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12:09 AM
Lol, it's amusing for me when I find r11 phomies out in the wild in /r/php
Simple spelling mistake – #76677
12:34 AM
Hey all. Anyone can explain this: 3v4l.org/DRUYn#output
As in, why copy-on-write ends up changing the real thing for $GLOBALS.
1:15 AM
it's a bug. simplified example 3v4l.org/PYZEn cc @bwoebi
if you need a workaround you can do this for now @Christian 3v4l.org/NCA5u
does the same with auto_globals_jit off
i doubt this intended... but it's been like that for ages
I was hoping there'd be some obscure-ish reason. :D
Nah, don't need a fix. I just saw it mentioned somewhere and got curious.
If I may change subject, I've got a question about extending a composer/autoload-based application.
A few people have done this in different ways. For example, you have listeners and printers in PHPUnit (which it loads from the xml file) and in behat, there are contexts and extensions.
In both cases, they simply load classes defined in an external file, but what if the application doesn't have a project/external file?
1:31 AM
i mean, it wasn't intended almost for sure, but since it has been like that for ages then it's probably considered the correct behavior now :B #notabug
why would you extend rather than require it?
Not sure what you mean by requiring it.
Actually, PHPUnit has even more ways to be extended: stackoverflow.com/questions/13698518/…
There's listeners, bootstrap and even have your own test classes (as long as you implement the right interface).
In my case, let's say I'm writing an app to do some processing. By default, I have X processes but users might want to add more. All they need to do is to tell the app how to load the relevant classes and then register the classes with the application.
@Wes Ah, I see what you meant. The autoloader would be "required" as usual. What I'm say is to add plugins/extensions/etc to the application. Now that I think of it, even composer supports this (somewhat retroactively; fxp/composer-asset-plugin for example).
Ach. Never mind. I'll go for the simple case of --include <php file>, which should have a class and an $application->addPlugin(MyClass::class); at the end. Ugly, but easy and quick.
1 hour later…
2:57 AM
error: Please reinstall the iconv library. – #76678
How many users in Linux is too much?
I want to create and destroy users and websites in mass in Ubuntu, I want each website to have it's own user for security reasons, but I wonder how many users is too much in Linux. They are static websites. HTML, CSS, Javascript and images only.
Need a bit of advise. Working on websocket chatsystem. The problem is that after 8 hours of complete inactivity on the websocket, it crashes as soon as someone tries to send a message due "MySQL has gone away" error. Should I fix this by increasing MySQL's wait_timeout or is there a better solution?
@icecub Perhaps a cron ping from time to time to keep it alive?
3:13 AM
@LucasBustamante I don't think that'll work because the cron would run on seperate process?
Well, Idk, sorry
Night all
Not entirely sure if it's actually MySQL that goes into sleep mode or that it just kills the connection with the websocket script. If it's the first, then a cron will do the job. But in the latter it won't work
Looks like it kills the connection
Ah just found it. Simply create an exception and reconnect to the database. Ghehe, should've thought about that
Nice rsrs
@StatikStasis 'Night
3:37 AM
@LucasBustamante If I remember correct, Ubuntu uses a 32 bit UID to identiy a user. So 2 ^ 32 = max 4294967296 unique users
@icecub that should be enough
@LucasBustamante lol. Though I don't know what you're planning to do, but you might want to consider installing ISPConfig. It's a panel like Plesk / CPanel, but completely free and makes it a whole lot easier to manage all of that
@icecub I'm using VestaCP. Also open-source and very good
Ah cool :) Just remembered that ISPConfig makes unique users for each hosting, that's why I thought about it
3:55 AM
@icecub yeah bro, but I seriously doubt it is better than Vesta, Vesta is kickass
I'm doing everything I need through an API, creating users, managing accounts, etc
@icecub Why would you want to keep a persistent connection to DB for more such a long time?
You could just have save the time of when the connection was created and the next time you do something, just make sure that the time difference is not more than, say, 15 mins or so. If it is, kill the connection and start a new one.
@LucasBustamante Ye I've checked it out. Technically it seems to do pretty much the same, though ISPConfig seems a lot more expanded. But each his own :)
@Christian I used a persistent connection because MySQL is running on the same machine. I'm talking about an expected user base of about 300 users online at the same time each day so was a bit concerned about performance
That's a bit irrelevant. I'm not saying not to use persistent connections. What I'm saying is to avoid doing it for extended periods of time.
I mean, with that many users I don't really have to be concerned about MySQL closing the connection, but better safe than sorry
Ye that's what I'm working on right now. Thanks for the tip :)
We had your problem in a past company, but due to us running jobs (synchronizing data and stuff) for up to 48 hours.
There was some sort of bug somewhere... after that amount of time, no matter what, the connection just blows up. We had our resident linux guru check it up and couldn't figure out where the issue was.
4:10 AM
Ye that makes sense. I'm basicly running an infinite persistent connection like this. That's just asking for issues. So ye, definitely gonna change that
2 hours later…
6:03 AM
6:17 AM
Fun question. Let's say you have a class that represents a certain state or configuration.
Now let's say you have a printer class. How would you ensure that the printer takes care of all the configuration?
The easiest way would be if the state was broken down in simple parts, for example tokens, and the printer handles the tokens that it understands. Anything left is automatically flagged as unsupported.
1 hour later…
7:41 AM
posted on July 29, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

8:00 AM
causerie an informal talk or chat.
8:50 AM
@DaveRandom __zend_bailout() does a longjmp()
@Wes Already stumbled over that and we're aware of it - I had discussed (in here :-P) it with Nikita considering making $GLOBALS sort of a special variable just like $this
9:23 AM
@Christian two suggestions: i) have a complete example that is tested against a hand written version. ii) have a parser that can take the generated version and convert it back to the original config objects, and then compare those.
@DaveRandom to add, the bailout is executed within php_error_cb() (which is held by function pointer zend_error_cb called in zend_error())
10:07 AM
yo @Tiff
1 hour later…
11:20 AM
I heard about something in Laravel (related to database relationships) which sounds "milof". Any idea what's that?
@MartinAJ do you have any context?
> In such cases you should use "hasOne", "belongsToMany", "milof (or molif)" or whatever which makes a database relationship for you according to your needs ..
I have no idea. You could be mishearing 'has many though'
https://laravel.com/docs/5.6/eloquent-relationships#has-many-through or 'morphOne ' https://github.com/bogdananton/larry/blob/master/README.md but without seeing the source that you're quoting I really have no idea.
Oh that's it, "morphone"
11:36 AM
@MartinAJ now, tell me, in which way does "morphOne" sounds like "milof"?
I heard it from a guy who has tongue tie
12:31 PM
@mega6382 heavy accent?
@Tiffany I don't know, but the syllables don't match.
Mind you, I'm bad at hearing what people say, but I've heard syllables which turned out to be completely different than what I was googling
Well, yeah, I guess that's possible.
English sucks :D
12:47 PM
That's probably true for every language, especially those, that have a lot of dialects, like, Arabic, Spanish and maybe Chinese
Russian too, I think
problem with English is that vowels/consonants can sound different based on their surrounding letters
Yeah, especially "Y" and "I"
not sure how many other languages are like that, but that makes English a problematic language to me
!!wiki ghoti
Ghoti is a creative respelling of the word fish, used to illustrate irregularities in English spelling and pronunciation. == Explanation == The word is intended to be pronounced in the same way (), using these sounds: gh, pronounced as in enough or tough ; o, pronounced as in women ; ti, pronounced as in nation or motion .The key to the phenomenon is that the pronunciations of the constructed word's three parts are inconsistent with how they would be pronounced in those placements. To illustrate: gh can only resemble f when following the letters ou / au at the end of certain morphemes ("cough...
@Tiffany hahaha, did not know, about this. :D
1:35 PM
What did the grape do when he got stepped on? He let out a little wine
my dad's code is horrible
I need another cup of tea
1 hour later…
2:37 PM
@Tiffany You're going to move to England aren't you?
@MadaraUchiha Weird toilets? How so?
21 hours ago, by Madara Uchiha
@Tiffany Normal peoples' toilets aren't halfway full with water, and flushing doesn't violently suck the whole thing down to oblivion.
@StatikStasis probably not
he has static HTML pages with a menu, and manually updates the menu...across like seven pages... whyyyy
@Tiffany Yeah, well his pages end with .html, so definitely how it would be.
3 hours later…
6:04 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I tried, but I decided to do a work-around. Easier.
easier than reading the documentation? ;) not sure what you are answering to.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier People don't get it here. I don't come here and ask for help if I couldn't figure it out myself.
Hey there. I am not antagonizing you. I genuinely don't understand what you were pinging me for.
I follow the message to which you responded, and I don't know what it is that you worked around
hence my joke.
I spent hours ploughing through ODBC documentation, and even the custom documentation from the company that designed the custom driver to try and define a class to call a specific function, but all refer to a specific class...

Regardless, this method works.
... please stop with the "people don't get it' insults.
6:15 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, but I always get told to 'look at the documentation'...
well, obviously you did not, because you were trying to instantiate a class that does not exist.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier It wasn't an insult. It's just a statement.
Yeah, here's a statement, "you are unable to read".
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Well, there is a class that is defined by the driver, but I can't use it because... well, I guess I'm too dumb. I'll try to figure it out later.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Perhaps. After hours of reading, I think I just got frustrated.
@Tucker Sure, but there is no need to take out that frustration on others
6:18 PM
@mega6382 I don't take frustration out on others, particularly those trying to help.
... the transcript suggests otherwise
That would be counter-intuitive.
anyway, glad you could solve your issue.
chill out y'all.
@Tiffany What's wrong with it being sucked away to oblivion? What happens everywhere else? Nothing better than needing to do your business somewhere with a chute that goes somewhere else. =D
6:31 PM
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Thanks!
@Tucker We all get frustrated when stuck on a problem. It's good to just take a break from searching for the answer for a bit and take a breather. Sometimes by collecting your thoughts you can come back and try a different approach or take the time to read through the details to get to the answer. Frustration comes when you get fed up and want a quick and easy way out so you want a turn key answer to solve the immediate problem.
But some of the best learning comes from those hard situations... because you'll never forget them.
I agree.
Now I am trying to understand why I get random characters instead of words when I pull data from the database...
It never ends.
Also if people can see you're frustrated with your problem when asking they will think you have given up and you want them to do the work for you. It's good not to let those frustrations come out so that they still feel like you're trying and that their efforts are worthwhile because you're not looking for the solution only, but to learn.
@Tucker Your frustrations are bleeding out again. =p

I'll keep it under wraps.
Don't worry- we all do it from time to time...
6:36 PM
@Danack I may have missed an update in conversation at some point. How are things at work? Are finances improving or did anything change?
@PeeHaa YO!
@PeeHaa In Turkey?
How far are you from Incirlik Air Base?
that's all the way south
xkobo is more fun than skyrim... i've got no frustration left
6:42 PM
we are on the west, close to nato base
@Ekin ah ok- wasn't sure how far away that was.
does it count if you're a few miles close to a nuclear missile depot?
I was gonna suggest making friends by telling them you're a programmer who would like to take a selfie with the hydrogen bombs. You'll probably make a lot of "friends" real quick.
Why you asking? Coming over for raki?
fwiw I am not on my vpn atm so I probably already made said friends just now
Just tell them it's the name of a new mixed drink when they show up.
6:46 PM
!!booze Hpnotiq liqueur
@PeeHaa No results for: Hpnotiq liqueur
!!? Hpnotiq liqueu
Search for "Hpnotiq liqueu -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Hpnotiq+liqueu+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• Hpnotiq - The Home of Hpnotiq. Old enough to drink, young enough to enjoy it. We know you're grown. You just… (http://www.hpnotiq.com/)
• Hpnotiq - Wikipedia - Hpnotiq is een blauwe likeur met een smaak van tropische vruchten. De likeur werd ontwikkeld in New… (https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hpnotiq)
• Hpnotiq - Wikipedia - Hpnotiq 'liqueur' is an alcoholic beverage, native to New York but bottled in France by Heaven Hill… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hpnotiq)
wow what a terrible site for a drink
Those look fancy.
6:47 PM
It basically just has a black dude holding thr bottle
nobody plays xkobo?
They have one called "silver bullet." That's what we call Coors Light here. We also call Coors Light "werewolf killer."
@Code4R7 I have a real OS thank you very much
Because you know... it's a bullet...
that's silver...
you mean like iOS?
6:49 PM
werewolves die from silver bullets. Get it?
@StatikStasis ...
I was thinking of buying my first smartphone... you know because facebook and twitter could use some support now. Economic reasons. But then I realised there was no real OS on it.
omg this is so bad. I don;t even remember this youtube.com/watch?v=WT-FT5HDPNo?x
6:52 PM
80s ads
Back in the '80, there was also a Don't OS..
but now I'm on the verge of installing a new OS... I've spotted FreeBSD and Debian. Any clues from you guys?
I just need a good OS that can replace Windows and iOS :)
no clues.. daft.
@StatikStasis aaaahahahahhhhhhh
@Code4R7 try arch linux and android
@Code4R7 unless, instead of iOS, you meant OSX
then no, android will not work for you
@mega6382 Android sucks too though
6:59 PM
@PeeHaa but it is a genuine alternative for iOS
well- have a few things to get done. bbiab.
Later @StatikStasis
Yeah, I meant OSX.. years ago. At some point it said there werent any (security) updates available, while in fact there was a whole new version of OSX that Apple wanted to sell including new hardware. So much for Apple and securty.
too bad FirefoxOS never took off.
@StatikStasis nn, see you later
@Code4R7 Isn't somebody continuing ff os?
7:02 PM
Anyway, we still haven't answer the real question.
Jul 24 at 9:17, by Raheel Aslam
How should the best programmer ?
I don't even know what he means... perhaps he's a psychologist? They never say what they mean in a strict sense...
!!should how the best programmer or they don't think it be like it is but it do
how should the best programmer.
@mega6382 Jeeves and Raheel operate from another realm outside of time and space.
Yes I said I would be back but I am procrastinating.
perhaps the answer is 42?
7:12 PM
It might be.
perhaps it depends on what is meant by SHOULD.
@Code4R7 Well, that is definitely one of the answers, but there is another answer as well.
To should or not to should.
what if both answers are correct? that would mean hell
well.. at least should really means should. ietf.org/rfc/rfc2119.txt
so the goal for the best programmer is : how to ignore a particular item with valid reasons in in a circumstance, while understanding and weighting the full implications before choosing a different course
Problem solved. The anwer is RFC 2119.
Darn. Can't get past stage 33 within a reasonable amount of time.
I'll go play with my... real OS :)
7:59 PM
I liked the previous version of that PR much more
8:24 PM
@StatikStasis makes me think of HR Pufnstuf
60s-70s were weird
but then again, so were the 90s
1 hour later…
9:37 PM
@NikiC me as well
I have a menu, and I need to make the currently visited page show the tab in the menu as "active." I can do this with Javascript or PHP. Personally would rather do it with PHP, but I'm not sure how secure that is considering I think I'd have to use the $_SERVER global to get the current URL but Javascript is fucking annoying
I don't want to use jQuery
1 hour later…
10:52 PM
mb_http_input does not default to default_charset – #76679
11:16 PM
how should the best programmer? uh?
Jul 24 at 9:17, by Raheel Aslam
How should the best programmer ?
ah lost in translation lol
11:31 PM
\o/ my dad is going to use Stripe for payment system

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