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@lana Please don't advertise questions here. Trust me, you get enough attention on SO alone, even without the chat.
Guys, I need some off-topic help.
Where does the following catch-phrase come from:?
"Oh dear, Ooooooh my..."
It's stuck in my head, and I can't figure out where it's from
probably some cartoon.
I've actually been banned from asking questions
This some sort of joke
Q: What can I do when getting "Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions/answers from this account"? (the answer is here, in this post)

ArjanIMPORTANT: CLICK HERE AND READ CAREFULLY! While trying to ask a question, one could get: Oops! Your question couldn't be submitted because: Sorry, we are no longer accepting questions from this account. See http://goo.gl/C1Kwu to learn more. Likewise, for answers: Oops! Yo...

@Gordon I wouldn't have came here if I hadn't searched thoroughly (for over 5 minutes) for it
And not, it's not Lippy and Hardy.
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Your point?
@Truth only gave the google query because it gave just one result. so i thought this must be it. did you check urban dictionary?
@Truth Huh? What do you mean?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Do you see any misplaced star?
@Truth I'm from the promo campaign
@Gordon The google link you posted doesn't work
@RepWhoringPeeHaa So why did you post the reminder? :o
It wasn't directed at anybody right now, but rather to fact to vote on it @Truth
@RepWhoringPeeHaa That's a time travel reply!
ow fuck :P
was editing :(
@RepWhoringPeeHaa I mean that the arrow points to a msg after it ^^
And actually those two messages form a reply-circle
@RepWhoringPeeHaa It's not that hard to make such a message. Here this one is one of them too.
1 min ago, by NikiC
1 min ago, by NikiC
14 secs ago, by NikiC
btw, do those self-recursing posts still exist?
guess they do :)
ah, no, they don't :(
What should have happenened?
it should have recursed
and always inserted the post a level deeper ^^
but seems like it doesn't work anymore ^^
> Yup, it's gone in PHP6.
PHP6 :P Like we are going to live to see it
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Hey, if we lived to see Diablo 3...
I saw a post there that really made me laugh :P
In the Diablo plot, Diablo3 happens 20 years after Diablo2
And someone commented there: "It really has been 20 years since Diablo2"
XD can;t find that post now
@HarryBeasant I'm just looking at the last question that you asked. Do you think it was a good question? Do you think it deserved -2 or something different?
Actually, it wasn't your last one, but the one on PDO.
Hey guys
@Sam Hey
How is everyone? Having a good weekend?
@HarryBeasant to fix the issue, you should be fixing your earlier questions, so that they may get upvotes
By editing them you also bump them to the top of the question stack, so you'll be able to get some attention to them
Figure out what's wrong with each question ("I didn't post code", "I didn't show effort of research", "The question is badly formatted") and fix those issues.
If that's done correctly, I'll make sure you upvote you personally. :)
Hey guys, I have a simple question, how can I get values from an array like that :

$methods = array
'original' => true,
'icon' => array(48, 48),
'small' => array(110, 80),
'medium' => array(360, 0),
'square' => array(186, 186)
I tried
$r_width = $methods[$method][0];
$r_height = $methods[$method][1];

But not working
Why would this continually echo out the first result?
$sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM folders WHERE email = :email");
        //PARAM_INT for int, PARAM_STR for string, PARAM_BOOL for bool
        $sth->bindParam(':email', $cookie_id, PDO::PARAM_STR);

        $result = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        while ($rows = $result) {

        echo $rows['folder_name']." - ".$rows['folder_id']."<br />";

Can someone help with my question ? stackoverflow.com/questions/10666226/…
@HarryBeasant Oh my...
@NikiC Yes?
The question is rather: Why would you expect it to do any different?
You are always putting the same thing into $row in the loop, so obviously it'll always be the same
What you probably mean is while ($row = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)
But I would recommend to use the much nicer foreach iteration:
foreach ($sth as $row)
Ah, was thinking that
Help, I need somebody
@Jamescoo Isn't that a song?
What framework do you use?
I think it's a kind of modified codeigniter
@Jamescoo modified codeigniter sounds like mutated virus to me
lol x2
lol, I suck at PHP, all I can say is that it's a MVC
there's controllers, models and views
@Jamescoo framework === MVC :D
oh, well I learnt something
@johniek_comp ??
say wut now?
Anyway, I just need to get out the 2 datas from the following array :
$methods = array
'original' => true,
'icon' => array(48, 48),
'small' => array(110, 80),
'medium' => array(360, 0),
'square' => array(186, 186)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa i dont know english language, sorry...very small
where :

$method = $_GET['m'];

Where method can be original, icon, small, medium, square ...
@johniek_comp you also don't know design patterns I guess
Already turned google upside down, and I came with this solution :
$width = $methods[$method][0];
$height= $methods[$method][1];

Does this look good ?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa Why do you think?
Or you think that === means does not equal
not equal !==
and equal ===
right ?
@RepWhoringPeeHaa this to me?
youtube.com/… origin of "too many secrets" in Uplink, you're welcome
@Jamescoo And == means probobly equal
In PHP and JavaScript, "==" is pronounced "probably equals."
3 mins ago, by RepWhoringPeeHaa
Or you think that === means does not equal
^^ that is
And forgive my typo. <strike>does</strike>
I need somebody, not just anybody
C'mon Rep, you know I need someone
this is not a dating chatroom, or gay for that matter
I'm sure you can solve my problem in 30sec
@RepWhoringPeeHaa RepWhoring as you might be, I managed to hit my daily cap twice in a row now :D
Aiming for legendary :D
Hey by the way, I sneaked in the C++ lounge and they were telling bad stuff about php :(
yeah, because it is bad, and they are trolls
@Jamescoo side note: I went to PHP chat last night and we were all talking shit about PHP :D
Php is great !
or at least php6 will be
@Jamescoo ...
@Jamescoo uuh, yeah.. php6 is going to be rad. i heard a lot of interesting things about php6.
@Gordon @Truth how to use strikethrough in chat?
UTF8 with php6 = great news
@RepWhoringPeeHaa You can't in chat, sadly.
@Truth I thought I've seen somebody do it couple days ago
Maybe I'm just getting crazy and seeing things :P
Maybe you're not trusted enough :p
how do they find this place ... sometimes i wonder
@RepWhoringPeeHaa im pretty sure i saw someone do to.. was it @tereško?
@teresko how did you do that?
are you still trying to get strikethrough ?
lol. maybe :)
tell us pls oh great one :)
@RepWhoringPeeHaa ---foobar---
thanks :)
dont make me regret showing this
super dooper
PHP6 will be so cool even Chuck Norris will use it
in fact, Chuck Norris will write PHP6 all on his own
no, he is actually working on V7 that was lame
> We will be performing network maintenance today starting at 18:00 UTC - expect a brief scheduled outage
oh noes
he, i just spent 30 minutes figuring out how to add something into the database of a legacy app of mine only to find out 5 minutes later that I have gui for that inside the app
i hope with "legacy" you mean something that you wrote at least two years ago
that might be fun .. not
@Jamescoo , it's still early .. you could managed to even read up on protected till midnight
No, I'll spend the night learning arrays instead
@tereško much longer ago. its a php4 app :)
oh joy
You've earned the "Talkative" badge Woohoo!
Hey, really nobody could give me a hint for my question ? I've been trying to figure it out for hours now :/
Anyway I'd like to share a french poem youtube.com/watch?v=TSD8RPDViMM
@tereško its using Cake as a framework
well .. lets put it this way: it's your karmic dept
@tereško looking at the code i'd rather say its my technical debt. at least its full of it
though the good thing about it is that because of that TD i need much longer than i would have if the client had listened to me and had invested in a cleaner solution
although i also means more time spent in php4 and cake, so its kinda money for pain
Q: Add ---text--- to chat FAQ

TruthIt's possible to strike a line in chat by surrounding it with triple dashes: ---Stroked out text--- However, that's not specified in the chat FAQ. I think it should be added.

sigh. Some things never change. Like the crappyness of officiating in the NHL
@ircmaxell Or asking how to add time in PHP.
Hi everyone, I want to develop on Zend framework but which IDE should I take ?
@philien The one you like the most
@Donut But Zend Studio is very better than PDT on Eclipse or NetBeans ?
Do you want to start what is better war?
@philien Try them all and check which one is better for you.
@Donut For example which one do you use you ?
I like NetBeans for PHP, Eclipse for some others.
I use actually Zend Studio in Trial, and I dont know if I buy it
I can't say if you should.
it's cheaper to pass zend exam and get zend studio than buy it
@hakre What does delv mean?
delete vote
Ah ok
@Sam It means: If you ask me, this should be deleted ;) (delete vote)
Ok ty, i know the ive just never known what that one means
@Sam there is some more lengthy post about those, but I'mnot having the URL at hand. Let me take a look.
@hakre haha, look at all the people posting their amazing answers!
heroes 6 , buggiest game i have played this year
@salathe Actually, what's cool to see is that there's no regex so far.
@hakre hehe, I'd rather see a regex than some of those answers!
@salathe lol ;)
@hakre Why delvote?
ups, speaking too quickly ;)
Well now, I'm glad I turned on desktop notifications
Since the question has a good answer on, it shouldn't be deleted
It will also server as a milestone to the older, duplicate question.
Don't hold a grudge against someone...
@Truth That's no reason not to close. Close, and ask a mod to merge it with the original dup
@ircmaxell Closing is fine, why delete it?
@hakre you answered… *angry stare*
@Truth Oh I typed in your code and it gave a syntax error. Intersting. I tell you this and that and therefore look here. There is a manual and you won't believe it, I can write it my own. And whatever you'll read a lot of use in here because I put it in here and everything I write makes at least a bit of sense and explains that whatever bla bla bla.
@salathe ha ha ;)
hello everyone
it's already deleted.
you're angry too late^^
I got a question
@hakre Yeah, so I can't down vote you!
@salathe Wait. let me undelete it ;)
@Manvaril I got one, too. If you answer mine, I'll answer yours ;)
My question is: Is that okay for you?
I have a input field in my form that returns an array that array consists of numbers separated by a hiphen (-) so the result would be "1-26 2-32 5-27" etc How do I split the numbers at the hiphen (-)
that split is called explode in php.
yea but i'm getting an array back and explode only works with strings
@Manvaril "Split" how? and what you posted is a string.
@Manvaril so you are more concerned about how to work with arrays, than the actual spitting?
If only there was some way to loop over the values in an array…
@salathe Yeah, it looks like PHP is very weak with arrays ^^
that wasn't suppost to be a string
@hakre It seems so!
@Manvaril What is it than? Please post a more accurate, readable output.
[0] => 1-27
[1] => 2-32
[2] => 3-27
[3] => 4-27
[4] => 5-27
[5] => 6-27
[6] => 7-27
[7] => 8-27
[8] => 9-27
[9] => 10-27
[10] => 11-27
[11] => 12-27
[12] => 13-27
[13] => 14-27
[14] => 15-27
[15] => 16-27
[16] => 17-27
[17] => 18-27
[18] => 19-35
[19] => 20-35
[20] => 21-35
[21] => 22-35
[22] => 23-35
[23] => 24-35
[24] => 25-35
[25] => 26-35
[26] => 27-35
[27] => 28-35
[28] => 29-35
[29] => 30-35
[30] => 31-35
[31] => 32-35
[32] => 33-35
[33] => 34-35
[34] => 41-37
[35] => 42-46
[36] => 45-48
that is the array i'm getting I need to split it at the hiphen
What do you want the result to be?
okay, that's a statement. what do you want to do with that array?
I need to be able to call the first number and reference the next number
print_r(array_map(function($el) {  return explode("-", $el); }, $array);
so an array like array(1 => 27, 2 => 32, ...) ?
so it the code would be like: if($firstnumber) { insert second number in db }
if (1) { insert 27 } ?
that doesn't make sense :/
@Manvaril What are you trying to do?
well the lets say that the "1" is an id number for something and the "27" is a option id for the other number
foreach ($array as $value) {
    list ($first, $second) = explode('-', $value, 2);
    if ($first) {
@Manvaril No, what are you trying to do?
I didn't ask you how you were trying to do it, I asked you what you were trying to do.
@Manvaril the if ($firstnumber) doesn't make sense, can you explain that part?
I have a list of products and there size options, the user can select multiple products via checkbox and then select the size
when it's submitting the form it's only giving me the product ID's that are checked but it is giving me the size ID's of the whole list
when I only need the size ID of the item that is checked
@Manvaril Disable all text fields and only enable them when a checkbox is selected.
Disabled text fields do not get submitted.
so for the size ID I put in the "Product ID - Size ID" I was thinking I could split em up using the hiphen (-) as the splitter and then just call the product ID to get my Size ID
$interval = new DateInterval("PT" . 3744000 . "S");
echo $interval->format('%d days, %H hours and %i minutes');
Gives me this:
object(DateInterval)#1 (8) { ["y"]=> int(0) ["m"]=> int(0) ["d"]=> int(0) ["h"]=> int(0) ["i"]=> int(0) ["s"]=> int(3744000) ["invert"]=> int(0) ["days"]=> bool(false) } 0 days, 00 hours and 0 minutes
Why is that? shouldn't it spill to fill the rest of the fields?
@Truth are you sure the rest of the fields aren't virtual (derived on access)?
@Truth No, it shouldn't.
@ircmaxell What do you mean?
@salathe That's not very smart of the DateInterval object than now is it?
@Truth meaning, that they are not actual fields, but magic getters that compute the value on access
@Truth actually, it is very smart of it not to try.
@ircmaxell no they're not magic.
@ircmaxell According to the docs they aren't
@salathe the other fields?
Besides, var_dump wouldn't have read them if they were virtual
@Truth I'm not talking about documented, I'm talking about internally
I see what you were asking
How many months, days, hours, ... is 4,000,000 seconds?
@salathe I know that it's problematic when talking with months
But up to days there shouldn't be a problem really
@Truth heh, okay.
43.333 days
@Truth not all days have the same number of seconds.
@salathe All days have the same number of seconds.
@Truth no, they don't
@Truth You like making up facts?..
{| class="wikitable" style="float:right; margin-right: 0; margin-left: 1em; text-align: center;" |+ Announced leap seconds to date |- ! Year !! Jun 30 !! Dec 31 |- ! 1972 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1973 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1974 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1975 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1976 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1977 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1978 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1979 | 0 ||bgcolor="lime"| +1 |- ! 1980 | 0 || 0 |- ! 1981 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1982 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1983 |bgcolor="lime"| +1 || 0 |- ! 1984 | 0 ||...
What days don't have the same number of seconds as the other?
June 30th this year.
Wanna argue facts? TECHNICALLY there is the exact same number of seconds every day of every year
@Truth No there aren't.
Same as there is exactly the same number of days every year
@Truth nope, not that either
@Truth Now you're just trolling, have fun with that.
@Truth No, June 30th 2012 will have a 23:59:60 time
For convenience sake, we like to say "There are 86400 seconds, and sometimes we add +1 or substract -1"
@Truth For convenience sake…
Because it's inconvenient to say "There are 86400.00214563 seconds every day" and calculate that
No, not for convenience, for accuracy.
Same as it's inconvenient to calculate 635.25 days a year
Well anyway, you have your answer. Feel free to ignore it or not believe it. :)
so we add one every 4.
I'm a real details Nazi in these cases.
Back to the topic
@Truth It seems like you want to ignore the details.
Earth (or the Earth) is the third planet from the Sun, and the densest and fifth-largest of the eight planets in the Solar System. It is also the largest of the Solar System's four terrestrial planets. It is sometimes referred to as the world, the Blue Planet, or by its Latin name, '. Earth formed approximately 4.54 billion years ago by accretion from the solar nebula, and life appeared on its surface within one billion years. The planet is home to millions of species, including humans. Earth's biosphere has significantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic conditions on the pl...
Sidereal rotation
period 0.99726968 d[16]
23h 56m 4.100s
That's exactly how long it takes a day to complete every day.
@Truth right back at you.
That's the reason we sometimes substract seconds and even hours to compensate, because 24 hours is easier to work with.
Same goes with:
@Truth I know why we don't use the same number of seconds/days. That wasn't under question.
Back to PHP, no DateInterval should not overflow the specified units into larger ones.
@salathe It's not a fact that not all days are the same.
@salathe Thank you :)
@salathe I love your precise style ;)
@hakre I've been mistaken for a German, online!
@Truth It's not inconvenient, it's a leaky abstraction...
@salathe I do only partly understand the joke in your words, but that might be related to the level of alcohol that is floating through my veines.
@hakre that's okay, just keep drinking.
dude, kde-windows ftw
Q: PHP: fill array from multiple sources

Klausos KlausosI need to create an array, in which first two columns are filled from MySQL DB, while other 1440 columns are filled with zeros. Please see my code. First two columns are filled correctly, while zeros(0,1440) results in Array[0]. As a results the number of columns is 3 (Array[3]) instead of 1442...

Are you f**** kidding me? 1440 columns?
where is the logout button
@webarto On column 759
@Truth ROTFL
> There is a hard limit of 4096 columns per table, but the effective maximum may be less for a given table. The exact limit depends on several interacting factors.
@ircmaxell That doesn't mean one should try and reach that cap..
not in the least
Could someone upvote any of my posts for a second?
I want to test something
@ircmaxell :(
Even Umbrello doesn't like CakePHP. It keep crashing every time I try to import its code
I get tired of seeing all those jQuery questions
quick question. If I make a url like somesite.php?stuff, is it possible to get "stuff" from the url
@KevinDuke Yes, it will be a key on $_GET.
I have not used a form to do this though, just manually changing the url
@KevinDuke Still counts.
thanks, I will try it :)
Why is it so freaking hard to get a single upvote?!
@truth which question do you need
Any :P
I want to test something with the vote cap
ok i upvoted one of your answers
@KevinDuke Thanks
It would seem as if when the rep calc is hit, it counts for the day, even if rep goes down afterwards

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