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I believe we need to abandon the idea of PHP being a hypertext pre-processor.
Man I hate Apache sometimes.
@mega6382 go back to Personal Home Pages?
@Tiffany No, more like it being only used for creating APIs, and the frontend(hypertext pre-processoring) should be left to a frontend framework like, angular, react, vue etc
@mega6382 PHP can be used as a command-line script too
if you want to talk about breaking the boundaries of "hypertext pre-processing" :P
posted on October 19, 2018 by CommitStrip

^ Speaking of this...have you guys ever heard about the coding competition between Jesus and the Devil?
So Jesus and the Devil get into this coding competition and for 40 days and 40 nights they're both coding. The Devil in VIM extremely fast, and Jesus slow and steady. On the morning of the 41st day it looks like the Devil is going to win. The power goes out. The Devil starts going absolutely nuts...but Jesus isn't even phased. Do you know why?
he was working in the cloud? or saved his work to the cloud, something like that
I think I see where this is going
"Jesus Saves"?
is that ^ the right answer?
Thanks for ruining it.
Please what does this mean?
ooof.. sorry about that..
@Wes an anime I watch almost religiously has a series based in Italy, the main character is named Giorno Giovanna
Please can some help in interpreting this -
@gbade_ We need the rest of the class.
I know partially, this makes an API call to an addSales endpoint
@gbade_ Is uses a service locator to get objects and eventually calls a method to convert something to an array
At least that's what it looks like
this is a larger part of the code snippet -
@gbade_ use github gist then
$investmentRequest = $this->get('jms_serializer')->deserialize($paymentRequest,'AppBundle\Entity\InvestmentRequest', 'json');

$payload = $this->get('jms_serializer')->serialize($investmentRequest, 'json');

@gbade_ You need a more specific question than "what does this mean".
@Allenph I'm guessing he's having trouble understanding how it works, or what the methods are doing?
I'm trying to convert this in netcore c#
So I need to understand how it works. I haven't written PHP in 5 years and I'm required to convert an existing application/project to netcore C#
But I also get the impression that the methods will require looking under the hood to understand what they're doing
@gbade_ does the PHP application use a framework or something?
Yeah, Symfony
so far, I understand these parts -
@gbade_ have you looked at the Symfony docs?
$investmentRequest = $this->get('jms_serializer')->deserialize($paymentRequest,'AppBundle\Entity\InvestmentRequest', 'json');

$payload = $this->get('jms_serializer')->serialize($investmentRequest, 'json');

I've looked at the docs. I understand some of the features of JMS serializer. The snippet I posted above shows deserialization of string to an object, and also serializing a request payload to a json string
addSales is an api endpoint. I understand -
$this->get('arm_service_caller')->addSales makes an API call to that endpoint
It is the
that baffles me
@gbade_ gets jms-serializer and converts it to an array and puts it into the variable $investmentRequest? I dunno... that's my best guess
Ok, thanks
$investmentRequest is an object
I haven't read much of Symfony documentation, so I could be wrong
let me read about it... I have a little bit of time I can try working on it, waiting on a coworker to get back to me
what is am_service_caller?
@gbade_ here you say am_service_caller
@gbade_ and here you say arm_service_caller
Sorry, typo. It's the same
so something like, it gets arm_service_caller, but I don't entirely understand the call to addSales($this->get('jms_serializer')) ... like why is it getting arm_service_caller then calling addSales and passing another argument? the last portion ->toArray($investmentRequest) converts $investmentRequest into an array so that it can be serialized
based on symfony.com/doc/current/components/serializer.html: "The same way, Normalizers will deal with turning specific objects into arrays and vice versa."
@Tiffany Earlier proposed solution on gist didn't work for you?
I will be speaking at a meetup about Linux tomorrow and my audience will be 99% Windows users. Any pointers?
@2dsharp try not to laugh?
I am practicing that for a long time. :P
What topic is the talk about?
@Tpojka haven't been able to try, the problem I'm facing with dev/prod is on my home machine, I'm at work currently, and don't return for ~3-4 hours
Screw Chrome. I thought the problem was with Apache for hours but it was caching redirects. :(
@Tpojka also, I have changed DocumentRoot already, but that did not work. But, maybe I missed a step, so I'll try again with what you've suggested.
@Allenph Rookie mistake ;)
@Allenph I tend to test things that involve stuff being cached in Firefox
No matter what it is. Even for important life matters first blame caching
You are getting married -> caching
just cause even with incognito mode, I've had cached results
@Tiffany Just in case restart Apache after that although reload of server should do the job when config file is being edited.
You cat shit on your carpet -> caching
@PeeHaa Mostly what Linux is, and how everything works on a high level.
@Tpojka I may not have restarted Apache, but I know I've done vagrant suspend and vagrant up, though I don't know if that restarts the server
I think it does. Although I use vagrant halt
@PeeHaa Kek
@Tpojka this line here github.com/tiffany-taylor/vagrant-php-7.1/blob/master/vagrant/… is what links the conf file on the linux box to a local file on the host, and this file and line github.com/tiffany-taylor/vagrant-php-7.1/blob/master/vagrant/… I changed web to public_html before I did vagrant up, so that it would install using public_html as the web root at the very beginning. The change doesn't show in github because I did it locally
You need to check absolute path of public_html and set it to that.
Also you have 3 places there to be set.
FallbackResource (I've never used it before)
<Directory "/vagrant/web">
@Tpojka absolute path on linux (guest) or windows (host)?
yeah, I changed both
I didn't feel like linking both lines though :P
I was already running out of message room and I was in the middle of a movie
but I'm off lunch now
I am now back to work. :)
Stop working all
It's friday
I don't get Friday off
At least open a beer
though I dooooo get to leave early today
Oh right
@Tiffany What's early?
@PeeHaa dry campus
@PeeHaa an hour early
@Tiffany yeah I just remembered and shivered
@PeeHaa :P
I haven't drank anything in like six months or so
Feeling healthy now? :P
Speaking of which I should do sports at some point again
I dunno. But I'd rather be sober than deal with migraines every time I drink more than half a beer.
Yeah. Obviously a good choice :-)
With the rising cost of gasoline, Jon Skeet is beginning to worry about his drinking habit.
When you're Jon Skeet, anything + anything is equal to 1. One roundhouse kick to the face.
The original title for Star Wars was "Skywalker: Texas Ranger". Starring Jon Skeet.
The air around Jon Skeet is always a balmy 78 degrees.
Jon Skeet does infinite loops in 4 seconds.
interesting stuff
(about 9th gen Intel chips running hot)
Is there any security problem with allowing someone to know how big a table is in a DB is? (The primary index number)?
@Allenph put that in the java chat
Looking at performance, what would be best to store objects? A normal array, or a SplObjectStorage? Or doesn't really matter?
Holy crap @MadaraUchiha is in Java.
Are you not in any rooms?
@Allenph he is one of the owners of the java room
@icecub I would just use an array for most things.
You might be interested in hacking your way through some form of collection type though so you can type hint it.
@Allenph Nah I have no need for that. I'm working on a websocket chatsystem using Ratchet. Ratchet uses a SplObjectStorage to store each user object. I find that extremely redundant because there's no usefull index to "talk" to (you don't know which object contains which user). It forces you to loop through each object just to send a response to a single user.
@icecub Yeah. That's kind of weird. There must be a reason they did it.
So I tried storing the user objects in my own normal array instead so I have a usefull index and be able to call the object(s) I want directly instead of going through all of them
And it works perfectly fine. So that's cool. I'm just wondering why they used a SplObjectStorage. Only reason I could think of might be performance. That's why I asked
@Allenph Anyway, thanks a lot for your response. Hopefully someone here might shed some light on this :)
Noooooo I have to log in to wordpress
good god, the code for this plugin is horrible. The constructor is doing waaaay too much, and nothing is passed to it.
Never liked Wordpress. Well, tbh, never liked any CMS or WYISWYG-constructed website. They certainly have their purpose, but I prefer code written by me and/or my team so I know exactly what each line does
Our PR department wanted to add a splash page to the website, created in Wordpress. I installed it on the server, and set the database up and stuff, but after that, I did nothing with it, and that was by intention. They need a script included into the website, but I only do it on the rest of the website, I don't touch Wordpress. I guess the dude that normally logs into Wordpress is gone for the day cause they asked me to do it.
I feel dirty.
@mega6382 sad thing is, I think Edge is almost as fast as Chrome now, Chrome might be a bit slower
but when that meme was created, it was so very true
Guys, SO has a thing named "active" which is a date .. my question is, what date is it? The date of last activity on that question? (voting, commenting, viewing etc ?)
I don't like Opera that much either. It tends to act up sometimes. Especially on websockets
Hi all... so my question is: I need to reed 2 million records and do some processing, I have query and I know that I can say in same... Limit 0, 200 for example and then iterate trough 200 records, but I am wondering how without manual editing of script and running it again, I can after first 200 rows is processed I can say Limit 200, 200, after limit 400, 200 and so on until I iterate trough all records ?
@Shafizadeh Active means a new answer or edit to an answer / question. It doesn't update on comments, voting or viewing.
@Tiffany tbh, I haven't really used Edge even once, except for when I opened it accidentally while I was trying to open the start menu.
@Splendid I am sorry, but I don't understand what you mean
@icecub thx
@Splendid We need more information than that. You can run the queries in a loop and it would work. But it wouldn't make any difference to performance. In fact, it would be slower. So perhaps you should explain why you want to do it like that?
@mega6382 I haven't either... lol
I'm going by what I've heard from other people
@icecub well thing is I don't know what would be other solution, to iterated trough db values, do some abstraction on it, and insert new data into another database. I am wondering, how to automatically process that data in chunks without issue to hit maximum execution time, or memory limit
maybe they were bought by Microsoft to say nice things
ofrcourse that's possible
SEO: Do you think result-page (i.e. search result page) should be indexed or not ?
@Shafizadeh if you mean indexed by google, no
@Shafizadeh I don't think so, no. But tbh, I don't know anything about SEO
if you mean indexed/cached on your end to improve performance (if it ever became an issue), then maybe
I mean google, so, I shouldn't make a title, description for it?
@mega6382 ok :-)
title sure, but description... maybe a generic description for the primary search page, but not individual search results
I see, thx
our site uses google for searching, we were grandfathered into an ad-free version of their site search... so if search results were indexed, I'm guessing there would be some kind of loopback hell, but this doesn't include what google indexes in google analytics to say "here's what people are searching for on your site"
speaking of google analytics, I need ot set up an automated report
@Splendid Well you should probably start by optimizing the database's indexes as much as possible. Then, for best performance on memory, you should only pull 1 row, handle it, unset it to free up ram and move on to the next row. You can use set_time_limit(0); at the top of your PHP script to make it able to run indefinitely
... yeah I really had to star the actual important part: getting married is 'cuz of caching
@icecub in general how things like this are handled in php... when u need to iterate trough 2 million + records and do some data manipulation.... I was reading about generators but still I didn't find any article which goes in detail
@Splendid I don't know anything about generators, but if you search SO questions, you'll see many had the same issue before you and answers were given. Like this one for example: stackoverflow.com/questions/25467764/…
If you look through the answer there, it does answer some specific questions from the OP, but it also explains how to handle it in general
@icecub thanks for the link, on first glance, I see they are mentioning que like ActiveMQ, I would like to avoid that, but I am going to read this... thanks a lot
@Splendid That's just specific to the SMS part of the question. The answer itself doesn't use it
@Tiffany How do you add a strike through text in the chat?
@mega6382 \-\-\-nevermind, can't have spaces\-\-\- and I don't think escaping them work either
must have a space before the first -, and a space after the last - in the closing portion
e.g. blah blah blah
@Splendid But for performance, the answer is pretty straight forward. You're not going to process 2 mil+ database records in a matter of seconds or just a few minutes. Not with a single server and certainly not if the mysql database is running on the same server. If you're lucky, you'd be able to perform somewhere between 250 and 500 select / update queries per second. And that's being very generous..
I am aware of that, but PHP is verry limited in this aspect @icecub
@Splendid It is. Hence PHP might not be the answer you're looking for in the first place
for example in go or in java I would write logic, and threads will be handling iterations... ofcourse again I would have memory issues potentually, but I can create locking for task like this... here I thing the bes way is to go with cron job and 100 records (just to be sure) log all potential issues, and cron will be pinging the script evry 1-2 minutes
that's what I am saying :D
@Splendid Well you could have a look at pthreads. That will allow you to use multithreading in PHP. Some extra info on that can be found in this question
I am aware of those, but never gave this deeper analysis... will take a look, thanks for help @icecub
No problem
@NikiC is there any way to override == internally, without going through the compare handlers?
Doesn't seem to care about do_operation
I'm having difficulties with a delete function on my website. First time attempting it. I've played around with it for a couple hours and haven't gotten anywhere. The edit function I haven't really started so don't mind that. paste.ofcode.org/XAdx9T3LjsmfYywVKB52yj Thoughts?
@NikiC Doesn't seem like it. :( Real example where == and <=> == 0 are not the same.
@Twissted looks like you're allowing anyone to delete whatever ID they want just by visiting a URL
Which is not a good idea..
Because I want it to work first
So I can play with it after
It will be an edit and delete button beside each character name only functional for the admin
But the function itself doesn't work at all =/
This stuff is tricky....
@Sjon Names that would be meaningful outside of a programming language. The context is an event system so that we can view (and debug as a side effect) all of the events that happen in a system as it's a pretty complicated set of rules that are client-editable. e.g. when a person on this page enters the form, redirect them to this page, then send them an email, and send them a follow up email one day later if they don't respond to the first email.
I can't name stuff for shit.
I have also tried $_REQUEST instead of $_GET. I don't really understand the major difference between the two other than REQUEST would require a connection?
@Tiffany "dry campus"
Que Sera Sera!
@rtheunissen hm?
btw, regarding that recursion issue, that should be easy enough to fix
I have an ->equals() method that only returns true if the decimal's value and precision is equal. I'd like this to be equivalent to ==
But I'd also like to support ordering relative to non-decimal values. But I can't do that because as soon as my compare handler returns 0, == is true
Re: recursion issue, I'm just exploring what cases support a separation of eq vs ord
we kinda also have that problem with strings
the whole crazy "interpret everything as numbers" behavior is totally stupid for equality comparison, but would make some sense for sorting
I believe that we should distinguish between eq and ord, but I have to a) convince the majority of that and b) how it should be done.
That branch I sent you was my best attempt a few months ago.
But I got distracted working on other things as 7.3 got released (ie plenty of time)
1 message moved to friendly bin
@rtheunissen I'm not convinced either :P
Fair enough :)
I think there is some motivation here, but it's not clear whether it's worth the WTF factor of having different notions of equality
It's so clear to me. Are you sorting or do you want to know if they are equal? It should be completely intuitive for the caller, and the implementor won't have to make that distinction in 9/10 cases.
The caller/user wouldn't need to adjust how they think about it at all.
Comparable extends Equatable and most implementations will return if compareTo($other) == 0
I don't see the WTF there.
So I tossed a var_dump into a delete page and redirected my href to it. I think i'm stupid close but can't figure out why I cannot retrieve the variable. This is what it outputted
array(1) { ["delete_id"]=> string(2) "12" }
@NikiC in the compare handler, can I assume that op1 is the obj?
@rtheunissen no
Cool cool thanks
So, running into this weird thing.

when I do var_dump($item['qty']) it returns as int(2) 602
but when I echo $item['qty'], it returns as the expected quantity which should be 2
@AntonioNogueras Something else is printing 602 after the var_dump.
Which I'm assuming there's a line break before the 602.
tidyNode::isHtml() is completely broken – #77040
@Danack no booze allowed
we don't have on-premise housing
Also interesting are the followup proposals linked in foonathan.net/blog/2018/10/13/spaceship-proposals.html
I'll take a look :+1:
I'm working on delaying verification of multiple consecutive definitions to the end of the declaration list. Do you think it's better to make a new file compiler global and use that, or to change the function signatures to pass around what's needed?
Haven't come across that @NikiC but have looked at how other languages handle it, c#, python, D, java, kotlin, ruby, etc.
Also, I remember having a group of HashTable functions that basically treated it as a set -- what was that naming scheme again? I need a set of classes to load, and I expect duplicates to be somewhat common so want to remove that.
I changed it to this, but I get a 403.
/cc @NikiC @bwoebi
@LeviMorrison empty_element or like that
@LeviMorrison zend_hash_add_empty_element()
@rtheunissen It's quite interesting. And long :/
I'll have to finish it tomorrow
Me too, and I want to read it closely not just scan.
Comparison is hard but for 99% of use cases it's simple. It gets difficult when you take the theory too seriously. :p
@rtheunissen But I think more interesting are the followup proposals mentioned in the blog post, a couple of which deal with the interaction of operator<=> and operator==
Looking forward to reading it, thanks for that
I'll let you know what I think
@Tpojka I change it to this gist.github.com/tiffany-taylor/…, and site loads, but public_html is not the web root, and I really don't want to move the contents of public_html into the /vagrant folder
maybe it's something firewall related? but ufw is inactive
also, the /vagrant folder is owned by vagrant/vagrant, the public_html folder is owned by vagrant/vagrant too
@rtheunissen @NikiC I think many of those issues are C++ specific.
The overall goal is to define == and <=> and let everything else be derived from that.
I think I'm just going to set constants for the directories in like a config file of sorts. I'll have it ignored by git, and there will be different config files on production/development so that way I don't have to worry about accidentally fucking up production because I forgot to update the directory after pushing
How can I compile an extension with all warnings turned on?
I want to know things like unused functions, suspect casts etc
All of my extensions have been simple enough I have just compiled them by hand for that case lol
Depending on what the generated makefile looks like you might be able to do CXXFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra whatever else" make.
If not then move it to the configure stage: CXXFLAGS="-Wall -Wextra ..." ./configure ...
I've been putting it after ./configure :/
@LeviMorrison not seeing it come through when I make, I'll try it with make instead
*throws things out of pram* ... public_html is working as my web root now asdlkfjj;lkskdjfjklskdjfljksdlkjfjlkasdfkjdflkj
@LeviMorrison CFLAGS worked.
Oh, oops. I'm in C++ mode atm.
CFLAGS is for C, CXXFLAGS is for C++, and CPPFLAGS is for both C and C++ preprocessors.
I branched a github repo - then I made some changes - meanwhile the original one made changes. I thought I could pull their changes while keeping mine, but it overwrote mine and now I can't find my original changes anywhere on my branch
@Alesana did you stage and commit your changes?
Yeah but they're not in my commit history for my branch
that's when I break out a git GUI like gitkraken
to make sure I'm just not overlooking the commit
Yeah it's odd
I made a PR before pulling so I can see the changes there
@Tiffany congrats, what was the issue btw?
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