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@Danack so what if I did like two subsections under Education - Formal and Informal?
There's not much I can pull out of my ass in terms of formal education
@Danack Most certainly did!
Just glad nobody got hurt.
@Wes LOL!
and fia and red bull keep covering his ass
still no punishment lol
His career stalling will be enough punishment soon enough
What was Grosjean thinking/doing though?!
Anyone here uses Godaddy's hosting?
@Mehdi Used them long time ago! I suspect your question can be answered regardless of hosting company.
Nope I have no question actually xD
just found out how to automatically deploy Let's Encrypt certs
and wanted to share it if someone uses it
Godaddy VPS?
No shared hosting
@Tiffany I was trying to find a well-written version of what I'm about to say, but couldn't so bear with me; you're kind of comparing writing a CV to an exam where you get points taken away for any mistake you make. But it's not like that - it's more like an exam where you get points for anything right you put down.
Perhaps we can talk about phrasing the education stuff via dm on twitter if you'd prefer, but I'm pretty sure that it will be possible to phrase anything better than just leaving it empty. Also: youtu.be/q4m-3Eo3suE?t=43s
@IROEGBU red bull will never allow that
at the point they will sabotage the other driver in order to make him look great
except hamilton, nothing in f1 sells more than max verstappen
he has gillions of fans
Built-in commands (* indicates admin-only):
 admin - Manage the bot's admin list. Use 'admin help' for details.
 *alias - Add a bash-style alias
 *approve - Approve the bot for talking in this room. Room owners only.
 *ban - Ban a user from interacting with the bot for a specified period of time
 command - Manage command mappings. Use 'command help' for details.
 help - Alias of 'command list'
 invite - Invite the bot to join a room. This can also be done through the chat web interface.
 *leave - Ask the bot to leave the room. Room owners only.
Why does Snoop Dogg carry an umbrella? Fo' drizzle.
!!should i do this
God, yes!
chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/100286/jeeves-playground that's a room for playing with the bot
@Danack sure
@Ekin sorry didn't know that someone was online and took the opportunity.
4 hours later…
$start_time = "10:30";
$end_time = "12:30";
if user going to book ticket between this 2 hrs i need to restrict that?please help me ho wo do this?
for example user goint to book.
$user_start_time ="11:30";
$user_end_time ="01:30";
please help me how to check if it is available?
strtotime or DateTime and then just compare with if
must be dozens of Q&A on the main site for this
How can I check if there is a field with id="enable" in PHP using simplexml_load_file? Tried something like: $xml->system->section->group->attributes() but didnt do the trick. See the xml here: pastebin.com/dm63LY1D
i'm going to book 11:00 o clock.Is it possible to check time between (10:00 to 12:00) i searched many but unable to find what i need
@Jacta you access attributes like this: $element['attribute']
@hearthacker yes, it's possible
may i know how to do this?@Gordon
8 mins ago, by Gordon
strtotime or DateTime and then just compare with if
@Gordon But there can be multiple fields inside the group, would you then just loop or would xpath or something like that be possible?
@Jacta Yes, XPath is really great and does all the things. If you know how to use it, use that instead.
@Gordon I'm not sure how to use it though, have to read I guess :p
sounds like a plan ;)
Seems to do the trick fine
@Ekin šŸ¤˜
to you all except gordon
who the hell uses spotify anyway
just a couple billion users
I've got almost 90% of ext/sysvshm converted to resourceless one! Yay! :D
It's not popular and I even don't know if somebody really uses it, but it's the first step to convert all ext to be resourceless and this one was very easy to convert.
@Gordon šŸ¤˜šŸ»
@Ekin it wasn't a random ping. you were listening to ac/dc when I did that
oh :-) alright
any one know about ios Inapp purchase for server side implementation
@AbhishekGupta Wrong room perhaps?
syntax error:
1 Unexpected question mark, statement expected.
2 Unterminated statement.
ok, I shouldn't take it on random chat people just because shopware is a piece of shit and all of its contributors deserve to die painfully.
@Christian I know a bunch of shopware people and contributors and they are nice people
Machiavellian characterized by subtle or unscrupulous cunning, deception, expediency, or dishonesty: He resorted to Machiavellian tactics in order to get ahead.
I ate pasta by myself last night. It made me feel cannelloni
@Gordon Nice people are not an excuse for a terrible product.
@Christian would you rather want to use magento?
@Gordon Considering the situation, yes.
I mean, how would you explain calling an API endpoint with a simple request (GET /api/articles/XYZ) and getting a completely unrelated error response (Unrecognized field: shop)? On a vanilla installation..
@Christian you have to ask in the shopware forums
I'm afraid I don't have time for that, I'm investigating and fixing this stuff manually.
@Gordon Lies!
@Christian Did you generate the models already? Did you clear the cache?
@Jimbo the fact that no one is nice to you is rooted in you being you.
@Gordon Well you're particularly a bitch today
@Jimbo I am just trying to give all of you what they are asking for :P
on a completely unrelated side note: you should buy a ninja h2r
No ty, I <3 the ducati
but it's slow compared to the h2r
in factā€¦ everything is slow compared to it
I know, but you know the proper H2r needs to be re-built so often
> The bike requires a service inspection after every 15 hours of of engine operation above 8,000 rpm
ROFL. No. I didnt know that. That's hilarious.
morning, what is the most efficient way converting a string representing an uint64 number into two unit32 integers? eg '18446744073709551615' -> [0xffffffff, 0xffffffff]
@Gordon It's working perfectly fine. The standard API is messed up.
But I've found out why.
Shopware documentation mentions using ?language=X to change the language and that X is some localeId when in fact, it's a shopId.
And possibly leading to an Unrecognized field: shop error when a shop record could not be found. Somehow.
Luckily, there's a way of avoiding this whole mess and not using language arg anymore (but involves a bit more code).
So yeah, problem solved. Shopware still sucks though.
$hoursOfLifeSpentPissingAboutWithFuckingPrinters += 8;
@DaveRandom I heard you are good with printers. Can you install my Canon pixma mp 950 on Linux?
you might need to write a driver for it though and I forgot the admin password for the remote administration shell
sure, my rate is £1,000,000/minute
> Too many people experience Stack Overflow¹ as a hostile or elitist place, especially newer coders, women, people of color, and others in marginalized groups.
the latter just isn't true
@JayIsTooCommon Yes, exactly and its already been said a couple of times here.
@JayIsTooCommon It is true to a degree. I don't know what, if anything, can be done about it, but it definitely does happen. Equally, women definitely do get treated differently. I don't think it's sensible to compare gender bias to racial bias though, because they are completely different behaviour patterns, at least from what I have seen.
The issue is not actually based in race though, it's based in the behaviour patterns that are weighted that way, because of cultural differences in learning patterns.
I'm probably R11 bias, because I never see it here. I just can't see how women or people of colour are treated with more hostility, i've never seen it
I've seen bias towards users from India, don't get me wrong. But the premise of that is not the colour of their skin
Neither have I. Also, its so anonymous, that you usually wouldn't even know the gender or race of the other person.
@JayIsTooCommon right, that's what I meant
ah, yes I see that a lot - but certainly not based off of skin colour
I'm sure there are some people who are just racist assholes, but (at least as far as I perceive it) that is a tiny minority
@JayIsTooCommon But even then it is not widespread. It depends on the behavior of individual user not the community as a whole. Because a lot of the top users on SO are Indians.
I agree. We should just treat everyone equally bad. Misanthropy shouldn't be biased.
I concur with that.
anyway, apart from the latter - I agree it's a problem
@JayIsTooCommon Yes, but I also believe that nothing should be done about it.
@mega6382 why?
@JayIsTooCommon The issue is mostly because the noobs and the senior developers are all in the same place. The seniors provide help voluntarily. When they see a stupid question they point it out and it seems a bit hostile. But that is just the way it is, changing it would mean that those ppl might not wanna help anymore. Which will hurt the community as a whole even more.
At least thats my thought.
Hi, as I'm leaving PHP world, I have few projects that may be interested to others: github.com/pinepain/php-v8, github.com/pinepain/php-ref and some other supplemental projects that are also archived. If someone would be interested, I would be more then happy to assist and advice on these projects.
@mega6382 I understand where you're coming from, but whether it's a stupid question or not, there's no excuse to be condescending or generally an ass hole. It's the keyboard warrior approach that's seen so often on SO. Telling someone their question needs work or doesn't make sense is fine, just needs to be done in a kind way
@pinepain as in, you are looking for someone to take over maintenance?
@JayIsTooCommon What happened to you?
Where is the real Jay
Apr 9 at 13:37, by Jay
I'm the real jay
Oh, here ^
Jay is a legend
@DaveRandom that and other supplemental projects was made for my experimental projects and I have no good evidence that they have large userbase, so I'd say I'm looking for someone who's interested in that projects.
@JayIsTooCommon Yes, and it starts that way. But overtime, seeing same duplicate questions everyday, you just become a little hostile, its inevitable. And its not just the questions but many of the answers too, "YourCommonSense" quit for this same reason.
@Jimbo too far... there's a joke and then there's a joke. You've crossed the line.
@mega6382 he is not exactly a role model to look up to
If one has no implicit use, it would be a bit tedious to maintain, imo.
@Gordon Did he leave or was he banned?
@pinepain I have never used any of these. But I am willing to responsibility for one, if you wish to give it too me.
@mega6382 and he needed to quit, he had the social skills of a sandwich and consistently baited for arguments and hostility
@IROEGBU he was banned several times. dunno what's his current state. in any case, even though he contributed a lot, his behavior towards people never was something people were encouraged to imitate. he was an elitist prick most of the time.
@pinepain How come you're leaving PHP? Not good for $$, alternative language?
@IROEGBU He is banned at the moment. But I believe he has finally quit this time.
@Gordon OK, but I was giving an example.
@mega6382 LOL, technically you can't quit after you've been fired.
@pinepain v8 in particular is something that I'm interested in it staying alive, but I certainly don't have the time, nor do I have the knowledge of the problem domain to take it on myself, although I am happy to collaborate. For now I will pin your message and try and find someone who would be interested.
/cc @JoeWatkins ^
@IROEGBU Yeah, but he gets banned like every other month, so, you never know if he'll come back or not.
@Gordon I have seen him being nice too.
what I find funny is that they are considering special question forms for new users now that breaks apart the question. I am quite sure this was suggested more than once in the past but always shot down by the powers to be.
But I do know he looked down on the regulars of R11.
who gives a fuck
he looked down on everyone
I think he had some problems
That's all
I also think this is what happens when you work on your own for such a long period of time
@Jimbo I moved from been developer/manager to become an SRE in Aug '18 and so far I like it. The $$ in PHP was quite good (I would say I sat on top line) though for most of my career I was heavily involved in infra/ci/cd/monitorin/reliability and so on, so it was quite logical step. Also, with php-v8 I really hit PHP limitation and thus have no reason to invest any time into it. I'm not bad in C and can some C++, python, nodejs and so on.
@mega6382 yes, me too. He was nice to people he respected. But he doesnt respect a lot of people. It just proved he is an elitist prick.
So here I'm. It was quite fun walk, but I have to take the right turn to keep passionate about what I'm doing and still have fun and be useful for society.
@DaveRandom Would be reasonable to move that repos to gh org and introduce all interested as contributors?
@pinepain enjoy :)
@pinepain Good for you, follow your heart.
@pinepain if you want to move them to github.com/Room-11 then I would be happy to take one the task of at least administering the repos, and there are plenty of people who have control of that org, and obv you can retain full access
Chris, do you use phinx? // @Danack you too?
It was a hard decision. I would still love to pay back to PHP community, I was into since PHP 4 and was PHP 7.2 adopter.
what are you moving on to?
@JayIsTooCommon no
@DaveRandom wouldn't then Room-11 be turned into some sort of limbo?
Don't say JavaScript Don't say JavaScript
4 mins ago, by pinepain
@Jimbo I moved from been developer/manager to become an SRE in Aug '18 and so far I like it. The $$ in PHP was quite good (I would say I sat on top line) though for most of my career I was heavily involved in infra/ci/cd/monitorin/reliability and so on, so it was quite logical step. Also, with php-v8 I really hit PHP limitation and thus have no reason to invest any time into it. I'm not bad in C and can some C++, python, nodejs and so on.
oh sorry :-P
@pinepain well a bit I suppose yeh, it depends how urgently you want to make it someone else's problem :-P
@Jimbo doing your... Java?
@DaveRandom I don't want it to be a problem, user base of those repose is close to non-existent, so I'm not in hurry. Some supplemental projects I was active on was packaging libv8 for ubuntu and for macos (homebrew). I thing it may have some users, as there is v8js (basically, I started with it and later develop php-v8) whose users may use libv8 I packaged.
I had a talk with @stesie (current mainter of github.com/phpv8/v8js) long time ago about moving v8js and php-v8 under the single hood and afair there was talks about using php-v8 as a foundation for v8js, but I think he has no time for v8js too atm.
At some point I made github.com/pinepain/js-sandbox to simplify interaction with php-v8, as raw V8 api is a bit tedious and too verbose to use.
@JayIsTooCommon I use Phinx.
well they're after maintainers if you're interested
issues and PR's are building up
@pinepain in many ways, possibly the most productive thing you could do is to just stop supporting it. it's amazing how quickly people start caring when things actually go away, compared with the apathy you see when it's just threatened.
@JayIsTooCommon I though Cake PHP had taken it over?
@jjok Dunno, is putting a drunk toddler in driving seat better or worse than having no driver?
@jjok yeah, they're struggling :)
@DaveRandom that's what I did, though not something I'm proud of. It's partially my fault that I didn't market it properly, however, how many use cases of embedded JavaScript in PHP you know?
my use case was developing sandbox for mocking backend api for demo/prototyping purpose
@pinepain I find this a bit strange TBH. Why the whole or nothing approach? Is PHP no longer a good choice if you want to whip out a simple website because you left PHP?
@PeeHaa can I burninate github.com/Room-11/FeedrTest ?
As you know, there are meta tags which are good for SEO. My website has 3 different layouts, should I copy/paste all meta tags into the <head> of those 3 layouts?
@Shafizadeh eh? Surely that's up to you
I meant all websites are like that? I guess copy/pasting the same thing severat times isn't functional enough :-)
@Shafizadeh Unless you can use the same <head> for all of those, then that is your best choice.
I'm thinking of a master layout for those 3 layouts or whatever similar ..
All I know is my gut says "maybe"
Oh you're literally querying the copy and pasting, my bad.
@DaveRandom about wht?
@DaveRandom Tell my wife... "hi".
@DaveRandom yes.
Can someone give me a nice Auryn vs Symfony's DI pros and cons?
@pmmaga I wouldn't put it this way. I like PHP but I have other things I like too and some of them I like even more and have more fun. I also have a family, a kid, dreams and goals and I'd like to stay focused. I was into other langs and ecosystems for a long time, so for me itā€™s not a ā€œbreakā€, itā€™s more about making a turn to my destination.
@DaveRandom ah.
I have used both, liked both. Not sure which one to prefer for my future projects.
@pmmaga Answering your question about whether PHP is "good choice", for websites, cli and various other things, indeed PHP is a good choice, imo. There are other good options, however to keep it short, itā€™s up to one whoā€™s making a choice. Itā€™s very subjective and project-specific. So my attempt to ā€œdepartureā€ from PHP is not one of clickbaits "I leave <X> because it sux. <Y> is the silver bullet.ā€. And look, every day someone comes and someone goes, itā€™s a life.
@Shafizadeh search the actual sentence. "My gut says"
i think at some point I may write a medium post about this, it was really fun time with PHP
@CoderDudeTwodee Its a subjective choice. Choose whichever you feel will suit the project better.
@mega6382 What would you personally prefer if you were given the choice?
@pinepain You'll be back. They always come back.
And also, why?
@pinepain I understand your point, yeah. I just think you are forcing yourself to something that would probably happen naturally. Rejecting a language for whatever reason is - for me - similar to only using one language for whatever project you have in front of you. Just use what is right for that job.
I would love some compelling reasons to choose one over the other.
With that said, if you feel that it is a matter of focus and doing this will help you, then I guess it's the right thing to do ;)
@DaveRandom I'd love too, and I will, I really like PHP, it's a good language with decent ecosystem and amicable community.
@CoderDudeTwodee I would go for Zend DI, hands down. But that is just cuz I have special love for zend.
@mega6382 I am not taking new options again. I am sticking to Auryn. XD
I am extremely pleased to report that I believe I have now successfully, actually fixed lxr
@DaveRandom Like a bird on it's belly. Delicious
@DaveRandom I moved projects under php-v8 organisation (let phpv8 org pardon me) and just sent you an invite to join as an owner, if you don't mind.
@pinepain OK cool, tnx
I will put out some feelers to see if I can find anyone interested in taking responsibility for actually maintaining it
I'll work towards updating travis-ci and composer links properly as well as docs (php-v8.readthedocs.io) when I have some time. Feels free to advice or join.
@DaveRandom You are just saying that to make yourself feel better, aren't you?
@DaveRandom I can do it, but what would I have to do though?
@mega6382 no, it really is actually working, stable, and the huge influx of bot spam has ceased completely
i.imgur.com/SU5UDox.png well, I think I handled that well.
@DaveRandom Well congratz then, \o/
finally after weeks.
this is the first time I have ever created a robots.txt, it has never once been relevant before now
@JayIsTooCommon Yeah, I heard about you becoming a police officer, a few of months back. I thought it was a joke. But anyway congratulations!! \o/
It is a joke, but we really commit to our jokes in this country
The punchline is that at the end your career you have a no possessions, no prospects and a pension worth nothing. Honestly, in 40 years you'll be laughing about it. It's going to be hilarious.
oh what fun times we'll have
@JayIsTooCommon if it's not a joke, congrats! Wish you all the best and stay safe!
@JayIsTooCommon Congrats, Officer Common! :D
@JayIsTooCommon You've become like me
@pmmaga I think he starts at Constable, if there isn't a lower one
@JayIsTooCommon no, we're using jenkins for building stuff...which is certainly a choice.
@mega6382 @pinepain @pmmaga thanks :)
@Leigh beard and everything.
@JayIsTooCommon But you are just 21, isnt that too young for a police officer?
18 is the starting age here I think :)
@Leigh TLDR I'm gonna trust you on that one :P
Oh yea, forgot about CSO
@JayIsTooCommon do you have to wear a conehead hat?
@Leigh and a crop top
is a crop top a different thing over there than it is over here?
@JayIsTooCommon would you be (eligible) sharing your experience becoming police officer? If so, I'd love to hear/keep track if you decide to. Maybe some twitter, fb or so?
@PaulCrovella probably not
@pinepain i'll still be hanging around here when doing freelance / OS work :)
Maybe a bit too vulgar
@JayIsTooCommon do you think you would have time/power to do that? From my experience doing military service, it's quite challenging, though police and mil are also different.
codecop definitely going to be taken...
Dear @googlecloud - it has been 10 days since we requested the support package be added to our account. Trying to explain to our CEO that our migration is stalled because of this is a discombobulating experience.
@pinepain Time i'd have to make, power will have to come from caffeine - police aren't paid much here so I could do with more income :)
@JayIsTooCommon Get a gopro and a twitch.tv account, livestream your beat
monetise all the things
¯\_(惄)_/¯ what could go wrong
@JayIsTooCommon congratulations, yet, you shouldn't feel pressure to stay in the police after training. It's a career path that isn't a good fit for many people.
@Danack thank you. Why is that?
@Danack you made that word up!!
But, coder + police is probably a good inroad for the shiny cheltenham doughnut
waitā€¦ noā€¦ you didn't
mind blown
@Leigh atm i'd be devastated to be put back on a desk job, but maybe that'll change in time
ah, you could become a lollipop lady?
@JayIsTooCommon various crap like spending time on easy to prosecute crimes that society doesn't particular want prosecuting (e.g. drugs), whilst not investigating difficult to investigate/prosecute crimes like burglaries and muggings. Also straight up corruption is prevalent in some forces: bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-43923469
Dan makes a good point, we might need some unauthorised surveillance at some point, stick with it Jay, we believe in you :D
Just make a Facebook app
@Gordon and then made you instantly feel that word.
"North Korea is shifting its time zone 30 minutes to align with South Korea's" ... and programmers everywhere very suddenly oppose korean peace
at least it's a number ending in 0
hell, a whole number of minutes is a kindness
@JayIsTooCommon my point was, don't feel pressure to stick around if you find the job not to your liking. Some companies (not just the police) put pressure on people to stick around after they've spent money on training them. There is no moral reason to do that.
^ friends who have done accountancy exams have experienced this
@Danack I see what you mean, thank you :)
is anyone here using redis with something else but predis?
does anyone use the redis extension instead?
@Gordon apparently we are.
mostly due to the session integration built in with the extension, I think.
@Gordon yep using pecl redis 3.1.6
I'll add it to the list of libs to support
Make sure php-amqp is on your list too then :)
that's userland, right?
adding it further down the roadmap
@Leigh fyi, i'm php-amqp contributor (i guess the top one atm), so feels free to ping me if you have any questions /cc @Gordon
@Tiffany Happy birthday?
does anyone use phpseclib? I see it has tons of downloads but I've never seen it used in the wild
@MadaraUchiha thanks
Happy birthday @Tiffany!
@pinepain Thanks, think I'm good, just don't break it, cheers ;)
now to milk it for all its worth with free food from rewards programs
@Tiffany Happy Birthday!!
Happy birthday Tiff :)
@Tiffany Happy Burpday! :)
@Tiffany Happy B-day!
@Tiffany Congratulations on remaining alive for another arbitrary delineation of the orbit of a rocky thing round a gassy thing. I hope you have an acceptable period of time marked by the arbitrary delineation of the rotation of the rocky thing.
thanks all :)
@Tiffany So sorry! Happy birthday!
@DaveRandom Ever so charming :P
@Tiffany ;) enjoy.
How old are you now btw?
@Tiffany Happy birthday!
@mega6382 depends on the observer
@mega6382 always 21
And so it would seem..
@DaveRandom wait, what rocky thing is orbiting you?
a baggy of crack
do we have some sort of statistic about most used/installed pecl extension?
yaml is only at the top because @Jimbo runs a bot farm
How the hell is yaml on top? And by a quite big margin too.
!!blame @Jimbo
I'm 31. x.x
@DaveRandom lol
@Tiffany Oh, you are so old
interestingā€¦ cassandra has only 279,994 downloads. that's less than pthreads
@mega6382 You like making friends i see?
@J.Ende ha, she knows I am just kidding, probably.
Anyway she's probably to happy with all the free food to even care.
She probably knows or you are probably kidding?
"she probably knows" :P
I know he's joking
Ah, so that is what they meant by Stack Overflow isn't very welcomingā€¦ easy to solve. Just get rid of @mega6382
!vote_kick @mega6382
@Gordon I am very welcoming, I am warm and fuzzy like a panda. :P
Off to work
@DaveRandom nerd

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