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Like a project wide function.
You can create file with functions then include it in composer.json file. Or any other way you can require that file and be free to use those functions. getcomposer.org/doc/04-schema.md#files
@Tpojka yeah but your technically including it
Using autoload section in composer.json is way to do it and way other understand what are you doing.
ok thx
@JBis np Check here, you have few useful comments too. stackoverflow.com/questions/24171078/…
@rtheunissen I'm honestly not sure. I'm not sure how accurate this is, but I feel like we are on the cusp of a lot of features that will seriously impact API design.
Makes me hesitant to design stuff like this.
@bwoebi @NikiC Do scalars need the upper word with type info for every scalar? Like, could we have an c array of zval values and store the type info once for a no-references, contiguous range of scalars?
Also, I wonder if focusing on algorithms written in C might be better. PHP doesn't seem heavy on algorithms type code, so maybe not.
I don't know.
3 hours later…
For MVC Can add error in model ?
Like: $result = $this->validateAndGetUser($user_name, $user_password);

if (!$result) {

$returnError['isMessage'] = false;
$returnError['name'] = "User Not Found";
Or Better add error in controller?!
@tereško Well, there is only one .gitignore file on the root. Take a look at the following image:
There is also one on the root of the project (the previous one is document root):
Also the reason of the second one is Xampp. There are lots of projects inside htaccess directory and that .gitignore makes the git to track only ltk website files.
Help me
First punch of an employee in a date should be counted as in_time and last punch should be counted as out_time
1 hour later…
anyone can hyelp me
I don't know about anyone, but I cannot .. Since images are not found:
@Shafizadeh can you see images now?
Still not found .. I guess I never can see them .. since I'm from Iran and that website you're upload at is banned here
@Shafizadeh waiting bro
@Shafizadeh the first punch should be counted as in_time and last as out_time for everydate and every employee
@rtheunissen It doesn't need to be better than arrays (likely can't) but it should also not be too far away. Its a shame when you have to implement queues based on arrays (which is not at all pretty) simply because the SplQueue implementation sucks that much
@NeelIon ok, what's your query?
@Shafizadeh you mean what i have done so far?
@NeelIon emm kinda .. how did you make that result table? is the the result of your current query or that's the expected result?
expected result
@NikiC I agree, the important thing is that it's close enough so that performance is not factor. It should be more or less equal from a practical point of view. Like.. 5% worse maybe.
@rtheunissen No, it will be a lot worse
$vec[0] will no longer be a pretty fast call to the read_dimension handler
Instead it will do a magic method / interface invocation, which is notoriously slow
Don't underestimate the overhead of that -- the data structure operations themselves (at least on vectors and hashmaps) are very fast, so the wrapper overhead is significant
$vec[0] will call offsetGet which calls alloc[0] which calls the allocation's read_dimension handler. While that does add a few more steps, we would still be using less memory and the call is still O(1).
If benchmarks show that the effective difference is significant, the only solution is to do everything in C and put the argument to rest.
legerdemain trickery; deception.
I don't like the idea of doing more in PHP, but it seems like a lot of people are calling for something in that direction. Sacrificing raw, micro-optimisation-style improvements for something that is more approachable and easier to understand.
I'm almost exactly 50/50 on what the best thing to do is here.
I think I get what you're saying though. Say the raw operation on the vector is 1 unit of time, but the overhead of arrayaccess is 2 units of time, we would effectively triple the runtime of $vec[0].
Even though 3 units of time is still "very fast", it's a 200% runtime increase.
(hypothetically speaking, of course)
Is that on the right track?
@NikiC ^
@rtheunissen yeah
@NikiC by that logic, C it is. :D
Thank you
Also thank you so much for your valuable and emergency commits .. @tereško ... I'm reviewing
@Shafizadeh any luck
@NeelIon all you need is two joins
what database are you using ?
sql server 2005
this is not that easy i think
REMOTE_ADDR in square brackets – #76919
@NeelIon well I don't know SQL Server (though it uses SQL queries, almost the same as MySQL), but anyway, again, all you need is two LEFT JOINs
@Shafizadeh they are not "emergency" :D
I just found a small issue
also, morning everyone
@tereško well they are ..! the code-base was visible to everyone :-)
@Shafizadeh just your dependencies
and just the non-php files
though, composer packages tend to contain examples, so someone could try executing those
@Shafizadeh what about in_time and out_time
@Shafizadeh and dates
@NeelIon I guess you should use MIN() as in_time and MAX() as out_time for each employee on the time column.
@Shafizadeh and dates?
@Shafizadeh whoops, made some stupid mistakes, added changed to the merge request: bitbucket.org/ShafizadehSajad/ltk_share/commits/…
@NeelIon what "dates" supposed to be?
@tereško I see .. thank you
@tereško those mistakes are not stupid ... they will happen when you're tired :-)
... or drunk
yes :D
@Shafizadeh single dates
hell, I should have just refreshed the page and I would have seen them
@NeelIon emm .. sorry I don't know English very well .. what do you mean by "single date"? It suppose to be the long of an employee in in a department?
@tereško what IDE are you using? PHPStorm ?
someone should deyoda phpunit assertSame($expected, $actual) should be assertSame($actual, $expected) -__-
none, I use Atom (which is just an editor)
and I have not set up the syntax check, even though I should
@tereško you can find such syntax errors simply by using an intellij IDE such as PHPStorm
are "such as" and "like" the same?
such means "this kind of" i believe in this case
you can find such syntax errors
you can find this (just mentioned) kind of syntax errors
got it
i could be wrong. i don't get english too
“Oldschool smart home” https://t.co/pobtwefJ9P
click for video :B
Morning ish
@Shafizadeh in some contexts, they're used to give comparisons of something, the grammatic function is called a simile
"like" has multiple meanings, so it depends on the context it is in to know what the meaning is
for a second I thought I was looking at phpinternalsbook at there
heyo o/
its currently live on centaur.xbenjii.co.uk
1 hour later…
i bought lasagne. i feel fat already
@Wes you mean, you did not feel fat before?
true .. since lasagne contains lots of farina (starch)
well, I had a honey-cake for breakfast
@Shafizadeh how's that code review going? Or are you actually busy at work now?
Well I've resigned from my old job and found a new part-time one. So I'm not busy at odd-week-days. Now I'm actually searching about somethings (related to schema). Also about that review, to be honest, you warning made me careful to press that "merge" button. Since the gulp won't work anymore. And you've added some lines in the .gitignore that I don't know what they are. anyway, I'm searching ...
well, the "merge" button will not do anything
besides, if you want to test it in your development environment, you can checkout that particular branch
@tereško it merges your changes with branch master
@tereško yes, that's exactly I've done
... what I've ...
and if you have questions, you can ask them in the code-review interface (that way the discussion and reasoning is also visible to other developer, who have access to that codebase)
in the code-review interface, when you mouseover a line of code, then on the left side there appears a speech-bubble icon with + inside
that lets you ask write a question or statement about that particular line of code
Ah I see
@NikiC difference between ZEND_PARSE_PARAMETERS_START and zend_parse_parameters ?
@Wes the former is faster, but results in a larger binary
ah good to know, thanks
int64_t result = dividend / divisor;
why does this fail when dividend is php-int-min and divisor is -1 ?
@Wes Signed integer overflow is undefined behavior in C
ok so i need to if/else the thing and treat that case differently?
so int division is just regular float division, floored?
@tereško cats
typedef int64_t zend_long;
why should i use zend_long rather than int64_t?
Is there any other way to deprecate the `var` keyword instead been in the parser itself?

@Wes zend_long is 32bit on 32bit systems and 64bit on 64bit systems
If you need an always 64-bit value, then you'd use int64_t
95? NT? ;) – #76920
@NikiC is this normal? 3v4l.org/fntpa
my guess is no
@Wes there's a bug report for that :P
@Wes no, not that
That one is subject to interpretation ;)
it's not a problem with var_export, it's the integer literal that gets evaluated as float, if i am correct?
the integer literal is out of range and overflows into float
the problem in var_export is that it does not take this into account
why that integer literal is not allowed?
@Wes because the - is not part of the literal
ah, i see
!!should I binge watch breaking bad or binge watch fresh prince of belair
You should binge watch fresh prince of belair.
yeah, thats what i thought
For MVC Can add error in model ?
Like: $result = $this->validateAndGetUser($user_name, $user_password);

if (!$result) {

$returnError['isMessage'] = false;
$returnError['name'] = "User Not Found";
Or Better add error in controller?!
@tereško @NikiC : can u help me
ArrayAccess only supports increment on by-ref offsetGet() – #76921
so, in other news, the linux developers might be jumping ship due to the CoC and how it is being weaponized: lulz.com/linux-devs-threaten-killswitch-coc-controversy-1252
@tereško lol
sounds like someone thinks they understand shit about copyright
well, thing is, you can do that in GPL3
it's one of the reason why there was another shitstorm, when it was being adopted
Unless you can cite case law on that, no you can't
who knows ...
Hello Stack Exchange
as you might suspect, @NikiC, the venn diagram for developers and lawyers have a really tiny overlap
I really need to remind my coworker designer to make that "shitstorm appreciation club" t-shirt design
ah now packagist installs the github hook automagically
@tereško Or just a "My office is in "apocalypse" mode" [always]
@tereško The problem is that unless the project has a CLA, there's a lot of things that are "understood" even if the license does not explicitly say so. One of those things is inbound=outbound licensing, i.e. all contributions are understood to be licensed under the outbound project license. That's the only reason why licenses like MIT work at all. If any random contributor could say "hey I don't license my code anymore" that would make CLA free open source projects impossible.
ianal of course, but that's just common sense
Linux devs threaten to rescind code in response to CoC lulz.com/linux-devs-threaten-killswitch-coc-controversy-1252
you're late
He actually linked it earlier, before you did :P
i didn't advertise it properly though
FastCGI terminates connection immediately after FCGI_GET_VALUES – #76922
I'm trying to find a reputable source on why Ted Tso is a "rape apologist," the two sources I've found point back to a feminist wikia, and depending on what kind of feminists that includes, it could be misandrists painting themselves as feminists... which my views do not align with
I can't find any proof that this is a legitimate claim.
All my searches find nothing.
Does Linux really have a kernel kill switch?
If people start sending cease and desists to have their code removed from Linux, it effectively can be a killswitch
So... just don't delete the code.
It's like deleting 100-200 lines of code out of your program
@JustinKaz it may not be a choice in a court of law. Which then it becomes "just don't update your OS until it's resolved"
Please excuse me while I fork a Linux distro into my personal repository - Just for safety.
Yeah, probably what a lot of people are doing now
One more movie you shouldn't watch (or should if you are into psi-soc-antropo profiling whole set who is responsible for that) is The Dawnseeker (2018). I went with less than hour (of 1:21:59) last night with surfing on phone along that.
Movie is impossible. Actors act like they are from different sets but in same frame.
5.9 imdb mark didn't seem so bad before watching it.
I'd give it 2.2-2.9 (I am not insecure about this range though).
I'll just add a few characters to every object and var name I can find. Boom - it's now unique enough to be mine. lol Copyright law only says it needs to be 30% different.
As a media professional the IMDB favors creative and unique films - I think the critics are just sick of "normal" movies.
> Copyright law only says it needs to be 30% different
They have an actual cut off like that? :P
Hey everyone, I have a noob question
[citation needed]
I have a class called Requirements, that checks if the current system/PHP version has the minimum requirements to run the package
Lol - something a copyright lawyer said.
I'm pretty sure it's a lie
Which one? Link?
Like when I got a consultation.
in person.
Which one was it?
Let me download the memory and give you a link.
I'm starting to mess around with Tests (wonderful stuff, by the way), and there's a method that I would like to test but not sure how. It's basically this:
 * Checks if the current PHP version is supported
private function phpVersionSupported()
    if (version_compare(phpversion(), '5.3.0', '<')){
        $this->notifications->fatal('Minimum PHP version needed: 5.3.0');
        return false;
    return true;
How do you log those notifications?
@LucasBustamante You cannot test that unless by either: runnning it on different versions or override php builtin functions (dragons be here)
@LucasBustamante I think the most useful answer for that particular case is: "don't"
 * Checks if the current PHP version is supported
private function phpVersionSupported($phpVersion = false)
    # Allow testing with different PHP versions
    $phpVersion = $phpVersion ? $phpVersion : phpversion();
    if (version_compare($phpVersion, '5.3.0', '<')){
        $this->notifications->fatal('Minimum PHP version needed: 5.3.0');
        return false;
    return true;
This is worse than not testing?
Use a cheap host that runs a lower version. That's a good way to check what it reports.
thanks guys :)
Changing APIs (even private ones) just for the purpose of testing is imo a bad idea
Is also probably means it's going to leak out anyway
@JustinKaz I might log it, thanks for the tip
I would probably log it by calling a Log class method in Notifications class, that would be fine, right?
in notifications->fatal method
Nevermind, I'm good - have a good one everyone
going back to work, lots to do
and thanks again
When I ask a question, I'm like, how many true developers will I upset with this one.
So... If I want a "encapsulated" object that creates a device id for each unique browsers - or whatever - should I create and modify the cookie (that contains the device id) inside that object or outside of it?
I'm pretty much making my own "Session" object instead of using the one that PHP uses. So the device id links to a database of session values. At least in theory.
@JustinKaz I think the only way you'd upset anyone is becoming offended when someone criticizes what you've done, the warning being that the criticism may be rather mean (toward what you've created, not you individually)
Oh, I know.
e.g. "the only benefit your code could bring is printing it out and burning it for warmth" (verbatim)
I've learned quite a bit from this chat but sometimes... I'm like... Breathe... they don't hate you, just your code... lol
Yeah :P
@JustinKaz Very brave statement for this movie.
@Tiffany how about burning the blank page instead? it would be cheaper. :P
@JustinKaz hahaha yeah, that's mostly true :P
What's the best way to prevent this notice? Notice: Undefined index: egt.security.deviceid in ../core/device.egt on line 30 when checking for an item in an array
Do I check to make sure the key is in the array first before I refrence it?
I keep getting lazy and not check it with isset()
null comparing to string '0' – #76923
@Jeeves heh
Jun 27 at 22:50, by Wes
a kid once asked me something like that, which is better, a sofa or a goat? and i was uh wat
people that want to compare different types are just like that kid
Nonsense. you can't duck a sofa. Just ask @Kitler
@Wes But isn't a goat like objectively better?
^ He knows what he's talking about
@NikiC this is as good as I could get it. Using $vec[] in the proxy was significantly slower than $vec->push, which isn't a surprise really.
@NikiC dunno sitting is good :D
So that's a good 40~50% performance cost. :|
@NikiC Welsh really like their sheep... but goats have milk, hmmm
I've wondered if goat cheese is any good, but not enough to try it
@mega6382 I'll have to find the conversation later, but it's in reference to someone who wanted a review, didn't like the response he received, told people that they could "edit his answer to improve it," but ain't nobody got time for that
you don't eat goat cheese in america?
@Wes people do, I'm just hesitant to try it
ah it's not too different from cow cheese
Like it's pretty easy to find even where I'm at, I'm just concerned for my tastebuds
nah... if you ate it without knowing you would think you ate just regular cheese :B
Then again, I eat all kinds of cheeses, so I might like it
Except processed/fake American cheese cause that stuff's nasty
There's an Amish community a few hours north that makes a whole bunch of cheeses, they're really good
i wonder if they try to fake the age of the cheese... because the cheese is cheap to make, but then you need to wait like 4-12 months for it to dry
CallbackFilterIterator::accept returns a boolean not a string – #76924
@bwoebi i don't have many ideas on how to proceed with the lexer... i can't even profile it because most of functions run in < 1ms
except it's a lot of calls
someone that uses cachegrind can fix english here pls? :B stackoverflow.com/a/10091979/4251625
@Wes Still, you can sit on goat but you can't milk your sofa.
i didn't say i am a goat cheese lover
@JustinKaz If array in matter, best to use php.net/manual/en/function.array-key-exists.php
Goat or sofa. :D
Reminds me of Shopify API return types.
@Wes all I know is that the cheese is processed and has the texture of rubber
that doesn't sound right
omfg the overhead of the ?? operator
@Wes it isn't
@Wes what overhead?
quite a lot
must be because offsetGet, __get, __isset, etc, right?
i mean quite a lot in the css parser context :B
oh, on arrayAccess/getters
@Wes well, why are you even using these :-P
i'm not
github.com/Netmosfera/PHPCSSParser/blob/master/src/Tokenizer/… @bwoebi changed this with plain if/else and improved the speed 5-7%
maybe i checked wrong?
@Wes how does your if/else look like?
But if nothing else, I'm guessing hot vs cold handlers
$t = $eatX($traverser);
if($t !== NULL){ return $t; }

$t = $eatY($traverser);
if($t !== NULL){ return $t; }
@Wes do you have opcache enabled?
lemme try
anyway, I guess the difference is that assigns and compares are both hot handlers while coalesce isn't
got basically no improvement with opcache enabled
also function inlining doesn't do much. i gained like 0.01s
also opcache crashes on sapi :B works cli
Sun Sep 23 19:37:12 2018 (9916): Fatal Error Base address marks unusable memory region. Please setup opcache.file_cache and opcache.file_cache_fallback directives for more convenient Opcache usage
"avg self" in cachegrind is all below < 0.0ms, so what do you think i should be doing? avoid function calls? should i try a parser generator?
i can do a tokenizer with goto only, now that i have the css syntax figured out :B
function test(?string $name) {}
why does that exist^ (specifically the ?). What does it help for?
spool pins are annoying :(
I understand that it allows for nullable values and returns, I don't see the use case. If an argument is supposed to be of MyType, chances are rather low that the method should execute with a null instead of a MyType
and if it should, how is that different from using a null default value?
function test(Crap $crap = NULL){} is "short" for (and equivalent to)
function test(?Crap $crap = NULL){}
since php7 the latter (?Crap $c = NULL) is to be preferred to Crap $c = NULL
in ^Crap the nullability is excplicit in the type declaration, while in Crap $c = NULL the nullability is implicitly inferred by the default argument
well, that's a solid explanation, thanks
in ?Crap the nullability is explicit in the type declaration, while in Crap $c = NULL the nullability is implicitly inferred by the default argument
and implicit is bad, as we all know :B
very much :)
@Tiffany i think i know about that
1 hour later…
@FélixGagnon-Grenier anyway, the use case is just that, means "Crap or NULL" but there is nothing special about NULL, it's just a type. other languages support unions so for example you can do function test(Bar|Foo|NULL $x){} // $x can be Bar or Foo or NULL
if string itself isn't enough, you might need another type to represent another input/return
it's more useful for returns than arguments though
@bwoebi so i can reconstitute the css from the tokens, and it's an exact match :D
$tokens = tokenize($css);
$cssr = (string)$tokens;
assert($cssr === $css); :B
I hope I'm not getting shingles again
wtf is this?youtube.com/watch?v=rI054ow6KJk Cage used to be such a great actor, and now he just accepts any role, what a shame
@mega6382 chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/38254266#38254266 it starts here... and continues on for a while... leads into the "programming language" he made, and how he's "so much better at developing" than everyone else here. Granted, we're not completely blameless, but his expectation of "well, just edit and improve it" when what he wrote was just...bad...and better to be completely rewritten
he just has this air of "/r/iamverysmart" about him that was distasteful
@Tiffany lol that takes me back
On a related note, looks who is suspended :P stackoverflow.com/users/4244405/argon
@PeeHaa it was either you or Jay that replied chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/44034885#44034885, or maybe both
Fucks to content ratio is rather low for me
it's taken me far too long to realize that @Wes' old name of "WesStark" was a reference to GoT :S
he might soon come back
as GoT season 8 will start in 3-4 months
hi, when you store session_id in database (with the purpose to login by cookies), how long do you keep that data stored?
Login by cookies and session ids are unrelated
when a user logs in, server creates a session_id for him and saves into db. right?
yes possibly
@Tiffany it sounds like jay to me
If it's just for purposes of sessions you would keep it as long as the session is valid + gc timing
@Wes And October is coming too, I am hoping you'd make me a halloween profile pic too <3 :P
no, already said this year will do xmas ones :B
ok, then that one then :)
i like that @pmmaga and @FlorianMargaine kept the halloween avatar for 2 years
@Tiffany I really want to know, what his code looked like now :B
I wish I had 10k rep
function closure_to_str($f)
    $r=(new \ReflectionFunction($f));  $w='function';
    $p=$r->getFileName();  $b=($r->getStartLine()-1);  $e=$r->getEndLine();
    $l=array_slice(explode("\n",file_get_contents($p)),$b,($e-$b)); $z=(count($l)-1);
    { $b++;  throw (new \Exception("Too complex context definition in: `$p`. Check lines: $b & $e.")); }
    $l[0]=($w.explode($w,$l[0])[1]);  $l[$z]=(explode('}',$l[$z])[0].'}');  return implode($l,"\n");
Whitespace etc as is
does that work lol
shit, who can even read that, man, that is so crazy
Of course not :P
> Too complex context definition
man, this is a shit piece of code
sounds like some kind of drama
Just reminiscing
i think i needed to get the source of a closure once. not sure what i was doing though :B serializing something probably
something really bad :B
10 hours ago, by Shafizadeh
Well I've resigned from my old job and found a new part-time one. So I'm not busy at odd-week-days. Now I'm actually searching about somethings (related to schema). Also about that review, to be honest, you warning made me careful to press that "merge" button. Since the gulp won't work anymore. And you've added some lines in the .gitignore that I don't know what they are. anyway, I'm searching ...
emm ... @Shafizadeh, that warning was about deploying the changed code. It had nothing to do with merging
do you really not understand what merge does ?!
php-src has the funkier indentation ever
8 spaces, @Wes ?
mix of tabs, spaces :B
1 hour later…

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