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@Patrick you guys are strange, you are all about decoupling and stuff and you can't see that static constructors are just factories
your mom is just a you factory
@Wes If you are going to do new anyway, there is no functional difference between new Thing($stuff) and Thing::createFromStuff($stuff)
It does not inherently increase coupling
@Wes Using a factory for that would definitely be overengineering
what if i have two implementations of Foo, will you implement twice Foo1::constructFromShit($shit) and Foo2::constructFromShit($shit) which also also tightly coupled. shouldn't it be FooFromShit($fooFactory, $shit) ?
If it's some sort of primitive where there will never be another implementation, tight coupling is fine, and "named constructors" (when there are multiple ctor signatures) increase readability
@Gordon see I'm not THAT bad :P
Anyone used the OneUpUpload bundle before? I've done a custom code for chunk upload before with plupload but never with this.. seems more robust/tested.
@Wes then you need a factory
the point is for primitives that will never have another implementation
Like this
or this
@Wes it's a final class with no separate interface
I use them for entities (where appropriate) and value objects, not for services etc
Fear of :: should be called called paamanekudophobia
you guys are infringing your own rules
what rules?
No, it's just that the rules are more complicated than "never use static methods"
this is the jungle baby
...you are going to die
It's low coupling/high cohesion, not just low coupling @Wes
what I am curious about - why would a user know about how many invalid login attempts have been done
a named static constructor is an example of high cohesion
@tereško why would they want to, you mean?
@DaveRandom no, I mean, why User class knows that
@tereško because it's part of the business logic github.com/PatrickLouys/professional-php-sample-code/blob/…
I've heard opinions in chat before that using static methods in most cases are bad
I finally got my hands on the BluRay of Your Name \o/
@Tiffany The issue is that tight coupling of business logic is bad
on a more important note, did you watch star trek dave?
it's often simpler to explain that to people who are doing ^ that as "don't use static methods"
@DaveRandom alright
In the same way as it's simpler to start by teaching kids Newtonian physics instead of Einsteinian physics
the model is not actually correct, but it's close enough for people who are learning the basics
@DaveRandom b...b...Newtonian Physics don't apply at Quantum Levels :(
@SaitamaSama little kids don't care
first, gotta get them interested in physics, before you start dumping all the complicated stuff on them
sounds like a drug dealer's motto
oh also @Tiffany people who write a lot of static methods often write code that depends on global state
:B guess so
> Hey kid, wanna buy some physics?
so again, "don't use static methods" helps to train people out of that
I'll try to remember that :D
@MadaraUchiha you missed a pfft
and if I don't, I can search chat at least
@Patrick that whole thing makes me itch. I just can't pin down why
I find that sometimes... searching the chat is more efficient for finding an answer than google, like 50% of the time.
@tereško probably because it's DDD code
@Tiffany I would say that the rule with static methods is that as long as 1) it does not tightly couple you to a piece of business logic or a framework, and 2) it is stateless, then it's probably OK
@Patrick it'd be good to see password_needs_rehash included.. seems like everyone skips that part
@DaveRandom if it's not a lot of trouble for you, could you give an example what tightly coupling to business logic would look like?
@Tiffany SomeClassThatActuallyDoesSomething::doThing()
@PaulCrovella But you only need that if you change the hash?
I don't have a real-world example to hand, if I come across one I will show you
^ laravel?
Yeah literally every facade lol
@DaveRandom Okay, so say I have a SendMail class, and there is a method that sends the mail... I'm trying to think of something that could be an example
@Patrick you need that when you change the algorithm/options, but it's code that should already be in place
@DaveRandom Let me open a file here :P
@PaulCrovella sounds like a case of YAGNI?
no, you'll need it
You can implement it when you change the hash
No reason to do it earlier
    public function index()
        $user = SomeUser::findOrFail(\Auth::id());

        return response();
That relies on all kinds of magic
@Patrick no, it's the "recorder events" thing. Why is it an array? What happens if I log in with the correct password and then with the wrong password? Why failed attempts can be negative? Why can the the attempt time be null, when attempt count is non-zero? And I know that it all is bullshit, but as I said it - things like that make me itch
@PeeHaa woah wut
dafuq is response()??
@Patrick it's trivial to do and shouldn't be left out
@DaveRandom It's a function that returns a ResponseFactory
@tereško that's because I didn't want to go full DDD/Event sourcing in the book. Otherwise the events would be recorded into an EventStream
I cut out the method call where it actually builds the response by accident
@PeeHaa what's that have to do with index()
@tereško it probably makes more sense in the context of the book
... which I still havent read, sorry
@PeeHaa I love those responses that are built by accident
@Tiffany Just a random chopped up example of magic dependencies using global static state
@PaulCrovella I disagree. YAGNI. For all you know it might be scrapped in 3 months anyway
I was trying to have a shower last night and I kept accidentally building responses, it was a huge pita
it's trivial to implement it later
@DaveRandom Worst thing is nobody actually wants to hear any of your responses
@DaveRandom in which star trek there is an episode where it is explained why all species in star trek look more or less the same? is it tng, the tkon empire or something?
tng, quite late tng I think
@Patrick No you don't
@PeeHaa I get that it's part of why that what makes it confusing, but wtf does $response do in $index, why is that returned? why is $user found, and nothing done with it in the same function? or is it used somewhere else in the class? but again, I'm guessing this is what makes it so shitty
if the default algo changes it changes automagically @Patrick
TNG s6e20 "The Chase" @Wes
@Tiffany would I be correct to assume, that you are not writing unit tests ?
that. yes. thanks :B
@tereško haven't learned how yet :<
@Tiffany I snipped some code out of it :)
it's a goal for this year
@Tiffany you really should - it would give you a lot better feel for what is tight coupling and what is not
(sorry for triple ping, my brain is distracted with ES6)
@PeeHaa that's a good point
@crypticツ Gee thanks. Even you :(
@Gordon awwww
/me is back to work again after handling those disappointing pings o/
np... looks like there are a couple free courses on edX for learning how to test, going to bookmark those or something
not sure any of those will help
better than nothing
you will have to mostly figure out it by yourself
(that didn't come out in english)
software testing fundamentals is one, software engineering essentials the other, but I think the first one will be more useful into what I specifically want to learn
take a course also if you like, but it's best to just get on with writing tests phpunit.de/getting-started-with-phpunit.html, phpunit.de/manual/current/en/index.html
@DaveRandom pong
@Tiffany that second might be useful for you (based on table of contents), but I suspect it will be in java
@DaveRandom yes, same as all
@tereško yeah, overall, it will probably be more useful
I have just noticed that the "these companies test on animals" poster has Purina on it. Wouldn't it be irresponsible for them not to test on animals?
@kelunik k, is that new in v2?
@DaveRandom you haven't been exposed to the mindset of level 5 vegans
@DaveRandom yes
@tereško that's antivax-level thought avoidance though, I've never come across that level of veganism
@DaveRandom In newer versions of Amp it should do that, yes.
By "newer" is "v2" safe?
@DaveRandom well ... there is always "intersectional veganism"
No, 2.0.3 or 2.0.4 fixed that.
Order wasn't preserved previously, just the keys.
but a safe assumption for the new amp/dns though, presumably?
The interface doesn't guarantee any order of records for resolve.
github.com/amphp/socket/blob/… < We have that in amphp/socket.
@kelunik that's not the issue tbh
the existing DNAME resolution is just plain wrong, in the sense that it only queries the current name, it doesn't look for DNAMEs back up the tree
it's true
I doubt anyone ever hits that codepath anyway, because it's only relevant when the server doesn't recurse, which will essentially be never
@DaveRandom Might be 100% true, I've just ported what was there from the previous version I think.
but still, I figured it should still be fixed
@kelunik yeh I don't think I really understood DNAME until today, when I made one to see how it behaved
I have put a conditional in there to short-circuit the alias resolution when the server sets the recursion available flag, because that basically indicates that the server tried to resolve aliases as well and failed
I don't really like the implementation though, putting properties on exceptions like that feels dirty
but the alternative is a fucking huge refactor that I can't wrap my head around rn
@Wes This worries me haha
@DaveRandom something that made me snicker about the second chapter was "use pronounceable names" and he spells out variable names... our entire ERP codebase violates that so bad, but it was written at a time where there was a limit on the length of package names, and they just never refactored it.
@JoeWatkins Can dktapps have access to pthreads too? He's been quite helpful recently (specifically with the Windows and sockets stuff). Also, the 7.2 release is now being tracked here, where we hope to make a 3.2.0 release over the weekend :)
@Tiffany I still occasionally write file names in 8.3 form without thinking about it
some habits are hard to break
2 hours ago, by DaveRandom
dafuq is response()??
That, is an excellent question.
@PeeHaa what 'framework' is this?
@Danack Make an educated guess
is it a framework for anal-ists?
aye :)
@PaulCrovella holy shit
> The database containing all the customer data (explicit images, chat logs, sexual orientation, email addresses, passwords in clear text, etc.) was basically readable for everyone on the internet.
> The term “Dildo Wardriving” could be used for this attack.
his future job interviews are gonna be all kinds of fun
evening room.
That was a good read hahaa
Okay, peeps. Management is requesting examples of ecomm sites built with SOLID. You guys got any I can use?
where is the right place for me to bring up that PECL exts shouldn't be in the manual and should I do this
@Allenph if that's the case, they already got it wrong. Design style is something the team decides, not management
@ircmaxell In this case they are the same people.
Any idea where could this typoe of error could come from ?
(this is phpunit testing) it appears that the timezone is idfferent
But waht does represente the last section ?
+0100 is saying UTC+1 where +0000 is saying UTC+0000 (or UTC itself)
'Right ty :)
ahoyhoy \o
@Allenph wow
@Allenph ecomm is tough, check prestashop or shopify instead
@FlorianMargaine What?
Not code. Like company names. o.O
I think it's ridiculous. It's like asking for a website that is DRY and a case study to go along with it.
i'd avoid magento, is a bit of a mess
We're using Magento here. It's garbage.
but i don't know about prestashop, maybe it's worse :D
I regret asking. I wasn't asking for code, just to be clear.
magento cloud is not too bad
@Allenph What is that request? Show me office buildings built with good practices
@Dereleased Their current framework, Phalcon, had case studies and did that typical "People who use our framework thing."
They fail to realize that the principles are just principles. There's no "SOLIDPRinciples.com" that advertises people who are using SOLID.
The closest thing to that I know is you people.
@Allenph tbh, you might be better off just avoiding that fight, and just finding a better place to work. They don't exactly sound like they want to learn new things. Also..........a lot of ecommerce sites are built using non-solid code, because it can be quite hard to integrate solid princinples with a plugin based architecture, which most ecommerce sites use.
@Danack I'm currently looking for another job, but I've put a lot of time in effort into getting them to at least consider it. I want to finish out the fight.
just say "amazon" and drop the mic
So in a little admin panel, I have a config file that defines ADMIN_ROOT = __DIR__, platform guy decides to move the config file somewhere else on the system and symlink to it
hours of headache
$this->gnash(new Teeth());
@Leigh Stop creating constants like that and you will be fine
I'm organizing a folder which has a ton of greenbar paper. Someone shoot me.
that reminds me the noisy printers
we have two in the printer room next to me
and reminds me that 30 years later printers are just as noisy, and as shit in general
one of my office walls shares a wall with the printer room
except printer paper now is fucking cheap as hell, and greenbar is ridiculous
and we have a couple of people who are high enough on the chain that refuse to give up greenbar
@Dereleased the days when the printer is broke... goodbye productivity
and when it slips off the wheel nubs on one side, goes cockeyed, and you have to reprint the entire thing
So I'm currently trying to make a booking system, and was in a few days ago.
The idea is to print out 40 boxes, and once a user chooses a box, they can reserve it. Reserved boxes should then change color.
@PaulCrovella I used to work in a print shop, printing statements and the like, on high speed Oce printers. They used paper that had the guides on the side but was just a big solid piece two pages wide. If you were printing something with a MICR number on the bottom, and you were more than 1/8" (~3mm) off, you had to redo the whole batch
However, the way we are currently doing it, if we say 10 people reserve a seat, only one seat will be shown as taken. I realise this could be fixed by running the query one time for each box, but i feel like thats very suboptimal.
they way these printers worked, you wouldn't do a job of less than 15,000 or so pages on them because it wasn't worth it for a few reasons
This is what we currently have, and all and any advice is welcome!
@Dereleased I think ours are like that... you have to line the holes on the EXACT line number, or it's all fucked up
say they got off track somewhere in the middle, you had to back the job up to a thousand or more pages before where you needed to resume just to deal with the runoff
@Tiffany matching the holes isn't the problem, there's a cutting process that has to be exact
these are not perforated anywhere
and you're pulling from a 3/4 ton spool of paper
oh shit
yeah that would suck
had a special small crane to move it around. Ran out? New job (meaning new paper)? Time to go to the warehouse and grab a new spool
ours is at least perforated
a small job for me was around 25,000 pages. A big might be a few hundred thousand. The printer did ~26k pages/hr
@Dereleased I used to work at an offset shop.. newspaper. our greenbar was for just for shipping manifests.
the entire setup, from spool to finish line, was almost 40 feet long
and we had 3 of them
Have we all worked at a print shop here? :P
I haven't
I just have to work with fucking greenbar
Mine was 14 years ago. Y'all?
lol, I buy books and read them, WHO'S THE PEASANT NAO @PeeHaa!!!!!!111111
About the same I think. I must have been 18ish
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Not you, we don't teach peasants to read, lest they revolt
mine was... fuck I'm old years ago
@PaulCrovella If it makes you feel any better, we probably used the same technology
My setup still involved TAG/BUS cables
It was also the only time I've directly used a true UNIX system
@Dereleased we had a bunch of dauphin 4-highs, with scitex and videojets in the bindery for addressing
We had a fleet of Xerox 5k/h printers and 3 Oce 26k/h high speed, that was about a third of the room. Another small section was dedicated to cutting special things like coupon books (for payments). Half the room was just envelope stuffers
when I first started, and for a long while after, we were still manually exposing plates... didn't go direct-to-plate for years
whole room was, I dunno, 20k sf?
all of this was laser
envelope stuffers can blow me.. we trialed some for a bit, considering expanding, but they were such pains in the ass it wasn't worth it
any special runs that needed that got sent to another bindery nearby
the fanciest our shop ever got was saddle stitching.. and that was thanks to a busted ass used stitcher picked up on the cheap, and a crazy meth head who kept it working
@DaveRandom Not a that huge refactor, but we couldn't simply use the output of query() in resolve() or would have to expose more details in query() results.
Q: Auth::check() returns false in BaseController when I'm logged in?

helloI'm trying to access Auth::user()->id in a base controller to log something but it is returning false when I run Auth::check() before it, I know for a fact I'm logged in?

@hello this chat room is NOT for dumping links to your SO posts
at least say hi and how we are beautiful first
@Wes hi, ugly. o/
why is every framework tutorial always showing authentication being written directly in a controller ?!?!
@tereško the rules say don't ask just post.
Soryr if I didn't welcome myself first.
:( don't you dare dropping your links @PaulCrovella
@hello you did not ask
you just dumped a link
@tereško Because people don't use services and instead create some monster "BaseController" that always does it.
@tereško I apologize.
@kelunik That is something that Google could donate a team of engineers to work on with their experience of GC optimising for android.
php.net lists wrong GPG keys used to sign 7.1 releases – #75906
do you create release branches like checkout -b v0.5-rc1 or just tag a global dev branch tag -a v0.5-rc1 then add further features to the same branch until next tag?
and finally merge into master, and tag that v0.5
hmmm, actually, what might make sense is to create a v0.5 branch, tag rcs on that branch until satisfied, then merge that branch into master, from which the actual release gets tagged
I think that's somewhat how it works with php-src?
@LeviMorrison got analysis of duplicate definitions working :D and soon also traits
@kelunik yes
I expect that the GC performance issues will be resolved in 7.3
@NikiC Can I run that yet?
It's somewhat incomplete though, so ymmv
@Jimbo (or anyone) do you know of an example where using prepare in Auryn is a sane and required thing to do, on code that isn't just absolutely terrible?
@NikiC Is there any API to query which object types are currently in the GC root buffer?
@Danack No. Only terrible code
@Danack I used it to add plugins to Twig_Environment IIRC.
@NikiC That's the type of work I'd like to be doing too but don't know enough about our current engine for it to be fruitful. Congrats.
@kelunik Presumably you did that you as had a separate delegate function for the Twig_Loader_Filesystem which is dependency for Twig_Environment?
@Wes Did you look into phpstan or other tools much?
@Danack No, I think it was just configured to automatically do that, that's why I used prepare I think, otherwise I could have done it in the delegate.
are there any new game reviewers on youtube, that are worth watching ?
PHP Inspections EA Ultimate sounds like you have to pay for it
AH you do
@kelunik I'm not hugely happy with the Record class tbh, apart from anything else I don't think it would be possible to implement DNSSEC with it. The thought has occurred to me that it might be worth making a lower-level API, more tightly coupled to libdns, as a separate lib, and having amp/dns be restricted to just resolve() (i.e. the only thing that's actually used internally by other amp core components)
This is kinda weird. At my workstation PHPStorm recognizes tests which throw exceptions and doesn't show warnings for them when I'm using expectException, but it is here, what gives :x
I suppose query() is OK for other simple stuff actually, like MX lookups
but it's certainly not good enough to do DNSSEC, and as this issue with recursion handling shows, sometimes the application needs to inspect the message, not just the records
@Sean what warning is it showing?
and are you running the same version?
Unhandled exception
Aye, both on the latest update
oh wait, does you local know that it's a test?
i.e. have you configured the path as a test root?
Yeah, the tests directory is marked as test sources
weird then, works for me
maybe invalidate caches/restart
Yeah restarting PHPStorm unmarks it as tests
Oh maybe it's looking at the composer autoloader and marking the tests dir as sources?
autoload-dev marks dirs as tests
@DaveRandom resolve() is only used by amphp/socket.
@DaveRandom Like basically everything commonly used? MX, CAA, TXT, ...
@DaveRandom query() has full access to the message.
yes, but not all DNS transactions can be wrapped in a single query
and actually even with MX it's an "inefficient" API, because 99% of the time you are going to want the A record for the resulting MX, and 99% of the time the initial response is going to include that in the additional records
@DaveRandom Which ones?
well, DNSSEC
@DaveRandom We could cache those as well, we just currently don't.
@DaveRandom Which would do internal queries, nothing a user has to worry about.
actually yes you're right
I'm still not happy about putting a property on an exception but it will do for now
(largely unrelated)
OK @kelunik how about this: resolve() and query() currently both just return an array of answer records. Can we implement a wrapper class that can still be treated as an array of answer records in the sense of ArrayAccess/Countable/Traversable, but exposes some of the other properties of the message?
@DaveRandom We can, but no reason to implement ArrayAccess etc.
OK, even better
Implementing IteratorAggregate should be enough to make it work with foreach.
yeh sure, and I think countable is always worth doing
actually it would only be for query() anyway
resolve() can just return a simple array of records
> Note that the implementation of Doc
-> Dog
-> Dick
-> Dong
@DaveRandom I think resolve could actually return an array of strings with for IPv4 and [::1] for IPv6.
and noight o/
@kelunik I dislike that, simply because the [::1] notation assumes it will be used as part of a URI
@PeeHaa thx, fixed
@PeeHaa @kelunikif you're just supporting removal of type, then I am on the fence. If you're supporting varience, then :D
@DaveRandom Any other use cases?
...yes? :-P
There are all kinds of things you might want to do with the result of a DNS lookup, including just printing it
@ircmaxell Just removal for now, because proper variance can't be implemented without requiring autoloading for some situations and changing autoload rules.
@kelunik well then, you know what my vote is for ;)
@DaveRandom Then do a lookup, not a resolve?
that said @kelunik, we could return instances of IPAddress, since that's what's inside the RData, then you can do (string)new IPEndpoint($address, 12345) and you get a nicely formatted string for use in a URI...
@ircmaxell It's already released, so doesn't matter. :P
too bad
undo it and do it all the way :P
Why undo? Do you want mixed instead?
You guys were right. They decided to "implement a service layer" but that's it. Meh. It was worth a shot.
@kelunik you can support no type, I'm cool with that. I just want variance
(no type is a special case of variance)
@ircmaxell We all want.
@ircmaxell I know, but one that's very easy to support without further changes.
@kelunik errr yeh tbh I'm not really sure
both IPAddress variants have the same oddity
I will swap it to an array
I think probably because of the ctor signature, and then I didn't really think it through
@DaveRandom Just add asBinary() and maybe isGloballyUnique() and isIndividualAddress()
for MAC address you mean?
k, I only bothered with that because it was part of the lifx thing and that repo seemed like a better place for it
@SwiftOnSecurity I’ve watched people replace $10K worth of equipment thinking it had to be a bad port and assumed the cable looked good so it was good
it's mostly just a vague collection of crap I want over and over again
but it can be formalised and made more useful
very much open to API discussions
@DaveRandom Totally fine, I just don't want crap as part of Amp's public API :P
no indeed, but those are useful primitives
There are a lot of function calls in those primitives, which should probably be reduced.
I'd probably switch to named constructors everywhere there, like MacAddress::fromBinaryString, MacAddress::fromBytes or something like that.
@DaveRandom Anyway, we can discuss that later. Off now, night. o/
kk nn
keep in mind that all this shit is completely @ dev rn and can be redesigned completely if necessary
but I am a big fan of proper VOs for stuff like that, don't like stringly typed network programming
Any decent router recommendations?
Thought this TP link would be alright but it's just awful
for home?
Unifi. A touch more pricey, but AMAZINGLY flexible and managable
Could just be misconfigured but idk
As in the Ubiquiti stuff?

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