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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

@PeeHaa still waiting that something happens in fear the walking dead
i thought something serious would start last season but they are back doing nothing again this season too
2 hours later…
well, I just had to drive 2 hours to put up a tent in the dark and drive home again. fun times.
oh yeh and the two hours was only 61 miles, but down unlit mostly national speed limit country lanes that I don't know in the dark
and now I am totally wired on adrenaline and I have no outlet
why didn't you sleep in the tent @DaveRandom?
because a) there was no space and b) it would be pretty irresponsible as I had salmonella earlier this week and it's a camp site with communal toilets (apparently it's contagious for up to 2 weeks, which is how I managed to get it)
I am supposed to have been there this weekend (festival) but am not going because of b)
but my misses car broke down while she was on the way, so I went to go help assemble the tent etc since it was dark
what a gentleman
as much as my night was not awesome, her night would have been way worse if she had to put up a (fucking massive) tent while attempting to wrangle a 6yo at 10.30pm :-P
wat, the 6yo goes to the festival?
yeh it's a family-friendly thing, pretty good actually we went a couple of years ago
woa, awesome
I don't think I understand festival in the right way, here
is it like, DJ trance music and people dancing under the rain? (lol dat typo)
it's a small folk/beer festival, loads of traditional (read: somewhat crap) folk music in the day but in even they have loads of really interesting acts who are either folk rock or doing weird electronic/dancy shit with folk themes
+ real ale festival kind of tacked on the side
and all the usual festival weirdos, but plus kids and kids entertainment stuff in the day
(some of which is better than the adult entertainment in the day)
there is a lot of those sorts of things in the UK, like 10 to choose from basically every w/e over the summer
... consider me officially jealous ;)
I also went to 2017.discoverthebluedot.com which was... epic
also musically that is unashamedly targeting people who grew up in the 90s
Soulwax were... indescribable
if you ever decide to come visit the UK, hit me up, sofa bed available for a couple of nights :-P
that is for sure :)
morns o/
\o ho
How Canadians cheat on a test https://t.co/wrdi6LQiAv
@Saitama let's go
@WesStark tbf I literally never even thought about cheating.
btw @WesStark I was never clear on this: do you have an actual job or do you freelance?
some pretentious part of me likes to think it's because I'm not stupid
You always seem to be awake through the whole night
freelance :B
in practice i have a job
i have one main client
who doesn't require you to be useful during the morning part of business hours? :-P
anyway, i'm still technically on vacation so i can do whatever i want
that's gonna end this monday :B
season 6 is going to be such a shitstorm...
@WesStark you can do whatever you want... all the time \o/
but yeah i do have a strange internal clock
i think evolution made me with a 25 hours internal clock, just to mess with me
I used to be like that several years ago, when I was smoking a lot of weed (weirdly)
I also had a 9-5 job, it was... difficult
i can usually predict when i'm going to be bothered
wow I wish I could
it's rarely at the point where I have allotted time to do stuff
if i see that coming i try to fix my clock. it usually happens anyway because i receive phone calls in the middle on my rem sleeping
i go from full rem to full salesman in about 5 seconds
yeh I hate that shit
yeah i try to avoid it :B
btw, what are you guys doing, being up so late?
the first two seconds of being awake in the middle of a sleep cycle for me are generally mild-medium terror, I do not enjoy terror
@Saitama see from here
oh :)
I just realised no-one who is not british will not know what "national speed limit" is, the tl;dr is that on country lanes it is >= $tooFuckingFastAtNight
nvm, just trying to set up a wireframe for the dashboard :P
@DaveRandom it happened that in those seconds i really couldn't recognize gravity, like knowing where's up and where's down :B
absolute "where am i", or even "who am i"
wat season
btw, i need a coffee
@Saitama oic, well yeh looks OK. I realise this is the sort of thing that should generally be pretty near the bottom of a list of things to do but... can you design it to have easily changeable themes (even add a theme switcher?). I like dark themes at night and light in the day and I am fed up of arsing about with stylish all the time
Ovewatch competitive season 6
@DaveRandom yeah, :D
I think the top bar/expandable left nav approach is definitely the best overall structure for stuff like that
yep, exactly what I was thinking actually
yeh sorry what I meant by that is "what you are doing so far looks good"
oh :P
@Saitama the one thing to consider that might somehow affect the structure is that ther will be two "levels" of settings, in that there are some global settings that only a super/admin can touch
ROs will be able to log in and administer their room(s), supers will be able to admin every room and touch global settings and do stuff like restart the bot
hm, so authentication through SE openid, I suppose? just curious...
yeh that's the idea, then there are ways we can dynamically determine what any arbitrary user can do, if anything
sounds great!
it's pretty simple tbh, we just scrape their chat profile page :-P
although super-users will be hard-configured on the server
Locating an entry in the collection is done with that algorithm that is said "$nameOfTheAlgorithm".
does that sound like english to you
that is said "name of the algorithm". you lost me with that part
i tried to simplify :B
may need more context tbh
I don't understand it as a standalone sentence
I feel like maybe "said" is the wrong word?
it is an introductory sentence to a chapter/paragraph
right after that i'm going to explain how that algo works
you writing a book?
no, i'm trying to write some understandable enough english so that i can hope someone to fix it for me when i make this thing open :B
i'm ok with anything above gibberish level
> Search operations for entries in the collection use the "$nameOfTheAlgorithm" algorithm
I think that's what you meant?
Or if a dictionary-like thing
Does the collection have significant keys (dictionary, ht etc)?
i was more interested in the double "that" than the meaning of the sentence
well the first one is probably technically correct but would read better as "the"
and the second is again probably correct-ish but would be better as "which"
yes that sounds better :B
sometimes english just doesn't work
so strange
In a way I'm surprised you are asking English questions, I sometimes forget you are not native :-P
i'm just awesome at pretending to know it
in reality i very carefully articulate myself in only the few ways that i know are correct (ish) :B
^ that took me a bit to write. could be wrong
@WesStark no you aren't :-P you've been spending way too much time in all English rooms on SO chat for years and you've accidentally done your 10000 hours without paying attention :-)
@WesStark dude, you used the word "articulate", most english people can't even do it let alone use it in a sentence :-P
i should read more. i have this strange problem that i don't really pay attention to actual words when i can grasp the content pretty much without reading
well not "most", but plenty
@WesStark err yeh, that's called "knowing a language", you do it in Italian too
I forget the name for it but I did know it at one point, when you become familiar enough with a written language, reading can't start using a different bit of the brain that can just pick out the important words
yeah except that i don't really know those words, i get the content, but not how it's written
I don't see that as being a problem tbh
wow is that @Neal?
@DaveRandom it's a problem when i try to write down those words/sentences and i have no idea how to write them :B
well, I will always offer you some advice. Sometimes it might be dumb, and sometimes I might suggest c=====3 as a replacement word but I'm better than google translate
I might add that to my twitter bio
aha thanks :B yeah all the people in this room helped me a lot, even if they don't know. i actually try to identify the native speakers and focus on them in particular because i hope to learn some fancy words from them :B it worked so far
you ever seen blackadder?
i did, big fan :B
btw, i still need to watch the monty python movies in english
was just thinking about "make note to screw with Wes by making up legit-sounding words" and now am overly amused by the blackadder/samuel johnson scenes
i'd verify them :D
@WesStark have you ever seen Not The 9 O'Clock News?
i'm totally going to watch it, i'm a big fan of rowan atkinson :B
i might go for a run
it's where he and a lot of other people started on TV
@WesStark I mean it's satire from the early 80s so obv there will be a lot of references you don't get (at least, there are for me) and there's also prob a lot of specifically british references, I would be interested to know how much of it comes over actually
@DaveRandom ping
sleepy :-P
oh, nvm
will talk when you get up, :)
it's all good, what's up?
just the theme toggler thing... not something important
that's really nice, great work
:), sleep tight :P
Oh I meant to say this before, can you make sure you include sub-menus for sidebar items
yeah, doable!
cool :-)
nn o/
redefinition of typedefs ttinfo and t1info – #75149
@DaveRandom i'll watch it if i can find it :B
sorry had to go out fast otherwise lorries start to pass by and i breath their shit :B
morning all
posted on September 02, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

again i can't tell if serious or not
3 hours later…
mornin all
@WesStark it really happened.
@Gordon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
mornings \o
Have guys seen UUID RFC which is in voting phase? There are static methods ucfirst in class UUID which as Fleshgrinder says they are "enum constructors" - WTF?
There are no enums in PHP right? or am I missing something
I've fpound that because it was enough weird :)
@brzuchal perhaps he meant named constructors?
why the fuck are they adding that to core
aren't the 12981932 ish uuid implementations enough already?
@mbrzuchalski The ones that start with initial capital letter are enum constructors.
@WesStark because its usefull
Just ask him if he meant named constructors?
@brzuchal is it more useful than one of the 12981932 ish uuid implementations?
I'm going to avoid interacting with someone who is as tasteless to go by the name 'fleshgrinder' where possible.
@WesStark yes in Event Sourceing you're using mostly UUIDv4 or v5
are you trolling me?
how is that different from one that i can get with composer?
@brzuchal except if you're storing those events anywhere, and cared about performance...
that's why Ramsey's UUID lib is a dependency in most CQRS frameworks
yes but they are also a type in most RDBMS
IMO it's more random than 12981932 ish uuid in distributed systems
> I'd vote in favor of something along the lines of uuid_v4_create() in a heartbeat.
.......and now I'm totally agreeing with zeev on something.....I'm gonna go back to bed...
My preferences are objects than structural function and playing with resources
and it can be type hinted
@brzuchal I want to have typed strings like:
typedef EmailAddress extends string {
    if (strpos($this, "@") === false) { throw ...; }
@Danack Is this php?
But having a full class with 20 methods when all that I think should be in core php is a single function, isn't justifiable for me.
@Danack where are the methods like toString(), toHex() and toBin()?
@brzuchal for emailaddress?
There even are no primitives
@Danack I mean if that'll be also a way to implement UUID
for email I can think of getting hostname and username
We have hex2bin() and bin2hex() - we don't (and shouldn't) have any possible random ass function as part of a class.
36 secs ago, by brzuchal
for email I can think of getting hostname and username
No, no no no no no.
please don't use OO by cramming every possible method into a class.
It's okay to 'just' have functions
@Danack I just don't like functions that's all
Well I can't help you with that.
@brzuchal then maybe you need to change your hobby
@tereško don't need that, I like playing with objects
if you are stuffing functions forcefully in a class, then you are not using OOP
just because all of you code is in classes, does not make it object oriented
I think I don't like them because of lack of autoload
and because of resources
it's not that I don't like tham all
if they are so many, that you need to use autoload instead of just making an include in a bootstrap, then your architecture has a lot deeper issues
@Danack I don't like playing with functions and passing resources all the time this is the case where I see objects more usefull and more intuitive
I never suggested using resources.
function getEmailHostName(EmailAddress $email) {
Yes, but that's causing me don't like functions
for them
I meant that. It's completely type safe, and doesn't lump stuff that doesn't need to be in a emailaddress in that class.
The whole of Imagick should have been like that. Rather than $imagick->combineImage($imagick) => function imagickCombineImages(Imagick $baseImage, Imagick $topImage)
Types are useful....OO of having methods in a class, and inheritance, is much less useful.
wouldn't then I need to remember those function names? because I suppose my IDE won't help me with that
That is the one benefit off OO.....but having stupid class design to rather finding a plugin that can help with function names is a bad trade off.
I'm pretty sure there's a plugin that will show you functions that will take the current parameter as an argument....trying to find it.
@tereško I have the impression that someday something come out wrong in a history and you are negative towards me, is that true? If so then I'm sorry for that
@Gordon I see, but I don't like when somebody hates me
@brzuchal some people think it's better than no feelings at all :)
at least, you gotta care to some extent for hating someone
Ok then
for eg. I like weird things and I can imagine this may be badly received by others
@Gordon :D optimist
I hate mysql
Or maybe I only hate ubuntu's packaging of mysql?
You trying to do something crazy like use a password on the command line, of a system where you're the only person to have access to it?
Right now I'm trying to run apt-get update without dpkg strucking on mysql-server
Which may well be related to your previous point
probably not - it allows it, just gives a condescending warning.
At some point they started fucking with the root user and you have to perform a minor excorcism to make it work reasonably and I guess after that mysql can no longer update itself?
Eh marking it as a held package doesn't prevent it from trying to update it either :/
@Danack worldbeardday.com happy beard day :P
Happy beard day @Danack!
morning PeeHaa
We don't need a special day...
Is that you or your beard talking?
We are one.
who else has beard here? Leigh and ??
@NikiC you chose to use ubuntu - you have only your self to blame
@tereško Well, I solved the problem now
Apparently you just need to kill mysqld every time it gets stuck, then at least you can move on
1 hour later…
@NikiC you need to have a debian-maintainer section in your my.cnf file iirc, and the package uses this user to connect and do stuff during upgrades. If you messed up the my.cnf file, it explains why it's failing.
Ugh, basil has mercury in it?
@PeeHaa what's your reasoning for the "no" on UUID RFC?
His reasoning is imo not particularly strong why it should be in core. And the community already does a fine job making it available in userland as it is
I just don't see the need for it
And the rfc didn't convince me
zlib.output_compression outputs gzipped data for empty response – #75150
Hello all, please can someone explain why you can't get a row count with a bindParam? says i have an error in my syntax. thank you for any help

$count_load = $dbh->query('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id');
$count_load->bindParam(':id', $id);
$row_count = $count_load->rowCount();
echo $row_count;
Table is a keyword probably
@PeeHaa i'm using a different table name, just put that in as an example.
scared we're going to steal your table names?
Either post the exact error message, or post the exact code. Don't make us resort to psychic powers to figure out your problem.
@Danack No, they are just long names didn't want to confuse you guys.
@bob so you're calling us stupid, the type of people who wouldn't understand long names?
/i joke...
but seriously.
@Danack ok noted, everything else is the same only the name is different.
post it?
@Danack the whole thing again?
@bob We have no way of answering your problem, unless we can see the actual code. so.....up to you.
probably pastebin or gist it
what error does it give?
@bob if you're using pdo, then you probably mean prepare, not query.
or.... that ^ :D
query expects fully valid sql.
prepare returns a statement that can have values bound to it.
@Danack fuck.
As a brucie bonus - you probably want an execute in there somewhere as well...
@Danack yeah I completely butchered that statement... sorry guys.
@Danack however, now the statement is working but won't show when there are 0 results returned.
narcotize: to make dull; stupefy; deaden the awareness of.
fuck this, I'm going to the beach.
@Ocramius /me looks outside. meh
pg_meta_data with view – #75151
evening room
@Ocramius hm?
@tereško You've flagged my last email as spam, yes?
but I also have not read it
you might recall, I said, that I don't actually read emails
as a programmer, it's a cheap behavior
@Shafizadeh why ?
@Linus Because emails are the most formal contact way .. reading the, for a developer should be mandatory
them *
fuck mail
also, damn, pastis is way too easy to drink
@Félix what do you think of f197d5c4.ngrok.io/login.html?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier o/
@FélixGagnon-Grenier pastis?
Pastis (French pronunciation: ​[pa.stis] ; UK: or US: ) is an anise-flavoured spirit and apéritif from France, typically containing less than 100 g/l sugar and from 40–45% ABV (alcohol by volume). == Origins == Pastis was first commercialized by Paul Ricard in 1932 and enjoys substantial popularity in France, especially in the southeastern regions of the country, mostly Marseille, (Bouches-du-Rhône) and the Var department. Pastis emerged some 17 years after the ban on absinthe, during a time when the French nation was still apprehensive of high-proof anise drinks in the wake of the absin...
that licorice based liquor
Ah anise
goes down waaaay too easily, and this morning I'm properly hangover
euh yeah, that
I... am inclined to try and think of a bad pun to do with that
Been there done that
but, I'm hangover, so I'll let the generally accepted assholes in chief take care of it
oh shit. I think the cure to Canadian-nesss is being hangover
I don't give two chits about apologizing
@Saitama wow, the background
did you just hijacked my se credentials now?
nope :P
otherwise, wow. that's beautiful
And you did all that without hipster stuff like react.
I actually hate react tbh :|
Why tho?
It's like.... Much nicer than... Stuff
@FélixGagnon-Grenier idk... I just love vanilla
vanilla javascript?
but mdc is nice
@tereško lol. so very much that
@Saitama you mean that, not even webpack'n stuff? :gasp:
nope :^P... I know it's like re inventing the wheel... but...
no, not reinventing
just a huge ass pita
I mean, there's not even require in js
importing and sharing modules is like, when js becomes somewhat less of a shit show
you can do classes... and other stuffs...
(arguably, that's more node than webpack)
@Saitama that's not vanilla js tho, unless you target only the latest browsers
but I mean, you only use a huge single js file?
I usually create a file for each page, and one for each classes...
pls help me understanding then, my brain is off right now. if you don't use either webpack and/or node, how do you combine the content of two distinct files in js
combine / import a class in another file
oh, you mean that they are loaded all?!
have a route in your server which lists all the files present in the Scripts/ dir, and receive a json. Iterate through it and keep appending <script> to <body>
all globally visible?
I see
I might just have vomited a bit in my mouth, but I still love you
but, if the project is small, I usually save myself all that trouble, and make one giant js file
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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