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Fatal error: in xxx.php on line 336
I assume it was an exception with a null byte in its message...
IACUBA0.10IN – #75956
@Trowski I totally did not know that we wrapped that debug code with assert() now :-/
@bwoebi That was probably an unneeded optimization, but who develops with assertions off?
@Trowski you don't. But people may debug in production with optimizations off.
It's the same with the AMP_DEBUG flag for promises, that code is also wrapped in assert().
Yeah, it's fine - I just did not know what it had been put into an assertion. Otherwise I'd mentioned that
Yeah, I should have mentioned it before. I forgot about it myself.
Hey guys, very specific use case, just wanted to hear opinion. I need to create a pop up with a name to print on a label printer.. I can do the output, but do I depend on the printer to squeeze everything.. or do I set the dimensions in the code somehow?
1 hour later…
posted on February 13, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

unresolved external symbols for php5ts.dll – #75957
3 hours later…
Good Morning, We have a bunch of devices that make roughly 4000 requests to an endpoint per second; this happens for about 1 minute each hour. I need to forward some telemetry data from each request to a 3rd party API. This API sadly has a rate limit of 100 requests per second. So I made a small program to queue all the applications and send them to the API at 95 requests per second.
The whole thing took about 2 hours to put together. But I have been trying to find a good name for this repository and program for the last 1 hour :(. It seems naming things is not my cup of tea. Any ideas?
I know it's not a PHP specific question, but you guys are the most helpful bunch I know :)
I'd go with UnClearBuffer
annoyingBuffer would be fun but I have a boss :(
@Wes Interesting. Has valentine's day a specific color? (apparently green)
that would be yellow
well I don't see any yellow element in that image
@Shafizadeh always assume that people are making fun of you. that's how it works in the western world :D
posted on February 14, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@Wes ah :-) I assume it when I'm talking with non-programmer people :-) ..!
programmers are the biggest trolls in the world
@Trowski Quite many people I guess.
@J.S RateLimiter
@Wes I didn't know that .. Since I'm not troll at all
@Shafizadeh he's trolling you. Just like he trolled all of us when claimed to draw an elephpant for the amp logo.
@Gordon did you see that black mirror episode?
@Gordon Thanks !
@Patrick I dont know what black mirror is, so I guess no
@Gordon it's on netflix... they did a boston dynamics inspired episode
those things hunting down humans
I dont have Netflix
i'm sure gordon will vandalize my tomb once i'm dead
so that i can be reminded of that for the eternity
which is quite a long time.
How can parse SOAP V 1.2 response of XML info set using PHP.
Please help using php
Because i ma using soap version 1.2 and it's return xml information set
Anyone there?
I wan to parse xml info set into json using php
simple xml i have convert with simpl_xml_load method but i did not find xml information set to json
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="<a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/</a>"
<result xsi:type="sf:sObject">
<sf:Website><a rel="nofollow" class="external free" href="http://www.acme.com/">http://www.acme.com/</a></sf:Website>
Hi guys
@Gordon understand xml information parse set?
Can I ask a fundamental question?
@Gordon i did not want to call soap api i want to parse XML info set in to json
@Gordon can you tell me difference between XML and XML info set?
Simple XML easily convert to JSON but XML info is not convert to jSON.
@Gordon sure i have read this. But how we can parse this format XML to JSON in PHP.
Why isn't bandValue() a method of PDO? and is a method of PDOStatement?
@Gordon this script:
$fileContents= file_get_contents($url);
$fileContents = str_replace(array("\n", "\r", "\t"), '', $fileContents);
$fileContents = trim(str_replace('"', "'", $fileContents));
$simpleXml = simplexml_load_string($fileContents);
$json = json_encode($simpleXml);
simple XML to json convert
@Simon.B because that wouldn't make sense
@JoeWatkins In what aspect?
prepare is a method of PDO
which creates a statement
you don't want to bind a value for all statements created
that would be chaotic, and too restrictive ...
Hmmm... That's a good point o/
@JoeWatkins Thanks Joe
ship to take an interest in or hope for a romantic relationship between (fictional characters or famous people), whether or not the romance actually exists: I’m shipping for those guys—they would make a great couple!
What do you call cheese by itself? Provolone
@Gordon we're safe by now, the danger seems to be, when the robot breaks the door instead of opening it.
I have an utf-8 encoded string. how can I detect if the string can be represented under the iso-8859-1 encoding?
@AliceRyhl English isn't your native, is it?
@AliceRyhl all extended ascii encodings (including iso8859-x) are valid utf-8
I suppose english isn't my native language
@Shafizadeh i already told you that's impolite
ignore him @AliceRyhl, your english is fine
@Wes not all characters that can be represented in utf-8 can be represented in iso-8859-1
how do I detect if my string has such a character
@Wes what do you think it is rude? English isn't my native too. What's wrong with it?
I don't see the issue in my message in the first place
@AliceRyhl your message is right .. I guessed you couldn't detect "ornin" means "morning". That's why I said so.
nevermind @AliceRyhl i misread. you can use intl's Transliterator, or iconv()
i have no idea what mb_convert_encoding does with characters it can't convert... maybe it adds U+FFFD for those
in that case you should just check that the output string contain that particular character, if it does it means that the utf-8 string contains characters iso88591 doesn't support
$iso88591 = mb_convert_encoding($body, 'iso-8859-1', 'utf-8');
$body2 = mb_convert_encoding($iso88591, 'utf-8', 'iso-8859-1');
if ($body == $body2) { can be represented in iso-8859-1 } else { can't }
this is what I'm currently doing
that seems like a good technique, yes
it's not obvious to me that this works in all cases
which is why I'm asking
for example what about ü, which can represented in several ways in utf-8
hold on
is this behaviour documented anywhere? 3v4l.org/hl5UG
Trying to flag that in a code review but someone thinks it's up to "personal taste"...
@Patrick I mean it's doing exactly what I would expect it to
I am talking about the space between the variable and [
yes it's ugly
Yeah it works, but it looks very wrong to me
dont you have a coding standard?
Wondering if this is undocumented behaviour or if it is supposed to work like that
It's almost certainly documented behaviour in the php standard
@Gordon we do, but reviews were taken a little too far. so we decided to step back a little and now we have this mess... always because of the same person :x
that it's allowed by the php standard doesn't mean you should allow it in the code
you also don't have all your code on one line just because the standard allows it
@Patrick if all of your coworkers think this looks ugly, add it to the coding standard and be done with it
if only office politics were this easy :(
personally, I dont think I have ever seen someone or something use a space there
@Patrick In their personal projects it's up to personal taste. For a company/team project it's up to the coding standards, and making sure everyone writes code in a way everyone can easily read
he probably has a laravel background
do laravel often have spaces between variables and indexings?
That would probably look like app('var_dumper')->instance()->getCharacter(0)->withString("b")
Actually it's app('var_dumper')::instance()::getCharacter(0)::withString("b")
once you have the instance it should surely be ->, right?
@AliceRyhl Not for Laravel
You'd think so, but Laravel likes to be shitty on purpose
I admit I haven't used laravel
I just used common sense
@AliceRyhl lolz
how do they even do this? Does instance() return a ... class?
probably returns a closure that returns a class
I dunno, think of the most stupid thing, it does that
wait, you are kidding, right?
So if I call getCharacter(3) it creates a new class specifically for getting the third character :thinking:
And anyway, it's FirstCharacterOfStringFacade::dump(StringFactory::StringFromString("b"))
This feels like asking the new guy to go out and get tartan paint and sky hooks
StringFromString :thinking:
at least you're not making new classes dynamically there
Good day. Guys, any good approach/example on how to use Builder pattern in PHP?
@AliceRyhl that's hidden behind the façade
$i = 10;
while ($i --> 0) {
@AliceRyhl still trying to figure it out, documentation is here in case you want to read it too userguide.icu-project.org/conversion/converters
@Patrick personal preference :p
@AliceRyhl this maybe 3v4l.org/7f62G
checking the string if it contains some invalid-character-marker feels brittle, if there's anything that straight up fails or can do a check returning a boolean instead that would be preferable
it operates on graphemes (i'm fairly sure it does) so it doesn't matter how you are writing characters
@AliceRyhl no, then convert back to utf8, normalize the strings and compare them === php.net/manual/en/normalizer.normalize.php
@Gordon in a sense it is like Factory pattern then, if I am not mistaken. Except with additional configuration through chained methods.
if they are equal, then all characters are in the iso88591 range
I mean the trick you're adding here is unicode normalization, I can still use mb_convert_encoding
@Eugene yes, in a way. both create an object in the end. but the builder allows for incrementally building the object (or it's config) whereas the factory usually does in one go.
Yep. Exactly my thought. Thank you. Good example on github.
@AliceRyhl i doubt mb_convert_encoding understands graphemes
means that if you have u + umlaut as two combining codepoints, it will fail to convert it into a single iso88591 character
makes sense?
I just tested it and you're right
it appears to convert Å to "A?"
uhh that looks weird in my font
@Eugene it doesnt have to use method chaining though. I've added that purely for convenience.
Totally skipping conversation scrolling up, are you trying to normalise unicode? Use intl normaliser and NFKC form
Yes yes. I know. But usually in examples it does.
i don't know much about uconverter, and its api is a mess that i am failing to understand
I'm trying to figure out if an utf-8 string can be represented in iso-8859-1
Do you have ext/intl?
You could check if the normalised version == the original version
I mean I can add intl
@Leigh i'm not sure if all characters in question have a composition code point
@AliceRyhl The amount of semi-complex stuff you have been doing, that seems like a good idea
That way you can simply normalise to nfkc, iterate the resulting code points and throw if you encounter one that doesn't exist in iso-8859-1
it would be really great if all characters that cannot be converted would show up as graphemica.com/%F0%9F%92%A9
and TIL firefox turns that into the actual emoji in the address bar
@Gordon replace "\uFFFD" with it
chrome too
@Leigh exactly
bool return on \SplStack->push(), not void – #75958
if only icu wasn't so confusing
so does intl have some kind of grapheme iterator
This function is currently not documented; only its argument list is available. :thinking:
so that probably iterates graphemes
@Leigh but that's not graphemes
@AliceRyhl characters = graphemes. but just a guess
yeah probably, but codepoint definitely isn't
since there's codepoint iterator, that must be graphemes
Is it not? I don't really care much about unicode fiddling, we allow the chars, store and present them, but no need to iterate over them
What about grapheme_extract then?
Or grapheme_strlen + grapheme_substr
my bet is still on IntlBreakIterator::createCharacterInstance :B
although in php grapheme_substr might be faster. iterators have a lot of overhead
fcalls have a bunch of overhead too, repeated substr probably pretty heavy
I'm guessing the iterator is faster
Support a function to escape glob metacharacters – #75959
\o v0.2
@Sara IKR? :-P I can also do the bullshit lingo stuff
@Wes test specification or gherkin specification
I really want to know this:
Why when talking about php frameworks, do people skip ZF?
Tbh, most people got burnt with ZF1
so now they prefer being burnt with the ZF1 clone: Laravel
hahaha, but ZF2 and ZF3 are very different from ZF1.
And still nobody talks about those either.
This sounds maybe like a very wide question but how is ZF different from Symfony?
@Duikboot they overlap a lot, but they don't really match
ZF has less conventions and more manual setup needed
But anyway, if you look at expressive vs symfony flex, they are completely different beasts
I really like, configuration over convention models, it is not much work, but it gives you alot of power over your data. I believe.
Aha! There's nothing wrong with a manual setup... :-)
@mega6382 Did you get that the right way around?
Convention over configuration (also known as coding by convention) is a software design paradigm used by software frameworks that attempt to decrease the number of decisions that a developer using the framework is required to make without necessarily losing flexibility. The concept was introduced by David Heinemeier Hansson to describe the philosophy of the Ruby on Rails web framework, but is related to earlier ideas like the concept of "sensible defaults" and the principle of least astonishment in user interface design. The phrase essentially means a developer only needs to specify unconventional...
Nowadays Im also digging into Docker stuff which makes it nice to test some frameworks
@PeeHaa sent a php-docs patch yesterday, would be cool if you could review it
Sure. Will check it after I finished my meeting
@Jimbo Yes, I mean like, when you are using with table names, with prefixes, or complex names etc, and same with column names. Via Configuration over Convention, you can use much simpler names and data types and filters etc. But I get with normal use Convention Over Configuration is more preferable.
@Jimbo also known as magic :D
Anyone have a bright idea as to how I can share config information between Php application and C# console app?
Context: I have two apps (console app and web app), I want php to call the console app using proc_open and pass connection string to it (as args).
@AliceRyhl nothing wrong with your english, I just forgot to type an M there ^^
Happy Valentine’s Day @rdlowrey <3
@IROEGBU just store the config variables somewhere where both can access it? ENV, ini file, json, YAML...
or do you mean something else?
@Patrick It'll mean the console app will be tightly coupled with the php app
oh fuck, it's valentines day
how many has a date today? ~
@IROEGBU isn't that what you want? if you need to decouple further, maybe add some kind of identifier to each instance that will decide which cfg files to use
@Patrick This is, actually, a good point. But it can also be considered consistency
@PeeHaa Happy valentines day to your mum
consoleapp.exe command dbname username password
@Patrick this is how the console app works at the moment, it's possible to use it without the php app
@IROEGBU don't send passwords on the command line...
@IROEGBU make the config file an (optional) argument? and what dave said
Oh! Why didn't I think of that? The spirit of Peehaa is upon me!
@IROEGBU Why don't you create a socket connection between PHP and C#
5 mins ago, by IROEGBU
@Patrick It'll mean the console app will be tightly coupled with the php app
@IROEGBU how so? one can easily run without the other
@RakeshLal That's unnecessarily complex
@Patrick was replying @RakeshLal
> make the config file an (optional) argument? and what dave said
perfect answer
@Jimbo I think his mom is being overwhelmed today ^^
@Sara I messed up your release ... sorry about that ... probably want to check twatter inbox and do retagging ...
one day you'll do a release without me creating additional work, I promise ...
I fell behind on github pr's, stuff that is targeting master is missing from 7.2, because they were opened when 7.2 was master ... sorry ...
Hi everyone
Please, what does this do?
$ddRepo = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository('AppBundle:DirectDebit');
What do you think it does?
Wild guess... it gets a repository ..
Does the last method call or variable name give you any hints?
it has doctrine in it, so something dark, that it shouldn't be doing ...
Disagree, but you really should NOT do all that get get get stuff
What is Doctrine, and Manager?
I'm sorry. I barely write Symfony. Don't write PHP much
But I need to find something equivalent in C#
Hmm, Doctrine is an ORM. So its best equivalent would be EF, am I right?
@gbade_ Doctrine and the EntityManager have been the laudable attempt of creating an ORM by a likeable german guy which was then perverted by the hands of an italian mad man by the name of @Ocramius
@Gordon lol, that sounds a bit harsh
it's true though
So getRepositry would be the equivalent of getting the model for a DB in EF C#?
I would assume most people here don't know anything about Entity Framework.
Get repository is returning the repository associated with the DirectDebit entity
The alternative would be to set your DiC up properly so you can do __construct(DirectDebitRepository $repo) instead
@jjok Are you familiar with the Entity Framework?
Guys, recently I became the project manager in my company. Now I need to know some notes about maintaining. Because I'm the responsible person. Should I get backup every day? Is there any automatic system for doing that? Should I know about specific thing?
@gbade_ yeah, doctrine kinda matches entity framework
(if that's what you are familiar with)
I am familiar with EF, @Ocramius.

@Gordon did you foul, by the way
@gbade_ I know. He's a dick.
@Shafizadeh Project management doesn't involve technicalities, you're supposed to work with the tech lead. If product (you) decides you need backups every day - and you have a business reason for that, then they are responsible for deciding the best way of doing it
@Ocramius so was this correct?
So getRepositry would be the equivalent of getting the model for a DB in EF C#?
As a product person, you don't just say "we want daily backups". Why? Is it because you have some financial data or something? You do not decide what tech does, you decide what the product needs to have.
Something like that, yes. Repositories are a way to fetch entities by some simplistic criteria
@Jimbo exactly I'm talking about the decision I have to make. Yes, getting backup isn't in my duties scope. But I have to be responsible against project owner. That's why I care about getting backup and technical things. I want to be a prideful project manager. I want to have a high number as up-time for the server. I want to avoid loosing data.
@Shafizadeh what projects do you work on?
@Shafizadeh If you are project manager, take a course in project management
Or do you mean product manager?
@Shafizadeh Sure, if your product needs high availability, then you state that to the tech lead. You don't get to solutionize any more - that's tech's job. "Prideful" can easily be seen as micro-managing, and product are not managers. They work with tech to achieve the goal at the same level. They are not higher in the chain. I've worked with product before who have this 'over the wall' mentality, it doesn't work
@RakeshLal An Iranian project .. You cannot access it through internet, it is a internal ERP.
@IROEGBU well I don't know what's the difference between project/product manager. I thing product and project are synonym in English.
@Jimbo ah, I see
Requirements gathered from market survey.
End users are more than one.
Develop the application for Global clients.

Requirements gathered from particular client.
End user is one.
Develop the application for particular client.
Is it better to send the content inside a form's textarea using a button or an input type="submit"?
@Shafizadeh Aside from how you get your backups, make sure that those backups are tested periodically. It's all fine preparing for a disaster recovery scenario, but you need to make sure you can actually use it to recover
@Shafizadeh They're not.
@Simon.B it makes no difference at all to how the form works. The only difference is in the semantics on the client side. It's easier for a designer if you use a <button>.
@gbade_ No. I've heard of it.
@DaveRandom Thank you, so can you take a look at this pastebin.com/YRx418Zn line 20? When I edit my joke and tap on edit it gets redirected to joke.php script but the "A" isn't echoed. (A is a test, because I wasn't sure if the problem was with my editJoke function and if it was working properly)
@Simon.B the form won't submit to editjoke.php because you have action="", it will submit to editjoke.html.php, empty action will submit to the current URL as the browser sees it
i.e. the code in editjoke.php isn't being hit at all
also, in general don't use empty action
and if you are doing a redirect, you should specify the HTTP response code explicitly
in the case of post/redirect/get you should use HTTP/1.1 303 See Other
Alright thank you, I hesitated about that myself too, but why is it so, the URL in my browser is this: and not this:
@DaveRandom Sorry I didn't understand this line.
@DaveRandom Oops, I applied this edit but it doesn't work once again!
@DaveRandom These are some great edits to learn from, thanks!
@Simon.B Buy Patrick's book
@IROEGBU What's that?
@IROEGBU Thanks (thumb-up)
@IROEGBU Is Patrick someone here on SO, the name of the author sounds familiar to my ear...
@Simon.B yes :)
thanks for the mention
@Patrick Hi sir o/ :D
I need naming help
how do you call a class that accepts a callback and threshold in millis and a method exec() that only execs the callback when the threshold is reached, else it counts the invocation
it started out as a logger that would only log the same message every n seconds, but since it accepts a random callback it can be used for everything and now I am also using it as a circuitbreaker
yeah, delayedExecutor comes close but I dont want executor because in java executors are a defined thing
hmm.. now with that further explanation it actually sounds more like debounce
hmm, yes, like that I guess
> Debouncing enforces that a function not be called again until a certain amount of time has passed without it being called. As in "execute this function only if 100 milliseconds have passed without it being called."
@IROEGBU Will I understand "303 see other" that Dave used if I google HTTP responses and read the articles suggested?
@Simon.B maybe this helps. Very appropriate for today :)
@pmmaga Awesome :D
@pmmaga I named it DebouncedRunnable since it implements Runnable
nice, sounds pretty explicit to me :)
I like bouncy runners
searching "asynchronous programming php" ... I'm not seeing Amp...
/me is off to meet the stackoverflow people, including Jon skeet, and others. They are doing an NYC event for skeet hitting 1M rep
:O have fun
``` Error: Call to a member function has() on null
Is there a reason I cant do
$this->getDoctrine()->getRepository(Firstname::class)->countAllFirstnames([], true, $this->getUser());
In my constructor ?
Typically can't I use Firstname::class maybe ?
Is Firstname a class?
I can use this anywhere but in my constructor
Constructor of what?
I would expect you could call that code anywhere, as long as you've included a class autoloader, and Doctrine has been initialised.
@Baldráni How is that error even related to that code?
Well If I remove the code I have no error
If you remove all code you also won't have an error, but that doesn't answer my question :P
A sec
@Baldráni Does it give you a stack trace? What's the line of code causing the error?
Yup yup I have more info
public function getDoctrine()
        if (!$this->container->has('doctrine')) {
            throw new \LogicException('The DoctrineBundle is not registered in your application.');
So, when you call it in your constructor, $this->container is null.
How does that get set?
Pretty good question
let me guess... setContainer?
is there anyone who have created php zephir extension on windows ?
I think that is a pretty accurate and comprehensive answer
Expressed as an IEEE 754 floating pointer number. Exactly 0% of people have ever created a php extension with zephir
@Leigh IEEE 754 allows units like % to be encoded? :P
how could I update current row field value, getting foreing info using a value from the same row? Something like this:
UPDATE widgets w SET w.organizer=(SELECT organizer FROM events WHERE id=w.id)
When I run the below command from terminal then it just works fine while the same command doesn't work from the script file.

exec('nohup /var/www/html/test/team.sh > /var/www/html/test/bg-spider.log 2>&1 &')
LOL it works
It doesn't log anything to the file..
You don't need the forward slash at the beginning of nohup
nope, it doesnt work
ah sorry that was jus typo
@Jimbo But really I don't have it in my code...! It was typing mistake
@MGE You want to use UPDATE ... JOIN ...
You can join a table to itself with a different alias
@AbdulQadir Try with backticks... $var = `nohup ...`; Then vardump it
May give you some error
Also, maybe your user has permissions to write to that file, but www-data doesn't
Q: UPDATE table based on the same table

nathangiesbrechtI have a table with product descriptions, and each product description has a product_id and a language_id. What I want to do is update all of the fields with a language_id of 2 to be equal to the same product_id where the language_id is 1. So far I've tried the following query, but I'm getting e...

That just prints null

$var = `nohup /var/www/html/test/team.sh > /var/www/html/test/bg-spider.log 2>&1 &`;
var_dump($var); // NULL
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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