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@DaveRandom It's working!
Thanks a lot! I'll be reading the code later to understand it, really made my day.
Float with decimals Filter issue with Ca_fr locale – #76435
3 hours later…
When trying to create a stub $this->getMockBuilder(SomeClass::class)->getMock() I get " failed to open stream: Permission denied" what?
+ PHPUnit
give read write permissions
does creating a mock creates a physical file?
maybe a temporary file. it is required for debuggers, as debuggers can't browse through eval()ed code. they need actual physical files to function
I'm actually on windows. I rerun Phpstorm as administrator and still the same thing. Its probably a problem with the IDE.
do you have the debugger installed? so you can see exactly where it hangs
you mean doing a "debug test" instead of "run test"
Still shows failed to open stream: Permission denied and the line number is for ->getMock() method call.
that's not what it should do... you probably don't have the debugger set up
check if in php.ini you have all the permissions to write files
actually, try to use the default php.ini and see if it works
I've been obsessed with this cover singer lately
@Wes restarted PC and it worked :) I now see what the debugger does its pretty cool.
I was trying to do that earlier
I'm sad because I was getting such momentum with advancing PHP knowledge then I got a job where I don't use it much
lol. what are you doing now?
Web design/SEO, but not much PHP
posted on June 09, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I'm shit in writing logic :-|
@NikiC so you decided to always call __set() instead. hmm.
I honestly think it's the wrong approach, __set() should just be called when I try assigning a new reference. &__get() mean for me "I give you my reference with unrestricted write access here, do the fuck you want to"
It'd only make sense for me, if every write to the ref woukd trigger __set(), which it obviously doesn't.
if ( isset(x) && (isset(y) && y != true) ) {
    // do stuff
Please help, I've written a logic which is false when "y" isn't set. While I want this: if y is not set, then return true, if it is set and it is equal to true then return false. How can I fix this?
Ok I did it. Ignore what I said.
@NikiC But well, it is consistent with the current behavior that $a = new class { protected $b; function &__get($a) { return $this->b; } function __set($a, $b) { var_dump($a, $b); } }; $a->b = 2; also triggers __set(), which I disagree with, but fine.
So won't complain further though I think the whole behavior is bad.
trying to fix indirect modification whatever, bwoebi?
i see
congeries a collection of items or parts in one mass; assemblage; aggregation; heap: From the airplane the town resembled a congeries of tiny boxes.
HI guys

we just get some one else admin panel that work well. its developed by php cognito and we are try to move public_html path admin auth code to /admin then while we are try to add id passwrod and hit login button it said 404 error
i am not familier with php i just posted a question as my developer had issue of this
and i try to find that solution
please if any one can have hint regarding
some one said defoult path are root so that work from public_html but for set in side /folder we need to install "mod_rewrite" at server side
for .htacess file
does that right way?
any expert can help?
Morgens all
mysqli memory leak mysqli_fetch_object – #76436
class Test {
    public iterable $it;
    public array $ary = [];
$test = new Test;
$test->it =& $test->ary;
// Uncaught TypeError: Property and reference types iterable and array are not compatible
@bwoebi ^
'd-m-Y h(idea) A' ....wtaf
@Wes it actually is quite hilarious
it is so insanely wrong that it is hilarious
a premium quality shitpost
ehh .. and of course someone reported it as offensive ... reminds me of Carlin's "seven dirty words"
This is totally normal, in Royston Vasey https://twitter.com/NRA/status/1005239036817141760 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aus3szpa8nU
btw if anyone here hasn't watched The League of Gentlemen, and wants some really quite dark British 'comedy', then watching that is recommended.
dunno what royston vasey is
ok, will watch then
@NikiC Can we change that to "everytime you use references like this rasmus kills a kitten" please?
have you noticed how in other programming languages they have this kind of reverence towards the author(s) of it?
Besides python and c(++)?
ruby, haskell?
Sorry I meant to say: even js
yeah, even in JS they see their creator as a genius who made a miracle in 10 days
guys, can you please read that word? The quality is poor and I need to read the error in this feedback-screenshot
image uploading ..
i'm not sure why more references features are added/requested
@Wes because among the people who know C, there are a lot more reference abusers
@Wes ah ok thx
means cut off @Shafizadeh
@tereško :-) .. thank you buddy. that's right.
!!urban cut off
[ cut off ] when someone suddenly drives in front of u by changing lanes, endangering ur life and the lives of ppl around u. if u are ever cut off then it is ur duty to follow the laws of the road. 1) kill the mutha fucka b4 he kills someone else 2) run away, cause police r unfamiliar with the code 3) most importantly, u must cool down and remain calm. u cant shoot a gun with unsteady hands
^ look it up in the proper dictionary
urban is the right dictionary for getting yourself in trouble #gangbang
@tereško got it :-)
never gets old @Danack

class Foo {
    public int $bar = 42;

$bar = [];
$foo = new Foo;
$bar[0] =& $foo->bar;
// array_merge($bar); // toggle me
$bar[0] = "xyz";
@bwoebi ^-- classic
@Danack i am on the league already
@Wes Because of @Ocramius
ah that explains it
Good morning
that same guy complained that i don't put any space between "if" and "("
@Wes Well, that is indeed horrible
&$pff &${$your} &$code &++$style &$sucks++ &${$he} &$said
> $bar[0] =& $foo->bar;
@Wes this is not Perl
osmanthus oolong
I want to get a Nintendo Switch just so that I can get Disgaea 5.
meh .. looks cheap
I love the Disgaea games. Have since the first one.
@StatikStasis have you tried massive chalice ?
Did you ever play Makai Kingdom?
Ah- double fine.
Is it good?
so people say
you will be able to get it for cheap in about 2 weeks (it was on the sale last summer already)
Is that when the Steam Summer sale starts?
oh ok
has anyone watched "Cloak and Dagger" series already? Is it any good?
I have not.
The Flash season 4 just hit Netflix here... so far the writing has been horrible imo this year.
seems like this is not being done by CW
... and I stopped watching "Flash" after season 2
The cgi has been cringe worthy. Yeah it hasn't been as good since season 2. Season 1 was awesome. It's lost something since then.
then again, I have been ticking to books lately ... the "Expanse" books were awesome
Expanse books?
goodreads.com/series/56399-the-expanse (well, at least the main books - the "sidestories" have been crap)
also, Altered Carbon books are 100x better than the shitty series they made
Usually the books are.
How many games have been turned into movies and they were good... any?
someone should turn the Lost Fleet books in games
Never read them.
they are nice ... but I migth be only one who actually likes them
token_get_all with TOKEN_PARSE flag fails to recognise close tag – #76437
i wrote some css that can crash chrome ahahaha
* { position: relative; } ?
or was it IE
This reminds of Sim Tower, which was a fun game years ago. store.steampowered.com/app/588430/Fallout_Shelter
@tereško flexbox word wrapping. it was undecided between displaying a text string on two lines or just one. until it crashed
@StatikStasis just get Oxygen Not Included
I saw that title a second ago but did not click on it. Let me go check it out...
to wrap or not to wrap, that is the question
I need to play TaB again. I've not played since some of the recent patches.
Such an addictive game.
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun seems promising.
i thought you were a fan of pass by ref @Ocramius
not really, no
but anyway, no way to get rid of it for now
@Wes I wish we had out parameter semantics like c#
and true refs are then reserved for local hackery
like what?
dunno what's "parameter semantics like c#"
@Wes out parameter semantics
out is a keyword in c#
i only know how out works in generics... is that different in parameters?
@Wes I don't know of out in generics
in params it requires that the value is not read from and not written to beyond the lifetime of the callee
Foo<out T> means that T can be used only as return type
@Wes what's the point of that?
just curious, can't imagine a good use case it tries to prevent
interface Foo<out T>{ void baz(T compileError); } // fail
interface Foo<out T>{ T baz(); } // ok
@Wes yeah, what's the point? you're meant to know the public API of what you're using
it's for allowing more variance in type declarations
class Child : Super{}
List<Child> a = new ....;
List<Super> b = a;
the two types are normally ivariant, but if List is List<out T> then you can do that
because if T is used only as return type, you have no way of modifying a in such a way that it's not assignable to b
Ah, that sounds more interesting
c# generics are amazing
class Child extends Super{}

class Container<T>{ function set(T $obj){} function get(): T{} }

Container<Child> $c_cont = new Container<Child>();
$c_cont->set(new Child());
Child $c = $c_cont->get();

Container<Super> $s_cont = $c_cont; // rekt, because:
$s_cont->set(new Super()); // allows to set a Super where a Child should be
Super $s = $s_cont->get();
interface ReadOnlyContainer<out T>{ function get(): T{} }

ReadOnlyContainer<Child> $c_cont = ...;
Child $c = $c_cont->get();

ReadOnlyContainer<Super> $s_cont = $c_cont; // can do, because there is no way to set a Auper, as T is return/out-only
Super $s = $s_cont->get();
is this more clear? :B
<out T> means that you intend to use T **only** as return
<in T> means that you intend to use T **only** as parameter
if you give that info, you have more friendly type declarations (otherwise they are just invariant) and equally type safe
why wouldn't this work? 3v4l.org/XTiH6
3v4l.org/aiqSs this does work
cc @DaveRandom ^
@Danack @bwoebi either of you had time to test my jsfiddle for me by any chance?
hi all! I am new in Laravel. I have a problem with bootstrap. Jumbotron seems to work, but .well is not working... what should be wrong?
Watching some older videos today- this one is only 17 seconds and one of my favorites. youtube.com/watch?v=RvuNXblcK14?x
morns v2
Hey @mega6382
@PeeHaa what fiddle?
Can't remember being pinged with a fiddle by you
19 hours ago, by PeeHaa
@Danack @bwoebi could any of you tell me if the value is shown correctly on mac safari ? https://jsfiddle.net/vundkjg2/
What value does the input box render?
@PeeHaa 2018-05-24
k tnx <3
Oh wow... breaking news. North Korea is on the move: youtube.com/watch?v=QbC6dLG_dQY?x
the date attribute is ignored @PeeHaa
yeah safari does not do dates by the looks of it :(
@PeeHaa heard that changed with the current webkit builds
ugh k
@PeeHaa Is your degree in computer science?
@StatikStasis degree?
No degree?
I was good at doing bars and coffeeshops (the Dutch ones) but they didn't give me any official paper (besides rolling papers)
So how did you get into programming?
That also now you know how I ended up in php :P
@StatikStasis Basically started out working for a friend of my bro's as a mover
He also did transport and needed a planning platform so I coded that
@PeeHaa And today he's a WordPress mover
That was my first professional experience
He's single ladies!
lol @MadaraUchiha
@MadaraUchiha shuddup
I'm always interested in the paths people take to get into their fields.
You only do php?
@StatikStasis Basically I always had an interest into programming. Even before that first job
@Ekin You don't even have the right to speak to me until you've finished your Undertale run >:(((
Also, morning :D
@MadaraUchiha gawd, I knew this was coming
@StatikStasis Started out with basic thing on the c64 of my dad
@Ekin It's a wildcard, like "no u"
Probably VB after that
Only more specific to you
@PeeHaa I started learning HTML and Javascript when I was 11 on a WebTV Plus. Well... I forget I also learned BASIC a year before that on a Tandy.
:D yeah
One day, in 2024, you'll finish the run, then it would no longer be valid
But until then :D
@StatikStasis Did some basic c++ and some java too
And some python
I could actually start a run tonight after wrapping up all the work. I've been only playing pubg mobile lately
At the moment it's all going downhill and am currently looking at a react + larevil code base :(
I have barely picked up Python recently. I really got into C++ for a while but nothing with GUI; all console applications and storing in vectors- that sort of thing.
O_o I thought Laravel was like... a sin in here.
It is
At least the way everyone talks about it.
It sucks
It's fucking godawful
But the client is paying a nice sum of monies
ah- that makes sense.
I got into php because I was tired of the lack of needed systems we have at my current job. So I was on jury duty one week and picked up a book and learned it. Developed a system that we currently add things to all the time. It continues to grow. It's funny... most of the people at my work think I do some kind of "magic" - they are mystified by coding. I hang out in here and realize how much I have to learn ALL THE TIME.
php was a quick way to develop what we needed on the web.
Yeah php has this instant gratification thing which is reeeally nice
Listening to Joe, bwoebi, Dave, you, Niki- several others blows my mind.
@PeeHaa YES!
I started to do some GUI in C++... so much effort to just create a window with something in it. I started to get into Qt- but put it down before getting into php.
@StatikStasis PHP is perfect for these sort of thing
That's also the reason I started VB. Was so nice to drag and drop components and write stuff that did things
I am learning C# at the moment as well for a collaborative project with another company in California- hoping to integrate my system with their api to provide some of our sister companies with some useful tools.
It's nice that you can dick around in all different languages
It's sort of great working for a company that doesn't invest a lot in technology because you have a lot of areas of opportunity to be a linchpin of sorts.
Yeah sounds fun
@PeeHaa eh... the only problem is so far it has prevented me from really mastering any of them.
Working on it though.
@MadaraUchiha Madara- curious. Ever since that last incident with 10 f i v e- he was off for 3 days straight. He appeared yesterday but never said anything in any chat rooms... do you guys have something similar to shadow banning?
hmm- odd.
He might finally got the "hint" and found a doctor / shaman
... he's been doing this for years. Weird that all of a sudden now he would just stop.
@PeeHaa But you obviously got into php enough to help work on the internals of the language.
neh. I am just shouting opinions (and often wrong ones at that) and maybe do some simple fixes
@StatikStasis We're all just a bunch of people who have no idea and have sometimes seemingly clever ideas
@bwoebi Besides php, and I'm sure C- what other programming languages do you regularly use?
02-06-2018 04:58(5802Australia/Sydneypm) PM ... just when I think it cannot get any worse, wth
  function base64_url_encode($input) {
    return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/', '_-');

  function base64_url_decode($input, $flag = false) {
    return base64_decode(strtr($input, '_-', '+/'), $flag);
do you guys think that these methods are correct?
they seem to work
I need them to work with base64 url encoded things
from java
@StatikStasis well, regularly really PHP and C
@NikiC that was intentional back then, but you're right, we could loosen that and always check the type of the current reference if one exists when assigning
@NikiC and yeah, that's really because we're not unwrapping refs... That's not related to this patch though
@bwoebi I "fixed" that particular issue with github.com/php/php-src/commit/…
looks good
also reminded me of good o'le $a[0] = 1; $a[0] + ($a[0] = 2);
Depending on whether $a[0] is reference, this will be either 3 or 4
offtopic: any suggestions for easy-to-cook meals before I start googling?
Ever had Kale chips? Not a meal but a delicious side. =) @Tiffany
!!? kale chips
Search for "kale chips -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=kale+chips+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• 6 Tips for Flawless Kale Chips + All-Dressed Kale… - 12 mrt. 2014 - I've suffered through one too many batches of burned or soggy kale chips over the ye… (http://ohsheglows.com/2014/03/12/6-tips-for-flawless-kale-chips-all-dressed-kale-chips-recipe/)
• Baked Kale Chips Recipe - Allrecipes.com - Olive oil and seasoned salt are all you need to turn fresh kale leaves into delicious good-for-you… (https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/176957/baked-kale-chips/)
I think I have, they're alright
@NikiC sounds expected to me
I guess I'll add that to the list
@bwoebi does it?
sound like time travel to me ^^
Kale, olive oil, salt, I think you put them in oven at 350 for 7-8 minutes. They should be crunchy but not burnt.
@NikiC well we return variables, not values
For once, I'm trying to avoid buying frozen meals even though I hate cleaning up from cooking. I do want to eat a bit healthier, and frozen meals, at least the ones I buy, aren't that bad, but they still have some processed junk in them.
values are only obtained within operations
@DaveRandom How did you get the format? I can see that from the utmp.h file, the struct describes the format, right? but from where did you get allign => 'x2' and 'unused' => 'a20'. I assume that 'unused' is '__glibc_reserved[20]' but allign I can't seem to figure it out
Also, how did you end up with 384 in the const SIZE
@bwoebi That's what we're effectively doing, but does that make sense?
@Ekin the tl;dr is "don't use strtotime()" (which the DateTime ctor effectively is) unless you really don't know the format of the input, although also if you don't know the format of the input chances are you have bigger problems :-P It's very clever, I'm amazed it works as well as it does, but it should be treated as an absolute last resort because there are bugs in it, and also a bajillion edge cases that are inherently unresolvable due to the nature of how magical it is. My $0.02
@DaveRandom What about this
@Mehdi the alignment thing is the reason it took me an hour instead of 5 mins, and that's directly related the the 384 thing. The problem is that I listened to @JoeWatkins when he said this:
20 hours ago, by Joe Watkins
but you'll notice when you start digging, it actually isn't, the length of the struct defined in man pages is 400 bytes, but the length of the struct as defined by my libc is 384 ..
...and I didn't actually count it up myself
The length of the structure defined on that man page, in my utmp.h and your utmp.h (they all seem to match) is actually 382 bytes
@DaveRandom 3v4l.org/XX1pH
because of this, the structure is expanded by the compiler to 384 bytes, by inserting two padding bytes after the first short
(since a short only occupies 2 bytes)
all the rest of the members occupy multiples of 4 bytes so they are left intact
@Mehdi that's simply the sum of the sizes of all the members (including the aforementioned padding), I generally put stuff like that into named constants simply for readability, I hate magical numbers in the middle of code
@PeeHaa yes that is a bug and you should report it
oh wait, let me try something
try something
OK it is a bug, but I may actually already have a patch for it somewhere :-P
I worked up a patch for something seemingly unrelated ages ago but I thing this has the same root cause
What is the bug. Just the presence of () ?
moment let me do some digging
@PeeHaa no, just over-zealous input consumption
roughly akin to .+ vs .+? in regex
@PeeHaa OK it's not exactly what I thought but it is a similar problem, and the good news is that for this specific case you can actually work around it in userland 3v4l.org/aLGRD
the timezone parser is consuming additional ) chars for a reason that is not immediately obvious lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%40master/ext/date/lib/…
I will ask derick about it at some point, but not now :-P
btw @Mehdi you might find this of interest, although it's unfinished, very experimental and complete undocumented, but there's some stuff in the examples/ dir that will give you the general idea. The idea is a DSL that lets you create more descriptive definitions for data structure formats, and fills in some missing functionality - that said, I'm not sure it currently has a proper way to deal with the alignment padding without adding a dummy field.
@Ekin @PeeHaa just ftr, never DateTime, always DateTimeImmutable
I know that's annoying and unhelpful, I just can't help myself
function normalize_date(\DateTimeInterface $dt): \DateTimeImmutable
    return $dt instanceof \DateTime ? \DateTimeImmutable::createFromMutable($dt) : $dt;
^ at every API boundary
Nothing a little uopz can't get around
well tbh you are only creating problems for yourself, because I will be treating the datetimes you give me as immutable
/me has housework, laterz
is there any difference between checking json_last_error()
laters christophel
andd adding true to base64_decode() ?
wait wait I can't leave this
how are those two things in any way related @Aurelius?
@DaveRandom from the linked answer you gave me the added alignment (gap_a[3]) is 3 bytes right? so that char a + char gap_a is equal to 4 bytes or am I misunderstanding
@Mehdi specifically, the compiler will align structures in memory in such a way that it never loads part of a scalar field into a CPU register
i.e. when you have struct {short foo; int bar;} on a 32-bit CPU, it will pad the field foo to 4 bytes, so that it doesn't load foo and half of bar into a register
@DaveRandom lol sorry I have headache
you are right
      $response = json_decode($response);
      if(json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
        $response = null;
isn't this fine?
@Aurelius yes, that is the correct way to check for errors in decoding JSON data. However you really should use the lib I linked you
Or upgrade to php 7.3 :P
  function base64_url_encode($input) {
    return strtr(base64_encode($input), '+/', '_-');

  function base64_url_decode($input, $flag = false) {
    return base64_decode(strtr($input, '_-', '+/'), $flag);

do you guys think that these methods are correct?
they seem to work
I need them to work with base64 url encoded things
from java
because it wraps that logic up and throws exceptions with nice friendly, human-readable errors when json_decode fails
Okay thanks I will look into it
@Aurelius oh right, that's what that format was, I knew I have seen it before
@Aurelius yes they do look fine, although I prefer to use the array-style strtr(), it's more readable
i.e. pass ['_' => '+', '-' => '/'] instead of the two strings
right I really have to go do stuff, bbiab
@DaveRandom okay great!
is it always better to just open the php tag without closing it?
without ?>
I noticed many people do it
@Aurelius When you don't use PHP as a templating language and embed it inside HTML,
Yes, it's a good idea to omit the ?>, to prevent unwanted characters being added as output
(For example, spaces after the ?> might cause things like setting headers to fail.)
@MadaraUchiha thanks! And do I need to terminate the file with a new line or something?
@Aurelius This is considered best practice for a whole different reason
It makes git diffs slightly nicer.
sometimes I wonder if anyone listens to anything I say
or maybe I'm just a figment of someone's imagination
@MadaraUchiha iirc it's part of the very original posix spec
Do you guys hear a buzzing sound?
Like an annoying fly
I hear nothing but you
I'm gonna name him "Dave"
BTW @MadaraUchiha did you know the newline thing is based on the posix standard?
cc @Aurelius
@Aurelius the generally accepted best practice is: A PHP source file should either contain definition(s) or produce output, a "definition" file should not have a closing PHP tag, an "output" file can use closing tags where necessary, however typically an "output" file is a template, and typically in a template the last thing in file is not executable PHP code.
The biggest reason to omit the closing tag in a definition file is that it's easy to accidentally add trailing whitespace which will be sent to output, and that is probably the most common cause of the "Headers already sent..." error
More buzzing
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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