yes, only if the question shows what you tried, what you were expecting, what actually happens (and I actually have an understanding of the problem domain).
I am making a dynamic timeline website that will have two filters, one by date (decades) and another by type (circles, squares, etc). When either filter is selected, the timeline (which is a tiled layout of images on the screen) will rearrange and only show what the filters allow.
I'm simply not sure where to begin. Is this a PHP task, and possibly WP to allow user to add to the timeline
oh yes, I remember this question. I really don't like WP, from what I have seen of it. I think it is a good task for PHP and a database.
You define the tables to store the data for your timeline. You query that data based on your filters and print an HTML response that represents the timeline. PHP is very good for all of that.
Provide forms for adding events into the timeline. All of that is a reasonable thing for PHP to do. Its going to take a while to do all that though, especially if this is one of the first things you have done.
I once had a problem and they told me on a post to use mysql_data_seek($result, 0); to reset the pointed to 0...but I don't understand why the pointer wouldn't be at 0, or when it is and isn't (I just learned recently not to use the mysql* commands, but its too late at the moment to switch, so I just want to understand how it works)
@TobeSta rails is a framework built from ruby whereas php is a language. My view on rails is clouded by too much hatred. Imagine the tracks on a railroad. As a developer you are forced down the track that has already been chosen for you. They make you jump through so many of their crazy hoops that they invented. I'd rather drive a car than a train (then I can get to where I want to go the way I want to). Frameworks are bad, libraries are good IMO, rails is definitely a framework.
If I have users for a site, such as contributors and admin, that can login, have a profile and add/remove entires, can this be done simply with php and a db?
@rdlowrey At some stage i'd like to have a talk with you (if you are interested) about views generating content for different content type (xhtml, json, text etc.) It is something I have been thinking about a lot. My current approach is bad: my views generally produce a tree of xhtml, which I could transform later to the other formats.
How can i print my html file via php script? I just want to run it in background without any prompt. I have read other posts regarding this but still didnt find anything working.
@Truth actually there is a machine called KIOSK where our application is running. We cant pop out print dialog box there. It should just print when a user asks for his/her ticket.
can i insert a variable into document like this $str.="<td> $_POST[cost]</td> </tr> <tr><td>In words: " .$wee ."</td></tr> </table></center>"; pls find fuul code at
@ppant top right corner - Discussion for all things PHP - Don't ask whether someone is here or can help. Just tell us your problem. If anybody can and wants to help, they will.
@Nick even though its working ifne, till now i've created 5 similar pages, bt here i stopped because am not able 2 put function generated value into doc
I have done autocomplete for Codeigniter framework in NetBeans IDE by creating a file in nbproject folder something like this...
* @property CI_Loader $load
* @property CI_Form_validation $form_validation
* @property CI_Input $input
* @property CI_Email $email
* @property CI_DB_active_...
@pbvamsi I don't know if you've answered this questions, but what's coming up in your Invoice.doc, is it empty? is it a number that didn't go through the convertNum function?