actually substantiating said opinions by interviewing a sufficiently large sample size seems like hard work when compared to an angry tweet.
@Tiffany there is a difference between being abused by the monster (also known as "teenagers") and claiming to get PTSD because someone invited Stephen Bannon to speak on campus.
@tereško same sort of people who will say "I'm so ADHD, I can't pay attention..." or "I'm OCD about XYZ" while not actually having those mental disorders.
@tereško Self diagnosis is a different problem altogether, which should be purged from this world.
@Tiffany Context matters though, it's sometimes plainly obvious that when those people say "I'm OCD about X" they don't actually mean that they are actually diagnosed with OCD
As opposed to the case @tereško is citing where an actual student actually claimed publicly that she got PTSD from inviting a speaker she doesn't agree with.
5:30 PM
@MadaraUchiha I can see that, but "anal-retentive" is a better description. Or some variation of "anal-retentive" if you don't want to use "anal"
shrug, personal opinion :D
@MadaraUchiha I think it was that know fascist - Milo (who just happens to by a gay jew married to a black guy)
@Tiffany Yes, but OCD is easier to say, remember and is more fun.
So many "anal" jokes to pick from right now...
What is the problem, the first time the import SQL goes fine, if again it gives an error
SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1451 Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (laracheck.comments, CONSTRAINT comments_post_id_foreign FOREIGN KEY (post_id) REFERENCES posts (id))

How to fix this? That is, it can no longer update the values when they are already there.
5:32 PM
@Tiffany those are just exaggerations though usually.
Also, I should remind you, that "retarded" and "retard" used to be the kind alternative to words like "dimwitted", "slow", "thick", etc. And that it evolved being a derogatory term after it become more widely used in the medical world.
It's not uncommon for people to use words that aren't exact in their meaning, (like retard being used to describe a person you think is stupid, but not mentally ill), to either exaggerate, offend or otherwise engage in conversation.
there's a difference between calling someone "dimwitted" but still treating them like another person in the group, and calling someone "dimwitted" then ostracizing them from the group
@Tiffany Of course, but that's not the point I'm making.
@Tiffany well oppression is another problem altogether, it goes beyond the ideology of being offended, because unlike many other things to be "offended" about oppression is real.
People use terms that other people may find in poor taste or even outright offensive in casual conversation. If you get offended by everything, you'd be perceived as a brat who can't help but scream and whine at the world. (a.k.a. a common person on Twitter).
5:36 PM
@MadaraUchiha ok .. we will have to disagree here. Because in most cases, when the normal people take offense on behalf of someone else, it is actually prefaced with "my". As in "you offended my family" or "you offended my country", or " ... my favorite kebab shop". The thought behind it is that you offended something that this person sees as part of his.
@ВикторЛернер do you know the exact command it is failing on?
@MadaraUchiha aka tumblrinas
@Tiffany Correct.
@ВикторЛернер Have you posted a question? Need to see your code to see where fail is occurring.
@Tiffany do people still use tumblr?
5:37 PM
it's sql code
@tereško Not necessarily. I view the entire human race as one people, and infighting is something that saddens and angers me.
@ВикторЛернер All we can do is guess. Maybe this post helps you? stackoverflow.com/questions/47544109/…
@MadaraUchiha but that's not the same feeling as being offended
And I do find derogatory terms for various populations, even ones I'm not a part of, in poor taste, at the minimum.
@tereško That's only because I don't get offended easily.
If I were, I wouldn't have my name in blue, after all.
I wouldn't last 3 days on the job.
@MadaraUchiha I'm offended by that privilege you have.
5:39 PM
hmmm ... I might need to run for mod position
I only get angry (ok, I was once offended in this chat - when someone implied, that I like to torture and kill old people ... which is how mega ended up in the ignore list)
<-- Name in black.
How then change migration to $table->foreign('post_id')->references('id')->on('posts')->onDelete('cascade');?
I already have data in DB
or can I do this via SQL?
@ВикторЛернер oh, I know what it is. In your sql import file you will have multiple tables being imported. Table A which is a root table, and table B which has some foreign keys referencing Table A. In your SQL import file you will also have 'drop table A' commands....those will be failing because they are still referenced by table B.
ugh .. laravel
I not have 'drop table
5:42 PM
tbh - it's hard to know what advice to give without understanding what you're trying to do exactly. You could do disable indexes which would allow the import to work......but I am confused as to why you are applying the same backup more than once.
@ВикторЛернер the error that you are getting seems to indicate, that you are trying to delete a post, that has comments associated to it
Prepare to be more than slightly disappointed‌​:
> REPLACE works exactly like INSERT, except that if an old row in the table has the same value as a new row for a PRIMARY KEY or a UNIQUE index, the old row is deleted before the new row is inserted.
or maybe that you are trying to assign a comment to a post , that does not exist
@StatikStasis Get more rep, n00b
5:46 PM
@MadaraUchiha begins screaming irrationally
If this isn't a production database, just try turning off indexes, do the restore and then turn indexing back on. If it's a production database.....you might want to think about what you want to achieve.
@tereško I only said you probably liked it when Captain Marvel punched that old lady, I didn't mean you liked to kill and torture old people
@Tiffany there is also another case - that person gets labeled "special" (while not changing the ostracization/acceptence part). Would that damage one less or more, than being called "retard", while the actual attitude is unchanged.
the USA seems to have this strange attitude - just changing the word makes it all better
@tereško George Carlin actually has a bit on this.
TBH, I would think that being called in a "nicer sounding word" just makes you less trusting later in the life (no, I have no research to back this part up ... it's a gut feeling)
Words have a lot of meaning, feeling, and emotion behind them
ah, but that's the old problem - what was first: thought or word
A word can mean one thing, and then people can start using it in another way, then the word will start to mean another thing
If a word starts to be used as a derogatory, it becomes derogatory
And then if someone says "I prefer you not use that term, as I find it derogatory", it's not that hard to just not use the term, it's all about not being a dick
I wonder ... calling someone "special" seems to become a derogatory word these days
@tereško Thought. Words just convey ideas that began in the mind.
6:01 PM
@tereško a bit :P
Only because people started calling people who do dumb things "special"
@StatikStasis can you have a concept of "the water" (not water in a river or water in a bucket), whitout having a word for it?
So the meaning of the word went from a nice way to say retarded, to a derogatory word
Similar to the word retarded itself
@tereško liquid that I can drink that helps cleanse my kidneys and generally good for me, excluding large quantities in a short period
@tereško We conceptualize "stuff" all the time before we have words for them.
Dec 5 at 14:07, by Tiffany
@Gordon something I've been taught in cognitive-behavioral therapy is called a thought triangle: thoughts form feelings/emotions form behaviors/actions and eventually habits. Breaking a bad habit starts with changing one's thoughts.
6:07 PM
Someone let water flow onto Helen Keller's hands and then began writing on her arm the letters for water. She understood the "water stuff" in her mind before she ever knew what to call it.
@StatikStasis but she would have to find distinctions between water and other liquids. There are distinctions, and since her sense of touch is stronger than a sighted-person, I'm guessing she will be more likely to notice those distinctions, but I'm also betting there are liquids that she won't be able to tell the difference.
@Tiffany but you are still thinking of that concept
@FlorianMargaine ping
well, the most probable solution is "co-evolution"
which is why the enforcing use of a different word actually does nothing
6:25 PM
I have migration like this
if I delete some user, they will be deleted all post attached to this user?
error was about the comments
Yes, she corrected such a construction ->onDelete('cascade')->‌​onUpdate('cascade');;
@bwoebi i needs some help, how do i find the top php contributors in the past 10 years ish?
so this error has already disappeared, thanks for the hint
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I see
6:31 PM
yes, along with the removal of the user deleted the post
how to avoid it?
actually you can tell me that roughly
the github graph misses i think some top contributors
and without these keys, I can't work correctly?
(?X) produces warning: Compilation failed: unrecognized character after (? or ( – #77316
niki, laruence, derek, dmitry, bwoebi, pierre, stas, joe, sara, anatol, rasmus, joe, remi, cmb69 am i missing someone? :B
@Wes ... 69 ...?
6:44 PM
probably his birth date :B
@Wes where is that in his username?
@Tiffany people start getting into programming when they are about 12-14
... someone might got stuck with a really bad nickname
I think we all here have had bad nicknames
but @Wes used real names for some people's usernames
except cmb
i have no idea what's their preferred handle
some people use their real names on the internet
... as they grow up
then again, I should have stuck with my first choice of a nickname
6:49 PM
errr that was derick, not derek :B
joe would be krakjoe i think
I will never grow up.
@tereško What was first choice?
@StatikStasis are you a toys'r'us kid?
I was. =(
Although their stuff was too high and I mainly just looked.
@StatikStasis "Master" (I used it for gaming in highschool). Later I decided it was stupid and switched ... and only 10 years later I discovered Dr.Who
I've had Majik, Anadai, Statik, Xero, serveral others.
6:55 PM
coming up with character names in MMOs ... ugh
most of them tend to be "taken"
I tried getting "Aegwyn" when I first started on a WoW server, but there was already someone with that name, so I used "Aegwin," and would verbally shake my fist at the person who took "Aegwyn," we had a laugh.
I also managed to get Moonia, and I pretty much sat on the name, rarely leveling the character because I found rogues generally boring
is any of you into marvel comics and/or marvel movies?
/me raises hand
marvel comics?
7:05 PM
avengers or x-men?
Depends. Movies: Avengers>X-men | Comics: X-men>Avengers
fav characters of both? :D
Oh wow... umm. Thor and Logan.
Thor and Hulk are very close.
Logan = Wolverine, of course. =P
@Wes right now Spidersman.
7:16 PM
why does Xpath have to be so fucking difficult
trying to select a couple of nodes in an XML file, but not grandchildren, I'm having a hell of a time
I'm doing it completely wrong
but if I change // to /, nothing is selected
in Xpath, how can I union selectors to select one node if and only if another node is empty? I'll throw something together in gist
gist I want to select the <name> node only if a <display-name> node doesn't exist
7:34 PM
@Danack twatter
@Wes not in general. I stick mostly to manga. The only comics that I wave watched have been from Diversity&Comics youtube channel (like "White Knight")
oh .. wait, that's not even Marvel
7:51 PM
I want to propose that assert() with an exception as the second parameter will never warn. If the code is generated and run then it will always throw the exception.
Any objections? /cc @bwoebi @NikiC @JoeWatkins
DIR, FILE, realpath() reveal physical path for subst virtual drive – #77317
The possibility of it only warning prevents more widespread use, I think. Especially since it is the default behavior.
now that I thought about it, @Wes, I don't think Marvel has made anything interesting in like a decade ... well .. unless you are a connoisseur of cringe
@Tiffany try /system-index-block/system-symlink/display-name | /system-index-block/system-symlink[not(display-name)]/name
XPath is evidently even more retarded than regex
8:11 PM
@Danack wasn't insulting u, was asking you to open twitter :B
just ftr, no hurry
8:43 PM
@Tiffany I think it's like regex but just more specific, if you don't know how to format the expressions it will do something entirely different
Just take a look at this answer .. heh .. the quality of our website is even more than SE :-) The sexiest answer ever
> The Windows’ built-in subst application maps a physical directory to a virtual drive and is used by Denwer for creating a virtual drive that web servers are virtually located on. Denwer is a WAMP kit popular in Russia.
8:58 PM
@Shafizadeh (related to any link from that site) you realize that maybe .5% people here understand what is written there?
@Tpojka just take a look at those formulas and enjoy ..

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