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@Aurelius you should probably ask this as a question on the site. The number of people who can answer this off the top of their head is pretty small.
@Danack ok thanks
I will be available to hire from 2nd July, full-time in/near Manchester or remote. #php
@DaveRandom ?
What happened?
@DaveRandom were you fired?
@Aurelius it's fundamentally a wrapper around this API, it can do anything that the openssl version PHP was built against can do, L6013-L6042 is the guts of it
@mega6382 A wizard is never fired, he leaves exactly when he means to
though that tends to coincide with when they stop getting paid.
Time to go on an adventure!
@PeeHaa tl;dr, the official line is "I am too expensive"
there is more to it than that, which I am not going to discuss in public, and don't have time to elaborate on rn
@DaveRandom okay I will look at it!
$sig = "Xu7jXS2kEQf4BMmMYL0dMuWTTo83hoVQkAoAQNjxD-fjwRt4d6Qo2unLE0yuhAVEsjEsZ91TqQ0yG5podpbTJrIGSiYGTK25FOYiTq1KYjXyzLzqMrNQCkVhbpiV0VJaVd8MZeiDFLxnCMXIogBNHpjimjmmvaRTskwJSb_crw65l5b6IULn0MvOiJIzklkOigP39d2rYrVzRK4u7C9ThcZWsx89RELVqG5wrTSdL-vHHzXns1ObQwjXD-N1fmKJ9Wg7QqUg9uFZQ5Qfbb516PriL0GF3Qyeon4qgC_aQBEKJjXXxvzb4e217ITpRyaDm-xwA7mRv2fiaRW65Pr8aw";

$pubkey = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
@DaveRandom A whole hearty Good Luck from me. <3 ;)
How come this gives "supplied key param cannot be coerced into a public key"
@Aurelius I have a vague recollection that maybe it doesn't like the -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- wrapper
not 100% on that though
@Aurelius actually this works for me, although does not verify the sig (returns 0)
Well anyway good luck @DaveRandom. I'm sure you will find a nice job
I hope so...
@DaveRandom what kind of job are you looking for anyway?
Wasn't magmadigital in mancity?
Don't think of Job, Think of owning companies :)
Much nicer to just work for a boss
@BasheerAhmedKharoti That's the last thing I want to be thinking about.
@PeeHaa isn't the solution to delegate management to someone else while yourself holding the whole ownership?
@PeeHaa Preston, which is a bit far for commute tbh
@bwoebi If that is how it works I am clearly doing it wrong :P
@DaveRandom k
it's not like a million miles away but people don't generally do that commute that way round
@DaveRandom Also maybe might want to ping @markbaker ? He is from around there I think?
he does all contracting I think
@PeeHaa Something that could make you more happy and earn you more when you work hard.
but yes I should talk to him probably
Never hurst to talk to him
@BasheerAhmedKharoti Why would it make you more happy?
It's more work, more hours, more paperwork, more chasing clients, more chasing payments
less money, mo' problems
Despite having more works, more hours but there is more satisfaction as well.
the less successful follow-up album
@PeeHaa Won't more money make you happy?
Depends on how much effort it takes
@BasheerAhmedKharoti do rich people seem inherently happier to you?
I'm happier than I was when I was poor
Does that count?
dunno, I can't count
@PeeHaa Those efforts for your own work will always be counted for yourself but rather for an organization
Sure. But that doesn't mean it's all sunshine and your farts suddenly smell like flowers
@BasheerAhmedKharoti and that matters how?
@PeeHaa ahahahh :D
@mega6382 That does matter. After spending half of your life for others and at the end what would you get?
@BasheerAhmedKharoti a lot of money?
@BasheerAhmedKharoti If you play your cards right and work hard and smart. Then in the end you'll be left with, knowledge, skills and a ton a money.
@BasheerAhmedKharoti You sound like one of those, pyramid schemers, trying to get people to leave their jobs and invest in the opportunity of a life time and become their own "boss".
I will be available to hire from 2nd July, full-time in/near Manchester (UK) or remote.
Not everyone can take risk neither everyone is born to be boss. It's all upto you.
sorry I hate pinned links
@DaveRandom (dev)ops or php?
I tried searching for a PHP book in our college's library database... so... um... what?
well whatever really
@Tiffany is that by @JoeWatkins?
whoever Andrew Harris is
I'm going to look at it
I'm not awful at devops, and I can pick up new languages in a week or two, so pretty much anything interesting :-P
@Tiffany When I see books like this, I think to myself "whats stopping me?"
@DaveRandom yeah, but rather interested in developing stuff or breaking prod?
I can easily write a bad book.
@DaveRandom what happens July 2nd?
I don't really know ruby or python but I'm fairly confident that if you give me 2 weeks I could write better code in both of them than a lot of people who work with them professionally, otoh I don't really like telling random people that because I feel like I come across as a dick
"lay offs," "position eliminated," "extended furlough"?
@Tiffany well my current job finishes on June 26th
July 2nd is the first monday after that
was it contracted?
hey guys. Was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction to make this string: {'LL1'=>'3', 'LL2'=>'2', 'LR1'=>'3', 'LR2'=>'2'} into a php array
58 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@PeeHaa tl;dr, the official line is "I am too expensive"
57 mins ago, by DaveRandom
there is more to it than that, which I am not going to discuss in public, and don't have time to elaborate on rn
@Jay $arr = ['LL1'=>'3', 'LL2'=>'2', 'LR1'=>'3', 'LR2'=>'2'];
@DaveRandom :(
its a string from excel
that sucks, I'm sorry. I hope you find something better to replace it. :)
meh, shit happens :-P
@Tiffany But its probably an opportunity too for him.
so basically this: {'LL1'=>'3', 'LL2'=>'2', 'LR1'=>'3', 'LR2'=>'2'} is a string that has come from an excel column which I need to make into an array variable @mega6382
@Jay Did you even know what PHP is ?
Did you ever work with PHP arrays?
@Jay how much control do you have over the data input?
But this is a string
its not actually php code sir
@BasheerAhmedKharoti your premise is wrong in this regard.
sound's like simple explode()
possibly, depends if the strings need to be interpollated
I've tried this: (array) $upper_mob = str_replace(array('{', '}'), array('[', ']'), '{'LL1'=>'3', 'LL2'=>'2', 'LR1'=>'3', 'LR2'=>'2'}');
you would have to eval it, and you probably don't want to do that
you probably need an actual parser
It's just for an import script thats only ran once
yes I need to keep it as a variable
@Jay oh, then $data = "{'LL1'=>'3', 'LL2'=>'2', 'LR1'=>'3', 'LR2'=>'2'}"; $arr = eval("return [" . \trim($data, '{}') . "];"); should be safe, as long as that really is true
is there a way @DaveRandom to get this into a variable so I can foreach it?
DO NOT eval() things that you are not 100% certain are safe
@DaveRandom just earn them more money, as easy as that :-P
Thank you so much @DaveRandom
Also thanks @BasheerAhmedKharoti for not knowing
@Jay If you are certain that the format will always be like this, then try 3v4l.org/HRBqP
@Jay :/ he tried to help
Can alway rely on @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom you should have recommended replacing the => by : and json_decode()'ing it
better than not trying
like me
@Tiffany he was being rude
@bwoebi considered that, but single quotes
and string interpollation
@bwoebi that's what I did.
@mega6382 thanks too
@DaveRandom replace those too.
it's probably safer to just assume they are valid PHP strings
@Jay ah, fair, scrolled up in chat
@mega6382 yeh but there's potentially 'foo\'bar'
and if you just replace every single quote, it also mangles that data
@DaveRandom Yes, i guess.
which means you start needing to lex the strings
so just letting PHP do it is probably saner
otoh, having that data as a string in an excel file is already pretty not-sane
so ymmv
cherry is making slim switches, looks like they can be used for laptop keyboards
mechanical keyboard in a laptop, :)~
@Jay I got your question in a wrong sense. :(
Is it me you are looking for?
Yo @StatikStasis
Off work today so getting up late... well 8:43am. Not too late. =p
That's still middle of the night
@StatikStasis I usually get up at 12 PM, so I don't wtf you are talking about...
I've got some stuff I want to try to get done around the house. I feel bad if my wife comes home when I've been off and says what did you do today and I say "ummmm... nothing."
I don't feel bad during the day. It when she comes home I start too.
@DaveRandom preg_replace('((?:[^=>"]*(?:"(?:[^\\\\"]+|\\\\\\\|\\\\")*+")?+)+=>)', ':', preg_replace_callback("('((?:[^']++|\\\\')++)')", function($m) { return '"'.preg_replace(["((?=[^\\\\](?:\\\\\\\\)+)\\\\')", '(")'], ["'", '\\"'], $m[1]).'"'; }, $input)); - yeah it gets ugly
@DaveRandom Dave- so sorry man. Hope you find something quick making more, closer to home, or is in someway better than the previous job.
@bwoebi wth :P
Within regexes I sadly cannot instruct it to mutate specific capturing groups inline
but a whole regex always has only one replacement
@DaveRandom We're you blindsided or somewhat expected at all?
@PeeHaa no love for escaped backslashes?
No. Love is not the word I would use :P
also: I missed one backslash, there are only 7 where should be 8 …
1 hour ago, by DaveRandom
there is more to it than that, which I am not going to discuss in public, and don't have time to elaborate on rn
There's a regex for everything, it won't be necessarily nice though
I scream, but its still the kind of code, that I would write.
@mega6382 I would not write that code for real
really just wrote it to see how ugly it would get
I would never put it in production, but I would always at least try an approach like this.
I already seem to be intuitively using possessive quantifiers where it'll drastically improve runtime of the regex :-D
I would just request better source data instead :P
I've noticed that GCP SQL is very slow when you have complex queries. Queries run in my local environment 10 times faster than on the GCP SQL instance tho my computer is not that strong.Did you experience something like this?
@bwoebi yeh that's exactly what I was avoiding :-P
@StatikStasis no it came up a couple of weeks ago, just wasn't sure on exactly how it would pan out til today
@Danack i saw your memtrigger extension a long time ago and finally could deploy a developer on using the mm hooks in php7 to fit it into the xhprof datastructure as an experiment to find out if its useful: tideways.com/profiler/blog/… - thanks for the inspiriation :-)
not sure if php or html related anyways... Ive got a .htacces / .htpasswd verification running on my files, and changed hosts today. Replaced the complete path to the new right path to my .htpasswd file. But now $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'] is returning NULL (no value). Anyone have a clue?
^ the only change to this new host was a new sql server
I presume that "don't use .htaccess or .htpasswd" wouldn't be considered helpful?
not my idea to use .htacces, my college loves it
i have to deal with it
@DaveRandom That always sucks, man. I'm only 36 but every time I have ever transitioned between jobs I've made the best of it by realizing it's giving me an opportunity to do something else. Change sucks but most of the time it forces me to do something I wouldn't have explored had I not been forced to.
@Tomm it's going to be related to differences in httpd.conf, I'm guessing
I have no clue how to find that on a host
lets hit google
@beberlei np dude. For the record, I was pretty much off my face on pain and painkillers when I wrote that. Glad it's useful at least.
Wow- I missed a whole discussion on gaming and censorship this morning. I definitely don't like games to be censored. I remember when GTA III was being developed and you were supposed to be able to fly planes then 9-11 happened. They modified it so you could not fly them at all really and could not hit buildings... I was aggravated.
I didn't want to be a terrorist but while I was stealing cars and running from the cops in a game... I wanted to fly some virtual planes into vehicles. It's a video game.
@DaveRandom the interesting thing is, that the login is working ( so it does verificate the users ) but the $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'] function is returning NULL
i forgot to mention that
@Tomm null or simply not defined?
I've never actually seen the REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER before btw
im a donkey
if I had to guess, it's because the previous configuration generated an internal redirect, but the new one doesn't
im sorry for the troubles
in general I suspect you want code that does $user = $_SERVER['REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER'] ?? $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'];
i.e. use REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER if it's there, fall back to REMOTE_USER if not
but yeh, I don't see a scenario in which they would differ anyway
me neither but remote_user works i guess
sorry for the trouble ;p
still, the best solution IMO would be pretend you are trying to fix it for 4 hrs, claim you can't and use it as an argument to use a better authentication system
I already designed a new application using the laravel framework
just trying to get my boss to hate this way of working
so i can shove him a full made project
and get some + points
@Tomm you probably should not have said that here. :P
u guys dont support laravel ?
i agree laravel isnt really php
but its somewhat secure* and its very structured
@Tomm Oh, its php alright. Its just not that good of a representation of it.
fyi the old app im trying to get rid of isnt even object oriented
Dec 5 '17 at 11:49, by Ocramius
@mega6382 Laravel is ZendFramework 1 implemented on top of Symfony components
i shat my pants when i first came here and saw these files
Feb 10 '17 at 11:53, by Paul Crovella
Sir Joe, Lord of Watkins,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy code has come.
Thy tests be done
in PHP as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our code review,
and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from laravel.
That one is the best
This is the prayer we say daily, when we arrive at this room.
read it, loved it
I'm speculating/hypothesizing, and I'm assuming I can use regex in SQL.
Could I write an SQL query that would find all URLs inside of href attributes from <a> tags, and match them to paths that exist in a column in a database table?
@Tiffany you can use regex in sql, but it is not PCRE
And the regex in sql sucks, really really sucks
@bwoebi ZEND_FETCH_REF should be moved down to (1<<0) to be safe
You'd need a lot of cache slots to collide right now, but low bits are guaranteed safe ^^
@mega6382 damn... wanted to find a way to get rid of one of the services we pay for :P
My brain was going in a direction I thought might be possible, but wasn't sure
@NikiC will do
@Tiffany the HTML for the href attributes would exist in the database as well, forgot to mention (and can't edit my original message)
@Tiffany With a bit of googling, I found this github.com/mysqludf/lib_mysqludf_preg#readme might be of some help, not really sure though.
@NikiC by the way, have a look at Zend/tests/type_declarations/typed_properties_061.phpt - this test is responsible for overload testing with binary ops and ++/-- (it passes)
@Tiffany Also, I found out that As of 10.0.5 MariaDB supports PCRE. So, if you are using MariaDB you are in luck.
maybe at some point
probably not able to justify the time it would take me to spin up a linux box, move the mysql database to the box and use that library compared to what we pay already, cause there would be a bit of a learning curve for me to do that.
.. or use dbms for storing properly-related stuff ..
at this point, I'm going to be bandaiding this codebase as needed because we will be switching to a better CMS platform in a year or so
"we" or "they" :D
there will be a few classes I'll need to refactor and integrate into the new platform
@tereško hopefully "they," but until I find something else, "we"
afk brb
@Tiffany sigh
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ ./sapi/cli/php Zend/tests/anon/004.php
Segmentation fault: 11
Bobs-MacBook-Pro-2:php-src-X bob$ lldb ./sapi/cli/php Zend/tests/anon/004.php
(lldb) target create "./sapi/cli/php"
Current executable set to './sapi/cli/php' (x86_64).
(lldb) settings set -- target.run-args  "Zend/tests/anon/004.php"
(lldb) r
Process 5895 launched: './sapi/cli/php' (x86_64)
Process 5895 exited with status = 0 (0x00000000)
I feel trolled
It's about time, we've been trolling you for years
@bwoebi the OSX allocators are broken. obv.
ty for that picture @tereško
saving that haha
String sig = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(sign.sign());
echo openssl_verify("sig", base64_decode($sig), $pubkey);
is it correct to verify the signature like this?
signature coming from java
from the first two lines
then with php verify it like that
does java's "sig".getBytes() guarantee encoding?
also, is that how you generated the data you posted earlier?
because the data you posted earlier wasn't base64, at least not the same form of base64 that PHP understands
it seems to use - and _ instead of + and /
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----
$sig = "ei+H9A9x+SvvDNbO0nKeNa1iPK7xD9tcUZkZ6ZxWgnmKy/lqXqhkbjPM4LdnVgMerNwPx57TRZ6ktTax5tppVFTxhHT0HQhgw0Ag/Bk8fO8B4c2XqDco5OHI1qflWU4R2pwcUaua2bKYYHER3S9wkQyidnxfFYildDhtQkgr+/o=";

$pubkey = "MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQC07sHrzTste4Owtihsio07phzjDGf3O/L39uPqNP7/9pXkDKq2tRJm2A2hs86DtlEfkK4n/7CJj3rQc+UhWvDfJi0zfpscW1qUpXx8QOowzrGnh77ltc9TOhPWmJHtVEdOD7YW66oNDqh0KNFja81OA8rFWdVRrV880RkB+3pWLwIDAQAB";
now I am using this
I've fixed the error about the public key
by creating a function that converts bas64 to pem on the server
and I've removed the options urlEncoder and without padding
on the java bas64 encoder
which was using the other symbols you mentioned I guess
@PeeHaa session rfc
@DaveRandom sign.update("sig".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); I have tried this as well
and yes I've generated the earlier data like that but with the older options on the java encoders
What algorithm did you use at the java end?
i.e. what is the type of sign and how did you initialise it?
KeyPairGenerator generator = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
KeyPair keyPair = generator.generateKeyPair();
PublicKey publicKey = keyPair.getPublic();

PrivateKey privateKey = keyPair.getPrivate();
Signature sign = Signature.getInstance("SHA256withRSA");
using this because I was not sure if EC is supported and if so which curves, so I thought I would at least begin with RSA
only takes strings as first parameter, I can't pass a byte array like in java
you didn't tell PHP which algorithm to use
Q: use PHP openssl_verify() function to verify Signature and data created by Android Client APP

shanwuI read about post on openssl_verify() I would like to ask some questions which relates to openssl_verify(). Because my PHP code fails to verify signature created from Java... For server side, here's my PHP code <?php $data =$_POST['data']; $signature=$_POST['sig']; $pub_key=$_POST['pubkey']; ...

@DaveRandom thank you so much, it works now
I hope it was useful to you as well
Do you need the function to convert from base64 to pem on the server correctly?
no it seems to just work with the PEM key
I think there's a way to make it read raw DER as well but I can't seem to make that work
what kind of sintax is this?
$data = <<<'DATA'
it's called "nowdoc"
it's the same as "heredoc" except it's not interpolated
!!docs heredoc
2 messages moved to Trash
!!docs strings
A string is series of characters, where a character is the same as a byte.
that's right page, needz moar aliases
thanks I will look for it on the internet
so it looks like that is important the signature algorithm rather that the actual keys
@Jeeves it's false for UTF
!!docs nowdoc
Nowdoc syntax can be used to express multi-line literal strings cleanly in source code
good boy
int openssl_verify ( string $data , string $signature , mixed $pub_key_id [, mixed $signature_alg = OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA1 ] )
doesn't this imply that the constant you suggest is the default?
that's not the constant I used
the point is that the default value was not the one you wanted...
isn't SHA1 = SHA256
the clue is the fact that they are different names
lol okay
I think SHA256 and SHA-2 are the same thing (maybe?)
Guy calls us to apply for a PHP backend job. Mentions in the phone interview that he thinks PHP is unsuitable for large applications and not secure. His answer when asked what he would use instead: JavaScript
I am confusing sha1 with sha2
SHA-2 (Secure Hash Algorithm 2) is a set of cryptographic hash functions designed by the United States National Security Agency (NSA). They are built using the Merkle–Damgård structure, from a one-way compression function itself built using the Davies-Meyer structure from a (classified) specialized block cipher. Cryptographic hash functions are mathematical operations run on digital data; by comparing the computed "hash" (the output from execution of the algorithm) to a known and expected hash value, a person can determine the data's integrity. For example, computing the hash of a downloaded file...
there's a few different algos that fall under the umbrella of sha2
sha256 is one of them
@DaveRandom Not interested in moving to Switzerland? :(
I might be if I didn't have a primary school-age child
it's not really fair to just move a child to a different country with no warning
same goes for trivago in majorca, otherwise I'd be straight on that shit
There are good english speaking schools here. But I get it, you don't want the kid to lose his/her social circle
if I were going to move I'd probably want to send him to a <native language of country> school anyway
the english are already shit enough at interacting with foreigners without compounding the problem with voluntary ghettos
regardless, it's not really a viable option atm
I can check about remote, but I don't think they like 100% remote (I do 50% remote)
And not speaking German might be an issue
yeh my german skills are pretty rudimentary
certainly spoken/written is basically non-existent
I've wanted to move back to my motherland, Ireland.
Plus my wife hates snakes so that part sounds appealing to her.
I think they still have the same sort of snakes in eire that we have in the UK
although I think I've seen maybe 3 wild snakes in my entire life
I thought Ireland did not have any snakes? popsci.com/why-doesnt-ireland-have-snakes#page-2 @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom do you think it would be possible to use this github.com/signalapp/curve25519-java to produce the public keys and signatures with java and use php to verify them like we just did?
I've seen a lot of snakes here; a few times a year. Mainly copperheads although we do have Eastern Diamondbacks, Water Mocs/Cottonmouth, and Coral snakes as far as venomous snakes go.
@StatikStasis oddly enough I don't think the story of St Patrick is a rigorous scientific write-up of events that occurred under controlled conditions
generally though, the UK/Ireland doesn't do unpleasant wildlife
we don't have any dangerous spiders or snakes, nothing wants to eat you, nothing is malevolently poisonous
Well that is a fable, but the part about the Ice Age, frigid waters, and lack of fossils seems to prove it's not had any nor do they have them now according to the articles I've read.
@DaveRandom Australia drew the short straw on all of that.
Not to mention some of the plants - like the one that makes you want to die.
@Aurelius the short answer is "I dunno"
!!? Curve25519 php
Search for "Curve25519 php -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=Curve25519+php+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• GitHub - mgp25/curve25519-php: Curve25519 extensi… - GitHub is where people build software. More than 27 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, an… (https://github.com/mgp25/curve25519-php)
• GitHub - lt/PHP-Curve25519: Pure PHP implementati… - README.md. Curve25519 in PHP. This is a pure PHP implementation of the Curve25519 Diffie-Hellman fu… (https://github.com/lt/PHP-Curve25519)
that seems to turn up a few things
thanks, don't worry
I've been trying all these libraries
I don't really know what I'm doing with that stuff, I only know how to read docs/source to understand how to invoke the openssl functions so that they do what they say in the docs
but there's just one which is good
and I can't use it because it is an extension
I was thinking to use the openssl verify to avoid the need of having to use a library
to verify signature made with that curve
If I was going to do anything like that I would start by seeing if I could get Scott to offer some opinions, most likely in exchange for money
He knows what he is talking about, and this is the sort of thing where you should definitely get advice from someone who knows what they are talking about, and you should be prepared to pay them for their time
alternatively you go fully FOSS, and then maybe people who know what they are talking about will contribute
okay thanks
at least the rsa version now works and since uses only very standard functions shouldn't have problems
it is an open source project
and free
@Aurelius note also this:
39 mins ago, by DaveRandom
anything returned by that you should be able to pass to the $algo arg of openssl_verify
you don't have to use one of the constants, and some of those strings may be more descriptive in source
you sent nowdoc
oh lol
no worries
49 mins ago, by DaveRandom
@Aurelius http://php.net/manual/en/function.openssl-get-md-methods.php
that's what I mean
also that function can be used to verify that the openssl build in the current env actually supports the algo you are expecting to use
bearing in mind that this stuff is typically not limited by PHP itself, rather by the openssl that PHP was built against
okay, but I couldn't find the one you used
which is this sha256WithRSAEncryption I guess
but with another name
that's the thing, the constants only describe a limited amount of functionality
openssl itself may support a lot more in a given env
tbh the openssl extension in PHP is 1) not very well implemented 2) even worsely documented
inb4 yes worsely is totally a word shut up

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