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Hi All, kindly please help to answer this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/45478736/…
!!docs function.mail
[ Mail ] Mail book
[ mail() ] Send mail
@HiDayurieDave ^
hmm ... the Artax documentation is ... well ...the diplomatic description would be "sparse"
oh.. ignore that. You're not using that @HiDayurieDave
@HiDayurieDave that post is missing any questions at all. I am actually tempted to close it as "off topic"
OK @tereško
and as someone already mentioned in comments: REAR Mail is a steaming piece of shit - don't use it
hell, the entire PEAR infrastructure is dying and you shouldn't be using it in any new projects
swiftmailer works.
@tereško was that an intentional typo? :) - I mean REAR + shit makes sense
@WesStark , it does . but it doesn't use namespaces , has been discussed in the past . just yesterday some guy recently tried github.com/swiftmailer/swiftmailer/issues/971
@Leigh completely unintentional
it worked out great tho
Maybe that's why I get so much shit in my inbox, people using REAR mail
@Vamsi ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Vamsi Imo his arguments are somewhat weak
what was the alternative? phpmailer? never tried that.
I have used both, but I tend to stick with swift
For no specific reason besides it just works
i was writing exactly the same thing... tbh i don't find it particularly well designed, but it always worked fine.. so i never thought to change it :B
Exactly that :-)
@PeeHaa other than to avoid name collisions + good OO Practice , what other arguments can one make ? he has even thrown in PSR-4
> a PHP library without namespaces looks outdated
Ohnoes it looks somehow "outdated" stable
> using namespaces you can rely on Composer autoloader like ‘PSR-4’, making such files as swift_required.php to be redundant
And why is that file a problem?
> using namespaced based class autoloading (e.g. ‘PSR-4’) will increase performance
While true that's micro optimization at best
My 0.02 :-)
Basically I am agree with Fabien on this one
> Closing as it's not worth it.
Feel free to disagree with me
I disagree
Of course you do :D
do micro-optimizations improve performance @PeeHaa ?
If you are sending email, performance is not your primary concern
or even your secondary concern
Also it's loaded once
@JoeWatkins And yes. So does running around naked instead of with cloths on because of the weight
bad example you are probably doing just that :P
I tried that argument in court, was acceptable apparently
well it depends what you are measuring, if you are measuring the performance of feature X, and apply a micro optimization to X and measure again, you might be able to measure the difference, although probably not, but if you're talking about the performance of an application as a whole, then the answer is no, micro-optimizations do not improve performance ...
hello everyone
@JoeWatkins on your last point.. why?
I am using toggle() function
@JayIsTooCommon because when you are loading a web page, a user does not notice the difference between 100 and 101ms load times
I know it is depricated but it is working for me so....
but there is a problem
@JoeWatkins depends on the frequency of use in the component you optimise
!!docs toggle
2 messages moved to Trash
There is no such thing @PrakashPatil
I can stack micro-optimisations in a heavily used component and get very measurable gains
@PrakashPatil php does not have such a function
@DaveRandom So it does improve performance, just not noticeable
you might say once I've done several it no longer counts as micro- though
@Leigh does that count as a micro-optimization ? (the answer is no)
Yeah I know its about ajax and jquery
@PrakashPatil you're in a PHP room :)
The toggle first hides the division then on second click it shows the div.
@JayIsTooCommon the difference, if it was measurable was already used up by network latency, and the things that actually affect the performance of a web application, like I/O ...
Does anyone have any workaround?


Topic: Anything JavaScript, ECMAScript including Node, React, ...
this is your last polite warning
or there never was a difference and your test was bad and you are wasting your time ... this is much much more likely than being able to measure and then gain the difference ...
@JayIsTooCommon a performance improvement is only an improvement if it's noticeable by a user. Otherwise is mostly just a masturbatory aid for the programmer. It might be a valid thing to do but at the end of the day people don't pay for things they don't notice.
Okay thanks
@DaveRandom aye, agreed :)
paladin: any determined advocate or defender of a noble cause.
@PeeHaa Do you want to have a game of paladin?
@JayIsTooCommon stop being such a dorp paladin
I have no idea what that is? :P
It's where you persistently dress up as characters from Disney's Aladdin
I wonder if this joke will ever get old
I wonder if it will ever get funny
or new
back off, both of you
calm down Jay, probably nap time for you, it's midday ...
Dislike this room.
@JayIsTooCommon shut up, don't be a wimp ... you know I'm kidding ...
@JayIsTooCommon come back to bed honey
No, I'm doing a @WesStark
i'd strongly oppose (with fists) to that
Don't lie
Star this message if you would do @JayIsTooCommon
Star this message if you would do @WesStark
competition time!
maybe now that you have boobs i might change my mind @JayIsTooCommon
he's way underage, sickos
Star this message if you would rather chew your own balls than do one of us.
@Trowski Why'd you keep ignoring the @'s for my amp stickers?!?!!?!
evenings o/
someone is having real trouble deciding who they would do ...
10/10 would do wes
@Jimbo dude, all the amp people are dead
I think they've got their own chat room or something..
probably trying to get away from Wes
there is an amp chat thing somewhere ... I forget where ...
meanwhile i'm winning 3-0
@WesStark foul play.
@JoeWatkins afaik it's still offline
it's on freenode
well, there's a freenode channel
oh, there's a separate amp chat than the channel?
@DaveRandom probably your fault, you are supposed to keep stuff online I think ...
maybe some gitter thing?
it's his first OS contrib
there was a chat thing that @kelunik built on top of aerys and was running but iirc the box died
I assume that people are just busy having lives, possibly being on holiday because it's summer, that kind of thing
but they're robots
someone puked whitespace all over that patch Jay
I blame you, whoever it was ...
ah, well, seems the freenode channel is more active :P
@WesStark how is it still starred O.o
Q: what's the name of the function that returns as soon as it hits a match and stops looping the array? :|
guard pattern?
@PeeHaa your mother?
@DejanMarjanovic Functional a.k.a. hippy programming
@JoeWatkins comment then, you knob
@JayIsTooCommon yes I'm going to test it locally and then just merge it, we were discussing it yesterday, my complaints were all about coding style. I will review changes again later.,
@DaveRandom awesomes
@JayIsTooCommon stop pinging my bra strap, you are making my back sore ...
@PeeHaa well basically this array_search(1337, array_column($users, 'id'));, I don't know the name for "combined" function :-)
jeez, Artax usage docs suck
just read the code :P
I am, it's not helping as much one would hope
mornin all
@DejanMarjanovic No idea. It's called a guard (the technique that is)
thank you, TIL :-)
@JoeWatkins you saved my day... it seems it somehow worked for low traffic moments as the OS might unlock the files but this takes way longer then doing the unlock() in php userland
o/ !
Hmm I have a logic question, I have the following code, so far. Which works for 1 Product. But I would like to save (attach) a serial to every product which means I should combine both foreach loops.
kopy.io/SVXv3 Is there a way I can use @line 11 the $p->id from every product looped above?
serialized session objects in mysql table
^ it's a joke :-)
Q: How to submit and validate forms from form arrays

Nilaksha PereraI have a form that I allow user to upload n number of files. via the forms. Is there a way that I can get the whole list of forms and extract the files one by one and and execute my upload code ? Or is there a better way to do this ? <form id="" name="formBulkUpload[]" action="" method="post" e...

any help on this ?
im blockedd
looks like you have the wrong room ...
even if i corrected the question
no one gives a shit
@NilakshaPerera unfortunately, that includes me ...
this is the PHP room...
my problem is also regarding php + JS
I don't see any php in your code snippet
yeah true. javascript
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ going to play some path of exile until coffee kicks in
btw thanks tiffany.
2-propyl heptane
C-2952 H-4664 O-832 N-812 S-8 Fe-4
Hemoglobin ^
@DaveRandom what is that?
@PeeHaa pfft
Did you lose grip of your balloon?
It happens
@Linus the best chemical
C 169719 H 270464 N 45688 O 52237 S 911
titin ^
the longest protein ever
you are longest protein.
@Linus Combined with mine it's soo good
So I have heard.
From a friend
But don't do it kids
it must be some drugs ? :P
1,3-Benzodioxolylbutanamine (also known as 3,4-methylenedioxybutanphenamine, MDB, BDB, J, and 3,4-methylenedioxy-α-ethylphenethylamine) is an entactogenic drug of the phenethylamine chemical class. It is the α-ethyl analog of MDPEA and MDA and the methylenedioxy analogue of α-ethylphenethylamine. BDB was first synthesized by Alexander Shulgin. In his book PiHKAL (Phenethylamines i Have Known And Loved), the dosage range is listed as 150–230 mg and the duration is listed as 4–8 hours. BDB produces entactogenic, MDMA-like effects. While pleasant and euphoric, BDB is also fairly sedating and some...
@DaveRandom i still can't find something only twitter account related to it :P
Wait wat
There is a dedicated twitter account?
It better have photos
a russian one
!!? C11H15NO2
Search for "C11H15NO2" (https://www.google.com/search?q=C11H15NO2&lr=lang_en)
• C11H15NO2 - Wikipedia - The molecular formula C11H15NO2 may refer to: Benzodioxolylbutanamine · Butamben · m-Cumenyl methyl… (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C11H15NO2)
• Chemical Identifier Search | C11H15NO2 - ChemSpid… - 6031 results - Search by Systematic name, Synonym, Trade name, Registry number, SMILES or InChI. |… (http://www.chemspider.com/Search.aspx?q=C11H15NO2)
• MDMA | C11H15NO2 | ChemSpider - Structure, properties, spectra, suppliers and links for: MDMA, Ecstasy, methylenedioxymethamphetami… (http://
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MDMA is the one you should choose from that list
well, tbh I really hate organic chemistry...
It's the one you would choose
synthetic ftw :P
/me goes back to work
inorganic ftw!
ah .. this getting better every week: arstechnica.co.uk/tech-policy/2017/08/…
are you sure @Ekin, that you will be able to leave the New Ottoman Empire, when you want?
I certainly hope so. Don't put that thought into my mind now while I am trying to sort out phpnw travels, not helping @tereško :P
@DaveRandom sorry my bad i just skipped wiki page.
posted on August 03, 2017 by remicollet

Bugfix release for **PHP 7+** - add uopz.disable ini switch (default 0) - fix bug #43: setting hook on __invoke method doesn't work on call_user_func - fix bug #48: segmentation fault (uopz_set_return) - add 4 new functions: - uopz_call_us...

@DaveRandom what's the state of nonblocking.exe?
@PeeHaa s/.exe/.run
@SheikYerbouti ?
@PeeHaa looks... french
lol coneheads. Now that was a bad movie :P
how do you even find those movies
We are born before 2000 unlike you. We have actually witnessed them
fuck me, for a second there I thought "born after 2000? that's not old enough to have an account here" :(
@PaulCrovella that's because you're old.
Think my new boss would swing a £800 flight and £100 ticket and £200 hotel costs for PHPNW?
wait, my crystal ball is all dusty in the back of a cupboard ... brb ...
Depends on how "new" of a boss he is.
heh there's no way. :P
aaaand again I have to use Guzzle instead of Artax :(
Guzzle is not that bad.
Get the pitchforks!
hides in the corner
that's the corner with the pitchforks
it's just that Artax interface is abominable
I have no idea how to send a POST with json in it
@Fabor Absolutely. We get 2.5k+ each per year for personal development
You should demand at least half, which covered that
@Jimbo Send it my way then -_-
We're a small company.
@Fabor that example assumes, that I know how to format a POST body
is there an equivalent of xfile which just serves the file rather than forcing clients to download it?
Trying to have a php script serve certain images as site assets
aehm, what's the antonym for "assign" (e.g. a property) that is not as vague as "get"? fetch, perhaps?
yeah, not what i meant :B
> what's the antonym for "assign"
what am I missing..
retrieve? they're all quite broad
Oh wait, so like get/set
I get it now.
they are probably not antonyms, so you are right :B the opposite of set is unset, unassign, as jay said, not get
which one should I pick, linode or vultr
is it possible that like asm has names for these things tho?
Retrieve is a good one. Pull, take
i'm gonna go with fetch i think
acquire, obtain
I think obtain will look quite good in your code :D
@PaulCrovella there's a video leak in case you want to see it. just few seconds
whatever you're talking about the answer is probably no
@Fabor For a company to work, it needs to invest in it's employees. Half that shouldn't be a big deal for a few devs (realistically 1). If it would struggle because of that cost.. there's more to worry about ;)
@PeeHaa working, just missing tests, that's why it's not merged
@Jimbo Sure. That depends on perception.
I think there were some open questions about the internal implementation but that won't change the API
@Fabor No I mean, not sending an employee to a well established conference should only be one of two reasons (tell me if you don't agree): (1) they can't afford it (2) the employee has already been places this year (so - maxed out their allowance which yes is obviously smaller for smaller companies).
If (1), and the cost is £1k, then I'd be worried about the company considering how much you usually get each month anyway
I agree 100% Jimbo, but I find that opinion exists more in employees than employers
If (2), that's your own bloody fault :P
And luckily, bosses find it harder to find good devs unless they're flexible. If they're not flexible... ... come join my team! :D
No hables espanol
You don't need to :) free lessons
Y me gustan tus tetitas
Donde esta la senioritas
@WesStark those readme headers look awesome
ah maybe it was Niklas

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