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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

i should just do require($class . ".php") without file_exists and stuff
@Wes don't think so
thanks, i had a quick look at the files and seems they are all equal
@Wes why are you asking?
because items in Name are strings, while sometimes i deal with identifier, so i do
(String)($identifier ?? $name->getLast())
and stuff like that
@Wes uhg
you probably thought to make Name an array of Identifiers, rather than strings, right?
@Wes yes, the overhead is not worth it
Instead it should become a simple string
eh man, otherwise it's instanceofs all over the place
i am preparing something you might like... or hate @NikiC :B it's macros around the classes. it's super dirty, but it makes code so much simple to read. for example
call($fn, ["arg", $const, arg($data)]) is equal to:
new FuncCall($fn, [new Arg(new String_("arg")), new Arg($const), new Arg($data)])
do you have any advice in regard? :B
9 hours ago, by NikiC
@Wes also has all of these weird ideas, but you also have the php extension knowledge to put them into practice :P
anyway, it doesn't make any assumption, it just shortcuts stuff, like "string" is new String_("string")
plus saves the "new"
i'm pretty sure i've just been ignored by niki :B
Screw Ruby
Please could you advice, is there some good solution to display command line output sequentially but in php ajax window? I would like to see messages being appended as they flow from echo immediately when executing script, thanks
@FantomX1 You are executing shell scripts/commands via a PHP script and you want the PHP script to echo the shell output as it outputs stuff?
@Alesana exactly
@ircmaxell I thought Ruby > PHP? :D
@FantomX1 You are executing multiple commands in one PHP script?
no, I am executing one command but I am profiling steps and those profiling I want to output as they flow
Ah I see
at exact second aproximately
I think this might help
like some descriptive loading bar, yes
@Alesana thanks will give it a check
@LeviMorrison it's nice, but FML are there some crappy gems out there
even popular ones.
You mean people can write bad code in any programming language? :D
@Alesana looks real cool on first sight, I wonder how you guys can came up straight from hand with such cool thing
As part of a course I teach we learn a bit of C++, but one of my quiz questions is literally:
True or false: poor programs can be written in any programming language.
A lot of newbies seem to get hung up on languages a lot.
Nobody gets it wrong; I just want to drive the point home.
@FantomX1 You look up things as you go, and the longer you do it the more you realize how you can use different parts together withotu googling it :P. It's just like with learning another language.
@Alesana true I suppose :) but I actually want to run php framework controller, not directly system command but I want to display to user output prior the php controller is fully done, I go to check if I still can use it
but probably running it directly as a command would be a way to go
@Alesana looks like could be still very useful in spite of not or not being able to use ajax possibly
live output I will remember :)
@Machavity @SaitamaSama can you guys see hero#27? It's not in my players list but she is already available ...
@samayo she's in the PTR
@samayo hmm?
@SaitamaSama What is that? I heard about it but still not a clue.
@Machavity overwatch talk :)
@samayo Ah. Yeah, everyone was talking about PTR last night
I have relatives in town or I'd have hopped over to see what she's like. The intro video is cool
I'm still trying to figure out why they buffed Mei in the patch. That was weird. Mei is probably one of the strongest characters out there
Mei is very situational, so I guess she was buffed to make her a more viable choice in a general situation
@Machavity I agree, Mei needed to be nerfed if anything
Quitting time. Later folks o/
@tpunt /me is still waiting for the preg_match(<<<RE/[\\a-zA-Z]/RE, ...); rfc eh :D
cc @bwoebi
@Wes that ought being a three-liner though, yeah?
yeah the rfc would be about allowing the one liner
@Wes huh? did I miss something?
@FantomX1 You can make it into an API or something
@bwoebi a new rfc
other than the one that was recently accepted
not sure whether I do like that
if it's so short of a string normal single/double quotes will do too
\\\\\\\ are such a mess though
dunno, maybe you are right, it's not worth it
@Wes no comment about escaping regexes inside SQL queries.
i don't do that, but i imagine that being terrible :D
yeah, have fun with an escaped backslash inside a SQL query regex. you'll end up with 16 backslashes.
i'm dying
When you're going to have 1000 lbs on a bed, you should probably select a ground floor apartment
i hope they are ok. they probably are since they were protected by the bed
so funny lol
I'm having a problem where when I try to pass JS variables to a php page locally via an HTML page I get "Not allowed to load local resource". Does anyone know why that might be?
I did a very similar thing in another site and didn't get an error
you need to execute the page through a webserver. the file:// protocol doesn't have all privileges
just a guess though
Meaning actually deploy the site to test that?
I just had another phone interview, I did so bad but they still want me to come in for a in-person interview. :B
what was it about?
@DMop meaning use a local server
apache, php's embedded one, nginx
@Wes PHP developer position
@Wes I used apache and it worked. Thanks a lot
@Alesana maybe you did better than you thought?
@Alesana what were you asked?
I get to screw with deploying an app to iOS and Android. yaaaay.
@Tiffany I hope so!
I was asked about technologies I use, what I'm looking for, what my experience levels in different areas are. There was one point where he asked what I used to process payments on one project and I was just like "uhh, I use, uhh, the name is escaping me, uhh" like an idiot for 10 seconds trying to remember the word for Stripe haha
@Alesana can happen to anyone
I had a meeting yesterday with boss, supervisor, and the PR (public relations, i.e. marketing) department regarding a new web platform we're looking at, and I was trying to explain the importance of reusing external IPs (where possible) to PR... I was kinda grasping at straws to get the right words out, and looking at my boss for support because DNS stuff is out of my area of expertise, and he was the net admin once upon a time
at least our DNS
so there were a lot of "ummmmmm"s in that explanation
@Tiffany It worked out for you though? I guess I'm not applying for a customer service position so it's not the worst thing, I was just way out of it on the call though
@Alesana yeah, it did. Point being that forgetting the name of something shouldn't put you in a bad light
sometimes saying something like, "oh what's the name of it... I forgot..." can help break the awkwardness
I gibber like an idiot to students semi-frequently, when I'm trying to help them with something :P
but that's something I want to work on
@Tiffany Yeah I have been trying to work on it as well, usually I do a lot better but I woke up not long before he called. Did you gibber during your interview though? :P
I didn't actually do an interview for my current position... I was kinda promoted into it... after like four years as a temp/work-study
Oh awesome! That makes things easier
At the time, my soft skills were so much worse than they are now. If I were interviewed for it, I would have failed hard.
I have interviewed a lot and worked in an office environment before, but I've developed some severe anxiety since then and I don't do so well anymore. I feel like I lost some of those soft-skills
have you talked to anyone?
like looked into therapy or medication or something
I mean this in a complete non-judgmental way, btw. I've had a few years of therapy and I've been on an anti-depressant for a few years now.
Just having someone to talk to and ask "am I being weird when I do this?" and them saying "yes" or "no" and explaining why, is helpful in getting over anxieties, I think.
Kind of. That was my goal coming to the US (Mental and physical health) but things are happening so slow in Los Angeles I still haven't achieved anything substantial. I am moving to a different state soon and will get some better health insurance :D
Yeah I know you're non-judgemental about that no need to worry
behavioral therapy is helpful as well, but depends entirely on what you need help with
I started with a cognitive behavior therapist but since I'm moving I decided to not continue
Do your anti-depressants slow you down with coding?
I haven't really noticed. I'm on a stimulant as well, which helps in that regard.
Hey, an internal question can be done here or I need to keep the formal email? Is about the RFC page itself :)
:/ that's what I need to do
I am taking nerve-pain medicine and it makes me feel like such a zombie already, I'm scared to add other depressants
@GabrielCaruso probably can be done here, but you'll have to catch internals people, NikiC, bwoebi, DaveRandom, Leigh, etc
@Alesana SSRIs can do that, like sertraline. I was switched to an SNRI, Effexor, which helped with the zombie-ish feeling. But withdrawal symptoms from an SNRI are particularly nasty and it had a side effect that I did not like. I was switched to an NDRI, Wellbutrin, but it comes with its own side effects too.
I've been on anti-psychotics too. I spent roughly two years trying to find one that worked for me and that I liked. The only two that I did like... I was allergic to. :|
@Tiffany Thanks.

@NikiC @bwoebi @LeviMorrison @JoeWatkins There's some RFC (for example https://wiki.php.net/rfc/deprecate-inconsistent-cast-keywords) that are under the wrong section. This one, for example, should be "In Draft", but are under "Pending Implementation". I do have karma do edit, but as isn't mine, I don't know if I can move it. Also, there are several "Status" that is also wrong. If I can change it, to keep consistent and help newcomers to understand our RFC process :)
@Tiffany That's too bad you couldn't take it. Yeah growing up I never took medicine or went to the doctors for anything so now I have to figure out what works for me. My anxiety is tied to a specific event so ideally I can work through it and won't have to take any medicine for too long, or if so the meds I take won't be debilitating.
@Alesana yeah. I've accepted that I'll have to take a stimulant for as long as I'm in this kind of office environment. My ADHD is too rampant to let me function in an acceptable manner.
@GabrielCaruso feel free
@NikiC Thanks :)
@Tiffany I think that's the route I will have to go. A lot of my siblings have been diagnosed with ADHD and I know I function much better on the meds they take
@Alesana until you get the proper treatment, caffeine helps
mmmh coffee
I made espresso last night so this morning I could drink it. It was very cold and bitter
why would you make coffee the day before? :B
So I can drink it right away haha
wat, but it takes 2 minutes to make :B
It's the getting out of bed part that is much easier after I drink coffee haha
Anyways I only do it when I know I will be in a rush in the morning
well, coffee doesn't work instantaneously, so even if you take it in the bed, it's going to take a while before it kicks in :B
need to set a timer that injects it in your veins while you sleep
like an hour before you wake up :B
That's the future! Alarm clocks will be chemicals released into your bloodstream not audio.
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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