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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

12:19 AM
Closer to night...
@DaveRandom other than Twinings, what's another good tea brand? well, I dunno if you consider Twinings "good," but it's better than Lipton anyway...
I do like a Twinings English Breakfast
tbh I don't know how useful I am for answering that question, tea in the UK is different to everywhere else I have ever been in the world. Although there are "brands" I tend to find the variety I want and look for the best deal, rather than buying a specific brand
we don't have any of these brands
for plain old "every day" tea I usually buy huge packs of Yorkshire Tea, mostly out of habit
but I also buy supermarket own-brand things quite a lot, esp. Sainsburys
but rotw doesn't have anything like the same options, afaict
like, a typical UK supermarket will have at least half an aisle of nothing but tea in various forms
@azjezz what do you have then, out of interest?
talking specifically about camellia sinensis here, people who use the word "tea" to refer to anything else should go outside and put themselves in the bin
"nojoum" for example, its a local brand, translates to 'stars'
there is some other ones but i can't really name them, most of them are local brands or imported from Morocco and Algeria
people intend to like coffee more in Tunisia
Typos in ".inc" files in "ext/spl/internal" – #76893
12:35 AM
@DaveRandom there are a couple stores here with like... maybe a fourth of an aisle with tea. Seems like I can find Twinings everywhere. I was considering buying a really good tea off Amazon, but I don't want to fork out the money for like proper tea paraphernalia for loose leaf and stuff
Mainly cause I don't want to deal with all of the contraptions for the really, really good tea, not really a money thing
I wonder how many more times I can really
@azjezz I can almost promise you that Lipton tea here is worse
Though, I do wonder what coffee offerings you have, I imagine they're pretty amazing
Until I can get my ADHD medication again, I'm stuck bumming off caffeine... two weeks now. Random advice: when your psychiatrist tells you to see your GP for concern of elevated heart rate, don't wait until you run out of pills and then make the appointment...
NESCAFE and GOLDEN COFFEE are the biggest two brands
i personally like Nescafe NES and Golden Coffee chicorée café
tfw i drink 3 coffee a day
@Tiffany yeh loose leaf is a huge pita, teapigs do these things they pretentiously call "temples" which are essentially tea bags that contain loose-leaf tea, there's a couple of other brands that have similar things (the names of which currently elude me), they are a good compromise but they are hideously expensive
@azjezz nescafe? I'm so sorry
and probably not enormously eco-friendly, I would expect
12:43 AM
Lol, teapigs makes me think of like "tea snobs," like coffee snobs or beer snobs
@azjezz over here, it's trash. Granted I've only tried like one variation of nescafe, but it was terrible
Plus I try to avoid anything Nestlé if I can help it, but they own so many damn subsidies it's near-impossible
@Tiffany sounds about right, tbh
@Tiffany do you use milk or water when making coffee ? i recommend trying nescafe nes with MILK

Nestlé ice cream took over all ice creams companies here 😂😂
I can't find the link immediately, but somewhere there a question on an SE site where someone did an unnecessarily exhaustive experiment with a full write up, the conclusion of which was that is doesn't matter whether you do coffee/milk/water or milk/coffee/water, what matters is that you don't let the coffee get hot enough to burn, but you can reduce the chance of burning it by doing milk/coffee/water because the milk dissipates the energy from the water
i don't use water at all ....
I don't drink coffee at all so I can't really comment
12:55 AM
am i doing something wrong ? 😢😢
other than drinking coffee instead of tea, you mean? :-P
It doesn't sound like you're drinking coffee @azjezz, but like some cappuccino mix
Cause there's an art to making real coffee, but I can't be bothered to do it. For a long time I kept dreaming of getting a Burr grinder and a French press
I have had excellent coffee once from freshly ground beans. It's the only coffee I could drink black and tolerate it without my usual flooding with milk and sugar
and that coffee was brewed in a standard drip coffee maker, but still so good
God, wish they'd release that kind again, but it was a limited run tied in with a local Chicago band as a one-off
there's a lot of types but we call all of them "coffee" here

cafe shops here use water, the do water/coffee then they add milk to it ( if you want to )
Yeah, that's how I'm used to coffee. Lattes have steamed milk.
1:09 AM
i created a web app and forgot to add logout handler, i had to delete cookies every time time to logout cause i'm too lazy to create the logout view / action handlers
brb adding logout to my app
so, this is death
1 hour later…
2:33 AM
πŸ˜† i made a custom theme for UIKit and refactored some classes, now everything is up and running, time to write unit tests
@azjezz Congrats
for ($i = 0; $i < count($video_list["videos"]); $i++) {
                $video_name = "NULL";
                    $video_name = $video_list["videos"][$I];
                echo "<tr><th>" . htmlentities($video_name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</th><th>" . htmlentities($video_list["times"][$i], ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</th></tr>";
If I don't $video_name = "NULL";, then when $video_list["videos"][$I]; == NULL it will echo the last thing set to $video_name.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($video_list["videos"]); $i++) {
                $video_name = "NULL";
                    $video_name = $video_list["videos"][$I];
                echo $video_list["videos"][$I];
ignore above I can't reproduce
3:08 AM
tbh, I'd just use array_map and implode
4 hours later…
7:19 AM
No better way to start the week than to make fun of laravel
7:36 AM
Hi all
As in codeigniter we can call different packages like `$this->load->model` and `$this->load->library`
can I create my own like `$this->load->manager` ?
@Patrick What a stupid sweeping answer.... static functions (and functions in general) must be pure?
@MadaraUchiha I do agree with him though, functions should not have side effects
Code won't be testable otherwise
@Patrick Depends on what functions and in what context.
Code without side effects is code that doesn't do anything.
At least at the very edges (the highest level, and the lowest level) you must have side effects.
Because both input of any kind and output of any kind are side effects.
What's readfile() to you?
@MadaraUchiha a sign that the code won't be testable
@Patrick Okay, how do you read files? It's a reasonable enough request from a program.
@Patrick That's great, but how is this not full of side effects?
Every single bridge they have there is a different kind of side effect, OS level file reads, HTTP requests, FTP, whatever
Yes but that's behind an abstraction
@Patrick Sure, but like I said, at the very top, and at the very bottom.
All you did was add padding at the bottom, which is fine, I like padding to my bottom.
But you still can't escape the fact that you must have side effects in order for code to function.
7:51 AM
That should be handled by the programming language imo
All of OOP is based on code that has side effects.
So that my own code won't have to deal with that directly and can be clean
Side effects don't make testing harder (they make it less trivial, true, because you can't just call a function and assert a result without worrying). tight coupling makes testing harder.
Until we get there, I'll just hide that stuff behind abstractions. But I definitely shouldn't use a function like readfile() as an example of how to write my own code
To test something, you must construct the minimal universe possible that satisfies that portions' dependencies. The more tight coupling, not side effects, you have, the harder that process is.
public function foo() {
This is code with side effects too
7:54 AM
You don't return anything, and the function is definitely not idempotent or pure
But it is not hard to test. you pass a mock or a spy as $bar, presumably in the constructor, and you're done.
And how do you test readfile()?
@Patrick You don't, readfile is provided by the language, you assume it's tested and works
But I know that's not what you're asking.
The above is not hard to test because it's not static
vOv the reason static code is hard to test is because PHP is too similar to C in that regard, but too different.
With C, you can depend on header files and replace actual implementations, yes, even of "static" functions, in a test.
PHP has no such thing.
JavaScript allows me to do this too, replace static functions and normal functions given that I have access to their scope.
(For better or worse, yeah?)
I see it as a weakness of PHP that the only possible real type of abstraction is OO.
7:57 AM
I would prefer if it went the other direction, towards Kotlin
I really need to take a look into Kotlin
It's a long overdue
I came across this code
<form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" autocomplete="off">
aspersion a damaging or derogatory remark or criticism; slander: casting aspersions on a campaign rival.
Apparently to prevent <script> attacks
But i was wondering won't leaving the action empty do the same thing?
@Sayra You could, and you should.
8:02 AM
<form method="post" action=" " autocomplete="off">
@Sayra yes it does. Some ancient browsers may not support it, which is why people keep specifying it
@Sayra Just omit the action= completely
@MadaraUchiha thanks that's exactly what i will do
@Sjon That's not the reason people keep specifying it ;)
People keep specifying it because they're reading ancient tutorials from 2005 when that actually mattered.
This has always been PHP's cancer, the flood of crappy, outdated tutorials.
Ancient tutorials :) makes php feel really old
@Sayra How old do you think PHP is?
@MadaraUchiha guessing like 18years
First release, 1995
What !!!!
In terms of software, yes, that is very old.
And even years ago when I was doing PHP regularly, outdated and low quality tutorials were the bane of PHP.
8:18 AM
That's like calling Dib's on the internet
I know what you mean i see a lot of them on YouTube
@MadaraUchiha Composer only came out in 2012, I think that was what triggered the big leap forward
@Patrick Hmm, most likely.
Although you can discount the sad truth that WordPress and Laravel dominate the PHP landscape now
As much as I hate to admit it, Laravel is still a big improvement over what we had earlier
Can't say that about Wordpress though...
True but i never really swam the laravel sea
Why do you don't like WP?
Who wouldn't like JS and CSS code in file called functions.php?

8:24 AM
The advantage of a framework like Laravel is really that you'll hit the point where a refactor is needed on a new project much later. And the disadvantage is that at that point you really don't want to refactor anymore because it's so large already.
@Tpojka That's actually not my problem with WordPress
Always liked to know exactly what's going on and loved to give my classes crazy names
You can make it sane, you can make files outside of the PHP templates, you can definitely use it as a normal webapp
The problem with WordPress is that you relinquish too much control, plugins do whatever the hell they want, and you install them through the UI, without even noticing what they do or how well they work with each other
8:26 AM
@bwoebi If you know what you are doing, you could easily refactor your code on top of it into clean code part by part without having to move to another framework. Can't say that about CodeIgniter and friends
@MadaraUchiha Mine is for sure. It takes too many time to debug and improve code that looks like that.
@MadaraUchiha Dumb thing is the plugin doesn't even need to be explicitly out for evil, it could just have crap code that a bot can come in and exploit
@Tpojka So change it
Don't write like that
Smack people who do.
@Patrick don't disagree (partly because I don't know enough on that topic to argue much)
But there is always the issue with MVC personal tastes matter
8:27 AM
Now, you technically can still make it sane
Did you know you could install WordPress plugins via Composer?
There's a Composer mirror of the WordPress plugin SVN repo
@Patrick It's very difficult to abstract an entire framework from your code, especially Laravel
And most of the time not very beneficial
@MadaraUchiha No time for that in this life. Plugins are made that way. Not sure who told them it was good idea. Worked on some WP sites earlier this year and hope I will never more.
though you weren't talking about abstracting, just refactoring, my bad
@Sean not really, you should do that no matter which framework you use. We do the same with Symfony at work. No reference to the framework in our application code.
Only controllers and infrastructure know about the framework
8:31 AM
That does work
Still, a pipe dream for this team.
With laravel, you could start rails style spaghetti and then later refactor it into the above without much problems I believe
Also, if that's your drawing, you are a very neat person ;D
It is, but it was for a blog post (and I cheated a little post production)
@Sean why?
It's a culture thing I think. Either they refactor with no particular direction or they copy and paste for speed.
it's also a big lack of training, which falls on my shoulders too
I actually tried to get them to read your book after buying it, but I think only maybe 1 or 2 did, the rest don't really seem interested in doing it someone else's way
Are you in a leading position?
When I started at my current job, the code that was being written was pretty bad. But we took the time to educate everyone (I made a list of resources, videos etc that everyone worked through over a few weeks/months on company time)
8:40 AM
Co team lead
That combined with introducing code reviews made a big difference
Still took over a year to get to relatively good code, but even after a month the code was already much better
It helps if you don't have urgent deadlines all the time though
Yeah, it never stops. No time for taking down technical debt
That sucks :(
Then you have to sell it to the management first. Had to do that at the previous job, took a while to explain to them that the slowing down of the dev team was not due to the developers being lazy but technical debt.
They gave it a chance and once they saw the dev team speeding up again they gave us all the time we needed for refactoring, education etc
I think I need to jump back into open source dev, I can't stand not having anyone to learn from while developing
PHP-FPM7.x can't finish reloading after encountering a fatal error – #76895
8:52 AM
Hope y'all had a good weekend by the way!
@Jeeves see hoof-prints, think horses not zebras....
9:05 AM
9:22 AM
trying to caffeinate myself with english breakfast
9:56 AM
10:14 AM
@Tiffany just made myself one :B i am trying to grow a lemon tree so i am consuming a lot of lemons :B
the best i got so far is a whole 5 cm of it... i think it's going to take ages for a plant that makes fruits :B
5cm took like a month to grow
(that's what she said)
@Tiffany that is difficult......the milk and tanins seem to block the absorbtion of caffeine.
10:30 AM
Good afternoon all
@Tiffany naah, I only have Dong Ding Oolong (yes, that's a real name) left :(
@Tiffany What is an english breakfast? Does the whole country have the same breakfast?
@mega6382 just look for it on youtube
beans, sausages, bread, egg, and tomatoes with tea?
@NikiC funny enough that you're looking at bumping the libxml requirements - I've recently compiled php master on a machine with Ubuntu 7.04. I had to compile libxml2 manually as master is anyway not compatible with that libxml version. probably nobody is nowadays checking against these minimum versions :-D
10:39 AM
user image
10 points for honesty
@bwoebi Ubuntu 7.04?
What version of libxml does that have?
@bwoebi um what are you doing with ubuntu 7.04?
Don't remember what version it was
7.04 wow
10:41 AM
Exporting data to migrate to a newer system
Wrote a script for that and didn't want to bother with the installed php 4
It's on an internal server not directly connected to interet... But :-D
Hi Everyone..
how to concatenate two strings character without using php string functions for ex(WEB + APP)= WAEPBP
I need help..
10:48 AM
@hearthacker . is the concatenation operator.
"WEB" . "APP"
@MadaraUchiha he wants to interleave
Ah, indeed he does.
yes i need to concatenate like this (WEB + APP)= WAEPBP
I want to modify some nested array using this for each
foreach($response as $key) {
        $key['result']['alexa_rank'] = alexa_rank($key['result']['website']);
        echo $key['result']['website'] . "<br>";
        echo $key['result']['alexa_rank'] . "<br><br>";
    } else {
        echo "<br>no website <br><br>";

`$response` is parent array of `result[0],result[1],result[2],result[3]`
I want to push a key and value in each result..
11:28 AM
I'm talking about the tea, you doofs @tereΕ‘ko, @mega6382, @Wes
i did understand :B
@Tiffany I was talking about tea too :P
What kind of tea? 'cause there are dozens
11:29 AM
But i didn't know it was just tea, I assumed there were other things too
@mega6382 it's called English Breakfast
english breakfast is my third favorite legal drug
OK, now I get it. :P I feel so stupid. :D
@tereΕ‘ko sorry, you referred to it in your first message, but my mind was caught on the second message when you said to YouTube it
I usually just drink lipton
11:31 AM
@mega6382 that's because you are a peasant
I used to have a box of Irish Breakfast but I dunno what the difference between it and English. I assume I'm supposed to booze up Irish Breakfast?
or maybe its already boozed up
@tereΕ‘ko :P
Probably mix it with Bailey's instead of milk
That's what "Irish coffee" is here, and I guess elsewhere as well
When I was in Sri Lanka for a few months last year, I lived near a tea plantation, so, I had fresh tea everyday then, it was very good.
I'm so used to Americans butchering traditional cuisine
11:34 AM
btw, I recommend: osmanthus oolong
@mega6382 nice, that would be yummy
I'm writing a library and in my current implementation I need a certain object
Using DI I'm now type hinting a Factory
That doens't feel right
I probably should be typehinting a certain instance class/interface, right?
short answer - it depends
if your code is intended to work with a proper DI Container, then you should be hinting, what you actually need
In my code I only will create just an instance and use that, using the factory to create the instance.
and only once btw
11:38 AM
@tereΕ‘ko Have you ever tried ginger tea? I was in India a few years back, and they drink ginger tea a lot, it was some of the best tea I ever had. It was ginger and some other "masalas", I tried to make it myself, but never succeeded to replicate that taste.
//cc @Tiffany
@mega6382 yes, but I don't like then - I tend to stick to white, peppermint or oolong teas
@tereΕ‘ko I can't seem to think of a use case where it would be better to ask for a factory
@webmaster777 Do you expect people to implement their own factory?
Or implement their own thing that gets returned?
@jjok No, for this instance multiple factories already exist
@tereΕ‘ko hmm, I've never tried oolong tea, I will see if some local store carries it
11:41 AM
@webmaster777 So you expect people to inject different factories depending on their use case?
@jjok Well the factories ar esupposed to all return the same instance type, so I should probably depend on that type, instead of depending on a factory.
@webmaster777 If you can do that it will simplify things.
@webmaster777 just wanted to say, your display name suggests how insecure your servers must be "777" :P
Still I'm curious when there is a use case for depending on a factory instead of an instance from such a factory.
@mega6382 :)
webmaster000 doesn't have the same ring though
@webmaster777 when you have data that is only available at run-time.....e.g. the users accept header could be used to make a different ResponseFormatter.
although that could be built elsewhere, as part of the magic plumbing that goes on in the framework, have the processing of the accept header be in the correct place in the application makes it much easier to reason about.
11:55 AM
@webmaster777 I went through a phase of trying to make sure every object was created by a factory, thinking that there would be some kind of benefit. Then I decided there wasn't...
I only inject models into my controllers via factory, not much else.
@Danack why would you be using a factory then? A factory still creates a ResponseInterface, meaning your actual "do-stuff-class"/controller requires a ResponseInterface.
I mean, coupling your code to a factory (in a controller) sounds weird to me.
    function getFooData(
    	ResponseFactory $responseFactory,
    	DataRepo $dataRepo,
    	Request $request
    ) {
    	$data = $dataRepo->foo();

    	return $responseFactory->create($data, $request);
does't seem weird to me.
I don't understand why the factory would need the DataRepo to determine the created ResponseInterface.
12:10 PM
> e.g. the users accept header could be used to make a different ResponseFormatter.
@webmaster777 It doesn't. It needs the data so that it can format it.
Yes that's the request
So the factory not only creates the instance, but is also responsible for filling it?
If the user sent Accept: application/json then you would respond with a json response. If they sent Accept: xml you would respond with an xml response.......so it's the accept header that is the determining thing, not the datarepo
@webmaster777 yes. The PSR7 way of having response objects copied rather than created by the thing that knows how to fill them out is, dumb.
But there are other places.....e.g. getting a rate limiting service for a user or maybe security rules.
They could be setup magically elsewhere, but having them in the 'correct' (in the sense of stepping through what is happening to process a request) location makes thinking about an application much easier.
12:16 PM
@Danack That sounds like an exception to me. Which should handled separately from "normal" operations.
@Danack Please elaborate how this is "dumb"
Passing around a object that picks up various bits of state along the way is not how I like to program controllers, as it makes reasoning about they rediculously annoying.
(gist inocming)
12:28 PM
#php #trick; dynamic variable name.
^ why is this liked like 40 times?
@HamZa his profile says "security researcher"
eh i see
Actually - i don't have time to write a full example. But I strongly prefer:
function FooController()
	$data = $someRepo->getData();

	if ($data === null) {
		return new NotFoundResponse();

    return new DataResponse($data);
12:31 PM
I like how his IDE is already telling it's a bad idea.
rather than modifying the passed in response objects.
@StatikStasis I used to play. Not played in a loooong while but I still enjoy it.
@Danack feels like a matter of taste then, cause I cannot find any clues in your example how using e.g. psr7 interfaces makes writing this code harder.
12:50 PM
Good morning
yo @Statik
1:04 PM
1:53 PM
2:15 PM
2:36 PM
PDO::lastInsertId resets after SELECT – #76896
@Jeeves you suck
Seriously Jeeves -_-
@PeeHaa Make it so @Jeeves won't say anything if the last message is o/ or \o
Just a few more and the whole screen would've been covered
And then we could've rubbed it in @Gordon's face
@Gordon just kidding <3 :P
2:56 PM
Was that the longest yet?
I could feel everyone holding their breath.
@StatikStasis prob not
@StatikStasis definitely top 10
I don't like this $post = file_get_contents('php://input'); any alternatives?
3:10 PM
@Naruto just kidding. I wouldn't recommend either, btw which part don't you like? file_get_contents or php://input?
3:24 PM
@Fabor or make Jeeves say \o or o/ based on the last message, store the message he wants to send in a queue, then ... ... it would require some kind of input from us to let him know to go ahead and spew out his buffer
@Tiffany I think it should just disable itself when more than 4 waving hands are posted
@mega6382 but then how would it know to re-enable itself? it would seem silly to disable itself permanently because we're waiting on waving hands
why does it need to be re-enabled? ;) (jk)
what if someone came in the middle and asked a question, breaking the combo, but Jeeves was left turned off, and feeds wouldn't be posted?
because it's fun to respond to Jeeves and complain about the bug report, if the reporter is asinine
3:36 PM
yeah, I guess your idea is good. Also, it can evaluate if the message being posted is not the waving hand and re-enable itself
....so. The company I work for has just moved into a newly renovated building. Apparently it was open plan before but now partitions have been put up to create individual offices for companies.
The people that did the renovating didn't check if the airconditioner actually brings in fresh air, or if it just moves air around and chills it.
so someone exploded an egg or burnt popcorn in the microwave?
It turns out it doesn't bring in fresh air - and with the partitions up, there can't be any airflow through the office, hence we have CO2 levels which are getting close to the exposure limit, for office workers.
oh fuck
so instead of taking smoke breaks, you'll be taking oxygen breaks...
4:10 PM
@mega6382 I like this idea. If 4 waving hands then hold messages. Have it check every 15 minutes- if last message is still o/ or \o wait another 15, if last message is not- resume normal operation and release any messages that are in queue. C.C. @Tiffany
@StatikStasis There is no need to hold 15 minutes, as it already checks every message by default
We were talking about when it should post the message I thought- waiting on wave string to end.
@StatikStasis Yeah, as it already checks every message, and as soon as a non waving message is posted, it can dump all the buffered messages.
well, in the case of a new user breaks the combo and they post a message, it would be a little rude if Jeeves were to spew his contents right after they ask a question, might confuse them. maybe wait five minutes after the combo has broken and then spew the contents...? or wait for five minutes of inactivity and spew contents?
Oh- I wasn't aware it checked every message. I guess it has to look in order to look for !! commands.
4:13 PM
@StatikStasis it'll also check edited messages, which is pretty nifty
@Tiffany I'm not sure if Jeeves is hit with the "must wait 5 seconds before posting another message" or not. Maybe just have him release each message in queue every 60 seconds until empty.
Also, one thing we forgot, feeds is not controlled by @Jeeves it is a SO bot, which automatically posts the latest comic from the subscribed sources, how will we stop that?
I don't think we can
we're SOL
I was using "feeds" as a generic term, originally, but there was some implication of reference to the feeds thinger too
@mega6382 Guess it will be left up to timing. Probably not worth the effort to change jeeves if the feeds cannot be temporarily halted.
4:21 PM
but bug reports are more frequent than feeds
@PeeHaa Jeeves is down in playground.
5:12 PM
Anyone hear heard of the language Racket?
No, is it making a lot of noise these days?
Idk, just sitting at a coffee shop and saw someone working here wearing a shirt for it
user image
@Alesana that was the intro lang we did some simple drawing stuff before we learned some C at school :p
@Ekin It seems weird, it's used to make programming languages specific to one's use case?
5:25 PM
However, I've never seen it used in practice -- only academia.
yeah, me neither
That's really weird.. I think I'm seeing it be used for something legitimate
5:42 PM
@Fabor slow clap
they always used the htdp book here for the first semester back then hence the intro with scheme and racket
I remember being really annoyed feeling like I am wasting time with something I'll never use
SICP did a great job teaching programming using Scheme btw. It was probably always meant to be a teaching language rather than a language you'd use in your daily life.
it was fun at the assignments level though, specially the advanced ones
although the other gals except me and another one left the school by the end of semester because of that
oh I remember studying from that book too
@2dsharp I guess so
SICP is pretty challenging. Did till half of the second chapter last summer. I will try to finish it next summer. XD
@Wes That's funny. Was packet received? Who cares- more coming regardless.
6:10 PM
blah, time to do work
posted on September 17, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I have 3 milion url in the mywebsite sitemap. If I set it to google, will not be known as a spammer?
@Shafizadeh 3 million? Do you actually have 3 million pages on your website?
@Alesana yes, it is a dictionary
The link Fabor posted should help out
Most everything from Moz is very trustworthy
reading ..
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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