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That's what it says in this PCRE file anyways.
some example code is wrong of "String" in Chinese Doc – #76122
@Tiffany how's your job search going?
2 hours later…
hey guys anybody knows how to allow user select date(from, to) to display bar chart?
2 hours later…
morning Joe
Good Morning, I recently had a conversation with some buddies around the coffee machine about the length of functions and classes. What is a rule of thumb for you guys? I personally feel it's not something to be forced, readability and usability are more important. But many articles seem to recommend a stricter approach.
@Jimbo yes, but I was unsure why you did it
Morning, If I wanted to create a star rating system where users could rate a movie, someone suggested I store the number of users who have rated it and the total sum of all the ratings, and find the mean from it
However the issue I am facing is if a user continuously votes, the number of users who have rated it continues to increase, but I don't want it to after a user has already voted.
Hi, Is it possible to just move composer files to a different directory? Won't it cause a problem?(I've run the composer command in a wrong directory)
Would the best way to be to store the names of the users who have voted and then check their username against it to see if its there
@TheCodesee If you want to be 100% sure, you have to enforce registration
(Even then, users may open multiple accounts)
yes that is what i mean. i'm not so concerned about multiple accounts, but then do you think it is correct that i should keep a list in the database of users who have already voted and dont allow their subsequent votes to affect the number of ratings?
My concern was that the list would get very big though
@TheCodesee movie_rating ( user_id, movie_id, rating ) where user_id+movie_id have a unique constraint. on exist: update rating.
thank you, i'll give that a go
this way a user vote is only ever counted once
dude, why is it monday again ?
Implement Month Genitive and Nominative Names in date format functions – #76123
disjune Scot. Obsolete. breakfast.
Dad, can you put the cat out? I didn't know it was on fire
@J.S Once a method no longer fits on my screen, I'd consider splitting it
@Sjon that makes sense :)
@J.S no, it doesn't. I have a 4k screen at work and a full hd screen in my home office. what fits on the work screen doesnt fit on the home office screen. so what kind of rule is that?
@Gordon Good point
I do 130 chars per line
if it gets to the line separator I try to see a way to wrap it/split
I try to stick with the 80/120 per line but it hugely depends on the coding style in use whether I can do the 80
yeah, I tried to get used to 80 at first, felt too short. I guess I could just stick to 100-120
I saw an article say, "Laravel does not contain any method longer than 13 lines of code."
@Sjon Meh, it really depends.
I wouldn't split a method just to add a layer of indirection
even if it's long
@MadaraUchiha Yes, that's why its a rule of thumb and not a hard limit ;)
@J.S ignore that blog post. it's a marketing post for laravel. it has no merit.
Oh I see who wrote it now
while the metrics he mentions are indeed heuristics of code quality, you have to put them into perspective to make sense of them
yes, short methods are better in general. yes, low cyclomatic complexity is better in general. But you can break apart any method easily into random chunks and make it completely hard to follow. Bam. Good metrics. Hard to read code. Without context, these numbers are meaningless.
Yes, of course, those metrics alone are not an indicator of quality.
@J.S they are an indicator of code quality. but they are not proof. the keyword is indicator.
On a side note: I dont know what he measured to get these numbers: github.com/laravel/framework/blob/5.6/src/Illuminate/Foundation/… has more than 13 lines.
@Gordon "facades" pull the average down a lot too :)
I picked that one file at random. I am sure there is more that have 13+ lines
But I am too lazy to checkout laravel and run phploc or something like that over it
americans, caption this
@Gordon Yeah there are loads
I can open a random file and find it
ok first file didn't because it uses a querybuilder where everything is on a signle single line :P
Thanks, I almost believed everything he wrote
@Wes who is she?
@J.S yes and that's a problem. because taylor is an opinion leader in his community obviously. there are tons of people that believe his drivel and will now mindlessly parrot his - let's call it what they are in this case - lies.
@Linus ivanka trump
oh ,thanks
@Gordon Thanks :)
✔  10:12 ~/Code/framework [ 5.6 | …1 ] $ php phploc.phar src/
phploc 4.0.1 by Sebastian Bergmann.

Directories                                        151
Files                                              816

  Lines of Code (LOC)                           116830
  Comment Lines of Code (CLOC)                   50932 (43.59%)
  Non-Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC)              65898 (56.41%)
  Logical Lines of Code (LLOC)                   17498 (14.98%)
    Classes                                      14466 (82.67%)
(see full text)
that's laravel\framework\src
so still no clue where he got his numbers from. He's probably making them up.
now someone else run phpmd over it
@Gordon I was about to say that looks quite nice compared to the codebase I'm working on o_0
@jjok and then you realized it is the codebase you are working on?
Haha. Nope.
Global Variables 586 :(
oh. wordpress?
fwiw, let's give it to him that the numbers don't look that bad indeed. But they still need to be put into perspective, especially when your obvious aim is just to make your own framework look best.
On a completely unrelated side note: why can I open a single socket on any interface but if I only want like, three of four interfaces, I have to create three separate sockets?
@DaveRandom @JoeWatkins it's your wife's birthday in 4 days
@DaveRandom @JoeWatkins filthy wife sharers
@Gordon No framework. Just homemade. In 2009.
Morning 11!
@Gordon Because the blog article was written for 5.4 Amusingly enough though that method has 14 lines in the 5.4 tag :D
@Sean fair enough.
if(!exec('mv '.$f->dir.' '.$uploadsDir."/{$folderName}/{$file->id}", $output, $returnVar)){
screams internally
@Sean ... why
what do you think of a computer mouse sold with a literal 10cm usb cable
"mouse for notebooks" it says
so it has a very short cable. otherwise it would be a perfectly normal mouse for you know... any computer
good idea? bad idea? :B
hey jim
@Wes A notebook mouse should be wireless
@Wes What does this mean btw?
Has anyone ever gone more into algorithms and data structures, and before that, maybe some discrete math to actually understand the notation etc?
@ThW no mouse should ever be wireless.
@ThW A notebook mouse should be the size of your index finger but it should not be wireless.
@Wes sounds fine to me. I'd suggest belkin.com/hk/en/p/P-F5L016 instead though
eheh i've had one of these :D
maybe considered how popular notebooks are these days it makes sense to produce a mouse with a short cable... it was weird tho
but I am not using a mouse with my notebook anymore. I am using the trackball
@Jimbo I don't know what "more into" is, but this is a good place to start lagunita.stanford.edu/courses/…
@Gordon Like I said the size of your index finger.
@ThW Thats so cool.
@mega6382 got it a while ago, best travel mouse so far
@ThW I gotsta get me one of these.
@Wes I like the tiny form factor. it feels weird in the beginning. that's true. but I got used to it quickly before I decided to go trackball.
I only use a mouse when gaming
@mega6382 check this one before: amazon.com/Lenovo-888015450-N700-Wireless-Bluetooth/dp/… the features are slightly different (laser pointer, standard batteries)
I prefer the micro usb loading so I got the Yoga
Why are all latest C&H comics about Waldo? Did something happened?
@ThW I prefer USB C :P
@Danack :S found one job I want, but I'm unqualified, going to look into learning C#
what sites do you guys use for job searching?
I don't search for jobs. jobs search for me.
Better way to detect PCRE errors such as invalid patterns – #76124
@Gordon I wish jobs would search for me too. :D
@Tiffany Try SO
@mega6382 I have a few times... didn't find anything... but maybe not looking for the right htings
I guess there's this stackoverflow.com/jobs/169746/… but not listing the salary feels iffy
@Tiffany most job adverts wont include a salary range
Why would job posters thing not including a salary will help them recruit better people :/
Because salary is negotiable, depending on your experience and skills.
So, recruiters usually leave it out.
working remote would be nice for me, since I live in an area where cost of living is pretty low, but I'm also afraid of a potential employer taking advantage of that too...
I make between 30-40k USD and I live comfortably in this area.
@Tiffany you would expect to gain a higher salary if you'd live in a high cost area, so it's somewhat understandable that an employer will want to pay you less when you are not.
@Gordon I get that... but ... I can't think of a counterpoint..
I guess it makes me feel less?
It would be a waste of both party's times if I had a salary expectation the company could not meet after the interview process
@Sean I agree. That's why it's usually one of the first things I address. Usually before the interview.
That's interesting. That's literally the last question we've talked about in my current job interview.
I might not yet be in a place where a salary could be really too low however.
it was the last thing in all my interviews, too. But when recruiters approach me I ask them what the salary range is.
Yeah, I too when get the call for interview, tell the recruiter my current salary and say that I expect better or atleast same with additional benefits, so as not to waste either of our time.
I went through a whole interview process once to find out that my expectations were way above their budget. After that I started to bring it up as early as possible
@Tiffany you can argue that you are being paid for the value that you provide. That should be unrelated to your personal expenses.
Is it possible to require specific files from a phar from outside of a phar?
The phar stream wrapper allows accessing the files within a phar archive using PHP's standard file functions fopen(), opendir(), and others that work on regular files.
@Tiffany I saw you tell an IP4 joke recently. I'd like to return the favor and tell you an UDP joke, but I am afraid you might not get it.
include 'phar://coollibrary.phar/internal/file.php';
@jjok Yes, just read that, too. So everything should work with the code I have. And it does for me, but not for others. :-(
@kelunik What error do you get?
@jjok It somehow ends up here: github.com/amphp/parallel/blob/…
@jjok There's some monkey patching for it to work: github.com/amphp/parallel/blob/…
@kelunik So dirname() doesn't give the right thing when it's in the phar?
Hello, Can somebody explain me in which cases OOP or Functional programming should be used?I've red that OOP is used when you have a fixed set of operations and when your code evolved you add new things.On the other hand, Functional programming is used when you have a fixed set of things and as your code evolved you add more operations.Can somebody give me an explanation for this?Thanks
@jjok It does for me, not sure what's returned there for the person throwing the error at me, yet.
@kelunik Are there any php.ini settings that could affect it?
@jjok I have no idea.
Make Fails after adding openssl to configuration – #76126
@Gordon Here's a joke about TCP.
Did you get it?
...Did you get it?
....Did you get it?
@Tiffany There shouldn't be any dots. :P
@kelunik I know, but SO's spam filter kept me from repeating it
@jjok require_hash maybe? But that should also affect the initial PHAR then, no?
@Tiffany :)
Can somebody give me an explanation for this?
No. I don't think anyone can explain it. People who do functional programming will generally claim it's better in all situations.
@jjok like vegans. just with code.
@Tiffany nothing wrong with being vegan. I am vegan, too. between meals.
@Gordon :P
only thing that bothers me is when a vegan acts self-righteous about it
@Tiffany what do you mean "when"?
not all vegans are self-righteous?
@DaAmidza You should probably learn the concepts of both and, if you're working with a language that allows both paradigms, write whatever code gives you the best results.
@jjok The reason why I'm asking it is breaking down my projects into different microservices in different languages.For example Rlang for a certain part, PHP for another and so on.Now I need to understand what is the best use case for a certain part.
@Tiffany in my experience, once you mention bacon, they all become
I don't blame them though…it's hard to get over bacon… it might even be impossible
How do you keep a UDP client in suspense?
@Gordon Got it? Now it's a TCP joke!
19 mins ago, by Tiffany
@Gordon Here's a joke about TCP.
@MadaraUchiha Yes, I got it.
I got that you got it.
Q: Microservices with OOP and Functional Programming

DaAmidzaAfter reading and using different concepts(right or wrong) questions related to modularity have appeared. I want to implement the microservice architecture in my projects the right way. As from what I have understood in order to follow this architecture my project needs to be modular.As an...

@Patrick that's pretty much how I feel about it
@Gordon That sounds like a lame excuse to pay people less.
It's like saying that my pay should be different if my last salary was 60k vs 100k
You pay a person based on their skills and value, not based on their personal expenses or salary history.
if that would be true, offshoring wouldn't be a thing
I'll rephrase
I don't particularly care if in your area you pay people X and my minimum is 2X
If you want me, (mostly, because it's your recruiter or some recruiter on your behalf that contacted me), those are my minimal requirements
kalzumeus.com/2012/01/23/salary-negotiation This is a good, but long, article about salary negotiation for software developers.
@MadaraUchiha I don't think it is about paying less to certain people it is about paying more to others, called "Cost of Living" increment.
@mega6382 I firmly believe in the other side of the coin as well
You shouldn't live in a high expense zone if you can't land a job that pays enough for it.
I don't think it's the company's responsibility to support your extra expenses just because there are extra expenses where you live, and not because the value you provide for the company
So, you are saying that people of same skills should be paid the same all over, regardless of where they are?
Hey guys, general question to you all - how often do you have 1-1s with your team lead? What do you like about them and what generally happens in them?
@mega6382 Ideally? Sure. But it's not really about skills
It's about value, and more importantly market value
If everyone around me can do the job I can for half the price, I'd be a fool to think that companies would be lined up to take me.
@Jimbo receiving direction on projects, being told what I'm doing well in, and what I need to improve in. The last two entirely depend on how frequently the 1-on-1s are
@MadaraUchiha sure, but imo that's a different argument. you are saying you'll be asking for what you feel worth. I do the same. But your 2X will include Cost of Living. And if you'd move to the Bay Area you'd likely realize that your 2X are not good enough anymore. So you'll happily take a raise to compensate for that.
@Gordon It depends on who has the power in the pay negotiations
If the company really wants me, and know that I won't move because of higher living expenses, it makes sense for them to offer more
@jjok It's filename related… only works if the file is named .phar.
Conversely, I won't move to a lower expenses (and thus, more often than not, lower QoL) area just to be paid less.
It depends on who wants whom more.
@kelunik Hmmm... interesting. What did you call it before?
@jjok It's named acme-client.phar for me, but if you rename it to acme-client, it no longer works.
@MadaraUchiha I am quite certain there are a lot of people that can do your job just as well, in South Asia, at way less than half your price. But it doesn't mean people who will be looking to hire you will expect the same salary demand from you.
@Tiffany How frequent do you have them? Some say 1 week, but if it's every week, some of the quieter people just say "yep" and "okay" when you ask them how things are going :D
So, all in all where you live have great impact on how much you get paid.
@mega6382 Sure, but getting to those people would be either very expensive or inconvenient.
@Jimbo We had them in my old company. They we mainly for complaining about the company and colleagues. I haven't had one at my new company.
Also, from my general experience from devs in South Asia that demand a fraction of the cost the people in this room might ask for, they can't really do the same jobs we do, and definitely not at the same level.
@MadaraUchiha Thus you prove my point.
(Also devs in general, actually)
we have a group meeting once a week, and I fucking hate it because I end up zoning out for half of it because most of it has no effect on my job, but then I end up missing something important in the process too.
My supervisor doesn't do 1-on-1s frequently, maybe once a month, and she usually cancels the group meeting if she does that.
@kelunik the available options are only micro usb or standard batteries in this case, otherwise yes
@mega6382 See my second message
@kelunik And there's no code that specifically references the name of the file? Like include 'phar://coollibrary.phar/internal/file.php';
@Jimbo maybe every two weeks, or once a month?
Of course practically there's a difference between locations
But I think that most of us here are talented enough and established enough to be able to make reasonable salary demands and have them accepted.
@jjok Sure, but it's phar://coollibrary/internal/file.php then.
And PHP doesn't check all path segments to be a PHAR.
@MadaraUchiha Yes, you are correct, but you have to agree that I am not wrong either. Whether its ideal or not, salaries are based on "Cost Of living" too.
@Jimbo if our group meetings didn't turn into a couple coworkers listing every little thing they did or are working on that generally has no effect on the group as a whole, I wouldn't have such a problem with them. But I'm fairly certain one coworker doesn't know how to condense explaining what she's working on.
@mega6382 Not necessarily
They are based on the developer market and availability in that area
The salary demands by said developers could definitely be affected by cost of living
@MadaraUchiha Relocation plays a part in it
It makes sense that if your expenses are $5k a month, you'd demand a salary that would allow you to spend that amount and have extras
But it's not that companies are willing to pay only X because that's the cost of living here
It's that developers in the area demand around that sum, because that's the cost of living here.
@MadaraUchiha I never do reasonable salary demands. At least not in the first place. You have to start negotiations with an utterly unreasonable demand, like 1 million dollars. Because you have to exploit the Anchoring Bias.
But that has no effect on a company that would want to relocate me, and I ask for twice that sum. If they think it's worth it for them, they'd agree, cost of living or not.
@Tiffany Nah not group meetings, usually group meetings are for me to guide and direct the strategy for what we're doing, recap, and where we're going next. I use 1-1s for individual problems / solving things normally, but nobody has any problems I can solve! :D
@Gordon The way I see it, they have a maximum they're willing to put into you, and you have a minimum you're willing to accept from them. Negotiations is pushing the final sum in your favorable directions between those two numbers.
I think weekly stuff isn't needed
@MadaraUchiha yes, by exploiting anchoring bias ;)
@Jimbo I think we did 1-2-1s every 2 weeks at one point... but there was a lot to complain about.
@MadaraUchiha Of course, there are many factors that influence the salary demand and decision. But no matter who you are you will always in your mind consider your own CoL and will demand a salary based on that, it will always be a factor, whether the companies considers it or the candidate.
@Jimbo I had to use group meetings as a comparison because pretty much the only time we do 1-on-1s is if we don't have our group meeting
kinda wish that would change...
@kelunik So is that behaving like you'd expect?
@mega6382 Right, but I see CoL as a minimal requirement, taken for granted, not as a baseline to start calculating from.
@jjok No, but it's the only reasonable way without doing I/O.
preg_split does not raise an error on invalid UTF-8 – #76127
If I'm predicted to increase company sales by a projected million dollars a month, it makes total sense for me to ask for a hundred thousand dollars a month.
Even if CoL is much lower than that.
@kelunik I don't know anything about src, so I'll have to take your word for it. :)
@jjok For implementing it properly, you'd have to access /path/phar/file, then /path/phar and so on until you found a PHAR.
@MadaraUchiha Not necessarily. Have you ever tried this? There'll be plenty of people who would do the same for much less
@Jimbo @mega6382 already said that
@Jimbo The question is whether their projected sales increase would be similar to mine
Like I said, it really depends who has the power in the negotiations.
humans are very odd monkeys
@kelunik So the problem actually is that it doesn't know that it's a phar because it isn't called .phar?
@jjok Yes. The path contains the PHAR path and the file path inside the PHAR and PHP doens't know where to split it.
@tereško I think you mean "Apes".
@mega6382 all apes are monkeys according to phylogeny
@tereško Monkeys have tails whereas apes don't.
apes are monkeys without tails
@MadaraUchiha when was the last time you have hired a developer that increased revenue by a million dollars a month?
PHAR file detection is broken – #76128
@Gordon It was an admittedly exaggerated example. I have seen consultants and freelancers being paid ridiculous amounts for that reason though.
@Gordon Yeah, I am quite certain that a developers job is to decrease the revenue not increase it.
@tereško Yeah, ok I googled it and you are right. :B
why do I believe that this is not just some random image from the internet but actually your real list?
@Gordon The reason I tagged you in that tweet was because of what you were asking the other day in here - about EVALing code over HTTP
eval over user input? sounds cool
@Jimbo I assumed so, but then you didnt pay attention. I explicitly didnt ask about eval'ing.
Yeah, it was about making a comprehensive cloud based system for executing PHP via HTTP.
@Gordon implicitly?
Yeah that was the one
@Jimbo nope. More like RPC or SOAP.
Well the communication protocol wasn't really the key, it was what you do on your end once you get the request
Do it by carrier pigeon and eval it once you get it
@tereško There are no such things as winners in internet arguments
you're right
now @Sean can add a tally
@Jimbo Not with eval. You could call api.php.net/strpos?haystack=foo&needle=f&offset=1 or something and it would somehow put that directly to strpos. so no eval.
@Gordon It is an actual image from internet redbubble.com/people/joedaeskimo/works/…
@mega6382 wooosh
@Jimbo and it wasn't supposed to be scalable in the first place like they guy you replied to in that tweet complained about
Course it is, put that on api.php.net and everyone will jump on it
it was supposed to be a joke to quench my curiosity to see how many people would actually use it once I released it
Ah, I liked the idea anyway, I think it'd be really popular
No api.php.net/eval?data=DEATH though
@Tiffany :(
@Jimbo I imagine it would be quite unscalable given that I'd fire up a container each time a request comes in
@mega6382 :P
it would have awesome code quality metrics though
@Gordon Do you still want to make or not though?
@mega6382 well, like a said: it's a joke project and I dont have much time for anything nowadays, but feel free to start without me
and let @Jimbo help you. He's an architect.
and a solution engineer…
and a team lead…
@Gordon You underestimate my laziness, but I will start working on it though, just as a proof of concept if nothing else.
and he looks like a certain singer… that will also help you sell it once its done.
@Gordon You could have a pool of containers for each function available? No need to then restart the whole container just something at runtime if you want to make sure nobody else affects your code
baby, baby, baby… that's a great idea
although it wouldn't be really ephemeral then
it's important to say ephemeral when you mention containers
@Gordon I don't know why but this just cracked me up and I lol IRL and everyone started looking at me.
Would you be surprised if I'd tell you that it's not the first time people told me that?
@Gordon No I guess not, wait., is this a rhetorical question...?..
Chat will make me laugh, a superior will walk by and assume I'm not working because I'm smiling
good evening room.
@Jimbo do you have recommendations on how to make the pain from Xcode go away?
I think I'm just going to start over... AGAIN
@Tiffany I found "deleting derived data" (whatever the hell that is) solved some "linker" problems Xcode had
I've done that
What's your error?
two or three times... guess it won't hurt to try it again
@Tiffany definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
@mega6382 what if there is a different result?
@Gordon Can you provide some details, as to how you would do it if you were to do it all by yourself, just a general guideline, you know. And also how it would work, I mean how would user access it, as in will it be 1 function per request or what etc.
@Tiffany Then thats the exception that proves the rule.
@Jimbo "Code Signing Error" for a target that shouldn't even exist in the scheme (or project...whichever)
The target I deleted was support for Apple Watch. I'm following a guide provided by the vendor which states how to turn off Watch support... delete the target from the project. I did that... sometime last week. The app built...once...but I had an iOS device specified. I changed it to "generic iOS device" so that I could upload it to iTunes Connect... and since then I've had issues
and I've tried so many damn things at this point, I can't remember all of them
so I might have screwed it up beyond repair
Yep, you're fucked. Start again
Sorry :D No clue, apart from StackOverflow that and look at the comments
did you use github on it, commiting changes as you went @Tiffany ?
or some form of git
@Jimbo I've dug through SO and vendor forums for three days
@mega6382 haven't thought about it much. I'd probybly either generate the code via reflecting over get_defined_functions or try to make it generic, e.g. get func name from uri, check if function exists, get remaining args, exec docker exec/run with the args, return result
@Tschallacka yes
github, no - it's proprietary
I find SO support for iOS development is significantly lower than PHP - you get every muppet under the sun answering questions for PHP but all the clever ones who do real good iOS stuff don't bother answering questions on SO
if so, you might reset it to a previous state by finding a commit where everything still worked
it's closed source
you can still use git on it
@Tschallacka that's probably what I"m going to do.......
just don't upload it to github
but then you still have the benefit of the versioning
but it's still "resetting" it
true, to a point where it worked
without losing everything you had
...... lets put it this way, I wouldn't work on this project if it didn't have version control. Sorry. ... I'm just not in a good mood right now, and I get snippy when I feel like someone is stating the obvious to me.
@Gordon OK, so, 1 function per request then, right?
@mega6382 yes
@Gordon hmmmm, ok
it's not supposed to be a sandbox like 3v4l. it's supposed to be pointless.
@Gordon Don't worry it will be plenty pointless.
Is there an easy way for git to rebase a segment of commits with commits after it?
. \B/
to A-B-C-D-E-F Without having to cherry pick all the commits after C too?
Q: How to cherry pick a range of commits and merge into another branch

crazybyteI have the following repository layout: master branch (production) integration working What I want to achieve is to cherry pick a range of commits from the working branch and merge it into the integration branch. I pretty new to git and I can't figure out how to exactly do this (the cherry pi...

@Gordon It's basically as scalable as PHP. :P
Another day another wait waaaat
Exception thrown without a stack frame

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