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"Ill call you later." Don't call me later, call me Dad
come with me if you want to live
3 days, 12 hours. longest week of my life
what is the antonym for "shortlist of candidates" ?
@tereško LinkedIn
getimagesize on SWC files returns zero width and height – #74910
@Ocramius badumtss
Can anyone give RFC karma to this poor soul? :D externals.io/message/99851
^ ping @JoeWatkins
Anyone use prophecy? I want every method of an object I'm mocking to return null, except one that I'm expecting to be called once and will return a string
Apparently I have to manually state every method returns null
@Jimbo doesn't it return null if not defined?
@Patrick I can make it all return null, that's fine. But as soon as I say "This method will actually return a string instead", I get "Method call was not expected, expected calls were..."
Because it calls one that I want to return null by default
But seem to have to specify
@Jimbo are you using dummies? (->reveal())
Dummies make all the methods return null, right?
Ah I see, yeah you are right
As you might see, the only difference between how we get dummies and stubs is that with stubs we describe every object conversation instead of just agreeing with null returns (object being dummy). As a matter of fact, after you define your first promise (method call), Prophecy will force you to define all the communications - it throws the UnexpectedCallException for any call you didn't describe with object prophecy before calling it on a stub.
Yeah, super annoying... either describe the whole object or don't at all
So I'm guessing it's a "no partial mocks" thing?
Yeah lately I've just been using my own objects instead
Easier to maintain and read the tests
@tereško longlist of ex-candidates
rejected candidates?
@WesStark Uh, amp oughtn't being dangerous
@Patrick mocks are preprogrammed call by call, stubs are programmed once and always answer the same thing, dummies are meant to error if accessed
@WesStark "rejects"
@WesStark "Weses"
every logo @WesStark does
"Cunts" it's a short list
Hello everyone, if i'm doing redirection with window.location.href = '/login'; and then after login i want to redirect back with same page, should i have to store url in Session?
any other options?
can someone enlighten me (as in: link me to) how PHP registers userland functions/methods during the request?
@Ocramius why is the guy referring to the pipe operator
/me waves
@WesStark I need a thing
cccccccccoombo breaker
oh hai anthony
not fair, I was looking at old message
it's @JayIsTooCommon's fault
@JoeWatkins you ruined your own game
shut up shut up shut up
what do you need?
a hair cut
twitter header .... go ...
please ...
lol, for what
@JayIsTooCommon you'll get old too. and we'll all laugh
lol, I love how @WesStark is now r11's bitch
just because the old one, which was just a photo, isn't the right size any more because they changed their design I think ... so just do whatever, something php-ish ... I won't complain about it for weeks ... promise ...
@WesStark "Looking for a real man, fed up of my wife. Oh also php."
@FélixGagnon-Grenier I thought @Jay had that role?
Actually... i wouldn't mind that header..
need a wife first
> x-twitter-response-tags: BouncerCompliant
@JayIsTooCommon too soon?
taken directly from twitter
@WesStark Never too soon. I've always known @JoeWatkins had a thing for me
@bwoebi heh, I guess they can share
@JayIsTooCommon you just excluded yourself ...
hmh, but Jay is still the master bitch, no?
@JoeWatkins take it back...
Trigger notice by calling isset on undefined property in 7.x – #74911
@JayIsTooCommon okay
@JoeWatkins thanks <3
@WesStark is it excellent yet ?
I'll assume you are busy ... making it excellent ...
@SagarNaliyapara what URL you want to store in the session?
I'm afk, school run ... don't let my absence distract you @WesStark
remember it?
the thor's php hammer
@WesStark no clue
> We can’t send commands to the lights too fast. If you stick to around 10 commands per second to the /lights resource as maximum you should be fine.
I guess that's fine. :D
Evenings o/
@WesStark excellent
glocal: of or relating to the interconnection of global and local issues, factors, etc.
@Wes "it doesn't work"
too much on the right?
@krakjoe, UK
President of the goto appreciation society, ex beard owner, biker, also #php.
2.3k tweets, 1.6k followers, following 106 users
twitter has such a shit layout
@JoeWatkins a lot of space for some text there..
not sure if google maps changes position of some streets (because they were wrong, and they corrected them?) or i fucked up something when i saved the coordinates
remember when everything was much simpler
its not that people got lost on their way with paper maps
they worked
@WesStark Sure, but I wouldn't argue it was simpler to find things.
I never used to go anywhere before GPS ...
maps appear as static noise on a television set to me ...
you lack of spirit of adventure
@WesStark You get that when your phone battery drains. :P
@kelunik Am I seeing that right, that DNS watchers (at least in DNS v0.8, i.e. the v1 version) are never disabled (and pendingRequests not decremented) if there is no reply from the server arriving (i.e. the timeout is triggering, but not doing any cleanup)?
> send a letter to the FCC & Congress
people still believe that stuff works
of course ...
star this message to save a penguin ...
@bwoebi I think you see that wrong. github.com/amphp/dns/blob/…
@kelunik the serverTimeoutWatcher is only enabled when there are no pendingRequests
rasmus is claiming that php wouldn't exist without net neutrality... I can't tell which side he's on
@kelunik github.com/amphp/dns/blob/… < that line is never triggered upon lost reply
@PaulCrovella source?
@bwoebi It doesn't matter, because we use a single socket per server.
@kelunik yes, but it is only added for timeout if pendingRequests == []
@PaulCrovella hah, just got it. #humpDay.
but pendingRequests is never empty if we hit an Amp\timeout @kelunik
Yes, you might be right. At least the pendingRequests fills up if just some replies get lost.
rasmus is claiming that php wouldn't exist without net neutrality... I can't tell which side he's on
@bwoebi You should be able to clean it up like in the new version. github.com/amphp/dns/blob/…
@kelunik fact is, I have a DNS server readwatcher stalling the whole process. And I see no other way how that could happen … and I indeed got a tcp connection established (for a small answer), which signals to me that the reply timed out.
Where do you have that?
@kelunik hetzner
@kelunik except that in the old version the map is addressed by request id
Is that what I think it is? You're still active there and it uses Amp?
@kelunik yes
@bwoebi Yes, sure.
@JoeWatkins 8 penguins saved!
my twitter profiles gives off such an otaku vibe
@kelunik on the eap? no support yet for inline {@see ClassName} ?
@WesStark ?
But why did you ping me? :D
because iirc you complained too about that? :B when you were doing the documentation thingy
Can't remember, but might be true
well ... fuck
earphone jack died on my phone
tried with a hammer?
already ordered these ones as a replacement
@WesStark lol
are you sure it's not the phone broken?
@tereško you'll get all the ladies with them
more like "not loose them immediately"
/me has 10$ earphones
you can't get wireless earphones for $10
@tereško you have buy new one some months ago isn't it?
those are over-the-ear, with noise canceling
@Linus I need something, taht I can use on a bicycle and not die
Oh :P
you want to ride a bicycle AND not die? fussy.
@tereško how do you handle the sweat with earphones? it's the painful part for me :/
noise canceling ruins the best frequencies in heavy metal guitars
@FlorianMargaine I don't sweat a lot ... well ... at least not on head
if you have noise, have 320kbps cbr audio, or better
I was using these all the time: sony.co.uk/electronics/in-ear-headphones/xba-h3
but .. well .. jack is dead, so, no wires for me
> £249
fuck. that.
ha, I just got a new pair of earphones with my new Moto G5+.
@JayIsTooCommon for some reason, I actually got them for 140€ :D
I think someone fucked up at the official shop (I bought those directly in an outlet)
@JayIsTooCommon not even if i was a millionaire, right?
it's just offensive
to all the children starving in the world
@FlorianMargaine is moto g5+ any good..? i have the g4+ ones... and the g5 don't really look worth upgrading to...
@Kaori dunno, I have it since ~2h :)
my previous phone is ~6 years old, so anything is much better, to be fair.
oh :)
I am still on Sony Z2 ... havent seen anything good yet to be worth replacing with
it was on sale for primeday, and I had to change my previous phone, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not the kind to spend >$300 on a phone
I tend to buy expensive gear and use for long time
same (as in 1 message behind)
@tereško did I say how long my previous phone lasted? :)
those sony ones have lasted for me 4 years now
and they are still fine
@MadaraUchiha, still doing canonical bounties? here's a nomination.. cheers! stackoverflow.com/q/44878379/3597276
that initial fear when posting a question on a different stack exchange site, with only one point in reputation
I feel like I'm going to get skewered.
you need to get more points int the main site, then, when making a new account, you get granted 101 points by default
PDO errorInfo 1062 Duplicate entry – #74912
posted on July 12, 2017 by kelunik

- Fixed caching. Previously it accidentally used the query type instead of the TTL as TTL, which means that `A` records were only cached for one second and other records not much longer. - Fixed pending requests not being completely cleaned up if ...

thing is, I'm not sure I can give anything of value to the main site.
just pick a tag
@Tiffany that's never stopped anyone from gaining rep.. plenty of high-rep folk provide no value
there is that too
are we talking about SO or like the meta site?
I have seen 50k+ users, which have 3 answers (all with negative votes)
or something else entirely?
we are talking about SO
how the fuck
by asking 5 questions every day
oh geez
well, my question got one upvote, so I suppose it's not completely worthless
here is an example
@DaveRandom lxr111 is dead
lxr112 is alive but I don't think you are using it at all, correct?
And when I mean lxr111 is dead I mean completely irrecoverable.
@tereško that's crazy. But looking through the questions they've asked, they seem like perfectly valid questions. Granted, I don't know how many times the question has been asked and if they didn't google it beforehand. Like how to exit vim.
@Levi what's the difference between both boxes?
@bwoebi What's installed on them.
Eventually they were supposed to be redundant servers and whatnot but we haven't made it that far yet ^_^
Is it possible to use strikethrough markdown in a StackExchange question? Like this. I already tried using the markdown for chat, but it doesn't seem to be it.
:D <strike></strike>
evenin room
posted on July 12, 2017 by kelunik

- Fixed issues with cookies when IDN support is not available.

Why do I get an 1 in the last part of this code?
$referece_code = '5.109(4)';
$attempt = 0;
$referenceCode = $referece_code.'-'.$attempt;
$get = explode("-",$referenceCode);
echo print_r($referenceCode);
why are you echoing print_r?
:O Yes
Omg :D
I think print_r is probably returning a 1 because truthy, and echo prints the return value. That's just my guess though.
Yes maybe it's trying to return the # of the array
php.net/manual/en/function.print-r.php it returns a true value, which is 1
> When the return parameter is TRUE, this function will return a string. Otherwise, the return value is TRUE.
Hello there
Why do I get this error "Only variables should be passed by reference"
For this code below

$stmt->bindParam(':password', password_hash($_POST['password'],PASSWORD_BCRYPT));
About $stmt

if(!empty($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['password'])):

	//Enter the new user in the database.
	$sql = "INSERT INTO users (email,password) VALUES (:email, :password)";
	$stmt = $conn->prepare($sql);

	$stmt->bindParam(':email', $_POST['email']);
	$stmt->bindParam(':password', password_hash($_POST['password'],PASSWORD_BCRYPT));

		$message= 'Succesfully created new user';
		$message= 'Sorry there must have been an issue creating your account';
Is it abnormal to have a really hard time picking up Magento?
it's abnormal to try
It takes me FOREVER to do anything.
I just started this job a month ago and have hardly gotten ANYTHING done in that time.
It takes an eternity to do even the smallest things and I still don't understand how everything is connected in there.
Sounds like I've had better luck with SharePoint...
(SharePoint is touted as impossible to use as well)
Granted I've been told this app is a rat's nest of outsourced dev work aside from being on Magento.
I'm worried they're going to find my performance sub-par.
Do you have a performance review or something?
Like at six months?
I feel like it would have been quicker to code the damn thing from scratch myself.
I'm not sure of the kosher way to ask this, but maybe ask how your superiors think you're doing?
if they know it's a rat's nest, and they know it's magento, they likely don't expect a great deal just yet
I really hate this position so far.
Wordpress and Magento.
Find something new?
They made it sound like they were doing actual coding.
After a month?
They have some projects which are built of Falcon.
But they seem to be few and far between.
@PorFavorDama bindParam expects a variable, not the return value of a function.
$password = password_hash($_POST['password'],PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$stmt->bindParam(':password', $password);


$stmt->bindValue(':password', password_hash($_POST['password'],PASSWORD_BCRYPT));
How much experience do you have? You're easily more skilled than I am, but I've had this job for a few years.
About 4 years.
1 of which I had my own company, and not counting the year or two when I was 16 I did freelance work.
And 1 year of which I was lead dev at a small marketing company.
Anyone think its a bad idea to push ~7k rows into a mysql database from a oracle sql database using insert statements with PDO?
@bassxzero I actually use a mix of both, because I tend to use bindValue() as default and change it to bindParam() only when I intentionally want to assign by reference
If you're unsatisfied with the work being assigned to you, I wouldn't consider it a fault to find something else... but that's my opinion.
Are you waiting for the work to improve?
... why would anyone willingly use Falcon ?!
@bassxzero I think it's a bad idea to migrate live if that's what you mean.
@tereško It's better than Magento and WP.
I wouldn't mind it...if I could just...you know...code.
@tereško same, but I'm just trying to help out PorFavorDama.
@PorFavorDama well .. I kinda wrote a lib for that
I've learned to accept that maybe 1/4 of my job is actual programming. Hardly enough to keep my skillset polished. It's my fault for not practicing at home, though.
@Allenph it's not a migration. One app needs data from the data's home and the only way to get it is to populate a table that is refreshed weekly.
@Tiffany That is terrible.
@bassxzero That sounds like a fun situation.
@PorFavorDama anyway, you have to understand, that bindParam() assigns by reference. If you are not passing a variable to it, then it can't have a reference
The script would be something like query the Oracle data, start a mysql transaction, truncate the mysql data, loop through the Oracle data inserting it into the mysql table, commit the transaction.
@Allenph why does it sound like one of those "Saw" choices ?
I'm just wondering if doing this for 7k rows is a bad idea, but I can't think of many better solutions considering they are different database engines/flavors.
@bassxzero From what someone's said before on a similar situation, it would be better to enter it in as all one transaction if possible than multiple transactions.
@tereško It kind of is, but...I'd take Falcon over Magento and WP all day.
I can't remember the reasons though.
@Allenph same way as you will take "getting eye gauged out" over "being killed"
@Tiffany it is one transaction. Otherwise an insert error would leave the app's table in an unusable state.
@tereško Indeed.
if your options are "bad" and "worse", mistakes were made in the planning phase
@bassxzero fair enough
The previous company I worked for went bankrupt. We came into work one day, worked for a few hours, went to lunch, came back and they were taking all the stuff and our manager told everyone to go home.
And they gave us a few hundred bucks each.
I didn't really have a choice.
good morning
@tereško the joys of inheriting apps to maintenance
@Orangepill morn o/
@linus \o
@bassxzero I know that feeling all too well
@tereško my day 1 change to the app. pastebin.com/q3pievyj
wtf is that shit
"production" code
jesus christ, that's horrible
"there's a new date... need to add an extra line to the else-if chain"
@bassxzero Is the whole app like that?!
@Allenph you know it. I'm not rewriting the entire thing either. I'm just rewriting enough automation so that I don't have to touch it ever again.
Was that app outsourced?!
I got a doozie that will top that.
No it was just created by a non-coder
A coder who wasn't lazy enough
Apparently this company had a client who literally rented a van...copied their DB to 3 PHYSICAL disks...got in the van and tried to drive the drives across the country to migrate their data.
you say lazy I say smart, but meh what can you do
The guy shut one disk in the van door.
Then the van got STOLEN!
hi guys
i develop in python and django
and now I also do it in php cause clients have a thing for wordpress
still don't understand why. Any way php makes me sad wish it didn't exist
thanks for listening
hugs and kisses forever and ever
@Allenph Have you heard of IP over Avian Carriers?
@Tiffany "An example of packet loss."
@Allenph I've done massive exports of things to physical disk to get them somewhere else before. Never underestimate the bandwidth of a moving van (or 747).
@PaulCrovella You don't understand. They were not equipped to do that in any way shape or form.
And kept no sperate backups.
And it was like maybe 10 gigs of stuff.
sure, but don't knock the idea of using a van on its face
so how is everyone
just peachy
anyone here
rock climb, skydive, cave or suba?
always looking for people to go on an adventure with
anyone here familiar with JMESpath?
i'm trying to figure out how to extract a single value from an object if, and only if, the value is a string... i tried foo.bar[?type(@) == `string`] but that always returns false
@bassxzero that's some impressive enterprise quality code
@amazingCarrotSoup well ... blame wordpress
@FélixGagnon-Grenier youtu.be/rMQqzZWy_B4 .
such a waste tho. i don't like these things
Nite all
good night @Linus
@Danack they did it at the tour de france. and it's fabulous twitter.com/GiovanniGiuli/status/882972103988916224
Does "box" means "dollars" sometimes? For example "I paid 5 box for it"
@Shafizadeh no, but "bucks" does and sounds similar
Yes. That's what boxing day is in the UK
@PaulCrovella oh .. ok ok thx
@PeeHaa well I don't know what's "boxing day"
@Trowski what's the status of websocket regarding amp v2?
@Shafizadeh that's a British thing
@tereško Yeah, I'm reading about it en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boxing_Day
how do you stop people from using your api for your mobile app?
@user7594714 You can't
two things you can do to limit is: make sure your app is better than whatever is using it and invalidate access when you suspect invalid access
I will let you figure out the drawbacks yourself :)
Has the idea of a safe navigation operator been introduced?
e.g. (new DOMXpath($dom))->query($some_query)?->item(0);
@user7594714 you just have to design the API in such a way, that it is safe, when used in public
@PaulCrovella Was it then explicitly rejected?
I don't remember if it was voted on, or even fully written up as an rfc
it's come up though
Warning: #warning redirecting incorrect #include <sys/poll.h> to <poll.h> – #74913
On mobile that GIF always seems a little slower, with a pause between pounds. I prefer that
Playing D&D tonight, first time in several years.
I'm a bit more excited than I thought I'd be.
@Tiffany lemme guess - you are playing a short fat elf, with a strange obsession to judge a person based on size of nose holes
well .. size, shape and general hairiness
might make for some interesting pre-battle assessments of enemies
Half-orc actually
chaotic good
I'll be playing with a true neutral and a chaotic neutral. Should be interesting.
@Dereleased it was brought up on internals yesterday externals.io/message/99846 :P
@user7594714 The way I detect if my API for my mobile app is being used properly, I added a unique HTTP request header to my requests and check in PHP using something like if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_<INSERT_HEADER_NAME>']) === false) { header('HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden'); header('Connection: close'); exit; }
Granted if someone uses a sniffer or something they can find out that header, but they you can shift to a string that you can generate and have the server resolve if its a valid request. Just a basic idea but it can be expanded
seems pointless
and it might induce a false sense of security, @Mic1780
It certainly can. But as far as a basic solution its not a bad idea.
seems a bit pointless
if someone has discovered the API server, that person already was already intercepting network traffic
your magic header was in that traffic, @Mic1780
I took the idea from the RFC documentation for websockets. TL;DR client generates a key and the server uses magic to verify its a client.
.. there is nothing I can add to this
@pmmaga So, that lead to reading the unary ?? RFC -- what if '??' preceded the expression? Would that be better? It seems like that would also resolve the ambiguity of A ?? +/- B :: A ?? (+/- B), because ?? A +/- B. But I may also be insane
@tereško DIY: good for punk music and a deck on your house. Not always good.
@Mic1780 Completely different problem domain
Which doesn't transfer well

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