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okay, yeah, I'm done too
> Something had to be done with these destructive anti-social Jews who were strangling Germany. Thanks to the Jews, Germany had lost it’s moral code and had become debased and de-cultured
antisemitism at its finest
bleh… this place has become a cheap spoonfeeding instagratification junkyard. he didnt even bother to upvote my answer explaining why his code didnt work.
I feel dirty opening that at work
@Gordon somethingsomething top 1% of SO rep :P
@Gordon C'mon. With your rep and time on the site something should have given it away some time ago by now :D
@PeeHaa sure, but that one was just very blunt
It's ok.They are working on a summer of love v2.5 so "this is fine"
It will solve all important issues on SO
they should just make it read only
Or write only
I added a comment to the other guy's answer asking him to provide an explanation of why his code works compared to OP's so that it will help the SO community with documentation
Fuck the SO community
They got what they deserve :P
Yo @Andrea
@Gordon I will stab anyone who makes that joke.
reminds me of if-elif-elses in py
@Jimbo with regards to your comment: it doesn't look like either the OP or the author of the accepted answer are laravel developers, neither of them have any tags under laravel. Granted, that doesn't necessarily mean they aren't... it's possible that they don't ask/answer any questions under that tag. But so far, there's nothing to imply that they are laravel developers, either.
@Gordon he only has 10 rep, he can't upvote yet.
@Tiffany Have... you been working with Laravel..?
@Jimbo narp
I'm so sorry, we lost one :(
@PeeHaa you are part of the SO community. :P
I have been looking at Slim a little
@mega6382 Fuck every fucking last one of them
@Jimbo printf() failed, check your format string and arguments
BAD @DaveRandom
@Jimbo fail
!!blame @Jimbo
!!blame @DaveRandom
Oh, look, now it's happy with the right number of arguments
Thats because he broke the !!blame command
@Tiffany are you planning on becoming a lawyer? :P
It's ok. We got rid of @DaveRandom. He is now breaking French code
I demand he renames himself to DavidAléatoire
@mega6382 no, I'm just picky about making a blanket statement about someone when so far it's unfounded
@bwoebi Smartly eager, I hope.
Will write it up in more detail.
@Gordon 5 more stars, and I am sure we can pressure him into doing it :P
@zack6849 what are you looking for?
source code for the bot
usually bots have a !!source or !!git or !!src command or something
@Tiffany :)
no need to delete yours
so many pings
@Tiffany meh
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@PeeHaa the most recent command implies that reboot is admin only now?
but the help command implies the opposite
help command maybe needs an update?
It's admin only. I might screwed it up
But it's really admin only
(I hope)
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is help dynamic based on the getCommandInfo method
or is that help thing just an auto reply sort of thing
I think it is yeah
What does it mean by 'PHP compilation options' in the output of phpinfo()?
then maybe it's running an old version
Nope.Got it from the commands
@user2839497 the way the php you're using was built
like when they compiled your php binary did they add options to add support for xyz etc
@zack6849 Could check the server in a couple of minutes
Just thought i'd point that out :)
Think I just screwed something else up somehow though :-)
It jumped out at me that any average user was allowed to reboot your bots
@zack6849 : Does it mean this line?
Compiler : MSVC15 (Visual C++ 2017)
@zack6849 Yeah it really should not :P
@zack6849 from the phpinfo() output
That means it was compiled on Microsoft Windows with MSVC15
With mocrosoft visual c++
er, microsoft, even.
mikerowesoft wandows
you can search for that on the google
@zack6849 : That I understood. But on the manual page they have said Compilation Options. So, I thought there should be multiple options that I could see
I might even prefer microsoft over mocrosoft I guess :P
@user2839497 is that the entire thing? that is surprising to me
Mine says configure command and has a lot more informaton, but this is a linux host
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doesn't hurt to have both :P
@zack6849 I think the vast majority of people host on linux. I'm probably one of the few that host on a Windows/IIS environment. Not even WAMP :<
@Tiffany by choice?
@zack6849 nobody does that by choice..
i hope
@mega6382 i was hoping as well, and the :< sort of gave that vibe but you never know
@zack6849 a little yes, a little no. I inherited the environment from my predecessor and she picked out Windows/IIS because it was what she was familiar with. When I started, I had no exposure to any web server, but it was decided that I'd get training for IIS since it's what we already have.
Can someone give me the example of combining multiple parameters as the value of 'what' parameter of phpinfo() fucntion?
phpinfo(INFO_CALL + INFO_LICENSE); for example, i'd think?
from the man pages it looks like that
@zack6849 On man page they have not demonstrated it with multiple options
@zack6849 : I tried your code. It gave me warnings
try replacing + with || maybe?
@zack6849 It's bitwise based
@PeeHaa yeah but it says you can combine them with the or operator
"One can also combine the respective constants or bitwise values together with the or operator"
bitwise or
@PeeHaa : Then how should be the working code?
Do some research
oh, that's sort of annoying lol
No way you read the page I just linked within 10 seconds
@zack6849 Yeah might make it more clear
phpinfo(FLAG_1 | FLAG_2)
ntzm, yeah, I think the idea was to avoid spoonfeeding and have @user2839497 look at the manual to learn how bitwise addition and stuff worked though
@PeeHaa : This is sentence from Manual "One can also combine the respective constants or bitwise values together with the or operator."
I know what the manual said yes
It's hard to learn when there's no obvious examples
@PeeHaa This means it can be possible to combine multiple values by using respective constants too
I am not saying you are wrong
@PeeHaa : So I tried phpinfo(2 or 8);
But only the value 2 got accepted and 8 got ignored
And I said you didn't read the information I provided
Hence you are wasting your time with me right now :P
That's why I'm asking for working code example
@user2839497 I posted a code example
And that's why I said to RTFM
I'm not asking for spoon-feeding me as I 've tried on my self
@user2839497whent hey said oconstants they mean INFO_WHATEVER as opposed to the number
and when they said or they mean bitwise or which is a |
for example
@user2839497 bitwitse or
spoon(feed | bitwise | or)
be || !be
@zack6849 I tried phpinfo(INFO_CREDITS or INFO_VARIABLES);
be ^ be
2b || !2b
oh my lord
It didn't work out as I expected.
@user2839497 BITWISE OR
is literally
one |
you dont type the word or
@user2839497 try phpinfo(INFO_CREDITS | INFO_VARIABLES);
this has gone beyond spoon feeding into shoving it down his throat
@zack6849 According to manual using bitwise values is not mandatory
@PaulCrovella as long as he's a consenting adult
@user2839497 ok you can't cite man pages at me while also telling me what you're trying is not working and ignoring what we're telling you to do
@zack6849 phpinfo(INFO_CREDITS | INFO_VARIABLES);
This worked for me.
yes we all have been telling you to do thi
for the last 8 minutes or so
@zack6849 The manual text need to be corrected
do you ebven read chat
@PeeHaa JUST fixed that and posted his change
@PeeHaa it hurts me that that needs to be spelled out
@user2839497 of course this worked for you, we've all been trying to tell you that this will work from the beginning. and please from now on RTFM
@PaulCrovella Yeah. But in case of docs I always try to be on the safe side
oh neat, I didnt know you were a php developer PeeHaa
I am not really
The manual text should be : "One can also combine the respective constants bitwise values together with the bitwise or operator."
Just docs mostly
@user2839497 Holy fuck
What an awesome idea!
oh my god
someone should edit that!
inb4 I get sued for using copyrighted texts
@user2839497 I posted a working example and you ignored it
@PeeHaa calling my lawyer rn and screening this thread as evidence you stole @user2839497's idea 10 minutes before he had it
@ntzm You didn't wrote it in his IDE
What do you expect him to do?
Write it himself?
@PeeHaa : Actually I've helped in finding bug from the PHP Manual text and you are asking me to read the manual
@ntzm well yeah, because he's trolling
@user2839497 No
I didn't ask you
oh my god he has to be fucking around right now
there's no way
I told you to do it
unless there's a transparent language barrier
@user2839497 there was no bug in the php manual.. it just expected better of you
8 mins ago, by PeeHaa
And that's why I said to RTFM
It wasn't a question
@PeeHaa @user2839497
how do i into inline quote
Hover the message and click the arrow and copy the link
ah well, doesn't matter now
@zack6849 probably close to a dozen internal devs that hang out periodically in here
@zack6849 :-)
usually discussing internal-related stuff :P
what the fuck
@user2839497 has over 1k rep
almost 300 stupid rtfm questions
@zack6849 yes, coming from over 280 questions
That's how SO works and they are pushing more and more towards it
tfw 0 questions
That's how marketing /sales companies work
i demand more good boy points
It's about quantity and not quality
which is why I'm probably going to be stuck with <1k rep for quite a while
I just answer and do edits
@zack6849 You are working with magento you need all the good boy points you can get :P
@PeeHaa oh god don't remind me :c
Sorry :)
everything is on fire and broken
a-adobe will fix it
r-right guys?
Oh right they bought it
So sooo sooo sorry for you
inb4 it's ten times worse
@PeeHaa shit, really?
@Tiffany or they suspend community edition and only do SaaS
subscribe now to magento ecommerce creative cloud! only 400$ per month per store!
frankly that'd be better for its users
@zack6849 shopify already does that, I think
not for small businesses like us who use our server for other things
they do, yes
@zack6849 if they did, it wouldn't be that high, they would lose too much business
oh for sure
I was just joking about them taking the free option away and charging way too much to fuck people over
or they neuter the fuck out of the free version
@zack6849 that could happen, and then it will come as part of Adobe CC2 Suite :P
To be fair, Oracle has kept MySQL free... doesn't give me warm and fuzzies, but for a company who's driven by money, leaving MySQL free is surprising
Oracle owns MySQL?
you didn't know that?
I didnt realize that, I thought they had their own enterprise db thing
@Tiffany especially, with it being a competitor to their own dbms
they do
I though percona owned mysql
for some reason
oh well, we use MariaDB anyways
Also, you have MariaDB as a somewhat decent alternative for mysql
@zack6849 mariaDB is the same as MySQL, except it's not Oracle-affiliated. As far as I know, it's supported by the same devs of MySQL before it was bought by Oracle
god I'm so inconsistent with capitalization
it's ok i do the same and never uppercase my i's
why am i getting pinged twice for every mention
@Tiffany Yeah, its community managed fork of Mysql, but it is lacking in a lot of features, but it does provide compatibility with mysql
@zack6849 edits. deal with it.
that's sort of irritating, you'd think edits wouldnt be as important to notify for
if someone edits their message with additional info
but yeah, it's annoying, and I hate doing it to people, but I also can't leave a message unedited if there's something that irritates the piss out of me
@PaulCrovella its amazing, how you edited that. :P
Best explanation of Oracle's CEO, coming from a dude who was part of Sun when it was bought out by Oracle. If you want the full bit of his rant, it starts at 33:00, and ends around 39:45
oh boy
i love rants
hi guys I have a question
hi ivan, how can we help?
> Don't ask to ask, just ask.
Do you know ray ban facebook spam
I just go **** :D
yes, but does this have anything to do with php or?
most of you are good at web
I didnt give a permission to any app to post
and that's very strange to me
do you know how it works ?
im not sure I understand your question, is it that something else posted as you with ray bans spam?
check authorized applications and make sure to change your passwords
@IvanKaloyanov which is why we're not on facebook
basicly what it does is post from your timeline and tag some of your friends
right we know what this is but why are you telling us about ray ban spam
what's your point here
how does it work tho ?
it's very common hack but I can't find how it works
@IvanKaloyanov check all the apps, you've given any kind of permission to, and remove any that look suspicious. And then remove those posts from your timeline. Or to take 100% effective measures, deactivate your account(Not Kidding)
If the post is made from Graph API i think it shows which app posted
I'm not sure if ivan got hacked or if hes asking how it works because he wants to simulate it
hah I don't wont to simulate it I what to know how I get hacked
either an authorized app or if you reuse passwords they just used that
@IvanKaloyanov You most likely didn't get hacked
@IvanKaloyanov or maybe you posted it while drunk and can't seem to remember it
Chances are rather you are / have been naive and give marketing people either access to your account or information or both
The thing is that this "hack" is very common.
Because people are not the smartest creatures
But when app post from graph API I think it shows which app posted it
And other people make use of that fact
in "my" post it looked like I've posted it myself
@IvanKaloyanov that's facebook for you, in a nutshell
@PeeHaa no i dont think it's marketing people they do hack the account
My brother's facebook did the same thing
So you are saying me that it's made from there API but it does not show the information about which app posted it ?
@zack6849 It's not hacking
Generally, as far as I know, yes
Well, hacking and abusing permissions, same thing
pff I am going to create a simple app and test it lol
And trust me they do
it was accessed without ivan wanting to do it
I have been one of those people for years
i consider that a hacked account in that context
Ye I do as well
One more thing
@zack6849 I believe the correct term would be "compromised account"
Since this ray bay "hack" is so comment are they coming from the same app ?
I don't think so btw
@mega6382 It's not even that
@IvanKaloyanov In general FB is pretty fast with killing accounts once reports are coming in
Pretty sure my dev account is still blocked :P
so most likely no one has my password tho right :D ?
Impossible to tell with the information provided
no, most likely someone does have your password but it's probably unrelated to this
I've changed it but still paranoid :D
Do you use a password manager and different passwords for all services?
@PaulCrovella good one xaxa :D
@PeeHaa then what would be the correct term?
sadly I don't
Is the arrow functions RFC still officially withdrawn, or is it being worked on?
Is it possible to have a keylogger on my phone since it's not rooted tho
@mega6382 Just normal usage
At least it is for Android.
which is best way to get rid of it ?
change password, remove authorized apps you dont use
move on with your life
stop asking questions about facebook hacks in programming channels for no reason
buy a house
I am broke
okay guys tnx have a nice day :))
you too \o
yesterday i started working with a guy on a css he did and needs to expand
he hates me already
why lol
because i'm forcing him to rewrite all the things
he has already talked to the boss. he said "this is not going to work" ahaha
evenin room
@Wes I've made people do that many times
he is not a noob, he is probably just very lazy. clearly he fixed the code a million times and it's an absolute mess now
don't presume laziness. often rewriting from scratch isn't budgeted for changes/additions.
@Wes That's a fantastic breakdown of comms after one day lol
Heaven forbid they could just talk to you
example code we saw:
.aaa{ original code }
then a few lines down
.aaa{ fix to the original code }
more lines down
.aaa{ another fix }
the excuse was "i don't want to change code and replace it with code that might not work"
so he adds stuff rather than changing the existing
so he doesn't understand version control. there's your place to start.
but the reality is that he is lazy, he didn't care to search if .aaa existed already
he just appended the shit to the .css and stopped caring

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