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@NikiC There's so much cruft in PHP and nobody wants to do the tedious task of passing things through internals … and it sort of works, why improve it
@DaveRandom not sure whether it's the security critical part or that the openssl stream integration is just gross
I still say you should fork PHP and start your own. Call it Dave Random Internet Programming. Nobody will disparage DRIP like they do PHP
@tereško @PeeHaa i am writing a pure php "twig alternative", i'd like your 2 cents on something. would it be wrong to "inject" the View in the template, rather than passing sparse data? say the view has this method $view->foo(); why is $template->render(["foo", $view->foo()]); better than $template->render(["view", $view]); ? (sorry for double ping)
Microsoft are now the first company to actually pay for anything on GitHub.
@Wes both seem wrong. The template(s) should be rendered by the view in order to compose a response. The methods, that are part of said view, should not have any relevance to the template's internal workings.
basically, the template should not have any awareness of the view's existence, same way as a mapper is not aware that a service exists
return new ResponseWhatever(200, $this->renderer->render("name.php", ["view" => $this]));
@NikiC Hopefully fibers renews interest in the language.
@tereško hum, but why?
i see no downside in doing that
you would destroy the reusability
the template for main navigation should not have dependencies on the methods, that have been defined in any of your views
@Trowski What's the current state there?
why do you think you need access to the view from inside of a template? What problem is that solving, @Wes ?
@NikiC There's a PR using native fibers that has portability issues, but it's a good start as it will work on most systems.
@NikiC The current state is that we cannot really decide on whether we need support for stack saving on the C side … also as Aaron says, portability
(I obviously am opposed to not requiring stack support)
@bwoebi That does not sound like a hard decision to me...
the problem is that i have to write the variables that i want to pass to the template one by one @tereško the time i spend on that particular task is a lot. if i had access to the view in the template everything would be much simpler
@bwoebi I think there's only one person against stack support.
@NikiC the problem is the portability, given it does ucontext magic (or the windows equivalent CreateFiberEX)
Also the scope of the implementation
with the view i wouldn't expose anything that is not passed to the templates already
Dmitry said he'd like to see fibers in 7.3 and wait for native event loops until PHP 8
@bwoebi Gotta hurry then
@Wes sounds like you have actually made up your mind to try - I will not stop you. Only warn you that this will come back to bite you :P
you should look at it as opportunity for personal growth
@NikiC yeah dunno … shall I take the RFC over myself, include the stack support branch, polish a bit / look after perf and just put it on internals and give it a quick vote a few weeks later?
Hey Guys :)
I somewhat feel like there's no person other than me who is really suited for that task
Also humble
@bwoebi mensa people problems eh :P
I think Dmitry or Nikita could do the technical part, but I'm the one who's invested in that and knowing the internals part good enough to improve it
@bwoebi Yes :-D
I don't see it moving forward otherwise.
@Trowski That's why I'm asking
I don't really want to steal the RFC from the current owner, but I'd like moving forward as well
@bwoebi Can't you just contact them?
@PeeHaa I could, but he seems to be pushing for the stackless version (my impression)
@bwoebi Yes, we've spoke with him several times on that point and he seems set on the stackless version.
What is his reasoning and why can't you persuade him? :)
So you wouldn't so much be stealing the RFC as offering an alternative.
@PeeHaa The stack implementation is more complicated and not as portable.
@Trowski yeah
But the stack version works in all cases (i.e. internal calls), can be improved in time. I also think the portability issue is really a non-issue since it would work on all common systems (from what I understand at least).
I know of a few tweaks which could give the stackful version a non negligible perf boost
@Trowski I've heard that PHP is also used on embedded systems
and I have no idea on the support over there
@bwoebi Then apply them and put together an RFC. I'd be happy to help in any way possible.
@Trowski I'll need to implement, bench and rethink though … I have a bit of spare time currently though
so looks like this is what I'll be doing
I'm lacking on internals knowledge so I won't be much help there, but I can certainly help with testing and RFC writing.
The existing PR works well with green-thread and the fiber branch of byte-stream.
@Trowski thanks for the offer, will definitely discuss with you then
WTB Crash Course in C, then crash course in php core. :V
@bwoebi Ping @kelunik since I know you want to see this feature as well.
Evening room
@bwoebi The stackless version is pretty much broken unless we fix the few internal calls at least to allow reflection etc.
@Trowski Fibers and slowly moving internal calls to be transparently async would bring PHP async > JS async. /cc @NikiC
might as well go with the original
@kelunik Exactly. I should have a good amount of free time in the next month, so let's put something together for 7.3.
@Trowski For 7.3 even? That'd be cool.
@kelunik @bwoebi was hoping to. I think we have time if we get the RFC to voting in a couple weeks.
@JoeWatkins So...you strip all the comments and stuff, then Zend converts the syntax into bytecodes. Those bytecodes are assigned to some spot on the AST. The bytecode does not contain the actual value unless it's a const, but does store type of the variables involved in the calculation, and what calculation is going to be done on those variables.
Kind of acting like a reservation, or a reference even.
Then as the AST is traversed that reservation/reference is populated with a value and when it's the bytecode's turn, it is executed.

Is that right?
@bwoebi forget about openssl, I don't understand the kitchen-sick set_option() API for streams in general, it's so insanely unreadable. But there's another element of how I think it could be improved by having a generic "SSL" stream type which relays all the ops to a sane API with a pluggable back-end
And because of that strategy, you can cache the bytecode and still have different values. You just save yourself the time of compiling for no reason again.
@Allenph afaik the AST id not aware of the resulting ops (bytecodes) or vice versa, the AST structure itself is destroyed after the op arrays have been built, the opcodes alone are sufficient information to execute the program and are thus cacheable on their own, the AST is only a data structure that describes the source code
this is firmly in the "shit I only vaguely understand" zone, though
I don't understand the function of the AST then.
But I see how you could just compile it down to an array of opcodes.
And abandon the AST. What the function of the AST is then, I don't know.
Plus every variable that is not a constant is going to originate from the superglobals if I'm thinking about this the correct way. How does that bit work?
@Allenph it's an intermediate step between the lexer (a flat stream of tokens) and the compiler, a data structure that describes the semantics of how the tokens relate to each other, with superfluous information removed, as very simple example the $ sigil is stripped from var refs so the AST carries only the name
What benefit does that have @DaveRandom?
Seems that you're removing the syntax just to create another syntax which needs to be translated to bytecode.
Why wouldn't you just do it directly?
in a soundbite, separation of concerns
where the concerns are 1) read the file and turn the contents into tokens 2) turn the tokens into a semantically meaningful data structure 3) turn the data structure into an efficiently executable form
you could execute the AST structure directly, but this way you can e.g. run analysis on the AST during compilation and eliminate dead code
you could also combine the lex/parse steps, but then you end up with messy code that has to both understand the tokens and generate the data structure, and also you end up coupled to the data structure
What are these tokens you're talking about?
by separating them you make it easier to swap out any one of those steps for a different implementation
@Allenph $var is a token, function_name is a token, = is a token, it's the smallest unit of code element (as it were)
( is a token, ) is a token, etc
it is literally just a construct which groups related bytes together
it doesn't make sense to have $, v, a, r as separate things you need to process during the parse phase
Ahhhh. That last sentence made it click I think.
You decide what the meaningful structures in the syntax ARE, then build a tree to represent their interactions.
Then you turn those interactions into bytecodes, in order in the oparray.
@Allenph yes, and because of the separation you can swap out the AST for a different representation, or you can pass the AST into a different compiler impl, or... etc etc, although afaik that's secondary to simple fact that keeping them separate makes it easier to reason about
25 mins ago, by DaveRandom
this is firmly in the "shit I only vaguely understand" zone, though
disclaimer ^ :-P
Vaguely understanding is better than not understanding.
I was going to point you at github.com/DaveRandom/phphuck but looking at it I realise I never actually got round to separating parse/compile so it's actually a terrible example :-P
So what actually reads the files and figures out the superglobals?
@Allenph what do you mean by "figures out the superglobals"?
@DaveRandom Rofl. You really just narrowly escaped the filters, huh?
@DaveRandom Seems that there must be some kind of bootstrap.
@Allenph that stuff is run-time (all that we were discussing there is compile-time), it's dealt with by the SAPI
Something that reads the files. Something that reads the superglobals and deposits some kind of rudimentary bytecode at the beginning of the op array that contains all the available information that PHP provides...IE the superglobals.
@DaveRandom Never heard of SAPI. Googling.
@Allenph The superglobals aren't represented by bytecodes, the bytecodes simply describe the operation in terms of "use the value from this named variable", the actual values themselves are in-memory run-time data structures
But there must be something else because sometimes there are structures in the code that are not known about until the bytecode is executed.
Like autoloading classes for example.
@Allenph in terms of PHP it is "Server API"
e.g. we talk of the "CLI SAPI" which is the logic that wraps the engine into a CLI binary, php-fpm is a SAPI that wraps the engine into an fcgi daemon, apache mod_php is another SAPI
I suppose you might describe it as a translator between the logic of the core language and the program that invoked it
@DaveRandom Somehow somewhere the memory address of the superglobals must be in the bytecode.
@Allenph no, just the name of the variable, which is looked up in a hashtable
So bytecode does not talk about memory adresses, only variable names and types.
Something interesting is being discussed here, in a very boring way. :P
yes, because apart from anything else there's no way you can know ahead of time the actual memory addresses that the OS is going to give you
Jon Skeet can
@DaveRandom What generates this hash table. The SAPI?
What is actually running the op array?
the "engine"
Is there a visual diagram somewhere of this?
@DaveRandom zend engine?
@Allenph Yes. For example the global variable scope is represented by a hashtable, which is initialised during the "request init" to be empty, the SAPI then will put certain things in it from the data it has available (superglobals being a good example)
I was going to go with, "remind me, how many dimensions do your human eyes see again?".
seriously though, Nikita and Joe and Bob are the best people to talk to about this stuff, certainly they will have a cache of good "further reading" material
@Danack I can open my third eye if you just wait a second for me to get my crystals.
@DaveRandom "request init" is going to be something done by the SAPI consumer though.
Like Apache or the CLI, right?
@Allenph while the parse/compile stuff is a bit of a mess, github.com/DaveRandom/phphuck/blob/master/src/Interpreter.php is pretty clean in terms of showing the separation between the compiled bytecodes and a run-time value store
brainfuck has a 256-byte heap, represented by the $data property, but the manipulation of it described by the bytecodes without coupling it to any actual values
It's brainfucking me pretty hard right now. I have to stare at this for a minute.
@Allenph it's insane as a language to read, but it's incredibly simple so it's not terrible as a way to understand how an interpreted language is implemented.
I wrote all the code in that repo based entirely of the description of the language on wikipedia
also there's a plentiful supply of example brainfuck programs on the internet with the expected output, so it's easy to test your implementation
I would not recommend learning from my impl, however I would highly recommend starting from scratch and writing your own, because it's not that complicated and you will leanr a lot
it's quite simple to write a bf interpreter that executes each op directly as it is read from the file, so maybe do that first, then start to see if you can optimise the way you execute it, which is when you start to need multiple phases
The way to learn internals is to write my own language? :p
@Allenph :-P the way to understand the internals of a complex interpreted language such as PHP is to start by understanding a much simpler interpreted language. Also note that is imho, ymmv etc etc, I just know that I found building that (the guts of which was not much more than an afternoon's playing, btw) helped me a lot.
Also worth noting that I didn't do that with the intention of relating it to php-src, I was just bored one afternoon, but it was nevertheless a useful exercise in retrospect
@NikiC I'm working on an event driven generics api with static types and ... nah, I'm fucking with you, I'm not ...
we're all waiting for you ...
the things we want now are really really really really hard ...
and nobody knows what php will look like in 2 years, zend could be writing ng v4.2 and we wouldn't know ...
@JoeWatkins What exactly?
I'm not allowed to mention it without having an implementation, it's my own rule ...
Feb 21 at 10:57, by Joe Watkins
the next person to say generics without following it with a full and working implementation gets a punch in the throat ...
what if you want a thing that needs more than just you to implement it?
@JoeWatkins oh well.
there's also a lot of interest in a static type checking thing like hhvm has ... I hate that idea, it's still complicated ...
I'm always torn on how specific I want these to have ...
@JoeWatkins nah, please not … that's not the task of the core
I fear that if the core doesn't come up with some alternative to that, some userland solution will become defacto the thing everyone wants to use ... and then I'll have to use it ...
I would very hate that ...
@JoeWatkins you could perhaps look out for what's becoming that thing and try to actively influence it
It's like with the debugger - there shall be accessibility from everyone
I doubt I'll be able to influence them to stop developing it ...
@bwoebi Can we try this with the Taylorites?
@bwoebi elaborate please? (I mean "please explain more" rather than "make them complicated")
what's the point in typed properties, or generics, or really improving the type system at all, if we have this userland tool ...
@DaveRandom whether we can leave out part of the <> sometimes, how much type information we need to generally specify
how flexible <T> shall be
@JoeWatkins the userland tool will make the types significant
We need that type information to make it really powerful
we obviously want static and runtime checking
e.g. opcache may make tremendous use of it
whenever we try to introduce runtime checking it's shot down ...
The problem is really agreeing on the semantics
so some userland solution is going to emerge, and at that point, there is no incentive to improve type checking, and those people that make noise when we want to introduce it at runtime will make even more, much stupider noise ...
@bwoebi this (for me) sums up why there as been zero progress on this, everyone tries to think about it in terms of bells and whistles. If someone did the simplest possible implementation then it would get the ball rolling and might help to clarify what the advanced stuff should look like.
I don't really want to write SplObjectMap<User, List<StateModifiers>>
where "simplest possible implementation" is (imo):
- classes/interfaces only, traits maybe but no generic methods
- invariant type arguments
- disallow generic/non-generic types with the same name
it feels so un-PHP
I'm fine with writing it in a property or external function API signature
I don't mean it's not an OK thing to do, I just mean it's not necessary as part of a first step
levi was working on a nice idea for generic traits, a kind of templates, it looked promising ... but even the simplest of ideas is much more complicated than it seems ...
for the vast majority of people saying "I want generics", what they actually want is a typed collection
in the end they are pretty pointless without interfaces support, and interface support without class support doesn't make much sense ...
pls someone implement typed properties first
We need typed properties more than we need generics :P
just very quietly .... completely remove references ...
for me those would be useless without the ability to specify them in interfaces, and a way to specify read-only, because the only reason you need an enforced type on a prop is if it is part of the public API
@NikiC I have a branch, would just need some updating as you know...
@DaveRandom ok, you convinced me - tomorrow I am going to eat Italian
and pushing the RFC forward
@bwoebi yeah ^^
@DaveRandom Yeah because the way we have to do it right now blows.
code is the easy part ...
but, doesn't look like anyone has time to finish it up
@NikiC If you wish, we could finish it up and deal with internals jointly
don't want to push that one alone though
@bwoebi then we probably should
What was the state there?
yay ... we put rather a lot of effort into that ...
was the reference stuff fully ported for bundled exts?
@NikiC AFAIK, yes
and static props also worked?
I believe there were no outstanding code problems back then
I'm not sure though
iirc the handlers for statics didn't exist at that time did they ?
@bwoebi i think there were some code problems in the sense of the reference handling still being somewhat "ugly"
and well, performance
yeah, it's a bit ugly
but perf impact was AFAIK quite small
there's no statics support in the branch I see on github, the static handlers didn't exist when we were working on that code ...
@JoeWatkins what static handlers do you even mean?
@JoeWatkins I don't think we have them now either. IIRC the patch did not land
Where's the branch btw?
damn that's a massive change
It truly is
why are we so terrible
those are the handlers I was talking about, I was sure we got them ...
+5k, -1k LOC change
@JoeWatkins I guess it didn't really make sense to merge that if we did not need them
though I think it's nevertheless a bit cleaner
So, what's the timeframe here?
RFC has to land by beta 1?
Which is Jul 19
typically yes
would require a vote early Jul
@bwoebi do I have push access to your fork?
@NikiC Joe and Dmitry have, added you now
@NikiC just so that we're not doing the work twice when upgrading to current master - can you please tell me when you're working on it?
@bwoebi not right now
@NikiC yeah, just saying - I'll give it a look tomorrow morning
@bwoebi maybe I'll do it later today
just to avoid unnecessary conflicts
@NikiC yeah, just push to a branch when you're leaving for the day then
I'll pick it then up
(seems like a testing page for their site, because if I go to January 6th, 2012, I 404)
@Tiffany Meh, from experience, accurate forex and stock prices, especially historic ones, are very hard to come by.
pointer I'm guessing?
Ahh. You're right.
but why use ptr and not pointer anyway
is pointer reserved?
yes, ptr is usually an abbreviation of pointer, and yes what she said ^ I should have called it $pointer
When I looked at the next case I figured it out.
But with all these new acronyms I was like "WTF IS THAT?"
@Tiffany there are (afaik) no reserved words when it comes to property names because of the sigil ($)
@Allenph you would weep at our ERP's database
genymdhms everywhere
i still occasionally regress to 8.3 when I'm not paying attention, even now
An 8.3 filename (also called a short filename or SFN) is a filename convention used by old versions of DOS and versions of Microsoft Windows prior to Windows 95 and Windows NT 3.5. It is also used in modern Microsoft operating systems as an alternate filename to the long filename for compatibility with legacy programs. The filename convention is limited by the FAT file system. Similar 8.3 file naming schemes have also existed on earlier CP/M, TRS-80, Atari, and some Data General and Digital Equipment Corporation minicomputer operating systems. == Overview == 8.3 filenames are limited to at most...
(very) old habits die hard
yeah, loads of our files are in that format
That is disgusting.
gotta love mainframes
but we're not even on a fuckin' mainframe anymore, they're linux boxes now, but like @DaveRandom said, old habits die hard
@DaveRandom Are these opcodes standard?
I picked it up when I was very young from win3.1, it doesn't happen very often but somewhere in my brain there's a bit of subconscious the stubbornly refuses to unlearn it
I have no idea what most of them are named.
@DaveRandom the only one I remember is C:\PROGRA~1 :-D
@Allenph some of them correspond directly to a "command" as described here, some of them are derived from compile-time optimisations such as this
and yes, those constants have shit names for no reason as well
A: What is the best comment in source code you have ever encountered?

Neil Kodner// no comments for you // it was hard to write // so it should be hard to read

I have some funny ones in mine... let me see if I can find one...
I don't remember which file they are in at the moment. It is in some old legacy code that says something to the effect of "If you are having to work with this code... I truly apologize in advance. I was an idiot when I did this. I'm still an idiot but I am a busy one. I plan to come back and refactor this but there is a good chance that won't happen. Have fun and I hope you can forgive me."
@DaveRandom All right, other than some of the optimizations I think I get it.
The compiler recursively translates the syntax into one of your commands, and records it in the destination stream.
Then when it's done the destination stream of the compiler is used as the input stream to the interpreter.
Which then runs those series of commands.
@Allenph yeh, some of them are simple and obvious, for example if you find a string of + in a row, you can convert that to a single op that says "add n to byte at pointer" instead of executing "add 1" n times
likewise if you find [-] or [+] you can convert that to "assign zero" because that's always the end result
Makes sense.
It was the loop optimizations that...
threw me for a loop
static function get_CurrentDomain() {
  $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
  $level_size = 2;
  // splits on .
  // reverses
  // slices array from 0 to level size
  // reverses
  // joins with .
  return join('.', array_reverse(array_slice(array_reverse(explode('.', $host)), 0, $level_size)));
hmmmmmm it's not sanitized
I have on my to-do list to refactor that monstrosity to something sane

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