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Any PHP DEVELOPERS in Orange County CA looking for employment?
2 hours later…
Happy Halloween room!!!
3 hours later…
penumbra a shadowy, indefinite, or marginal area.
Need your suggestion on this question
Guys one doubt. One login single singon service they are use there own credentials or gsuit user credentials to login all gsuite app?
@mega6382 Do you know detail about Onelogin single signon service?
@RaguvaranR please, don't tag me or anyone else randomly, its not cool
!!welcome RaguvaranR
Welcome @RaguvaranR, please read the Chat Guidelines
@RaguvaranR sounds like a question to ask OneLogin's support
I'm 99% sure that this is the case but just in case I'll ask - if I do "git reset --hard somehash", it will not actually change the remote repository but just my local machine, right? I'll be able to undo it directly after?
@Alesana it shouldn't change the remote repo
> I'll be able to undo it directly after?
You will lose all your local changes though
Okay cool, just wanted to make sure
We have a client claiming that we removed something from their site recently that was never there
So I wanted to revert the development version to show them
Just show them in the git gui you are using
Use the history luke
No need to reset things
No need to reset things
Sorry for double post. Wonky internet
is there a bash one-liner to rename variously nested subfolders in a directory?
test test test
PowerShell renames one level deep, but there are folders further down that aren't renamed, and I wasn't able to quickly figure out a workaround.
\o/ vpn to the rescue
@Tiffany Probably :)
stackoverflow.com/questions/34971502/… I saw this, but the script is longer than I'm willing to try out...
I expected more piping and awk :P
not seeing spaces around = makes me cringe. I'm guessing it's not-standard to surround equal signs with spaces in bash, but still
like $variable=1; versus $variable = 1;
@PeeHaa They won't look through code or the gui, I would have to show then the actual website
@Alesana How does that in any way tell them anything :P
Like "This is your website 4 months ago, there was no disclaimer in the footer"
Of course in a professional manner
Yes, but you could easily have just removed the disclaimer to fool them into thinking it was never there
@Alesana could it be cached on wayback machine?
It's not an issue of trust it's that they think we did it on accident
k that invalid whatever I was typing :P
@Tiffany Do you have just one pattern or multiple?
In that case just double check the history to make sure you didn't fuvk up and report back
I don't have a reason to lie about it :P
@Allenph woops, my brain stopped at "Al" on your name, and thought you were @Alesana
Well I hope you have set up proper database migrations too or didn't change too much or you are going to have a hard time getting the old version to work
I just reverted it so I could say "I have reverted the development website to where it was 4 months ago. Can you send me a screen shot of where the disclaimer was as I might not be understanding"
No change to the DB structure, I'll leave that alone but the development site and the live site's DB don't have the same DB anyways :P
@Allenph one pattern, any folder named _vti_cnf, but the folders are in various levels of the directory structure
Wayback machine probably would have been a better idea
@Tiffany And you want to rename them all to the same thing?
@Alesana Sounds ok. I would probably have worded it differently just a tiny bit. But I tend to navigate through layers of different people a lot and are a bitch like that :P
there shouldn't be a name conflict because all of the "vti_cnf_" folders are in different folders
@Alesana it depends entirely if it has a cached copy of it
@PeeHaa What would your wording have been? I need to work on how to communicate professionally because I always feel like everything I say professionally is worded like I am a Nigerian prince and you have just came into ownership of a large sum of money
@Tiffany find . -depth -name 'OLD_NAME' -execdir bash -c 'mv OLD_NAME NEW_NAME' '{}' \;
@Alesana be polite and clear. Sometimes more information is better than less information, depending on the person.
@Allenph danke
trying to sync some folders into OneDrive, which I had stored on my old computer, but OneDrive doesn't like the name "_vti_cnf" ... and apparently I had archived an old FrontPage site on my old computer...
@Allenph \o/
@Tiffany Yeah for sure, knowing your audience is important
@Alesana Basically, I've had to learn how to professionally word emails. I observed coworkers' and boss's emails to tweak the wording in mine. One boss is able to beautifully word an email professionally, and I haven't quite reached that point.
And sometimes being informal is okay, it lets the other person know that you're human too
It's kind of like writing code, I look at emails I sent five or six years ago and go "oh god, why did I write it that way"
@Alesana Neh it's just fine as it is.I am overly pedantic. I personally try to prevent sentences ending with " I might not be understanding"
Both ending with a negative and the full blown "not understanding"
misunderstanding would be better
"Can you send me a screenshot? I might/could be misunderstanding your request."
Ah good point :D Everyone else on my team is super unprofessional so I don't worry too much about it but I definitely want a better job so I've got to learn
This isn't usually effective with short email responses, but a trick I use for long emails is writing it out what I want to say on paper and reread it. Cross out parts I don't like, or rewrite parts. Something about physically writing something versus typing it makes it easier for me to write out what I want to state. If I feel I've reached a point after writing a portion of the email that I understand how I want it to sound, I'll start typing it up before I finish writing.
@Alesana Yeah as said. What you have is just fine
We've been given a lot of training this year about "communicating effectively" ...
When customer facing I always try to: make the customer feel he is being helped, not look bad myself and steer away from the blame game when appropiate
I usually am pretty ADD about how I write long emails, I start one paragraph, and before finishing it I move onto the next, then before finishing that one I move on again, then I just jump back and forth from paragraphs until it's finished
I never write long mails :P
@PeeHaa She in this case :P
Was a gender neutral he :)
bed. I identify as a cat bed.
I make a strong effort to not place blame on anyone, which is why instead of saying something like "You're wrong about that", I say "Here is what I know about this. Can you clarify your stance?"
@Tiffany We all do.
@Alesana I do that sometimes as well. Like I'll reread part of a sentence and rewrite it... but then I forget to reread the rest of the paragraph to change context so it all makes sense. I've learned to double-check before sending :P
Though, there are times I will send a followup email right after, apologizing for phrasing in a paragraph, and rephrasing it
@Tiffany lol
I am more of the camp of: when it's out it's done and I stand by it :P
@PeeHaa sometimes what I've written doesn't make sense unless I redo it. As I've been reminded several times by my supervisor, "[my email recipients] aren't mind readers"
Sometimes even after double checking there's some wacky stuff in my sent emails
I tried searching "I mean" in my sent folder to show an example but nothing good enough
However, I say "just to clarify" a lot
Is there a way of getting line coverage for a specific class (phpunit) ?
@JayIsTooCommon Yes. Output the report to a file
well that sounds hard and complicated Pieter
I think it's the clover format
and don't ever 'Yes.' me again, you must finish all your messages with kisses too x
okies, i'll try file output
--coverage-clover build/logs/clover.xml
Gives you line coverage iirc. There are probably more formats which do it
hi, how to invoke a paper scanner using php code?
@AhmadAlbab You want to find out what kind of paper it is?
php code interacts with printer's scanner
i have googling around but all paid version, any open source?
Are you trying to do OCI of the output. Just get the output file? Send commands to the scanner?
read the scanned document
Read how? OCI? The binary contents?
pardon me, this is my first time, lots of new terms found today, what is OCI?
Sorry ocr
Optical character recognition (also optical character reader, OCR) is the mechanical or electronic conversion of images of typed, handwritten or printed text into machine-encoded text, whether from a scanned document, a photo of a document, a scene-photo (for example the text on signs and billboards in a landscape photo) or from subtitle text superimposed on an image (for example from a television broadcast).Widely used as a form of information entry from printed paper data records – whether passport documents, invoices, bank statements, computerised receipts, business cards, mail, printouts of...
As in do you want to parse the scanned document to text?
yup, OCR
There are probably more libraries on packagist
ok2 tq
is phpsotrm on sale or something?
Sounds like a bootleg version of phpstorm
It is saying $89 on the site, it is usually 119 or something, iirc
2 hours later…
@tereško You have a View Engine class I can peek at?
why is it that I'm logged into Stack Overflow, but it does not single sign-on into other StackExchange sites?
@Allenph that class is called Twig
look at the DIC config
@Tiffany separate subdomain, most likely
cookie stuff
also the main StackOverflow site seems to have a separate codebase
@tereško Oh. You just use Twig?
and it's "templating engine" instead of "view engine" :P
you can make your own, if you really want to
Yeah. I just misspoke sorry.
@tereško Yeah. I expected you to do this kind of. Figured it would just be plain old PHP as the engine, but that lends itself to morons doing weird stuff, huh?
@tereško that's what SSO is though... it should pass a token
"hey, this person is authenticated against one of our other services... let them through..."
@Allenph when you have to work in a team, it is a good idea to minimize the "custom libraries"
I don't think I really need one. I'm just setting the content to the file contents of a plain HTML file, I was just curious. You've probably told me several times before.
you can always make your "plan php templating" engine to have the same interface as twig
that way you will be able to easily switch, if at some point you need to
and Twig's public interface is quite alright
I feel like I'm flapping my arms. Can anyone suggest ideas? I have two sites hosted on a server, I can't access either site internally and person testing externally gets the same 404. One site worked before I bound an external IP address to it, but the other site did not work. Not sure what to google, not sure what the problem is. I can't access either site over port 80 or 443. I have SSL certificates applied for either site.
can you connect to any one of those server, @Tiffany?
ping something from them?
can't access the sites from the server either, but I get a 404
ah, wait
404 means that the routing is fucky
the server was reached, but there was no page
I can ping my work computer from the server
check the error log
grep for 404
I did, that's where I found the 404 status
what is the rest of message (I mean, except the NDA parts) ?
2018-11-01 12:35:27 [redacted - internal IP] GET /favicon.ico - 443 - [redacted - internal IP] Mozilla/5.0+(Windows+NT+10.0;+Win64;+x64)+AppleWebKit/537.36+(KHTML,+like+Gecko)‌​+Chrome/70.0.3538.77+Safari/537.36 [redacted - host name] 404 0 2 46
(I am in the middle of my bottle of wine, so this effort is an .. emm .. timed exclusive)
that just says you do not have a favicon
I know
you probably don't have a favicon
let me check event viewer again
gimme a different message
and yes, I've intentionally omitted that it was a Windows box
the general theory should be the same (and since it's you - I already assumed "windows")
... and you really need to examine your life choices that have lead you to being a "Microsoft developer"
when attempting to access it from the server, it seems like it's a handshaking issue? probably TLS 1.0 or something is enabled in IE, but Chrome from work computer doesn't generate an entry in event viewer
there was something on newsletters about "ending support" for older "SSL things"
ISS up to date?
IIS 10
dunno about updates, I don't manage those
I am so outraged right now
since you are playing sysadmin, read this later: blog.mozilla.org/security/2018/03/12/… (unrelated)
ok, lets assume it's not CERT issue
what are other 404 messages you have, @Tiffany ?
@tereško I hope so! If not those astronaut's lives could be at risk :P
sorry, IIS
@Alesana and the answer is "actually ISS is a quite outdated already"
Haha hopefully there's no security flaws in it
I really hope people are working on fixing kessler syndrome :(
Is anyone here familiar with Slim framework that could spare a few minutes and help me out with a problem I'm having?
never used it .. looked like static-mess
I'm trying to include an id in a URL and I've literally spent all day at it with no luck
it should be pretty simple: docs.slimframework.com/routing/get
@tereško Just reading about that now I hope so too. I did read about something where these people were working on some device to clean up space debris
I've checked out that doc @tereško, I just get a 404 error when I test it
@Alesana well, it was a brain-thread from the "ISS is outdate". We should have a station with spin-gravity by now, but we can't because of all the junk that's out there

Here is my question if anyone could check it out, I'd really really appreciate it
holy shit
'/books/:id'. That's not what you are doing.
Thats code I have to display all listings, I've tried adding id and it doesn't appear
@AaronMartin You seem to have a couple of answers there already, please be sure to comment on them if they are not correct, so the answerer'll know it too.
@AaronMartin what's your .htaccess (or nginx alternative)
also, has the routing system changed?
where are you getting $request, $response, $args and $variables from ?
it looks like you are just throwing shit at the wall and expecting it to just stick
< need more wine
@AaronMartin maybe read it again. The function signature in your question is not the same as the documented one. I would assume the documentation knows what it should be...
I'm working with this company on placement at the minute, but the guy who built what we have to date is M.I.A at the minute
neither is your route declaration actually
@AaronMartin here's your chance to fix it
We allow ${'2fa'} but we don't allow it as a direct property name (not using magic methods or ad-hoc properties).
oh wait. @tereško linked to slim v2
This sort of inconsistency bothers me more than it should, I think.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier hi did not specify a version
you still need to add the parameter to the route
@tereško yeah I know it's only tagged on the question
I'm using slim 3
@FélixGagnon-Grenier look at the tags: stackoverflow.com/questions/52563083/…
well, go along and add the parameter to the route declaration
@tereško I wanted to sleep tonight, thank you
question.. now that parameter type widening is implemented in PHP 7.2 because it does not break things, how could one achieve return type widening? If that would break things, why?
3 messages moved to Trash
What I don't understand, is that I have this, which only displays listings when the user selects a certain category imgur.com/a/sxobhoH
But the url stays the same localhost/listings/
@Code4R7 That would break things as not the definer of the type has the handle the widened change, but the caller
@PeeHaa It looks you're right (again :-)). From blog.kelunik.com/2018/01/23/parameter-type-widening.html : "Yes, parameter type widening might break your code, but not at the place where you accept wider arguments, but at the place where you return them."
@AaronMartin what does "the url stays the same" mean? When you visit the /listings/some_category page it's being rewritten to /listings?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier basically, we have a listings page that displays all listings. When you click on one, information relating to that listings populates a modal that opens, the URL remains as localhost/listings/
yes. when a "modal" opens, the browser's url will not change. That's expected behaviour.
I don't get it.. when I have an abstract method in a parent class parent, like abstract function a() : self, and a child class child extends parentwith a method function a() : self it is not allowed by PHP 7.2
So yes, regardless of what listing is opened, the URL still appears as localhost/listing, the user is redirected to the default listing page of all listings being shown
wait, being redirected is not a modal.
@tereško a dude in C# room helped me with it. I needed to bind the internal IP addresses to the sites for HTTP/HTTPS and enable Server Name Indication for one of the sites.
Sorry, I meant when we refresh the page, the listing that in the modal disappears, and all listings so as default
I still have half of bottle of wine to get through ... and a book to read (in somewhat broken Engrish)
@tereško now to get wordpress working on the secondary site... yes, this is truly an unholy mixture.
@AaronMartin Yes, when you refresh a page, it resets the state
It seems that there is a miscommunication between the expectations and the current codebase
@Tiffany I wouldn't have said anything .. but .. emm .. do you have an exorcist on speed dial?
Would it be more efficient to scrap the modal, and create an empty php page, and populate that with each listing information?
yes. show a specific listing category in the same template as the general category
@tereško I might need to look into that.
scrap that weird setTimeout thing and use normal a links
weird part is that even when the child class returns self instead of the self of the parent class, I can put in every type of object that extends the class child. But PHP won't let me specify it in the function declaration..
@FélixGagnon-Grenier lipstick ... pig
Will do I'll look into it thanks for your help
should I google that?
@tereško we got 15,000 links indexed in the google .. that number is increasing .. so I guess we have content enough .. just we need to get some backlink to earn domain authority to be appeared in the first page of SERPs. Do you agree? Or we should create a teaser and publish it in the social medias to get brand awareness?
I'm sort of picking up where our last developer left off, and he hasn't left any indication of why he has used these modals
To put "lipstick on a pig" is a rhetorical expression, used to convey the message that making superficial or cosmetic changes is a futile attempt to disguise the true nature of a product or person. == Etymology == Pigs have long been featured in proverbial expressions: a "pig's ear", a "pig in a poke", as well as the Biblical expressions, "pearls before swine" and "ring of gold in a swine's snout." Indeed, whereas the phrase "lipstick on a pig" seems to have been coined in the 20th century, the concept of the phrase may not be particularly recent. The similar expression, "You can't make a silk...
I see :P
you are from Canada
you shouldn't be asking me about english idioms
heh. I'm french-canadian
my condolences
While we're taught english from a somewhat early age, my family always spoke french. I don't really know english idioms
damn you ;)
@AaronMartin my impression of that code, is that that developer had no idea either
@FélixGagnon-Grenier in which language are you talking at home?
ah ok good :-)
but you write in English very well .. good for you @FélixGagnon-Grenier
Is there a difference in security if I have the wordpress installation in a separate folder outside of the web root folder?
That is, does it improve security at all by putting the wordpress installation in its own folder?
I think that would mostly depend on the routing. If all requests get redirected to access any files in the wordpress folder, that won't change anything
which is probably what I'd end up doing
if anything that doesn't point to index.php is blocked by default, then maybe it's better. However, judging by Scott's tweets about wp, they seem doomed from most accounts
@Tiffany Separate directory + different least privileged user to break out of the directory
Assuming windows users + iis can handle that
not sure that it can, at least changing the user that IIS uses for anonymous visitors... I have no clue
I may need to should look into that
@Shafizadeh the backlink think can blow up in your face. There are a lot of services, which claim to offer that sort of boost, but a lot of them can get you blacklisted by google. Let it grow organically for now. But if you want to boost user amount, then placing advertisements in 3rd party sites would be a good option.
@Tiffany I feel like it does do pools of web applications with different users
But who knows :)
First of all you should check if google ad system lets you target something like "Iranians under 30" or "Iranian students" as the advertisement segment, @Shafizadeh
@PeeHaa it does... but there is an OS user that is granted read/execute rights to the folder
if that is not an option, then you should look into options to advertise on some "not mainstream" news sites in Iran
under right-click -> Properties -> Security
(the younger audience will not be using the "government approved media" sites, and that's the segment, that you should focus on)
@tereško I see
google SHOULD have the tools for those type of ads
(and they are quite cheap)
actually there are some keyword we're trying to achieve .. You know, "how to" is the most important keyword we're attempting to get a good authority in.
wait... probably ctrl-c is what broke i... nevermind ... not as funny as I was hoping
@tereško probably cheap, but not easy for us to pay .. we don't access any international payment system
@Shafizadeh you really need to get one of those "virtual credit cards"
@tereško it is (almost) not possible
I've tried a lot
you know, we even disappointed from both DigitalOcean and Hetzner etc for buying a VPS from ..! I want to buy a physical computer and an IP valid and make it as the server of our website.
hmm ... do you have any friends, who study economics?
you should make an LLC, that is registered outside of Iran
!!urban LLC
[ LLC ] [Low] [List] [Celebrity]
it's wiki, not urban
!!wiki LLC
A limited liability company (LLC) is the US-specific form of a private limited company. It is a business structure that can combine the pass-through taxation of a partnership or sole proprietorship with the limited liability of a corporation. An LLC is not a corporation in and of itself; it is a legal form of a company that provides limited liability to its owners in many jurisdictions. LLCs are well-known for the flexibility that they provide to business owners; depending on the situation, an LLC may elect to use corporate tax rules instead of being treated as a partnership, and, under certain...
"limited liability company"
there are local terms for it in every country
that's why I said you need an economist-friend
ah .. I'll share it with our lawyer
he idea is: you make an LLC outside of Iran
you make all the purchases through it
and just "invest" in it from time to time
you should look at where it is easy to register one ... somewhere near
doesn't sounds easy .. I don't have any id outside of Iran .. I cannot register a company
@tereško ah
I don't think you need to always be a citizen to register a company
probably I should get married with an Europe girl :P
The term "offshore company" or "offshore corporation" is used in at least two distinct and different ways. An offshore company may be a reference to: a company, group or sometimes a division thereof, which engages in offshoring business processes. International business companies (IBC) or other types of legal entities, which are incorporated under the laws of a jurisdiction, that prohibits local economic activities.The former use (companies formed in offshore jurisdictions) is probably the more common usage of the term. In isolated instances the term can also be used in reference to companies...
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