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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

@rtheunissen Just noticed this. What's to make sense of?
@NikiC How do you recommend storing something like ArrayAccess<string, string> in zend_type?
It looks like we use 1 bit for nullable. I would guess we have another bit from our alignment guarantees we could use for tagging it as generic.
I always feel a little uneasy writing code with the struct hack:
#define ZEND_GENERIC_TYPE_COUNT(count)  \
struct {  \
  zend_type base; \
  int paramc; \
  zend_type params[count];  \

typedef ZEND_GENERIC_TYPE_COUNT(1) zend_generic_type;
int main(void) {
  ZEND_GENERIC_TYPE_COUNT(2) arrayaccess_string_int = {
    .base = ZEND_TYPE_ENCODE_CLASS("ArrayAccess", 0),
    .paramc = 2,
    .params = {

  return arrayaccess_string_int.paramc == 2 ? 0 : 1;
Trying to make sure that C code has tools for working with these statically, but honestly I don't know how zend_string works statically so that may all be moot.
It appears we still don't support static zend_string and have internal variants of arginfo. Every time I check I hope someone has figured out a nice way to do it already.
1 hour later…
@LeviMorrison that comment shouldn't be in there. :O
The mailing lists take some getting used to. No idea why this spawned a new thread on #externals: externals.io/message/102605
@NikiC why did you ask about the object comparison RFC? I was a bit late with it so at a minimum the voting would close on the day of the feature freeze.
My plan is to wait out the 2 weeks and keep up discussion, then ask whether internals considers it to be votable or should wait for 7.4
more alphas could be there before the feature freeze.
I'd be in favour of that too, not just for object comparison but typed properties in 7.3
@NikiC nvm about ^
What do you have lined up to work on after typed properties?
I'm supposed to be working on variance but I just want to keep working on generics...
I'm supposed to work on a variety of things but I just want to start on ds 2.0 already
I've learnt a lot in 2 years and it deserves a proper second pass.
You might like to hear this @LeviMorrison, Map interface. :'D
I suggest you wait.
Hah.. hm. For generics?
Generics really are being actively worked on ^_^
Although it would feel really bad to wait and the RFC were to be rejected for some reason.
I believe you. But I'll be able to apply them at the end of the update of 2.0, as part of 2.0, right? I'm not sure how much they'll affect ds.
Might be able to use native long for example if it's a vector of ints? For example.
I might as well work on the API, performance, and project structure. It won't be any harder applying generics then than it would be if I waited.
Generics tend to alter the designs.
If you are aware of it when designing it though you could possibly avoid significant rework.
That's true. How far off an RFC do you think you are? 7.4? 8?
Oh also, what are your thoughts on _equals vs _equalTo ?
I like __eq.
I think I might be in the minority.
Next to compareTo, eq is a baby
I would use __cmp ^_^
Let's reserve those for operator overloading. ;)
@rtheunissen Well it sounds like 8.0 will be next, as much as I don't want it to be. So 8.0.
Maybe ds 3.0 then :p
I hope to remove the need for it altogether, honestly.
Generics is a perfect time to land a proper set of data structures.
I want to introduce a nice tree, graph, matrix..
New ones entirely?
Well it wouldn't have graphs and such so maybe not remove the need for php-ds ^_^
But at least the basics.
We have the basics covered with array tbh.
I just want to see the SPL datastructures gone.
Every single thread where someone talks about data structures or mentioned them, someone says "what about these? links to spl"
A hash map, hash set, vector... not sure what else exactly but at least those 3.
Isn't php array basically all three though? If we supported objects for keys.
@rtheunissen I doubt we'll officially deprecate them until 9.0 at the earliest, simply because there isn't any viable alternative provided by core today.
Why should there be an alternative to deprecate something that's bad?
Deprecate early, replace later.
Or use ds ;)
My hope is that ds becomes the motivation / base for core structures.
Core will always have an advantage though, because you can take shortcuts with things like iteration and compiler optimisations.
To be honest I don't like a fairly good chunk of your API ^_^
Sequence has soooooooooo many methods.
Many methods is a bad thing?
Not necessarily.
API is a difficult thing to do, there will always be those who like it and those that don't.
That many methods is bound to constrain implementations.
For instance, in-place sorting, reverse, rotate...
I want to remove the sorted-copy versions of those methods.
If the user wants a sorted copy, ->copy()->sort()
It also seems weird that this is an interface given the number of constraints it has. Why not just use concrete impls? And this is coming from someone who advocates for a Map interface!
IMO any sequence should be able to be reversed, rotated, and sorted in place. Because by definition it should support random access.
^_^ Yes, but that doesn't mean the interface needs to support it.
I agree.
Interfaces should be focused, implementations can go nuts.
I think you've done pretty good work, to be clear. It's the best quality lib I've seen aside from my own work, but I quit publishing my own intentionally.
I wanted to learn more than anything, and continue learning. :)
Maybe I can write a specification for 2.0's API and run it by you over the next few months sometime?
Sure. Please make sure sum is gone ^_^
Heh whyyy
Look at its signature: it only makes sense on sequences/vectors/deques of numbers, not all sequences/vectors/deques.
PS: Did you know that array_sum([gmp_init(42)]) returns 0?
Similar with join.
So you would remove sum from Sequence, Vector and Deque, but add it to something like a NumberSequence or IntegerVector? Or... Vector<int> :D
Actually no on that last part. Generics shouldn't affect the API. Disregard.
I'd just use a freestanding sum or join that works on any iterable.
I really want to introduce an immutable Decimal class that aligns with Python's decimal module, and introduce functions like decimal_sum. Otherwise you'd get a float in return which defeats the point of having decimals in the first place.
Or just use reduce.
Freestanding sum and join and reduce is nice, I'll give you that.
Having them internally is good for performance though, but that's about it.
Yeah merge is a terrible name for that.
I don't think performance matters that much for things like sum, honestly.
I immediately think "wait.. where are the keys?" because of array_merge
API first, performance second?
Ha! No, I work in HPC. Design for performance first, if that's what you care about.
To get good performance you need a higher level algorithm or data structure that can do more work in C land.
What if sum was on the implementations but not the interface?
Now a math-focused class like matrix can probably achieve good work there.
Would it be weird if ds exposed functions like sum, reduce, etc?
use function Ds\sum;
Would be way nicer to have a functional lib separately.. but then they won't know how to interact with the ds structures without invoking their php iterators which are way slower than stepping across the buffers.
Again, if you care about this type of performance design a math-oriented library, not a general one.
If this JIT native code generation lands you could and probably should that sort of library in PHP instead of C.
A math-oriented library that uses iterators?
No, I just meant a math focused library like numpy but for PHP.
The JIT optimizer can look at and optimize PHP code; it can't reach across the C FFI.
That's a good point. It'll be interesting to do some benchmarks regardless.
I have unfinished business with ds so I'm going to continue working on that anyway.
Also thinking of porting the tests to phpt but that's for another day.
can we create multiple constructor in a class using PHP?
@Exception no. make the ctor private and then offer static methods invoking it. See verraes.net/2014/06/named-constructors-in-php
@Gordon But Declaring __construct as protected or private will result in a warning and the magic method will not be called
@Exception huh? no.
it will only result in a warning when you try to do new Foo then. which you dont because you are using named constructors instead
making the ctor private is optional though.
so if you want to keep it public, keep it public
I tend to make it private
does anyone know what's wrong with this problem?
this definition is new to me -> "constructor can be private"
Q: Test cases returns false on execution

Sanu_012 I am trying to solve an algorithm where we input any number less than 101 and greater than 1 and display them as the sum of two prime numbers. For example: I can express 34 as: 3 31 5 29 11 23 17 17. I wrote the algorithm and it works fine as well for every number less than 101 and greater t...

if anyone has got any idea why this is happening, please guide me through.
@Gordon is this good way to create multiple constructor in a class? php.net/manual/en/language.oop5.decon.php#99903
no. you will end up with argument counting and argumenting type checking in the regular ctor.
just use static constructors. they are easy to understand
@Exception that's hot garbage
okay.. sounds good. :)
kinda makes me want to burn user-contributed notes from the manual entirely
Yeah there are some shocking ones from way back.
morning @tereško
bleh. half of my shortcuts dont work anymore in ubuntu 18
specifically, most of the shortcuts involving super key
cant lock my screen anymore
have to click the tiny icon in the gnome bar instead.
bad luck..
it's a bug. I found it on the bugtracker. its not fixed yet.
keeping our-self updated is good thing and same will be applicable for system..But sometimes few things are not yet ready and here is the result ;-)
I want to create a function for ODBC connections.

If I want to use ODBC to connect via PDO.

So far I've created a string such:

>$odbc_connection = new odbc_connect("DRIVER=$driver; SERVER=$odbc_serverip; PORT=$odbc_port; DATABASE=$odbc_dbname", $odbc_username, $odbc_password);


> $odbc_con = odbc_connect($odbc_connection, $odbc_username, $odbc_password);

This connects.

When I insert it into a function, I am defining is via PDO as such:

However, when I use the statement: $conn = new PDO("odbc:".$odbc_con)
@Gordon it's a sign from lord Linus: move to Arch
@tereško s/Arch/Mint
no, Arch, because it has a rolling-release model
Mint has all the same problems as vanilla Ubuntu
.. or you can find some other distro with rolling-release model
If someone has experience with paypal payments.

I need to create an agreement for my customers that when executes would ask to authorize me for future payments.

The amount is though not fixed and so as is not recurring payment.
We provide some services when used we would like to charge the user.
Software distributions, of which Linux distributions form a sizable proportion, are commonly referred to as distros, with rolling release distributions commonly referred to as rolling distros. When used as an adjective, instead of a noun, rolling release is often shortened to rolling, when referring to distributions, software, or development models. A rolling release is typically implemented using small and frequent updates. However, simply having updates does not automatically mean that a piece of software is using a rolling release cycle; for this, the philosophy of developers must be to work...
Oh. I'm getting an SQL state 37000 error.
@tereško I doubt Arch will suit me. I want a mostly hassle free desktop experience. If I have to start editing config files and compile things just to make that part of the OS work, it's not for me.
@Gordon hmm ... there isn't much text-mode configuration to do after you have finished installing it. The package management (pacman and yaourt) has to be done from CLI and it gives you option to edit build-files for "from source" apps, but I have never actually needed to edit anything. And compilation of custom kernel is streamlined (you basically copy 4 commands from wiki).
Hm, in the 7.3 alpha 3 release there's an utf-8 char as first char in ZendAccelerator.h
@Gordon my goto distro for your use case is fedora, fyi
ok, one exception - Signal messenger client: making that compile is a fucking nightmare because the source is broken due to errors in SASS files :(
@tereško lol, streamlined
well, it is
does arch linux kernel have user namespaces enabled by default nowadays?
@FlorianMargaine no idea: I have never needed to know about them
Does somebuddy have experience with charging customers for additional services?

Do we necessarly need to persist customers credit card credentials or is there any work around to authroize from paypal and execute payments via webiste?
do you use docker?
ok, then nevermind
Undefined reference to isfinite
most people using docker would benefit from user namespaces, though, and I think that's a fair bit.
does this build error sound known to you?
@bwoebi I guess it does, since he commented on a couple of bugs.php.net tickets with this error
Yeah, found that, but they were marked resolved
I don't know why I am getting this error.

Does ODBC use a different SQL format?
campcraft the art of outdoor camping.
@Jeeves camping isn't an art, it's pretending you're poor
@PaulCrovella not sure if trolling
@FlorianMargaine nope, but that's really simple to enable and only needed if you want sudoless containers
@pmmaga really simple to enable?
last I checked, it wasn't even a module, so you had to recompile the kernel
@pmmaga more like if you want to use containers with the same uid as your user, which I'm pretty sure is a use case for a ton of people (so that whatever file you write while being in the container ends up written with your uid)
@FlorianMargaine right now you can enable it with sysctl
> All Arch Linux kernels have support for CONFIG_USER_NS.
ooooh, so they have changed the default
about time
that's cool, one less complaint about arch
it wasn't the case as of 6 months ago iirc...
exception 'PDOException' with message 'could not find driver' in C:\inetpub\..\odbc_connect.php:27 Stack trace: #0

Does anyone know how to go around this?

I've enabled ODBC though php.ini and restarted IIS, but I'm still getting this error.
show dsn
the problem is clear, either you have a malformed dsn, or you actually don't have the driver loaded ...
@Tucker phpinfo()
check ini path, check whether is shows driver loaded
if ini path seems correct, do php -m on the CLI and see if you get any errors during startup about failing to load the module
(also check CLI binary is using the same ini file via php -i)
This week I'm working from a new coworking space in my town.. The decoration is.. peculiar
@rtheunissen I didn't read it and probably won't have time to read and think about it properly. I only know it's an extremely thorny topic.
So I'll probably check it once voting starts and write you a scathing email :P
Happy Friday 11
@DaveRandom I checked. Seems to be blank. I'm going through php.ini to check the extensions are listed.
@BasheerAhmedKharoti I strongly recommend using Stripe instead.
@Danack That's client requirement to use paypal
@BasheerAhmedKharoti then you might want to try to find a new client/job.
@Danack any reason for that? Doesn't paypal fit into what I have asked?
@BasheerAhmedKharoti The whole paypal ecosystem is painful to use. I think this is due to the paypal having huge legacy systems that were cobbled together and have been very difficult for paypal to improve their code quality to provide a platform that works properly.
What you are trying to do will probably take at least ten times longer to do in Paypal than it would using stripe, and still not give as good a user experience.
For example, the paypal dev environment sometimes just isn't available for use, which means you can't test code against the dev environment when that happens.
Of course, your client might need to use paypal due to a legacy integration, or stripe not having the right currencies, or being able to pay out to bank accounts where your client needs them
that make sense
However if your client wants their business to be successful, using Stripe going forward is much more likely to have a successful result for them.
ok thanks I'll discuss with the client
I have a password recovery page on my website. The user enters in an email address. If that email exists, they get a notification saying that a link has been sent to their email, if it doesn't exist, they get a notification saying that the email doesn't exist.
This way, the user can see which email address is registered on my website. Is this a security(privacy?) flaw? Should I change it so that if the email doesn't exist, the recovery link is not sent, but the user still gets a notification saying the link was sent?
@sweg_yolo_69 What I mostly do is, show the same message, regardless of whether the email exists or not
@sweg_yolo_69 every site has the same problem. The big ones (like github) seem to have chosen that revealing whether an email is in use or not is preferable to a confusing user experience.
@sweg_yolo_69 you can also rate limit that specific request to avoid people harvesting your users
s/avoid/make it harder/
Thanks for the replies, this seems like a frequent problem. Is there a stackoverflow post, or some article somewhere with more information about possible solutions?
@Tucker what seems to be blank, sorry?
anyone having issues with github? doing a git fetch and it's taking forever
@DaveRandom your balls
@Gordon you're balls
@DaveRandom you're nuts
So I'm guessing my above problem is also prone to time-based attacks. My page has to load in the same amount of time, regardless of whether the email exist, so people can't harvest the data
If I choose to display the same message, I also have to make sure the page load time doesn't give it away
@sweg_yolo_69 use nodejs to make it async. :P
@Gordon a reasonable conclusion, given how common it is that people seem to be allergic to me
I mean being registered on my website isn't something you'd want to hide
But protecting against time-based attacks seems like fun :D
@DaveRandom witty
wit is shit. funny is money.
eh, humour is a rumour
<<< german
and puns are stupid
but… that doesn't rhyme?
thus proving my point :P
@mega6382 time-based attacks protection isn't that simple to implement, now that I think of it :p
Let them harvest my data
@Gordon Would "sin fuer humor" count as a pun in german?
@Leigh hmm, not sure. It's not that we dont know what humor is or that we cannot recognize it. it's just that all fun is verboten.
Sounds sinful to me
@mega6382 you're stupid
take the brexit negotiations. we very much realize they are a joke. but we dont laugh.
@DaveRandom true, but that's besides the point :P
No the germans do make jokes sometimes en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_W12
"people's car"
@pmmaga hahahah awesome
Guten morgen
Does anybody remembers the panama leaks?
@mega6382 yes, why?
room topic changed to PHP: Support group for those afflicted with PHP. Don't ask to ask, just ask. Username auto complete is *tab, not enter. Spaß ist verboten. Chat Guidelines : guide.room11.org [friday] [php]*
Our former prime minister has just been sentenced to 10 years in jail, he was impeached last year due to this case. And his wife has been sentenced to 7 years and his brother in law to 1 year.
the server was down for some couple hours now. but now it seems to work
@mega6382 There is still some justice in this world.
but still crazy slow
I figured it out!
Now to create the function and I'll be all set.
I see their game, EU abolishes timezone changes, all programmers from the UK exodus to the mainland...
Fuck you @StatikStasis
i have deployed an application on Google Compute Engine instance which is developed using PHP. Everything works fine except it doesn't work with SSL. I have configured SSL using Load Balancing.
@PeeHaa when you clicked it, star it
Sorry my star button is disabled
It is way too early for me to have checked that :P
I guess they didnt expect much participation
I'm totally on board with abandoning DST, as long as it's done so we stay on summer time all the time
it would not be cool the other way...
well… winter time is usually when it's cool, right
so I am not sure
OR: instead of deciding between summertime or wintertime, we just change the clocks by 30 minutes and meet in the middle.
never understood why that isnt the default
I wish they would do away with it here.
Arizona doesn't do it- even though the rest of the country does. Not sure if there are other cities that do that.
Hawaii and oversea territories don't either.
Hello if anyone knows about Google Compute Engine then please help me m stuck on this
\o - timeout - retry / edit / cancel
i have deployed an application on Google Compute Engine instance which is developed using PHP. Everything works fine except it doesn't work with SSL. I have configured SSL using Load Balancing.
watched that yesterday after years. funny af
@NikiC ping
or @bwoebi
@FlorianMargaine pong
@NikiC would you guys agree that having reproducible builds is a good thing?
i.e. from the same source and same build tools versions, you end up with the same binary, bit-by-bit, no matter how many times you rebuild
@FlorianMargaine I personally don't care either way
@NikiC it has many advantages, such as avoiding the Ken Thompson Hack
You should take a look at debian patches, they should have all the necessary changes for reproducible builds
@FlorianMargaine I prefer build control. if they start to reproduce on their own, that would lead to all kinds of hard to manage artefacts.
that's exactly what I'm looking at, and would love to have some of them upstream :)
@FlorianMargaine do you have a link?
I can never find distro patches
@StatikStasis ha, can't fool me! :P
but... did it really...? Come on.
@StatikStasis on friday, I have a habit of hovering the link and see the original link before clicking anything :P
@mega6382 umm- can you look please. bit.ly/1gD53xE
@FlorianMargaine thanks
@NikiC for debian, look in the debian/patches folder
the patch I'm looking at upstream seems to have changed since last time I looked though sources.debian.org/src/php7.1/7.1.16-1/debian/patches/…
I guess debian is now overriding __DATE__ and __TIME__ during their build
I would expect so
There are also some env vars you can set to avoid embedding some date calls
@Gordon fail
not sure why stuff like this isn't in upstream though... sources.debian.org/src/php7.1/7.1.16-1/debian/patches/…
@FlorianMargaine Oh really? Me too, HUP would be my goto for a reload...
@FlorianMargaine that looks reasonable
well, all the arch-specific patches make somehow sense
yeah a bunch actually
looks like just debian ran the tests in way more scenarios than php's CI
@FlorianMargaine Debian probably uses some old PCRE version, which the tests don't account for
Because PHP bundles PCRE, it assumes that you are on the latest
anyway, quite a few of these patches are definitely debian specific, but I think it makes sense to upstream a few of those
now, licensing-wise...
source code can be weird
this one is just funny
array_column gives incorrect result if $indexKey selects a float – #76587
var_export change variable state – #76588
!!lxr array_column
[ /ext/standard/array.c#4129 ] PHP_FUNCTION(array_column)
No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. tl;dr internet these days. security came at the expense of minimal functionality
oh lawdy - 3v4l.org/fbh3n
@Danack that's normal, no?
as floats are casted to int, and numeric strings are casted to int, when used as array key
maybe it should give an error rather than overwriting the value
this instead i am sure it's a bug 3v4l.org/WhUmh
Or, just never use that function.
If a function has really odd behaviour for a particular set of data, and you need to think really carefully about whether your data is safe or not.....then don't use that function.
@NikiC you should write a scathing email now so i can rewrite it all before voting starts. :'D
guten merning
@Danack i've never used it... can't believe that something so new is so wrong
and i can't believe it's a core function
wait for the bug report...
array_column should error when value is not castable to array key – #76589
the bug was already reported, right above, and i didn't see it
well, at least i added the "certainly a bug" part
most of array_*() can fuck off
today at the dentist there was a kid that fell from the motorbike on his front teeth. poor guy
@DaveRandom why? generally worthless (not the right word I'm looking for, but brain is kind of meh atm), or underlying C is a pain in the ass, or something else?
wish my fucking head would quit hurting
@Tiffany if your head hurts already - stop looking at array_*. When your head doesn't hurt as much read the above bug reports.....and you will again have a headache from the magic involved in casting values to keys.....
@Danack hadn't read the bug report...yet... not able to go that far, I was more curious if there was a reason why array_* functions are bad
or... "can fuck off"
and back to bed for me
Using persistent strings as HashTable keys causes heap corruption – #76590
@mega6382 doesn't include string concatenation. I am slightly dissapoint.
@Danack Because that will be number 11. :P
@mega6382 omg- I should not even give you the satisfaction of this but... I saw your link. I saw Danack's comment. Without checking your link first I wasted the time to shorten a link to Rebecca. I started a direct message to you, pasted the shortened URL inside of parenthesis, then I clicked your link in order to get the address to paste inside the brackets while thinking of something clever to ask about your link in hopes of baiting you... only to be bloody Rebecca'd... defeated
Epic fail for sure...
He got me too good for me not to at least tell him. sigh...
Being semi-bedridden by a damn headache is slightly more tolerable with my cats
Animals are the best when sick or not feeling well.
Especially when they're being so darn cute
Indeed :)
The one who rarely cuddles me, is laying on me right now. Though it's becoming more common...
Our cat died about 3 months ago.
We still have our dog. Hold on I will upload a photo of them... @Tiffany
He has to be in the same room as me, but not always on me. Usually either across the room or at my feet (if at my desk)
And he's almost always purring
@StatikStasis adorable
@Tiffany in many cases you can write code that is both more efficient and more readable with loops. Not all cases, certainly, but array_column() is ridiculous, and a lot of the constructs that people make that involve chaining array_map(array_values()) and what have you end up being inefficient because they treat it like linq, which it just isn't
also most iterating array_* functions only accept arrays (rather than iterable), which makes them much less useful
I think a cast to array almost replaces the proposed iterable_to_array proposal.. Except for generators, and that makes me wonder why is iterator_to_array different from the cast
@bwoebi @NikiC @JoeWatkins I have to go out now so I can't actually discuss it, but if one of you is able to look at it and leave me a response, ask for clarification or tell me to fuck off: Does the #include <string.h> here make any sort of sense in the context of the patch? It almost looks like a change that was accidentally included, since it's just doing a header include with no other code
@pmmaga wtf how did I not know that was a thing
/out laterz
I keep meaning to measure the overhead over nested yield froms in generators but only seem to remember when I am on a machine that doesn't have PHP.
Has anyone measured this already? @bwoebi or @NikiC perhaps?
Some of the algorithms I've written use them pretty heavily but I didn't care about performance at the time. Was wondering if fibers would be better in these cases.
sql server anyone?
@LeviMorrison I would guess fibers may be slower, but the code would be a lot nicer since everything would return the correct types rather than a generator.
Why would you guess that?
More overhead to switch to a fiber than to resume a generator?
@Koosh Sure, I'll take one if you're just giving them away.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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