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@PeeHaa Really? This didn't work:
> **Note:**
> Note text 1


> **Note:**
> Note text 2
With those three dashes?
yes ...
@rdlowrey With those dashes it add a <hr>. And without (just adding empty lines) it marries the two notes :(
@PeeHaa Yeah, adding an <hr/> is the only way I've been able to separate them. It's annoying.
@SomeKittens src
What's wrong with <hr/>?
I believe @Donut found another way the last time. By adding a &nbsp;, but that is also something I would like to prevent
@SomeKittens I don't need it there
I'll just file it under a markdown bug and get on with business :(
I really HATE &nbsp;
@rdlowrey Exactly
Yeah &nbsp; should be avoided at all costs really...
@rdlowrey I'm a very longtime FastCGI user and I never needed to do that.
@hakre Really? Not for any status codes at all? Or you've only done it on 404s?
@rdlowrey yea there wasn't an ecommerce room so I figured id try this. thank you for the reply though
@rdlowrey These kind always worked: header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");
Is it posible to connect here by irc?
Or by Jabber
@Elfet I don't think so ...
But I've been wrong before
@rdlowrey Am adding wrappers for session_start, headers_sent and session_id to my session class so I can override them easily. I think that should let me implement much more thorough unit tests as well as decouple from $_SESSION for testing.
@rdlowrey so?
@GordonM Yes, definitely. I do that so I can always test code that depends on native functions that aren't available in the CLI.
@Elfet you want to connect to this chat via Irc or Jabber? Just clarifying to be sure...
BTW if you guys have any remarks / suggestions or anything else about my proposal for the new php.net tutorial while I'm working on it I would appreciate hearing it: github.com/PeeHaa/php-net-tutorial (WIP)
@GordonM You just need to use PHPUnit's $this->getMock method to mock the behavior of the wrapper methods.
Yeah, just looking at that now.
@GordonM It took me a little while to understand what was happening -- I'm not crazy about how the PHPUnit documenation is set up. Feel free to ask questions and I'll try to help if I can.
@PeeHaa Levi was asking a couple of days ago if I could write something for the "Something useful" section. And now I've gotten the idea in my head to try and implement The Name Game as a tutorial. I think that'd be a good choice, cos you get basic form operations and string manipulation. Plus it ought to be fun. :)
Horray for songs that describe algorithms.
@GordonM Ah the something useful section which isn;t really useful :) cool
Just need to listen to that song a few more times and extract the rules. And try not to go nuts in the process.
Its catchiness could probably be weaponised.
@rdlowrey Would it be easier to just make a subclass in my test suite and run the test against that? This mocking business looks like it's not fun to say the least!
@GordonM You could do that ... I did for a while until I figured out what was going on with the mocking. Eventually you'll want to mock it because it has some advantages, but I won't say don't subclass in the beginning. It's better than wasting lots of time fighting with PHPUnit.
I really like the mocking capabilities now, but it definitely took me some time to understand what was happening.
From what I've seen the mocking disables all the methods of the class and returns NULL for all of them unless you explicitly override them all. I basically need the mock to behave exactly the same as the normal class exxept with the methods that are bound to session overridden to use an array instead. Also the constructor seems to be problematic.
I think I'm just gonna subclass for now, figure out mocking later.
I think the mock would be better cos I could simulate trying to start the session when the headers have already been sent, test that starting the session gets skipped if the session was started already, etc. Oh well, next version.
hi, i'm using this code to request a site, but i can't see in ff console that request has been sent. all i get is bool(false) on var_dump of variable. can you plz me to find out the solution.
if (!function_exists('curl_init') ) {
die('Sorry cURL is not installed!');
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "http://example.com/example.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_REFERER, "http://example.com/example.php");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "MozillaXYZ/1.0");

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 10);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
i expect ff to show that request has been sent to example.com/ site
my page is on localhost, but the target page is on remote site
$data has querystring
Why are you adding a query string to CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS?
Just pass it an array like a boss ;)
That way it will take care of encoding it for you
can you say: win!
yes, but i'm stuck one step behind that, it sends request to page on localhost, but not on remote site
Totally off topic: Lost your lighter? The smokers survial kitchen kit: youtube.com/watch?v=vZp_q_7IExA
i m trying to be able to send request somehow. i am using curl to request a page, coz xhr javascript request responses as 'cross site access control' problem.
I think you got the message out that you have a problem to do a HTTP request.
So which part exactly fails? Did you know that curl_setopt actually returns a value?
Someone awake and able to help with CodeIgniter multiple application site? I'm trying to do as the doc says with /application/app1 where all models and controllers are located.. and then app1.php as the index out where my system folder are located - however htaccess is annoying now
so basically how are you guys / how would you guys do multiple applications with CI
I eat CI sites for breakfast ^^
@hakre huh?
@hakre for http request, i don't think it is problem, coz it gives 200 ok status. and 'which part fails' , i guess it's curl_exec()
Oh, I see
You mean CI as in CodeIgniter, not as in Continuous Integration
200 ok status while using javascript
as in CodeIgniter :)
I already wondered why you're eating continuous integration sites ^^
But @hakre does it mean you can help me? :=
crispy integration :)
to send request
@hakre i think there should not be a problem to request webservices on thirdparty servers using php
with querystring
@NikiC right, let's not waste that nice abbreviation on dump codebases.
@hakre how do u send request thirdparty webservices
@jjpd: Create a question on SO, add all the information including the real world URLs and the data you send and then you might get better feedback. I'd say you need to do some basic debugging with your code to find out why it fails at exec.
I have also some other curl related question that shows you how to obtain debug information. Let me pick it, probably it helps you to get more insight.
sure, thanks
Is it true that /application/app1 and /app2 would be the best approach to make multiple applications with one CI library?
A: Getting content body from http post using php CURL

hakreCURLOPT_VERBOSE should actually show the details. If you're looking for the response body content, you can also use CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, curl_exec() will then return the response body. If you need to inspect the request body, CURLOPT_VERBOSE should give that to you but I'm not totally sure. ...

@rdlowrey I've committed some session related changes now. The class and the unit test are updated. And the bootstrap no longer uses ob_start :)
@hakre i got Verbose information:
* Could not resolve host: 0; Host not found
* Closing connection #0, when i copied/pasted your code with my target url
i'm receiving output but not from my url, yes from other urls
Another PHP goodie:
The json_encode invalid-incoding change was applied to 5.3, 5.4 and master, and then was backed out only from 5.4 and master :)
So now 5.3.14 behaves different from all other version :-/
@ircmaxell By the way, I don't think we should suggest namespaces for code until we have codified some standard. Officially, the only reserved namespace is PHP.
I say anything in PHP core goes in \PHP, and any extension goes in \ExtensionName. Simple, easy, but we need to decide something.
@hakre thanks a lot, your code worked!!
@LeviMorrison I've set up a repo for the php tutorial and started doing some work on it @ github.com/PeeHaa/php-net-tutorial
@PeeHaa It's basically a port of the first few current articles to github, right?
@LeviMorrison For now yup. With some improvements.
I'm thinking about doing some basic syntax after this to pave the way for some more fancy stuff
@PeeHaa Yuck, physical wrapping.
@LeviMorrison ?
@PeeHaa The lines are wrapped with new lines. They aren't soft wrapped.
@NikiC which change was that? You have the bug?
@LeviMorrison Ah right :) Habit of mine :P Nothing a good old replace in files can't fix. 1 sec
@hakre json_encoding used to insert "null" for invalid utf-8 strings. now it returns false. ("now" = 5.3 only)
@LeviMorrison hmmm. How big is you issue with it?
I have word wrap disabled in my IDE and it tends to get unreadable :P
@PeeHaa Pretty big. It makes changing text for improvements more difficult because you have to fix the hard wrapping.
@LeviMorrison True that
@LeviMorrison Regex trhough files to the rescue! Fixed :)
@NikiC I somewhat have the feeling that json_encode wasn't properly implemented from the first place. Which I don't really understand because C-Code should have existed.
I mean PHP was pretty late jumping on the json bandwaggon.
json_encode pre-5.3 sucks... problems with tabs and other special characters etc
we should probably start with a PHP usercode implementation before writing core functions. Those can be quickly prototoyped and test-cases can be created. The implementation could then be tested against those tests.
I think it was rushed in the realization that php was falling behind in the field, and wasn't tested properly somehow... I mean, the problems were so obvious it's painfull. And it is not like it's hard, seen proper parsers (in php) that do it, they just don't do it very fast...
@PeeHaa Could you add n- prefixing to your tutorial?
otherwise the order isn't quite clar
@NikiC I thought about doing that, but then I thought about would happen when the order changes, then I thought that wouldn't happen, then I wasn't sure about it and then you pinged me
So: drop the TOC and prefix n-?
that's what I'd do
hey guys is teresko here ???
@NikiC Do you know how github sorts: 2 vs 11?
Well let's find out :)
Hmm 02 would fix it even if it is an issue
i'm programming MVC is it wise to autoload controllers,models,core classes or this may effect on performance
am loading it all with spl_autoload_register
@user1464822 Autoload the hell outta it! :)
what ??
That's my way of saying you should use an autoloader :D
@PeeHaa "When new documents are added the table of contents should be updated accordingly with the filename as entry." that should go away too then
@user1464822 lazy-autoload everything
the lazy-autoload is gonna effect on perfromance ??
or it's better
It will improve it
not noticably enough though
Or make it worse
Depending on the scenario :P
But in any case, that's not something you have to care about
@NikiC ty
so it's better to lazy-load ?
depends a bit on how you intend to detect the folder that should be used to load a class and other environment variables, ofcourse your autoload method should be lightning
I feel like I should go to sleep now
@user1464822 yes
because it's gonna load just the needed files
@user1464822 Everything with lazy in it must be good. That's the reason I became a programmer
thank you guys for helping me
i just have a second simple question
i read about models and i understand the is a place for bussiness logic
so database handling the validation
and the authnication should be in it ??
it's class for handling these things right ??
@user1464822 the fastest autoloader I ever built for a 1 day project was something like this function autoload () { include $_SERVER['root'] . str_replace('_', DS, $name); } so they can also be very simple :-/
with autoload taking 1 argument called $name
i have made a loader class using spl_autoload_register
that is fine
what about the model ? did i understand correctly
more or less, but other people can probably point you to better directions, I suck at explaining MVC
so i'm gonna ask you about URI's :D
does this $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] works in all servers ?
or there is excpetions
i'm sorry if i had asked you a lot of questions
I'm going to sleep. later guys
I can say it will work in cases where a php file is executed through something like Apache or NGINX @user1464822
@PeeHaa me too, night
so it won't work in IIS
You don't want to run PHP on IIS
but anyway, it might very well work, I just don't know about it
because it's a product so may they will use it on IIS and i hate this
oh thank you that link is really helpful
posted on June 20, 2012 by Sean Coates

I think this is the first piece I’ve written on my blog that is tagged only “beer”; apologies to my readers who don’t care about such things (there are feeds for PHP and Web as well, if you’d prefer to avoid the occasional post on beer geekery). I love a good berliner weiße beer. For those of you that haven’t had the pleasure of enjoying a glass, it’s a very light and refreshing, sour and

@user1464822 The database probably shouldn't do the validation.
What if you switch to using Google App Engine? Then you have to recode pretty much everything because you tied yourself to the database.
@LeviMorrison Fair, draft up an RFC about it

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