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totally off topic, but one of the best interviews for a really long time: youtube.com/watch?v=uP8U89ntqAY
@hakre , just another reminder of how scary USA has become , and that it did not happen in just few years .. it has been ongoing process for decades
I think Mumia has a positive message, not a scary one. But sure, the process is ongoing.
But it's no at all limited to the US.
hey guys
@tereško zup
any know why RewriteRule ^register/ register.php
would auto redirect to register.php
basically the url keeps changing in bar
bar as in foo or address
Ahoy hoy
# sapi/cli/php -r 'var_dump(password_hash("foo"));'
string(60) "$2y$11$qt3Nk9BaO7B3IGkqUoLE1eqjPizoMRL6UbcCBHfHR9EvIogBrpyF6"
# sapi/cli/php -dpassword.bcrypt_cost=9 -r 'var_dump(password_hash("foo"));'
string(60) "$2y$09$Zq6fQDkpzOn3uZT.7alyzejoB7Mcn7bOTd29SsLhdeMCnxXxkG49S"
I like the idea to already provide PHP userspace functions for php 5.3 / 5.4 while you implement it for 5.5.
however I wonder how the ini settings do work in PHP 5.3/5.4. ^^
I can use ini_set and ini_get, and you can set random values...
ini_get('password.bcrypt_cost') or ini_set('password.bcrypt_cost', '11');
is there a way to say u want ABD and HGJE in a regex
let me say that again
u av regex
is there a way to say u want this regex and that regex
in 1 output
I still can't tell what you're asking, but the answer is yes. What have you tried that didn't work?
i want '>(\w+)< and '>(\w+\d+.\d+)<
i've been hitting my head against the wall with this
These are basic regex patterns you're talking about ... I think going through some tutorials might offer you more benefit than getting a quick answer.
Hint: you might try using non-capture groupings ((?:) like: (\w+(?:\d+\.\d+)?) ... I still can't really tell what you're asking, though. Good luck.
@LeviMorrison Lemme know anytime you're available (doesn't have to be tonight) because I'd like to walk you through how everything works (and possibly incorporate any suggestions you may have)
I can't tonight.
not a problem. not on a schedule :)
I'm actually pretty happy with where things are -- I've managed to address all the difficulties I've had developing REST APIs in the past with the current setup in very straight-forward, easy to implement ways
And doing so led to some improvements in the underlying Artax libs too, so that's also a plus :)
I've been so busy at work.
We are launching a new website tomorrow . . . if I finish everything in time. Still doing QA.
Oh cool, what's it do?
Various things for the supercomputing department. Upgraded UI to make things easier and straight-forward, new statistics tools to analyze job data, etc.
It could have been launched a year ago.
@LeviMorrison lol if I had a dollar for everytime I said that about something I've worked on :)
I'm mainly just refactoring code to make it better. And of course, things break as you 'fix' legacy code.
The site doesn't have a big user base.
Probably 80% of the users are department staff and they've been using it for the last year.
So it's pretty much already launched, lol.
We decided last week to finally launch it for real, so I've been fixing all the loose ends I haven't tied down in my refactoring.
Hehe -- that's how all my stuff is ... I get it to the minimum possible usable state with "Not implemented yet" messages all over the place and then use it myself as a de facto alpha tester forever with some vague launch date in the nebulous future.
I've really enjoyed the statistical meta information I've been able to generate using Artax behind some of my internal systems. It's so easy to setup event listeners to log data whenever anything happens. Pluggable systems FTW.
@ircmaxell Nice!
Is it safe to expect password_hash officially in 5.5?
i hope so
Me too. All you have to do is read the news to see the importance.
I hope to officially propose it in the next few days. I sent a mail to the crypt-dev openwall list, and hopefully it will get some reaction...
I really would prefer some kind of vetting prior to implementing it
@minitech: you should have left the bounty run longer ;-)
Two points: First off, if hmac is not a good choice for salts, why does the NIST approved PBKDF2 algorithm use it for that very purpose? Second, openssl_digest does the exact same thing as hash(). It computes a cryptographic hash (otherwise known as a digest). In fact, it uses the same algorithms as hash(). So if hash() is not good (as you indicate), neither is openssl_digest()... Additionally, HMAC is proven to not weaken the original hash, something that hash(password + salt) is not... — ircmaxell 10 hours ago
hey, I was thinking
Vetting is good. It's never awesome to be on the hook by yourself in case you overlooked something that leads to people having problems :)
yeah, I've been that guy before :-P
I've taken down an estimated 900,000 sites by not testing with E_NOTICE on... Man I learned a lesson from that one...
does anybody here have a suggestion on how to implement a feeds aggregator web-based? I'm thinking about getting all the data inside of a SQL Database. Is there a better way of doing it that I should be aware of?
then again, it's amazing that that many sites were running in prod with E_NOTICE on...
haha omg.
Yeah ... if people are just shooting out E_NOTICEs in production they kind of deserve it
well, it was in a template that generated a config file. So it spat the notice into the config file, generating a parse error on the next (and all subsequent) page loads
It's funny how humbling programming can be sometimes. Doesn't matter how smart you are. It only takes the tiniest little screw-up to skyrocket you to moron status. Fortunately, most of my screw-ups to date have only affected myself or a very small number of people.
/me crosses fingers, knocks on desk
Q: Security Review - password_hash implementation for PHP

ircmaxellI'm currently working on a "helper function" for PHP's core to make password hashing more secure and easier for the majority of developers. Basically, the goal is to make it so easy, that it's harder to invent your own implementation than to use the core secure one. It's also designed to be updat...

I've always used elseif in PHP code, but lately I've been feeling a lot of else if around me. Should I start spacing my else if statements?
I don't
I refuse to
Looks like the "nays" have it. Motion DENIED.
no, it's that they are separate constructs
@rdlowrey , maybe instead you should look into why your methods have so complex decision trees ..
@tereško They don't usually. I was specifically thinking of it for a usort function where I have this:
        if ($diff > 0) {
            $diff = 1;
        } elseif ($diff < 0) {
            $diff = -1;
        } else {
            $diff = $a->position - $b->position;
You're right, though: lots of possible execution branches are bad!
And a PITA to test besides.
in such cases i find elseif easier to read
Thoughts on removing the curly braces?
Yeah, I generally go with the general consensus on formatting from the smart people in this room. For once I have the same preference :)
Always use braces
though , you could always use switch statement
not always
@ircmaxell When would you suggest not using braces?
for example, that if and elseif example above would be difficult or dirty in a switch
@rdlowrey haha, for ease of making changes??
oh, you're talking about switch
@rdlowrey Oh, I always use braces
@Stecman Well, readability, for one. Second, it becomes wayyyyyyy too easy to break your code in a few days/weeks/months when you revisit it. Third, it's a nightmare for other people who didn't write the code to tell what you actually meant to do, even if you knew at the time.
@ircmaxell Agreed... I use to not use braces in some situations and in other situations I would but then I realized that conventions exists.
yeah, it's too easy to tack on a line without realizing it
btw , @ircmaxell , would $diff = $diff/abs($diff); be more expensive that that tree ?
as in
if ($foo)
if ( $diff === 0 ){
     return $a->position - $b->position;
return $diff/abs($diff);
@tereško hrm... That's interesting. I would tend to think it would be more efficient...
because even with branch prediction, it's not going to do too much for you...
.. and kinda looks cleaner
@tereško Yeah, that looks solid, and eliminates the multiple branches ... nice
but slightly harder to read
Yeah, but it does result in a larger usort-peen
as in it's not immediately obvious what $diff/abs($diff) does. It is apparent once you think about it, but it's not completely clear. But that's likely offset by the brevity of the new one...
it like the behavior of $x = 2 - $x (in a loop) , is not immediately apparent
If I came across either in a code review, I would accept both. There's not that much difference between them...
@tereško very true (with $x set to 1 or -1 first)
actually you can use any value
just it will have different values between which it oscillates
sorry .. my english is fucked this morning
i tried to sleep for 4 hours .. and am still wide awake
@tereško interesting...
off to bed
good night all
@tereško I hate those nights. Then you go back to the computer and you're dead tired and can't do anything productive anyway.
Darn! Now I have no clue what @ircmaxell was talking about.
Good night :)
2 hours later…
posted on June 27, 2012 by Brian Moon

If you use MySQL with InnoDB (most everyone) then you will likely see this error at some point. There is some confusion sometimes about what this means. Let me try and explain it. Let's say we have a connection called A to the database. Connection A tries to update a row. But, it receives a lock wait timeout error. That does not mean that connection A did anything wrong. It means that another

Goede morgen
Good morning Mr. PeeHaa. ;)
@PeeHaa When you want to use a function of an object that is an attribute in another class. How would you call it? $this->getObject()->function() or $this->object->function() or something else?
@Sem i would go with latter option
but only if you are accessing it from inside the class
@tereško Good morning, I was not sure if it would break a general principle / rule for getters / setters.
the principle , which covers this is Law of Demeter
@tereško "an object A can request a service (call a method) of an object instance B, but object A cannot "reach through" object B to access yet another object, C, to request its services." Wiki
@Sem , i actually like this explanation better : c2.com/cgi/wiki?LawOfDemeter
in your case it means, that the class instance A can execute methods on object B, if either :
1. object B was created inside A
2. object B was provide to A (dependency injection)
@tereško cheatography.com/david/cheat-sheets/object-oriented-design this seems pretty solid, what do you think?
$price = 130;
$time = '2:45';

$total = $price * $time;

How can I calculate the correct total price for the used hour and minutes
@Karem Maybe translate the hours to minutes? Or is $time based on minutes and seconds?
@Sem , might be a bit too simplified
for example , things like Factories (not confuse with factory-method antipattern) do not violate LoD
$time = '2:45';
$time = explode(':', $time);
$minutes = $time[1] + ($time[0] * 60); ?
that would do it , but your naming ability sucks
$time is hours:minutes
Correct is $time = '02:45';
@tereško i know
@Karem Ending with $total = $prive / $time; of course. Unless 130 is the price per minute.
Yep just did it actually
@Karem If your using prices you might consider using floats for your price.
They are floats in db, this was just an example
@Karem then it's all good I guess :)
hi, I dont want to post a question since I think it's pretty basic, maybe one of you could help me out :) so here the question:
@tereško I guess it is. It's not learning material allright. Just a cheatsheet :)
In wordpress theme when I call echo 'some text' . $recent["post_title"] . 'other text'; works just fine
but if I try to do the same with this:
echo 'some text' . bloginfo('template_directory') . 'other text'; it doesn't
I have found a solution but I think its not optimal
@Trufa Which error do you get when you use the code?
@Sem no, I don't get an error, it simply doesn't print out the template directory
@Trufa What does var_dump(bloginfo('template_directory')) give you?
@Sem wait just in case, this actually works:
gist: 3002388, 2012-06-27 08:13:05Z
echo '<li class="inicio-not">
<h3 class="inicio-not_title">' . $recent["post_title"] . '</h3>
<figure class="inicio-not_img"><img src="' ?><?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?><?php echo '/img/inicio/not01.jpg" width="265" height="100" alt="Juan Cruz Mascia" ></figure><p class="inicio-not_p">Pellentesque posuere feugiat quam a lacinia. Sed malesuada ornare nisi, ut laoreet enim vestibulum vel. Aliquam pellentesque laoreet quam...</p>
<nav class="inicio-not_mas"><a href="#">Ver M&aacute;s +</a></nav></li>';
Sorry for the indentation :)
<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?> does work as it should
@Trufa Don't try to fix errors you don't understand.
@Sem that's why I'm asking :)
@Trufa Use var_dump(); then to see what you're getting.
@Trufa Anyway here's the fix:

echo 'some text;
echo 'other text';
@Sem I get null!
@Trufa Then you are placing it somewhere different.
@Sem semicolons? interesting...
@Trufa Yes they are. Very usefull from time to time.
@Sem heh
@Sem hmm getting an error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING, expecting ',' or ';'
ohh did you miss a ' at the end od some text?
though it might be on purpose but doesn't make much snse
@Trufa Hah guess I did :)
@Sem Thought it was some crazy PHP syntax :=
a) thanks you've solved my problem!!
b) (if you have time/patiece) what the hell is going on?
@Trufa Don't play with syntax, don't play with shorthands and such. They are not cool
@Sem I know, those things have a tendency to blow back with subtle and painfull bugs
@Trufa Apparently you had <?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?> in your working example. Which shows this bloginfo function echos on it's own and returns nothing.
@Sem oh, so that explains the null
@Sem but why cant I use with the . append
@Trufa Exactly :)
@Trufa . is used for merging strings. not for merging code.
@Sem so that would be it.
@Sem you deserve an accepted answer and upvote :)
I'll at leat star your answer in the chat ;)
@Trufa You're welcome
No but seriously, thanks for all the help!
@Trufa: bloginfo echoes, not returns. Because Wordpress coders have problems to tell their user what that means, they often just add a second function prefixed with get_ that will return the value: get_bloginfo for example.
Anyway, you can use just echo with , instead of string concatenation which solves your "problem", too:
echo 'some text', bloginfo('template_directory'), 'other text';
@hakre hmmm I wonder if the opcode order would allow for a function to know if it is being assigned or not, a magic constant to know whether to echo or return could be useful
Although I immediately see a possible problem with nested functions, ignore me
@hakre thanks, the more you know...
@hakre Nice fix, though I would never use it.
@hakre ohh colons OR semicolons?
@Trufa In PHP you use colons , with echo to separate expressions. A semicolon ; is at the end to end the echo expression itself.
You have something similar in the for loop construct.
@Sem This notation is sometimes very helpful to streamline the code.
@hakre I can use ; in my for loop as well. If I think about readability people could misunderstand it with an alternative for a dot or reading it quickly and just think of it as a function that returns a string.
@hakre ohh sorry hadn't notice there wasn't any echo after the last colon
for ($a = 0, $b = 4; $a+=$b, $b--;) { ...
           ^               ^
@hakre Aaaaah, never knew that. Is that in every programming language?
hey guys, making a user creation system thinking of requiring numbers in a password, basically strstr([1-9], $haystack) ideas?
Q: When we should we use stream wrapper and socket in PHP?

JimitI don't understand when should we use stream wrapper and socket. Can anyone tell me when should we use stream wrapper and socket in PHP?

@Jimit did you do a search i think i saw that before in here
guy was bringing up preformance as a reason
no i don't remember which won
Oh, and one more and I'm off to sleep :)
@Jimit What specifically don't you get? "when should I use them" is quite broad.
Does anyone know how to get a part of the the text of a specific post in wordpress? (to use outside the post page)
@Jimit like... you should use the http:// stream wrapper to open "files" via http. But you should use sockets when you want to do things over http that the stream wrapper doesn't support. Helpful eh
I have read through the_content and the_excerpt but none of those seem to accomplish that for a specific post
@Sem no i don't think in every programming language, but can imagine in many. Javascript has this, too.
@hakre Pascal doesn't have it :(
Ohh maybe get post with post excerpt
I'll ask in the wp chat room
@Trufa probably a better idea
@sem and @hakre thanks for all the help!
@Leigh yep :) it was empty an hour or so ago that's why I asked here (was not too wp specific though)
@salathe I was looking at the PHP 5 changelog and noticed a lot of issues tend to revolve around: over/underflows, memory leaks and access violations (segfaults). I don't want to rant, but aren't there plenty of tools out there that would detect these issues automatically just by looking at the code? I'm no expert in this area, I'm just asking...
@Christian There are tools, but ZE uses its own custom memory management functions, so I guess it's not always simple to detect. And sure the simple ones may be detected by automated processes, but in something as big as PHP, I think the few you're reading about is a relatively small number to have slipped by, in the grand scheme of things.
@Leigh I'm not sure, Christian probably describes a bug cluster and following the Pareto principle it might be worth to look there closer.
@hakre My point was only that there is a lot of complex code in there, and heuristics is not going to detect every memleak, buffer/int/heap overflow, etc
@Leigh I did not say it's easy ;)
@hakre If it was easy, we'd all be unemployed ;)
Found something funny by accident, maybe many of you guys allready know but if you type $$var it will look for the variable with the name equal to the value of $var.
ehh .. people get so touchy , when i hate of their favorite frameworks
@Sem , yes , we are well aware of that, but usually it is a pretty bad idea to use it. It's a bitch to debug, when something goes wrong.
@tereško You can say it's buggy by just looking at it :)
Not always
there is one situation where i always use variable-variables: when fetching information into domain object from a datamapper
@Sem that's called variable variables ;)
@tereško Could you show it?
public function setParameters( array $params )
    foreach ( $params as $name => $value )
        $this->{$name} = $value;
well .. ok .. even that is not relay $$var, but that's the closest i get to it
@tereško yes, it's just the OOP version :)
hello guys. Goodevening and Good morning . .
When did Feeds get so useless?
Actually I guess the blame is with Planet PHP
@tomexsans hiya
@PeeHaa, hi
hiya niki
says hi
@Christian No absolutely not. There are only tools to detect trivial issues.
hey @PeeHaa and @Donut :)
@NikiC morning. Going to harass you early today. I'm not a big mailing list user, are there rules/guidelines for posting to PHP internals? Do I just send a normal email to the internals address and it gets relayed?
@Leigh Yup
hey guys could you help me out on a problem I'm having please
don't ask to ask
agree should ask instantly..
sorry, I'm attempting to build a facebook web application but when users log in/authorize the url is showing ?state= and &code= how do I get ride of this in url?
morning @ircmaxell
@ircmaxell good day
How's it going?
@ircmaxell I've been trying to hack together a list comprehension / generator expression implementation, but for some reason I can't get it to work
why not?
hmm ... this might end up better then i suspected : edition.cnn.com/2012/06/26/world/meast/egypt-politics
@ircmaxell That's what I'm wondering about ^^
well, what's the problem?
@NikiC Huh? I've seen languages (ie, not C) which detect array access at compile time (thus the compiler would throw warnings).
In C there is no such thing as an array.
just pointers
Which is why I said "not c"
@Christian No, there exists no such thing. Only for trivial cases.
@NikiC You're contradicting yourself. :)
@Christian I am?
@Christian: you cannot detect things like buffer overflows and out of bound indexes at compile time.
@ircmaxell ....in a language that encourages messing with these things directly. True.
what language do you know of that detects out-of-bound array access at compile time?
Delphi... for one.
In fact, you can even disable the compiler warning. Let me check what it was called...
@Christian $R
I raise the BS flag. That's an incompleteness theorem violation. Unless it required checks around the access (if (pos > array.len)) which it detected at compile time
@ircmaxell Delphi distinguishes between static arrays and dynamic arrays.
@Christian Unless both the array size and the array index are static you can't generally do a bounds check
even with that.
@NikiC Hmm, fair point.
I think this may only work with loops.
function getElement($index) {
    return $myArray[$index];
^^ It's impossible to detect compile time violations there, unless an argument passed in is statically defined (as @nikic indicated)
Well, range and overflow checks seem to be under "Runtime Checks" category. So that seems to be true.
But it's interesting to note that it detects such violations in loops automatically, before runtime.
@Christian it's not just loops, static values will also throw it
And static values. :D
And when you initialise with too many elements :p
ok, ok.
Point is, C does this as well, or not?
@Christian: I actually installed XE2 this morning, been a while since I dabbled, but I have some stuff I want to port to 64bit
@Leigh I'm stuck with Delphi 7 and Lazarus.
@Christian D7SE is still my favourite :)
@Leigh Classic.
This still doesn't answer the issues mentioned in the changelog.
Hey @NikiC: do you know when code-freeze is schedule for php 5.5?

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