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12:57 AM
@tereΕ‘ko I'm not sure if you linked this talk, but I found it from one you linked a couple days ago I think. This one has immediately and easily allowed me to write much better code.
1:31 AM
@Sara Definite πŸ‘ from me
My recommendation: don't try to engage anyone or convince them. Not worth the time.
It will pass or it won't.
If it doesn't we'll try again later ^_^
trim&rtrim function makes some Chinese characters messy – #75214
2:03 AM
@LeviMorrison what can i do to help handle some bugs.php.net bug (like this one ^)
@Wes Locate the code in php-src@master that is the root of the issue.
Even if you don't fix it it makes it easier for those with the know-how to fix it.
i mean, handle as not a bug
i could help closing that sort of submissions
why are you so sure it is not a bug?
2:07 AM
he's likely using non-ascii based encoding @FélixGagnon-Grenier
i highly doubt that trim &co have bugs of that sort
I see.. poor them.
、 is not a single byte
i don't know what encoding he's using but that is certainly causing the problem
no, it's probably multiple. (which is also probably why of course, they are not using ascii, since afaik ascii is a single byte character set)
!!? ascii
Search for "ascii" (https://www.google.com/search?q=ascii&lr=lang_en)
β€’ Ascii Table - ASCII character codes and html, oct… - Ascii character table - What is ascii - Complete tables including hex, octal, html, decimal convers… (http://www.asciitable.com/)
β€’ Afbeeldingen van ascii - No description available (/search?q=ascii&lr=lang_en&dcr=0&tbs=lr:lang_1en&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjV5KiG0KjWAhXDaVAKHVzaC8sQsAQINQ)
β€’ ASCII - Wikipedia - ASCII :6 abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encodi… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII)
why is it that, whenever I say something like that, an overwhelming wave of doubt submerges me, to the point where I'm not even sure what my name is anymore
2:10 AM
$charList is a set of bytes, 、 is a sequence of 2+ bytes
it doesn't remove the sequence but any of the bytes specified in $charList regardless of the order
you mean that, rtrim will just reverse the bytes, and not the characters?
s/reverse/start reading from the end
this reminds me of a talk by Jon about encoding, and accents
imagine that "bc" here is not two separate characters but a multibyte character

rtrim("abc", "cb") "cb" is a different multibyte character, but still it's removed
reversing a string with "pé" without being sure of the encoding is subject to strange stuff, not to mention 4 bytes characters
and of course removing bytes in random order is going to remove false positives
you want to remove multibyte sequences not their bytes in random order
yep, exactly
which is why you think that rtrim should not be able to handle multi byte characters?
I always thought that php was not multi byte secure
2:16 AM
trim works if the first parameter is utf8 (or any extended ascii encoding)
but it does not work if the second parameter ($charList) contains multibyte characters
since there are all the mb_str_replace and str_replace I am never sure which of the functions are handling utf8
str_replace always work with utf8 tho
@Wes which does sound like a bug, in my book, doesn't it?
2:18 AM
because all sequences are unique in utf8
@FΓ©lixGagnon-Grenier it's by design. php's string are byte sequences, not character/grapheme sequences
which means, it should work, but that's not how php works sadly
oh... that was what php6 was all about wasn't it?
12 mins ago, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
I see.. poor them.
@FΓ©lixGagnon-Grenier poor all except english
somehow us french were able to sneak most of our accent below 255
s/most/any we use/
2:27 AM
what's your iso-8859 of preference? :D
En plus, je parle utf8
lol, that would be a much better ad then the other cringy one
@Wes are you the kind of person able to photoshop utf8 instead of "francais" in this picture? fusac.fr/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/MODELE-2.jpg
wtf is that
it's an ad to promote french language that fired up a bit of bs talk a few months ago
I believe @Ocramius have opinion about that
for a change...
languages are ridiculous, we should be all speaking the same language by now
can't wait...
2:44 AM
took me a while to find that page because they vandalized the wiki. that's a old revision
who's "they"?
some motherfuckers
(thanks, that looks like, very helpful)
some people just do not want to see the world burn
but tbh once you understand how encoding works that page is not really needed
there's one great thing in the fact that php doesn't support unicode natively @FélixGagnon-Grenier
2:52 AM
if it did it would have supported it wrong :P
not because of php's fault. but because unicode changes all the time
for instance java was originally meant for ucs only
and to adapt it to actual unicode they have made a mess
javascript needed an alternative syntax for strings entirely
"old broken unicode/ucs" `new unicode`
and the thing is, that's also already wrong
oh, that's why there is that shiny backticks string thingy
I thought it had something to do with being able to use ${from.js.scope}
2:55 AM
the new way according to unicode is graphemes
@Wes The new JavaScript stuff doesn't use grapheme clusters?
@LeviMorrison i believe it is character sequences
I thought the only change of backticks was that they allowed string interpolation?
Seems I'm wrong on that anyway - it handles newlines differently.
3:02 AM
i should've just tried rather searching it
`á`.length = 1
`a\u0301`.length = 2
so, char sequences
which is ok but not ideal for a new thing
but to be fair, unicode is hard to get right
3:22 AM
roses are red
violets are blue
pr0nhub is down
your fb will do
3:59 AM
I present: My average day. https://t.co/RdvutMbH58
also, on a side note
I wrote some C today \o/
I had a doubt actually, suppose you initialize an array of char with some random length, suppose 512. Do you have to explicitly memset that array with 0s?
If we don't memset it what harm would it do?
4:22 AM
@Saitama Whether or not a given thing is initialized with zeros is actually more complicated in C than one would hope.
What my intuition would be that some garbage memory might already be allocated in the adresses where the array is currently initialized. Is it something like that?
I recommend assuming nothing :D
But yes, that sort of thing can happen.
:P 'kay
$ ./Builds/debug.o
Starting infinite loop, don't worry, everything would be okay!
Request received!
GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost:8080
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:54.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/54.0
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
Cache-Control: max-age=0
also, apparently C doesn't have anything called true.
so, is
#ifndef true
#define true 1
a good practice?
And C definitely does have true. Just not ANSI C / ISO C90.
#include <stdbool.h>
oh, lol, a library for booleans :P
4:35 AM
It's a compatibility thing.
Since C90 didn't have it people made types and constants so to prevent breaking them they gate it behind a header.
so is gcc ansi c?
:D ANSI C and ISO C90 are the same thing.
There are newer ISO versions (only the one ANSI version)
And the version GCC defaults to depends on your version, I believe.
I think GCC 7 defaults to C11.
gcc version 5.4.0 20160609 (Ubuntu 5.4.0-6ubuntu1~16.04.4) ?
argh!!! I need to update my gcc!
why does elementary os pack such an old version of gcc with it :(
4:39 AM
I was wrong; it's GCC 5 that defaults to gnuc11.
note that gnuc11 means C11 + some compiler specific things.
That version is fine for C; if you are doing C++ as well I would recommend a newer one though.
god, this c thing is complicated
No, c++ is complicated.
also, apt tells me that there is no newer version available.. would I have to build myself gcc from source to get a newer version?
I am a noob, my talking might not make any sense :B
@Saitama Elementary is a pretty Ubuntu LTS.
It sucks.
5:34 AM
Good morning
5:53 AM
damn i wanted a tea but i haz no lemons
6:27 AM
tea can be drank without lemons, iirc :"?
yea but sux
what about a ginger?
new rick and morty episode is up
but netflix really disappointed me, like it didn't release the episode which was supposed to be released the previous weekend, but it made its schedule to release every episode one week later
so, I got so many spoilers that it shitted on the element of surprise :(
and by the element of surprise, I mean the part where this plays
7:07 AM
@Dereleased pong
@Saitama is rick and morty, doc and marty?
@Wes idk what doc and mharty is but apparently both of them are somehow co related... but I don't seem to understand how :/ :B
have you guys heard about keycdn?
are they legit?
@Saitama i knew it. only you could have not watched the most popular movie ever made
back to the future?
7:16 AM
okay I've heard about that, but its too old for my liking
too old? it's about time travel. there is no time at all
why do i even speak to you :B
user image
user image
I've been busy ...
7:18 AM
like I haven't even watched one of the most proclaimed animes Cowboy Bebop for the sole reason of it being old
@JoeWatkins guess you could make me some fish 'n chips now?
and are you proud of that?
no, proud is not the word I'd use
probably, 'content' with it
or I can stop my wife's work being shut down because they were issued with formal notices that they are breaking laws ... or chips, whatever ...
like the animation and special fx of those old things make me cringe really hard
and I even avoid old hentai's, when possible
7:21 AM
to be fair to the people that work there, they (govt, eu) have made serving food an extremely complicated thing, involving the kind of hazard analysis that was done to ensure the safety of food given to people in space - I'm not joking ...
you don't spit on food you didn't taste. first you taste, then you spit if necessary
that's rule number one of fourteen billion
for example, i watched star wars. i knew i wouldn't like it and in fact i don't. but i have watched it
7:24 AM
but the thing is, like old movies which don't involve a lot of fx are very nice, and in some aspects lots of them are indeed better than the ones made today.
I should probably give BTTF a shot probably ;o
joe, what are your fav movies? movies that everybody should watch
current status: trying to build a webserver in C
although I know I'm going to fail miserably at it
@Saitama it took an entire foundation of individuals more than 20 years to create something that we (the users) think is shit ... use your head, unless you have the financial backing of Elon Musk, don't bother ...
well, it's just a learning experiment :P
@Wes moonlight is good, but probably not very trendy ...
7:31 AM
Like getting to know how in the world pointers work and stuff
@JoeWatkins year?
posted on September 16, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

haven't watched. i mean, what about forrest gump?
i think everybody should watch forrest gump :B
do, every time it's on television ... couple of times a year at least
7:34 AM
the godfather, pulp fiction. leon. i bet he hasn't seen them
I've seen pulp fiction :B
@Saitama you can do that without burdening yourself with an extraordinarily complicated task ... if god did create the world and everything on it, he didn't (it's incoherent nonsense), but lets go with it for a minute ... I'll bet he created something relatively simple first, possibly a nice simple small box ...
I've seen all those cult films, own a few of them ... T2 was good ...
alright, :P, what would you suggest as an equivalent of a box in C?
I know I've watched others, but don't recall enough information to communicate them ...
new ones I mean ... I doubt I can name any old ones you don't already know ...
Not that its really PHP, but any1 able to shorten this SQL?
FROM (SELECT AVG(price) AS avgPrice FROM Stock GROUP BY type) AS avgPrices
GROUP BY avgPrice;
7:41 AM
American History X was a good film, not according to people who know about films, but I thought it was epic cinema and it has a worthwhile message ... I think it may be difficult for critics to look past some iconography ...
everyone of a certain age, or mind set, should probably watch it ...
rick & morty seems bttf + futurama
which is good
rick and morty is very nice
american history x is a terrible movie, note, i'm judging the movie not the message . however, it is a very educational movie
schindler's list. bet you didn't watch that too :B
blade runner
Shawshank is another one I find time to watch when it's on tv, but don't own it ... don't need too, once a year at least
i love that movie
7:46 AM
Shawshank <3
@Wes that's what I'm judging it on mostly, because that's what the movie is about, not the story line or characters, or anything else ... I did like the way it was shot, it's all about communicating that message ...
fight club is also a very good movie
indiana jones. everybody should watch it
jurassic park the original...
there are bits of Jurassic Park which still scare me a little ...
not just because there are boys in dresses either ...
I don't think this part works as intended, gist.github.com/SaitamaSama/… can somebody give me a clue?
I promise I would stop working on it just after I make thing okay :D
8:02 AM
Did anyone say Goodfellas yet?
or Casino?
and you should
8:16 AM
those too
all kubrick's also
woah, I made a nice little hack for the chat today
Well I see I've walked in on another round of "in my day, things were better, these damn kids with their smart phones and emojis and twitfaces"
#starred-posts {
    overflow: auto;
   height: 100px;
@DaveRandom I spent 30 minutes last night doing this and I'm proud :p
8:29 AM
peasant windows user
It's my phones network name, it would be easier to do the same for pc
@Saitama :)
That hair extension is not for me btw
@samayo what, creating a WiFi network? :-P
hehe ... your sad, because you can't do it
8:34 AM
Pretty fly for a WiFi
I believe Wi can Fi
Tell my WiFi love her
Romeo, Romeo, WiFi art thou Romeo
Is it me, or is this considerably less accessible than most sites like that, at least from a general readability PoV?
woah, some thing weird was happening when I was printing a char[] with extra non filled elements
Yeah, aweful. It seems like, it was meant to be simple but it ended up doing exactly the opposite
8:39 AM
and memsetting the array with zeroes made it word.
I don't know what I just did, but it works, and I'm proud of it :P
@Saitama When you initialise a char[], you do not know what it contains, it probably contains the data left there by the last program to use that block of memory.
and indeed when you allocate memory in general
Unless you put some data in it, do not make any assumptions about what's there
it's certainly not safe to assume that it's all zeroes
If you initialise a char[] and then fill it with a string, just make sure that you set the next byte to zero, and all the str*() functions will do what you expect them to
you don't necessarily need to zero out the whole block
oh, okay..
but at least we don't have === in C
which is a good thing
what, no anime
8:51 AM
:P, you want some of dem animes?
no thanks
posted on September 16, 2017 by kelunik

- Allow GitHub OAuth scopes.

9:07 AM
so, should struct names be camel case or snake case
@Saitama as a general rule you don't want a struct without a typedef, otherwise you will have to use the struct keyword when passing it around, see stackoverflow.com/a/1675446/889949
a common pattern is:
typedef struct struct_name {
  /* members */
} struct_name_t;
where the _t suffix is simply a visual indicator to split between the type name and struct name
woah, never knew that!
I am still facing the same problem from yesterday :3
I am trying to use a button with Dropzone js using php but I don't get any POST data.
Here is my implementation pastebin.com/UaHrwkup any ideas?
Also if I removed method="post" from the <form> it sends a GET request !
9:20 AM
it was exactly the thing I was very unsure about, like using struct sockaddr_in everywhere seems like a tedious job
Working with git tree objects manually is a pain...
lol got blocked by epson italy because i answered an ad that was about low energy consumption of epson devices. it was like "nobody cares about printing anymore, nobody could ever print, because in 40 years nobody could make a printer that works"
my first twitter block <3
@MohammadTbeishat This is a javascript problem, you should ask in the javascript room
9:37 AM
@DaveRandom I already asked but I like php community, and I thought it could be from php :v
we like you too but i doubt we can help with that :P
@Wes Thanks anyway :D
Yes, the issue is with that specific javascript lib about which I know literally nothing
@DaveRandom Alright. Thank you ^_^
i wonder if it's ok for a library developer to start a tag on stackoverflow to give support for said library
probably not
9:50 AM
up at ass o'clock and my head hurts, fun
10:17 AM
\o have a coffee :B
@Saitama the new series is on youtube. Apparently they're not sending take down notices against people who are blatantly copying the videos.
11:01 AM
like a boss
@Saitama running_in_the_nineties.mp4 intensifies
11:43 AM
@Danack any of initial D's Eurobeat would intensify :P
12:20 PM
Lol can confirm that the latest South Park episode intentionally hijacks your smart home devices also I'm apparentl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/908928246711906305
er.....nsfw audio
12:45 PM
now all I have to do is find the equivalent of explode in C. \o/
!!lxr explode
[ /ext/standard/string.c#1164 ] PHP_FUNCTION(explode)
str_tok it is then!
1:15 PM
typedef struct {
  char raw_headers[2048];
  char headers[128][1024];
} request;
Memory is free
1:34 PM
my first seg fault, \o/
2:31 PM
@jeeves should I get off my arse and finish my userland session management library?
β•‘ [4 days, 6 hours, 2 minutes and 47 seconds] without an accident β•‘
β•‘                   since [2017-09-12 08:29:07]                   β•‘
Are you not talking to me @jeeves?
@PeeHaa ^^
Maybe we hit the APi limit?
Let me check the logs if something is in there
@Jeeves ping
kind of been quiet all day - so unless the api limit is over a week or so.
2:34 PM
β•‘ [4 days, 6 hours, 5 minutes and 21 seconds] without an accident β•‘
β•‘                   since [2017-09-12 08:29:07]                   β•‘
@Jeeves buddy
> Something went wrong while processing non-command message #39173246 (event #79405550): TypeError: Return value of PeeHaa\AsyncChatterBot\Response\CleverBot::getConversationState() must be of the type string, null returned in /srv/www/Jeeves/vendor/peehaa/async-chatter-bot/src/Response/CleverBot.php:40
Does jeeves not have a 'convert all warnings to exceptions' error handler setup?
@Danack That message is an exception which gets outputted in the log
Whatever :p
@Jeeves buddy?
@PeeHaa You're my buddy.
2:38 PM
Not what I was hoping for
> $this->conversationState = $parsedResponse['cs'];
Yes, but weird it works after restart
@jeeves should I get off my arse and finish my userland session management library, or should I play league of legends?
@Danack YES drop the dang thing and drive.
2:40 PM
Unless cleverbot has some limit on conversations either time based or something else
@Wes can you build php windows extensions "easily"?
nvm actually
[ /ext/session/php_session.h#61 ] #define PS_SET_MOD_DATA(a) *mod_data = (a)
I just made two burgers in about ~ 40mins
they better be goddamn good, otherwise I'm never gonna forgive myself
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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