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like, '/\Gdef/' ?
@Wes Now do it with fasthttp
@mega6382 I sometimes lay in bed and stare at my phone instead
... someone just called tech dept because he couldn't find the file he downloaded
I just heard 'where do you download this file when I click that button!?!' on the speaker
was he angry?
yeah, and now all who heard him here are too
@Wes Comparisons would be cool. :)
@mega6382 yes
> @asgrim asgrim locked and limited conversation to collaborators on Dec 7, 2016
I'm guessing it was linked on reddit, or some kind of variant
@Tiffany No, on devrant
@mega6382 ...I honestly thought that was a short URL for deviantart... :X
Okay I have no clue how to approach this anymore. I'm trying to convert a ppt file to pptx, I've tried using the PHPPresentation library but it just gets stuck, crashing my browser in the process. Has anyone here had to convert ppt files to pptx and if yes, how did you approach it?
mv file.ppt file.pptx
you're welcome ...
If only it were that easy
Might just use LibreOffice ._.
It would be a unicorn, right? not an unicorn.
an unicorn sounds so weird.
evening room.
a/an is generally used based on the sound of the first letter. In American English, "HTML" would be pronounced with "an" because the "H" sounds like an "A" at first. I'm fairly certain HTML is pronounced differently in British/Australian English though.
Difference is vowel/consonant yeah.
A unicorn, an upperclassmen.
Difference is vowel/consonant sound by the way, like Tiffany said
@Tiffany smart keys tldr i.imgur.com/iOq6mNK.png
@Wes not only that though... the debug window used to not be accessible
as in, it required a mouse to utilize it
@Tiffany You mean "aitch" and "haitch" right?
@RizkyFakkel yes
haitch is a very stupid way of saying aitch
to me, it's more "aych" and "haych"
People who pronounce the H, when naming the letter H, are wrong.
That is all
which part of Britain does that?
Most of it, because children these days are brought up poorly
@Leigh conversely, people who fail to pronounce the H at the beginning of words are also wrong.
But that's a different issue
If you are in mortal danger and are screaming "elp" and I am around, you are going to die.
why would you skip the h...
How do you even say H without saying H?
without the H
mostly because you are urban
@Tiffany You are an American. Don't even get me started on "herbs".
Ahhh. I see now.
urban people have a lot to do, probably ...
What's wrong with urbs?
@DaveRandom I pronounce "herbs" "fuck the British and bastardize their language."
Started writing automated tests for the team, integration ones, using Behat. I actually find this more exciting than the code at the moment!
you... you used a Z in bastardise... 'ang 'im!
yeah, shut up @Jimbo. We're talking about erbs
aren't erbs some kind of ruby template thing?
@Leigh I don't know, but if you smoked some herb it would probably help you write Ruby.
@JayIsTooCommon You say that like it's some kind of insult, in this room...
@Leigh ze joke
Trying to decide whether to get Sea of Thieves or not
how's it compare to Sid Meier's Pirates?
totally different I think
Is is a MMORPG?
@Allenph Nope
oh, nevermind, Sea of Thieves is first-person
@Leigh Dude in the JS room claims it's the next Jesus.
Wiki sure makes it seems like MMORPG.
@MadaraUchiha Wuut?
@MadaraUchiha So probably a waste of time?
Claims it's amazing
I read that wrong. I read "Dude in JS room claims he's the next Jesus" and immediately went to look expecting a shit storm.
I think SoT is a game that really does require a group of friends to be fun though
@Jimbo Any good starting points for Behat?
@Jimbo do you have an Apple Developer account?
why the hell is this a chatroom? the chat description is just an ad for another website.
@RizkyFakkel What is this "friends" you speak of?
@MadaraUchiha fellow meatbags
@Tiffany It looks like it's just a site for the room, brosiah.
I suppose there's nothing against a website creating their own SO chatroom
'family' just triggers cringe in any community
@JayIsTooCommon Wasn't the fact that they're iOS developers enough?
fair point
why is ceil() called ceil
oh, and create an account over HTTP‌​, cause who needs TLS, amirite?
@JayIsTooCommon for the same reason floor() is called floor :P
@Sean I've done it before, but can't find the code. So back to the docs on behat.org.
It's what I'm doing right now ;)
@Tiffany Yep, it doesn't cost anything
@Jimbo do you have a device attached to your account?
@Tiffany Mobile phone actually, but it's still my English one, so can't get into my account due to 2 factor auth as I don't use an english # any more, just my spanish :D
@Jimbo I've been avoiding the part where Xcode says "There are no devices registered in your account on the developer website," because I don't have an iOS device and we don't have a newer general-use iOS device. I'd have to hound someone to let me use their device to attach it to the account... but I'm starting to think that's the only choice I have.
which is fucking annoying
Hmm, I don't actually ever remember attaching a specific device to my account, but it might automatically use the iPhone I have
I'm not sure, as I can't actually access my account
But, you should not need a device to be able to work with Xcode
I have it set to "automatically manage signing," which I've been told is the preferable way
Me to
And is has my name ni the team box with (personal team)
Then, Provisioning profile: Xcode managed profile
And the signing certificate says iPhone Developer with my email address and something else
but, you don't need to sign your app do you? Not just to run it
Maybe to run it on a device, yes
But then, you'd actually need the device to run it
I already have a Developer account, we were able to get the fee waived because Apple implemented a system for education, nonprofit and government to not have to pay the 99 USD fee.
I'm trying to build it for Generic iOS Device so that I can archive it.
like, I have the certs and shit set up in the Developer website
I'm just going to ask my boss what to do, since I don't think there's any other choice for me
Does anyone know how long is the Sitepoint premium deal? Is it for a month? A year? I'm not sure why they're offering all their books and courses for 9$
That's strange. But alluring at the same time. And the offer is going to end in 19 hours. Please tell me if you know anything.
I need a name for namespace, that contains value objects
ehh ... nevermind
Oh god, that's almost as bad as creating Entity and Repository, don't do it!!!
issues that we are fixing on HP-UX(prototype change, PA flag etc) – #76138
^ WAT.
@Jimbo ? I am afraid because I have these namespaces.
> HP-UX (from "Hewlett Packard Unix") is Hewlett Packard Enterprise's proprietary implementation of the Unix operating system, based on UNIX System V (initially System III) and first released in 1984.
people running php on their printer.
strange bug report
I don't know. It's not THAT weird is it?
A lot of printers create a WiFi network then provide a web interface for configuration.
So where does PHP fit in?
"web interface"
@Simon.B it should be a year...
oh, no, it's monthly
I clicked on the button and it said "$9 Monthly Membership"
My employer subscribed to it for me, but I haven't used it that much, to be honest.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier we used to have servers that ran on the Itanium CPUs......... then Oracle dropped support for them and we had to switch to Linux boxes. Our DBA was not happy that year. We were on OpenVMS
> ashishj
@pmmaga hue hue hue. nice spotting
posted on March 22, 2018 by CommitStrip

@Feeds "=_=
@Feeds Passwords are not encrypted.
@Allenph Yeah, but go tell a non-techie about hashing
was chat down for you just a moment ago
@MadaraUchiha as a comic for programmers... you'd think they get it right
@Tiffany They did get it right, they got exactly what the dev would say to the spiky haired manager in this situation.
That was weird. Chat was down.
@MadaraUchiha It's encryption that's not reversible.
@MadaraUchiha true
@Allenph Would you say that strlen is encryption?
Because strlen is a valid hashing function (albeit a crappy one)
@Feeds what a load of horse shit
nevermind, I think that's a woosh moment on my part
I was on a website the other day that told me what my password was when I forgot it : (
@jjok was it Cambridge Analytica?
@Tiffany Not useful at all. :( The last book I read almost took me 3 months. I'm busy with my university classes. It's not useful.
@JayIsTooCommon No. I can't remember who it was...
@Simon.B yeah, I've downloaded a bunch of their books to my kindle and have read maybe a chapter of one, lol
too much of it is basic stuff
@MadaraUchiha No. I'd say it's a hashing function.
But that sentence is easily understandable for a layman.
Ah, fair enoughj.
Bristol Ticket Shop doesn't hash their passwords.
That was mean of me :x
@MadaraUchiha I'm still laughing…
Cannot unsee
Right… that poor girl.
The problem with Chrome becoming as popular as it has: updates are controlled by GPO. -_-
nicolas cage is hot
and by the way, @Trowski sorry but without the cowboy hat you are a stranger to me
@Tiffany Even when installing in your own user space?
@PeeHaa yup
just tried... Chrome goes through installation, says "installation finished" and I'm still on 55.
@Wes This from the guy that has changed his user name like 6 times.
@Allenph Because you have loads of different things that don't belong together being in the same directory, you're not organising anything. Why would a User also be in the same directory as File? And in repository you would have UserRepository and FileRepository and everything is just not connected. Instead, it's better to place User and UserRepository together, because they belong together and it's plain easy to see that when looking at the directory structure
i'm sticking to the panda now
I like the panda
@Trowski not as bad as anime-boy... who hasn't been here in a while
He's cool
whoever did that photo is an actual genius
@Wes Yeah, the panda is awesome.
@Tiffany I just assumed he is now called Simon.B
Or maybe it's @mega6382
no mention about hentai
can't be
I'm going to FireFox.
Screw Google and their censorship.
@Jimbo Hrm.
I think you're right but I don't have time to switch now.
!!should i go to bed now and wake up at 2 am or should i stay awake till 8 am
!!blame PeeHaa
You need to get yourself some ambien Wes.
Zed is dead
CLI router recommendations anyone?
Has anyone tried Upsource for code reviews?
Looks like decent integration with PHPStorm
\o G'devenin PHP
surprised someone hasn't named their business Upboat yet
@PeeHaa Hey, I am no anime-boy :|
@PeeHaa His name is now @Ikari
//cc @Tiffany
i think animes are a disease
and it's spreading like crazy
yeah, well, that's like, your opinion, man
was I summoned?
you haven't been in chat in a long time
27 mins ago, by Tiffany
@Trowski not as bad as anime-boy... who hasn't been here in a while
yeah, I mostly am around the js room most of the time
I see
ooh, now that I'm here, I made dis github.com/SaitamaSama/Tungsten
hello, anyone uses laravel here? do you think laracasts.com/series/laravel-from-scratch-2017/episodes/1 video series are still good? current version is 5.6 and in the videos they seem to use 5.4
linux question: can I run a diff on two files, then pipe it into grep to find instances of a string pattern?
Nobody uses Laravel here
@Tiffany of course
so something like diff file1 file2 | grep "TKT"?
did exactly what I was expecting, yay
pssst, you could have just tried it :)
I know... but I typed the command off the top of my head in chat
The thought of how to type it didn't occur to me yet :P
All good unix utils will accept data on stdin, and output in stdout... you can chain for days
tried showing what I did to a coworker, thinking she'd be interested/might help her... "it's too difficult"
sounds more like code for "this doesn't interest me"
she's the kind of person who would rather do busywork than automate it
That's my 3rd mate in our 'IT room'
She's the one who also prints all the things
sounds like my coworker too....
are they twins?
I'm ruined, puppies are exhausting ...
@JoeWatkins can we see them puppies?
Ha :)
I'll stop now ...
That's cute
solitudinarian a person who seeks solitude; recluse.
in the past 5 minutes this is the third time I bit my cheek
Its always fun to watch @tereško in frustration :D
║ [2 minutes and 34 seconds] without an accident ║
║          since [2018-03-22 19:34:53]           ║
Have you heard of the band 1023MB? They haven't got a gig yet
@mega6382 I know ... my online persona creates and a low-level animosity in even the most benevolent people
I unconsciously bite and chew the insides of my cheeks and my tongue >.<
I'm trying to break myself of the habit of doing it to my lips as well.
then again, the major difference, when compared to my offline persona is - the luxury of time, before writing a sentence
@tereško But still everyone likes you )))
yeah, what that says about you all
!!lxr sapi_windows_vt100_support
[ /ext/standard/streamsfuncs.c#1667 ] PHP_FUNCTION(sapi_windows_vt100_support)
why am I looking at windows stuff?
indeed, why are you?
@JoeWatkins Because someone hates themselves.
I blame @kelunik
@JoeWatkins Because you are a masochist )))
if I'd had more sleep, I'd be able to come up with something funny to say ... I got nothin' ...
People should just start dropping support for Windows like they did for IE to destroy the market share.
this function makes me angry for two reasons, first windows, then streams ...
@Allenph you sure you want apple to take all the consumer market?
@Wes Fair point. They piggy-back off of Free BSD, huh?
!!urban piggy-back
[ piggyback ] Using your neighbor's wireless network because you can't afford your own.
i don't know
did they?
Yeah. They did.
@JoeWatkins Nobody said you should click that. ;-)
!!should i go to bed now and wake up at 2 am or should i stay awake till 8 am
You should go to bed now and wake up at 2 am.
this is going to be a long day
!!should I take over the world or should I keep daydreaming
You should keep daydreaming.
!!should I stay or should I go
You should go.
!!should I watch the college wide meeting from my computer or attend it in person
You should watch the college wide meeting from your computer.
How can you possibly have a college wide meeting that's fruitful in anyway?
president updating us on stuff basically
budget mainly
credit hours are down, less high school students graduating because there are less students... less human beings
see you in 5 hours. gn -__-
I feel like my tests should not be this long. They're longer than the classes by far.
At least the ones that test the REST mappers.
@Allenph Tests usually should be short, are you testing a bunch of things in one test?
@Alesana Depends on what you mean.
I mean, for instance I have a test for a REST mapper that tests...that the requests are formed correctly, that it populates the entity ID after a create, that the create method returns errors when there are some, and that it returns true when there aren't any errors.
Oh and since this is a CQRS model I test that a write event is dispatched to the mediator.
@Allenph You should have one test for each thing. One test that the requests are formed correctly, another that it populates the entity ID after a create, etc...
Yes, those all are separate tests.
Ah okay
They're each a separate method on a TestCase. That's what you mean write?
There's just a lot to test for REST mappers it seems.
That's what I was asking :P
@Alesana What are you asking? I'm confused.
All of those tests are in one class, but are separate methods.
@Allenph that ^^. I assume what you're doing is fine, a lot of tests is a good thing
I think anyways
These TestCase classes are like 200 lines long some times.
Much longer than the actual mapper.
It's also much harder to write SOLID tests and reuse mocks...which feels like it's going to destroy me when the codebase changes.
(I think it's the correct blog post)
Wes was saying something similar the other day.
But I don't see how you can like, not use mocks.
I don't think it's a matter of not using mocks, but not using them as much
posted on March 21, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Granted, I don't know what the alternative is
Error when registering on wiki.php.net – #76139
@Jimbo Shit. Yeah. You're right. Directory structure is getting so complicated.
Do you keep related interfaces in the same directory too?
attack of the cat
I will have to find more bands like this
@Jeeves @PaulCrovella Seems like you killed the wiki.
crap... I had like... eight million tabs open in Chrome on my home machine, and had been keeping them alive by reopening them from "recently closed tabs" ... they're all gone now after an update
I need to bookmark shit more often
tried vivaldi?
hm.. interesting
... guys, buy fallout 4 on humble bundle
I found the one page I was afraid of losing at least
@tereško please tell me of any and every one you find
@FélixGagnon-Grenier but I already have it
BUY IT AGAIN!!!!!!!11111111
@FélixGagnon-Grenier ah, so you like
I didn't buy it, someone gifted it to me... and I haven't played it yet... :X
I still need to play Witcher 3...
yes, you do. it's pretty good
I have been actually getting strong recommendations regarding Hellblade - Sanua's Sacrifice

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