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I'd say >30% of my rep has come more than 1 week after answering the question
no good questions to answer
@Truth I feel you bro
No kidding :(
Hey guys
Girlfriends are evil. They never let me code anything, always distracting me and shit.
Well that Fat Controller question was enlightening. Either PHP coders are on average really bad at grasping good OO practice, or MVC is such a bad model for web apps that PHP coders tend to feel the need to violate the OO practice that would be good ones in a real MVC app
@GordonM It's both
@Chris EL OU EL
In PHP and JavaScript, "==" is pronounced "probably equals."
@Chris You've seen the mathematical proof that women are evil, right?
That's awesome :D
@ircmaxell Easy to believe
@ircmaxell Nope.
@Chris Heh
@GordonM it's better that way, more jobs for us :)
I wrote one of those :D
@webarto Yeah, I guess... but frustrating ones!
@ircmaxell Mwhahaha :D:D
Even without fighting against the flabby controllers that the dev team built before I joined the company, the ... well I was going to say something regarding zend form decorators but it's unrepeatable in polite company.
Suffice to say, 3 days and counting on a project that involves a form, the vast majority of the time having been pissed away on getting zend form to spit out usable markup, a task that still isn't finished. I'd have had it done if I'd been able to do the form in POPHP
which is one area I've never seen done what I would call properly (forms)
Seriously. I think I might have literally been getting pretty close to tears at one point.
either too tight coupled to the rendering, or too loosely coupled to the point of not really doing anything for you
Zend form markup generation isn't just implemented badly. It's pathological.
@GordonM I'm facing same destiny as you in 15 days :D what version are you using in company? do you use doctrine or something else like that?
Too loose is by far the lesser of two evils IMO
No, we don't use doctrine.
Seriously. Just write the markup yourself and treat zend_form purely as a validation library. You'll be saner for it.
I'm pretty sure many of you would have a heart attack if you saw some of the code I work with every day
Ha. I wrangle with WP sites most of my days.
Beat that.
@Chris MediaWiki
Silence has fallen.
I surrender.
I'm sick to my stomach of WP
@GordonM Zend Framework 1.9.5 2009-10-27 :(
@Chris Over half the site is procedural, a bunch is Pseudo-MVC, and only a few areas come close to being legitimate MVC structured
@orourkek I edit WP themes that are all bundled into one file, including functions that do not need to exist since WP has most of them built-in.
Plus, a wordpress blog for every locale :P
And a ton of very "described" variables like $e, $u, $k
@Chris Those are some of the reasons I freelance
@Chris Trust me, some of the stuff I've worked on would spank the worst WP sites I've ever seen... And that's saying something
75% of the functions within views populate and return a variable called $out
I took this MW project as a personal favor, but I usually don't get myself into the mud like that.
final class FooBar_Encode extends FooBar_Base {
    final public function encodeIt($value) {
        return Foo_Encode::encodeIt($value);
final class Foo_Encode extends Foo_Base {
    public final function encodeIt($value) {
        return Encoder::encode($value);
final class Encoder {
    final public function encode($value) {
        return urlencode($value);
each in a different file.
4 upvotes to until the day ends
How possible do you think it is? :P
40,000 lines of code in the authentication component alone...
I rewrote it in 500...
@ircmaxell Say whaaa?
@Chris They actually named it FooBar_Encode?
No, Foo and FooBar were "component" names, left out for anonimity reasons
@ircmaxell They were payed by lines of code, right?
@ircmaxell Rough count of publicly accessible files in our web root: 150+
I wanna get paid by lines of code, too
not in sub-folders, just loose files
Man, I'd write so ugly code it would be unbelievable.
@orourkek that's less than this registration component. And that's a tiny part of the site
the site in whole is way over 4 million LOC, if you count template files
I'd go like $this = $that; $that = $that; $that = $that; <-- just to screw with them
emm ... i there a way to discover who is the braindead moderator , who thinks that this question in NOT for SuperUser ?
Don't call anyone braindead ;)
If there's one thing I learned, then it's that :)
especially if it's your boss
I showed my boss the middle finger when he told me "This layout needs to be more sexy"
He said "that comes out of your pay check"
@tereško I've only used that feature of sublime maybe twice in the last year
suppose it's good for scrolling quickly, but the magic mouse is better for that :]
Is it me or the font size on that picture is ... MASSIVE?
It would be nice for SO to have a sanity check test before allowing anyone to post
1) Are you suicidal? 2) Why not? 3) That's a dumb reason. Right?
@Chris try another browser, maybe you don't have fonts from the picture
Just got PHP 5.4 on ports, excited to dig in! :P
Yo @Chris, I'm @Chris. Nice to meet you, @Chris.
@Chris That's a bad sign... :P
@ircmaxell Dear god, was the original programmer paid by the line?
Bad sign, que?
@GordonM No, and it was multiple entire teams that did that
Had to wait for it to come through ports on FreeBSD, and a reluctant admin
@Chris - I appear to be older than you, thus I stake a pre-existing claim to the name. You shall henceforth be known as "Hatguy"
I shall not give you the victory.
Besides, if you count dead braincells, I am way ahead of you.
Aight then, 1 more upvote and off to bed :P
Off to bed :D
Good night guys
you may go now
night all
Have fun losing sanity ya'all
Mr. Bad-ass is out!
waits for friday night, stays home
It's saturday here btw
You're in the past
I'm 1 hour behind you
Stalker !!!
He knows my timezone, omfgg
yeah, like a song
but day isn't over until you pass out, from booze or PHP...
This time I pass out from neither. I'm tired, literally tired. All this time I thought the hardest job in the world is cleaning someone's shit. Nope, it's shopping with girls.
@ircmaxell - aggravated about 5.4 behavior on by-ref functions complaining. This throws strict warning: $row = array_pop(explode(',', $some_array)); because array_pop expects a variable to modify by ref. 5.3 didn't say a word about this :(
They couldn't choose between a pink or a white shirt even if I'd give them million dollars.
@Chris want to bet??? codepad.viper-7.com/PJMgme
The strict is because you're converting $some_array to a string, since explode expects a string as the second parameter
I would, but I don't have million dollars >D
that error is new
I get the concept... is this a change to what is included in E_ALL
@Chris yes
Wait. You were not talking to me, were you?
I am so very disappointed.
@webarto disabling error reporting is never a solution
But I digress, and am off to bed, with slightly disturbed world view.
I love it when people say that.... "turn off the errors, then you don't get that error!"
@Chris (the Estonian) the more you have, the more they spend :P
pay shopping with credit card they've said, it will be fun, they've said
@ircmaxell That still seems odd, for loose typing I am getting yelled at for... being loose with my types. array_pop($t = explode(',', $some_array)); is silly, since I don't have access to array_pop signature. Would it be overly cumbersome for the function to check the type to see if it the passed argument is a variable as well as an array?
@ircmaxell I know, just kidding.
Anyone here used a browser based IDE and liked it?
@Chris Well, there is always the good old () trick :)
@NikiC does that work?
@hakre array_pop((explode(',', 'a,b,c'))); and the error is gone :P
@NikiC that one I know, but I dunno if it still work with PHP 5.4.
That must be creating the equivalent of $t =...
@hakre It will
@Chris it takes an array by reference. And it complains when it can't, because it's supposed to
I don't think it can be any clearer...
The real problem here is that we need array_first and array_last functions :)
@hakre The bug is just too hard to fix ;)
yes array_first and array_last functions please!
@Justin No, please no
why not @ircmaxell
@Justin there is reset and end.
I understand the concept, that it wants a variable to modify, since it is by ref. But at the same time, the function is being dumb by not realizing that it might want a variable, but it didn't get one. There's already a typecheck on there to verify that the passed argument was an array. As long as I gave it an array, modifying the reference is secondary to performing the operation
because we already have equivalent functionality
There's already a kajillion built-in functions, more of them doesn't seem like the answer
@Chris What you call "type-check" might be a bit more differentiated inside the PHP engine, so it might not just be that simple as it looks from the outside.
@LeviMorrison I haven't -- would be interested to encounter one
@Chris That's simply because you are terribly misusing the pop operation
The pop operation is there in the first place to pop (i.e. remove) the last element off an array based stack.
The fact that it returns the popped value you can see as a side effect ;)
Does anyone know what the trick is to call a CakePHP model function within another function in the same model? Seems like it should be easy but I haven't figured the syntax out. (I just get Fatal error: Call to a member function siteSelector() )
Heh, I see the modification of the array as a side effect
Using array_pop for getting the last value is questionable, to say the least
But, if I understand correctly, explode(',', 'a,b,c')[0] also works now, eh?
@Chris Well, it's not. At least not intended to be ;)
@rdlowrey I'm having trouble setting up Cloud9 to use git over ssh.
@Chris That gives you the first element though, not the last :)
Well yeah, just saying
And that's exactly the reason why I think array_first and array_last are a reasonable thing to have
They make the intention clear and don't have side effects
end(explode(',', 'a,b,c')) is also strict standards error..
@webarto Exactly :)
Because it also modifies the array
@LeviMorrison Hmm ... haven't ever seen this. Looks interesting. I assume you've followed the relevant tutorials already ...
@rdlowrey Tutorials? Where? I must be googling for the wrong terms.
@NikiC I wouldn't support them unless some attempt was made to clean up or standardize the standard library
@ircmaxell How would that look like?
no idea
otherwise I would put forth a proposal
@rdlowrey Ah, my github stuff works fine. I want to edit a non-github git repository over ssh.
@LeviMorrison oic
@LeviMorrison -- let me take a look at cloud9 and see if I can get it to work with one of my git repos over SSH and i'll get back with you
Ugh, not a fan of jQuery
@Chris Did you visit the link?
@ircmaxell I don't think it's possible :)
Anyone here use Aptana ?
@Chris I can't stand "designers"
@LeviMorrison The jQuery one? Ya, see it is sarcastic
@NikiC neither do I ;-)
@LeviMorrison I used to use the stand alone version of Aptana and it was good but the eclipse platform just isn't that good... I've moved on to PHPStorm4 now
@ircmaxell There would have to be a module called "php_unbreaker" that provided aliases for all the messy old standard library stuff mapped against the new "clean" one
@Chris sounds good.
I'll get right on it
@LeviMorrison I did once years ago but it was unstable so I took eclipse pdt.
which was probably not much more stable either, but stable enough ;)
@rdlowrey jetbrains.com/phpstorm/buy/buy.jsp#openSource <- Do you think Artax qualifies?
@LeviMorrison Probably not right this second, but if we spent a bit of time to get the Http bits into shape I would think yes :)
I've had some pretty productive detours (using Artax as a base) over the last month and the core libs have been significantly tightened up as well. I think making a push to get the Http framework into shape will be worthwhile, though.
@rdlowrey Everyone seems to like PHP Storm, but I certainly don't want to pay for it and I really don't think 30 days is a long enough trial.
@LeviMorrison Does the open source license last indefinitely?
I've been writing all my code in gedit over the last six months or so ...
@rdlowrey Renewed annually.
@LeviMorrison i tried to get the open source license -- and after waiting for 3 months i just bought the software myself.
@Justin lol
I'm serious @LeviMorrison jetbrains takes forever for their open source licenses...
took one of my friends 6 months to get the first reply from them...
I normally get a reply from the quickly if I mail them. But I've never asked for an open source license.
You can try their product with the trial version btw. which is not limited.
Yeah, and 30 days is long enough to decide to buy it or not really
One thing I don't like about phpstorm is it doesn't really have a built in console -- so ive been using Console2 for that.. but the git support is crazy awesome...
If you haven't seen just a well made question and answer under the PHP tag for longer, take a look at this one which I think is unfair to have no votes so far: stackoverflow.com/questions/10173906/…
@LeviMorrison Do you have a php doc account?
If so, I can give you a licence
@NikiC I believe so.
I had doc karma a few months ago at least.
@LeviMorrison I forwarded you a license mail to [email protected]. The license is quite old already though, so it's valid only til July 6th. So that allows you to use PhpStorm 4, but probably nothing newer ;)
Maybe those doc licenses will be renewed once they expire, I don't really know ^^
@NikiC It will likely be renewed, though, won't they?
Maybe, I really don't know ^^
phpstorm4 is the newest atm @NikiC -- 5 hasnt been released yet
@Justin Yeah, I know ^^
just making sure the way you said "but probably nothing newer" made it seem otherwise
What I meant is that a new major version will probably not be released before the license expires :)
Yeah more than likely not
Ya know, sometimes I REALLY hate DQL
^ I hate all the time
haha why?
it's not that bad in most cases..
But there is periodically some queries that you need to do, that it just can't do...
like the query i'm working on right now...
SQL is an abstraction - why must it be abstracted further? It's like using one of those PHP libraries that writes the Javascript for you...
Well, on this project I'm also using the symfony framework, which by default uses doctrine -- its a pain in the ass for sure -- but have to keep with it since it's almost done..
SELECT u.username, u.first_name as firstName, u.last_name as lastName, u.id, COUNT(c) AS salesCount, SUM(po.authOnlyAmount) AS rev
FROM EcsCrmBundle:Customer AS c
LEFT JOIN c.salesRep AS u
LEFT JOIN EcsCrmBundle:Purchase AS po WITH po.salesRep = c.id
WHERE c.customerStatus NOT IN(1,14,8,13,15,18)
AND c.activationDate BETWEEN '2012-05-01 00:00:00' AND '2012-05-15 23:23:59'
GROUP BY c.salesRep
HAVING salesCount > 0
thats the query im working on now... it works EXCEPT the inclusion of the 2nd entity...
because doctrine can't join like that, like plain SQL can
wait i might have just figured out how to do it.. lets see if i can back track it enough to do it
@Xeoncross Heh, have you ever messed with Drupal?!
Yes, why do you ask?
@ircmaxell hi i need some help. its about nginx rewrite rules with a php framework. Do i deserve a minute?
please someone help me with this serverfault.com/questions/389741/…
haha i got it go me... after 7.5 hours of being frustrated with it...
this question was migrated to serverfault some days ago and its still unsolved
@Xeoncross Views and the way they relate to SQL queries, insanity.
wish i could @lovesh but alas i know nothing about lithium other than its apparently an ingredient in batteries
@Justin :)
@Justin well its not about lithium but converting its .htaccess rules to nginx rewrite rules
@lovesh, why all the crazy rules? Shouldn't there only be one public root?
yeah sorry @lovesh i dont know much about nginx so i can't help you out there either
@Xeoncross yes but even setting one root does not solve the problem completely
I hate Banshee Media Player. It's as prone to popping up when you don't want it as Windows Media Player.
@Xeoncross Please see my edit in the question
@lovesh, you need to create vhosts instead of using localhost
Just edit /etc/hosts and add something like " mysite.loc"
Then change your nginx config to listen for mysite.loc instead of localhost
@Xeoncross well i did that at that time i pointed to lithium but even then it didnt work
"lithium" isn't a valid domain name. You need to add a fake TLD like ".loc" or ".cool" or something.
I mean it shows me the lithium dashboard when i go to http://lithium/
but when i go to http://lithium/test it throws a 404
@Xeoncross i changed hostname to lithium.loc but still the same behavior
@lovesh, these are the rules I've used for many different frameworks and projects: gist.github.com/561105
thanks. i ll just look at them
@lovesh root /home/user/www/$host/app/webroot
@lovesh Sorry, I meant: try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
$is_args$args not just $args
ok i ll change

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