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2:01 AM
2:41 AM
Hey Guys, I'm trying to dabble into Apache Mode Rewrites.
i have a rule that redirects everything to https, which works great. I have another rule that shortens the url, which works without https rul, but after setting https rule i get url not found.

RewriteEngine On # Turn on the rewriting engine
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} !=on
RewriteRule ^/?(.*) https://%{SERVER_NAME}/$1 [R,N]
RewriteRule ^barcode/([A-Za-z0-9-]+)?$ /public/alt_barcode.php?barcodeid=$1 [N,L]
url is of the form.
As a matter of fact even the original shows the same error , i.e

3:24 AM
3:55 AM
is disabling swap a good idea, and why any application needs to disable swap to run?
4:07 AM
uopz flags is NOT for classes, but methods – #76117
5:00 AM
@Linus Not sure why you would need that. Maybe an application which checks RAM? Disabling swap is probably a bad idea.
No way to assert function or references are the same in PHP unit anyone?
@Wes Mind helping me with a strange test case?
what are you doing with references
i hope you don't mean pass by reference
i admire your uncanny ability to make programming so complicated :B
Thank you! :D Let me code you an example and let me show you why I can't test it
Also. I do need to pass by reference in this case.
no you don't
5:14 AM
Let's see.
5:29 AM
Using mediator pattern for CQRS.
The problem with testing this setup...
$this->eventHandler = new class implements Event{
    function eventHandler(Event $event) {
        $this->getById($event->getBody()->getId(), true)
i have no idea what you are doing tho
I want to be able to reuse the event handler. I have unit tested the event class and the event handler.
The problem is that basically I need to...

1) Use PHPUnit to test if two references are equal or two function are equal.
2) Pass a function to the PHPUnit Spy to test against which does not yet exist, because I need to pass it before the object which contains said function is instantiated. The constructor of that object requires the spy to be constructed, though.
It's a weird problem.
Too ambiguous of a question @Wes?
Oi PHPers -- whytf wouldn't this work?
const layout_body_partial = "partials/html.top";
$template->layout_body_partial = self::layout_body_partial .= '.php';
@Allenph a function can't implement Event
What do you mean @Wes?
5:44 AM
.......... a function cannot implement an interface
@DanielThompson Your syntax says to add content to a constant which cannot be done. That's why it's a constant.
wait let me reread
ok nvm
@Allenph thanks! Now I feel dumb lol
Is there a concat function that takes a copy of the constant?
5:46 AM
@Wes Nvm about that "a function cannot implement an interface" or the reread?
composer require netmosfera/symbola
then add:

class SomeCQRSRepo
    use Symbola;
    // ...
will allow this to work
$this->dispatcher->addListener("refresh", $this->eventHandler);
i.e. $this->method
looks like self::layout_body_partial . '.php' should work, since that will just return a copy eh? Sorry to interrupt mates!
@DanielThompson I'm not really sure. I haven't used constants much (although I should).

I would try `$template->layout_body_partial = self::layout_body_partial . '.php';
What you're doing seems wrong though.
IS this a view class? You've given no context.
5:49 AM
oh sorry, yeah basically the way the render function is set up in this particular framework is that it appends PHP to the name, so I have to save these file names without the extension. BUT, if I want to say, pass the filepath to the template for a require statement or whatnot, I have to make sure I am passing it with the proper extension.
@Wes That adds functionality I need. Thanks. The problem is still the test.
@DanielThompson You're wasting your time writing a framework.
hahah yes. Tell that to my boss though ;p
You're just reinventing the wheel and you shouldn't use a framework anyway.
couldn't agree more friend
@Allenph you are doing testing really really bad
it shouldn't be hard to test
5:51 AM
Then tell him you wrote a framework and use composer dependencies @DanielThompson.
you should avoid mocks like a plague
rofl he's an asshole, not an idiot
I feel like you're BSing me @DanielThompson.
no I'm serious haha man I'm sorry
@Wes mocks are required sometimes. This is one of those times.
5:51 AM
dude i don't need a lesson
Also, I don't know how you could possibly unit test without using mocks a lot.
if your method to test is 5 lines long, its test cannot possibly be 50 lines
it's just insane
@Wes You have this tendency to think someone is attacking you. I'm not. I respect your knowledge a lot more than my own. I'm just asking a more experienced friend to help me with my problem.
i am not feeling attacked
"dude i don't need a lesson"
I was not trying to teach you.
5:53 AM
i am saying that you should listen to advice rather than try to justify what you are doing
it's not me feeling attacked, it's you being defensive
I'm trying to justify what I'm doing as a means to get you to explain what I'm doing wrong.
you can ask anyone in here, mocks must be avoided as much as possible
instead you should go with sane patterns like immutability
in ddd most of your application should be value objects
Most of it is.
the more value objects you have, the fewer the mocks
Regardless, I still don't know how to test what it is I"m asking you about. If you can think of a way to do it without mocks I'm all ears.
5:56 AM
what do you want to test
i want to test that.....
i'm not being an asshole, it's actually a good exercise describing what you want to test in plain english
I want to test that the repository registers the correct method with the mediator.
the mediator is?
The EventDispatcher.
I'm using the mediator pattern.
i am trying to understand what you are doing
you are probably testing the wrong thing
you need to test if the effect is correct, not that the code you wrote is correct
function baz(){
return $this->qux->bar();

wrong test:
test that $this->qux->bar() is called
good test:
test that baz() returns 2912
I have thought of that as well. I'm honestly unsure whether I'm testing implementation or behavior here.
I have unit tested the dispatcher.
I have unit tested the event class.
Which means the only thing that needs to get tested is that the observer (in this case the repo) has registered itself.
This could be done by using the concrete implementation of the event dispatcher and event classes.
6:06 AM
where are the events dispatched?
But that is an integration test.
Since this is CQRS the write models will call on the event dispatcher to dispatch the event.
But the actual event is dispatched by the event dispatcher..which has been tested.
@Allenph when you write that you test that
you don't test that you correctly registered the handler
I need to test both ends.
If I test that the write models dispatched the right event, that's well and good, but if the observer does not call the correct method when the event is received, it doesn't matter.
6:12 AM
6:23 AM
@Allenph are you testing your business logic (with behat for example)? That sounds like it should cover your case. You do something and then check that the correct events were triggered
@Patrick Misses the first part of what you said (behat?). But again. I have tested (by testing the event object and the sipstcher object) that if a listener is registered to listen to a certain event and an event that matches what the listener is listening for is dispatched the callback will be executed.
@Allenph github.com/kubernetes/kubeadm/issues/610 here this i am installing kubernetes
That means that the registering of the event listener needs to be tested (observer) and that the dispatching (write model in this case) also needs to be tested to ensure its dispatching the correct event.
@Allenph I think those cases should be covered in a more end-to-end-ish manner
6:30 AM
Like an integration test?
Seems wrong...seems like something that should be independently tested.
In the end I'm only trying to determine if an object does a certain thing when it receives an event dispatch.
Especially in a case where this is 50% of the objects job.
At the moment I mostly use tests like that and not too many unit tests. I feel that it's a better use of my time
If I have to write something that's complicated, I'll unit test it. But the business logic is usually very simple code and it's better to test it like in the example above to make sure that the correct things are done
@JoeWatkins if I'm adding a function to intl what's the earliest version of php I can target with a pr?
k. thank you
@Patrick I feel that that would be far too general of a test. Although O have just recently got into testing, the benefits of testing individual objects in isolation writing tests for all expected behaviors and writing the tests first has greatly improved speed and removed regressions almost completely.
This is the first time I've been really really stumped.
6:49 AM
I’d like to give a big shout out to all the sidewalks for keeping me off the streets
and morning
7:10 AM
do you drink alcohol when you cant work? something like being burned out or stuck, is this common? I think that it helps
I was drinking lineseed oil (for Omega 3), and taking lecitine and magnesium pills - I am not sure if this was helping, could be like 0%
some pharmacist told me, target that, but from natural sources like food, so lineseed oil was probably the best
but alcohol, do you drink regularly, would this be part of this?
7:24 AM
do you drink regularly as it helps with work?
once a week maybe, or twice
weekend, reset, rest, start over at the beginning of the next week
I am just trying to see if other people use drinking, I am still learning this, learning to learn too
8 months so far, strictly php, but websites like 7 (all aspects, good knowledge of it all)
7:29 AM
Please, stop spamming the thread, if someone wishes to answer your question they will, no need to keep posting it over and over.
you drink?
I've been stuck for like 2 months plus, this is probably too long, I am doing theory, edu
I do right now... and it's orange juice.
I'm wondering which one would be faster; isset($a->anArray[$b]) or array_key_exist($b, $a->anArray)
7:36 AM
I need more juice...
@ThomasMorgan google "ballmer peak"
!!xkcd ballmer peak
I've seen it yesterday
7:38 AM
I am asking, because I've been stuck for 2 months now; somebody told me get drunk like 4 months ago, and somebody else told me the same thing again here too
find better friends
so basically this can make a lot of a difference, I could have been studying one month ago already if I would drink, this can be that good; like it cleans the "trash" that is left after the edu, flushes it and you can learn again
a feeling like this, it is probably not a "magical helper" but the positive effect should be there, if you learn theory and you are burned out I would say drink, like tequila maybe
No offense, but the drivel you write sounds like you are already very drunk
it like puts your mind on a different, correct "wavelength"
7:40 AM
I was drinking yesterday, I am not drunk now
so, are we done with it now?
yes, I am writing another question
GetBootstrap.com, Murach's MySql, Murach's Mysql and PHP, regex, most popular php functions (like 200), phpStorm manual, PHP for dummies (knowledge) - what else would be good to learn, theoretically
is it worth it to take time to go over these on php.net -> boyter.org/2011/03/list-of-most-commonly-used-php-functions
... are you that same guy again?
7:44 AM
I think he is a troll
why did I see murach's like 4 times this week
stop this
these are my building blocks of programming
but reading the whole php.net is not a good route, this would be ridiculous
@ThomasMorgan no. that's ancient
this is hard, intelectually intense, it would definitely help and make me a good programmer, but this could take like 10 years, a lot of it is not needed, things will change
7:46 AM
but at least we have something that we can "battle with"
that is challenging, the languages, the tools (like computers and Internet)
the tools are stronger then us, and this is good
either way, these functions make sense to learn - boyter.org/2011/03/list-of-most-commonly-used-php-functions
would you do that?
@ThomasMorgan No
7:47 AM
@ThomasMorgan Read the Language Reference on php.net and familiarize yourself with the String functions.
I am doing something like this now, I am looking at google.com at "most popular php functions"
the sites that come up for this
I kind of want to do the theoretical edu for like 2 years, I am not ready for working yet
I want to be a person who is prepared for this when I get a job, so I am wondering what could I go over, besides what I mentioned above; I will also do all the w3resource.com exercises
but all this is hard, intelectually intense
7:50 AM
@ThomasMorgan There is no need to learn the most popular php functions, if you start practicing you will learn and remember those by instinct.
so what I do, like i said, I think that drinking alcohol helps, as my advice
I am not ready to start yet, people say do that, but I want to do at least the two Murachs Books, the fist thing that I will be doing it will be reading how to connect to the database on google.com
@ThomasMorgan If after drinking alcohol, a person starts rambling like you are now, then I don't think it helps.
so I will be doing the reading anyway, and the sources may not be as good
so I would end up reading google.com instead of these two books
7:51 AM
I am also not sure how to pass data to the php from the database, not exactly
I guess put it in variables or arrays, loops - I dont have that edu / experience yet
I am building it
and like I said, this is intelectually intense
well, then fill yourself up and find a tutorial by this murach guy… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
the books are good, I read half of the MySQL one
7:54 AM
and the MySql and PHP is fresh, 3rd edition is like 4 months old
I don't have time for this rambling guy… back to work… laters
if you are a programmer you dont need it, I do, or you could use some of it, but this does not matter
Are there any other good comics like, donthitsave and commitstrip? But not like C&H
pullulate to breed, produce, or create rapidly.
8:00 AM
Why do crabs never give to charity? Because they're shellfish.
@Ekin These are mostly stick-like figures, I am talking about more like with recurring characters.
But thanks anyway, seems to be quite good.
@mega6382 fowllanguagecomics.com but you can only really appreciate it once you got kids
thanks, will definitely check that out.
8:17 AM
@Tiffany Yeah, if I can do it, anyone can.
8:33 AM
@NikiC I think we can shave 16 bytes off every Closure and Generator ...
8:53 AM
Mornings o/
ok, anybody has an idea how to put all wordpress files in lets say phpStorm and get a list of all default php functions used with the numbers of occurences too
anything, joomla, drupal - it seems like one of the first tasks that I will be working on
Please, stahp.
Hory shit
That drug still didn't wear off
Good stuff :P
8:59 AM
did someone say drugs, I like drugs, share ?
do we have hammertime disabled too? someone said stahp
I guess we do. it works in playground
@mega6382 HAMMERTIME!
huh okay
@Ekin I guess, it needs to be the only word in the message.
9:03 AM
@Gordon it may be interesting to consider this ... we can write objects with properties declared by name, because of the properties table hack ... some caveats to know about, if interested ... but this is nice, simple to write code that uses ze props, and fast ...
@JoeWatkins uuh, help me. why am I interested in this?
@Gordon Aren't you all JAVA now?
@mega6382 Java and C
still writing extension(s) ? you don't think interacting with properties of custom objects is a pita ?
normally you have to write handlers and jump through hoops to share a zval in your custom objects structure with ze, but if you declare it like that (with caveats) you don't need handlers or hoops, ze can read/write the properties normally, and so can your custom objects internal code without invoking ze handlers or functions ...
ah. thanks! does that work on 7 only or also from 5.3?
9:16 AM
7 only
caveats, in case you want to try it ... declare_property in same order as typedef, adjust create_object allocation - if your class is not final, it may have properties added so zend_object_properties_size() is non zero, and you want to subtract from that sizeof(zval) * num_inline_properties. If your class is final, you don't need to do anything, and can omit zend_object_properties_size() adjustment if your class does not need guards (has no magic get/set etc) ...
and in free_obj zend_obbject_std_dtor will obviously clean up for you, so remove calls to ptr_dtor separate zvals ...
I'll maybe sneak in a zend_object_h ... we could use it to save a few bytes internally ...
noted. thanks.
real senior developers work on 5.2
@tereško Yeah, cause they don't understand new tech. :P
9:55 AM
Void walks into a cave, doesn't return
This should be added to !!dad
@mega6382 Add it :P
Feb 10 '17 at 9:58, by DaveRandom
!!dad add roadies / I have a polish friend who is a roadie for a band / I have a Czech one two, Czech one too, one too
!!dad add void / Void walks into a cave, / doesn't return
10:03 AM
@mega6382 Ha ha ha! Brilliant! I'll save that one about void for later!
@PeeHaa Thanks
@JoeWatkins by putting the std object at the end?
by declaring a zend_object_h that omits the properties_table[1]
10:36 AM
he doesnt answer. that means it's either totally brilliant or totally nonsense
the downvotes are real imgur.com/a/d6x1y
the cake, on the other hand, is a lie.
but the cube is forever
11:00 AM
what would be a proper (common) or rather fancy title for someone who works in these two fields web development and machine learning
@R1ddler I don't know, "Wordpress Developer" :P
lol that doesn't make sense :)
ventusky.com so cool
Wasn't suppose to, :B
@NikiC In case you want to look into this, not sure whether @bwoebi already did: github.com/amphp/hpack/issues/2 (only happens with master, not with 7.2, seems not to be related to the GC changes, unless I did something wrong during testing).
11:04 AM
@mega6382 I'm asking cos I'm doing both jobs, so I'd like to have a proper title
yeah I know that one too
@FlorianMargaine ^^
@R1ddler Forget web development, just call yourself "Artificial Intelligence Engineer"
11:06 AM
@R1ddler Software Developer
but php is my first love :)
@R1ddler Or "Data Scientist" cause Scientist is cooler than "Engineer"
@DaveRandom lxr
@R1ddler the first love rarely ends well
@Gordon true that... however php has been exception to the rule :)
11:16 AM
@R1ddler You may think that now, but give it some time.
it's been 12 years :)
@R1ddler That is just way too long to stay in denial, you are seriously afflicted with too much PHP, get help.
professional help is being sought :)
@R1ddler Humans weren't designed to be monogamous
It's a social construct we force on ourselves. It's ok if you want to spread your love around
11:24 AM
@Leigh I mean I started with PHP and web dev, but later down the road I moved on to data mining and machine learning. Now I'm doing both and I have some projects who combine the two, but I don't know a common title for the two :)
Also just catching up on starred posts... wtf @JoeWatkins I'm older than you
I apologise ?
how old are you?
I think...
Yes, 34, I just had to check :|
11:25 AM
So, you are almost the same age. No biggie :)
I had accepted Joe as older and wiser, now he's just wiser
@Gordon must be like 50-something, right. :P
I doubt it
Yeah, I guess he is around 37.
older than the hills ... about a million ...
11:29 AM
Hello guys I apologize if I'm interrupting, I need some help on installing and configuring simpleSAMLph please
I will past my copy of the question that was at groups.google here :
What are you trying to do?

I'm trying to display the first page in https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/stable/simplesamlphp-install

What have you done?
Obviously I'm a newbie here. at Ubuntu 16.04, apache 2.4.29, php 7.2.
I'm following this link : https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/stable/simplesamlphp-install to install, after a relatively fresh install of Apache and php, and downloading samlphp; I've run the instructions there.
When configuring Apache, I've followed the doc in its choice of path of installation, it chosen to unzip it in /var. After failing the installation I thought my configura
11:53 AM
@MadaraUchiha lol... but you have a ton more rep than me and meet all of the requirements
@Tiffany That's fixable
With some focused effort, I'm sure we can fling you over 20k, in time for the next elections
@JoeWatkins power failure, machine was set to shut down as soon as the UPS kicked instead of low bat, back up now and setting fixed
So, @MadaraUchiha: The King Maker.
I guess I need to be more vigilant in editing posts. I see so many posts with incorrect English, and I used to fix them without hesitation. Then I read somewhere that some people don't like having their posts edited, and actually get snippy about it, so I don't do it as often anymore
@Tiffany It doesn't matter if people like that or not, just be sure to fix all of the problems with the post when editing them.
11:57 AM
somethingsomething I don't want to be seen as rude... shrug
just something I need to get over
@Tiffany That behavior is just fine and is encouraged.
Keep doing it.
If they don't want their questions to be edited and moderated by the community, Stack Overflow isn't the platform for them.
Presumably it makes the question easier for everyone to understand, even if English isn't their first language.
hm, i need to make a good logo out of one of the most widespread logo shapes ever. guess what it is :B
12:15 PM
@ThomasMorgan you urgently need to go and talk to your doctor about your ocd spiralling out of control.
you are close @mega6382
@Gordon I'm 80% sure it is a case of someone needing to step away from a computer for about 6 months.
12:20 PM
react redux text editor
what else?
no, an atom
hmmm, I really thought it was a panda.
Lol @ the flaggers
@SohaibAsif Space Grey
12:24 PM
who was flagged
@Wes pentagram
@Jimbo Posted the same thing in at least 4 rooms. He's banned pretty good now
@Machavity i might do a pentagram yeah... the path of the electron :B
banned for that?
@Machavity who did? Posted what?
12:33 PM
My rule of thumb is if you post the same thing more than twice, it's spammy
@mega6382 The (removed) above
he asked if he should get the poop colored iphone or the barf color one
(he actually asked gray or white or whatever)
@Wes Chat only has abuse and mod flags. If the abuse flag is sustained, you get banned for 30 mins and the message is deleted
i've seen worse though
and no ban
12:36 PM
Has to be flagged and sustained by enough 10k votes or a mod tho
Peehaa got into trouble once because he posted something that, without context, looked bad by itself. Mod had to unban him
Some asshole came in here because they saw the word fuck, didn't look at context, and got offended. Mods that don't use common sense shouldn't be mods
I mean, @PeeHaa swears all the time so he deserves it
@Gordon did you see my twitter tag? :D
I don't validate simple swearing flags. There's no point and its distruptive
@Machavity I remember that...
@Tiffany 830 messages
@Tiffany But you just can't beat @tereško chat.stackoverflow.com/…
I'm a little surprised I haven't said it more
12:49 PM
@Jimbo I only swear when it is needed
Also fuck you
i.e. most of the time
@PeeHaa And its seems to be needed alot.
@PeeHaa <3
5 messages moved to Trash
12:51 PM
add pmmaga to admin list?
3 messages moved to Trash
yeh that's much better
12:53 PM
aww thanks! :)
@pmmaga you're special now
ok, anybody has an idea how to get a list of all the default php functions from scripts like wordpress, joomla, drupal; this along with how many times each function was used
what is the best way of doing that?
@ThomasMorgan Please, stop asking the same question over & over.
get_defined_functions() - I know that
1:03 PM
@ThomasMorgan xdebug + profiler + run wordpress for some time, then check the results
with cachegrind or something
1:20 PM
PHPStorm could tell you. Extract the zip into a folder, set it up as a project, and Ctrl + click the function (one of the best features PHPStorm has)
Please, don't encourage him guys, or he'll start rambling again.
@mega6382 Peehaa isn't going to leave the room. Just have to deal with it
Order of array after modification is not defined – #76119
1:40 PM
@Tiffany as in "special needs"?
Hi, a simple question, clearly not related to this chat, but I'm looking for understanding what is "passive geolocation", I've read a dozen times that it's "when there is no direct interaction between app and user" bu I can't find any example to show how it's used, If someone has an idea ;)
In an application context, the user would likely have the app in the background or not open at all, and occasionally your app would execute code to grab location data, not in real time, just a light or brief area to give relevant nearby results for example... you're not tracking real time direction and travel etc like a satnav
Hello guys, I have a question about the AutoReviewComments plugin. Are there somewhere comment templates for php specific comments (like Bobby Tables, mysql_* usage, etc) ?
thanks, i understand a little bit more^^

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