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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

Do a select prior to inserting, to make sure it'll be unique insert.
If you MUST do it the error way, could do a try{ }catch($e){ }
@Darius in try catches. How do you get which column is being affected and what the error is?
The error message says it, I haven't used it personally for that reason, so not sure.
Try it, try{ do a duplicate on unique }catch($e){ echo $e->getMessage(); } see what it says, and if that helps.
@Darius I dont users to see a scary SQLSTATE warning.
Create a page somewhere not visible to them
If you're in a live environment
if database is setup with proper indexes, it won't be inserted anyway.
Suppose someone had inserted an email already in use, the person should be notified with an error saying "the email you entered is already in use" and not a pdo exception message.
Then do the first (correct) method I mentioned earlier. Do a select query to see if the email is in use, if a result pops up, throw an error, otherwise let it do its thing.
not sure if you're using a framework, but use flash messages (put a message of the error in session, reload page with the form, output it, remove error message from session)
if you use ajax to submit the form, you don't have to reload the page :p and just use javascript to output the error with the json result (the error message)
@Darius that error handling should be a part of persistence logic. Which, should be triggered by the db and handled with pdoexceptions.
I'm saying that it should not
pdoexception = error = end of the world.
avoid errors
@tereško said it should.
I don't know how he does it. Can you find where he said it? Maybe I'll learn something
Reason I say that, is because I asked the same question you asked about 5 months ago, and conclusion was do a check first, then do insert, otherwise output what the issue was without using pdo exceptions.
@Darius wat :P
You cannot always prevent sql errors
@Darius can you search "exceptions" in the chat? @tereško recently talked about it and you'll see my name mentioned in the message. Sorry, I'm on the mobile version and it sucks.
@PeeHaa eh, so how do I give them friendly errors?
Just catch the exception and handle it however you want
why do people think that being nice is something that one decides about themselves?
When someone says "I'm nice" they are definitely not nice.
As in, how do i know which field was affected and what was the error? Switch statement on error codes?
is the concept that it's a quality that can be observed by others so fucking hard to grasp?
@CoderDudeTwodee I found what he said. He is saying database should be responsible for denying duplicate data. So setup correct indexes. So Peehaa said catch the exception and do what you need to.
@PeeHaa Am I correct to say the ideal scenario is to then do Select where email = $ , if(!results) { try { try inserting because no duplicate was found }catch($e){ duplicate somehow was found after checking there wasn't } }else{ say duplicate was found }
Sorry for the curlies.
Or just skip the 1st part of checking altogether, and just let database exception show us that there's a duplicate.
@Darius yes
Yes to example, or yes to just skipping the select and going with exception handling?
hover the message / reply
Awesome, thanks.
yum.... evenings o/
@Darius What if I had two fields where I need unique values?
1st step, search (where email = input or username = input), if result pops up, it violates your uniqueness for one value or both. You can check by comparing results to your inputs which one's violating it. If you insert anyway, using the pdo exception, i don't know.
that's if you have to have value email unique, username unique, and combination of username and email to be unique. If you only care about username + email to be unique, the result is enough to tell you there's a duplicate already.
chairs are so underrated
They are. I've had mine for 3 years, it's starting to fall apart, kinda mad. It was supposed to be durable pleather.. at the cost of leather..
@Wes go buy the pewdiepie chair :B
It's still comfy.. so don't wanna get rid of it.. just an eye sore..
(only for $399.99)
is pewdiepie still a thing
omg those chairs, went to E3 convention (free :D) and at the end the company gave away their floor models .. I got there when the last one was given away :'(
i thought after "jews" thing he'd disappear
well, I still watch him :B
that doesn't surprise me
I said the company, it was A company :p
round 1 - fight. who has precedence, instanceof or ??
instanceof has precedence :(
you fought with yourself?
nice :B
@DaveRandom are the constants in the constructor?
The teacher areas in our classrooms are standing desks, and they all have a chair tall enough for the desk
that's not different from an actual chair tho
I was wondering if all those other classes would be loaded when that one was
do you have a chair that's tall enough for your standing desk?
the answer is that they won't be, not until the constant is accessed at runtime
ah, I was going to create a mockup in 3v4l to test :P
that was why I was wondering
it's irrelevant now anyway, I have totally restructured that part
part of me is still curious
I have also actually used github.com/DaveRandom/CallbackValidator for something
we'll see how well that works out...
this isn't a bad exercise, I'm having to remember the proper way of exposing a variable in a class
@DaveRandom it's ugly, and I'm not sure if I did it correctly. 3v4l.org/1tqub
unqualified class members are implicitly public
so that will always work
where it might start to get weird is when you do stuff like $instance::CONST_NAME
don't do that though
I was trying to call it using $this->BVAR; but wouldn't work
think I need a walk
Should I be doing try catch blocks in the controller or in the mapper which interacts with the db?
Night o/
Do we have any swedes in this channel?
how swedish do they have to be?
Not very :) We have an intern at our company that needs to do 10 interviews with swedish website owners
I'm trying to help the guy get into contact with some
It is required for his graduation project.
jag ar 1/32 svenska, but I probably don't count :D
Would any internals devs around here like to take a look at my new threading extension? I'm looking for criticism on it before announcing it next week. Ping me with you GitHub username
in the notation 1e9, the rhs (9) is the exponent, what is the lhs called?
@DaveRandom significand?
oh, mantissa
takes me back to college, mantissa and exponent
or not, apparently the rhs is the mantissa
Could be "characteristic", might be specific to logarithms though
@DaveRandom fucking double derp.... coefficient?
Anyone using phpmailer here? Do I need to keep the OAuth token generation script once I've got the refresh token?
Also, should changing the hostname (localhost to some real website) affect it somehow?
1 hour later…
do any of you hash the password clientside?
@RonniSkansing assuming the whole transfer is via https, there's no real reason to
it is https but in case client hashes password, encrypt and decrypts data clientside and backend is only used for adding more encryption and storage
@RonniSkansing no. if you hash the password client side then that hash basically becomes the plain text password. you've gained nothing.
what if the hashed password is salted and rehashed on the server?
you've still gained nothing by doing it on the client
the server never gets to know the password
should i be writing functional tests for my symfony controllers? (e.g. checking if all of my routes return 200 status)
i'm trying to get into testing but i'm unsure what to test
the client can encrypt/decrypt using their key locally
as far as the server is concerned the hash it gets from the client is the password. It sounds like what you're doing is having one password do double-duty by generating a second off of it
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