Yeah. My clients are all in the Netherlands. Am in Turkey for personal stuff. Being self employed makes that easier, because I can indeed just start my laptop anywhere and start working
Yeah I am planning on doing it short term until I get all my medical stuff sorted out. I think it has a lot of benefits but I can't imagine earning more than some of these salary jobs out here in LA
so i saved a .ai in a usb drive (i am the worst, i know) and i didn't notice it was almost full. when overwrite save, illustrator does this thing, first saves in another file, then removes the old file and renames the new one with the name of the old file... right? i think it's called atomic save or safe save. but it's not actually what it did
since the drive was full, i got the error of full disk and it crashed, but only after it deleted both old file and new
purists will say "learn the keyboard shortcuts" but it's bullshit
but anyway, i'm pretty much on the same boat. i'm not great with illustrator... i'm sure you can be fast with it but sure it takes a lot of time to get used to that
my problem is that i had a taste of a properly designed modeler that is comfortable to use, and i really can't avoid thinking how stupid is illustrator compared to it
I am trying to figure out if designing a website with illustrator, then after going and recreating it with HTML/CSS would be any more efficient. I think it would be, if I were working with a team, but when I am working by myself I would think that I could create the original design with HTML/CSS just as easy with or without the design premade with illustrator
I was working with a pre-made graphic so I don't know if it would already be on the grid though? Anyways next I will make a business card from scratch so I'll try it then
> Tom Knight and the Lisp Machine A novice was trying to fix a broken Lisp machine by turning the power off and on.
Knight, seeing what the student was doing, spoke sternly: “You cannot fix a machine by just power-cycling it with no understanding of what is going wrong.”
Because, most of the people I've been insisting to, and finally watched animes, were quite captivated with the media form of animes
because, I feel when, we find an anime, which resonates with out personality and we can relate to somehow, they can have an ever long lasting effect, which we can feel the impact on our everyday life
he's not the first, and won't be the last, the important thing is we kept our collective cool ... and Nikita was right, of course ...
that's how some people get on, not just in OSS, but in their daily lives ... they walk around their office (and probably at home) on pedestals they elevated themselves on top of and everyone around them is too scared to knock them off ...
you can't get on like that for ever, if all of these strangers telling him he's being a knob head doesn't change the way he thinks about the persona he puts out there, something, someday, definitely will ... and who knows, he might actually be useful to php at that point ...
when we were writing phpdbg we had a similarly arrogant prick hanging around .... dude was a total nightmare to deal with, had a million years "experience", knew everything ...
then disappeared ... I think I might have told them what I thought of them ...
nobody ever gets annoyed at nikita or bob for knowing everything, because they know how to communicate it, even if bob has a bit of a temper sometimes ... he once told all of internals to direct their messages to /dev/null because he wasn't interested in listening too them, that was funny ...
what he didn't realize is that he is doing the hard work. he is so focused on proving php shit that he will eventually spot something important... after hours and hours of work :B
@NikiC $request->getMethod(); says "GET", $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] says "POST" when I set do ['GET', '/login', ['GreenTea\Controller\Login', 'main']]
Is there some function/object that can format paths? For example if I have a path like "/etc/var/myFiles/one/two/" and I want to from there get the path to "../file1"
I wanna apply a relative path to an absolute path and get the resulting path