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ohaipee o/
sometimes I miss owning dash-dash.com
I have an issue. let's say if I want to convert a
1. datetime ('1970-01-05T13:00:00Z') to 'Australia/Sydney' --> ('1970-01-05T23:00:00')
2. datetime ('2017-01-05T13:00:00Z') to 'Australia/Sydney' --> ('1970-01-06T00:00:00') - CORRECT

How can I get the same result in case #1 as it is in case #2. To avoid before/after 1970 UTC.
> datetime ('2017-01-05T13:00:00Z') to 'Australia/Sydney' --> ('1970-01-06T00:00:00') - CORRECT
I know it's upsidedown country but that's a bit weird timezone difference to me
oh ok. you are right
datetime ('2017-01-05T13:00:00Z') to 'Australia/Sydney' --> ('2017-01-06T00:00:00') - CORRECT
How are you converting dates?
Also what's wrong with the first one?
wrong is that I want to get a result ('1970-01-06T00:00:00').
as it happens in second one.
I convert them. let's say we use Carbon.
Hi everyone, can i post on goole plus from my site? Any tip?
!!? post on goole plus from my site
Search for "post on goole plus from my site -site:w3schools.com" (https://www.google.com/search?q=post+on+goole+plus+from+my+site+-site%3Aw3schools.com&lr=lang_en)
• Google+ Embedded Posts | Google+ Platform for Web… - 4 aug. 2017 - You can embed public Google+ posts in your site or articles with just a few lines of… (https://developers.google.com/+/web/embedded-post/)
• When I share my site post on Google+ and Linkedin… - Hi, sir am facing the problem. Last month I had to change the template of my site which was not SEO… (https://productforums.google.com/forum/#!topic/webmasters/BsSdv2j5ll
@MagicHat Yes. And, as for a tip: developers.google.com/+/web/api/rest
@prog.Dusan do they do dst over there?
Australia has DST.
Did they also have it in 1970?
Tks i gona see that...
@JayIsTooCommon I really don't give a fuck about these :-D
Things I have done today: 1) eat cake 2) there is no second thing ...
@JoeWatkins that sounds like an oxymoron
@PeeHaa Yes, they did. I believe the issue is because UTC starts from 1st of January 1971...
@prog.Dusan 1970?
@prog.Dusan Are you sure?
Pretty sure dst is a relatively new thing
sorry, you are right. I read it wrongly. timeanddate.com/time/change/australia?year=1970
actually it New South Wells, didn't use it.
There can be three things @prog.Dusan: 1) timezones changed 2) dst changed 3) tz database is wrong
Daylight saving is not observed in Queensland, the Northern Territory or Western Australia.
My money is on 1 and 2
Most likely 2
Where Daylight saving is observed:
AEDT is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 11 hours (UTC +11).
ACDT is equal to Coordinated Universal Time plus 10.5 hours (UTC +10.5)
@Gordon Is that about 1970?
no, current.
why are timezones so hard? ;-;
@Gordon We are talking about a historic date
@DaveRandom did we miss your birthday or is it today?
> 1917 was officially the first year DST was used across the country.
but of course that's only half of the story
Come sit on Uncle Gordon's knee. It's story time.
I am not that interested in it actually :P
> The Tasmanian state government implemented Daylight Savings in the summer of 1967 to save power which saved water. […] Because it was such a success, the Tasmanian state government pushed to get Daylight Saving Time used Australia-wide. By 1971 legislation was passed by all states, except the Northern Territory and Western Australia, to run a trial period. Victoria, New South Wales and South Australia made it permanent in 1972
Tell me more.
@Fabor I'm pretty sure the knee would atleast be dislocated, if I were to sit on it. :B
@PeeHaa DST missing since it was not DST at that time.
So, to solve that, I would need to check whether Carbon::parse('1970-01-05T13:00:00Z')->timezone('Australia/Sydney')->dst is present. if not I need to get DST of the time zone and add DST hrs on top of the converted datetime.
@Fabor and then they got married, got kids and lived happily ever after
And then..?
@Fabor they died
Aaand then...?
how far ahead "then"?
kids burninated them and sunk their phylacteries in the mariana trench
@SaitamaSama i dont know if i understand the tips, on links show how i can embeded on my site from g+, but i want from my site to g+, im little confuse.. can u help me with any tip?
then they griefed for some time but realized their parents will always be in their hearts. that consoled them very much and they lived happily ever after, each with their own partners. sired kids, rinse and repeat.
@prog.Dusan Why?
while (Gordon) { and then... }
Actually nevermind :)
@PeeHaa because I need it to behave with DST even in that time. no matter DST was not present.
@MagicHat Umm... can't really atm (busy), though this is probably what you are looking for..
MarkDown is bad
@SaitamaSama i open a question with exacly that link... but im confuse what is google domains... lol bytheway tks for atention
Q: Replay an post of my site on google plus

MagicHatI wonder if there is a possibility that when creating a publication on my site I can automatically post it to my google plus page? I'm still a bit confused about what is google domains, documentation is said to be possible, but many answers here say no. Then my doubts: What's the difference be...

@Fabor @SaitamaSama did you like the story?
i edit with code :
@Gordon it was nice, although if it would have been a bit longer in length I would have given it 10/10
for now, 8/10 :P
@SaitamaSama there is a prequel. it involves tentacles and reading animes
@Gordon not long enough
@Fabor wait til you seen the tentacle
@Gordon woah. :O
actually it goes like this: they tried reading anime but it wasn't their cup of tea, so they dug out this nice little game called day of the tentacle and that was all fine and funny and awesome. they played it through and lived happily ever after. only one kid didnt like it. he became a mod on stack overflow and tends to get stuck in cosplays.
@bwoebi We have CFG and SSA stuff now right? That may actually be feasible then.
Might break backtraces and debuggers and whatnot.
And good morning, room.
@Gordon 10/10 GoodReads
@Gordon Where is @MadaraUchiha anyway :P
@Fabor Everywhere, and nowhere.
he is omnipresent
as you'd expect of a kamii-sama
Also, who told you I didn't like DotT?
Never really tried it.
Hi, i am new in here.
You become a mod and left us here at R11. Must be some secret mod room where you all mod around. Gordon probably has an NDA about it too.
@Fabor the blue room aint so secret
@acoder Hello, new in here. Nice to meet you.
just inaccessible to non-mods
@PeeHaa it was Sunday and yes you missed it and that was at least semi on purpose :-P
@LeviMorrison The internal implementation is … an implementation detail. We'll obviously have to take care of that when implementing, but I'm sure we'll be able to properly work around this.
@Fabor To be fair, I left the room a while before I became a mod in favor of the JS room, I returned only after I became a mod.
@DaveRandom Happy belated Birthday!
@MadaraUchiha y tho? ;-;
gmfdi this is precisely what I cba with :-P
@SaitamaSama It was... a long story.
@bwoebi I started implementing generics for traits only (which makes them more like templates than generics). So far so good. Traits are already very pre-processor like.
@MadaraUchiha I'm all in for sitting on your knee...
Because you don't want it: Happy 33rd! \o/
Or is it 34 and you are actually old?
How dare you
@MadaraUchiha But why?
@MadaraUchiha we've all got all day, we're developers.
Happy Birthday you dick @DaveRandom xx
@JoeWatkins ^ even more reason for manc...
I broke the production database... but I didn't break the back-up files
@DaveRandom meep
@DaveRandom good job
Happy belated birthday sir @DaveRandom
@DaveRandom inb4 backup is not working, oh my god everything is on fire!
let it burn!
@MadaraUchiha oh.. the production db was broken and there is no backup
posted on November 14, 2017 by kelunik

- Fixed `evalSha`. - Fixed `eval` to have defaults for `$keys` and `$args`. - Improved `eval` to automatically use `evalSha` and fall back to `eval` if script is unknown. - Deprecated `evalSha` as `eval` automatically uses `evalSha` now.

though, a lil triangle-ish but... that can be overlooked..
In laravel we have inbuilt auth system so their is one table called users so now I want to add new fields so what is the best method to do so Should i add new fields to users table itself or create new table with foreign key ?
@AbhiBurk Wut?
want to add new fields to users table in Laravel ?
That is the most vague question in the history of questions. I'll go drink coffee, you come back with specifics.
Ready? Break.
as users table comes with Laravel package
New to laravel so want a way weather to include new fields to that users table of laravel auth package or create a new one ?
@AbhiBurk almost certainly add a separate table.
@Danack Okay that is what I wanted to know but is it not possible to include new field to users table ? (Just for knowledge)
@AbhiBurk Well it is not an package in the sense of laravel, so you could just edit the model and migration?
@AbhiBurk adding a column to a table that is used across lots of other code, that isn't aware of any extra columns, sounds like a terrible idea.
@Danack Okay I will go with you thanx alot Man
last monday this week working wrong – #75524
@Jeeves Isn't all Mondays :P
last monday this week... i'm impressed with the things people come up with :P
@Raldo94 Basically.
@pmmaga first minute this hour
@PeeHaa last 38th minute this hour :P
do you know what languages or markup language I should learn to be able to create a website in which users can join and post?
php ahead of all, then what
Made with php?
well I don't know
is there any other things I can use?
start with that.
I know that
not well enough
I can not create a website in which I can have users (something like a forum) just using html!
html is only for the frontend
On the front end you are basically limited to html and javascript. On the backend you can use whatever you want
like what
Like what not?
even with c?
@parvin Asp.NET, php or js with Node.js
so what is oho?
@parvin Of course
thank you @Raldo94 @PeeHaa
github.com/amphp/redis/issues/49 < Should I just un-deprecate it?
Did you deprecate a still supported feature of the target?
Looks like it
If that is really the case I agree with OP. Libraries like that should just wrap the protocol and don't make decisions for users
pneumatic of or relating to air, gases, or wind.
@Jeeves That WOTD is weak. #MakeWordOfTheDayGreatAgain
@Allenph Then tell me about your relationship problems.
@Jeeves Straight to the point. I like it.
s/wrap/implement/ probably, but you get the gist
@Allenph Good, It's easier when people are direct.
I thought that episode was kind of weak for a season finale, but I'm probably just bitter that Sunday's bear no new content anymore. :p
@JoeWatkins There are probably better ways to do this but when a class applies type parameters to a trait I think I'll just copy the opcodes and alter certain ones such as T::class, new T(), etc. Seems good enough for a proof of concept.
@PeeHaa It does that anyway, e.g. it returns redis.io/commands/hgetall as an assoc array instead of a list of key1, value1, key2, value2, ....
Access Violation in vcruntime140.dll – #75525
@kelunik Which is meh imho, but I can see it makes sense. Just removing functions allowed in the protocol makes people have to learn about your library instead of just doing what they always have been doing in other libraries and remembering what works and what doesn't work
@PeeHaa The thing is that you have to parse the exception message for that to work correctly currently. But performance might indeed be a reason to un-deprecate it.
What was the initial reason for the deprecation?
That it doesn't make sense to use it manually anymore, as eval automatically attempts to use evalsha now, which is recommended by the protocol spec.
A: Coding a website in C?

Adam DavisI don't know how meebo does it, but given that it's chat software they probably have a custom server written in C to handle the actual message traffic. However, Apache and most other HTTP servers have always been able to call C programs just as they can call PHP, CGI and other languages for cert...

also google is your friend
@Patrick I pre-order your book.
@LeviMorrison I haven't had a chance to look or think about it any more yet, hopefully in the morning ...
@DaveRandom happy birthday you :)
@PeeHaa my backend is written in C ...
@JoeWatkins That's not inviting at all
it really isn't ...
@JoeWatkins Can I C your back-end?
Hmm. So use TraitName; compiles to something like:
L1-6 {main}() /home/levijm/Projects/php-src/tmp1.php - 0x7fc4a6871500 + 4 ops
 L3    #0     DECLARE_CLASS           "c1"                                      @0
 L4    #1     ADD_TRAIT               @0                   "TraitName"
 L3    #2     BIND_TRAITS             @0
fread behavior change in 7.2 – #75526
So I probably need to add in a APPLY_TYPE_PARAMETER after ADD_TRAIT and before BIND_TRAITS.
And then the type specialization should happen in zend_do_bind_traits.
Not entirely sure what ZEND_APPLY_TYPE_PARAMETER would do yet, though.
Probably needs to fetch CEs if the type has one and add it to the specialization list?
Or maybe I should issue ZEND_FETCH_CLASS as necessary prior to the ADD_TRAIT?
Why are international domains more expensive.
No, nevermind. ZEND_APPLY_TYPE_PARAMETER will include the fetch.
I try to register one from the Philippines.
> Next step: Dongs are transferred to <name>
Schoolboy giggle :X
Hey teresko. What did you end up doing about those DELETE requests; curious.
I ended sending:
    'href': '/stuff/1243/dasdsa',
    'deleted': true
since it will help with implementing "deferred deletion" later
Anyone know why my composer package would bring in its own vendor folder when running composer install?
@Moak because you committed it
@Moak Because you comitted it.
@Moak repository url?
oh right
it's private
I pull it via

"repositories": [
"type": "git",
"url": "[email protected]:snagshout/mws-laravel.git"
That's not helping
maybe it builds the vendor because it is a private package...
It's not coming in through packagist
Should not happen with any composer repository server.
@bwoebi and @JoeWatkins Thanks so much for phpdbg. Being able to dump opcodes easily is sooo helpful.
I remember doing VM stuff without it and it was hell.
It's still rough but I can at least see ordering and how they connect.
   zend_class_entry *ce = Z_CE_P(EX_VAR(opline->op1.var));


> Zend/zend_vm_execute.h:48936: ZEND_APPLY_TYPE_PARAMETER_SPEC_TMPVAR_HANDLER: Assertion `(ce->ce_flags & 0x80) == 0x80' failed.
I don't understand the different parameter types and specialization here. Unfortunately even if I do ANY, ANY it still complains.
Can "abstract" be considered to be the opposite of "final"?
Foreign return type syntax – #75527
@IROEGBU I would say no, at least in a black-and-white type of thought, because "not abstract" does not imply final and vice-versa. However, since abstract implies "not final" and vice versa, I would just say they are mutually exclusive
@SalOrozco appreciate it. thanks :)
@Patrick When reading through do you want us to highlight things to you?
If so, how?
@Fabor that would be awesome. I think you can do that with most pdf readers?
But whatever works for you
I'll just write a text file with everything as I go :P
sweet :)
@Dereleased Okay... I see your point
@Patrick Was actually reading when my mind drifted... I'm using Foxit to do annotation.
@Patrick I may try to correct your Americanisms :P Learned -> Learnt
Also, maybe pedantic but apostrophes are mostly avoided in academic writing. You may consider removing all of them. "won't" -> "will not" and such.
Isn't that for all writing?
@Fabor I did start out like that but it just felt wrong. But it's not my first language
@PeeHaa reading up on it, seems like it's only for formal writing
I think I'll leave them in, feels more personal
@Patrick I know, it's a little pedantic. A lot of this may be, so you can ignore all comments when submitted if needs be.
Except the Americanisms, they must go >8(
Get lost. Filthy colonist
Don't make me civilise you.
In our O Levels exams (in Nigeria) if you write like an American you'll fail
@Fabor freedom english > colonist english
@Patrick If you really want this book to sell you should include Daniel's picture in it.
That's something we can all agree on
learnt? What the ...? I am fairly certain that learned is common in both American and British and that learnt is only sometimes used in British.
We may have a lot of horrible things in our Americanization of the language but that is not one of them.
Please do not use learnt lol
@Fabor on the cover? dressed as an elephant?
Learnt sounds way better
@Patrick 10/10 would buy twice
Burned -> Burnt
Earned -> Earnt
You really do that over there?
We like to talk properly, yes. :D
"earnt" lol
@PeeHaa spelling out that posh accent
@Fabor That's like ye ol english chap
Nobody writes it like that
cc @DaveRandom
Nevermind. he's from manchester
While we're on the subject I would like us to stop saying "Happy belated Birthday!". It's "Belated Happy Birthday". Otherwise you're implying the birthday is late and not the message.
> In British writing, for instance, [learnt] appears about once for every three instances of learned.
Even among British it's less common. Again, please don't use it. It sounds weird, not proper.
Yeah but we all know about 50% of the general population is below average intelligence.
This is written publications, not common speech.
Popularity !== Quality. Laravel proves that point :D
/me goes back to work
/me goes back to wondering why on earth our VM generation is so arcane...
/me goes to bed to earnt some sleep. :X
@PeeHaa different timezone or overworked? :/
@Patrick I messed up my sleep cycle and I sleep till 2PM :P
@LeviMorrison You saying we spelt it wrong?
+1 @Danack
@Patrick Oh FWIW, @DaveRandom is pretty good grammatically, I'd convince him to read the book and review.
With luck he will get around to it before the Y2K38 problem arises
lol yeah
I use -ed for nouns, -t for verbs......as in "the spilled milk, was on the floor. The clumsy man had spilt it".
alright. off to bed too =) n8 all
Don't flag random shit...
@GeekWithGlasses well, I only found this because you were flagged. Please don't cross post your questions to multiple rooms.
@PeeHaa cross post spam apparently
Damnit. Now I wish I didn't invalidate :(
You sicken me
I am so sorry :(
For what it's worth I feel terrible
And dirty
I forgot you
sorry I wasn't looking while i typed lol
Yeah that's what they all say
Meanwhile they all forget about poor PeeHaa
That's because you don't drop by JS anymore
And we all know how 17 feels about 11
Hey @SterlingArcher.
@Allenph sup homie
Never see you in 11.
Flag brought me in, stayed for the Pee
so, it is officially free now: us.battle.net/sc2/en/blog/21183638/…
!!urban peehaa
[ PeeHaa ] A cowboy shouting peeee haaa! while peeing and swinging a lasso.
@Wes Hey. See you also not at the world cup o/
fucking assholes
so... four hours ago, I decided to update the openlayers version we use to v4.5 from v3.17. this implied that I had to migrate from webpack 1 to 2. I now believe I had been better off staying in bed this morning
and they are not resigning even
Would you? :)
worst management ever
there is a world cup?
of wine?
Only world cup of whine for @Wes
We are already past that stage here
@PeeHaa well, they've received death threats already. they are for sure brave. or stupid
actual example of micromafia. nobody knows why we have theguardian.com/football/2014/nov/05/… these people in charge
he didn't stop there. fusion.net/story/135928/…
Damn :P
> To be clear, “lesbians” is not an insult, and if you’re trying to use it that way, you should probably take some time to consider your life choices.
I like this person
he is the worst
@Wes I am talking about the person who wrote that quote, not the official
:B of course... and i was referring to the official
and it's not the official, he's the big mafia boss of everything. he's such a shame
I believe I will live through my fried motherboard emotions by buying an expensive 3d printer
any suggestions?
get a better mobo
I'm still nurturing this small hope that being unused for a day magically repaired it
you could try something actually. it worked once for me
cook the mobo at low temp to refuse the circuits?
remove the cmos battery for some hours
i think you need cmos backup feature i think though
yeah, I removed it a few minutes yesterday, after changing the jumper to "reset" position
did you power it after you put it on reset?
should I have?
check the manual if you need to power the mobo
it depends
no, the instructions just mentioned changing the jumper plug
clear cmos sometimes works only if while the jumper is on reset position you actually power the mobo on
I'll reread carefully when I get home, but I'm pretty sure I did exactly as advised on the support site for clearing the mobo cmos
but anyway clear cmos is not something that is going to help much
... yeah. I mean, it's not like the mobo booted to anything
this is bullshit.
@LeviMorrison after i spent hours special casing $arr->removeAll($arr) i realized that if i wrap $arr i need to special case also the wrapper, because the thing works with identity ===
everything is so so complicated lol

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