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01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

so I decided to rewrite jsonreader's lexer blackfire.io/profiles/compare/…
Hi, Any experienced tips for expanding from a one developer to a team on an growing company? The developer does all the "software" jobs from server to browser, blocking to tracking hacking attempts, etc. Thanks :)
Is it normal that sendmail's log is filled with "to=root", "from=root", and "to=apache" logs every couple minutes
@Alesana sounds like cronjobs
Sounds about right
posted on February 28, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Cant' find this, is there a way to clear ALL users carts on wordpress?
Chasing a bug.
You know.. sorry to bug you guys, sometimes asking here after looking for so long, I end up finding the answer.
It's like.. ask after looking.. but find the answer right after.. some sort of magic
3 hours later…
Is there any English word which describes this: "how you should use of this system"
you mean something like "instructions" or "directions"?
or maybe 'guide'
I will go with "instructions", thx
o/ morning
@John Hey, did you try my solution from yesterday?
Yes i have tried.
Did it help?
yes little but I have not found any exact solution to fit in my own system.
Because i have complex schema
Just keep in mind that is the same general concept. Keep trying and I am certain you can come up with 1 that suits your needs.
This type of schema i'm using
!!temp -4
: (
aberration the act of departing from the right, normal, or usual course.
What did the officer molecule say to the suspect molecule? I've got my ion you
!!temp -4
@jjok has -4 on it.
@NikiC @bwoebi ping
plenty of books listed there
@JoeWatkins pong
is it right that if you use types in arginfo ZEND_PARSE_PARAMS_QUIET is ignored ?
in both type modes
and secondly, why is serialize_func and unserialize_func never set by the engine, but used as function handler in call_method invocations ?
(and handled by opcache like it's important)
Memory lea – #76037
damn, couldn't even get the k out
also damn, why is rhsoft being a dick on that
@PaulCrovella And apparently he didn't spell leak correctly either.
@JoeWatkins Are these ever checked at runtime for internal functions?!
yes, to generate type errors
and these are thrown even if you use ZEND_PARSE_PARAMS_QUIET
@mega6382 neither can the OP :P
can't get car out of parking space \o/
well sort of
@JoeWatkins yes, that's right
I don't have to go to the office but also I don't have a lot of food in the house
At least for now ^^
Longer term it would be nice to stop checking arginfo for internal functions
@JoeWatkins It is set here: github.com/php/php-src/blob/…
Note the &
oh I didn't look to see if call method set it ...
of course it does ...
but it's strange that it's only set upon call though, isn't it ? all others are set in ctor/inheritance
or before any call ...
@NikiC lxr.room11.org/xref/php-src%40master/Zend/zend_API.h#778 < I'm confused, where is the conditional ignore if arginfo set?!
@bwoebi arginfo and zpp are completely unrelated
You go through arginfo first, if that fails zpp never sees the light of day
@JoeWatkins I gotta ask though, why are you using ZEND_PARSE_PARAMS_QUIET? Seems like a legacy flag
oh i c
so I can consistently throw InvalidArgumentException
@JoeWatkins eek why
zpp_throw all the things
@NikiC thought that were only for userland functions?
@bwoebi No, it also applies to internal functions
One of the reasons why we usually don't specify types in arginfo
but you can't use those functions if you have overloaded functions
(the solution is, of course, to not have overloaded functions :P)
@NikiC I'm failing to find that place where it's called in master
providing many ctors is preferable to providing many classes, or named ctors
@JoeWatkins why? I think named ctors are a fine option, if you really have many ctors
What's this for?
@NikiC not sure what you linked me here?
@bwoebi The verify_internal_arg_types call
ah, that's just in DO_FCALL
was looking at DO_ICALL and DO_FCALL_BY_NAME
I guess these aren't used then if internal types do exist?
you're going to say eek again ...
moin o/
@JoeWatkins "All of this is done using dark scary magic, but of the kind you might take to production." Is that a simple way to say "It's too complicated to explain but it works!"? :P
@bwoebi yeah
@JoeWatkins eeeek
@JoeWatkins You're worse than @Wes
@Wes also has all of these weird ideas, but you also have the php extension knowledge to put them into practice :P
I prefer to think of myself as fascinated by things you shouldn't do, rather than crazy ...
hey, any thoughts on exposing pcre's partial match capability in php? (this thing)
@JoeWatkins But you are crazy nonetheless :-P
@JoeWatkins so not crazy, just enabling crazy
3 messages moved to Trash
internals got nothin' on the drama of mozilla.dev.security.policy
is there any way to report negative points given to you?
@Amin What do you mean?
some guys are giving me negative reputations and i dont know why
i deleted some questions but some of theme are remaining in my profile
it's strange! but i don't know the reason. i have encountered this problem repeatedly
If it is happening repeatedly and the same guy is doing it then the automated system will reverse it.
i don't know is this just one person or not. but the point remains
Filling in for 4 people today because of the snow :D
@Amin If not then it means your content is not of sufficient quality.
likely it's better i don't contribute to the questions
@tereško is that for real?
it's an example
A: Laravel advanced search query fix

Aminfor searching i write my queries on my own and execute it with query builder. I use one search filed that will apply on all database fields. however, in your case i suggest write your own query strings: use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB; Public [Static] function get SearchResult(){ $querySt...

@Amin Exactly, like I said your content might not be of sufficient quality.
don't try to answer shitty questions.. there isn't even a question in that question
@PaulCrovella Damn man
@PaulCrovella i'll never forget. thanks!
deleted that answer
Hi. If an RFC was made, voted, but not completed, can someone else do it?

Ref: https://github.com/php/php-src/pull/1795
@GabrielCaruso sure, it's still pending implementation. Not sure if anyone is working on it at the moment, but I don't think it would hurt if you give it a go as well :)
@pmmaga Gonna try it so, have read the feedback in the comments, and hopefully fix them. Thanks :)
@GabrielCaruso yeah, I think the PR has enough info on the problems with that implementation.
@mega6382 it's not a troll, if that's what you are asking - people who are doing this are convinced that they are right
@tereško I'm skeptical it's not 50% people trolling (while making money through some marketing scheme) and the other half people who believe in it :B
I mean its 1 thing to be ignorant its entirely another to make such dumb claims.
@mega6382 you are looking at it the wrong way. They see themselves as "doing the god's work", because 99% of flat earthers are religious
I can confirm that, my brother and parents are flat-earthers. I think one time my brother even told me himself he's "doing god's work"
ouch, that sounds terrifying
I'm going to start a flat-god movement and tell people I'm doing earth's work while explaining how well god folds.
:D :P
if anyone knows perl here: is this just checking for an existance of an array, even if it's empty: unless scalar(@{ $format->people || [] });
this is PHP room ... wan't it a hint enough ?
PHP is pretty perl like
Perl is pretty PHP like
@Jarede Ha, that's probably the worst insult I've seen in here for quite a while
perl is a way better language than PHP
@Jarede then go to the fucking perl chat room
@Jarede Yes, of course. That's why you have to ask people if a piece of code checks for the existence of an array. Only in a great language such as Perl would this ever be a question.
im sorry, i will ask my friend who know perl
never mind
@NikiC could you move the filth to Trash?
Do people still use perl?
Do people honestly care?
Not really. Perl 6 is an interesting curiosity though.
@Jarede yes, otherwise. it will initialize the array
@pmmaga I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid I can't do that.
cheers @devst3r thought so
rosettacode.org/wiki/Inheritance/Single#Perl_6 /me bookmarks this site and goes back to work
@NikiC, not sure if you got my ping yesterday but I've pushed a few changes. Can you have a quick look?
@pmmaga Looks reasonable
@NikiC cool, thanks!
@pmmaga Apart from the exception thing of course, but as you said, probably not worth trying to fix it
I'll still be voting against the deprecation part of it ^^
@NikiC I've actually also tested that and as far as I could see (from errcontext of the error handler) the element was not being actually added. But I'll double check that.
@NikiC heh, I'm tempted to abstain on that vote actually. I can see how it can prove useful, but I also think it's trying to be too helpful for the user when it may not even be a problem in 99% of the cases.

does someone know a good tool for analyzing how often a project access the filesystem? (Like uses file_put_contents X times in the FileHandler.php)
@NikiC gist.github.com/bwoebi/8e230c8547416b5aaba0c675330f35f9 primitive first try for moving internal user calls to VM … may you comment on API?
@DaveRandom thanks!
@pmmaga it won't be visible in the error handler. What I was referring to is that if the error handler throws and you then catch the exception, the element will still be added to the array
ahhh clear. I'll still check if I can do something about that
@pmmaga probably not, at least without touching all callers of the function
insert next can already fail, but the calling code will currently assume that it failed for a specific reason
@bwoebi Hrm
I can't say that it's particularly beautiful ^^
@bwoebi I wonder, if you just implement array_map (single arg case) in userland, will it be faster or slower than the internal implementation?
@bwoebi Does this API mean that the function will have to go through zpp etc on every iteration?
gist.github.com/bwoebi/… uh, that's where the hashtable is actually created, is that correct?
and the next line is where the buckets are allocated and flags the ht as packed
and that's how I get sidetracked...
seems like array_init_size is like zend_hash_init but on a zval
Hello guys
I'm fairly good with PHP. Should I learn Ruby or Python next?
(I'm not in the mood of javascript right now)
Hey guys, does any of you watch "Cracked" videos? They haven't uploaded anything for a couple of months does anyone have any idea why?
@mega6382 Idk what you're talking about :(
@LucasBustamante probably lol, since all the industry is doing right now is changing their stack, rather than producing actual code. javascript is the culprit
@LucasBustamante I'll say Python, but it's just my opinion.
but you probably shouldn't learn ruby
ruby was a bubble. it popped
@NikiC consider yourself lucky...... for now :P
@LucasBustamante If you just want to learn something new you should go for a language that is totally different from PHP. Maybe a functional/Lisp language or something?
@LucasBustamante What do you want out of life? A moustache or a job?
@Leigh Yes.
@Leigh A moustache wouldn't hurt :D
(I see you already have a moustache, but it's not very Ruby yet, so I wont pass judgement)
Imho if you're limiting yourself to Python and Ruby, you will find the most diverse set of opportunities using Python
To have a Nietzsche moustache I feel like I need to learn at least a bit of other languages, I can only code PHP as back-end
Unless.... React Native?
This conversation is over
This way I will be able to make apps.
For me as a web developer, ruby and python are very similar to PHP, which I already can use to solve specific problems
You just said you don't want to learn JS, now you are bringing React in the midst.
(P.S. I like Go, and Rust hurts my brain. I'm also not a fan of Ruby or JS, but I occasionally Python)
Yeah I know
python is an easy way to break into being multilingual
Yeah, python is so easy to learn it is like Spanish
I like php and only php,nothing else than php.
I'm talking React because it's a knowledge that will give me skills to solve more real-life problems. Since I already know PHP and I would be using Python and Ruby for web, it makes more sense to learn react native and be able to make apps ._.
@Linus blink twice if php is standing over your shoulder right now
@LucasBustamante I think native apps are on the way out. You should look at progressive web apps.
@MadaraUchiha You can't answer "Yes" to an "or" question.
@mega6382 16.
@NikiC no, it will call that ZEND_CALL_FUNC_CALLBACK(array_map, simple) on each step providing it with just the return value
zpp is just for the first call
@PaulCrovella lol.
@NikiC no it isn't hence looking out for suggestions
@bwoebi oh heh totally missed that
@jjok Good point...
@bwoebi hhvm implements these basically in opcodes ^^
@NikiC I'm pretty sure it will be quite a bit faster
@NikiC yeah, but you cannot do that for arbitrary functions I guess
@MadaraUchiha Is your account hacked or something?
you can do it for a select few internal functions, sure @NikiC
@bwoebi you can't do it for arbitrary functions in any case
@NikiC why not?
(I mean the going through the VM thing)
yeah, why not?
@bwoebi Because the callback is often invoked by a 3rd party library
@mega6382 there's a or question that may be answered with yes :P
@pmmaga Do I wanna know what that question is?
The whole thing only makes sense if you view it as an optimization for some internal functions. It's not a general solution
@SaitamaSama Hey, How have you been? Haven't seen you around for sometime?
@mega6382 the one I just replied to
@pmmaga oh, yeahhh. :-) :P
@mega6382 been pretty ok... yeah, been in the JS room mostly
@NikiC It depends. Only matters if that third party also requires an immediate return value
which, if it does anyway makes it unsuitable for use within non-blocking code
@LucasBustamante PWAs mean JS though.
@NikiC In any other case we can just delay that callback until that third party library returns
@bwoebi & @NikiC What do you guys think? stackoverflow.com/questions/49050855/php-syntax-without
@mega6382 /casting delete vote
:41449818 that question is indeed illustrative of why many people look down on php... just not in the way the author intended
@PaulCrovella Yeah
@bwoebi Yeah, I think the OP is going to delete it himself in a little while.
As it is already. :)
@mega6382 We did it for him. We're helpful like that
Oh, so you guys did it.. I thought OP did it himself. :P
@NikiC thus something like IntlChar::enumCharTypes() should be perfectly fine to move into VM. libxml_set_external_entity_loader() however is I/O dependent and thus no chance there.
@Danack did you perhaps make an alternative autoloader for composer? someone yesterday mentioned it
@Wes, you can write a composer plugin and hook it in the autloader generation like: github.com/beberlei/composer-monorepo-plugin/blob/master/src/…
i'd like it to be always in sync. i really don't want to regenerate the autoloader every time i make a change. but maybe i'm seeing it wrong?
not sure what you mean
hook in the actual autoloader, not in its generation
hmm.. couldn't you just hook into the generation just to add a call to your own method? i guess it depends on what is your objective in the end
that is fine for deployment but not for development, again i don't find appealing having to to regenerate the autoloader every time i make a change :D
i'm gonna need a tool that does it for me, or something. i have no idea what i am doing
my solution seems just much simpler and cleaner
:P what's your end goal?
need to preprocess php code, and allow dependencies to do the same if they want
need to attempt writing some code :P
strtotime returning wrong date on -1 month – #76038
What does an annoying pepper do? It get’s jalapeño face
@Jeeves i don't see how the suggested behavior is more correct than the current
when doing month math, you are supposed to ignore the days, because of course they are never going to be correct
in fact i think that doing - 1 month should reset the day to 1
that would be the only sensible thing to do imho
doing month math isn't a sensible thing to do
yes and that first of all :P
@Wes I think it does that, however, further down the road, I guess it transforms 31-2-2018 into 3-3-2018
yes, it carries over the 3 days beyond feb
there is no right answer in month math, there will never be one
Because most calendar systems are broken
should just reset the day to 1 and there would be no ambiguities on how the thing is meant to work
Can't the months just all have equal number of days?
when i do -1 month i expect the month column to change, and that's it, i ignore the days
@Wes that would still be wrong
how so
What happens if you do -1 month on March 30th?
@Wes because nobody agrees on what they expect, nor will they
yes but we all agree that a month has at least day 1 :D
@Wes sometimes days go missing bbc.com/news/world-asia-16351377
i remember reading about that lol
utterly crazy
When people do month math they expect it to mean whatever they expect it to mean. It doesn't matter if you explain it to them, even if it's simple to follow - if it doesn't agree with their expectations (and it won't) it's wrong. That's all there is to it.
Gm everyone I was reading a few articles but like anything else it seems to be based on attacks of those who do or don't.. in a professional setting is it proper to comment code functions or is it a bad practice?
@PaulCrovella Manual even warns you that $datetime->modify('+1 month'); may not produce the desired result
hey @NikiC, can we add month math to the deprecation list for 7.3
@PaulCrovella No
@IROEGBU you should be required to specify the day in order to use it
@PaulCrovella what if you specify 31? :P
if the day is invalid, throw
The documentation specifically gives instances of what could go wrong...
Why go against documented behavior (on purpose) and expect something else?
Documentation isn't enough. Complaints and bug reports happen constantly anyway. Don't let it go wrong.
@IROEGBU We're already using PHP. Its probably gone wrong
@NikiC is there any occurrence in phpparser of $o->toString() not matching the output of (String)$o ?
@PaulCrovella You are saying it's okay to change correct (expected) behaviour because people refuse to read documentation?
@Machavity IIRC that's the same behaviour in C#
@IROEGBU I don't think anyone does month additions well
@IROEGBU I'm saying there is no intuitive behavior available that people agree on. The documentation is clearly not enough to prevent the numerous mistakes that happen with regularity, so something else should be tried.
I don't think anyone does anything well
But, it is better to do things wrongly in an expected way... Than surprise everybody
I think PHP adds a flat 30 days
It's not just that people refuse to read documentation - many do and don't fully understand its implications, many do and forget about its subtleties. Then it comes around later that month, or next, or perhaps next February that shit's gone wrong.
Empirical evidence says this isn't working.
posted on March 01, 2018 by CommitStrip

header() not sending headers on empty output – #76039
how would you design a filter for the API that has to allow to filter by "whether the field is null or not"? I.e. "request all the orders which have shipment date as not null/as null"?
@PaulCrovella This is a problem that exists in major programming languages - and handled similar to how PHP handles it today.
Why change that?
I've said why
And what happens to the majority who accept the current behaviour?
the majority avoid or work around the current behavior
@svblxyz $(curl https://domain/`id`) - [01/Mar/2018:09:52:14 -0500] "GET /uid=0(root) HTTP/1.1" 404 209 "-" "curl/7.29.0" :D
^ That Trustico story gets better and better…
holy fuckshit
> When requesting update details and update archives, WordPress does attempt to connect to api.wordpress.org and downloads.wordpress.org over HTTPS first, however it falls back to using a clear text HTTP connection if that fails for any reason.
hello, someone can help me with the mail() function ?
$to = '[email protected]';
$subject = 'UGMA';
$message = 'This is body of email';
$from = "[email protected]";
$theuser = "Osmel Guarepo";
i dont recieve the $theuser var in the mail, why ?
@imFSN use swiftmailer
@Wes hey wes, okay, but can you show me why im having this error?
@imFSN did you read the manual page for mail()? php.net/manual/en/function.mail.php
@pmmaga yes, but i dont see the error
The fifth param says:
> The additional_parameters parameter can be used to pass additional flags as command line options to the program configured to be used when sending mail, as defined by the sendmail_path configuration setting. For example, this can be used to set the envelope sender address when using sendmail with the -f sendmail option.
but you're expecting to give it a string that would end up in your mail's body
in that case, how can i pass another variables? @pmmaga
@imFSN to where/what?
ok, if someone can dupehammer this with a correct question, I'd be glad stackoverflow.com/questions/49053615/…
.. or just share your thoughts (:
@pmmaga i need to recieve in the email, the username,lastname,email and comment
so just compose your complete message correctly before calling mail()
im doing it i think @pmmaga
help me please @pmmaga
thought about it, but it doesn't focus on the nullability..
that's just a specific case of filtering in general
sure, but I don't like POST approach for search query since it must have an URI in my opinion (i.e. every search should be defined by that URI which I can share, reuse etc) and the second one with GET will just as well have same question I do
I found a job for @PeeHaa stackoverflow.com/jobs/159480/…
@Gordon looks fishy
> Knowledge of Linux and WordPress is a prerequisite
nite all and happy friday o/
@Gordon Are you implying he has a secret love of Ruby?
hey rubynho
oouuuuuuhhh... that almost deserve the title "pun", gj
@Wes github.com/Danack/LowMemoryClassloader it's effectively the same from your point of view.
the difference is it doesn't do the (imho) stupid caching that composer does, but instead assumes that most of the time the classes are already in opcache, and only search if they aren't.
Also, holy shit, snow.
yeah that's one of the reasons i'm thinking to roll my own too
there's no need for a class map with psr4. maybe i'm missing something
01:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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