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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

stackoverflow chat is having issues on my computer, new people that join the chat keep coming up with broken profile images
Yes, imgur has been broken lately, it's getting fixed periodically
for instance, this morning I was not seeing images, which are now ok.
Zip extension tests aren't being running in GCOV – #76723
someone is cooking meat, at 3 am
my neighbors are the best :B
hi guys, how can I add options in json?
"template": {
        "settings": [
            {"id":"newsletter_title", "input_type":"select", "label": "Newsletter Title"},
here is my code
posted on August 08, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@winresh24 I don't understand your question. In other words, you want to add an "options" entry after the "settings" entry?
I mean that "input_type": "select" output an html <select> but I can't get on how to add <option> on it
we can't guess that from that code
it depends on the plugin library or whatever you are using
hmm I see. I'll check on it
My last question was well received, so why do I have a question ban?
2 hours later…
How to use array_chunk on array inside array
I need first 100 items
Ok, something is on my nerve. I'm listening a music with this lyric:
> Kiki, do you love me? are you riding?
What "riding" mean in this context? Really seems meaningless to me
so Drake is asking Kiki whether he can depend on her
Oh I see, thx buddy :-)
Unable to start session when using PHP CGI – #76724
Happy Friday eve, roomies. :)
@salathe It's Prebeccaday
That's... what I said...
yes but you didn't use the correct terminology
When i add below line in httdp config file laravel-snappy PDF does not display content.
When i remove this it's working fine can you guide where is problem with this?
Header set Cache-Control "no-cache, no-store, private"
By default server show Cache-Control: no-cache, private it's working correct
littoral of or relating to the shore of a lake, sea, or ocean.
> not newline or hex digit
@mega6382 and @Gordon ?
don't ping people at random
@Wes ok
can you describe this?
not newline or hex digit
1- not (newline or hex digit)
2- (not newline) or (hex digit)
@Wes 1. Hex digits are not newlines, 2 would be redundant.
@Wes an escape sequence begins with `\` and is not followed by a newline. If it's followed by a hex digit, there may be up to six of them
@Wes \1 , \12 , etc.
why point out it's not followed by a newline, since "hex digit" doesn't include newlines
\1234567 is the escaped character \123456 followed by 7
Because newlines are transparent IIRC

is a valid escaped character
otherwise it would use "whitespace" or "whitespace-token" or "ws*" in the railroad
@Wes because you can have other escape sequences, such as \t, which is not a hex digit
It's because \<newline> isn't an escape sequence, but \ is
so "not new line nor hex digits" means anything but a newline and a hex digit
@Wes Correct
\<anything except newline or hexa digits> is a valid escape sequence
also, shouldn't that be "nor" rather than "or"
@Wes Should be neither/nor rather than "not/or", yeah.
[^\n0-9A-F], basically
thanks guys
more pedantically, I wonder what it would consider \ at the very end of a file
i am writing a php css to ast parser. because i want to make my own scss, one that doesn't suck :B
imma gonna fail hard
it's not the parser itself, it's understanding the spec...
also it's interesting that optional whitespace after hex digits are considered part of the token
Cee Wes Wes. it's like CSS, but with a W. You know… for Win!
@Gordon lol ...
> This optional whitespace allow hexadecimal escape sequences to be followed by "real" hex digits. ... "&B" could be written as \26 B
so to write "& B" you'd have to use \26\20 B ?
@GabrielCaruso yeah, go ahead
can you describe this?
At least at this point it's just a collection of things that could possibly be deprecated
@NikiC did you finish your studies yet?
@PaulCrovella or maybe \26\ B
just a guess though
how annoying
good thing this stuff is basically never used in css
@Gordon I'm turning in my master thesis tomorrow ^^
@NikiC finally! Good luck with the grades. Any plans for the time after that? And you know why I am asking ;)
Morning all
@PaulCrovella no. if you want to write & B then you'd write \26**B where * is a single white space character
so basically only the first whitespace character is part of the escape sequence, not all
that makes it much more reasonable
so \26 B === & B
s/much/not much/
it's not as straightforward as dunno \26; B
but this is css, nothing makes sense in css :B
no idea, leaving them as is
I need to call one xml webservice using curl, need to post xml data
good luck
will node.js overcome php ?
Which is best tool for static code analysis in PHP laravel ?
@RaheelAslam phpstan, phpmd, pdepend
@Gordon i have visit these tools but Actually which tool is check with security vulnerabilities
with static code analysis ?
The whole scan the project with code analysis and security checks.
@RaheelAslam google for php security scanner but note that it doesn't replace a proper security audit
@Gordon I have already used the Appscan security for project, but my next step to move on static code analysis.
i configured the Phpmetric tool but it's not more good.
Therefore I am asking.i have lot of search on google but unable to find this. because i am newly in static code Analysis. Thanks
to me this sounds like you want to have some tool that does all the work for you. As in: you want to run it and it should tell you what to fix. I am not aware of a tool that does that.
"have some tool that does all the work for you." - yeah, but they prefer to be called employees.
Tools should be errors and dammy codes found and some securities.
Tool lives matter.
afaik this only affects linux kernels 4.9
Please suggest which one is best static code analysis ?
@RaheelAslam you are asking the wrong questions.
@Gordon Sorry My Question is simple which tool is best for static code analysis ?
@RaheelAslam that's not a simple question. Best for what? Best for whom?
Code errors and code review for my.
I already gave you three static analyzers commonly used in code review
there is also PHP Code Sniffer
so it's phpcs, phpmd, pdepend and phpstan
and no, none of them will tell you: fix this and your app will be secure.
*Static Code Analysis (also known as Source Code Analysis) is usually performed as part of a Code Review (also known as white-box testing) and is carried out at the Implementation phase of a Security Development Lifecycle (SDL). Static Code Analysis commonly refers to the running of Static Code Analysis tools that attempt to highlight possible vulnerabilities within 'static' (non-running) source code by using techniques such as Taint Analysis and Data Flow Analysis.

Ideally, such tools would automatically find security flaws with a high degree of confidence that what is found is indeed a f
@RaheelAslam For security analysis you probably want RIPS
@Gordon Why this definition confuse with security?
Please explain above thing. so that i will out from confusion
@RaheelAslam you seem to think that static code analysis means it's a security tool only, but it's not. static code analysis can be used for a variety of things, including security analysis. Also what @NikiC said
@Gordon got it.
@Wes what's the status of that api doc thing you were working on?
doing progress... i'm not actually trying to finish it, i'm using it to display the documentation as i write it... why? :B
I'm in the market... trying to decide how I want to handle some docs
sami (never tried it), apigen, phpdocumentor
apigen is probably your best option
currently leaning toward sphinx for docs as a whole, but something that can spit out a rst skeleton from source files would be dope
documentation != api ref
api ref is part of documentation
not sure what sphinx does tho
i am the most clueless person in the world on parsers.... but that is not stopping me from making one
it's so clumsy lol
essentially everything revolves around this gist.github.com/Netmosfera/3c4b47e828357c69be1d21c9485fc84b
it's probably not how you write parsers :B
please tell me how to print only id and type out of this object?
object(DB)#1 (6) {
object(PDO)#2 (0) {
object(PDOStatement)#60 (1) {
string(44) "SELECT * FROM movieinfo WHERE id = ? limit 6"
array(1) {
object(stdClass)#4 (52) {
string(1) "1"
string(5) "stud"
string(1) "0"
@Wes you know preg_match has an offset param
@PaulCrovella i know, hence the comment
@Vinay use pastebin for codes
@Vinay Read this phpdelusions.net/pdo
Good morning!
yo @StatikStasis
mine is so nice, but so far from being finished :B
I propose we start doing this on Monday: youtube.com/watch?v=hZg7EBxbqSE
It's actually pretty clever
So, I was just visiting my friend, who is a doctor at the hospital. I was in his office, and there was this patient, who was an alcoholic, drug addict(heroin and hashish) and cigarettes, I mean everything, all kinds of vices. And the best part was that he is a POLICE officer. Yeah, I feel so safe.
A lot of people have issues... but he should be removed from the force until he has recovered.
@mega6382 your friend tell you all this?
@PaulCrovella No, one of the nurses was taking his history, and I overheard.
@PaulCrovella you did the json thingy... so you know how a parser should work. how far is this from how it should be done? :B gist.github.com/Netmosfera/1f5c7b962b5430580c919cd1096f9ff3 (it's the code for drafts.csswg.org/css-syntax-3/#escape-diagram)
@StatikStasis Yes, true. But he should have had the decency to resign himself, when he started all this.
Do they not know?
The police dept?
They should now, if not already
And I agree, he should.
I didn't inquire much, I was just horrified by the fact that a police officer was like that.
Opium abuse and addiction to drugs is a huge problem in this city, and this is not reassuring.
@Wes if you're not doing anything out of the ordinary on the parsing side you should use a parser generator instead of rolling this yourself
name one? been searching for ages, probably the wrong thing
try whichever nikic uses for php-parser
seems complicated
when you come across a SQL parser for PHP, please let us know too..
I've looked around but it seems they're non-existent
Your Google is better than mine! :)
just selected your text "sql parser for php" and right-clicked and googled, clicked the first thing
but, I sometimes figure out what it is I need to google after I've typed up a huge long message in the chat box
if I figure it out after that, I delete before sending it
parsing sql must be an almost easy job compared to parsing css :B
I sometimes lack the discpline to count to 10 before hitting Send
@Tiffany the chat is notoriously a good rubber duck :B
@Wes indeed :)
@Wes, if you're gonna keep going with a hand written parser, consider busting out a tokenizer as a separate thing.. the parser should deal with tokens rather than wrangling with that part itself
I now see why I didn't found the SQL parsers ... I only search SO and left out Google completely..
... the way to search SO is to use google in the first place
I received some kindof uplifting spam in my work email:
Smile :) you did wonderful job till now

Happy life
I'd be thinking "till now?"... "wtf did I do now?"
@PaulCrovella i used to do that, but the tokens were basically just a flat version of the ast
so i skipped doing that.... i was doing it wrong probably
@PaulCrovella lol yeah
Self-referencing constant fatal error in specific case – #76725
@Jeeves huh?
so if you don't assign a second constant to a variable the fatal no longer occurs..
@pmmaga what is that? How does that make any difference?
@mega6382 great question! :P
but probably... if I had to guess, the error is only triggered at runtime and the version without the assignment is mostly resolved at compile time. but this is really jut guessing
@mega6382 think that's weird... 3v4l.org/ENKEK
@PaulCrovella That is indeed weird
SO can be harsh.. I added a small parser list to an answer and people instantly start to vote for deletion, just because they post contains URLs. And not the project names (as if it matters, all those things are named similar to "SQL Parser")
Appearantly the answer form is more important to the content...
@Code4R7 You can see delete vote?
yeah.. three people
so what..
@Code4R7 I don't think it's because there are links in the answer, but it sounds like it could be a subjective answer, where you might be biased towards a project
@Code4R7 nothing, I was just curious. I didn't know we could see delete votes on our own answers
No no, I just copied the four Google results into SO :)
@Code4R7 it's lacking content.. if you want to make it a good answer, show how those solve the problem
... well, by your own admission, I guess you understand that this might not be a really good answer in any event?
Depends.. I was looking for any SQL parser.. did find two answers on SO with outdated links.. so I added a few new ones...
mmm.. yeah
SO isn't Google.
You're right. I'll go delete that stuff
@PaulCrovella OK, this is indeed just as weird
You can see the votes on this page: stackoverflow.com/review/low-quality-posts/20543235
Still weird though that the other link only answer with the dead link has a score of 4... but perhaps it once was higher.
@Code4R7 Provide context for links. Link-only answers are not good answers. stackoverflow.com/help/answer-bans
I understand that link context is necessary. In this case the quality of the question wasn't too high either.. Another personn asking help for parsing SQL in general..
So I thought a list of parsers would suffice...
Owh well... all this reminds me of good ol' DMOZ
which is also dead :)
@Code4R7 sure, but you should at least add a few paragraphs worth of description to each item, like which things they are better compared to others. Don't look at the other answers on that question for "quality" as they were posted in 2011 and 2012, different rules back then.
@Code4R7 You shouldn't have deleted the answer, instead should've improved it.
I already have my bronze peer-pressure medal, and those were just Google results. Not much of an answer really.
The guys who downvoted weren't wrong.
1 message moved to Trash
sorry :P
@Ekin EXAPUNKS in 3 hours /o\
Hack the planet!
you missed the reference
Office politics are great, aren't they?
@Leigh oh my! zachtornics! there goes my weekend
It's been such a volatile week.
@NikiC Do you know what their pricing is like. I'm going to be reviewing some security automation for our CI later this year.
@NikiC CONGRATS! Are you going to go for a doctorate?
I'm gonna play with my keyboard
@pmmaga I still need to play the other games I've bought... but Exapunks looks fun.
@Tiffany shenzhen is one of my all-time favorites
Hardware that still works after 23 years ...
@Tiffany story of my Steam library life.
I started playing oxygen not included, but gave up after 2 hours, no instructions, no nothing. And am too lazy to watch videos on youtube about it.
@tereško, little help with this? when the ban is lifted?
@mega6382 It's pretty fun.
IRL is more fun
Just watch some youTube videos while you work on something tedious- that's what I did.
@StatikStasis huhnh, will try to do that, it's just I am not a big fan of tutorial videos. Unless they are very professionally made.
@Leigh Unfortunately no. But the fact that they don't write about it makes me think "too high"
I'm too old for games :)
the best security scan is claming on twitter that your site is unhackable :D
@StatikStasis Unlikely
@Code4R7 I'm too old not to play games.
@MisterGeeky how do you mean ?
@Code4R7 Unless you are dead inside, you cannot possibly be too old to play games :P
Consider me dead inside.. I'm tired of fighting stupid algo's
stupid algos are the best. when they are smart. they are hard to understand
I consider those even more stupid :)_
@Code4R7 shortly after the Wii was released, some nursing homes bought one and some of the residents would play it. Depending on the game, it helped them become more active too. (one article sample)
never too old for games
@NikiC I've always wanted to pursue... but only because I tell my wife so she would have to address me as Dr. Stasis
She laughs and says "Yeah right."
@StatikStasis Because of that 'Dr. ' part ? ;)
@NikiC so that means you are on the market, right? Riiiight?
@Code4R7 I've had a childhood with only a few meager titles on SEGA (such as Mario, Olympics, Duck Hunt and TMNT) and on PS2 (JakX, Soho Cop Game, God of War 2, Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10, Crash Bandicoot, Pirates).... and on Steam, all I've ever played is Left4Dead2... Recently, on Blizzard, I got to try out Heroes of the Storm. That's pretty much the gaming career of my whole life. My little brother (half my age) keeps playing Roblox and Minecraft.
This is all I know of the gaming world.
@StatikStasis I really hope that, Statik Stasis is not your real name :P
@mega6382 he's obviously greek
@mega6382 What's wrong with my real name?
When I was 6 I got my first Atari 2600, when I was 11 I got my first 8086 clone with QBasic and the table assembler.
I played most pre-Pentium stuff
@StatikStasis just doesn't feel right :P
Others had a Ninento, Commodore 64 or whatever, and we shared
But the most interesting piece of software I ever layd my eyes and ears on what Scream Tracker
@DaveRandom Given what your real name is, what made you come up with the name "DaveRandom" for your username?
@StatikStasis /dev/random
Since Scream Tracker, I got to know Cakewalk (from Twelve Tone systems) and even studied for music, to finally realise that technology is so very far away from it.
though I don't know why, I just know it's a reference to it
Of course
@Tiffany It's cuz he's crazy :P
@tereško Only 6 days!
POLL: Which curse word will @tereško drop first in chat when he finally returns?
@StatikStasis "Oh Fuck, Finally!!"
And because technology stands so far away from life, we're raising the kids without computers
no smartphones, no game console, no nothing
there are only advantages to that approach :)
@Code4R7 for now, maybe. But probably not in long term.
Why not in the long term?
@Code4R7 wat
I will argue for balanced time being spend on these things. But to go completely without those things, in this day and age will only hold them back.
@PaulCrovella now i wonder if i should normalize cr lf... why are them in the definition though?
my niece has an iPad, my nephew has one or two game consoles in his room and a laptop
Consider the advantages.. more imagination, better health..
@Gordon you're going to keep asking him until he says yes or no, aren't you?
@Code4R7 wat
@Tiffany almost. I dont accept a no :)
more time for friends... no stupid accidents like that kid last week that died in our town because they're all bicycling and scrolling at the same time
@Code4R7 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. (maybe I'll get the quote right)
Did you know you can buy Civilization as a real board game? :)
If you do buy it, the game runs with the same speed as the digital version runs on a 8086
has someone blogged about when to use static methods?
at least, I haven't found a use case other than to comply with C
@Code4R7 We have kept my son from social media due to many of the articles and studies we have read. It is important that they have a balance.
@StatikStasis Due to the GDPR, our children can not reply to a Whatsapp group because they are under 16
And when I see how people vote in our country, it's clear that too few people actually care.
We could use a new manifest: "We, the product" :)
@Code4R7 wat
But that would be a focus on prevention, and that is not how people are.
I think you don't understand the gdpr
That would be me and the newspaper :)
Nope. More likely you and you misinterpreting a headline
thank you
well.. it might be a bit different, here we have the Dutch version of the GDPR, the AVG..
I know
I did both
For a huge community for children
Well "huge"
good for business :)
All (semi) government work is
I know :)
but anyhow.. some people are starting to wonder if children shouldn't be protected from their parents, sharing pictures of their (even unborn) kids online with everybody...
But then again, too few people care. And I guess they are right in the end.
All social media and anything related can die in a fire for all I care
* unless it would make me fucktonnes of monies
Obviously :P
@jjok I've googled "when to use static methods in php" and that popped up, but I don't know enough about the guy. Reason I asked in chat was in case someone knew of a blog post from a trusted source.
@PeeHaa do you really need it?
I'm going to read the post, but I don't know whether to take it with a grain of salt.
@Tiffany Mattias Verraes is pretty well known in the PHP+DDD community. You should have a look at his stuff.
@jjok alright
I currently don't really use static methods for anything other than a constructor though.
why would a constructor be static in PHP ?
SimpleXML (XML) noob question. Why do the AddXml and OrderString tags disappear on output?
$add_xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><AddXml></AddXml>");
$xml_orderstring = $add_xml->addChild("OrderString");
$xml = $xml_orderstring->addChild("Request");
$xml->addChild("Hello", "World");

echo $xml->asXML();
@jjok I'm sort of stuck with refactoring atm, and trying to figure out how I can go about it. Dave gave me some suggestions and I think was going to assist me further, but haven't been able to get a hold of him. Trying to figure it out on my own. The code base I'm refactoring is like 80-90% static methods :/
@Tiffany poor you! Sounds like functions are grouped into global containers allowing for even more spaghetti...
Maybe you can more easily rewrite the whole application?
@Code4R7 lolno
we're switching to a new web platform in like six months to a year anyway
You mean when PHP 5.6 has died properly :)
@Fabor echo $add_xml->asXML();
@Code4R7 technically a constructor is static, it's just not written that way.
@salathe Doi
A constructor is a function that takes parameters and returns an object. It's not necessarily a part of that object.
(And before you jump on me, yes, I know $obj->__construct() is a thing, so sue me)
@Code4R7 as in, we've purchased a new product, are in the process of setting it up, but it's Java-based and requires a lot more server infrastructure than we currently have at the present time. I made it one of my evaluation goals to get the code working on PHP 7 thinking that budget approval for the new platform would be denied, but it wasn't. But, because updating to 7 is security-based, my superiors want me to continue working on it.
@MadaraUchiha please enlighten me.. isn't there a difference between new Object; and scope::createObject(); ? No, I'm not jumping on you, I consider magic methods hooks anyway
In no way does that mean that you should write constructors are static functions. Just that constructors are, technically conceptually static functions
shipment tracking id from ebay is just random characters, right?
@Code4R7 No, seeing how static functions have access to private properties on objects of the same class inside of themselves
You can write any constructor as a static method (you still shouldn't tho)
(I say that, but now PHP would be inconsistent and pull some bullshit that proves me wrong)
The shipment number you entered does not contain the option „track and trace“
typical german
@Code4R7 Yeah, I was right.
The new keyword and the magic __construct() method are just special cases in the language to accomodate this very common use case.
I need some time to parse your code snippet...
Sure thing, and if you have questions, feel free 😉
It just looks so weird
How can that static function access the private property from outside the self object it created?
@Code4R7 s/need/want/
things about things calling parent ctors and such is also,... a thing
cant just call __construct a static method
even if it kinda thing is thing static
thing.. I am so tired (=
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 23:00

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