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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Been roughly 24 hours since I was in San Diego, and I miss CA already...
ok i think i gained the ability to speak
were you on vacation? :B
woke up in the middle of the night to watch formula 1...
dude ...
what the fucking fuck, it's half three in the morning ...
dude, and you? :D
you woke up to write some commonmark thing most likely :D
didn't sleep yet
beautiful takes time ...
I'm not done yet, still figuring out last little bits ... but it's not likely to be more complicated than that, at bottom ... obviously, the rest of it is not that simple, but when it comes time to execute a query it's going to be blazing fast, faster than writing the code by hand in C in most cases ...
 #0	 FCN	 0	 1	|-
 #1	 FCN	 1	 2	|1
 #2	 FCN	 2	 3	|1
 #3	 FCN	 3	 4	|1
 #4	 ENT	 4	 -1	|-
 #5	 NEN	 4	 5	|-
 #6	 SET	 5	 5	|-
 #7	 SET	 2	 5	|-
 #8	 JMP	 5	 -1	|2
 #9	 NEN	 3	 6	|-
 #10	 SET	 9	 6	|-
 #11	 SET	 3	 6	|-
 #12	 JMP	 6	 -1	|3
 #13	 NEN	 2	 7	|-
 #14	 SET	 13	 7	|-
 #15	 SET	 2	 7	|-
 #16	 JMP	 7	 -1	|2
 #17	 RET	 -1	 -1	|-
stares blankly at screen
I know what needs to change but it's just not coming out ... simple queries work, it's just embedded queries very nested that are wrong ... it's a fun game, try to adjust the jumps in your head ...
then figure out how to write that in code ...
i'm not sure what that is
and what it does
first part is query, second part is compiled instructions list, code I linked too is vm for executing those instructions ...
2 hours later…
morning everyone o/
happy friday all.
2 hours later…
Is it possible to adjust programmatically in printing some data into a roll paper from
a web app in such a way that when data get stop on next line it should cut ,for example if 10 line of data then next line should cut ,if line 5 has data on next line should cut.Is this function is done with operating system and printer diver?
1 hour later…
7.3: strip_tags deprecation of "allowed_tags" – #76215
Post not working with subarray and file – #76216
gut moaning
I just watched a program about beavers It was the best dam program I've ever seen
tub-thump Informal. to promote something or express opinions vociferously.
Did @ircmaxell get married? I noticed his other half took on his last name on Twitter.
You weren't invited?
good morrow
maybe UK should cut the funding for BBC
@Leigh is that a yes?
@tereško Majority of their income comes from television licensing. Best way way to cut their funding is to encourage people not to pay it (evasion is a crime, but there are loopholes you can use)
the tv-licence's was the funding I meant
@Ekin indeed
@Ekin lol, the Mr Bean / Mona Lisa is awesome
his other project looks interesting, too github.com/luanfujun/deep-photo-styletransfer
Hi, may I ask you whats the main reason to use ORM like Doctrine, Eloquent, Prophel or red bean? Does it generally make easier work with database like Active Record does - shortens typing long queries and by that speeds up development?
bottom photo is pretty creepy
the last one, you mean? Yeah, it is.
@FantomX1 It makes you lazy and slows your app down, that's the main reason people use them. It stops you knowing what's going on
@Leigh looks like a go all in stuff then
!!? activerecord is not an orm
Search for "activerecord is not an orm -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=activerecord+is+not+an+orm+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• ActiveRecord Is Even Worse Than ORM - Yegor Bugay… - 26 jul. 2016 - You probably remember what I think about ORM, a very popular design pattern. In a nu… (http://www.yegor256.com/2016/07/26/active-record.html)
• ruby - What is the Difference between Active reco… - 25 jul. 2016 - Object Relational Mapping (ORM) is the technique of accessing a relational database… (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38562565/what-is-the-difference-between
@FantomX1 ^
also, asking questions like this will awaken the kraken @tereško
@PeeHaa @JayIsTooCommon did you watch formula 1 free practice? massive crash, race marshall's seriously injured too youtube.com/watch?v=kfVsfOSbJY0
@Wes gmfdi
I'll give you a star without clicking, because I'm a veteran
everybody want to see a good crash. it's the human nature
it always does a great clickbait
wtf is wrong with us
@Wes Doesn't matter, but now you us a good crash video, and post only the link so we can see the thumbnail before clicking. :P
@Jeeves thank you, much appreciated
@JoeWatkins indexing process seems to have gone insane, been running for 3 days and chewing 100% CPU. I've issued a reboot command but it's struggling to kill everything, I'm sure it will sort itself out eventually
@Wes sometimes, when I catch it by accident, I just watch the first lap (or first turn) of a f1 race just to see if there's a crash
a little weird when you think about it
i know, but it's terrible when people actually get hurt or worse
yeah, but this was fun :)
I mean just look at the car in the end, can't even tell if it was ever a car. :D
it's a miracle that he is alive
back in the day a crash like this in f1 would mean certain death... many drivers died for much less
And walking you would at least expect some semi-serious injury.
youtube.com/watch?v=o02s_g5AUUE this was low speed and relatively safe. quite entertaining that day
Yeah, I am not clicking that :P
it's genuine i promise :P
@Gordon I have begun loosing any urge to prevent the idiots from using Active Record
@tereško it comes with age
just let them be ... it only makes my salary higher
I don't even have any idea what Active Record is, no kidding.
one of the architectural patterns for solving object-relational impedance mismatch
it's basically the shittiest solution for that, @mega6382
it's how you end up with: "we are using the latest frameworks, but our site is making 4000 queries per page, is there any newer framework to solve it?"
@tereško I mostly use Zend's TableGateway, can you please check and tell if that is any good?
I am not a fan, but it's a workable solution, if used properly
but I don't really like it .. also, ZF is implementing it wrong: martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/tableDataGateway.html
hmmm, ok great. And just by a brief overview can you tell how it differs(if) from Active Record?
in active record the "business logic" of an entity is merged with the persistence logic
the SQL is a part of the User class, for example
it's not so bad, while you are using simple queries, but at the moment you introduce foreign keys, it becomes a recursive clusterfuck
OK, great, thanks. Will look into this more myself too.
lxr is back up
will keep an eye on it
> An object that wraps a row in a database table or view, encapsulates the database access, and adds domain logic on that data.
@tereško which is exactly why it's not really about solving or impedance mismatch
it even explicitly states so in POEAA iirc
#lazyweb does any one have a simple way that I can trigger some action when nginx serves a 504?
@Gordon I don't recall anything like that
@Gordon So, sort of like an object with properties that are columns of the table and values of those properties are the values of the row's cells?
@DaveRandom students monitoring your logs and pressing a button?
Nov 16 '17 at 16:55, by DaveRandom
@Fabor I have allocated an intern to stand next to the server with a baseball mitt. His job is to catch exceptions and then carefully place then in the bin outside the server room, then a company comes in and takes them away to be recycled. It's not the cheapest way but it's the best approach environmentally.
we had to let him go
@DaveRandom AWS might have a service for that :P
@tereško I am in the office. I dont have a copy here, but I am pretty sure Fowler says it's not well suited when you got OR impedance mismatch and you are better of with a data mapper then.
@Gordon "not well suited" is not the same as "not really about solving"
just because it is a shit sollution, does not make it to not be a solution
@tereško these are my own words. you'd have to look it up to see what precisely he uses.
I stored this discussion without yours approval so that it stays in my gmail for etternity
I'm at work too - no access to books ATM
@DaveRandom I'm guessing there's no point using error_page 504 /504.php -> location 504.php { proxy_pass ... }
@Leigh I literally just thought of something roughly like that (redirect 504 to PHP)
but if you get a 504 odds are php isn't responding?
@Leigh usually yes, but in this case what I want is for lxr to send me an SMS when tomcat times out
Could run a bare second fpm just for catching errors
well in the normal way of things lxr doesn't touch PHP
there's certainly a high probability that PHP will still be working at least when the first 504 happens
oh right, I forgot about upstream group sequencing
hmm.. pingdom free tier? pingdom.com/free
does it do SMS?
@DaveRandom I know you can Lua script Nginx, but dont ask me how
@DaveRandom Why don't you write a simple script that pings the LXR to check for 504 error every once a while and put it on some other server.
I don't want an email alert because it will definitely just get ignored
@DaveRandom apparently not the free tier, no.. :/
@mega6382 because I am allergic to polling
now you just need a service that sends you an SMS when you get certain e-mails :D
actually that's probably what I will end up doing, but I want a pointless friday overkill waste of time project
@pmmaga I will replace /dev/null with a service that sends me everything sent to it by SMS
@DaveRandom And I wasn't kidding when I said AWS might have a service for that. You can surely use SNS for this aws.amazon.com/sns/sms-pricing
Or you can use some OSS alternative like camel.apache.org/smpp.html
I already have what is effectively a free SMS gateway (boss will let me use the company service if it's just for this)
@DaveRandom Then just set its api with a script that can determine if the lxr is down..
10 mins ago, by DaveRandom
actually that's probably what I will end up doing, but I want a pointless friday overkill waste of time project
For that you can just help @JoeWatkins with his cmark problem :P
cmark has ruined joe
and it's all my fault
Yeah, you should be hung for that :P
@DaveRandom So write your own nginx extension
Or do it using embedded lua
@Leigh to be on the safe side, I will also write a dependent PHP extension
oh yea, they can communicate using protobuf!
Insanity, this is.
Why don't you write a PHP extension to run embedded LUA, then you can write your nginx and PHP sides in the same language
I'm pretty sure you need to add some Haskell in there if you want to be taken seriously
It's just a friday hack project
Can an RFC still br open for PHP 7.3 or there's no time anymore?
@GabrielCaruso you can, yes
@bwoebi Thanks :)
people hurting animals on purpose so that they can make videos of the animals getting saved in order to raise money for their <airquotes>animal shelters</airquotes>
daily reminder that decency doesn't exist anymore, everything on this planet is evil
/me sighs
@Wes the same theory given for the syria chem attack. Minus the word animals of course
that "chem attack" is obviously faked
well that was particularly disgusting to watch, got a dose of disgusts that's going to last for months
Brace yourselves for WW3. @Wes you got those cigarettes yet?
@tereško Why do you think that? I don't disagree, just haven't researched
@Wes welcome to club misanthrope
it did scream false flag, just like the nerve agent in the UK
The one in the UK was false flag by the US, fo sho
@JayIsTooCommon aside from only the "white helmets" reporting on it (there has been no independent verification from ANYONE else), it happened just as Assad was basically about to declare complete victory .. pissing off global community on the day you are picking the flowers for the victory parade, would be insane
@tereško Yes, I couldn't see a reason for Assad doing it. But, why would Russia veto a chem investigation in that case?
who did they veto ?
I'm missing something.. ?
(wasn't it?)
World Health Organisation
No you were right, it was UN
Confusing.. WHO demanded access to provide healthcare, Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapon demanded access to investigate, Russia used it's veto in the UN to prevent the investigation
@Leigh based on what I read, they actually veto'ed making of an "investigation panel"
and I am not actually surprised, since the previous "panel" found Syrian government to be guilty for dropping sarin gas exactly a year ago ... and was quickly discredited by international experts
I think they then proposed that they investigate it themselves, which was denied. Assuming a false flag, it seems like an odd choice. I assume they don't trust the UN investigation
@tereško ah, interesting
@PeeHaa heyhaaa
but anyway, my main reason not to believe is the fact, that the attack was reported by "white helmets"
they are notorious for staging events
There will be spam in a couple of seconds to a minute
PeeHaa has made a change to the feeds posted into this room
posted on April 04, 2018 by trowski

- Fixed detecting when some types of streams are closed (particularly process pipes on macOS) (#40)

posted on April 09, 2018 by kelunik

- Fixed starting processes inside PHARs on Windows. - Fixed `Deferred` double resolution in case of an error.

23 messages moved to Trash
When a colleague deploys a few major projects you're not in the loop on out of hours then goes on holiday for a week \o/
kill me now pls
Yeah, I remember that one
> The way the Russian propaganda machine has targeted the White Helmets is a neat case study in the prevailing information wars. It exposes just how rumours, conspiracy theories and half-truths bubble to the top of YouTube, Google and Twitter search algorithms.
or as the famous quote goes: "The first casualty of War is Truth"
@Leigh that was some really twisted cold blooded stuff
there is no salvation for us
@JayIsTooCommon It could just be vice versa. I dream of the day there's a trustworthy source for news.
Does it make sense to implement autoload PSR-0, PSR-4 and map loaders with object API as an ext? on hashtables?
@brzuchal curiously enough, someone asked for some internals help on the list yesterday and that seems to be what they are trying to do externals.io/message/102029
@pmmaga yes I saw that and I though it may provide an object API for those loaders similarily like composer ClassLoader but in C
there is no built in support for PSR-X standard class loaders AFAIR
or am I wrong?
I dunno if it really benefit
but maybe
such loaders could be used in userland for some specialized autoloader which handles fallbacks or smth else
@brzuchal I don't think there is, no.. about it providing any benefit, I can't say either :P
What is the point of $data = (yield $value);? Where is it ever needed? What does it do?
!!docs Generators
Generators provide an easy way to implement simple iterators without the overhead or complexity of creating a class that implements the Iterator interface.
Those braces are unneeded btw
Call it visual debt if you want :P
@kelunik I am not talking about yield, I am talking about putting it on the right side.
Confused what you mean
I mean what would you do with $data after?
What can you do I mean
Whatever you want
@mega6382 Implementing coroutines, see amphp.org
But it doesn't contain any value its just null
@mega6382 Parenthesis are only required on PHP 5.
@PeeHaa I thought that was zombo.com
@PeeHaa @kelunik Check this 3v4l.org/UE0WJ the $data is NULL
I must be missing something, can you explain?
How many apples grow on a tree? All of them
@Jeeves stupid bot
@mega6382 You can send data into the generator
@mega6382 looks like a bug to me, yield never returns anything
@Sjon No, its doing the same on my localhost
> The value that will be assigned to $data is the value passed to Generator::send(), or NULL if Generator::next() is called instead.
case closed
OK, let me test
Is there actually a co-routine page on php.net?
@Danack ah, lol that's literally in the Generator documentation. Should be documented on yield page too
If not somoene should swipe part of nikic.github.io/2012/12/22/…
and link to co-routines from the generator page.
OK, thanks guys, now it makes some sense 3v4l.org/BUeaE
that is like your official greeting..
I just woke up ...
I was up until about half five this morning and slept all day ...
it's all wes's fault ...
@Wes dick
Format DATE_RFC3339_EXTENDED fails to match valid input – #76218
evening room.
hey, php.net/manual/en/class.iteratoraggregate.php ; Example #1; why the __construct() is used? I get the same result with $property4 = "last property" and the whole thing deleted.
I mean, what is the difference? Why it is needed?
Its not needed, its just to show that its possible.
ok, thanks
Just found out there is such thing as macOS server. Wonder if anyone even uses it.
symfony's AppKernel is a retarded piece of shit
@mega6382 I think it used to be a thing when macs were still for designers instead of hipsters
I guess the ppc era :D
could be
@Danack Sorry missed that one. Also doesn't load :)
Oh lol. Thaaat one
SIGSEGV related to couchbase client – #76219
@Gordon yup, almost a year ago now ;)
\o/ It's officially side project o'clock again
@tereško Just a slight correction: Symfony is a retarded shit.
not all of it
some of the components are ok
The caching alone is a nightmare to deal with
but the AppKernel in particular is a clusterfuck
I would just use stand-alone caching
any time someone decides to use a full framework, it ends up with self-inflicted wounds
I'm lookin for a website I remember remotely, but have forgotten the name.
It's about programming, a portal, with many authors and different topics all about programming.
Please note your favorites, I might find it again :)
Okay, found it - it is dzone.
@hakre What are you doing there?
posted on April 13, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

I'm writing a facade .. feeling good :P ...! Recently I've got understood making things which do multiple tasks automatically is good :-)
Anybody else has more issues than normal with travis trying to clone deps from github?
@Shafizadeh was looking for an ebook which as it turned out wasn't at dzone but infoq. somehwat dzone helped me to find infoq again: infoq.com/minibooks/domain-driven-design-quickly - don't ask don't tell ^^
wanted to send it to a co-worker.
@hakre Ah I see. good :-)
@PeeHaa have not pushed yet (but can if you like). What do you mean by deps, like via composer?
@hakre Yeah. About 50% of the times I composer a github dep directly it fails
@PeeHaa do you prefer dist or prefer source? and about how many deps do you talk?
@Shafizadeh be careful with that
it is easy to adopt various bad practices that way
you still have not understood "SOLID principles"
Morning! Thoughts on Dice DI-Container?
Sounds dicey
Perfect! Thanks!
I'm still planning on making my own implementation for the learning experience but was curious of the views/thoughts from you guys. Was just reading this article comparing a lot of the containers and PHP-DI seemed to have a lot of overhead so was wondering if anyone had ever used Dice. sitepoint.com/…
Float variables comparison error – #76220
well .. there are basically two major ways to do DIC: configuration based and reflection based
I checked and it doesn't use yaml for config which is a pro
Looks okish I think, but the array API reads kinda wonky
$rule = ['substitutions' => ['PDO' => ['instance' => 'MyPDO']]];
reads kinda meh imho
What are the differences between config and reflection? I'm not familiar with this.
well, that's the part of said "learning experience"
Yeah- Dice and Aura were supposed to be a little heavier in configuration coding to make it work versus PHP-DI but I guess that's where a lot of the overhead is from for PHP-DI.
so - start digging
@BruceBanEm When you say overhead what do you mean?
he was looking at some benchmarks ... and believing benchmarks
lol- see a comment to side that rings a bell "When I think of @tereško consulting I think of Gordon Ramsey."
@PeeHaa memory
Does php-di really use that much memory it's actually an issue?
What does it do that it is an issue?
I don't know. As @tereško said I was just taking what that article said at face value.
Not sure if issue is valid or of concern.
Even the worst in that benchmark uses 1MB of mem :P
I mean c'mon. Surely that is not a problem :D
Yeah but look how long the bar is compared to the other bars! Ha! You're right @PeeHaa
@BruceBanEm I am coming from marketing. Don't explain to me how to arrange bar graphs to nudge to specific outcome!
@BruceBanEm What is that?
@PeeHaa Hmm, I've never seen that. Interesting.
@hakre s/interesting/annoying :P
We can make the graphs tell any story we want @PeeHaa.
You would do well with my people :D
@PeeHaa What is that, I mean, it writes in the error message to check interactively?! There is a travis-retry thingy if it helps, interested?
Btw, here is a fresh build, but it's all green: travis-ci.org/ktomk/pipelines
@hakre hmmm retry might be what I need yeah
@PeeHaa Okay, let me check that one...
well ... let's put it this way, @BruceBanEm: this is a link the article's author's site: r.je/dice.html
I noticed the interactive message, but ain't nobody got time fo dat I guess
this article should have been marked as "advertisement"
@tereško that "style" is slightly infuriating for my ocd :P
@hakre Let me try
Oh lol I actually already have 1 retry in there
I think it does three times?
But hey, LOL :)
Pushed. And now we wait
I would personally prefer API and usability over anything else in most cases @BruceBanEm
@tereško I am thinking of leaving the DI-Container part out completely for right now and just doing straight dependency injection even though I will have to pass a lot of parameters... at least for now.
If something is an actual problem (memory/cpu/whatever bottleneck) I would go look for alternatives
@BruceBanEm sure, you can do that
but in a larger project you will end up with a lot of factories
or a really big bootstrap file
though, if you are making something like a blog, it should be fine
@PeeHaa I'm really taking on a lot of new information and changing a lot of code in our system right now so I'm trying to only do a few things at a time. This started with needing to implement RBAC, then went into needing a user class, then a database class. See... the problem is a lot of the code was... sigh... procedural... and I am trying to change my mentality and approach to OOP.
So I am having to change my mindset completely while also changing from using mysqli to PDO. It's fun but is taking a long time.
@BruceBanEm a lot of parameters for what?
If a lot of parameters are all for the same, they might belong together and form one parameter - sometimes called "parameter object" -> refactoring.com/catalog/introduceParameterObject.html
@BruceBanEm yeah rewrites like that can be a pain unless you hide parts of the system and have proper tests so you can change small parts at a time
@hakre Without a DI container the injections can become messy such as $library = new Library($database, $subscriptions, $books);
Same errors @hakre. Thanks though. I will just ignore it for now while it's still under development
@BruceBanEm They don't become messy, but visible. What might become visible by that is, how messy (real life for) it can be.
Often when a DI container is used, it seems like a cure, but indeed it hides part of the problem and you only shift it to much larger scale.
For dependencies: The more visible, the more direct, the better.
@tereško It's an ongoing growing internal system we use for our company. It started out as an online inventory and ordering system for our decentralized locations. As I have had a lot of requests to add certain things it now also tracks shipments between stores, all rented and owned trailers/sea containers, production, sales analysis data, shrinkage reports, box optimizer tools, eh... a bunch of other stuff and more to come.
Access control has become more complicated and roles are now needed before I proceed so... thus is how this journey into changing to an OOP approach began for an RBAC method.
if you are applying it to an existing system, then better go with an existing package
@PeeHaa Really spectacular. Why is causing creating the mirror an error. This is so much a standard git operation.
My guess is github throttling stuff
Or just me doing something wrong :P
No worries
@hakre I do like the code to be more visible... at least right now I do.
I am good at ignoring issues :D
@BruceBanEm I would recommend either Auryn or Symfony's DI Component
@tereško I built the whole thing- no libraries, for the sake of learning. I'm not really wanting to do a package at this point.
@tereško I will bookmark those. ty
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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