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@RonniSkansing Hashing on the client side would only make sense if the server knew the plaintext password… but it shouldn't.
2 hours later…
@kelunik tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7540#section-10.3 seems to imply that http2 headers allow (some?) control characters that http1 doesn't, so I don't believe a server should restrict header fields the same way
though I'm not all that familiar with the spec and ambiguous shit like "HTTP/2 allows header field values that are not valid." doesn't help much
@Leigh yeh I will go with that, tnx
@PaulCrovella Any data is valid, unless it is invalid, in which case it should not be considered valid
@DaveRandom but if it's invalid that okay too
unless it is not valid
validation must succeed, unless it doesn't
@DaveRandom looks like all three are correct en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Significand .. so feel free to use them interchangeably in your code without causing confusion
Confusion is likely to arise anyway tbh, due to how stupid the format is that I need to know that for
still working on your unpack thing?
> The diameter of a sphere enclosing the described entity, in centimeters, expressed as a pair of four-bit unsigned integers, each ranging from zero to nine, with the most significant four bits representing the base and the second number representing the power of ten by which to multiply the base.
I hope that no-one is storing geographic locations in DNS, but afaict it's not actually deprecated
there are too many commas in that sentence
also that format seems comically imprecise
> This representation was chosen such that the hexadecimal representation can be read by eye; 0x15 = 1e5.
that's... that's some kinda reason I guess
but it's just a bag of ints and trivial to implement so I'm going to put it in, because no good reason not to
If I don't someone will inevitably ask for it, and then I'll be driven to ask them wtf they are using it for and I'd rather just put the work in now and remain ignorant
It's pretty annoying that the IANA don't actually seem to maintain a list of what's deprecated
> This memo does not specify an Internet standard of any kind.
to me that means "fuck you, no"
they have a list of everything that has ever been assigned but nothing regarding the state of it
@PaulCrovella sure, but that does not stop people from using and and asking for it
see above for my reply to them
actually you're right, fuck it, you can just register a custom encoder/decoder if you want it
oh wait, one dude uses it as an easter egg. you gotta support that. blog.cloudflare.com/…
@PaulCrovella eh, I feel like github.com/DaveRandom/LibDNS/blob/dev/v3/examples/… is easy enough to work with that I don't care :-P
(there is a corresponding way to register custom encoders)
but easter egg
As a concession, I will change the example of custom encoder/decoder to be a LOC implementation
in other news one of my gmail tab icons turned blue today. not sure what's up with that.
anyone use react as the front end.
i don't use inbox
so literally just the gmail logo but blue?
maybe it's cold
woah wut
are they different mailboxes?
yes, left is normal gmail, right is old grandfathered in free gsuite
the political divide in this country is infecting everything
you need to swap them round
literally just did that
the cloudflare guy seems to have removed his public LOC record :-/
@DaveRandom so it turns out doing that sends the person an email notification
landed in my conservative box, in case you were wondering
what, @mentioning someone in a commit?
lol full email as well, not just a passive github notification but full-on, in your face, bother you actively email
I am going to start mentioning @PeeHaa in random commits for shits and gigs
I cannot tell which preference controls that github.com/settings/notifications
"participating" email I guess
/me goes to bed as it is 4am here
tomorrow: DNSSEC
oh, the fun we have
I built php 7.2 in what I believe to be the wrong folder. First, what is the most common place to build php in? And can I safely move the folder I have php 7.2 built in to that folder, without it mucking anything up? (like some kind of system settings... I'm thinking in terms of windows registery)
I should probably wait to ask this in the morning when more people are awake
and the lib stuff, /usr/local/lib/php/
should I just re-make php in that folder, or can I move the folder I have php built in already?
extensions = lib?
make install in the folder that you built your php in
alright, something else to read up on
I've done that, it just wasn't in /usr/local/bin/php
to be fair, I'm not sure I remember what folder it was, I might as well just re-make it in the right spot
I have the tarball
oh, just skip the first line then
use tar -xvzf php-src.tar.gz && cd php-src instead of that
what's autoconf do?
it generates the configure executable if it isn't present already
and generates some config.m4 as well (iirc)
I'm going to do the configure in the morning. I want to make myself work on this until midnight, but drowsiness is setting in and I don't want to fuck something up because of it
:B no worries
thank you though
I switched my crunchyroll and rooster teeth sub to VRV
so far, I'm liking it, cause I get funimation too
I miss how badass Gangsta used to be
you guys have a hackrank account
Darling in the FranXXX this season is pretty cool as well
@SalOrozco I do, but I don't use it often
someone told me to watch terra...form...something
and Violet Evergarden (simulcasts on Netflix) is a must watch ('cuz KyoAni!!!!1111oneoneone)
yeah that
lol, also started watching ... Relapse Recovery of an MMO Junkie
something MMO junkie
it's on my plan to watch list :B
I watched the first episode, was pretty entertaining
anyway, good night
I think I finally have the list of feature dependencies for full generic types (not functions or methods), including changing the standard library.
Need a named top-type - we'll probably just use "mixed" to match documentation - and full parameter contravariance and return type covariance.
Fortunately those changes can stand on their own as an RFC.
There are some features for ergonomics that might be nice but are not necessary, such as inferring types of generic parameters from function definitions.
i am reversing the number but it is giving me extra zero in the end...i cant find the reason
if i am entering 12345,it is givng me 543210
i dont want to convert it to string,
is the program not possible with numbers only?
@SaitamaSama why not we try it without using functions ?
@SaitamaSama can not we do it without converting into string?
probably try this approach: stackoverflow.com/questions/2040702/… ?
what's wrong with converting it to string tho? :/
@SaitamaSama just wanted to do it without converting it into it.no particular reason.
well, then try implementing the C# answer I linked above :D
@SaitamaSama btw that stackflow replies are also give the same error as mine(extra zero ) in the end but i just solved it by converting n=n/10 to int because it was giving me float value.
nice :D
@SaitamaSama that small program too more than half an hour :( :(
@SSangeet Why are you doing such programs on php though?
Anyone using Google OAuth2 here?
@CoderDudeTwodee i am relearning programming thats why.i decided to get start from zero after gap of 2 years :( :(
@SSangeet Maybe try python or C++ then?
@CoderDudeTwodee i cant decide what is best to do so whatever the simplest i am going with it.
@CoderDudeTwodee but i want to relearn PHP & CODEIGNITOR
@SSangeet There is no "best", but with php you tend to start writing shitty code unless you spend some considerable amount of time working on it.
And I am still in that phase.
@CoderDudeTwodee i am never work with python before & find PHP more comfortable than C or any other language,
here's a nice challenge for you (the truth is: i'm lazy :B)
given a ascii string like "aAa", invert the case of its characters, to "AaA"
i'm fairly certain you can do it with bitwise operators (hint: xor)
unless bitwise operators don't work on strings like i expect them to work :B
@Wes i am added it into my next to do list. BTW i am doing this now blog.kodegod.com/learn-programming/… but with PHP
> fail
4 messages moved to Trash
no idea
!!> echo "AaA" ^ "aAa";
maybe they are invisible characters rather than "space"
and jeeves strips them out
will try again
This method simply subtracts a value of 32 from the ASCII value of lowercase letter
!!> echo 65 ^ 97 ^ 97;
!!> echo 65 ^ 97 ^ 65;
how about we do not clutter the chat? :B
nobody's around
:B 'kay
!!> echo "A" ^ "a" ^ "a"; echo "A" ^ "a" ^ "A"; // Aa
How do I add a dependency(which has already been defined in the DIC) to a dependency in Auryn?
Like, OAuth is a dependency to my Mailer class and League\OAuth2\Google is a dependency of OAuth. How do I add that to OAuth?
Just a plain old factory?
earworm Informal. a tune or part of a song that repeats in one’s mind.
posted on January 28, 2018

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Something unexpected went wrong with the WOTD service: Action no longer valid at point of execution
earworm Informal. a tune or part of a song that repeats in one’s mind.
Can a hijacked email account be used to make a mailserver do a password change for that account?
which league was this in? :B
No clue, @copy from the JS room posted it
It's him
@CoderDudeTwodee I already have a fix by replacing reflection, but I didn't get to it yet. /cc @Wes
that's so overkill tho :D
so annoying that you can't retrieve the default arg from internal functions
should do that instead... how hard can it be?
depends if you want to fix also XML stuff :D
but anyway, replacing reflection is easy-peasy and I already had a working PoC
the quick alternative is extending PDO and then proxying that
is what i suggested yeah, but also that very annoying :D
Extending PDO feels very wrong. Not proxying it for now.
@Ocramius while you are here, how do I check if proxying is working correctly, I mean doing a var_dump can show me the layers above my classes, but is it the only way?
I am playing around with PHP sessions and I have the following code
for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($word); $i++) {
    if ($counter < strlen($word)) {
        if (strpos($word[$i], $guess) !== false) {
            $found[] = $guess;
        } else {
            $found[] = " _ ";
if the $word is 'cat' and I pass in the 'c' + 'a' + 's' I would like an output of 'C_A_ '
how can I accomplish this?
Hey @Wes how do you log errors correctly?
Do you store them in files, do you store them in db?
error_log is good enough most of times
i'm sure there are better solutions these days
which i don't use :B
So, just storing them to log files?
i have sent emails sometimes
but error_log is the most reliable
it's pretty annoying if you don't receive the emails with the errors :D
I had configured Monolog and the whole ELK stack once. It took me quite a few days to do that.
@Wes What if the error you want to log is that the email service failed? :P
exactly :P
DB connection can fail too. But someone here said storing to files is a blocking operation and probably shouldn't be used for logging a few months back.
@PaulCrovella yes, wtf.
function getIterator(){
        foreach($this->definitions as $lowerCasedName => $occurrences){
            yield $lowerCasedName => (function() use($occurrences){
                foreach($occurrences as $occurrence){
                    yield $occurrence;
will this work? :B
looks like it does
i was expecting a major fuckup dunno why
@crypticツ no, unless there is a web interface for "forgot password"
backend pacing systems do not have that type of functionality
@tereško Since the view should be responsible for showing stuff to user, and controller to update data in model, what about sending confirmation emails? If I want to send confirmation mails to users with Twig for rendering the look of the email, where should I do it?
* PHP4 constructor.
public function Services_JSON_Error
from wordpress. polyfills for php4
ext/soap has them as well
That question is for everyone else as well.
Does the controller render output here?
Or should view be responsible for sending the email?
I render output to /dev/null
no-one is interested in what I do so I just skip a step and don't bother sending it anywhere
@DaveRandom Uh, well, users of my website will be interested to get a pretty confirmation email. :P
cat /var/spool/mail/daverandom | /dev/null
So, should I put it in the view? It makes sense if it reads the state of the model layer and sends an confirmation email accordingly.
I am deliberately not giving you a straight answer because I am terrible at web, btw
well, terrible at web architecture, anyway
Oh well, sorry. :/
@DaveRandom Did you mean cat /var/spool/mail/daverandom > /dev/null?
I don't really understand /dev/null, I think it works either way
there are certainly some cases where you can treat it like a binary, and some where you can treat it like a file
ln -s /dev/null /dev/magic
you missed a sudo :B
also @kelunik you are so stereotypically German it's ridiculous :-P
"It is not funny, and it is not logical. I have this chart demonstrating the problem."
@DaveRandom :P
@CoderDudeTwodee depends on how large system you are making. In a smaller project you would have a "mailing service", which you would call on from the controller right after registration process. In a more complex system you would have an event queue and you would dispatch an "registration event" from withing the registration service.
@tereško My mailing service uses twig to render the template. Should I be rendering a template from a controller?
it does not really matter
If I do it in a view, it still means I am giving some output to the user that the user sees (the email) and I already have twig included as a dependency in there.
how is it a problem to add twig as a dependency for the mailing service?
@tereško For the mailing service? Oh, I didn't think about that.
What I meant was the controller was building the html and then giving that to the mailing service.
that would make no sense
Yeah, so I can have the mailing service build the html and I can simply pass the values to the mailing service.
you controller should just tell the mailing service "send <welcome mail> to <this address>"
That makes sense. Thanks.
evening room.
@Sean did you say you would be prepared to write some tests for libdns? Master is now stable enough for that to be a worthwhile thing to do.
Uh, is there a way to add an object created in the Auryn to another object as a dependency? Like I have already created Twig_Environment in the DIC and I need Twig as the dependency of another class in a factory.
$injector->share($injector); // yolo
However, DO NOT inject the injector into anything other than a factory
injecting it into a factory is generally considered OK though
that said, if you already have a shared Twig_Environment instance, just have the factory ask for a Twig_Environment and it will get that one
@DaveRandom $mailer = new GreenTea\Component\Mailer($PHPMailer, $OAuth); I have this inside the factory, and I need Twig_Environment as the third parameter.
How do I add that?
fine, so just have the factory ask for it in it's constructor
class MailerFactory {
    private $twig;
    public function __construct(Twig_Environment $twig) { $this->twig = $twig; }
    public function create() { /* stuff */ return new GreenTea\Component\Mailer($PHPMailer, $OAuth, $this->twig); }
Umm, the factory is in the injector itself.
$mailerFactory = function() {
It's defined like that in the injector. I don't know how to inject Twig in that.
can't you just do $twig = $injector->make(Twig_Environment::class); $mailerFactory = function() use($twig) { }; then?
Yeah, I was confused about make.
I was a bit fuzzy about it's usage. Thanks.
@DaveRandom Should we move resolv.conf and hosts parsing to LibDNS?
make() will make a new instance, unless there is already a shared instance, then it will just return the shared instance
@DaveRandom That's exactly what I needed. Thanks.
@kelunik maybe, bbiab]
@kelunik sorry a lode of RL stuff has suddenly happened and I need to get off the net, can you open an issue on libdns?
@DaveRandom I don't really care, was just a thought I had while waiting for my computer to compile things...
If you add a websocket handler which implements bootable into a router , you have to tell it to return itself in boot
Though the interface says it expects Middleware|callable|null to be returned
Just making an anonymous class which implements Websocket and Bootable so I can get logging on the go, but yeah
@DaveRandom Awesome, thanks!
Right, how can I get the react adapter to play nice with aerys
@Sean Yeah, we changed that quite a bit in 0.8.x. You may want to check that out if you're planning on making an app with Aerys.
@DaveRandom I would actually argue against injecting in a factory, because that tends to result in a clusterfuck
is it right to use "nor" without "neither"? :\ "check that x doesn't contain y nor z" (check that both y and z are not in x)
Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, is it even possible to get the loop that aerys uses so you can use react handler with it?
@Wes maybe avoid the negative logic. "check that x doesn't contain any y or z"
or move the not to outside the or "check that x contains neither y or z"
shouldn't be neither y nor z ?
this is so hard.
@Wes theoretically, yes. In practice....*shrug*
damn u english
the item doesn't exist in the cache nor it does in the storage
the item doesn't exist in the cache and nor it does in the storage
how do these sound?
they are a bit forced i know, just want to check my understanding... or lack of it
and nor?
the item doesn't exist in the cache and neither it does in the storage
i won't learn by writing "the pen is on the table" kind-of sentences :B
" the item neither exists in the cache nor in the storage " ?
gah, dat typo :B

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