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lolwut ^
@DaveRandom javascript user, being edgy
@tereško So, every entity has it's own mapper?
not always
Or is it like, one mapper fits all?
@tereško So, if I had two entities like: User and Messages, the same mapper won't work for both right?
you would usually start out with 1:1 balance between mappers and entities, but, as more and more business logic gets implemented, you will end up with several entities, that can be persisted by multiple different mappers, and some mapper, that persist multiple entities (usually inheriting from the same superclass or implementing the same interface), while some of the entities and mappers still keep the 1:1 relation
Ah, I see.
you start with 1:1 and then you let you codebase to grow and adjust naturally
I made a naive proxy gist.github.com/Zvax/09a5a8ab0a896f3d262ef13f3bec5fd2. is it blatantly horrible? works alright, just looking for improvement.
You probably also want to pass through the headers
yeah... problem is they're all in $_SERVER prefixed with HTTP_?
would I just loop over these and add them?
proxiedRequest contains it all already parsed for you
indeed they are
was looking for a getHeaders(), they're simply in a public property
IIRC there are in something something headerbag
@Wes You mean for analysis? Why would you treat them differently?
donating blood today, I'm hoping I don't get lightheaded this time
eating sandwiches
@Tiffany Awesome! Do you donate regularly?
@Sean try to, do you?
$ docker run -ti ac6a013d974d php --version
PHP 7.2.0 (cli) (built: Dec 13 2017 23:03:45) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group
Zend Engine v3.2.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies
    with Zend OPcache v7.2.0, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies

$ docker run -ti ac6a013d974d du -sh /
46.3M	/
Take that official images!
that's including crap like memcache, pdo_mysql, redis, rabbitmq
@Leigh is it normally bigger or smaller?
Nice, rabbit is quite hefty too iirc
Official is 66.5 before installing anything
oh wow
I wonder how big mine is
But honestly, my goal was to get rid of stuff like gcc and other tools used to compile exploits extensions
But if you delete in a subsequent layer, you just make the whole kaboodle bigger
I spent like a day debating on what extensions to install, googling for what should be installed... and decided to just wing it
So I used the multi-stage docker build to copy artifacts over to a vanilla alpine image and only install deps
Install the ones you depend on? :D
I don't know what I will need
Add them as you require them then
at least yet. I eventually just googled if I could add extensions in the future if I realize I need something, and learned how to do that.
I mean, I know how to install new extensions in Windows... but that doesn't help much in a Linux environment :P
other than enabling the new extension in php.ini
When you need to do it, shout here, it's not so difficult
As with everything, there's more than one option, but cross that bridge when you get to it
@Tiffany yeah, you probably should have just asked in the chat
I think I did, once, but no one answered, so I tried to figure it out myself
probably was during a down-time though
Lack of isolation on mysqli_driver->report_mode – #75869
stackoverflow.com/questions/48428798/… .. is anyone will to set this guy straight? I am afraid I would just end up writing uppercase-bold by the end of third sentence.
@tereško in end that's how laravel and other framework originate :P
header() terminates execution when Content-Length is 0 – #75870
Hi all o/
I have a 5.6 code base that is currently decrypting data from an external source that is using MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, I'm working to move this base to 7.2, but I'm having a problem understanding the upgrade path. Is there openssl support for this or am I stuck decrypting it on 5.6 and reencrypting it to AES or something else modern?
@Jeeves holy shit. That may have been my long WTF redirect problem cc @Wes
Good morning
Is it a bad idea to use instances from a child class's constructor in a parent class?
@CoderDudeTwodee It's a bad idea to create objects in a class's constructor
Like I have this class Foo extends Bar, Foo has $this->response = $response in its constructor. I have a function Bar::baz() which uses $this->response.
@Orangepill ^ Is that a bad idea to use $this->response in the method of the parent class?
Otherwise you may have your inheritance wrong
@PeeHaa My parent class can somehow access $this->response, it felt weird.
Hello :D
Anyone knows how to use service or repository in laravel?
I mean, I want to get all records from database
in model I can just do ->all()
but when i have this model used in repository or service
I dont know how to do this from there
anyone please :D?
> Anyone knows how I can shoot myself in the foot... please :D?
What's the standard response for a successful JWT authentication request... does access and refresh tokens get passed back in the body or access in the authorization header and refresh in the body or some other pattern
Status 500
Not a fan of JWT?
Night o/
@joepferguson the external source is using MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256 to encrypt the data?
@CoderDudeTwodee not really
@tereško Where am I making mistakes?
the if statement in the createHtmlResponse() method makes no sense
but then again, I don't even see the point in any of those methods there
@CoderDudeTwodee in that situation, you don't need an else I believe
neither does he need the if
@Tiffany Yeah, I figured. I can just let an empty array go in.
@tereško would twig handle the empty array?
by not applying any parameters
@Tiffany It does.
@tereško my inactivity and eating habits are biting me in the ass (on top of my stimulant med), I can't donate blood because my pulse is over 100 bpm
@Tiffany my brain read it as ".. are making my ass big"
besides, can you actually donate blood, if you are on meds?
surprisingly, yes
I guess they filter it out
chemistry is not magic
there are certain meds that will disqualify me, but I'm not on any of those
words are hard
yes, those probably match the list of lawsuits they have had
@tereško healthcentral.com/article/… (not a scientific source, but gives some insight)
I notice how they are not explaining the reason for the "why"
yeah, that's what I've been curious, I'll see if I can find something
> Most blood is spun in centrifuges to separate the transfusable components – red cells, platelets, and plasma
I'm guessing that's why
cells are not rubber balls
meds can enter them, for example, if the bind with fat
also, what do they do with plasma?
just throw it out?
no, plasma is used too
because that's where the majority of meds stay in the plasma
I'm guessing if one part of the blood is unusable, perhaps they separate it from the rest and donate what is able to?
FYI, "plasma" is basically a fancy word for "salt water"
Can you use Composer's autoloader to autoloader your files as well, or do you pull in a separate library for that?
@Allenph you can
@Tiffany Do you have to stick your source in the vendor directory?
@Allenph I don't believe so, no
I think it's like... you add namespaces to the code, and then something to the json file... I'm a little fuzzy on it though
@tereško what worries me is that they're so desperate for blood donations that they'll make too many blanket exceptions
@Tiffany I'm not sure, waiting to hear back, but that's what the current code is using to decrypt it.
Hi guys! How can I get in laravel in a N-N relationship the objects not related to an specific object in the other part? Thanks.
@joepferguson I would see if it's possible for them to encrypt it using something better, because decrypting it, then re-encrypting it at a high level still leaves a security vulnerability
@joepferguson You can always install from pecl
@Allenph yes
@Allenph no
typically you just do:
"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {"YourVendor\\YourNamespace\\": "src/" }
where YourVendor\YourNamespace\ is the namespace prefix for all classes in your project, and src/ is the path where they are stored in a PSR-4 compliant manner, relative to composer.json
Often you will also have an entry like "files": ["src/functions.php"] in the autoloader, for stuff that can't be resolved with PSR-4
ofc you don't have to use PSR-4, there are other approaches, but it's by far and away the easiest way
quiet you, I'm busy mansplaining
mansplaining to a man.... interesting
@DaveRandom Hmmm. Not working. I was an idiot and didn't include a vendor namespace. Is it fine to just leave that string blank?
If you do that then the autoloader will look for everything under your source root
Yeah. I'll learn from this mistake. It's just an example.
It's best to have a namespace prefix that ends with a \
You don't have to do Vendor\Project\, that's just a (reasonably sensible) convention
hang on a sec
@DaveRandom you actually have to use this form only, if you are making a library
usually simply "psr-4": {"\\": "src/" } is enough in an actual project
Well, you can have a massive "files" array if you hate your users
@tereško how does composer install -o play with that?
it's ok
Do you have to do an install first?
I don't know how the optimiser works, does it actually lex the source files or just look at naming?
Strange. My directory structure looks correct...
@Allenph when you are developing (i.e. have changed composer.json), you always do composer update, and yes you do have to do that in order for your changes in composer.json to take effect
ugh... git decided to open nano instead of vim.
I have no clue how that works
@DaveRandom no, the real sign of hatred is when these files are coming from a NFS mounted PEAR include folder
(that's what we have at work)
backs away slowly
actually I have to get back to what I was doing, bbiab
I'm going back to making that project's skeleton thing
if you just change autoloader settings you can do composer dump-autoloader
ah, right
Fuck me. Still didn't work. I'll have to mess with that in a minute. Y u no autload?
... did you require the autoload file?
it's my problem like, 99% of the time
TL;DR: means
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yeah, because the Symfony components are working.
@Allenph maybe you shown it already, but can you paste the psr-4 portion of your composer file?
@tereško The Entity should be responsible for generating its own ID?
@Tiffany I thought it was
	"require" : {
		"symfony/http-foundation": "*",
		"symfony/routing": "*",
		"symfony/dependency-injection": "*"
	"autoload": {
    "psr-4": {
			"\\": "src/"
@CoderDudeTwodee academically: yes, in practice: no, it is done by RDBMS
@FélixGagnon-Grenier networkengineering.stackexchange.com/questions/3697/… this is what google found for me, I'm trying to make sense of it
@Allenph did you run composer update after editing it ?
hmmm... my composer has "": "src/", but possibly that's not the thing. After that, the namespace should map one to one to the folder structure
so, new MyNamespace\MyClass should be in src/MyNamespace/MyClass.php
capitalization is important
@FélixGagnon-Grenier hmm .. .right ... mine too
not sure it it actually matters
yeah me neither
It does.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier french?
@tereško Oh okay, and what about validations like checking for unique email IDs? I am making the domain object do the validations like password length and stuff. Should it be responsible for that too?
@CoderDudeTwodee data integrity should be ensured by RDBMS: basically, your data mappers should be checking for PDO exceptions
@FélixGagnon-Grenier you made me cough on my orange
that'll learn it
coworker across the hall asking if I'm okay
@tereško Oh, yes. Of course. Thanks!
@FélixGagnon-Grenier coworker sent me this: ipaddressguide.com/cidr
@LeviMorrison i meant, in the process of making constants case sensitive
there must be the exception for true false null
@Tiffany yeah, I realize I'm not sure I get this either
as bot lc and uc
@FélixGagnon-Grenier yo
someone familiar here
oh @Tiffany is also here
I'm recognized o.o
remember rabbitguy you and me used to chat
felix long time no see in android room?
yeah I realized that too just now
I have less time to mess around with android
I keep meaning to get to kotlin tho
@Tiffany one of us! one of us!................................................ it's not a good thing
oh didnt knew you actually worked on android lol
@ColdFire I don't really. I try to learn that as a hidden card to stay relevant at my job
One last query, what's the difference between entities and domain objects? Different people seem to have different opinions about it.
@tereško Where are you setting up your PDO object?
@CoderDudeTwodee tbh I don't use "domain object", but from what I can read quickly, it seems to be the same thing expressed differently
@Allenph DIC
the difference is subtle: entities are just objects with a unique identifier. domain objects that store data and have behaviour pertinent to your domain are often implemented by entities, but not all entities are domain objects.
Ooph. I don't really understand DIC fully. I was hoping to avoid it for this example.
@StefanoTorresi entities should not store data
I'm not talking about a persistence service layer.
an entity has an identifier, that's data.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Wut?
gtg, let's talk about that later
Where along the line does PDO get instantiated?
Oh. guess you can't link between rooms...
@LeviMorrison i need some help. what i was doing produces way too much information to be useful, especially in wordpress... need to try other routes and want to discuss them with you. please ping me when you have some minutes
@Wes , you talked his head full of repositories, now deal with it
i am doing it
allen totally needs to write some code at this point
@Wes are you playing monopoly tonight? :P
maybe lol
I ended up going to bed shortly after I pinged you last night
i ended up in a terrible game with people trading crazy stuff
@Wes I thought that he has been, but he has been trying to write some low level implementation details, because he thinks that they are important
I watched you accidentally give someone like four million and then them saying no when you asked for it back
yeah that was because i'm a bloody drunk
the ui of the game still confuses me a bit
pogo's site design is from the mid 90s
reminds me of when I used to play on Yahoo games, when I was like 14
they could've easily kept the game fair by giving me back the money
yeah it feels so old. but there's still a lot of people in there
anybody can help me with eloquent?
@Wes yeah, it's weird. At least Newgrounds has kept their site design somewhat recent. At least from this century.
anyway no, the site is from mid '00s :D
still pretty old tho
they use ajax etc
why don't you like laravel?
@Wes I am currently writing code.
They gave me some of yesterday and all of today to write an example as a pitch for a new system.
TBH. I still don't understand why you agreed
agreed to what
i should've experimented yourself a bit before adventuring an entire company into this :B
Meh. I'll figure it out.
@Allenph you can do it!
yeah good luck
@joepferguson mcrypt is still usable as a thing from pecl. it just doesn't ship with stock php.
xml2-config no longer shipped in Debian, breaks XML extension – #75871

If you see any just epic failures...let me know before I get father. :D
@Allenph get father or get farther?
@Tiffany No. I must fetch my father. xD
DTOs are usually closed related to their clients @Allenph means you don't want to have a directory for them :D
dtos are like plain arrays or anonymous objects. they have no methods, just data
i have no idea how you ended up with that lol
!!wiki data transfer object
A data transfer object (DTO) is an object that carries data between processes. The motivation for its use is that communication between processes is usually done resorting to remote interfaces (e.g., web services), where each call is an expensive operation. Because the majority of the cost of each call is related to the round-trip time between the client and the server, one way of reducing the number of calls is to use an object (the DTO) that aggregates the data that would have been transferred by the several calls, but that is served by one call only. The difference between data transfer objects...
@Allenph never know, your father could be like Alan Turing reincarnated
@Wes Well shit. Earlier I must have been reading someone saying the wrong thing. I'll move it back to the entities.
since Post depends upon User, Post and User are part of the same aggregate
did you mean to do that?
apparently not
if you want them to be separate aggregates you need to replace that line with
function __construct(Int $authorID, String $content, DateTime $postDate, CommentCollection $comments) {
Why limit myself that way?
because otherwise they are one aggregate.
Also, I'm really stuck on the CommentCollection bit.
Oh. Then I'll just go get the user from the repository.
what if User is then expanded with a million rows attached to the class?
will you inject those million rows into Post, too?
that's why you divide into aggregates, and keep them separated
Noted. Fixed. Pushed.
but to be fair, that's not the only possible design
but again keep it simple for now
Wait, should a Collection not be a seperate object?
collections are likely part of the aggregates
or, they could even be the aggregate root
But they are separate objects, right? I figured...I don't know how to write an iterator so for now I'm just going to keep an array and a getter.
I can't remember who was looking for Joe, but: twitter.com/krakjoe/status/956184078952337408
i was
rip computer :(
@Allenph arrays are fine you don't need to overkill
also get rid of Collection interface, unless you are planning to use it from something else
again arrays are fine enough
function getByPost(Post $post) {
aggregate and entity i have no idea why you separated them
each aggregate should stay in its own folder
Just to keep them seperate in my head. :p
Aggregates\User\User class
Aggregates\Post\Post class
pattern is:
aggregates\aggregate name\aggregate root class
I think my structure is not that unreasonable...
it is totally unreasonable :D
I'm still doing that, I'm just separating "not aggregates" into a different folder.
those objects belong to the aggregate...
Regardless...that question about the collection...I figure in the getByPostMethod I should add an empty CommentCollection.
this division you have is a clear sign you don't understand what aggregates, aggregate roots and entities are
aggregates are group of objects, the aggregate root and the entities are part of the aggregates
I understand that.
try this \Aggregates\User\User class
and do the same for post, comment, etc
actually i'm not sure about comment
is it meant to be a separate aggregate, or is it part of the user aggregate?
regardless the naming sucks
is a comment from the user on what?
or is it the user's description?
@Tiffany saw it too ... it just might be, that he is reconsidering whether his choice was all that ... emm ... pragmatic
let me know when you did the change @Allenph
so i check the repo again
Done @Wes.
no comment directory
What, why?
What if it goes deeper?
Also, data mappers in aggregates as well?
because your aggregates will(must) hardly contain more than 10 classes
if they do, then they are probably wrong
no data mappers can stay in another dir
All right. Quick smoke then I'll move it one more time.
@tereško moving is hard
@Wes Changed. Pushed.
authorId should be userID, because that's the id in User, right?
It is a user ID, but I named it that so I know it's the author.
I suppose it could be named authorUser but?
authorUserId then
DDD people use stuff like class UserID rather than Int, but you can skip this for now
@Wes In case I want to expand name or use it somewhere else.
Like what if later I want to share articles written by people who are not registered? They are not a user, but they have a name.
you don't do that with aggregates. you can't use an object in the aggregate in other aggregates
unless they are value objects. value objects can be shared among several aggregates. that doesn't seem to be a value object though, since it has an id
That's retarded.
Multiple aggregates may need an address for example...that will be persisted also.
then the address must be an aggregate itself, not be part of some other aggregate
got it?
i'm failing so hard at explaining you :(
aggregates are used with other aggregates, but members of each aggregate can only know about members in the very same aggregate
if you want Name to be usable by several aggregates, then make it an aggregate
but right now don't try to complicate your life
please remove Name and just add "name" and "surname" in user, account or whatever
right now you don't want to get the design right, you want to understand how to design stuff
Ack. That changes my database,
I'll just make it an additional aggregate.
ok, but you need to be clear about it
Name doesn't have an id in the real world
is it a person? or a legal entity?
in that case rename Name to Person
User needs to be person. Account needs to be its own aggregate.

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