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02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Wes there is a Linux distro for staying anonymous, maybe you're thinking of that?
You can run it from a flash drive and it doesn't keep a persistent drive, so you would want your BTC in one flash drive and the distro in another
I think that's what you're thinking of because people often use it with BTC to do things that aren't quite legal. :P It's called Tails
2 hours later…
good morning
@Alesana i think to generate and store the private key off the internet, it's open source etc. could be?
Yea! It would be the safest way to generate the key
Maybe a bit overboard, though
!!urban overboard
[ Overboard ] over-the-top, unappealing (often of behaviour), crass, distasteful
happy friday all .
@Jeeves thank's sir.
@Linus Do you have many chatters?
@Jeeves yes
mishpocha Yiddish. an entire family network comprising relatives by blood and marriage and sometimes including close friends; clan.
one small question
what happens to session when user closes the browser?
The session id is stored as COOKIE. And the cookie dies when the browser is closed.
@mega6382 if i set session lifetime for 30 min and i close the browser and i open the url after 2 days will session still be valid or will expire?
It will be destroyed.
Actually there are 2 kinds of cookies, Session Cookies, these die on browser close and Persistent Cookies which die after their time is up.
@Jeeves what up
@samayo The sky.
mornings r11
Hi guys
Doesn anybody here knows about Linked server?
@mega6382 thanks :)
so if i visit url after 2 days and session lifetime is 30min then it's sane to to show session expiration message?
ok thanks once again.
Anyone around who knows a thing or two about .travis.yml files and build stages?
I am trying to use build stages for PHPUnit. github.com/sebastianbergmann/phpunit/blob/travis-jobs/… is the first attempt. Running into "syntax error: (<unknown>): did not find expected key while parsing a block mapping at line 31 column 7" error.
Basically I just adapted the example in docs.travis-ci.com/user/build-stages/…
Check if your YAML file has some syntax errors
it produces the same error
Where do you think the error message I posted comes from? Of course I validated the Yaml file. And it's invalid. I just seem unable to understand the parser error.
I hate Yaml. Maybe that is getting in the way of me understanding the issue.
@SebastianBergmann What's the advantage you get from stages?
@kelunik Clear(er) separation of static analysis and test output. Hopefully. Maybe :-) I'm just playing with it right now.
@SebastianBergmann That looks really nice.
That comes from the speedtrap extension.
Do you have any plans to make github.com/brianium/paratest a built-in feature?
If I ever have ~ 3 months to work fulltime on PHPUnit then I would rewrite the test runner from scratch. Then it would support parallel/distributed test execution. That being said, I remain unconvinced that things like parallel test execution belong in PHPUnit itself. A wrapper, such as paratest, is not really a "bad thing".
It's also not really required, since you can just use the information from "phpunit --list-tests-xml" and transform that into a GNU make script, for instance, to partition the test suite. And then leverage "make -j<N>" to run the tests in parallel.
@SebastianBergmann Did self publishing your books provide a significant difference in revenue over going through O'Reilly as you did in the past? I am asking because we recently had a discussion in here whether it pays off moneywise and I argued all the folks I know that did write a book said its mainly for reputation gain.
off by one overflow – #75691
@SebastianBergmann Depends on whether all tests can be run as parallel or not, but most tests should be able to be run in parallel I guess.
Finally managed to quit vim.
@HamZa Sorry for the late reply:
I was trying to get a PHP script to load into a website via a picture and grab other elements from the page that it was loaded into.
wat, that makes no sense @Pigman168 ..
Which part? @RonniSkansing
well all of it
like, you cant load a php script into a picture
You can =)
a php script is executed on the server, not in the browser, so even if you could, it would not be executed
@Pigman168 okay please help me understand how you load a php script into a picture
@Pigman168 I am not seeing any php script being loaded into a picture?
looks like you are making a picture with php
Right, then do <img src="php.file"> and put that somewhere.
@RonniSkansing It is the same thing. PHP file being used to output an image using image mime type.
it's not the same thing
@Pigman168 But what bothering me is how are you going to
> grab other elements from the page that it was loaded into.
@Gordon I do not write books for the money. The money is but a small compensation for the time I invest in writing. And, yes, by publishing the books ourselves we keep (a lot) more of the money. I think that I write a book because I believe that it needs to be written "for the betterment of the community / ecosystem / ...".
he is using a php to generate the output of a image, not embedding php script into a image
"Loading a PHP script into a picture" implies that the picture is in some way transporting or executing a PHP script
@mega6382 Yea I'm not sure if it's possible.
It is not.
Mkay, thanks.
well, it might be with svg, I don't know
I would hope it isn't though
you can add script stuff to svg
@Gordon convinced to write your own? :D
yeh but surely you can't access the parent DOM
lord please tell me you can't do that
Too bad :c
at least not with suitable CORS headers etc
@DaveRandom You definitely can't
@Pigman168 do you understand that the php code is executed on the serverside not client side?
@DaveRandom nope, not if it's a image tag pointing to svg
@DaveRandom Depends how you embed it I think.
if you just output svg, yes
@RonniSkansing I do.
@Pigman168 so did you expect that a picture could execute client side code?
No but it was worth a shot :D
@RonniSkansing still, I bet you could embed a *coin miner
sure, what are you trying to do? spy on those whom hotlink thau content?
you can do stuff with pictures
@DaveRandom not really, because it would still run on the server. But you can embed 1 via js code.
I mean in the JS of the svg
@RonniSkansing Yup. And whatever else is possible.
@DaveRandom there's xss only if the svg is being output as is, not if it's in a img src="some.svg"
@Pigman168 you cant execute any code clientside by the means of a picture, unless those who are using it are doing something really stupid
long time ago, you could intermangle html inside a image, that was fixed yeeears ago
That's alright. Thanks for the tip though.
at best atm, you can pop some javascript into the meta and hope someone is showing it unsanitized
@SebastianBergmann how are you marketing your self published books?
@RonniSkansing What would "sanitation" look like?
@Pigman168 it would depend on the context. But as you might know, pictures have meta data. If you put a js payload into that meta data, like a <script>alert(42)</script> and they consumer outputs that without escaping/sanitizing it, it will execute the script
@Leigh uh (=
I don't have the willpower
trying not to do CTFs for a few months, going to be starting my OSCE next year
Need to be ready to jump in and spank it
yea, it can be hard to muster the time for "fun only" activities
@RonniSkansing Hmm ok thanks, and if isn't escaped that would mean I could grab other elements or still no?
I normally fall to the "well I could be playing games instead"
@Pigman168 yes you could often do a lot of stuff, much more than grab the DOM, you might also be able to hijack their session etc
Gotcha, thanks.
@Leigh I often fall back to, maybe I should hack something real (=
@RonniSkansing Assuming the session is in the link of the webpage or as a cookie?
@Pigman168 yes and no, there are a lot of ways you can ride their session
even if there are no cookies you can still do it
Oh, how else would the session be saved?
well you can ride their current session without their id
it's some tricky xss douchbaggery that most neglect or havent thought about
Will look into it, thanks.
you wont find anything on it (= but I can explain it if you get really curious, I however think it might confuse you more than help atm
I really should write a blog post about it, but I dont blog
@RonniSkansing excess-xss.com Does that encompass most of it?
@RonniSkansing Yea sometimes I get that feeling, then I get bored while building the VMs etc. to keep myself anon
@Patrick not yet :)
And to be honest, not confident I'd do it right anyway, I'd probably go for the lazy tor over vpn
@Gordon Do you write any blog?
@mega6382 I have a blog but I dont write in it. SO used to be my blog
@Pigman168 it explains XSS (=
No idea what speed is like over tor these days, but who can be bothered waiting a couple of hours for nmap to complete
@Gordon Well to write a book you can start by writing blogs, and then combine them all in 1 book. This will help save writing time. And can make content better, by using community feedback. huh?
@Leigh yea the speed really vary, but in my experience mostly slow, have you tried massscan btw?
I actually haven't
@mega6382 I dont like that approach because it would lack an overarching theme and continuous thread leading through the book
should be... real fast
@Gordon Sure, but you can write the posts as multipart in series. Which can help overcome this issue.
That's a nice set of defaults over nmap, will bear it in mind
@mega6382 why would I buy a book for something I can get online?
@Gordon Correct, but anything to get you to write a book. :P
@Gordon you should blog
@mega6382 oh well, if you want to convince me, you can just wire me an upfront payment ;)
@samayo I know, but time and topics…
also ~18.7m people reached already :P
Happy Friday 11!
yay, how this is still alive? and OP is brave enough not to delete it or do anything :p
@AlmaDo lol
granted, the worst question (so far) on entire SO proudly bears tag
posted on December 15, 2017 by kelunik

This release is a major rewrite and cleanup. Quite a few things moved around. Please take a look at the new code structure yourself. The main `AcmeService` and `AcmeClient` API didn't change much. This release includes an upgrade to Amp v2, wh...

also, this (:
@AlmaDo Yup, and the second worse bears tag
@mega6382 who ever cares about the "second best" ? (:
@AlmaDo And apparently the 4 worst question on SO, belongs to 4 most popular tags on SO. :)
@mega6382 surprise, surprise (;
i don't even know what you're talking about or who you even are...
Use the arrow instead so I can jump back to my original comment
one more witch and one more
@AlmaDo OP can't delete it, because the answer has score of more than 1.
@mega6382 oh.. true..
god, the code style of bad questions just makes me cringe
@Tiffany suffer! (insert evil laugh here)
Holy christ, fuck chrome
Why would they force ssl on .dev domains and then not accept self-signed (self-trusted) certs on it
I have found a program I wrote back in the days when I was a student.. well, not a program, but the executable of it. Pascal old days
it's computer graphics but it runs in dosbox on linux just fine. hoho, no need for opengl or anything :p
@Gordon you would be surprised... I bought more than one book where all the content was on the blog. Just because it's easier to read and to support the author
@DaveRandom I think my watch is slow.....still couple of hours to go here.
Does anyone have a link to a good list of standard names for object types in PHP or Java? I seem to remember seeing a Java one that had a few hundred entries in it. For things like "'factory' - this is an object that creates other objects"
aka naming things is hard. I have this code:
function getRecentDonations(RecentDonationsParamsFactory $recentDonationsParamsFactory)
    $recentDonationsParams = $recentDonationsParamsFactory->create();
   ... retrieve data based on the params and return it as a response
where getRecentDonations is an api endpoint.
Factory isn't qutie the correct name for RecentDonationsParamsFactory as it isn't creating that object from scratch, it is instead taking the input parameters, validating them and then converting them into a type.
I just read the last bit
Your only main goal here is to convey obvious intent with obvious naming. DonationsFactoryFromValidatedInput is extremely clear to me, but violates your Factory suffix
@Danack I'd be interested in reading that.
Or even ValidatedInputToDonationsTransformer
@Danack why are you not passing in the params directly?
You have transformer, resolver, provider. What you described to me is 'transforming'
No language has better object names than Objective-c. :)
@Patrick If I was, that would just shift the problem to one higher level of code. Also, there is no higher level of code. That function is what is invoked by the dispatcher, and I strongly dislike having application logic done by the DIC.
@James it's not exactly pithy...
@Danack couldn't you just do RecentDonationsParams::fromRequest() or something like that? Do you really need a separate Factory?
I don't like this indirection. You don't really need a factory, you need the params
@HamZa You asked me what I was trying to do a couple days ago. Anyways, it doesn't matter :P
maybe you do need that separate level of abstraction for the api. an api front controller
@HamZa this one. @Pigman168
Oh yep, thats the one.
Is there a way to see how many tracking codes are on a site?
@mega6382 install noscript and see on the right corner how many things it blocked
@mega6382 ghostery.com maybe? or you mean programatically?
I mean some online solution where i provide the link at it gives me the results.
@mega6382 It's on the very top of the page I just linked
@pmmaga Yeah, doesn't seem to be that good.
@AlmaDo Is it available for chrome?
@mega6382 no idea..
chrome sucks balls
/holywar :D
Well Firefox sucks balls even more.
:P :D
I got it, you use IE 5.0, right
so I am sitting on my desktop screen with firefox open in the foreground… I cannot confirm what you said.
@Pigman168 ok (y)
@Gordon lol :P
@AlmaDo I really loved Firefox, I thought it was way better than chrome. But for some reason I don't anymore.
Hi gals, please do you know how to output to the console in phpstorm?
@mega6382 i love ie.
expression is usually automatically evaluated in PHPStorm but how can I output in cycle
@FantomX1 you mean you want PHP's equivalent of Javascript's console.log() or... what?
or you want a REPL maybe?
yes, I would accept javasctript equivalent
PHP doesn't really work like that, probably you are looking for xdebug
PHPStorm output only if you use in console code something like in this way '$a=2'; I get 2, foreach([1,2] as $item) {echo 'test'; $c='test2'; } I get no console output
I am using PHPStorm with combination of xdebug but I dont use native xdebug outputs
I want output of specific code to PHPStorm console during xdebug stepping
typically one would just use error_log()
I agree that could be used as workaround
There isn't really such a think as a debug console in PHP
There's no open-source alternative to newrelic in terms of an extension that performs monitoring
it seems
i mean console in PHPStorm editor, it is there
@Leigh tideways or google's stack driver
afaik xdebug doesn't have any way to send arbitrary messages to an attached remote debugging session
@FantomX1 that's a GUI for attaching to xdebug though, nothing more
unless you actually mean "console", which is literally just an embedded terminal
@Gordon tideways open-source ext seems to be for profiling
Also, automatic detecting of a bunch of crap, bound to cause negative performance while doing it
great job... sbstrailers.com/trailer-finder i also encountered this
@DaveRandom yes, I mean to PHPStorm debugger attached console though maybe its tied upon standard php terminal
@Leigh yes, it's mainly for profiling. there is also github.com/patrickallaert/php-apm/blob/master/apm.c
what's changed in ArrayObject in 7.1.x ?
@FantomX1 it's just connecting to xdebug, without xdebug it does nothing
@Gordon interesting, but no actively maintained. Driver for me right now is 7.2 support
but just log whatever you want to error_log() and it will show up there
@Leigh what about prometheus? afaik, it doesnt have an extension but uses some sort of userland client lib
@DaveRandom define nothing, okey, even what it does is sufficient by this hack, for example by this foreach([1,2,3] as $item) { $result.=$item;}; then issue another 'command' - $item, and I get output '123'
@DaveRandom by this approach I can test, create code during having accessible xdebug variable during run
@DaveRandom but I agree error_log is another option, thank you
@FantomX1 you might be after phpdbg
@DaveRandom btw I realized now output is there but not in console window but in terminal window
about which I know very little and is apparently now undocumented /cc @JoeWatkins @bwoebi @DejanMarjanovic
@Gordon Did look at it quickly didn't look like it fit, I should probably look more in-depth.
@Leigh obviously, you could use Instana. But that's not open source but closed source commercial. And I haven't officially released 7.2 support yet.
Oh is this why you've been so much more interested in internals stuff lately? :D
I'm just bothered by being blocked from my 7.2 migration plan, I'm sure ops wouldn't let me switch out providers anyway
@DaveRandom /me hides
@JoeWatkins I can reg the domain and host the site, assuming there's a copy of it somewhere
I'll bet there isn't, it was based on some strange framework that I forgot the name of ... something to do with the zohan ...
you could use waybackmachine to grab the markup and make it whatever you wanted ... or someone could just write docs in docnet and forward domain to a good page in manual ...
that seemed to be what people wanted ...
So apparently StackOverflow has a typo in the help page? stackoverfiow.com/halp
awwwwwwwww yissss
@HamZa Shit, why did i click..
@HamZa errrrrrr :D
I think I linked this last year already, but it's good for another: open.spotify.com/album/… - you don't need to thank me for it. Just enjoy with your loved ones.
@DaveRandom print "<script>console.log(" . json_encode($str) . ");</script>";
@Gordon Yes, you did. :D
@kelunik /me dies
@DaveRandom Rub my neck, I have a crick :(
Can't mate, I'm dead. See above.
@DaveRandom then how are you writing?
Through a medium
The medium doesn't do neck rubs
@DaveRandom RIP :( You were okay.
[citation needed]
ok… anyone know if our favorite framework supports something that launches an fpm process that subsequently serves non-fpm processes? I know it sounds weird.
you put these tags yet it is friday
Well I am a extremist Rebeccaist, I only believe in using the true Rebecca YT link for trolling, masked links are an insult to my beliefs and I fart in their general direction.
what is going on here?
I'm not entirely sure, but I think I won the exchange
@JayIsTooCommon that was another stupid episode
> SQL pattern matching enables you to use _ to match any single character
only with LIKE, afaik? or is that fulltext?
that's for like. I wasn't aware of it, and probably need to escape some queries.....
@Gordon you mean like, putting jobs in a queue and a background task picks them up?
yeah me too lol
also fulltext has a bunch of options
Does mongodb even have a client?
Changing properties of cloned object can alter the original – #75692
@Jeeves Do I smell the sound of references again?
@PeeHaa Are you an weeping angel?
I am now
@Jeeves tell @PeeHaa to stfu
@samayo I don't have secrets.
@Jeeves lame
@samayo Do you?
nite all
@PeeHaa looks like it
I am not even going to bother opening a tab for it
@PeeHaa ?
lol me too
can be only that
@Fabor Ohay fap! Good news! \o/
I listened to what you said
And just bought not one pack of cigarettes
I got two \o/
I am dissapoint
Everybody is
I am one big walking dissapoint
I'm sitting
> PHP 7.0 had active support until 12 days ago
@PeeHaa lol
hah @Wes
02:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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