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readline with | more option not showing prompt and typing – #74591
following this dude's guide, is his "MySQL Magic Sauce" worth using?
I put it all into my my.cnf file, but he doesn't really explain it much, just says it's something he's figured out over the years and it works
I just don't like blindly following what someone says to do unless it's explained
@samayo you sent me a copy of your nginx config, did you delete the default file in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/? I'm reading that it should be deleted and to create my own config file in either /etc/nginx/conf.d/ or /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
@Tiffany you can google the individual terms to see what they mean. the config may be kind of focused for a really low power server.
I think I'll do that tomorrow when I have nothing else to do at work because I'm waiting on people
I'm excited, my dev box is almost ready, just a bit left i need to do and I can start using it
Baby's First VM basically
alksdjglsgkldslgjdjgkaslgasdkgjalsgjkdagldjaskgjaslgjksadgjkdlsjgkdsjglkaklgjasg https://t.co/kw52EXAbxp
er, nsf-sanity
Ok guys I'm confused. I'm trying to include a file from a different folder and I'm getting an error saying Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in D:\home\site\includes\dbconnect.php on line 15
But if I empty out the dbconnect.php file so its empty it still throws the same error
I could replace line 15 with a simple print("test"); and it will still say there is an issue on that line
I don't understand
get an IDE like phpstorm that highlights syntax errors
Attempting to find a way to "static" a variable to be used in the function through ajax requests. Is it possible/not and requires me to rethink my code? gyazo.com/b19980bb6d3e9fe8d37b3fe38b12f008
no other free option to figure this out?
You have a syntax error like Wes mentioned. There are questions on Overflow such as this one: stackoverflow.com/questions/8400018/… I unfortunately cant help you narrow it down as I dont know your code.
I'm not sure about other options as I use Phpstorm myself, but Im sure there's many out there.
I got the trial of PHPStorm
I copied and pasted the code that has the include, no issue
Same for the file I'm including
Can you share a screen of the error line and relevant code?
well, for now, its an empty php file
since I can empty the PHP file and still get the error
error is gone the moment I remove the include '.../whatever/myfile.php'
once I include myfile.php error comes up
and again myfile.php is empty
I'm quite confused.
line throwing the error
include 'D:/home/site/includes/dbconnect.php';
or rather line leading to the error
actual error
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '' (T_ENCAPSED_AND_WHITESPACE), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or number (T_NUM_STRING) in D:\home\site\includes\dbconnect.php on line 15
and the contents of dbconnect.php

The php file where you're calling the include has a syntax error. The problem is not with the file you're attempting to include.
it's always amusing when people expect us to solve problems with no context given whatsoever
I cant help you without knowing the code friend.
@AmarB If that were the case, then removing this line
include 'D:/home/site/includes/dbconnect.php';

Would still lead to the same error correct?

But it doesn't.
Again, I cant give you a definite answer without knowing the rest of the code.
but the rest of the code is fine
its only once I bring in that line I have problems, making it seem to me irrelevant to share the rest.
You said the file you're including is fully empty?

as such ^
these are 3 lines. the error says you have at least 15
you are looking at the wrong file / including the wrong file
exactly why I'm confused
maybe my FTP isn't working?
and its not saving?
I guess that is the only sane explanation at this point
Going to try another FTP
Does include $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '...pathtophp...'; work?
why are you testing code remotely
Wait, are you trying to include a local file in a php file on a remote server?
@bwoebi Sorry I wasn't around this weekend to chat. It was far to nice out to sit in front of the computer. I doubt you're around now, but I'll be on tomorrow morning for a bit (around 15:00 GMT).
turns out my FTP was messing up
makes sense...
I recommend developing and testing locally before uploading to a FTP. You wont run into situations like this where you updated a file but the FTP borks. Glad it worked out.
good point
1 hour later…
morning o/
hey morning @Akshay
Hey @Valentincognito
I started that biography you suggested! it's really Awesome
posted on May 15, 2017

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

THIS 🦆 IS 🦆 WHY 🦆 I 🦆 VISIT 🦆 THIS 🦆 WEBSITE https://t.co/aSovrNgjkd
@Akshay ahah yeah I know I finished it in a week
something cute to start the week with 2^
and something hilarious:
Autocorrect your JS with snippets from the Stack Overflow. What could possibly go wrong? https://techcrunch.com/2017/05/14/codecorrect-disruptny-hackathon/
Jasper the Dalmatian 😍 https://t.co/GJgl17CueK
@Gordon do you remember @Mr.Alien ?
@Wes yes
he did that exact thing too :P
hey joe
posted on May 15, 2017 by kelunik

Fix injection for optional variadic arguments.

@Feeds I hate you
it's so monday
wish it was sunday
Wow, that DIC - Auryn look pretty neat! I haven't seen it earlier. There is even no need to define simple dependencies - that's qool
It's an Injector, not a Dependency Injection Container ;)
In fact, with Symfony 2.8, we got autowiring (but a very primitive version of it), in Symfony 3.3, you can now alias concretes to interfaces in your DI configuration, and there's a package that automatically registers controllers as services, basically giving you a lot of what Auryn gives. If you're using Symfony anyway :)
About time frameworks caught up
I like it's simplicity and I hate Symfony's complexity that's why Auryn look's pretty neat!
Oh yeah, if you're writing something without a framework, it's super useful
I don't like writing Symfony config's any kind: yaml, php xml whatever, they add much work
@tereško Visitor pattern. I've seen it basically always violate SRP when used - handleVideo() and handleAudio(), boom, SRP violation (for example). So I always advocate abstract factory + strategy over visitor, so you add classes horizontally to add functionality, instead of 'vertically' adding functions to violate SRP all the time. Any thoughts?
@Jimbo visitor pattern is basically the opposite of iterator pattern
In one you have iteration and you want to abstract away the logic, in the other, you have logic and you want to abstract away the iteration
array_map() is basically using the visitor pattern, and foreach is basically using the iterator pattern
(Very "basically")
I can't even recall, that a Visitor did
mornings o/
@Gordon Okay, so I see that this works with entities; but with services that do something?
I think it's kinda done and it would be nice if some people took a look at what issues there are in that codebase
@Jimbo services are orchestrators. they dont do anything.
@tereško paladins?
@Saitama do I need to add "what the name means" section in Readme?
@Jimbo also pragmatism ftw
Okay, maybe components. Basically stuff that does something
Maybe a service that uses components
You see how the pattern choice I use avoids the SRP stuff though right?
I literally think "use these two instead" makes for a better solution
visitor doesnt violate srp
thats why I linked you to the uncle bob article
In the case of entities, sure
So strategy is used for varying implementations
Can we safely say don't use visitor just for varying implementations? I'm looking for a concrete thing to say / think here, because I know there's something
I'm just being retarded this morning
Policy - there we go. Don't use visitor for creating &// executing different policies
I have no clue what you are trying to say tbh
Will drill up a code example in a bit perhaps
Thanks for listening :) I'm going to be such a bumbling old man...
@Jimbo could it be that you started learning about patterns about 2 months ago?
it's just that you are giving off thit "I use patterns for everything" vibe, that people who recently learned them tend to acquire
prepared statement support – #74592
@tereško mic_drop.gif
hey, maybe he did ... and it all can be explained as "going through that phase"
@actual_ransom, inside a raspberry pi
This bot is watching the bitcoin wallets tied to the #WannaCry ransomware attack. USD amounts as of time of tweet. By @collinskeith. More: https://t.co/ah9pRAe339
82 tweets, 2.4k followers, following 0 users
@Jimbo unless we're talking established antipatterns like Singleton, I don't think I'd agree with any book that says "don't use this pattern"
Visitor has legitimate use cases, and I disagree with you that it breaks SRP
I also don't see how Abstract Factory comes into play here
(I think Abstract Factory is much much more of an antipattern than Visitor is, by the way)
@Trowski I still get that warning with the latest Amp.
└[10590] $ php examples/004_cookies.php
PHP Warning:  uv_is_active(): passed UVTimer handle is already closed in /home/kelunik/GitHub/amphp/artax/vendor/amphp/amp/lib/Loop/UvDriver.php on line 281
crash in i_zval_ptr_dtor() – #74593
@Wes, sorry I ended up being AFK the whole weekend. I'll pick it up during this week.
@pmmaga lol no apologies needed :B i've been "afk" for like two weeks :B
god i've reorganized a bunch of code several dozens of times, and obviously i ended up with the original design
@pmmaga you are in amsterdam right?
@PeeHaa yup
Rotterdam says hi
hehe, i don't really follow the eredivisie but congrats! I do see some sad faces in the office though :D
why do I think @PeeHaa is just faking being nice :D
C'mon it's the first time in almost 20 years we won the championship
Let me
which championship?
log throw?
reddest eye championship
probably reefing and trancing
@FlorianMargaine eredivisie (dutch league)
@JayIsTooCommon Oh I won that one
!!urban eredivisie
whatchoo talkin bout willis
@PeeHaa nope. not a legit word. you are making it up.
@PeeHaa what's eredivisie?
@MadaraUchiha No, of course it does. I'm thinking there's a very common use case where you shouldn't use it though, that I've approached a few times now, and I'm trying to put this into words
> (dutch league)
and eredivisie is a team name?
It's the name of the league :P
so... Dutch won the dutch league?
I have a feeling you don't follow much football @FlorianMargaine :P
@kelunik we accept BC breaks for minor versions?
@PeeHaa non-dutch got to win the dutch league?
that's.. crazy
@FlorianMargaine We finally need to stop this bullshit usage of minor versions. We need major.micro and be done.
@bwoebi that's a whole other discussion though.
yeah, and it will make this discussion superfluous.
@FlorianMargaine lol
You are weird :P
@FlorianMargaine If not then we need proper versions. Our TLS constants are bullshit.
@FlorianMargaine It's actually a pretty sane change that doesn't affect any sane setups.
also, PHP is pretty hung up over its versions :(
e.g. it could accept this change and release PHP 8.0 next month
but this won't happen
hey guys :D
@FlorianMargaine Let's have a RFC changing the versioning. /cc @bwoebi
i am in school now. PHP lessons ;P
@J7mbo I bet they were #Laravel contractors
Shots fired
SEGFAULT on /usr/lib/apache2/modules/libphp7.so (sljit_generate_code) – #74594
@bwoebi Could you please review github.com/amphp/byte-stream/pull/9?
ReflectionMethod::getParameters returns incorrect number of parameters – #74595
beforeSave() not working in yii whatever i do?
any idea guys?
switch to cake, code ignitor or laravel
please tell me is there any fix
@astrosixer how do you expect someone to help you with that info?
okay I will post my code
public function beforeSave() {


            $this->addError('budgetExceeds',  Yii::t('yii', 'Sorry we cannot complete the transactions since actual amount exceeds the budget, Please contact Finance Manager'));
            return false;

        return parent::beforeSave();
this is my beforeSave function
I dont know anything about Yii. Please ask @tereško.
Teresko is the resident expert on Yii and Laravel
and I am calling this like
if (!$item_model->save()) {

                        $form_data_error['is_error'] =  true;

                         $isBudgetExceedError =  $item_model->getErrors();
                                    if(isset($isBudgetExceedError['budgetExceeds'])) {
                                             $form_data_error['error_message'] = Yii::t('yii',$isBudgetExceedError['budgetExceeds'][0]);
                                             return array(
                                                            'status' => 'error',
hi @tereško
Yii::t, that's awesome dude
if it's not too much trouble, please stop filling my screen with shit ...
@astrosixer and have you looked at the errors?
there's no error showing except it is not calling the beforesave function
go through your calls line by line and find out where it's failing.
@kelunik if someone has a site that still runs SSL, rather than TLS, how do they connect to it, if ssl:// is being aliased to something else?
@Danack Use ssl:// plus an explicit context option, but usually just don't. They can as well just turn SSL off then.
Also, shouldn't the default tls:// explicitly mean, up to the lastest TLS version that the current PHP exe knows about - so that we don't need to revisit this in the future?
@Danack That's what it does.
@kelunik It doesn't appear to. There's no mention of keeping it up to date without another RFC.
@astrosixer the standard approach is to sprinkle var_dump() or error_log() all over that part of code
@Danack No explicit mention, right.
@Tiffany Yes, you can delete the default.conf and create your own virtualhost.
Then create a symlink from sites-available to sites-enabled
I'm awake early
before my alarm, in fact
@Tiffany go back to bed
@RonniSkansing I'm eating breakfast already, too late. My alarm goes off in five minutes anyway.
ah (=
I'm eating Trix cause I'm a 30 year old kid
heh well hope you enjoy it
That looks disgusting :-P
what does?
American "cereals" always look more like toys than food
I'm eating what looks like the "future"
The slogan for it is, "Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids!"
@Tiffany ftr I would not let my child eat that, and I let him eat a lot of shite
That's a bowl of cookies.
it's called cookie crisp
you american have strange breakfast habits
I mean I'm all in favour of cookies for breakfast, but don't pretend it's cereal
it's pretty yummy
loaded with sugar, sure, but still yummy
and it's for breakfast
The other day for breakfast I had half an easter egg and a whole packet of shortbread rounds
I didn't call it cereal though
I think yesterday I had like four mandarin oranges
technically "mandarins" but that just feel weird saying
"I have four mandarins for breakfast"
@Tiffany fresh white bread, butter, smoked perch, thin onion slices, some pepper and a bit lemon juice
that's breakfast
what you americans eat is glorified dog food
I suppose a dog would eat it, yes. But it's full of sugar.
shrug, I like it. I don't usually eat what would be considered a "real" breakfast though, like eggs, bacon and stuff
@kelunik probably worth mentioning both of those. The SSL requiring a context could be expressed as a positive thing, as it "informs people that they are connecting to a server that has out of date security on it".
@Tiffany it's called "breakfast pizza" in italy
@Wes that's just a different way to eat a lot of sugar
no that's not a toast
looks like toast, except the bread isn't toasted
time to learn how to make symbolic links
> How's everyone's french toast?
Smelly and ungrateful! But this *American* toast is delicious.
@Tiffany ln -s <existing path> <new path>
@samayo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available /etc/nginx/sites-enabled?
basically the same syntax (and arg order) as cp but ln -s instead
@Tiffany in general you wouldn't want to do that
@Tiffany I do that for individual hosts
^ that
otherwise there's no point in having the two dirs
it's not soft as toast @Tiffany youtu.be/ydbR1Lfpkjo?t=47
individual files?
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/foo.com.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/foo.com.conf?
I'm confused by "individual hosts" I'm guessing it means I can create more than one config file for a different host?
@Tiffany each host has it's own config file
dunno if you have that. it's a flavorless thing. not salty nor sweet
We have that, it's called cardboard
I got it @tereško
thank you
@Wes I think we do, but probably not "authentic"
when I create a conf file for nginx, how does it know to use it?
by where it's placed, or do I have to tell it to look somewhere?
@DaveRandom are you insulting italian food. you eat stuff like marmite
nutella, man
and that's Italian
@Tiffany we use them for bruschette too
nutella + fette biscottate is a classic for breakfast
@Wes I personally do not eat axle grease Marmite. But no, I would never dare to insult Italian food.
@Tiffany Depending on your distro, nginx will include that file. check nginx.conf
see last code
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
@Tiffany italian food is all quite bland, casual. and that's why it works...
so that's how the config files are included?
Yeah, just like include in php .. I guess
@Wes nutella isn't bland
@samayo I guess in essence
woooo, I'm learning stuff
I may create a new VM just to test myself, solidify what I've learned
practice makes better practice
@Tiffany yes
dont worry, if you use PHP for a while you will get to solidify what you have learned with nginx configs over and over :)
It's also useful for sharing stuff like SSL defaults
@Tiffany it is actually a simple thing. also nutella is just a kind of "gianduia" chocolate, which is also simple to make and natural... you can make it at home by the way :B
also <strike>axle grease</strike> marmite is a source of vitamin B, I think because its made from yeast
Guns are a source of iron, I don't eat them either
what's that thing called lol it's like a meat soup
bovril ahah
god that tastes so strange
wat you have tasted it
fyi we know our traditional food is awful, nobody under 70 actually eats that shit
@Danack I'll do that, but I'll file another RFC to completely deprecate SSL and remove it with PHP 8.0 as well.
There seem to be a large number of people who think that WWII rationing never ended
I don't really understand why spam is still a thing
yes i did. i wanted to eat that too
spam is ok tbh
i mean you don't know what you are eating but at least it doesn't taste bad
i didn't eat it raw, it was slightly fried, in slices with eggs, iirc :B
the ironic thing is that americans who eat "american food", cheeseburgers, fries and coke etc still have a similar life expectancy of the japanese, who eat healthier, but it only make a year or two difference to life expectancy figures
@Wes you know how bacon is a thing that exists?
i wanted to try it :B
I will send you some jellied eels
lol what's that
damn, is that something i should've tried? :B
Well I have never tried it because it sounds and looks disgusting
ive tried fried eels, tasted like a kind of spicier than normal fish, its good, not great
This is a collection of lists of countries by average life expectancy at birth. == Methodology == Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country is expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future. The life expectancy is shown separately for males and females, as well as a combined figure. Several non-sovereign entities are also included in this list. The figures reflect the quality of healthcare in the countries listed as well as other factors including ongoing wars, obesity, and HIV infections. Worldwide, the average life...
more like 4-5 years according to that list
@DaveRandom you lack of spirit of adventure
interesting, well yeah, I'll eat sushi if it means I get to live 4 or 5 years longer
@Wes yup. I'm completely fine with that state of affairs.
Hey docs people


In ext version 3+, they _removed_ `$cas_tokens`
i've eaten eel though, but didn't look like that, was roasted and it tasted like fish :B
What do you think is the best way to document this
Changelog at the bottom doesn't seem quite enough
does anyone know if its possible to use the stackoverflow chat from an IRC client ?
@samayo could you link your conf file again? I have it bookmarked at work but I'm at home, and I'm impatient.
Hey, I'm trying to upload an image and other info to a database and I don't really know where to start (I'm new to the PHP family).
have you looked at PDO?
are you trying to upload images and store them in a database, or to store them as regular files on the server?
I'm not sure about images, but other info can be handled through PDO
!!docs pdo
I will look into PDO thanks
@Leigh Wonder if there's an example somewhere of where this has happened before
@Leigh You can always add a note too
@JayIsTooCommon That's what I was looking for, couldn't find one
@PeeHaa It's in the current version so it should be updated, but I reckon lots aren't using current
Ah you are afraid of losing info
what does it mean that nginx is a "reverse proxy first" and "HTTP server second"?
@MadaraUchiha Okay I found it. Visitor for double dispatch, which is hard to get right anyway. Strategy for when you need to choose an algorithm (so encapsulated behaviour) at runtime.
@PeeHaa More afraid of confusing users... lets be honest, they fucked up with their API change (ok sure, it was a major version increment) but removing a param from the middle of the method...
cc @salathe ^
@DaveRandom any sane php imap clients?
horde throws fatal error at me

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