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Can you still use a proxy to watch youTube?
actually that tool is illegal .. but out government cannot track all people who use that tool.
@StatikStasis I can. However I don't have any right now
What would happen if they found out you were using the tool? Is it like community service or something or worse?
Having that level of censorship of the Internet would be like being at work 24/7.
Hi, I have a question, is this: 3v4l.org/T4Wco an intentional BC break in php 7.2?
Although I have youTube at work. =/ They just block game sites mainly. But I have two networks and one is completely open so...
this is the tool I'm talking about (a not-banned website here). Also never faced with such a situation to see what will happen if they found me out while using that website.
Just curious what the legal ramifications would be.
Thanks for informing me =) @Shafizadeh
ho knows this errormessage of curl "HTTP Error 411. The request must be chunked or have a content length." uf its not the content length?
@NicolaMunzslimxshady What about this: stackoverflow.com/questions/43424677/…
@eXtreme @pmmaga Looks like you might have had some involvement around this, seeing you committing test cases that look like they enforce this behaviour
@StatikStasis i already tried a thew things like thas. stackoverflow.com/questions/50693929/curl-post-request-method
@Leigh just encountered this error in a library my project uses
You try setting the content length to 0 like: curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Length: 0));
curl_setopt($curlObj, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Length: 0));
co-worker brought his new toy into work, it is sleek
yes i tried that now but it did not work.
@Tiffany That looks like a keyboard that I would say looks cool but would then get on my nerves when I am using it.
I bought a keyboard like that for one of our stations- did not notice the enter key was not a full size enter key. I like clicky keys too.
@StatikStasis it looks like chicklet keys, but they have the nice tactile blue switch feel
Mechanical keyboards are my fave.
mine too
I might have a little obsession with mech boards
not to the point where I've spent loads of money on them, but I have one or two more than I should
I have been wanting to buy one of the Das keyboards since @tereško linked one in here recently.
:P yeah those are nice
I think that's the first mech keyboard I've ever looked at, but was way out of my price range
I have a Logitech G710+ at home, and a Steelseries 6gv2 as backup
I have one from Dell that I like.
the steelseries board is so durable
I remember reading a description of it... "this is a keyboard you'd bring to a zombie apocalypse" and I agree
feels like a club
When is interview?
I know why they made it like that ... for gamers who are prone to rage quitting and destroying their stuff
@StatikStasis 5:30 UTC-6? or is it UTC-5
I know it's 5:30 my time
I think you're central time if I am not mistaken. East coast here.
Did you see my posts last night?
thanks :)
Hope you get it! That is if you want it.
I have a book our career services gave me a couple years back that go over job interviews, and I'm probably going to cram that before
I do want it, so bad
the job I applied for his overnight, and that would be a dream for me
You mean 3rd shift?
@Tiffany oh, good luck! :)
@Leigh thanks
@Tiffany Yeah, it looks like a good book
You'll note he never mentions PHP developer in there, which means it's quality advice
there are some philosophies that can apply to any type of interview
@eXtreme Indeed, that has changed and was intended. The relevant PR is: github.com/php/php-src/pull/2342 Basically, we are no longer ignoring A just because it implements I which was what was happening before. However, it seems I missed an entry on the UPGRADING doc :/
@Leigh @StatikStasis this is the job except the post I applied for stated overnight specifically, but job duties/description are the same
You live in Arizona?
@pmmaga someone needs to get shot for that ... I nominate @PeeHaa
@pmmaga ok thanks for the info!
@StatikStasis no, IL
interview will be over the phone
@JoeWatkins sounds good to me! :D
Ah- so you would have to move.
yarp, but that's what I'm aiming for
I would want to leave Illinois too. =)
I want to move closer to the west
@StatikStasis our state politics are a fucking mess
our credit rating is one of the lowest in the country
Is your boyfriend willing to move with you?
when he graduates with his B.S.
two more years
Enough with the BS!
I call bs on that bs
I hope the bs isn't bs, otherwise he'll end up with a bs job
Arizona has way better gun laws. =)
I don't want to own a gun
of course you don't, you're a reasonable human being
That's because you've never owned one. =)
I don't trust myself with one, my mind is too unstable to safely own one
what am I hearing
That's smart then.
you don't need a gun, stop it ...
Oh jeez...
I have swords :)
Those are fun too.
guns are fun ?
you must be 11 ...
if I wanted to fire a gun, I'd go to a gun range, because gun safety is enforced in those places
I've done competitions and I enjoy hunting.
@JoeWatkins it's a different culture
If everyone who owned a gun shot themselves, would solve most of the problems right?
Not hardly.
yes, yes it would, it would solve a lot of problems ...
I do think we should have stricter gun laws, but I don't agree with the outright ban of them.
What we need is more problem solvers
You still have cars, bombs, etc.
Guns can be problem solvers
@StatikStasis We'd have less of those too, just follow the plan
@StatikStasis it's not that easy to drive a car into a school and kill ten people though
@Tiffany You would just wait for school to let out. It's all about opportunity with crazy people.
how many times has a person driven into a school and murdered their class mates ?
or even, how many times has that happened this year, or last year, or in living memory ...
We need to campaign for bigger doors on schools
So car owners can even out the score
@Leigh there's a politician that said schools need fewer doors
Oh wait, no we don't, I forgot, I'm not american
opportunity is right, a lack of controls creates the opportunity to get hands on dangerous weapons, that don't need to be in the hands of any civilians ...
and another politician who blamed school shootings on porn
I liked that one who said teachers should have guns ...
what the actual fuck ...
@JoeWatkins So citizens should not have a right to protect themselves? You don't believe that is an inherent right?
and budgeting for schools is already fucked... arming every teacher with a gun...wonder how much that would cost
Worst US school massacre, 0 guns used to kill
@Tiffany what a stupid thing to do - it's obvious that shootings are caused by video games and DnD
that's not what I said, if that's what you heard, there is something wrong with the way you comprehend ...
@Tiffany Well that's demonstrably not true, due to the zero school shootings I've committed
@StatikStasis it can be argued that there are less destructive ways to defend oneself, but I do admit a gun is a quicker solution. I've heard of potential rape victims who were basically saved because they had access to a gun.
@JoeWatkins I assumed by dangerous weapons you meant guns and you were referring to guns when you said "that don't need to be in the hands of any civilians ..."
@Leigh Most people wouldn't classify your collection of Linus Torvalds nudes as porn, tho
@Machavity Linus might
what you're telling me is that you see a direct equivalence between "protect yourself", and "have the weaponry to kill people" ...
Anyway, I don't need a collection, he live streams
@Tiffany There are a lot of stories where a citizen was able to prevent violent crimes and stop further violence but the main stream media has one agenda they want to publish above all others and those are the ones the world watches.
@StatikStasis we do have an abnormal amount of school shootings though, our gun culture is pretty fucked. Look at Switzerland.
I think it's Switzerland.
there's a word for that ... it's called vigilantism and you do not want to live in a world where your security is provided by vigilantes, this isn't a fucking comic book ...
> Kehoe drove up, stopped, and used a rifle
Sigh... this is probably going no where. How's the weather over there?
> Why don’t we code in logic gates instead of software? It’s much faster, right?
@FlorianMargaine ... to ignite the dynamite in his truck
that question
@Ekin Some people do, they're chip designers
@Leigh so, like, McCain?
One of the biggest producers of micro-chips, yes
they are disgusting those things
like, beyond disappointing and into actually unpleasant
I remember from back as a child, putting those little cardboard boxes in the microwave
little boxes of yak
oiled up yak
what happens when you microwave a bullet?
your wife punches you in the throat ....
I would imagine it goes off in a somewhat disappointing way
certainly whenever I see anyone doing something with handgun bullets that causes them to ignite when they are not in a chamber to control the energy release, they just kind of fling the bullet in a random direction at very non-lethal velocities
like I'm sure it would hurt, could probably take your eye out, but there's not actually that much energy in those things if you aren't controlling it
@JoeWatkins You don't get to use the microwave in fun and inventive ways, do you?
I do not
@JoeWatkins hmm, not sure we wouldn't be better off with the justice league handling things
That's what I'm saying!
@Sean Awesome :D
Ever thought of having PDO work with generators as an alternative to fetch? Guess you could just wrap around it
@Tiffany what happened to that interview for sitelock? And good luck on this interview.
@Gordon but they don't use guns. Except for a grapple gun, which I doubt counts.
so we all agree, we would be better off then :D
Superman is faster than a speeding bullet... so he basically is a gun. youtube.com/watch?v=Bp6HCzW7AFo?x
@StatikStasis "faster", not just as fast but faster, so!...
So what you're saying is we need to increase the velocity of our projectiles- genius!
@StatikStasis that momentum would be devistating
@samayo Using Unifi gear for my home network
@StatikStasis Yes, lets make some bullets out of tachyon
Just give me superpowers and I'll be willing to give up firearms. =)
What if your super power is fire arms?
this kid knows what I'm talking about
@StatikStasis I too don't know which country Budapest is the capital of, and I thought maybe its not so bad, and they she starts talking and I am like, oh, ok, I get it.
@Gordon don't encourage the whipper snappers, they'll be all over your lawn ...
@mega6382 Exactly... thought Europe was a country... then she adds at the end "I'm not sure if France is a country." Sigh... She should have just stopped talking.
@StatikStasis what the hell is that program
is it literally just a vehicle for putting poorly educated people on a stand so we can laugh at them?
I mean, we have those as well but I don't think any of them are quite as naked as that
@mega6382 17:30 UTC-5 today
@Tiffany so its the same interview? I thought this was from a different company. :D
@mega6382 I haven't had the interview yet
it's today after work
@DaveRandom And also that statement "that's just called being a woman"
@DaveRandom It was a show called "Are you smarter than 5th grader?" The contestant actually became famous when she was on American Idol. She was a really good singer but it was obvious she was a little dingy. So... they put her on this show. She is now a co-host on a morning show.
@Gordon He is a comedian. This was also before gender humor was made illegal in the US...
@mega6382 that guy is an idiot
Kellie Dawn Pickler (born June 28, 1986) is an American country music artist and a television personality. Pickler gained fame as a contestant on the fifth season of American Idol and finished in sixth place. In 2006, she signed to 19 Recordings and BNA Records as a recording artist. Her debut album, Small Town Girl, was released later that year and has sold over 900,000 copies. The album, which was certified gold by the RIAA, produced three singles on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts: "Red High Heels" at #15, "I Wonder" at #14, and "Things That Never Cross a Man's Mind" at #16. Pickl...
@tereško Who? Richard Muller or @StatikStasis?
Both today!
We had a thing called "are you smarter than a 10 year old" but I don't remember it being quite so voyeuristic (although I didn't really ever watch it)
@mega6382 the guy who says that time travel (which is a corollary of FTL travel) would mean there is not free will
@DaveRandom It was a YouTube feature and I clicked it. Never watched it myself.
there was also a similar-ish thing called "the kids are alright" that was hosted by @Tiffany's celebrity love interest, which had a segment called "beat the kids", although disappointingly I don't think it involved knocking seven shades of shit out them with a bat
@DaveRandom ...love interest?
John Barrowman
I like Gareth David-Lloyd more atm
I don't know who that is
@tereško Well, I do disagree with a lot of his philosophical points. But as I am not an expert in the field of physics, I can't really say much to this regard. And him being a professor at UC Berkeley, I am sure his guess is an educated one.
and, yes, I realize that it says he's a professor (who seems way too focused on the advertising his books), @mega6382
@DaveRandom he played Ianto Jones in Torchwood... there's even a shrine dedicated to his character in Cardiff... it's on google maps even o_O
@mega6382 the correct answer actually is: no, not according to any of currently accepted theories
@tereško Well, maybe he was just trying to push the agenda of his book.
And all kinds of shit happens on quora.
@Tiffany thats a doctor who spinoff, right?
Got to step away for a bit... I've got to take a shot of liquor, oil my guns, and field dress a cat apparently. =D
also, @mega6382, there are proposed ways to achieve FTL (like Alcubierre drive), but all of t hem require some exotic matter or negative mass ... things like that, none of which exists according tho what is know (and, no, "dark matter" and "dark energy" are not hiding such things)
basically, a shitty ad
negative mass...
@tereško How bout the hell with FTL, and we just open some wormholes?
sure, let's abandon one off-the-wall theoretical physical construct in favour of another, that'll work
@mega6382 AFAIK, under conventional physics there is not way to actually create a stable einstein-rosen bridge, that can transfer information. All conventional wormholes involve black holes and are purely theoretical. Creating a stable one would again need same type of exotic matter as in Alcubierre drive
@mega6382 yes
@tereško You are a real buzzkill, you know that?
@mega6382 sorry :(
instead of FTL research, you should invest in human life extension
@Tiffany I've never even seen a single episode, the only reason i know about it is because of the institutes mentions in Doctor who and that one crossover episode
because, if you put a bunch of geniuses in a room for 1000 years, they might actually come up with FTL
Or maybe something like inception, where we can travel FTL in our dreams
@tereško I was trying to find the term used when discussing why we don't try to send spacecrafts to other stars now. I know there are objects in route now, but there is a term for how future tech would actually pass those crafts we send now which is why it is considered a waste of money. Are you familiar with this?
cURL request to SSL resource crashes with segmentation fault – #76416
@StatikStasis gimme a sec. I know what you are talking about
@mega6382 I think it's one of those shows where you either love it or hate it. However, season three and season four are like miniseries and I enjoy how they tackle the premises for both seasons.
I cannot find the term I'm looking for... searching as well...
I have something that has the consistency of gum stuck in my pants pocket :|
@Tiffany pour kerosene on it
Also, mornings
@StatikStasis "wait equation"
your google-fu is too weak
@tereško crap you won... yep that's it. centauri-dreams.org/2006/11/24/…
@IROEGBU and then light a match
It is..
I am curious what did you type to find it?
"should we launch interstellar mission now or wait" and started digging beyond top links
it seemed like a phrase, that would be contained in an article, that mentions that term
I was trying "space technology future surpass technology now" and "Space travel tech regression"...
Other variants of that.
@tereško Apparently some are not waiting on that though. Since we have a few craft that are already heading that way. We'll see how it all pans out.
naah, I started with "spaceship dilemma" and "spaceship wager"
Here is an interesting question for you...
@StatikStasis and you are talking about "Farshot" thing ... yeah, that wont happen so soon (to do it properly you would need a facility on far-side of the moon)
@StatikStasis There is also another concept, like the "New Horizons" that was launched in 2006 to do a flyby of Pluto by 2015. They sent it at that time because if they had waited any longer then Pluto's atmosphere would have frozen and it would have required many many more years before they could send another one.
or something...
@StatikStasis because if you make a super-powerful photon emitter on earth or this side of the moon, we already have a name for it: "death ray"
Speed in space is relevant to another object (speed at which you're traveling away from the earth). So we're traveling around the Sun at 109435 kph...
The solar system is traveling at 828,000 kph around our galaxy center.
@StatikStasis speed everywhere is relative.
is your question: how do we know?
Given our position in the galaxy and the direction we're rotating, and the speed of our solar system, what speed are we traveling at in the universe...
@StatikStasis to where?
I guess speed of the galaxy, while also factoring in our speed of the solar system and the earth..
does it even matter?
Relative to another galaxy (for the sake of calculating speed.)
It does to me.
@StatikStasis from what is said on the internet, the total speed against CMB is 600km/s
I just find it interesting to ponder the present space my body currently occupies in the universe, and in one hour I am 'X' number of km from that exact same location in the universe due to the speed at which we're traveling.
It's just fascinating to me.
yeah, well, the short answer to: "What would happen if you traveled back in time", is: "You would die"
I want to travel back in time, but the way that wolverine did in that x-men movie.
2,160,000 kph
or 1.3million miles for us Americans.
So in one hour I will be 2,160,000 km away from the location in the universe I am at this second.
Incredible to think about really.
@StatikStasis Is that you @ten5?
lol- this isn't pointless drivel. And I promise I will not repeat this same pattern later. =P @mega6382
@mega6382 :P
Morngins v2
When talking about the space travel, does one know where I should a start. I mean it's like a building... first you need the foundation then you need..
I do a good impression. What can I say I've heard the routine a lot.
@mega6382 This is an appeal to authority. John Keynes was also a professor. xD
@StatikStasis Speed is always relative to any object period. No matter how slow you're going there's technically always time dilation. Most astrophysicists use the CMB as their reference point.
@Allenph I'm aware of this I was just jumping ahead of myself before someone asked "relevant to what?"
That channel is the bomb.
going fast in space is not that hard ... it's the changing of the speed, that is an issue
But most of the other PBS channels are trash. And Crash Course started publishing blatantly false or opinionated content.
@tereško You mean the vector.
@tereško superman can do it, maybe we should ask him for his secret
@Allenph and they have even posted a couple of apologetic videos too.
@Allenph the PBS Eons is good too
Btw Ted-Ed is a very awesome channel too.

I find this one really good. They have a video at the end of each series telling you any lies they noticed.
@mega6382 not always
I disagree with them on money a bit, but it's pretty hard to agree with anyone on how money should work.
@mega6382 Yeah. It's too hard to find stuff on there that is actually backed up.
@tereško What do you mean?
A lot of times it's all buzz words or oversimplified in a way that makes it entertaining but doesn't teach you much.
@Allenph But those are written by experts in the fields.
@Allenph I disagree with my employer all the time on this subject.
And a lot of their political and psychological stuff is straight up just an ad for their book.
@StatikStasis don't we all..
@mega6382 expert in what field? Homeopathy? Just being an expert does not make it correct? As long as they stick to hard-sciences, it probably will be all right.
OR whatever self help strategy they're feeling at the time.
@tereško Exactly.
hmmm, I think I will have to look into it a bit more.
also, another thing that annoys me is when they invite futurists to talk about science
@tereško I take Couchgrass, crampbark, and take only cold showers myself. My aura has never been purer.
@StatikStasis you also should piss only in warm and structured water
@tereško I miss Sagan.
All my generation got was Tyson and Bill Nye.
@Allenph I like the way he talks.
I think he's a pompous ass.
His "one line constitution" kind of cemented him there for me.
I don't like Bill Nye anymore. I did as a kid. I like Tyson. But I like Michio Kaku better.
@StatikStasis naah, Kaku has a habit of going off on tangents he knows nothing about (and I think he's actually futurist not a scientist)
@StatikStasis Bill nye is not a real scientist.
He just have a BS in mechanical engineering
@mega6382 I only liked him in school.
Middle school.
Brian Greene is quite interesting to listen to
He's good.
@tereško I don't agree with some of his philosophical ideas(I don't remember which), but I think science-wise he is alright.
Academics are in a philosophical box theses days. :p
@mega6382 I don't agree with some of them either. Of course... I disagree with something from all my favorite physicists, teachers, speakers, etc.
@StatikStasis Then you're not a true fan of any of them. You can't like someone and disagree with them; don't you know?
That's fine.
@Allenph :P thats not how it works.
And I hope you are being sarcastic.
@mega6382 I disagree so now we're not friends.
I'm taking you off my wall...
takes marker and crosses out allenph
I've got to get some work done eventually today.
I hate turtles.
My roommate have turtles as pets. He got into an accident about a month or so ago, and is at his parents' since then. And I am left to take care of them.
They are my wife's favorite animal.
I just hate having to change the water in the aquarium, its such a hassle.
@mega6382 He's a good educator.
@Leigh Yes, I suppose. But he is out of his depth, when mentioned amongst the likes of Tyson, Kaku etc
@mega6382 I would so watch Bill Nye vs. Mike Tyson
@mega6382 Also a good debator
Yeah, I suppose that could be hilarious.
@Leigh Legitimately or sarcastic?
user image
@Allenph whats that middle one?
Be grateful. I just did a reverse image search for you.
@Allenph That fails to talk about the success of Minecraft and LinkedIn
It's just a meme man.
Yeah... I know
It's same way this post ignores Skype, Wunderlist, Nokia etc.
We used the coverage-php in PHPunit to be able to combine coverage from different tests runs using phpcov merge. apparently coverage-php is no longer a thing?
Anyone knows what's the best way to have the same effect?
@Danack in the swagger def you linked me, the Strategy type has "required" as a child of "properties" - that seems wrong to me, rather it should be a sibling?
or am I missing something?
@DaveRandom pretty sure that was a bug....
think I just merged a fix for it a few minutes ago........one of those branches that have been lurking around for weeks.
oh right yeh I reloaded it and it's changed
ty, though I was going mad :-P
I've only just got our integration tests running that test it conforms to the swagger spec running.......and our partner who supplies our data has just turned off the DB we use.
so... it's dead?
I'm reading top 10 owasp broken access control, what does "Unique application business limit requirements should be enforced by domain models." mean?
This beta alanine in my pre-workout formula makes my skin all tingly.
it's back.....
@Tiffany not much?
@Danack it reads like a bunch of words shoved together for me. I've tried understanding the concept it's trying to explain but I'm coming up blank.
If I had to present a case for it, it kind of means that the code that implements rate limits needs to be done as module that clearly describes the business rules, rather than it just being a bit of code in the bootstrap.
that makes more sense
I'd go further and say each distinct type of limit should be done as a distinct module, rather than a generic module handling all cases
I.e. login attempt rate limiting should be distinct from API endpoint rate limiting
$someEmoji = "#[\x1F602-\x1F64F]+#x";
$result = preg_match($someEmoji, 'foo', $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);

// Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: range out of order in character class at offset 6 in /in/2WirE on line 6
Is that not allowed?
> Note: Attackers can use XSS to defeat any automated Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) defense the application might employ.
How is that possible?
if the application generates a random CSRF token on the page?
like random_bytes() or something
@Ekin lol
@Danack \u{...} ?
@Leigh you're suggesting I use the correct syntax? Inconceivable.....
The \x will only "claim" the 2 chars after
@Gordon ping
.. or any other living in Germany (:
anyone have experience posting to a Facebook group programmatically
Kate Spade found dead in apartment.

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