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Jun 10 '16 at 22:04, by Félix Gagnon-Grenier
hmm, anyone got a string to make json_encode() fail?
Could a youth please identify the music at 12:40 youtu.be/X9z3sy4t0so?t=12m40s (slight volume warning).
@Ocramius "\x80" -- wait, don't need the extraneous stuff for encoding
nice, thanks @PaulCrovella!
@kaori stop changing username and identify that music ^^
I'm sure it's within your knowledge range
@Danack I identify it as irritating
which is probably why you asked for a youth
Paul's become so snob lately
@PaulCrovella next you'll be claiming that Tokyo Drift - Teriyaki Boyz isn't a musical masterpiece.
@Danack it is not
@Ocramius you sound old.
This is a masterpiece:
Also, why does nobody have serious answers to anything on twitter? I have a critical problem:
What is the DBA equivalent of a BOFH's LART? I need to chop off the hands of users editing a DB in production...
If I force all traffic through https:// I should probably have my @ URL Redirect Record for my DNS point to https://www.domain.com instead of http://www.domain.com, right?
/me waves
2 hours later…
so, now we can convert currencies with jeeves. i'm going to do that just to show off my social status :B
!!convert 3.25 us dollars in euro
3.25 dollars is all i have.
We will be able to convert currencies with Jeeves as soon as someone accepts my pull request :s
Oh haha
did you add tests?
No :O I didn't know I was supposed to
I still need to learn how to write tests
if you add the tests it will be more easily reviewed. but in reality nobody actually cares. jeeves is always under surgery :B
Haha it is true. I need to learn how to set up a local version of Jeeves. I tested each individually function in the plugin but not the whole plugin itself
@Alesana me too. there are a million ways to write tests.
I have a long ways to go with PHP :P
but what people do here i believe is mostly state verification
basically you create an object of a class you wrote, you call a function, then you verify that the function changed the object or interacted with other objects how you expected it should do
$calc = new Calc();
assertSame(4, $calc->sum(2, 2));
Hmm, I was thinking it was more complicated than that.
and you do that until you have 100% code coverage (i.e. you hit with tests all the code you've written)
I guess I already write tests for my code in that case, I just don't save them
it is complicated. for example i've used sum(2,2) but what about sum(2,3) ? or any other combination of integers
@Alesana if you don't have one already you'll need a SE openid openid.stackexchange.com - then in the config directory copy config.sample.yml to config.yml and edit it, replacing info as needed/desired, then run bin/jeeves
fundamentally there are two ways to test code, black box and white box testing. in practice it's a mess, because both have disadvantages and advantages
@PaulCrovella So I would be having my handle act as the bot for testing?
@WesStark I guess that makes sense. I want to invest in PHPUnit once I start making enough money for it :3
@Alesana yes, unless you want to work another account up to enough rep (without cheating) that it can talk in chat
phpunit is free
Wait no, I am thinking of something else
phpstorm probably :B
@PaulCrovella Someone had explained to me that the SE openid was only for if I wanted to make my own bot separate from Jeeves, I guess I misunderstood though
phpstorm is also kinda free. there is the EAP version
@Alesana you are making your own bot separate from jeeves (the account)
I am not employed as of now @WesStark
@PaulCrovella Yeah I guess I had misunderstood, PeeHaa told me I could set up a local version I thought that I could give it commands through a CLI or something
unless something drastic has changed, that has not been implemented yet
The only thing that has drastically changed is my understanding of how to test Jeeves :P
mornin php lovers o/
does markdown have a strict definition of how titles are converted to a valid id tag, e.g.
# foo x bar
<h1 id="foo-x-bar">

foo-x-bar ... how is this generated?
@Alesana yeah, looks to still be an open request github.com/Room-11/Jeeves/issues/70 - feel free to have at that next :D
@PaulCrovella It would be a convinient feature
something's wrong with the gpu... i'm getting lines not updated at the same time... vsync it's called i believe -__-
lemme reboot
@WesStark there is no singular "markdown" - there are a variety of flavors.. and I don't believe any are particularly strict
I am hoping this shitty laptop can handle vm virtual box
I am about to find out
Did you hear about the actor who fell through the floorboards? He was just going through a stage.
There are so many things that I want to learn but I feel like I never have enough time
PLeasse help me regarding I was try to remove some space from the body of a page but I couldnt
how will I sort this issue
Would you help me?
Can I pass the url
HTML is in that room over there ------>
Or was it over there <------------
I am in there :P
would be great if chrome didn't pollute the bloody firewall like this
You still use windows 7?
why would i change it? it works
I also use Windows 7
/me too
you guys are so old school... cool kids use deepin
you use animes windows?
christ, he changed name again?
no... but i'd have if it existed :P
ok i'm done. to the ignore list
@WesStark shake yer booty
well, am I really in the ignore list? ;-;
dunno what the hell was wrong with the gpu
maybe fucked up driver
temps are fine..
You know those annoying prompts that always come up asking you to upgrade to windows 10?
ok, I'll be leaving... o/
One time that happened to Arnold Schwarzenegger.. but he didn't want to do it
He said....
I still love vista baby
i got my firewall block the process
Your firewall blocks the update?
i got no update, so i presume it did
Wow you need to teach me your ways
I did everything I could to stop them
And it kept asking
i just killed the process with zone alarm
zone alarm is not popular these days. but it works, and it's still just a firewall. other "firewalls" have too much shit in it, antispyware, antivirus. too much crap for my tastes
I haven't heard of it
that said, you probably can kill processes also with comodo or others
Yeah most antiviruses are more viruses than the viruses they're killing
zone alarm is the most famous windows firewall of the '00 :D
/me needs to take a security class
me too :B
@Alesana correct
@WesStark tiny personal firewall takes that
I mainly use avast because it's free
the best firewall i've ever used was sygate
/me use windows defender
Document correction – #75027
killed by symantec after acquired the company
Symantec is so obnoxious
they used to be fine, long long ago
symantec is basically the worst IT company, even worse than apple. they've killed dozens of software via acquisition
Long before my time I suppose
way back when mcafee first went to shit
avira + zone alarm works for me
but i haven't looked for alternatives in years
both have a very small impact on system performance, and i haven't had viruses in years... so i assume they work
you guys should use linux, no such hassles...
I tried windows a couple of days ago, and it was one of my worst experiences ever
@SheikYerbouti How do you do graphic design?
well... if I really have to, I use GIMP.
I used to have Ubuntu on my main computer for a while, back before I knew what I was doing
gimp is worse than windows
"if I really have to" :P
> gimp is worse than windows
I am so confused
I do agree on it being very bad, but it suffices for many trivial tasks
gimp doesn't look too bad. it's probably good enough to do 95% of what ps can do
it isn't
i wish i could say the same of inkscape and illustrator
I only use gimp and never ran into anything it couldn't do
I'm not an expert graphic designer but I do like to do some designs
don't get me wrong, it can do a lot of things - you just never want to actually try
@PaulCrovella I think it's all about what you learn first
yes, if you learn something sane first you'll hate gimp. otherwise you'll still probably hate gimp
You use PS?
Do you know Gimp?
PS fanboy detected :P
i've used gimp, i've tried. i really have. but it's awful
haha oh
I don't know how to use PS
I tried a little bit one time but not much
Even if PS were free I would be using Gimp because it has everything I need
But maybe my designing is more basic than I was previously thinking
<- still misses jasc paint shop pro / corel paint shop pro
@WesStark Ohhh memories
corel bought a program that was as good as ps and ruined it completely
to this day, it still had stuff that ps doesn't have
hell, i don't even use it for design.. haven't really done design for a long time.. i use it for actually dealing with photographs (though most is done with ACR anymore)
I knew of psp before I knew of ps, granted I was very young and learned from my dad
@PaulCrovella I could definitely see PS being much more powerful with photograph editing in particular'
i don't know if gimp ever got soft proofing working well, i gave up long ago
in ps the shit just works
<- also misses corel draw. again a lot of stuff was much more comfortable to make there than in illustrator
illustrator is a mess
Ah see I never designed anything to be printed, just to be thrown up on a page or something
@Alesana psp still exists tho. i keep buying it hoping it would change. but it never does
it just doesn't work. it hangs, it crashes. it's just hopeless
used to be a wonderful software... what a shame
It's a sad story
@WesStark did you want to create a sentence as in the meme, 'he protec, he attac, but more importantly ...'
Growing up when I was some 12 years old I saw my dad bought it and I thought it was the coolest thing in the world. Right there and then I decided that my calling was to be a graphic designer.
Well I guess that goes to say that you shouldn't decide what your calling is at 12 years old
right. then we both ended up dealing with internet explorer, safari, php, javashit
what a wasted life
Once you see yourself coding in Javashit, you really know you've hit rock bottom
:P In all reality I only found PHP to be my passion about a year ago
No, I said PHP, not JS
It's like light-masochist
:B in all honesty, php isn't much better than js :B in fact, all languages are pretty much shit
light masochist.
That's what I've heard
But I just hate working with JS
I don't know what it is
It's not hard to do
:p who knows
Do you use some PHP framework when working?
nope, only libraries, and not many
I've found my comfort zone in JS in these recent days
Ah, I am treating frameworks as the light at the end of my tunnel. Once I know enough PHP to where I could create the frameworks that I'm using, I will start using them
that's not how it works. you use frameworks when you have no clue of what you are doing :P
That was my original plan so I came in here with that plan
And yeah I am still here
you ruined it
I gotta get some sleep
I was so tired I forgot about testing Jeeves
\o gn
passes out
"returns true if the object is a proper subset of, or is equal to, the other object"
are commas correct in this sentence?
@WesStark isn't the last one redundant?
i have no idea
@WesStark I think the first one is a nice point for a pause in the sentence; but the second one isn't that useful
@Linus epic failure
yeah, Gordon already told it won't succeed...
twitter.com/_DaveRandom/status/865623936209256451 seems to be very popular with large-breasted bikini-clad women
that including Jimbo and PeeHaa is kinda hilarious :P
reported all of them for spam, just in case
at one point it had like 20+ likes with glamour model-esque avatars but I guess Twitter have done some cleanup of shitty accounts
@PaulCrovella always do
I get those, and followers ...
@DaveRandom i mean jimbo and peehaa too.. never can be too sure
I just assumed it was because I'm so beautiful ...
Oh it is, you're special
everyone else gets them for entirely different reasons
that sounds right, I'm going to continue to believe it ... despite evidence to the contrary ...
evidence shmevidence
exactly, whoever needed evidence to justify feelings anyway ...
That should be the tag line for 2017
the first half at least, there's still enough time for trump to start all out war
@Linus you ruined the longest combo ever :B
:-P sorry
boooo :P
@JoeWatkins The only people Trump could start a war with is NK, they would never make the first move because for all their sabre-rattling they know they would get instanuked. No-one else will rise to his bluster.
You can quote me on that to make sure I look extra-dumb when we are all dead.
win-win, if you're right, no war! If you're wrong, no one left alive to tell you I told you so!
It's comfortable under this rock
if I can choose three things to take to the afterlife with me, I'd choose that quote, a stick to beat you with, and obviously a big bag of drugs, because eternity ...
@JoeWatkins How big is enough for eternity though?
"Large size"
@MadaraUchiha in fairy tale land, the bag can also be eternal, and will be ...
I'm not sure where you get the impression that NK wouldn't make the first move ...
they have been making the first move over and over, in view of the entire world, making press reports about it, for as long as I remember ... the other week they detonated an ICBM that could reach mainland united states and all the US done was a flyover ...
He's not that kind of idiot. He's like that kid in the playground who talks himself up the whole time but never actually gets physical, because he knows he would get pummelled if he did.
where do you think this will end, in some kind of negotiations ? or in NK developing the weapons they have been trying to develop, and spent billions of their rather small GDP on for so long ... I would bet the latter ...
What makes you think that status quo is not the end game?
status quo is working well for him
he is comfortable and feared
if he pushes any harder, he will be uncomfortable and dead
I said moin...
he's feared precisely because he's slowly made advances toward attacking the biggest military power on earth, and he can't back down from that if he wants to remain feared ... eventually something has to happen ...
calm down jay, we see you ... get a juice box and sit in the corner ...
@kentcdodds Hi Kent, it looks like this npm package is stealing env variables on install, using your cross-env pack… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/892306836199800836
I think at some point the US will need to respond with actual force, kill people, destroy shit .... and history will record that NK made the first move, even though the USA will do the most damage and make the more effective move ... they have to respond before it gets to the point that NK could actually kill anyone, possibly even their own citizens ... I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see another way for it to terminate ...
ugh, more scantily clad women liking and retweeting me
pfft, you strive to get my attention
oh, estimates
would it be enough to acquire my "write" lock at write-time (or do I need the write-lock from the point in time where I read until the data is finally written?).
would it be enough to acquire a read lock at read-time and the write lock only at write-time?
morning everyones
@staabm I can't answer that, it depends what the code expects ... if you acquire a read lock read something, then acquire a write lock and write something, some other process may acquire a write lock before the current process, and that may look like a race condition, but it depends on what the code expects ... if it's not important that the read and write happen sequentially and synchronized, then it's not important ...
@JoeWatkins we are talking in a php session handler interface context
no idea how that works
so it reads at the start of a request, and writes at the end ?
Hey every one . I wrote a blog post and would be great if I can get some feedback / pointers . vamsi.blog/2017/08/03/php-anonymous-classes-example.html
the builtin one retains the write lock for the life of the request or until the session is closed
that's the safe way to do it ...
@JoeWatkins exactly. impl. wise you implement the hooks separately, so you can acquire look whenever you like (at read time, at write time, at "open" time, at "close/destroy" time)
@Vamsi your ISO datetimes seem to be malfomed
@JoeWatkins yep. we see a lot of time spent while waiting for a lock at the production website. thats the reason I look into this problem right now.
@tereško in the example json ?
used this tool to generate json-generator.com
oh god, session is so horrible ... I'm not familiar with this interface at all ... I don't use session, it is totally useless
I reflected the idea in my own session handler (which allows timeouts and doesnt waits endless, like phps native file-handler does):

but it turns out that even a timeout of 15seconds seems no to be enough to aquire a session lock :-/
@JoeWatkins so how do you handle state between http requests? give each user a separate ssh shell to the php process? ;)
you aren't releasing the lock, it is deadlocking
@JoeWatkins php releases the lock automatically when the filehandle gets closed
I'm thinking about job change... cnbc.com/2017/08/02/…
> 5.3.2 The automatic unlocking when the file's resource handle is closed was removed. Unlocking now always has to be done manually.
@AlmaDo You and @Gordon :)
@JoeWatkins hmmm I need to check that again, thx for your pair of eyeballs ;)
@Fabor I have to challenge him, right? hm.. going to buy tickets to Essen
@staabm @JoeWatkins only uses one eye
@JayIsTooCommon you know the one eyed pirate joke, yes?
I don't ..
@staabm currently involves complicated local and distributed caching strategies not designed by me (although I've made improvements), but it's barely applicable to anything smaller (than many tens of thousands of domains and fuck knows how many servers) ... but in general it means carefully written code, and some kind of (simple as possible) caching strategy ... but I can't tell you what it looks like without knowing the requirements of the application or what caches you have ...
once you know how whatever lock you're using behaves, and know what the requirements for the application are, it's not so difficult to work out when to lock/read/write/whatever, strategy is a product of those things ...
@staabm HAAHAH
@Vamsi syntax of anon classes and normal classes is different, that should be covered, don't just say "it's the same" ... it isn't the same and the article is only 170 words, needs more non-code content ...
@JoeWatkins sure, I will try to cover them. agree of the "needs more non-code content" also. Will keep it in mind when writing the next post . Thanks !
@staabm .... how is that a thing...
user in a rollback war with... himself stackoverflow.com/posts/45048663/revisions
@Linus best news today.
@PaulCrovella let_them_fight.jpg
i'm melting
Wrong example – #75028
damn @leigh
we can't have nice things
@Danack is there actually a jpeg for that or are you just making them up now?
for all I know you just made that up too
If I just made up that one, it would involve a lot of effort, and a time machine.
why ya holding out on us with the time machine
@PeeHaa morning
@JayIsTooCommon Last day in the rain?
Aye.. I'm not ready for it at all
@WesStark hm?
@JayIsTooCommon :P
@Leigh what's that?
nah, that's too pretty to be you
I see it all the time in netflix list when looking for something for my son, never bothered to actually look at it...
Samurai Jack
if your son is young, maybe not so much
2 years old, I'll just skip for now :)

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