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interface<K,V> OuterIterator<Inner: Traversable<K,V>> extends Iterator<K,V>
  function getInnerIterator(): Inner;
@NikiC Do you know a name for that class<K,V> syntax/idiom in Rust?
There is no Internet connection
Checking the network cables, modem, and router
Reconnecting to Wi-Fi
Running Windows Network Diagnostics
Note to self: Investigate OuterIterator::getInnerIterator() which is documented as needing to return Iterator but seems suspicious. Usually we use Traversable in places like this.
a site that blames my connection for its failures :B
@Wes isn't that the web browser?
don't know how they did it
connection was fine, but they showed the "there is no internet connection" error
I get that sometimes at work, when a site is blocked in the firewall
I don't remember what it says though
we switched firewalls though, now I get an actual error page from a firewall stating that a page is blocked and why
I couldn't access phpdelusions.com, and thought the site was down, but it wasn't.
only a husky owner can understand
3 hours later…
Good morning room
2 hours later…
@Gordon Why not link the tweet?
@kelunik I didnt bother to verify or look it up
Deprecated Linux networking commands and their replacements: ifconfig - ip route - ip r iwconfig - iw netstat - ss arp - ip n https://twitter.com/parishilton/status/1012350034262839298
@Wes heh :D I missed that
An uncondition – #76570
giten mernings o/
str_replace fails to replace string in special output buffered environment – #76571
@Jeeves wat
Kafkaesque marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity: Kafkaesque bureaucracies.
@Jeeves only surpassed by Laravelesque
Doing well this morning?
> I am too stressed because of constants in program coding.
@pmmaga variables are relaxing
i can understand, they are more flexible.. :P
Just learned that a bank using cobol for their "mainframe" :D Any comments ?
get the big bucks
Isnt it like unnecessarily complicated ?
@user2102266 very common. also with insurances.
gud morning
"COBOL, comprising 65 percent of global computer code. " okey then
I'm trying to remove the file extension from the url. I've add in my .htaccess file this code:
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.+)\.php$ /$1 [R,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}.php -f
RewriteRule ^(.*?)/?$ /$1.php [NC,END]
the problem is that the extension is gone but it does not find the file associated with the page
@th3g3ntl3man no, the problem is that you are attempting to put routing code in the .htaccess
@tereško how do you advise me to fix it?
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^ index.php [L]
use this in your .htaccess and handle the rest in PHP
What code does this exactly do?
In PHP, what should I manage?
@th3g3ntl3man rewrites all calls to index.php, that do not have an existing directory or file
@th3g3ntl3man the fucking routing
Mar 2 at 11:03, by mega6382
Here's a thing I've never been too sure on. If I have a collection of template classes and they need to have names so they can be listed and picked from, should the name get attached to the class as a (static)? method, const, or put in some sort of registry elsewhere?
I was kind of shying away from a method because it takes the data to produce the template in its constructor, which means to get the name you need to provide data you might not have and definitely won't use on that page.
I would have preferred to move the parameter data into the method which produces the template, but then it would break the interface. Code is hard :x
@user2102266 you sound young.
> IBM z Systems are capable of handling 2.5 billion transactions per day.
/title only, not lyrics, are appropriate.
@Danack i never saw a amiga500. As a coder, i guess i am young. i remember jquery coming out though.
I think i was learning to count or maybe where to poop when amiga was around.
Oh amiga already passed 30. i am a bit younger
Funnily enough Amiga 500 was the first machine I wrote code for
nutsort dash order error – #76572
@Leigh BASIC? C?
First AmigaBASIC, then AMOS, then C
is wikipedia obscured also for you? all pages redirect to meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/European_Parliament_vote_in_2018
C is technically the first language I learned, but I didn't get to write anything in it. Then some form of BASIC, maybe RealBASIC?
@Wes nope
my php-memcache performance sucks when using binary_protocol and I don't know why... github.com/php-memcached-dev/php-memcached/issues/400
@Sjon The wait on the recvfrom makes it look like it's on the memcache side, no?
@Leigh I'm not sure actually. I've thrown a golang client at it and it was fast
wikipedia is blocked in italy in sign of protest aganst european copyright laws. wow
Also the first call was fast, hmm, pretty odd
@Sjon Dude, doesn't uniqid have an artifical wait in it?
Because it uses the timestamp as part of the id
hard code some keys and try again
@Leigh nah, my original testcases used flush + static-key and performance was the same
also - the issue originates in production with non-random keys. It seems significant that they don't exist btw
!!lxr uniqid
[ /ext/standard/uniqid.c#46 ] PHP_FUNCTION(uniqid)
Still not a good function to use in a performance test
you're right. I'll rewrite it
@Wes I think pornhub should do the same ... and they might have a bigger impact too
Good morning!
@StatikStasis morgen
@PeeHaa sounds like an illness. morningitis
It sure is :P
I usually have meetings Tuesday morning, but not this morning! :D
That reminds me I had one I needed to cancel.
I cannot understand how to take elemnet from xml
which tag is <acordes:Rating>
I create this way
$xmlDom = new \DOMDocument($xml);
and run $xmlDom->getElementsByTagName('acordes:Rating')
That's not how you create an instance..
Read the docs
and get array [lenght = 0]
looks like this way is in docs:
$xmlDom = new \DOMDocument();
but that did not change anything
Sure it does
You now have the instance you actually want
but I still cannot get the tag
So go find out what you did wrong there?
thats what I am doing now
but maybe you can help me
I already did
probably because you have to use the namespace: php.net/manual/en/domdocument.getelementsbytagnamens.php
Help yourself by reading the docs please
acordes:Rating is not the tag name, Rating is. acordes is the namespace AFAIK
I have tried $xmlDom->getElementsByTagNameNs('acordes', 'Rating')
Guessing API will fail either way
ok, tried $xmlDom->getElementsByTagNameNs('Rating', 'acordes')
@pmmaga Correct!
still same
You don't use acordes as the namespace
@Darius.V read the link I sent you above.. If you spend 10 seconds reading you'll get why that doesn't work
@Darius.V the last s should be capitalized in getElementsByTagNameNS
Look further up in your XML, there should be something like `xmlns:acordes="...."`
You use whatever is inside that attribute as the namespace part of that call.
@Tiffany - you mean this way? $xmlDom->getElementsByTagNameNs('Rating', 'acordeS') - does not work
@Darius.V no
read what I wrote
@Tiffany Doesn't matter as php is poop
@PeeHaa not case-sensitive?
@PeeHaa That came up today among the devs here and they had a good chuckle
function / methods are not case sensitive
oh, in function name. Yea, changed but it did not matter
@pmmaga acordes is the prefix registered to the namespace, not the namespace itself
@PaulCrovella yup, that's more correct
wow, this is impressive dedication to douchebaggery meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/370366/…
$xmlDom->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://gai.com/ITServices/XMLGroup/Schemas/ACORD_ES', 'Rating')

this shows length 3
but in the xmle there is more:
<acordes:RatingClassificationCd acordes:CodeListRef="REF_RATE_CLASS"/>
<acordes:PremiumCategoryCd acordes:CodeListRef="DirectCededAssumed Category"/>
Please don't ask every little thing you get stuck on
Put some effort in it. If you are truly stuck again feel free to ask
Note:I don't spesk from my role as a room owner and might not represent the room, but I feel like you people here are solving everything for you here while you don't put much effort in it yourself
@PaulCrovella Damn that is scummy
@PaulCrovella WOW...
ok, thank you for this. It just the time passes so fast and things not moving on, I am stuck with this like 1.5 hours probably
@Darius.V A whole hour and a half? That's like... an eternity.
for like 5 min work it is eternity
I get that. Everybody gets stuck sometimes (although 1.5 is nothing in the grand scheme of things). And I don't mean to put you off, just giving a heads up of how I personally perceive your last questions / issues
It's not your first time here and I believe you are not a help vampire hence the heads up
a.k.a. friendly reminder to do some research
@PeeHaa You still in Turkey?
atm I am in the Netherlands. Flying back to Turkey in +/-a week
Do you work in both regularly or doing a special project in Turkey?
@PeeHaa are you Turkish?
@StatikStasis I wouldn't cal her a special project :P
@rtheunissen Nope.Dutch
Oh! Didn't know she was from there.
@rtheunissen naah, he's most likely a gypsy
+/-? like you might be flying there a week ago?
@tereško psssstttwanna buy a laser pen?
You like dags?
@StatikStasis Yep. So I am just half living thereand working for my Dutch clients remotely
@PeeHaa cool, I'm Afrikaans so quite close. We were in Istanbul a few weeks ago, can't wait to go back again sometime.
@StatikStasis dawgs?
@rtheunissen South?
@StatikStasis lol
South.. Istanbul?
Great movie
I meant africa :P
Did you go for conf to ist btw?
Haha yeah, has to be.
@PaulCrovella it's funny, BoltClock said that issuing a seven day ban wouldn't matter since the last time the person was on the site was June 15th, but the person just asked a question a few minutes ago. I guess the he's getting suspended. I wonder how long it'll take before people start witch-hunting his new question.
Nah, as part of holiday.
Sorry for you :P
Next time ping me and we go to a nice beach instead :D
@Tiffany Seems there has already been a lot of serial downvoting... which ends up getting reversed some when the system recognizes it.
@Tiffany considering it's like the third time he's asked it (deleted the others as they were voted down), I'm guessing not long
wonder when the suspension will take effect, I'm assuming it's whenever a mod applies it
BTW @StatikStasis you still are going to write the chatbot?
For Slack? Still planning on it as soon as I can get away from doing all of my boring managerial work... =/
New fiscal year and have a fresh batch of new objectives I have to knock out first.
If you want to make it async using amp I can get you started
I will definitely reach out to you for some guidance.
@StatikStasis this is why I don't want to become a supervisor of any kind
@Tiffany It has its benefits. But sometimes I just want to sit and code without going to a meeting for a couple of weeks.
more pay, probably
More bullshit too
also, a bit more leeway on when you can leave, but that's about it, imo
@PeeHaa I want to take another look at Jeeves to try and fix the issue with canceling reminders.
I've got a slack bot kicking about using BotMan, it's not too bad
yeah looked at botman
But no async
Yeah, that is true
Have started a few lines of my own bot framework
But didn't go anywhere yet
@Tiffany Pay can be good. being salary can be nice. Some of the crap you have to deal with from time to time can get old- but it comes with the territory.
@PeeHaa will do. :D We have some friends on the east side but we stayed near sultanahmet mostly. instagram.com/p/BkGV9Xvn29C :D
@StatikStasis Ah right. Forgot about that one
Yes please
my bot framework: // slack isn't worth it
I really cannot find examples of how to go deeper in those xml namespaces. Can you give some good tutorial?
@rtheunissen Coolio
I am west currently (izmir), but not sure what the future brings yet
in the documentation only example is liek this:

foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagNameNS('http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude', '*') as $element) {
echo 'local name: ', $element->localName, ', prefix: ', $element->prefix, "\n";

but $element variable is not DOMDocument anymore, and no example how to go deeper
Well I know it will never be east :P
A tad off topic, but does anyone know what the connector parts are called seen in the pictures of this question? I've got a bunch of components with metal prong things and would love an actual part to connect them to wires.
Right now I just loop the wire around the hole in the middle of the prong but it's not great.
Yes. Yep. Definitely
Damn they're expensive. Oh 100 packs lol
Anyone know which API function the array union operator uses? It's not php_array_merge_or_replace_wrapper is it?
Those prices don't seem right to me
next part is to figure out why the pi quickly toggles the gpio high/low a bunch just after turning on the switch
no debouncer?
@PaulCrovella On fire, that's exactly what I was looking for. I'd forgotten the term, but now I realise why it's actually called that
Nevermind, found it in zend_operators.c
zend_hash_merge, right?
Yup, nice. :)
@rtheunissen Yea, apparently it's this
Yup that's the one. Why are you digging?
@PeeHaa A starred message in C# room
@rtheunissen Was trying to figure out if there was a difference between $a + $b and array_replace($a, $b) apparently they both lead to the same _zend_hash_merge
@StatikStasis Yeah saw it
The only apparent difference being that array_replace($a, $b) has the added overhead of a function call.
Is that the case @Sherif? Haven't looked at what array_replace calls.
Huh, TIL
It's bizarre that internally we call it a merge when really it's a union.
I guess the old saying "There are 2 hard problems in computer science: naming things, cache invalidation and off-by-one errors." really applies here
@Tiffany PHP invasion. =p
I've been in the C# a few times.
@StatikStasis I hope they answered "no"
I stay in there but do not talk near as much as here. I am working on a small program in C# for another sister company.
@PaulCrovella They have got tired of his crap too. =D
@StatikStasis I was learning C# for a few weeks, a couple months ago, had some questions... but now I'm back to working on my VPS, kinda stopped with C# for now.
well, "no" is the right answer no matter who asks... or what room
@PaulCrovella no
@PaulCrovella Can I ask a question about the PHP?
@PeeHaa This is painful to watch! But funny... =D
That woman had a super grip on that window. Dude could not even slide it open.
I like the persistence of both of them :D
Seriously! I'm proud of them for not resorting to physical threats and attacks.
@StatikStasis Her fingers were sticky from all the doughnuts
Oh dear Lord! It's still going...
I'd find something and stick it in the window jamb
@PeeHaa This comment killed me... "Ahh married life!"
Damn, couldn't they have just talked to each other like humans lmao
I was waiting for her to throw his hat out the window before closing it again
@Sean Russians
Videos ends... unresolved. I need to find closure. What happened? How much longer did this continue? Are there other seats available to move to?
in case somebody is interested I dropped DOMDocument and used SimpleXML and xpath for getting element this way:

Why on earth anyone would drop DOMDocument for SimpleXML, I'll never understand.
you'll notice it's never someone who knows wtf they're doing
because I like simplicity :)
I could not find normal examples with DOMDocument, but I think there was also xpath capability
so maybe could have done similarly
but did not see the benefit
and btw with json it feels much faster to do things, it looks much more simple. I do not get why xml is so complicated and why anybody use it
when I create something I always use json
I have watched tutorial and the coach said that insurance and banking likes xmls for some reasons
I'm guessing the answer is no (I can't see anything obvious), does anyone know a way to run separate test suites in isolation from each other. Not all tests in isolation, just two different suites (some shitty legacy tests appear to be modifying the env and it's going to be a big job to bisect and track it down)
@Leigh Not sure if there's a better way, but we run some tests separately in Amp using groups: github.com/amphp/amp/blob/master/.travis.yml#L42-L43
Yea I could probably do the same thing, invoke twice and specify the suite on the command line
how quickly does changes to a CSP take effect? i.e. I add a domain as an available src for img-src, when will I stop receiving reports about the violation?
@Tiffany it should be instant? Assuming the CSP is set per page, and not cached somewhere.
that's what I figured, but I'm still getting violations... about tempted to put a wildcard on our domain for img-src so it stops
I read through the policy in the violation, it's not using the updated version. I guess I'll check the log later today or next Monday and see if it stops.
@Tiffany Did you confirm your changes are actually live?
Log file is created with wrong permissions if deprecated configuration found – #76573
@PeeHaa not sure, but that rose a question based on what console is logging
You are not sure whether you checked the live version?
Or you ok?
sometimes, for a reason I haven't figured out, images from the CMS will get converted to "data:imageblahblahblahblahblah" and the image that's causing the violation may have had that happen
eeeew data urls
but in the violation log, it's reporting where the image is hosted on the web server
nope, I'm wrong, prod is not reporting the violation for the image, and the data:imageblahblahblah is something else
@NikiC git.php.net/… < hmm, in my last commit I decided to go with Classname->prop for instance properties and Classname::$prop for statics
(in the typed_ref_properties branch)
@bwoebi I think we use ::$ pretty much everywhere, but would have to double check
@NikiC May be well possible, Wasn't sure and just did what I felt best
@NikiC by the way, what exactly needs improvement when you write "Opcache needs some more changes."?
@bwoebi At least static prop handling is missing
@NikiC You mean using their type information?
for ASSIGN_STATIC_PROP_REF it may be important for correctness as well, not sure if the default behavior ends up being right there
Apart from that though I think the rest is handled. Though of course it would be nice to implement an optimization to not check the type during assignment if we know it matches. Not sure how to best to that on the side of the VM though.
@PeeHaa Didn't know that "A second is called a second because it is the 2nd division of the hour by 60, the 1st division being a minute."
@NikiC yea, the hot path is zend_std_write_property here
Ha! Fact Given on that same thread: "Once a sheep lies on its back it is physically unable to get back up" Reply: "Are you from Wales or New Zealand, by chance?"
@bwoebi not sure what you mean by that?
the type checks which are most expensive in overall time in an application probably are within zend_std_write_property and ZEND_ASSIGN_OBJ
My first thought would be that opcache sets a flag which prevents the property_info cache slot from being populated, even if there is a property type. Or rather just nulls it out afterwards.
Shouldn't be too hard, maybe I'll try that later
Can extensions hook into opcache, or utilize it in any way?
eg. ds
not really
Is it possible to use an internal generator for an object's iterator?
@rtheunissen Somewhat no
you can if you use a dummy generator with user opcodes dispatching to your internal code
And would that be any faster than an internal iterator? Asking because the ds classes all have iterators but they foreach slower than an array. Was wondering if a generator might make a difference here.
Array will always have an advantage here because it gets special treatment :p
@NikiC I was thinking about aliasing zend_property_type to zend_type_source and using that consequently whenever just passing the type forward without actually using zend_property_info->name/ce for future ... but I also guess it's better done in future when we actually happen to have other type sources
@bwoebi I don't understand
@NikiC zend_verify_ref_type_assignable_type/zval and ZEND_REF_FOREACH_TYPE_SOURCES do return the zend_property_info* type directly, I was wondering about calling them something else
@bwoebi I think it's fine to keep this for now
We can change it when we need to handle different sources
yeah I concur
I saw a blogpost/tweet recently about how some open source contributors take up more time of other contributors than they actually contribute. Anyway remember that and have a link?
@bwoebi I just realized that exts will not be able to use zpp t anyway due to bc
The ZEND_TRY_ASSIGN stuff is trivial to shim, but can't do that for zpp
class Test {
    public ?int $i = null;
    public ?string $s = null;

$test = new Test;
$test->i =& $test->s;
// TypeError: Property type ?int is not compatible with the reference held by property Test->s of type ?string
@bwoebi ^-- Shouldn't this code work now?
@NikiC no
Why not?
Isn't the value checked against each type now?
I didn't check the commit, maybe I should do that ^^
@bwoebi Basically, why do we need the logic of i_zend_verify_ref_assignable_type? Wouldn't it be enough (and more permissive) to check the actually contained value against the new type source? Such a value existing is proof of non-empty intersection.
Hello, lads! I'm stuck with naming an object and hope to find some help here. Anyone care to help me out?
@NikiC it should still exclude empty intersections
@bwoebi but the intersection isn't empty
It's just singleton
what's the value of a singleton type?
@bwoebi In this case, null
@NikiC Eih, I meant what the point is
ah lol
@bwoebi Not so sure if there's a particular value in it, I'm more interested in simplifying the mental model (and maybe implementation)
@NikiC Anyway, I want to prevent double casts
Not accepting null in this case adds extra rules on top of "must satisfy all property types"
so that it casts weakly to int and then to float
that would require quite some more logic
@bwoebi yeah I figured that's the reason :D
@NikiC And I think it's helpful to catch such obvious mistakes early as well
I've got this task list. A task is just a record in the database that is related to a list of users (m-m). Every task record has a type_id (m-1). A type has its own context and depending on that context it can have data important for that context. So what do I call that context?
Or TypeData.
Or even better, store them in separate tables, one per type, and use a join table to link the tow.
@Danack Thanks. The context is stored in different tables, one per context type. Then we just need to reach that data with a single getter method.

Something like this:
Typedata doesn't sound too bad.
> Then we just need to reach that data with a single getter method.
That sounds weird. Why do you need to have a single getter method?
The context might contain data important to only that type of data, but it implements an interface making it behave the same way for all context objects.
So $task->getTypeData() returns an object. The object implements an interface like all other typeData objects. That object has to provide 'getTaskLabel', 'getTaskSubject' and some other methods.
I need a gif for when I have a blog post already written - Stop trying to force interfaces
I'd be much more likely to implement that code like:
$task = getNextTask();

$taskHandlerList = [
  'type1' => 'handleType1',
  'type2' => 'handleType2',
  // ...

if (array_key_exists($taskHandlerList, get_class($task)) === false) {
    throw new \Exception('Unknown type');

$taskHandler = taskHandlerList[get_class($task)];
rather than trying to use an interface for types that are inherently different.
/I should also blog more frequently than php has releases....
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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